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[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Yuki lifted her head slightly to look around. Every inch of her body was burning still, she couldn't stand to move. [i]Jerid and Clesia left, thank God.... [/i]Yuki thought. [i]How could I let myself be captured so easily? How could I let the five years of training go to waste like that? How could I get seperated from them so easy? How could get seperated from Kayin and Kristen so terribly easilly?[/i][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Yuki lifted herself up, ignoring the pain. Ignoring it for the most part anyways. Tears ran down her cheeks slightly and she mutterd a few curse words. "Kayin. Kristen." She mumbled, limping slowly towards the only window. As she looked out, she saw Clesia and Jerid crouching behind a wall and Jerid making small fireballs. "What are they up to? Thats the only exit, probably. How do I get past them?" He said to herself.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Yuki thought for a moment, steadying herself against the wall. "I could...I could ambush a guard. I could disguise myself." She thought out loud, moving slowly to the door. As she barely exited, a guard had coincidently walked past. Yuki slowly snuck up behind him and hit him square on the neck. Almost instantly, the guard fell down, unconcious. Yuki dragged him into a nearby room and dressed herself in his clothes.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Making sure that she looked nothing like herself, she walked as quickly as she could to where she thought an exit was. [i]I hope this works...[/i] She thought.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]--------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Mwahahahah! Semi-Cliffhanger[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]--Net Slum--[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Welcome to Paradise. Where's Kayla?" Helba asked. Sakura sighed. "I know I've bugged you about this a million times, Helba. But, how can you possibly stand to say the same thing over and over again to the same people? I'd go nuts! One more thing: Do you, like, live in Net Slum? Its like no matter what time it is, whenever I come here you're here too. Don't you have things to do other than play around in Net Slum? And what do you do when nobody's around but you and the AI's? Do you play cards with them or something?" She asked, a little bit more harsh than she intended. In any case, Helba just laughed.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]"Good questions. One's that I don't feel like answering right now." She replied. Sakura muttered something almost menacing sounding, but then looked back at Helba. "Wanna know what happened at Lios' office today? You'd never guess. He acted like an idiotic Pig-Head!" She said. Helba laughed again. "Go on." She said to her, expecting a very good story. Sakura told the story in full detail, from the receptionist to Lios keeping their laptop. "He was a real pig-headed jerk, you know? He's so full of himself! And now I'm grounded because of him!" She complained. Helba smiled. "I'm suprised he didn't arrest Kayla then and there. It amazes me. So, where is my apprentice hacker now?" she asked.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Sakura shrugged and sat down near a pile of cardboard boxes. "Who knows. Last I knew, she went out skating with Flame." She answered. "Hey, do you know where my dad is?" She asked. Helba pointed down the 'alley.' "Last I checked, he was speaking with Jinn." She directed. Sakura nodded, jumped up to her feet, and ran down the alley. "Thanks!" She yelled back to Helba before seeing her father, half listening to Jinn's complaints and half asleep. "Hey dad. Wanna go to[/color][/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff] a dungeon??" She asked. Komo snapped awake. "Anything. Just get me out of this place." He joked. Sakura laughed and warped out with him.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]-------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#0000ff]Yet again, I've changed my color.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue][i]"Come on Fuji-cakes. Can't you just tell us where it is?" Lupin begged. Fujiko laughed, but shook her head. She had been given some information about where a huge amount of gold and other treasure was located. Goemon and Jigen were getting pretty annoyed with all of Lupin's shouts and begs. "Fujiko, just tell us where the damn treasure is!" Jigen finally yelled. Fujiko laughed again. "Alright alright. Don't need to get so angry. But the only reason why I'm telling you is because I need your help getting it." She said. The three men sighed. "Whats new?" Jigen muttered. Lupin barely cared. "Well, tell us." He said.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][i]"Hold your horses, Lupin. Anyways, a very reliable source told me about a legend. From what they told me, there used to be a real famous band of Pirates, back in the 18 hundreds or so. Well, their ship, The Black Angel, was full of of treasure that they stole. It was said that their captain, Angelina, was really beatiful, and she'd trick men into giving her their treasure through her looks. She did that for more than a hundred years, as did her crew." Fujiko explained. Lupin grinned. "Sounds like you." He said. "Shut up. You don't even know where to find the stupid treasure, so you better be quiet so I can tell you. Otherwise, I'm going to walk out right now and you'll never hear the rest." Fujiko yelled.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][i]Lupin's grin faded. "Thats better. Now as I was saying, they did that for more than a thousand years. The thing is, Angelina never got older. She stayed the same age, no matter how long she lived, which seemed to be forever. But one day, when she and her crew were near Spain, going after their King, they had been in a fight with a rival pirate band, and they were sunk. But their treasure was never stolen, but it was never recovered. Whenever someone came near to the ship's grave site, some freak accident happened, and no one came back from that sight. Its called the Curse of Angelina. To this day, the treasure's still there. A lot of people even say Angelina's still alive, and she has been trying to blend in wit hthe modern times while trying to find a way to recover her missing treasure, get a new ship, and start up her legacy again." Fujiko finally finished. "So the Curse of Angelina is almost exactly like the Burmuda Triangle, except with treasure." Lupin said after a small moment of awkward silence.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]----------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]To sum it all up: Lupin and his gang have to travel practically to Spain, and get the treasure without falling victim to Angelina's Curse, or being caught by Zenigata (like usual). As Fujiko said, Angelina's still around, and she'll be played by me. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]I need:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]~~Lupin[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]~~Jigen[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]~~Goemon[/color][/size][/font] [strike][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]~~Fujiko[/color][/size][/font][/strike] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][strike]~~Zenigata[/strike][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]I'll accept made up characters, but not too many. I'll start when I have a few main characters.[/color][/size][/font] [b][i][u][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Sign ups:[/color][/size][/font][/u][/i][/b] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Name:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Age: (if you're a main character, this won't be actually required because even I dont know)[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Apperance: (Pics are nice, but if not oh well. Just describe the best you can)[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Bio: (You can do that. Even with the main characters)[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Weapons: (again. Easy)[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Not that hard right? Well here's my sign-up:[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Name: Angelina Kiosk[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Age: Much more than a thousand years old, but she looks like she's in her mid-twenties.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Appearence: [/color][url="http://www.logicsociety.com/anime/reviews/pictures/es/es%205.JPG"][color=blue]Angelina, in clothes she wears to...ahem ahem....get more treasure.[/color][/url][color=blue] And there's another picture, but I can't put it in link form so I'll just attach it. Its of Angelina when she's not seducing men. Only thing is that she has a pistol not a boomarang and her hair is brown.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Bio: Angelina was a Pirate since birth. When she was ten, and on her first solo raid, she had traveled onto a uncharted island where she had found a strange necklace. She took it immediately, but since then she had never taken it off and she had never been killed or harmed or even aged past twenty five. She traveled the whole world with her crew and quickly gained more than a billion dollars in our money standards today. When her crew died, her ship sunken, and her treasure lost, Angelina tried her best to protect her treasure, never wanting to leave it. But she soon made a home on the shore of Spain, and stayed there, devising a plan to get her treasure back.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]Weapons: She almost always wears a cutlass, and she has a pistol too[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]"Katsuki. Me and Carrie are going skating. Are you coming or what?" Kayla asked. Katsuki was laying on her hotel bed. "Can't. I'm grounded for having to be dragged out of a building by two security gaurds. My mom won't let me out of the stupid hotel." Katsuki growled. She was laying on her back, throwing a small bouncy ball up and down, trying not to think about Lios. "Gah! He was too rude to us! I can't believe someone like him is so 'important!" She yelled, whipping the ball up, and accidently hitting the ceiling. Kayla stared. "I'm...gonna go now." She said hesitantly as the ball came back down. "Wait!" Katsuki yelled, just in time. "Since I can't go outside, I need to get in." She said, pointing to one of the remaining laptops. Lios hadn't gave the laptop back. It was still on his desk. Kayla sighed, walked to the laptop, and hacked Katsuki in. Katsuki thanked Kayla and immediately started playing.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Ok. I'm ending this. Right now. And if you don't like that, JoyKaiba, maybe you should've paid more attention to your thread so [i]you[/i] could've found a better time to end it! So there![/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]-----------------------------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Mai walked to the front of the bickering group and sighed. "Um, if you'd all just--" She started, but the group wouldn't shut up. "Guys, shut--" They didn't. "SHUT UP YOU IDIOTS!" Mai finally yelled, shutting everyone up. "Good, now I have your attention. This city is closest to my old home, as well as Kayla's. I'm leaving, I don't know where you guys'll go. I somewhat don't really care, but thats probably because Kayla got me in a bad mood. I'm going to stay here for a day then I'll be on my way. Wow, that rhymes..." She announced.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kayla ran up to Mai. "Your leaving? Today?" She asked. Mai sighed. "Now if you were listening, you'd hear that I'm leaving [i]tomorrow morning[/i]." She said. Kayla thought for a moment. "You don't have a place to stay, right? You can come with me to my house. I guess I'll go with you." She said. Mai nodded. "Yeah, thats cool. I'll stay as long as you don't make anymore stories." She joked. "You aren't going anywhere without me!" Legato said, wlaking up to the two girls.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Me too!" Knives yelled, stumbling up to the three. Mai laughed, looking at the rest of the group. "Well, what about you guys. What are your plans?" She asked. Julie, Vash, and Dragus stood next to each other. "We'll be traveling together. I suppose that Nick will come with me. Stocatta's prbably going to stay with Vash." Julie explained. Nick and Stocatta nodded. "Yeah thats right." They said in usnison.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Mai looked at Sarah. "And you?" She asked. "I'm going to go back to my family. I've got a husband and a son, you know." Sarah said. Mai nodded and then thought for a moment. "I suppose, then, this will be our last night as an actual group. Hehe, I'll pay for dinner this time, I bet Vash's wallet is still suffering from our little shopping spree." She said. Vash grinned. "You mean it? You'll really pay?" He asked. Mai laughed. "Nope. Legato will!" She said as she raced through the town looking for a restaraunt.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]--------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]That is officially my last post![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Yuki jumped out of the wat of another one of Clesia's wind attacks. "Are you two deaf? I'll catch up but its important that you two get out now!" She yelled. The twins hesitantly agreed and escaped as quickly as they could. Yuki grinned and closed her eyes. [i]Ok Yuki. Just remember your training. Concentrate. Don't open your eyes. Don't think about anything but the attack...[/i] Yuki thought, trying her best to use her own, unmastered technique.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Soon, after being hit but not knocked back by two of Clesia's attacks, Yuki managed to create a small cyclone of water surrounding her, one that Clesia and Jerid were unable to penetrate. When the cyclone died down, Yuki was almost too tired to stand, but she had three other clones of herself. "Four me's? Wow, I was trying to just get one other, but this works!" The four said.Their movements were all simuntanious, and their speech was freakishly all in unison.They took out their swords, and behind their backs with one hand, they grabbed a few knives to throw at Torinte, hopefully dropping Clesia and Jerid and evening out the playing field.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]The Yuki's jumped up and threw the knives, having sixo out of the eight stick in Torinte, making him 'wiggle' around. Too much though, and he did drop the two. They fell to the ground, but landed on their feet, not seeming scared or worried at all. The four Yuki's quickly charged the two, swords in hand, but Clesia and Jerid combined their attacks again, and Yuki had no way of defending. The real Yuki was knocked back and unconcious while the clones dissolved with the heat. Clesia and Jerid walked up to the sleeping Yuki. "I suppose she could replace the other. They seem to be close enough friends." Clesia said as Torinte landed next to them.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]--------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]I'm sorry I haven't been posting that much either. I get writters block real easy...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Legato Bluesummers, one of the evilest Trigun characters there is. One thing I can't find is his age. Does it even say how old he is in the manga/anime? I haven't seen any manga, but I've seen [i]every[/i] episode of the anime and they didn't say it once. I've even spent about an hour searching Google and Ask Jeeves and I haven't seen it [i]once[/i]. Does anybody know Legato's age? It would really help![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]This is my [i]fourth[/i] time trying to post. Each time something happened and I got far but was cut off before I finished. Lets see if I can do it this time...[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Carrie had given Lios her username, practically giving him the rest of theirs. Kayla started at Carrie. "You dimwit now he knows who [i]I[/i] am! Do you know how much trouble I'm going to be in?" She shouted in Japanese. Carrie looked at her. "You know what I do! Don't you know how much trouble's coming my way now?" [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Lios' grin widened. "So, ladies. How's Helba now days?" He asked slyly. Katsuki's mother looked at the four of them, puzzled. "These girls do [i]not[/i] 'hang out' with hackers. And Kayla, I'm sure you can't be in [i]that[/i] much trouble because he knows your username." She said, in almost perfect english, trying to calm everyone down. Lios' grinned widened. "Of course, ma'am. But I would like to speak with the girls in private for a moment." He said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Katsuki's mother, as reluctant as she was, left the room. "Sakura. Flame. And Kayla. So you've decided to see me in person, eh? So Kayla. You do realize what you risked by coming here don't you?" He said. Kayla nodded, very nervous. "I don't worry. I'm not turning you in. I'm not [i]that[/i] cruel." He said. Katsuki concealed a laugh with a cough.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Ignoring her, Lios started to pace around his office. "You three. You three have come all the way from Japan to come annoy me at my office, correct? You really haven't done much." He said in his usual tone. Katsuki rolled her eyes. "You told us what you said at the press confrence, even though we both know that its not true. Helba did [i]not[/i] do this. Neither did you. It was Harold. Why can't you just say that? Why can't you just admit that it [i]is[/i] the game thats causing all these things to happen? " She said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Katsuki sighed. "Hey, do you know Japanese. Because if you do, it would make this conversation go a whole lot easier. Kayla barely has any clue what we're saying." She explained. Lios nodded, he was a system administrator and needed to know most languages to keep his job. "Good. Now then...." She started. Kayla interrupted. "Wait a second! Kia wanted to say something!" She exclaimed, taking out a laptop.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]-------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]I'm gonna stop there...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Personally, I like Lulu from FFX. She's just a strong chick with an attitude! I can really relate to that. I also like her costume/appearance. ^o^ She carries around an abbsuive teddy bear! How cool is that? And also, I like the fact that she can use magic like that. Frankly, I just like everything about her.Gee, I hope this isn't deleted...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]"Listen here lady! I booked an appointment with one of the system administrators for today in three minutes! My name [i]is[/i] on that list. If you'd just open your friggen eyes to look, you'll see my name!" Katsuki shouted to the receptionist who was boredly sipping her coffee barely paying attention to Katsuki. "Just look! Its right there! K-A-T-S-U-K-I!" She shouted again, pointing to a piece of paper next to the receptionist's elbow.The receptionist sighed at glanced at the paper.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Oh my. You're [i]right[/i]. I'm sorry. Kids come here often looking for cheats or hints for the game, so we rarely pay attention to them. You're appointment is on the top floor. You better hurry." She said, leaningi n a little closer so no one else could hear her. "He can be a real grouch and pretty pig-headed at times." She whispered. Katsuki and Kayla looked at each other for a minute. "Would his username be "Lios" in "The World"?" Katsuki asked. The receptionist nodded. "Yeah, how'd you know?" She asked. The two girls laughed and walked to the elavator, Katsuki's mother right behind them.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]The elevator was stopped by a familiar face. "Carrie? What are you doing here?" Kayla asked. Carrie shook her head. "Not now! We have to go get Lios!" She said, very excited.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]They knocked on the door and walked in quietly.They saw a man in a large computer chair. "Yes? Who is it?" He asked grufly. Katsuki could tell what he was thinking: [i]Great. The three brats from Japan. Probably going to tell me that the game is currupted...[/i] Katsuki shook the thought from her head and answered the man. "My name is Katsuki, this is my best friend Kayla, this is my other friend Carrie, and this is my mother. We've come to talk to you about "The World" and some serious problems with it." She said very serious and proffesional like. [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]The man gave a strange look when he heard Kayla's name being mentioned. "And, may I ask, what your usernames are in the game? It would only be fair since the receptionist had probably given you mine." He said. Katsuki shook her head. "We would prefer not to disclose that information at the moment for personal reasons." Katsuki answered, trying her best not to draw attention to Kayla. The man nodded. "I see. Well, what exactly would you like to discuss? Hackers or comatoses?" He asked, slightly annoyed.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kayla checked her dictionary momentarily before saying "We want to talk about lots of things. Trapped players, comatose players. Lots of things." She said in broken english. The man nodded again. "Sir," Katsuki started. "Do you realize that in just one hospital there are just about fifty comatose patients with three in a critical sate. There were five, but due to some....technical dificulties, probably worldwide, two of them died. Those two being my father and her cousin." She said, pointing to Kayla.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Did you know that within one hospital, there are so many comatose patients found in front of a computer screen with your game on, that hospital was unable to give a percise number when questioned? Did you know that none of the comatose patients are expected to wake up? Did you know that all the comatose patients' characters within "The World" are still active? Are you even listening to what I'm saying, you pig-headed idiot?!?" Katsuki shouted.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]----------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Mwahahaha....DDG told me that Swordmaster13 wanted to be there too...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Katsuki lifted her Neuro Goggles momentarily to see the newspaper articles. "You know those two high schoolers? Tomonari is the person who plays as "Sieg" in the game. I've met him a couple times online. Then the second person, I've heard, is Mai Minase. She's hanging around this middle age man named Tokuoka last I heard. Kinda freaky..." She said before going back to her game.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kayla looked at her. "You're really serious about this aren't you? You really had to dig deep to get this kind of information. Wow, its amazing how serious you can get." She said to Katsuki who didn't shush her this time. "I get it from my dad." She said semi-cheerfully and giving a thumbs up to Kayla.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=darkorchid]--Carmina Gatelica--[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#9932cc][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]"Oh hi Mia." Sakura said . Mia was walking around the server, looking for something. "Elk...where's Elk?" She asked before warping out. Sakura stared for a moment. "I wonder...what that was all about..." She muttered before turning back to Sora. "Hey Sora..." She started. She was interrupted by the site of a System Administrator rounding the corner. Sakura's eyes widened. [i]Lios...[/i] She thought. "Got to go. Later. Bye!" She said before quickly logging out.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Katsuki took off her Neuro Goggles and shook her head. "Way too close for comfort." She said. Kayla looked up from the papers she was reading. "Lios again? I wonder if we'll meet him in person tomorow." She said. Katsuki rolled her eyes. "Oh that will be pleasant! 'I can assure you that this is not the system's fault, ladies. It is the cause of numourous accounts of acking. I can also assure you that we are not sitting back and twiddling our thumbs. We're doing everything possible to stop anything else from happening!" She mimicked Lios.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kayla laughed. The two were positive that he was going to tell them just that. Thats when they'll start breaking out their info. They'll overload him with it. It was the perfect plan.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]---------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]I put the Mia thing there because..well...Mia does that![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]After their little surfing trip, the two girls rode back to the hotel. Katsuki flopped onto her bed. "I think I cut myself on something in the water because my leg is stinging like heck," She said, inspecting a cut. Kayla grinned at her. "Crybaby." She said. Katsuki grabbed a box of bandaids from her mom's duffle bag. "Oh shush you. You might want to look over all the facts I got at the hospital before tomorrow." She said, pointing her chin to a small stack of papers spilling out of her own bag.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kayla peered into the bag to see even more papers. "Oh my god. How many hospitals did you go to? You've got enough information here to start a friggen website!" She said, taking out all the papers. Kayla skimmed through them, looking at all the headings. [i]Total Comatose People Found in Front of Computers, Average comatose deaths per week, Total comatose deaths.[/i] Katsuki shrugged. "Only the one my dad went to. They remembered me from that freaky power outage incident and so when I told them my situation, as reluctant as they were, they told me the information I needed. They were even nice about it too." She said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kayla started reading the actual numbers and text. "Katsuki, this is amazing! You got all this in one afternoon? Incredible!" She complimented. "Like I said, they were really coperative. No biggie. They actually had their own chart on this. They thought it was wierd. Now, plug me in. I miss So--" Katsuki stopped herself from saying "Sora" but Kayla had already knew. "What was that? You miss Sora?" She taunted. Katsuki looked away and blushed. "Yeah, alright. I was going to say that. So what?" She mumbled.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kayla grinned. She now had something to tease her about. "Say the phrase that I want to hear from you, and I'll get you in." She said. Katsuki raised an eyebrow. "Yeah whats that?" She asked. "Tell me you like Sora." Kayla demanded. Katsuki shrugged. "Wow, you like Sora? I thought you like'd Elk!" She teased. "Yeah alright. I like him. Just don't go around telling people..." She said, getting out her laptop. Kayla laughed slightly and hacked Katsuki in, since she was busy reading.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Katsuki logged in and noticed that she had new mail.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]To: Sakura[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080]From: Sora[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080]Subject: Silver Knight[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080]Hey, where are you? You and Kayla haven't been on for like weeks and me and Elk haven't seen you offline either. Is it Lios? Anyways, since you've been gone Knighty has been actually celebrating. You should see him! He'll [i]dance[/i]. Its pretty funny. Later.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Katsuki laughed and started a reply.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]To: Sora[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080]From: Sakura[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080]We're out of the country. gonna go 'talk' with CC Corp >=] Has he really been dancing? Awsome. hehehe, I just went surfing and skating with Kayla. really fun. well, meet me in Carmina, I'm logging in now.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]After reading Sora's email to Kayla, she logged in.[/color][/size][/font] [color=darkorchid]--Carmina Gatelica--[/color] [color=#9932cc][/color] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Sakura looked around. Lios wasn't anywhere in sight. Neither were the Crimson Knights. She sighed with relief and looked around some more for Sora. "Hey! Grunty Girl!" She heard from behind her. Sakura's eye twitched a little as she turned around to see Sora waving from near the Grunty Farm. Sakura ran over to him. "Would you mind never calling me that ever again?" She asked. Sora laughed. "Its all in good fun, Sakura!" He said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=darkorchid]--Lambda-Hidden-Solitary-Fallen Angel--[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#9932cc][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]"So you're really in San Francisco? How awsome!" Sora said after Sakura explained what was happening. Sakura smiled. "yup. Kayla's reading all the info I've got to present." She said proudly.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Yuki coughed from the smoke. Jerid had already started his attack on the inn. Kristen and Yuki were trying to get the innocent out of the inn before it was completely burned down. Finally, the last civillion was out and the two girls were able to get out. Just in time. Kristen looked around. "Where's Kayin?" She asked.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"KAYIN?!" Yuki yelled, trying to get an answer from him.The girls looked around, and spotted Jerid leaning next to a tree near the blazing inn. They ran over to him, but Jerid just ran off into the forest, following Clesia and Torinte. "Him! He must've had someone take Kayin!" Kristen growled, anger and sorrow running through her veins. "Don't worry, we'll get them!" Yuki said, watching the path Jerid took. "Or we'll die trying. Should we follow now or wait till later?" She asked.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kristen had already started following Jerid. yuki shrugged. "Ok, I suppose that'll be a 'Lets get going right away, Yuki!'"yuki mumbled as she followed Kristen who was following Jerid who was following Clesia and Torinte.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]------------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]I just had to put that last part =P[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Kat and Nikkie almost rolled on the ground laughing. Kat had found her laser pointer that had actual working batteries. The two were pointing at different people in different places. Nikkie took the laser pointer. "I saw this on The Simpsons once. Bart pointed the laser at Skinner's pants, and Skinner thought it was a stain so he took off his pants. Etc all the way until he took off his underwear. Lets just do that to....Joey in front of that Ashley chick." She said evilly. Kat laughed and nodded.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]In short, Joey was an idiot and did just what they were planning.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kat grabbed the laser and made a dot right on the crazed Mexican dude's nose. "Nikkie wake him up, I wanna see his reaction to a zit!" She said. Nikkie kicked him, waking him up. "Hey, look! You've got a pimple!" Kat teased. He was, though, smarter than they thought. He grabbed the laser pointer and chucked it out to sea. "NNNOOOOOOO!!!" Kat yelled, running after it. After, that is, she threw a couple coconuts at him. "My only connection to civilization!!!" She yelled.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Nikkie leaned against her tree again and kicked the Mexican again. "Why'd you do that? We were having fun." She said to him.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]--------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Nah, I don't mind you making Kat reminice...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue][i]One year after Maid Marian and Sir Robin Hood wed, Marian had a child. Their daughter's name being Rave, after her dark hair that reminded them of a raven bird. Since she was born, Raven had been trained in every art her parents were skilled at, being a lot. On her thirteenth brithday, Robin's family was attacked by the King's horsemen.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][i]Robin was captured that day, trying to protect his family. Raven was forced to leave her mother and seek out Nottingham and save her father. Catch being, she only has two weeks before the Sheriff hangs Robin. Raven remembers when her father once told her and her mother that he had another child: Rowan. Rowan was an outlaw girl from three years before Raven who had also saved Robin.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][i]Rowan led her own outlaw band. There was her, Robin Hood's daughter. Also there was Lionel, the outlaw minstrel and Ettarde, the runaway-princess. All three lived in a Rowan grove that was well-hidden. The three depend on Tykell, a wolf-dog whom Rowan had taken in.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Raven seeks the help of Rowan and her outlaw band as well as Robin's band. On her journey to Nottingham and to the infamous Rowan Grove, Raven runs into three quarellsome brothers: Bill, Will, and Gill. They travel with Raven and aid her as much as possible.[/color][/size][/font][/i] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Ok to sum it all up in a nutshell, Raven and all her friends have to meet up somewhere and go to Nottingham to save Robin. Rowan, Lionel, and Ettarde are all from the book Rowan Hood, so it would help if you read that. But I'll give you discriptions of each AVAILABLE character. Yeah, that means there are certain characters to choose from. I don't want made up characters.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][u]Raven[/u]: Long black hair usually in a ponytail, her dark blue eyes resemble her fathers. Deer skin boots and a matching deer skin vest/pant combo.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][u]Bill, Will, and Gill[/u]: Three quarellsome brothers who look exactly the same. Bill is 12, Will is 13, and Gill is 14. They have messy black hair, blue eyes, I haven't really thought up their clothes, though. Sorry, but you'll have to get a bit creative there ^_^'[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][u]Rowan[/u]: Check the pic, she's the chick on the left. Tykell is to her side, and ignore the other dude. She's now 16, and she's always followed by Tykell.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][u]Lionel[/u]: Lionel is a whiney, yet huge minstrel. He's about sixteen, yet he's about as big as a 20 year old weightlifter. He's dressed pretty rich like and he carries around a harp. He has a voice that could make you forget about everything. He's the best minstrel in all the land.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][u]Ettarde[/u]: She's a princess who had run away from her father who was planning on selling her to a greedy king. She was saved by Rowan and Lionel from being sold. She has long brown hair and blue eyes. She's very educated and, even in the most dire situations, she is polite and her princess' edicate is always in motion. Also 16.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Raven's been crossed out because I'm going to be her. Bill, Will, and Gill are played by seperate people. Remember that. Here are the actual sign-ups:[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][i][u]Sign Ups[/u][/i][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Name: (If you can't fill this out, don't even try it...)[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Age: (I told all the ages)[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Appearence: (Also said)[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Bio: (Ask for a bio through a PM if you don't really don't know it already. Like I said, if you've read the book "Rowan Hood" it'll really help.)[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Weapon: (Ettarde, Will, Bill, and Gill don't fight. Raven and Rowan have bows. Rowan's is flint tipped and fletcehd with peacock feathers. Lionel uses his fists.)[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][i][u]My Sign up[/u][/i][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Name: Raven[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Age: 13[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Appearence: Long, black hairthat's almost always in a ponytail. Deep blue eyes that'll show her emotions very plainly. (ex: When she's weak, tired, or sad her eyes will become cloudy and you can't spot a single speck of joy in them) [color=#333300][font=Comic Sans MS][b][color=royalblue]Deer skin boots and a matching deer skin vest/pant combo.[/color][/b][/font][/color][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Bio: On her thirteenth birthday, Raven and her family were attacked by the King's horsemen. Her father, Robin Hood, was captured and taken to Nottingham to be hung. Raven left the protection of her mother, Maid Marian, to go to Nottingham to save her father. Along the way, she recieves the company of Quicksilver (Silver for short), a silver and grey fox who won't leave her side. As well as Bill, Will, Gill, Rowen (her long lost older sister), Lionel, Ettarde, and Robin Hood's old outlaw band.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Weapon: A longbow and arrows with steel tips.[/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][i][u]Available Characters[/u][/i][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][strike]Raven[/strike]---Mai_Minase[/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Bill[/font][/color][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Will[/font][/color][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][strike]Gill[/strike]---0ber0n_the_Neko[/font][/color][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Rowan[/font][/color][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Lionel[/font][/color][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]Ettarde[/font][/color][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][/font][/color][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS][color=royalblue][font=Comic Sans MS]I'll start when I have at least three more people signed up.[/font][/color][/font][/color][/color][/size][/font] [/font][/color][/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Kat's eye twitched as she saw Miatatzu and Seto. She stormed off, not caring if she was heard or not. Soon she found Joey and Ashley. She shook her head disapprovingly and continued to storm off. After joey and Ashley, Kat found the Mexican dude trying (and failing miserably) to beat up Nikkie. Kat leaned against the same tree as Nikkie. "This island is a living hell." She told Nikkie. Nikkie nodded. "Pretty much. You over Seto and Miatatzu?" Nikkie asked. Kat shrugged. "Pretty much." Kat answered, pointing to the crazed Mexican. "What's with him?" Kat asked. Nikie shrugged. "Who knows." Nikkie pointed to another side of the island. "I saw you building something. What was it?" She asked. "A boat. I need out." She said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Nikkie and Kat continued a conversation just like that while the Mexican tried to attack Nikkie.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]As everyone left, Mai had finally recoverd from her hangover. After Legato had left, Mai threw something she couldn't see at Legato. When he turned around to see who threw it, Mai pretended to sleep again.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]You're all a bunch of cruel little---[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=darkslateblue]Oh just give it a rest Mai. Its all said and done.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]What? You think my hangovers last that long? I just heard you say you were gonna tell more tomorrow.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=gray]Oh just shut up both of you![/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#808080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#808080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Mai muttered something towards everyone that was inaudiable and fell asleep again.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]The next morning, Mai woke up first and started packing. As she finished, she woke up everyone too.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]WAAAAAAKEEEE UUUUUUUPPPPPP!!!!!!!!![/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=seagreen]Wha? What? Where's the fire?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]What time is it?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=darkorange]What the heck is going on?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=gray]What's with the shouting?[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]Wake up. Pack your things. Lets go.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Mai walked out of the room and into the lobby, resting on a couch. She looked out a window and snickered. The sun had barely risen. Everyone groggily gathered in the lobby. "I wanted to go, but not this early." Kayla complained as they traveled about half a mile. "Oh just shut up and walk." Mai said bitterly.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Katsuki laughed as she saw Kayla keeping a 'conversation' with two American boys, looking in her dictionary every time it was her turn to talk. She skated over to Kayla, grinning. "Gee Kayla. You go to a different country for a few weeks and you forget all about Elk!" She said in Japanese. Kayla glared at her as the two skaters gave her wierd looks. Katsuki blinked at them. "Erm...sorry. Had to tease her. Don't mind me!" She told them as she skated on to a ramp and preforming a handstand before she went down.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Later, the two girls had gone down to the beach. Katsuki was inspecting surfboards in a shop on the shore, as was Kayla. "Katsuki...don't you think we should be at CC Corp now, instead of the beach?" Kayla asked, her gaze set on a blue and black longboard. Katsuki picked up a blue and white regular board. "Oh just chill, Kayla. We're going tomorrow. Now, do you think I'm a longboarder or a regular?" She asked. "Regular. Longboarders are like big. You're kinda scrawny..." Kayla answered. Katsuki punched Kayla's arm. "Scrawny, eh? Look who's the one falling on the ramp all the time! Not me I can tell you that!" Katsuki angrilly said.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]------------------------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Woohoo! I'm finally back from my weekend of hell in Phili! DDG wants me to point out hat IRL, she skates way better than me...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Finally, after an hour of arguing over what seemed to be nothing, Mai and Kayla stopped. Mai laid back down on the couch, taking another swig of beer. Legato glared at her. "Where'd you get that one?" He asked loudly. Mai grinned. "Well if you checked your hands, you'd see you're minus one beer bottle." She said, taking another swig and finishing it off. She laughed a little, scrounged around for another bottle of beer, found one, chugged it all the way, and passed out.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]When she awoke she heard voices, but she was too groggy to talk. Her head hurt too much.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=darkorange]Are you serious Kayla? Did that really happen to Mai?[/color][/size][/font] [i][font=Arial][size=1][color=navy]Yup.[/color][/size][/font][/i] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=red]How embarrasing! Now I know why she didn't want you to tell those stories.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=blue]You're all cruel and unsual. No matter how funny they may be, those stories should never had been told.[/color][/size][/font] [i][font=Arial][size=1][color=navy]Lighten up, Stocatta. You laughed too.[/color][/size][/font][/i] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Mai opened her eyes to see herself in her room, and everyone crowding around Kayla who was on her own bed. Mai slowly sat up, holding her head the whole way. "What stories? What happened to me?" She asked, too tired and having too big of a headache to remember a thing. Everyone broke down into laughs as she asked the questions. Mai, still confused, and not wanting to find out anymore, went back into her bed and fell asleep quickly.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]---------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Hehe[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Katsuki's eyes sparkled as she saw all the beaches, skateparks, and surfers. "I'm going to fit right in!" She said happilly, taking out her skateboard. She was about to skate off when both Kayla and her mother grabbed her by the collar. "You're the only one who knows english. And you're not about to abandon us!" Kayla said. "Too many people we don't know. You could get kidnapped!" Her mother said. Katsuki sighed. "Fine...buisness first then." She mumbled. The three walked around, looking for a hotel to stay in. Soon they found a Holiday Inn and they dropped their stuff off. Katsuki searched her suitcase and gave both her mother and Kayla books.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]"Japanese-English dictionaries. Can I go now?" She asked, very annoyed. Her mother nodded. "Yes. Here's fifty dollars. Just in case." She said. Kayla and Katsuki exited the room, skate gear in hand, bathing suits underneath their regular clothes. They needed at least one day to unwind.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Mai grumbled a few curse words as Kayla continued talking about 'bedtime stories.' She started to chug another bottle of beer. Her fifth one. She suddenly got the hiccups.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]Damn. I'm actually drunk...[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=navy][i]You? Drunk? I don't believe it![/i][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]*Hic* You better...[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Mai took another swig and hiccuped again.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=green]Maybe you should take it easy on the beer.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]Shove it, loverboy *hic*[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=green]Mai, come back to the hotel...[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]Try and make me. I ain't going back as long as Kayla's being a ---[/color][/size][/font] [i][font=Arial][size=1][color=navy]Fine. I'll stop...[/color][/size][/font][/i] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]Good...just let me grab another beer...[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=green]No! Now![/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=purple]Fine...[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#800080][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Mai got up and walked to the hotel, stopping to throw up once and bringing a beer bottle with her.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Mai entered the hotel and collapsed on the nearest couch. She took another drink of beer before the bottle was yanked out of her hand. "No more. I told you that already!" Legato said. Mai looked at him and reached for the bottle. "Gimme!" She said in a slurred voice. Legato pushed her hand away. "NO!" He yelled.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Kayla walked over to the two. "Gee Mai. You're a wreck. How much did you drink?" She asked. Mai closed her eyes and rubbed her head. "About five or six bottles. It was the strong kind." She said. Wolfwood, overhearing the conversation, walked over to them. "You seem kinda young to be such a heavy drinker." He said to her with a smirk.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Mai shook her head dissaprovingly. "Wolfwood...shut up..." She muttered.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Mai glared at Kayla. She couldn't take it anymore. Already Kayla had forced Mai to carry her everywhere, make her three meals, not eating two of them because they 'weren't good enough,' made her do entirely embarrasing things, play truth or dare with herself (doing mostly truth and saying unmetionable things) and run idiotic erands. Mai threw down her apron. She was cooking another meal. Kayla yelled at her. "Get back to work, slacker!" She said with a slight smirk. "Do it yourself! I'm sick of your crap. Go ahead and tell them for all I care!" She yelled back, leaving the hotel and heading towards the nearest Saloon.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]C'Mon! Lets get the story moving! If not, I'm going to end it within the next 5-10 posts! I'm dead serious about this too![/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Katsuki gave a weak smile to Kayla. "I think I'm going to stay home. Sorry Kayla." She said through the window as Kayla went through her door. As soon as Katsuki's mother had pushed down on the gas peddle, Katsuki broke into tears. "Mom...he's gone. He's really gone. Even if he's still there, he can't come back!" She sobbed. Her mother looked at her. "Katsuki what are you saying? You're not making any sense! What do you mean 'even if he's still there'?" She asked. Katsuki continued to sob, but had managed to get out the words "He's still alive in the game." [/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Katsuki's mother went wide eyed. [/color][/size][/font][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]"Katsuki. You're crazy. But I'm willing to give you a chance this time. Next time you play your game, let me play with you and get me to your father. I want to see what's so cool about this game." Her mother ordered. Katsuki gave another weak smile. "Mom..." She started. Her mother glanced back at her. "Don't ever say cool again. You sound like a hippy." She said. For the first time in a while, Katsuki's mother laughed. Soon they got home. Katsuki got on the phone and called Kayla.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Kayla?"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Hey Katsuki..."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Can you take a trip this week and probably last till next week?"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Why? Where are we going?"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"San Francisco."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"You're going already?!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"I can't wait any longer! Their going to pay! I'll hire a lawyer if I have to!"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Don't you think you should gather some evidence first?"[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"I'm doing that after school tomorrow. I'm going to the hospital and I'm going to ask questions."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Yeah? Well...I'll tell my mom."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Alright. Do your best to get her persmission..."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Well, later."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Yeah. Later..."[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Katsuki hung up the phone and went into her room and laid on the bed. She turned onto her side and stared at the computer. [i]How can something do so much and....not be noticed by more than 90% of the public? This epidemic is...worse than the Deadly Flash, yet CC Corp is doing its best to prevent it from being stopped.[/i][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Katsuki remembered what happened the other day in Net Slum. The scene came back to her mind.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][i]"Lios...your an insensitive, egotistical, paranoid, and obsessed jerk! How dare you take away what little Kayla has of Krueger. You're......you're worse than Morganna!"[/i][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]The words rang in Katsuki's head.[/color][/size][/font] [i][font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"You're worse than Morganna!"[/color][/size][/font][/i] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]She closed her eyes tight, trying to get the thought out of her head. "No. He's not gone. Even if Lios deletes him. He'll still be in my memory. I'll never....I'll never forget that day. I'll never forget that day Magus took everything I had from me..." She muttered to herself, as she started to cry herself to sleep.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]----------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1];_; Its so beautiful and heartfilled...[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Katsuki climbed into the backseat of the car, next to Kayla. "Mom....no disrepect to anyone, but do we really have to wear [i]dresses[/i]?" She asked, sounding slightly disgusted. "Katsuki..." Her mother said menacingly. Katsuki shut up and looked at the ground. "Katsuki, do me a favor and if anyone asks you to speak, decline. I'm afraid you might say something you shouldn't. Its bad enugh I'm taking you two to San Francisco..." Her mother said. Kayla leaned over to Katsuki.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1][/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]"Doesn't she know what we're doing?" She whispered. Katsuki nodded. "She knows, she just doesn't agree with it." She whispered back. Katsuki's mother glared through the mirror. "Your right. I don't. Now not a word about that silly game until we get back." She said. Katsuki and Kayla sat up straight. "Yes Ma'am!" They said.[/color][/size][/font]
[font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=royalblue]Katsuki yawned and ate a handful of popcorn. "You know, its not that exciting now that we have it..." She said. Kayla nodded. She had called her mom and got permission to spend the night. "I know what you mean. After all...this is our fifth time watching it." She said. Katsuki looked at her digital clock. [i]11:37. [/i]"Don't we have school tomorrow?" She asked. Kayla shrugged. "I stay awake until who knows when..." She said, yawning. Katsuki's mom then came into the room. "Katsuki don't set your alarm. We're going to your father's funeral tomorrow. You too Kayla. I've already talked it over with your mother." She said. Kayla and Katsuki gave each other high-fives and continued watching the movie.[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]------------[/color][/size][/font] [font=Comic Sans MS][size=1][color=#4169e1]Yeah...I'm a blank slate right now....if that makes sense[/color][/size][/font]