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Everything posted by thethespian
Hi, i know its a little after all the spirits and stuff of halloween, but i was wondering what people had to say about Ouija boards. I was messing around with mine today with my sister and some other people, and it started to do something, but we had to end it quickly because people had to go home. How exactly do you use a Ouija board correctly so it works? Does anyone have any creepy or spooky Ouija board stories? I'm really in the Ouija board mood right now, so post your hearts out!
Request Broadway Avi/ NYC banner please
thethespian replied to thethespian's topic in Creative Works
its great except for you put the Tespian. You forgot the H. If you could fix that it would be perfect! And maybe you could make an avi??? thanks -
[FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]Hi, i need a new avi, and a banner, so i was wondering if anyone could make me an Avi that has to do with broadway. Shows that i would prefer are Avenue Q, Wicked, or you can put like a stage or something. I would also like a banner that has to do with NYC. Either Times Square, around Broadway, or anywhere. Or possibly NYC in winter! Thanks a lot![/COLOR][/FONT]
[spoiler][font=verdana][color=plum]I made a banner. Tell me if it's not what you're looking for or if you want it in a different style or... yeah. [img]http://otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21222[/img] (This is Kieko, I'm just on my friend's computer and he won't let me sign off his SN because he's afraid he may never get back on because his computer is mean. Yeah.) ~Kieko[/spoiler][/color][/font]
I agree, this latest episode was very good! I had to get a haircut so i missed the first two singers, but i'll tell what i thought of the other singers. 3.) Ashley - good voice, kind of boring if you ask me but a good voice all the same. Not the right song i think. Score: 6 4.) Katie - She looks great, She sounds great, she had a great personality, and she got me going with her expressions and songs.. I thought she was the best. Score: 9.7 5.) Erskire - I thought he was weak. He sings well but i just didn't get any feeling from him. He got better as he went into the song but i still thought he was a bit weak. Score: 6 6.) Jennifer - She had a very strong voice, but the song seemed kind off to me. Especially since i'm singing this song right now in show choir, and she kinda made it her own, so it just didn't seem right to me. But she did have a clear, strong voice, and a good personality. Score: 8 7.) Matthew - He definately picked the right song for his voice, i would say. But he didn't have the strongness. He did do great though with that song. Score: 7.6 8.) Fantasia - She sang very well. I personally don't like her voice type either but obviously other people do. But she still sang very well technically as i said before. She didn't seem to have enough....umph in her voice, atleast for me. I mean, she was strong, but just something about it... idk. but she did have the star quality. Score: 8.5 At this point, i'm rooting for Katie, but if anyone else got in, i would be happy, cuz i thought they were all very good. I still hope Nicole gets in through the wild card round (if, in fact she can) i don't care what anyone else says! lol.
RIING!! RIING!!! RIING!!! RIING!! Sky reached over to his bedside table and turned off his alarm. Although Sky had set his alarm to wake him up at 7:30, he didn't need it. He had been awake all night thinking of what was to come later that morning. His audition for this independent film. Of course Sky was extremely mad at himself for staying up all night, this meant less energy to try and impress the judges. Ah well, he had done what he had done, and he had to live with it. Sky got up, went to take a shower and got dressed in the most casual/formal thing he could find. He then went to his mirror and took the hair gel from off of a shelf. He put his hair up so it flipped up in the front and went out to his car. Sky drove his blue "mercury messenger concept" through the city until he got to the place where the auditions were being held. It was a pretty small building with many windows in every place you could look. Sky got out of his car, took a deep breath and walked inside the building. There were many people there already. Most people were keeping to themselves being quiet, or messing with their attire. There were a few, however, that were standing up talking and laughing with people. Sky walked over to a string of people in front of a desk. The line slowly waned down until Sky was in front and the receptionist asked, ?Name?? ?Sky Mortin?, replied Sky ?Do you have a comp card??, asked the receptionist. ?Yes?, Sky replied, handing the receptionist a glossy paper with two photos of him on the front, and a bio of him as well as past experiences on the back. ?Thank you.?, the receptionist mumbled. She then got out a piece of paper and told Sky that he needed to fill it out. He was given a number and the paper, and he set out to go fill it out. Once he was done, he sat down on a chair in the hall. People started to disappear through a door at the far end of the room and come back either smiling broadly, on the verge of tears, or with worried faces. No one had come into the building after Sky, meaning that he would be the last one. So he sat there for six hours, playing around with his outfit, fixing his hair, and practicing his monologue that he had prepared. Luckily, there was a vending machine in the building so Sky didn?t have to starve. He hadn?t had breakfast. Finally, the moment arrived. ?Sky Mortin? called a voice from the room everybody had been going into. Sky got up took another huge breath, and went into the room to find two male judges and one female judge. Sky: Hello Male Judge 1: Hello, are you Sky? Sky: Yes, I am. Male Judge 1: Alright, My name is Scott Braythen, that is David Selta, and that over there is Mary Vorten. Mary Vorten: What have you prepared for us today? Sky: I?ve prepared a dramatic monologue entitled ?Roses are Red? David Selta: Alright then, get to it. Sky performs his monologue beautifully with smiles from both Mary and Scott and much whispering between the three of them. Scott: Wonderful! But, what else have you got? Can you do something comedic? Sky: Of course. Let me just think of one to do. And this was the truth, Sky had learned many monologues in his day and he performed a comedic one with as much talent as the dramatic one. Scott: Thank you very much Sky. We?ll contact you in two weeks. David: If you make the cut. Sky: Thank you for your time. Sky hurried out of the room and started to pack his things up when Scott came out of the room again. Scott: Sky! Listen for a second. I just want you to know that you were the best we?ve seen today. You?re definitely going to get the role. David wasn?t?. well, to say the least, he wasn?t very fond of you, but don?t worry, I have the most influence of this production, for I am the director, and main caster. Sky: Wow!! Thank you very much. Scott: Well, good bye now. See you in a couple weeks! Sky: Bye! And with that Sky walked out of the building with a broad smile on his face. He felt like that happiest man in the world. This, of course, was before the thing happened that would make Sky go on an adventure he had never dreamed of. But, that was the next day. OOC: for your first post, don't automatically go into the people getting attacked. Use the first one as sort of an intro.
Name: Gamial Age: 26 Description: [img]http://lorelai.com/artwork/fanart/comm_bander2.jpg[/img] Gender: Male Element/Direction/Race: Wind/East/Man Special Ability: He is a Very skilled swordsman who wields a very powerful sword named Skylin [img]http://www.falseprophecies.com/sword.jpg[/img] and is also very skilled at archery. He is skilled at almost all weapons. And of course he wields the element of wind. Biography: Gamial had grown up a fierce warrior. Almost all of his free time was spent training with Skylin and sneaking off into battle when his father went to war. Skylin was the oldest of the two heirs of the king so he had grown a huge rivalry with his younger brother, Maklio until very recently his mother, father, and Maklio were killed during the many revolts. Gamial himself had managed to escape. He had fled until he came upon a little town of men. Using a false identity, as a man from a distant land named Suama, he befriended a man named Kamira and they became very close. Almost as if he was his best friend back when all was calm. Kieko, i know there is something i need to add in my bio. Please tell me and i'll fix it alright? Thank you. Other wise, i hope this is good.
well, that is good. But we already have three characters that have ghosts attack people they know, and unless anyone doesn't want to be one anymore, Is it ok if you're a friend of someone then? Or someone else or something? Thankies. To everyone: I'm trying to type up a first post but i've just been so wrapped up in School, and everything else so be patient with me alright? Remember, this is still open to everyone else.
I was really upset about Scooter girl too!! I couldn't believe when she got eliminated! She had one of the best personalities up there not to mention the voice. She was who i wanted to win, so i'm not exactly who i want to win now. As for the guy that sang to Paula, i thought he did get eliminated! Cuz i thought i saw him in that room. I'm not positive though. But i agree, he was a jerk. Right now, i have to say that American Idol is my favorite show. I'm going to audition for it in 4 years if they're still doing it. My sister is going to audition next year. I think she'll do very well in that competition, shes a very good singer. And i think that when i'm 16, i'll be able to make it very far too, everyone tells me i'm a good singer (especially my chorus teacher) and i think i'm very good and i'm just going off on some rant about how wonderful i find myself! Sorry. Is there an episode tonight?? I don't think so cuz there wasn't one on thursday the last two weeks, so i don't think there is one tonight. But i hope so.
I guess my first "job" would be acting and modeling. I haven't really gotten paid or anything yet, but i haven't landed any roles yet. I've been going to these acting/modeling classes every other saturday for the past err... maybe 4 months (there was a big break for the holidays) but this agency i go to gives us 7 classes and then we get our comp cards with our resume, bio, and pictures on it. Thats when the whole job getting comes in. I have been on 3 auditions so far. One was for modeling, one was for an industrial movie, and one was for a commercial. No luck with those. I can gurantee, however, that i WILL (please?) land some role sometime very soon. Hopefully.... I've been acting all my life and i plan to stick with acting and maybe eventually make it to the movies. Maybe?..... no, i will!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Blanko [/i] [B]Coffee puts me to sleep.[/B][/QUOTE] Lol, i find that really funny! Anyway, as for ChibiHorsewoman I tried Tazo Chai before. I HATED it! lol. But you are not alnoe in liking it for that is one of the things that my sister always gets whenever there is a chance. Yes, i know Coffee can stain your teeth, so thats why i brush them!! A lot, i actually want to get some whiteners, its not like my teeth are grotesque though, they're just not pure white.
Hey all you coffee lovers out there!! I know i love coffe, and i'm sure many other people love it too. I was just wondering, what are some people's favorite types of coffees and what places they go to get their coffee? I personally like to go to Starbucks! What an amazing place!! My favorite coffee drink would have to be Frappecionos and i get Chocolate Brownie ones at Starbucks all the time! I also like Irish Creme, Vanilla Creme, And Caramel Mochiatto! But at the local library, they just opened this quaint little coffee shop which has been very convienent, because i had play practices there for a couple weeks! Mocha Frappecino everyday yeah!! Even though most of the days it was like negative degrees out. My mum and dad HATE coffe!! They prefer tea. Its my sister and I who are the coffee drinkers of this family! I find it kinda strange, that i like coffee, and my parents don't. Isn't that usally where kids get the idea of drinking coffee from?? Oh well. So anyone else out there, give me your suggestions of coffees to try! Please? I'd love to hear from you. (I need to broaden my coffee flavors lol) Peace out. Yeah, like i would say that.
I LOVE Spongebob. Well, not as much as i used too, but i still do. ITs mainly the fact that there has hardly been any new episodes lately. Thats not good. The Plankton's Revenge one that was just on last week was definately not as good as other ones. I was expecting more. But back to the movie subject. Personally, i think that the motion picture will be a major hit! The actual movie might not be rated so well (In the newspapers the critics will probably give it a 2, since they're adults and don't have a kids point of view, which always bugs me) but since spongebob is so popular, almost everyone (well a lot of people) will want to see it! I want to. Its not like if i don't see i'll die though. lol. I'm not really obsessed. Though no matter what movie i'll see, NOTHING will EVER be as good as LORD OF THE RINGS RETURN OF THE KING!!! YAY!!! THAT WAS BRILLIANT! ok, sorry bout that.
I don't think you could ever be too organized, because orginization will help you on the way to success! Unless of course you're the type of person who can't find something if its organized. I find that quite funny. Ta ha ha. But you should definately not be up to the point where you're paranoid if something's misplaced, like Motfati's dad, it sounds like. (No offense) As for me, well, i like to be organized, but whenever i clean my room and stuff, i try to put things in a specific place, but if i don't have a place for something, i just stick it in the closet or under my bed. Yeah, and usually after a while, my room becomes messy again. I don't like it, but uh, thats the way it is! And as for my school binders, i have two of 'em. BUT those two binders have dividers for each subject on Day ones and Day twos (its a weird scheduling system) The only thing is that all of the paper's holes keep on ripping so they always fall out of my binders. I'm also running out of room in my binders. But look at epitaph!! HE WINS IT BY A HALF!!
Movies you plan on seeing during winter break
thethespian replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
Well, i've seen two movies that over break so far, (seeing as how there's not much left of break, atleast for me) and i've seen Lord of the Rings, Return of the King and i saw it the day it came out!!! That is my favorite movie of all time!! And it sooo good!!! YAY!!! And i've seen Peter Pan, which was wellll, better than i expected but not...........well there was just something about it, that i didn't like. I'm not really sure how to say it, but...yeah. I want to see Cheaper by the Dozen, i'm in the mood for a comedy. Master and Commander, i hear thats a really really good movie! The Last Sammurai, I'm not really sure about that, but people have been saying its good. Elf, i haven't seen it yet! OH no! And i don't think i'm forgetting anything. And its not like i plan on seeing all of these, i just WANT to see them. ahhhhhhhhh movies are amazing!!! -
Nefertimon, well............It just would be really really helpful if you were either alive and "main" or dead and just a ghost. It would be so much easier that way, because the three main have to be connecterd via AIM and they have to meet up. It would be kind of hard for a ghost to do that. And she doesn't have to attack people, she could help the other people. And another thing, with the three main characters, the people they know haven't been attacked yet. They're going to get attacked later on. I'm not trying to be mean or anything, i just think this would be easier. Thank you very much.
Ok, good you guys, good. Those are both great sign ups! Gumby, interesing thought having your character being a slob. Nefertimon!, i need you to change your sign up!! Either you are a ghost or you are a person who has ghosts attack people she knows! I need you to do this soon or Gumby can have his character be a "main character" (Grrr shouldn't be saying that but..) if he wants. Ok? alright, so please help me here. We might be able to start after Nefertimon changes her sign up, but we could also use another boy!!
ummmmm, well you're probably in no doubt cuz really no one has come in yet. But, i was kinda leaning towards the main characters being alive. It's a great sign up other wise! Just either make her alive for a main character, or dead for just a ghost. Unless, you ABSOLUTELY want to be a main character AND a ghost, then i guess it would be alright. And a main character doesn't mean they get to post the most. If you're a ghost you can post about the ghost as much as you like! Let me clarify something, Main Character, doesn't really mean that they are what the RPG is all about. The three "Main Characters" ( i shouldn't really be saying "main") are the three people who have ghosts attack people they know. There can be other people who can be in the RPG just as much, and same thing with ghosts. In fact i shall edit my first post so that it doesn't say "main character", it says "Character who has ghosts attack people they know" yes, that is what i shall do. Ok, other than that, PEOPLE JOIN PLEASE!!!!
Nice song phatmasterdj! I like!! Much! Just one question, what is the style of this song? And also phatmaster, don't double post. Its baaaaaaaaad!! alright, just if you've posted before and you forgot to add something or you want to post again, edit your first post so that you include the new thing. Nate, good job so far! Though i'm not really sure who Brandon and everyone is. But great job anyway! Nice! Circeus, Wow!! I can actually read it!! lol. Great job! Yes, the rhyme is lost but i really like the message of the song!! And the song itself! Raiha, Nice job!! I like it!! Everybody, Keep up the great work!! I didn't know people would be this talented.
Nice job, and Circeus, I had no idea what that said so, i couldn't really compliment it, though i'm sure it is good. Do you think that you could possibly translate it? The rhyme would be lost and all, but atleast we'd get a feel for what the song is about. Here's another one i made up. Its not really a very serious song, and i didn't compose the music. I just made up new lyrics to "Cestnuts roasting on an open fire" So this song is to that tune. Marshmellows burning on an open fire, Misquitoes nipping everywhere. Annoying camp songs being sung by a fire, and folks dressed up in lighter clothes. Everybody knows, S'mores and marshmellows, help to make the summer bright. Tiny Tots, with their clothes all aflame, will find it hard to sleep tonight. They know the fireman's on his way, he's loaded lots of foam and water on his fire truck, and every neighbor's child is gonna cry, to see if the children are really gonna fry!! And so, i'm offering this simple frase, to kids from one to (pause) about eleven. Although its been done, many times many ways! Stop, Drop, And roll. Today!! Yeah, as you can see. This is meant to be a humorous song and well, umm yeah.
Alright, thats a good character. Ok, N Y C. Thank you! Alright, we need 2 more main characters, and some more non main characters, and ghosts. Also, in order to make this RPG seem more connected, we'll have the three main characters, in the very least possibly the non main characters too, we'll have them be connected via AOL Instant Messanger. Atleast until they meet up somehow. How does that sound? If there are any questions, PM me.
Alright let me break the story down for you. It is modern day and In the cities of Miami, Los Angeles, and New York City there are three different people. They live their everyday lives and expect nothing out of the ordinary when they do something that has to do with the supernatural. It doesn't matter what they do. They think nothing of it until some people they are somehow related to (boss, friend, relative, associate, anything! but it has to be directly related, not something like, my brother's mother in-law's sister's room mate) start getting attacked. They learn that the attackers are ghosts, and somewhere along the line, these three meet up and try to solve and correct what is happening. Sign ups: There can be any amount of people, but only three people who have the ghosts attack people they know. The other people can just be friends, or people that are met up with along the way and try to help. You could also be a person who gets attacked. You could also be a ghost if you wanted! That would be interesting. Here is the info i need. Name: Age: And make the age atleast 18 alright? Gender: Try to even out the genders if there are 3 girls and 2 boys and you want to join, it would be preferable if your character were a boy. Appearance: Location: Personality: Biography: Person who has ghosts attack people they know, person who the ghosts don't attack people they know, or a ghost: Tell if you are one of the three characters who has ghosts attack people they know, or if you are not one, or if you are a ghost. ______________________________ Alright here is the info for my character: Name: Sky Mortin Age: 23 Gender: Male Appearance: Straight blonde hair, usually gelled up in one of the latest fashion trends. Blue eyes. A thin but not really scrawny body and fairly tall. He usually dresses up in the latest fashion trends too. He always wears a silver pendant in the shape of a dragon that used to be his grandfather's a while back. Location: Los Angeles Personality: Friendly and fun loving mostly all of the time he can get very stressed and angry if something is going on. He is usually very outgoing and always trying, to no avail, to try and impress the ladies. He has very expensive taste, and can sometimes be conceited. He cares very much for the friends that he has and will always be there for them. He has no problem with breaking the rules as long as there isn't a huge consequence or if he thinks he won't get caught, which is most of the time because he is usually pretty cocky. Biography: Growing up in a fairly wealthy family as an only child he had always been a good student who worked as hard as he could. He didn't do too good but he wasn't bad either. He got mainly B's. He wasn't popular in school but he wasn't a loser either. His mother had run away when he was 13 and his father really never got him. Sky had always been interested in acting. His father didn't really approve of that, being a lawyer, and thinking acting was girly and for gays. Never on good terms with his father he was constantly out of the house. And got the first chance he could to move out. He had had one girlfriend and they had been dating for four years but they broke up a month before his 20th birthday. Persuing his acting career he has appeared in comercials and some Motion Pictures only as either extras or a person with one or two lines. He lives in a pretty fancy apartment and has more than enough money, though he doesn't want to buy a home. He enjoys coffe, video games, movies, and the normal type of thing. Person who has ghosts attack people they know, not one of those people, or ghost: He is a one of the three characters who has the ghost attack people who are related to him in some way. ______________________________ Alright, so sign up to join this wonderful RPG and i'll start it up once i feel we have enough people. Come on and join!!!
Good job you guys! Its kind of weird how all of our songs relate to relationships and them braking up and how we get that inspiration for making a song. I don't really have any critisicm at all! But i wish there was some way that we could do a sound byte post where we could hear the songs. Then we would get the whole feel of it. Inuyashagurl, try and find the rest of your song! I'd like to read it. Just one question for you guys, what did you think of mine? Any suggestions? Thanks.