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Everything posted by thethespian

  1. I know some people out there have musical ability like myself, :D and have composed their own songs. Here you can write down your lyrics and the genre of the music. Whether its upbeat, lowbeat, rap, heavy metal, classic, pop, or just how the music is. Here is my song and i would like comments please! [U]When you left me[/U] The darkness closes in, there's nowhere left to run, now that you left me here. ohhhhhhh the thing i still don't know, is why you disappeared, my heart is still with you, but where is yours? And now I see, that you and me, were never what, we meant to be, and now you're gone, and i can't do, anything except, just think of you. And every day, i hope and pray, that i can see, your gorgeous face, for just in case, you have something, left in your heart, please anything? We're throught is what you said, you made me lose my head, for my soul you caused trouble, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh we were unseprable, so i thought we were ok, but your heart just flew, .............................. .............................. away. Alright, there is my song and it is more of a slow tempo song meant to be depressing. Yeah, so please give me your comments and post your songs.
  2. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by SadClown My favorite thing about this thread is how everyone is critisizing the movies and saying how bad they are eventhough so much work went into making them. I'd like to see any of you do better. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey, nowhere in my post did I say that i thought that i could do better. I do think they are good, i just think that they have some things that they could work on. In fact i love those movies!!! I have both of them and i can't wait for the third one to come out!! The movies were well done but the whole, well i don't know the exact word for it but they just could've done better from converting the book to a movie. They did do a good job. They just could've done a tiny bit better.
  3. I had another dream. It was about me and two friends and this older guy i didn't know. We were walking through this vacant scary parking lot when all of the sudden, two soldiers or something start shooting at us with a mashine gun. We run into this building, my friend ahead of me but she stays back to help my other friend. Me and the older guy run towards this room where we are hidden. All of the sudden i hear the screams of my two friends and i know they are dead. There are a whole bunch of soldier people in this place and they are shooting at other people too with laser guns. One guy comes in and tries to shoot us but i grab the laser gun from him and i shoot him. Then i end up shooting a whole bunch of other people and then... Well, the rest of the dream is kinda a blur. I can't remember too much after that except for i was walking up these weird suspended stairs in mid air.
  4. "What do you think" Tsicoro said. Kitty: About what? Tsicoro: About everything Kitty: I don't think about it. I just fight, and protect. Tsicoro: Yes, but can't you think about it? Kitty: I could, but I'd rather not Tsicoro: Well, alright then. If you don't mind i think I'm going to take a tour around this castle. Kitty: Why would i care? Tsicoro: I don't know. Just figured I ought to let someone know. And with that, Tsicoro strolled out of the room. He started walking through the corridors and passageways, occasionaly opening up a door to see what was behind it. He was thinking to himself all the way. "There was this strange vibe that girl Raven gave off. I'm sure i've felt it before." Tsicoro thought. And then it clicked. "that dream, the dream i had and... and when i was in the forest! That girl! The girl who fell! She gave off the same sort of vibe, just a bit weaker! I must go tell the others!! They must be connected in some way!" Tsicoro started to walk back but then he realized that he was lost. Walking up stairs, through passageways, walking down stairs, ever downwards, down, down, down. "Now, i know i haven't been here yet, but it must lead to some way where i can get out of this place." Tsicoro pondered. The passageways were getting darker and darker and suddenly he came to a point where right ahead of him was pure blackness. "Lumson Herlay!" Tsicoro yelled as a blast of light shot out of his hands. The light went into the blackness but did not light it up. "What is this?" he wondered. Just then the darkness moved steadily towards him growing faster with every second. Tsicoro started to run back but darkness was on the other side too. The darkness then swallowed him whole. Tsicoro couldn't see anything. But then out of the darkness he heard the familiar voice of Raven, "You know too much. The others can not know that I posess her body. You must be eliminated" "Bring it on" Tsicoro said with fake bravery. " Shotilu Needilomus!" he shouted spraying needles everywhere since he didn't know where Raven was. The needles plunged out of his hands but then headed back toward him. He quickly jumped and dodged his own needles. He quickly reached back and unsheathed his sword hoping that he could just madly hack away at the darkness until he reached Raven. But all of the sudden the sword began to glow gold and the darkness started to ebb away. He thought he could hear a faint screaming of Raven, but he didn't sit on that fact much longer. He started running up the stairs and eventually he found his way back. "Miroku, Miroku!!" he shouted as he saw Miroku standing in the hall Miroku: What? Tsicoro: You won't believe what just happened.
  5. I thought the Fifth book was amazing!!! J.K. Rowling has outdone herself yet again! I agree with some people about how i didn't like the way Harry acted but yet again i agree with Lady Asphyxia on how he is 15. He's going to act like that. And plus, reality and how he acted made the book more real. I think the fifth book is my favorite one. So many new surprises and unexpected stuff. Harry is basically a real person and you can really see how he's grown and other things throughout all the books. I can hardly wait till the 6th one comes out, but when the seventh comes out, i'll be sad cuz it'll be the last book. :'( UNLESS, of course Rowling decides to make a more books of Harry, Ron, and Hermione after they leave Hogwarts. Where their futures and careers take them. With the movies, i think they are well done. But they could've definately been better. One thing that bothers me about them is how they cut all the stuff out but also because in the first one, the actors are around 11 and they're supposed to be. But now in the second one they're supposed to be 12, and they're around 14 now. But the music and special effects are wonderful!! Especially the music. I've got the sound track and i love it dearly. lol.
  6. Theatre is basically my life!!!!!!!!! I LOVE IT SOO MUCH!!! Being on stage just sends me on an Ultimate High! I've been doing it since Kindergarten, and i aspire to be in a major motion picture. I have an agent already so i'm already on my way to accomplish my dream!!! YAHHOOOOO! Alright so here's all the show type stuff i've done. Kindergarten: The Magic School Bus Lost in Space, Arnold 1st-3rd grade, i didn't really do much though i did small things, like make some home movies and stuff. I also did "The Trouble with Swindlers" as a swindler. Fourth grade: Willy Wonka, Mr. Beareguard Fifth Grade: Kids For Kids, Chorus Grease, Teen Angel and Tom Sound Of Music, Kurt Snow White, Doc Sixth Grade: Sound of Music (a lot bigger production than before), Friedrich Friedrich (completely different play), Friedrich A Broadway Revue, Danny in the Grease part of it, and chorus in Oliver The Secret Garden, Dreamer Child Show Choir Seventh Grade: The Music Man, Teen Chorus (major production) Revenge of The Space Pandas, The Retainer (a space soldier) Show Choir Jazz Choir I also had an audition for an industrial movie but i wasn't the type of person they were looking for so i didn't make it. I've also had some acting classes with my agent this year. I'm in seventh grade right now, so I'm sure there will be a lot more plays to come this year. Our school is holding auditions for Guys and Dolls soon. I want to audition for Sky.
  7. .[QUOTE]By the way, guys who sing (well) and act...*sigh* I think I love you already, thethespian!! lol[/QUOTE] lol, awww shucks. Thanks. I'm glad someone appreciates me for what i do. And as for the Prima Donna thing with Tenors, i agree. Though the only reason i'm a tenor right now is cuz my voice is still changing. I don't know what i'll eventually be. My older sister is like, "who's my little Bass?" and in a deep low voice i'm like "i am" lol. its funny. Well, ummmm not that you'd care really about that. But ummm, yeah, i'm going now
  8. I sing sooooooooooo much!!! It is one of my favorite things to do, besides acting. I sing at home, at school, during class (which really annoys some people. Not that i'm bad or anything, i just sing A LOT), and i am in choir, show choir (auditions required) and Jazz choir (auditions required). IN choir i sing baritone, possibly Tenor. I'm not exactly sure. But the other boys in my chorus are well.....to say the least, they're not that good. *cough*they're horrible*cough* I'm serious though. None of them try to sing out at all, and I'm the only one in my chorus who even tries to sing in my headvoice during Jingle Bell Rock. Our Chorus teacher gave us that one which as the altos as Soprano 2s the Sopranoes as Soprano 1s and the boys as altos. It is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too high! Not to mention, our chorus teacher does the same songs just about every year, and all she ever does is call us names and critisize us. Well, us meaning in general, but she kinda embarasses me sometimes by saying that I'm sitting up so straight, and i'm singing out, and i have a good voice, and she asked me if i could come to both choir concerts. We have two choruses so there are two concerts. Not that i don't like the attention, it just gives others another reason to be all like "Well there goes Ricky, he's probably gonna get an A+ in Chorus just like all his other subjects." And it also gives them another reason to think I'm gay, which I'm not. Everyone thinks that I'm gay just because I'm good at singing and i like it, and i'm good at acting and i like it. IT IS REALLY REALLY STUPID!! GAHH! anyway, as to the funding, i think they pay a little less then they should. They could do a lot more. Well, thats my story. I hope you loved it with all of your heart.
  9. I personally think that "Elf" isn't really a "kiddie" movie. One of my friends who is 16 years old saw it with his girlfriend and they thought it was hilarious! I want to see it too and i agree with other people. Whats wrong with movies that don't have guns, and mature features i ask you. And also, Will Ferrel is a human being capable of making his own decisions of what he wants to do. It could be that he just wants to do this type of movie more, he may not be desperate. And when he was on SNL and in "Old School", that didn't mean he enjoyed that type of stuff more. He might be just good at it. Actors have emotions too you know, they may like some things and not like others. Just like I'm extremely good at Math but its my least favorite subject! Will Ferrel is allowed to do what he wants. Thank you, and good night.
  10. Name- Ricky Age-12-16, you decide. I act different ages sometimes Hair color- It depends Eye color- My eyes also change colour. Height- I don't know for sure, but probably around 5 foot five Wardwobe- Prep clothes i guess Personality- I'm nice, friendly, very smart, and sometimes random, i may be conceited at times but you know. Hair style- ummm, straight? somtimes parted, sometimes flipped up in the front, or as my teacher would call it, a flippy-doo. Hobbies- ACTING!!! I am very very big into acting, in fact my goal is to be in a movie. I also like singing, bowling, computer, video games, tv, friends, water skiing, skiing, swimming, and dancing to some extent. Favorite foods- Pizza, ice cream, chinese, cous cous, TACO BELL and WENDY'S!!! *Other stuff- well, there's not much other stuff. Except for people i don't even know in my school are rude and mean to me but i don't let them bother me cuz i always have my friends on my side. Oh, and one other thing, I HAVE A MATH PROJECT DUE TOMMOROW!
  11. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- actually, i have a published poem.......or three. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Really? I've published one poem so far. It's not that good, but i guess it was good enough to be published. My other ones in my first post on here are probably my best poems. Yeah, here's the poem that i got published. Spring Spring has sprung winters done the robins sing their song as butterflies and other birds fly along in the warm spring air, at the spring fair. I look at all these things now and its simple to tell that i have found, spring has sprung winters done summer is right around the bend but spring seems to have no end. Yeah, i personally like my Darkness poem and my Autumn memories poem the best. I have to think up new ones now.
  12. Hmmm.... The Cat in The Hat. My first impressioin is that it seems kinda young. I don't really know though. The grinch kinda seemed young too but when i saw it i thought it was amazing!!! AMAZING!!! lol. Mike Myers is a very funny comedian, and im sure he'll bring a lot more to the movie. I have to disagree with you people who say the animated ones are better. I personally think that the real life movies make the movie, well... more real! ITs also better because, i don't know, i can't really explain it. There's just something about the real movies that i really like. It could be because im aspiring to be a movie actor, but i don't know. But i do agree on some extent about changing books to movies. I'm ok with the Grinch and probably The Cat in the hat because they weren't really stories that i really really liked. But as in some movies, like "Harry Potter" i was a bit upset cuz they changed stuff from the book and that series is my ultimate favorite. But they still did a good job on the movie so it didn't really matter that much. I think i'll give The Cat in The Hat a try. If i don't like it, oh well. Atleast i'll have snacks from the consessions! And plus, i don't think i'll absolutely hate it! I think that i'll atleast enjoy it to some extent.
  13. I love the previews! Well, i agree with some of you people in saying how some previews ruin the whole movie. But, for a lot of adventure movies i love seeing the theatrical trailers and also i love seeing trailers at the movies of movies that i want to see. It just gets me prepared for what they're going to be like and stuff. It also kinda gives me my "dose" of that movie, especially if its something that is based on a book i really love. Like "Harry Potter", i neeeed harry potter!! It just kinda fills me so im satisfied for the moment of Harry Potter. lol. Speaking of which, that theatrical trailer for Harry Potter gave me goosebumps. lol. ok, im stopping about Harry now. I also agree with hating that super fast editing stuff. aghhh!! alright, there you go.
  14. Just wanted to say this, i know it can be frusterating to not get the name you want sometimes but theres also a chance that some members just don't have that much time to post. Like myself. This site is just a great place for me to hang out when i get the time. I try to post as much as i can but with all my plays and my parents and siblings i just can't get on much. My suggestion is to, say you wanted InuYasha but that was taken. Just do a different twist on the name sumthing like InuYasha422 or The_real_Inuyasha or anything that has to do with it. Well, thats my advice, as said before in the post by Inuluver1, don't hate me for going against your suggestion. Im just giving my own suggestion after all.
  15. Yeah, i guess Student council could get things done, cuz schools are different and my school could just be weird. But if its advice you want, tell people how you really feel, and i suggest making yourself known. Put up posters and everything but dont' make promises you can't keep. And don't do corny things either like, I will get two vending mashines in the cafeteria and stuff like that, it rarely works. Good luck with your campaign and give what the people need, not necessarily what they want.
  16. Man, I love haunted houses! Well, actually, i've never quite been to one but they still seem really cool. I have been to this really really really cool place about 30 or so minutes away from here. Its got a really cool Haunted Hay ride, which is really fun! There are a lot of people in scary costumes throughout the whole thing, and then there are different parts of the place like the forest, swamp, mad scientists, witches house, and so many other stuff. There is also a place where they have this pretty decent sized maze where there is a lot of creepy stuff inside, i was too scared to go through. Halloween is my ultimate favorite holiday, and i always get that special feeling. lsdjflkdajfsa!!!! Yay~!
  17. My ultimate favorite roller coasters are definately the superman ride of steel at Six Flags Darien Lake and Batman at six flags Great America. They are sooooo much fun! You can feel the huge adrenalin rush on those two rides, and the Batman is really really fast! It is so amazing, even after that was done and we were back at the station getting off, everyone was still screaming! I love rollercoasters so much! I'm not sure exactly what my favorite ride in general is, but those are definately my two favorite rollercoasters.
  18. My best fighter would have to be Young Link, for some reason hes even better than regular link for me. I've mastered all of his moves and i hardly ever lose with him. I've beaten the game so im kinda bored with it now. Does anyone know of any secrets that can be unlocked?
  19. "This Castle" Tsicoro exclaimed, "its huge!" Sesshomaru: Indeed, and this will be your room. Tsicoro nodded "thanks" Tsicoro walked inside his room, "Plenty of extra space," He thought "What am i going to do with all of this? Well, i suppose we wont be staying too long. We do need to continue our journey sometime." Tsicoro plopped down on his bed heaving out a big sigh. Suddenly a sharp pain disrupted his train of thought. "Ow!" There was a tiny gash running down his arm with blood dripping down. In the heat of the moment, Tsicoro hadn't realized his injury from that monster. "ugh" he sighed then with a wave of his hand the wound mended, not completely but it did feel much better. Suddenly Kittie stepped into the room "hey tsicoro" she said "you can head on down to banquet hall, dinners about to start." Tsicoro: Thanks, i'll be there in a minute. Hey Kittie, do you have any idea what that thing was? Kittie: Nope, but whatever it is, im sure it was working for someone. Usually random monsters don't come out of nowhere and just attack. Tsicoro: Hmmm.... Thanks, i'll be there in a second. Kittie left the room and Tsicoro stayed on his bed for a few moments trying to solve some still lingering questions, of course he couldn't. After a while he figured he better head down for a meal. He was walking down the hall when he heard the voices of InuYasha and Kaira coming from a room with the door ajar. Cautiously he stood beside the door listening. He knew he shouldn't be but, sometimes you just can't help it. InuYasha: You've woken up? Are you ok? Kaira: I'm fine im fine, don't worry about me. InuYasha: Are you sure? You were pretty badly wounded. Kaira: It's no that bad you can still do other stuff without me. InuYasha: but i care about you. well, I guess you're right. It's just well, nevermind. I think i'll head down for dinner. You up to it? Kaira: Umm im not really hungry. InuYasha: Hows about i bring something back up for you. Kaira: no, im fine InuYasha gets up and then notices that Tsicoro is behind the door. InuYasha: ANd what do you think you're doing!!! Tsicoro: nothing i was just- InuYasha: You were just eavesdropping on me weren't you? Tsicoro: Of course not, i was just passing by for dinner. InuYasha: MMhmm! Now that your here do you think you could make sure that Kaira is ok? Im sure you know about her injury! Tsicoro: Sure. And just to let you know, im sorry. Tsicoro walked over to Kaira's bed, put his hand on her forehead, closed his eyes, and silently muttered an incantation. Kaira: Thanks but im fine! Tsicoro: You're very welcome. Tsicoro walked over out of the room. Tsicoro: (to inuyasha) well, are you coming? InuYasha: and why do you need me to go with you? Tsicoro: Well, i kinda forgot the way.
  20. Just to let ya know, Student Council isn't all that great, i was on it once and we NEVER got anything done. Sure, we talked about stuff but really we didn't do anything. The principal did everything and none of the adult staff really listened to our ideas anyway. it really sucked. Now your school might be different than mine but still you have to consider all the responsibility and the pressure of doing it. All the extra things to be done, parties you have to miss, and all that kinda stuff. First ask yourself right now, are you sure you want to do this?
  21. of course i do! and just to let you guys know, with my first poem that has to do with darkness, i didn't get the idea from her! She got it from me, we're friends so we know eachother. Well, here it goes Blackness I have plunged into a world of darkness. around me are scatterd hopes and dreams being dissintegrated by the blackness. I try to reach for them but i fall. The swirling mist of sadness washes over me while i sob into the darkness. No more shall i see the light. No more shall my heart be alive. No more. No more. I feel like dieing what is the point of living if its living like this. With just swirling blackness all around me. I fall the darkness swallowing me whole but i am caught. I am caught by the single teardrop of someone. Someone near but yet so far. They pull me up through that nightmarish place. They lift my soul my thoughts and dreams flow back to me and i see the face of you bringing me back to the place i had thought i'd never be again. Happiness. Thanks for being my friend. I thought u were my friend. but when i when i was up in happiness. I was thrown back down to the depths of despair. You said u didn't care, deep inside i knew u did. I still wait for that one moment. When i will see that teardrop of u. But this time i hope its pure. I hope its real. For i wish to get out of this depressing hell. I want to be back where i was before, but this time, i want to stay. If u do care, show me. Autumn Memories (i didn't get this idea from her either!) Walking through the colourful forest, leaves of every hue showing so bright in my eyes, i walk onward, towards lichened rocks, glazed with memories so long forgotten. I hear the gentle sough of the wind, sounding like voices, voices i can not seem to grasp in my mind, but are there in my heart. The wind grows stronger, blowing through my hair, awakening all of my senses, but also awakening reality. The forest is no longer full of colours, but it is blighted. Pensively, i sit on a decomposing stump knowing why i am here. Tears roll silently from my eyes, as i start drowning in this melancholy world. Halloween (ok this one i got the idea from her but its still different) Evil lurks round every bend, spirits, ghosts, spell casters too, fleeing from evil, fleeing from disaster. The darkness sends me on an ultimate high! The mystery, excitement, the feeling of it all! The most wonderful thing about fall! Being something u are not normally! Going around in the night! Searching for treats for ur delight! Hoping some evil monster comes to give you some adventure. The clock tolls twelve the evil is gone. Not one more fright. well, this is good bye till next year, halloween night! This poem was kinda weird and stupid but its still HALOWEEEEEEEEEEEN! i got lots of other poems too but i don't want to post em now
  22. im thinking some kind of legendary warrior or somethin. With a cape!!! and sword!!! yeah, haven't officially decided yet but i think thats what im doin.
  23. I would undo all the stupid things i've done in my life. And the other thing. Im not saying it but you know, sometimes you're embarassed. And its hard. But i seriously wish there was a undo button. But sometimes not. If there was a redo button then who i am today wouldn't be who i am if there was such thing. Every thing that i have done in my life shapes myself. Though i would like to undo the stupid things i have done, when i do i won't have the experience or the knowledge i gained from doing those things. *sigh*
  24. I want my life to be pretty much the same. Except for i want more action and adventure in my life. Like a movie! Especially if i got to go on a mission with my friends. I also want something paranormal to happen. i would also like to as you said before be able to do things that arent possible. But i also agree with the other people, if you could control your life it wouldn't really be you. But i wouldn't want to know what would actually happen in my life. I would just want some sort of an adventure to go on. And besides this is just our dream life not the one we really are living in. The one we are living in is hard. And we have to handle it.
  25. well, lets see here babushka moo cow moose MOOOOOO okely dokely potato preposterous cheese sowieso blargenfiddiblenohip very well british accents (no i don't say "british accents" i talk in them) crum the fence schmoo like opk quakenbush shipoopi!! and thats about all i can think of
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