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Everything posted by thethespian

  1. I once had a dream. It was about me and a couple of Friends. I didn't really know any of them but they were my friends. I do know one of them was my friend Adam and there were two other boys. We were at some skiing place and it was winter. We were laughing and joking around. We went down the slopes a couple of times and when we were back up on the mountain in our cabin we learned that someone died on the slopes. We didn't really care because it didn't have to do with us. Then we learned that another little kid had died on the slopes. Once again, we didn't care. We went back out on the slopes and the wind was realy fierce now, u couldn't see anything. We started down. I quickly lost them in the huge mass of snow in the air. I fell. I could almost feel the impact when i hit the ground i could almost feel me bouncing and rolling down the hill. I could basically feel the cold wind tearing at my face and whipping through my hair when i took my hat off while i was rolling. But, i could definately feel the fear that i was going to die. I rolled, bounced, and got hurt all the way to the bottom. When i got down to the bottom my skies had fallen off and i got up to check on my friends. all of my friends, adam and the other two .......they were....dead.I was the only one to survive. I started crying and crying thinking it was all my fault. I felt guilty that i was the only one who hadn't died and that i should've died with them. I wanted to kill myself but i held back. I got back up to my cabin still pouring my eyes out. I slumped on the bed and just bauled. I woke up, sweaty, my blankets in knots. Tears tempted my eyes but i blinked them away. I was so sad and i still am now. Even though that dream wasn't real. It still feels like it. I can remember that dream vividly, every single horrible little detail even though u forget most dreams u have.
  2. Tsicoro wondered through the night about the incident with the blade. "why did it behave for me when it didn't even behave for Kyp?" tsicoro thought "tommorow i'll talk more to Kyp about it, and Miroku too, he seems to know a little bit about it also" Tsicoro was very happy to finally meet some new people, and if they were, as they claimed, to be on his side, he was pretty sure they could grow to be friends. They seemed nice enough, though InuYasha did, as Miroku had said, definately have a temper. "Ah well" he pondered, " i can get over that" Thinking about all of the days events, tsicoro started to drift off to sleep. Tsicoro was walking through the forest. As he stepped by trees, they turned into wood carvings of all the people he had met that day, Kyp, Miroku, Kagome, InuYasha, Kitty, Sango, Shippo, kaira, and even Kilala! He walked onward and he came to that very same clearing and he saw that strange girl fall once more. All of the sudden 16 blades, one larger than the rest, came rushing towards him at full speed. He cast spells to slow them down, none of them worked, one by one they started forming a cage around him as the forest turned into a massive place of pure darkness and tsicoro was engulfed by it. "AHHHHHH!" Tsicoro awoke with a start. Kyp: What? Wha happened? Whats wrong? Tsicoro: Huh? oh umm nothing. Just a dream. Sorry for waking you. Kyp: Thas alri....*snore* Kyp had fallen back asleep. "man" Tsicoro thought, "the others are heavy sleepers. Im surprised they didn't hear me. Good thing too. I wouldn't want them all to be mad at me." Just a dream, he had said, just a dream. But as Tsicoro lay back down, he started to think it was maybe something more.
  3. Tsicoro was in his cabin after training hard all day at the secret location of a waterfall. Meditating there and practicing his sword techniques had always seemed more calming there. He had yet to get himself some dinner. Dinner had always been difficult to cook up. He was still learning to cook properly, he had grown up in the major villaiges and usually just stolen food from the different families who left their tables, and mostly markets. Of course, he didn't always have to do that. Up until he was four years old his mother and father would get him everything he needed. Then there was that terrible night, Tsicoro had been in his room, just about to fall asleep. Then there was a defeaning crash heard at the entrance to his home. He sat bolt up in his bed, as he heard two screams coming from his parents room. He quitely snuck out of his room to see what was going on. Naraku was standing in the doorway of his parents room advancing on his mother and father every second. Tsicoro ran out of the house and hid out in the forest, hearing the horrid screams of his only family. Tsicoro shook his head and tried to forget the memory. He felt ashamed though, because if he had had his skills in the sword and had known more about his magic, he could've killed Naraku right there. "Oh well" he sighed "What has been done has been done. I will get my revenge someday. I hear that Naraku is dead, but im sure those rumors are false." Tsicoro quietly cooked his dinner. Chicken with potatoes, again. It was about the only thing he knew how to make well. He needed a friend, someone who would teach him to cook! He ate his meal outside. The sun was just about to set. "No, i think i want a bit more daylight" he thought to himself and with some effort he cried "Dalatius moro!" The sun slowed down. "Ahh, thats bet-" he was cut off, in the distance of the wood, he heard some voices talking. He went closer to the forest, using his ability of invisibility he quietly looked to see who his trespassers were. Their voices were coming closer with every step he took. He came to a clearing where he saw a woman who looked about twenty and a man who looked about 18. They were talking about something. He heard their convorsation, apparently the man was a monk and the woman had attacked someone named Kagome. Suddenly, the woman slumped to her knees and clutched her side grimacing in pain. "GO NOW!" she yelled. The man took off running, and Tsicoro followed. The man met up with a girl, "Miroku, where have you been?" she asked. "Ahh" Tsiroco thought "So his name is Miroku" Tsicoro stepped out and uncloaked himself from invisibility. Miroku and the girl stepped back and Miroku held out his fist and prepared to take the string of beads from it. Tsicoro: Hold on there! I don't mean any harm! I just followed you because I thought you might be in trouble for that girl was starting to act very strangely. I wanted to know if i could help. I heard something about attacking a Kagome? Kagome: I'm Kagome! Miroku: I think we'd all like to know who you are. Tsicoro: Oh, im terribly sorry. My name is Tsicoro, now, i don't want you to run away, but i am a half/human. I wield magical powers, but i promise, i will not hurt you. Not unless you work for that evil Naraku of course. He killed my parents when i was just a boy. If you are against him, i am on your side. And believe me, you wouldn't want me not to be. Kagome: Then we are on your side too. Come on, lets go find the others. Im sure they'd love to meet you.
  4. Name: Tsicoro Age: 21 Race: Half-Human/ Half-demon Power/Weapon: Advanced magic and wields a magical sword Gender: Male Personality: He is a laid back type of person and always likes to join in the fun. He can be serious when he needs to be though. Most people see him as...well, most people don't see him unless they're fighting him or they're his friends. Well, actually everyone sees him but his life of being a half/human has lead most humans to not like him. Biography: He has been training with the sword since he was a little boy and only vaguely had concentrated on his powers. Since he was 14 he started focusing more on his powers and is now a master on magic. Being isolated from the country, he was brought up in one of the most expensive parts of his country. His parents were murdered when he was only 5 by Naraku which started his training with swords. His most important goal in life is to avenge his parents and seek out that murderer and kill Naraku. He is used to having to do things himself but is not used to the life of the country. Having now friends in his childhood is what has made him so friendly now. He wants to reclaim his childhood by developing friends. But in his current state he only has one, Mako. He is currently residing in the country which he still needs to get used to. Still looking for a girlfriend he tries his hardest but being a half human, he hasn't had much luck. Image/Appearance: [url]http://images.google.com/images?q=blond+anime+character&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en[/url]
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