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Logan opened a large double door, which led into the cafeteria. He extended his arm to beckon the boys in. Sil followed. [B]Logan:[/B] Knock yourself out guys. With that, Logan left Craig, Andrew and Sil to eat. He went back into the foyer, and Xavier was waiting for him there. [B]Logan:[/B] Are you sure about taking on this many kids so soon doc? [B]Xavier:[/B] I think it's worth a try. Keep an eye on those two especially Logan... Magneto will bay special attention to Craig, and Andrew's power has not awakened yet. I think that when it does, he could become a threat to the others. [B]Logan:[/B] Why's that? [B]Xavier:[/B] There is a beast growing inside of him... and when it awakens, it will take over his body as well as his mind. Andrew will not know what is happening. Also, I was thinking of making some kind of small metal profectiles for Craig to use as weapons, they will also help him focus his power. After they have eaten, we'll gather all the syudents together, and show them they're X-suits. [B]Logan:[/B] Your call doc.
Xavier led Craig and Andrew out of Craig's room, which was near the top of the stairs. Craig looked about, taking in the massive foyer... it was all a bit too much to take in. Down at the base of the stairs, there was a tall, rugged man. [B]Xavier:[/B] Ah, there's Logan. [B]Craig:[/B] And he is? [B]Xavier:[/B] He is the only other teacher in the school at the moment besides myself. [B]Andrew:[/B] So... what can he do? Logan pounced up the stairs. [B]Logan:[/B] Accelerated healing, immunity to every disease, and then my bones are made of unbreakable metal... and I've got these! Logan's claws shot out of his knuckles, which made both Craig and Andrew look on in awe. However, a sneaky grin came across Craig's face as he realised the advantage he had over this man. Xavier noticed, and he even had to smile weakly. [B]Xavier:[/B[ Craig, I must stress that you don't practice your power on Logan... he has quite a short temper. [B]Logan:[/B] Oh yeah... what can this kid do anyway? [B]Xavier:[/B] Well... his power is basically a limited version of Magneto's. [B]Logan:[/B] Ugh... that's all I need. Come on boys, I'll show you to the canteen. Logan began walking down the stairs, and the two boys followed. Craig couldn't help but notice how... wooly Andrew was. [B]Craig:[/B] So ugh... what's with all the hair? [B]Andrew:[/B] I'd tell you if I knew. I think I'm turning into an animal or something... I can feel my senses getting stronger, and I think my arms are getting longer. [B]Craig:[/B] Sounds... nice. Craig and Andrew smiled at each other, a mutual respect was formed instantly, a knowledge that they were both gifted, and that they were both in this together. [B]Xavier:[/B] Oh, and please stay away from the danger room for a while... it's still out of bounds to [B]all[/B] students.
Craig's eyes snapped open... and he was in a white room (de ja vu huh?). He immediately sat up, and looked at his chest. The wound was bandaged heavily, but it was no longer bleeding. A bald man, seemingly disabled by the wheelchair, sat next to the bed, staring at Craig with his index fingers pressed to his lips. [B]Xavier:[/B] How do you feel? [B]Craig:[/B] Ugh... okay I guess. Hey, where the hell am I? [B]Xavier:[/B] You are in my "school for gifted teenagers". No doubt you know you have special powers. In this school, I can help you to control them. [B]Craig:[/B] Oh great. Last guy that offered me that did this to me. *Points to bandaged chest*. [B]Xavier:[/B] Yes, unfortunately Magneto reached you before I could. He is a very powerful mutant, and you angered him greatly. You see, you have his power, be it a very limited form at the moment. You have the potential to grow into a truely powerful being... and he wanted to control that. [B]Craig:[/B] Damn... that's a lotta news to take in one meeting. [B]Xavier:[/B] Hmm, then I shall make my offer blunt. Stay at this school, learn to control and enhance your power. You will also be in a good home, with others like you. [B]Craig:[/B] *Sighs* Well, anythings better than going back to my uncle. Okay, you got yourself a deal. [B]Xavier:[/B] Excellent... maybe you would like to go and get something to eat?
Okay guys, for the sake of the plot in this RPG (yes, there is a plot)... I've decided to change my character. The "Wolverine" Craig will now be referred to as Logan... and he will be about 26, completely familiar with his powers, and the second teacher in the mansion (Much like he is on Xmen: Evolution). He will no longer be completely controlled by me, but another NPC like Xavier. To see what my new character is like, please check my edited bio. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Craig sat in his bedroom, inside his Uncle's flat in the bad part of New York City. He had been here for near enough four years now, and expressed very little interest in anything except honing his ability. He was getting fairly good, he could lift small metal objects like pens or spectacles with very little effort... and with great concentration he was able to move things like street lights, or even busses. He did, however, have very little knowledge of the limits of his power... and he knew no-one who did. His uncle was a drunk, held three jobs, and he was always argueing with Craig. His name was Larry. Craig got up, and picked up his trench coat. He walked out of his bedroom, and headed for the flat's door. [B]Larry:[/B] Hey boy, where d'ya think y'er goin'? [B]Craig:[/B] Out. [B]Larry:[/B] Like hell y'are! I'm sick of this shít all the damn time. Always gettin' in trouble, makin' me look like a bad guardian. [B]Craig:[/B] You are a bad guardian... you'd see it if you put down the drink bottle for a while. [B]Larry:[/B] What'd you say? [B]Craig:[/B] I called you a pathetic alchoholic who is a pathetic excuse for an uncle, and who had no friends and can't hold down a job because he is always stealing from the work place. [B]Larry:[/B] Oh, don't make me take my belt to you boy. [B]Craig:[/B] Try it... old man. [B]Larry:[/B] Dat's it boy. Craig's uncle got up, and pulled out a knife. Craig smirked, and raised his hand towards knife. He closed his eyes, and concentrated, and the knife flew out of his uncle's hand, and turned on him, the blade stopping only millimetres from his eyes. Craig opened his eyes, and smiled once more. [B]Craig:[/B] Now, uncle... I'm going to leave. I don't know when I'll be back, or who with, but if you ever... ever try to threaten me again, I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop the knife next time. With that, Craig lowered his hand, and the knife fell to the floor. He raised his toehr hand to the door, and the handle turned, opening the door. With another look at Larry, who was clearly shocked beyond belief, Craig walked out of the door, shutting it behind him. Craig was amazed when he saw, standing before him, a huge figure, dressed in red and black, with a metal helmet that shadowed his entire face. [B]???:[/B] Hello there Craig. My name is Magneto... [B]Craig:[/B] Wow, New York really does have every kind of freak. If you don't mind, mr Magnet man, I have places to go. [B]Magneto:[/B] Yes, it truely does have every kind of freak... but then again, you'd know, wouldn't you? [B]Craig:[/B] What's that supposed to mean? [B]Magneto:[/B] Oh please, spare me. I know what you are... and let me tell you, I've been paying very special attention to you. [B]Craig:[/B] Well... if you know what I can do, then you know not to mess with me... especially if you're wearing that metal suit. Magneto broke into a shrill chuckle. A tinge of fear and unsurety ran through Craig at that moment. [B]Magneto:[/B] Listen boy... there is a reason I am called Magneto. I am the MASTER, or magnetism. Your power is impressive, but it is only a fraction of my own. [B]Craig:[/B] Is that so? We'll see. Conveniently, a crobar was resting against the wall near Craig's feet. He held out one hand, closing his eyes again, and the metal bar rose. This brought a smile to Magneto's shadowed face, as he muttered "Good!" Under his breath. The crobar shot towards Magneto, and he broke out into laughter. Magneto didn't move a muscle, and yet the crobar stopped in mid-air. Craig felt as if he was trying to push the crobar through an invisible, and utterly inpenetrable wall. [B]Magneto:[/B] I'm impressed boy... you certainly have a knack for it. With time and much training, you may even grow to be as strong as me. Will you let me train you? [B]Craig:[/B] ... Hell... no. Your going down... old man. [B]Magneto:[/B] So be it... Suddenly, Craig felt a force coming from Magneto that completely overwhelmed his own. The crobar shot towards him, his power rendered useless against the massive force he was competing with. The crobar drove through Craig's stomach, and he fell to his knees, clutching the wound. Magneto laughed once more, then left. Craig, with the last of his strength, focused on the crobar, and removed it from his chest, before passing out.
[B]Craig:[/B] She can fly... but I have the power of enhanced healing. [B]Ken:[/B]... I fail to see the advantage. [B]Craig:[/B] Well... I could get onto the roof of the mansion, and leap at her... and if I miss... I have a good chance of surviving. [B]Ken:[/B] o_o'''. [B]Craig:[/B] Good plan? [B]Ken:[/B] Ugh... in a word... no.
"Mesa agree with you completely Boby"... now please excuse me, I have to go shoot myself. Yeah, I agree with what you say about Yoda... which I why I say his speech is greatly superior. I'd love to hear him singing a song. On a sompletely different note... my esteemed bounty hunter Boba, how many credits would it cost me for you to... take care of a certain Gungan?
My, Mr Xavier sure does get about. I can't wait to see him atop the great wall of China as he trains a few of us in the danger room at the same time. :rolleyes: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Craig found peace inside the bare dojo. His room felt to conservative, the living room was too formal, the kitchen was always occupied. This room, it was cool, bare, with a dull wooden floor, and dark. Craig liked it here. Since he was 5, he had been training in Martial Arts, he excelled in Jeet Kune Do and Wushu. However, he hadn't practised either of them in over 4 years, and so he decided to take the night, and get over his rustyness. His hands flew, crossing over his head, landing adjacently over one another, then he brought his hands along his chest, switching arm positions. He stoos side on, his weakest side (right side) facing forwards, with his arms at his left, and strongest side. Then, his arms flew outwards, his right hand at hip level, almost fully extended, palm facing upwards. His left hand was behind him, his upper arm at 45', and his lower arm completely vertical. His legs were spread apart, his feet at right angles to each other. This was one of the most disciplined Wushu stances, and it pleased Craig to see him perform it so smoothly. Pressing his rihgt heel hard on the floor, he spun, bringing his left foot above his head. This kick was designed to break the neck if executed properly, the dominant foot would swing around so swiftly, designed to catch the end of the chin and therefore knock the vertebrae of the neck out of place. His left foot hit the floor again, just as there was a knock at the door. Craig breathed hard, and turned towards the door. [B]Craig:[/B] Yeah? The door handle turned, and Ken entered, followed by Sil. [B]Ken:[/B] Hey ugh, you wanna come with me and Sil to explore the grounds? Craig considered for a moment, looking thoughtfully at the cold, wooden floor. He looked upand shrugged. [B]Craig:[/B] May aswell. Craig grabbed his towel, and walked out of the room, following Ken and Sil.
Craig was pacing about the mansion, intrigued by the only metal door in the whole house. It was reinforced, that was clear... but Craig wasn't sure whether he sould test his claws against it. He suddenly saw Xavier coming down the hallway. [B]Craig:[/B] Hey doc, where's this door go? [B]Xavier:[/B] That door leads down to the danger room, and to Cerebro. [B]Craig:[/B] ... [B]Xavier:[/B] The danger room is a special room I've been developing that can hone your mutant power, but I'm afraid it's not quite finished. [B]Craig:[/B] So what about the Cereb... the other thing? [B]Xavier:[/B] Cerebro is a device to focus my power when I need to concentrate on a single mutant. It was how I found you, Sil, and Ken. [B]Craig:[/B] Oh. Hey, who's Ken? [B]Xavier:[/B] He's just arrived... he's down in the cafeteria, why don't you go and meet him? I think you two will get on well. [B]Craig:[/B] Your the boss doc. Craig walked slowly down the stairs, and looked around the doors, trying to remember which one leads to the cafeteria. He sniffed, and his acute sense of smell picked up the smell of food coming from one of the double doors. He could also hear talking behind that door. He turned the handle, and walked into the room. There was a large boy, even bigger than Craig, sitting at the table eating pleasently. Sil was also there, sitting across from him. There was a bowl of fruit in the centre of the table, and Ken's plate, but nothing else. Ken looked up and smiled, he obviously knew who he was about to meet. [B]Ken:[/B] Hey man, you must be Craig. Name's Ken. [B]Craig:[/B] Pleasure's mine. Craig paced over to the table... he still found walking a bit awkward, having not used his legs in the past four years. He held out his left fist at the bowl of fruit, and his middle claw shot out, straight through the middle of an apple. Ken smiled approvingly. [B]Ken:[/B] Nice. Craig held up the apple on his claw, and took a bite. [B]Craig:[/B] So, ugh... what d'you do? Ken pointed to his glasses with one hand, and grinned again as he shoved another handful of food into his mouth. [B]Ken:[/B] If I take 'em off... stuff burns. Sil held up her gloved hands, and smiled weakly. [B]Sil:[/B] If I take these off, and then touch someone, they tend to pass out. With that, she turned to Craig and smiled. He didn't really know how to take it, his last encounter with girls was when he was twelve, and he wasn't really thinking of them in a sexual way then. Eventually, Craig shot a grin back to her, and then turned to Ken, who's attention was now directed to the piece of fruit on Craig's claw. [B]Ken:[/B] Ugh... so, are those claws natural? Craig gazed at his claws for a moment, and he scowled. [B]Craig:[/B] I don't wanna talk about it. Craig turned to Sil. [B]Craig:[/B] You can tell him, if it suits you. With that, Craig took another munch out of the apple, and turned, preparing to walk out of the hall. [B]Ken:[/B]... Nice guy.
Quentin's eyes opened suddenly. He was lying in a bed, in a large white room. There were a few drawers and cupboards about the room, but otherwise it was completely bare. With a groggy sigh, Quentin turned to his side, and saw two figures standing, watching him. One was a girl, and the other was a bald man in a wheelchair. He glanced down at his hands, the metal claws were no longer there. [B]Xavier:[/B] Ah good Quentin, you'r awake. I am Charles Xavier, and this is Sil. [B]Quentin:[/B] One thing... before we start doc. [B]Xavier:[/B] Yes? [B]Quentin:[/B] Don't call me Quentin... I hate that name. Just call me Craig. [B]Xavier:[/B] Very well Craig. Do you know why you're here? [B]Craig:[/B] No... but I suppose your about to tell me. [B]Xavier:[/B] You are a mutant Craig... you have special powers. I have brought you here, to teach you, and to help you control your power. [B]Craig:[/B] What... about my parents? [B]Xavier:[/B] I am afraid... they were killed. A tear instantly ran down Craig's face. He swallowed hard, and forced himself to continue. [B]Craig:[/B] How? [B]Xavier:[/B] You remember Sabretooth? Craig snarled at that name, he perfectly remembered who Sabretooth was. [B]Xavier:[/B] Well, shortly before you went into your operation... he was sent out to terminate your parents. Unfortunately he did not fail. Craig felt very fatigued, but he forced himself to rise. He clenched his fists, he had already made up his mind. [B]Craig:[/B] Where's the exit doc... I got some business to finish. [B]Xavier:[/B] Please Craig, do not pursue Sabretooth. He is more used to his powers than you are. Please, let me help you control them. [B]Craig:[/B] Thanks but no thanks doc... this is personal. Craig started heading for the door, not caring that he was almost completely naked, apart from a pair of boxer shorts. [B]Xavier:[/B] Do you remember your claws? Craig stopped dead, and looked at his knuckles. They no longer itched... but he could feel them, under his skin. [B]Xavier:[/B] You should have the ability to extend them... why not give it a try? Craig clenched his fists, and concentrated for a moment, and then his claws broke through the skin again, exactly the same as they were before. It hurt to get them out, as they cut through his skin... but already he felt comfortable with them. Xavier smiled weakly, but Sil was shocked... she hadn't seen the claws when he lay unconcious in the snow. [B]Xavier:[/B] I have recently opened an academy, for young, developing mutants like yourself and Sil here. At the moment, you two are my only students, but more should be arriving very shortly. I would very much like you to stay Craig. Craig drew his claws back into his hands, and watched as the skin between his knuckles closed quickly behind them. He took a deep breath, and turned to face the professor. [B]Craig:[/B] Okay doc... I'll stay, but lets get this straight. I will get Sabretooth one day... and you're not going to stop me. [B]Xavier:[/B] Very well. You have the freedom to leave at any time, as do any of my students. Would you like something to eat? Craig suddenly realised that he was very hungry. He grabbed his stomach with one hand, and a sort of pathetically hungry look came over his face, which forced a smile to the faces of Xavier and Sil. [B]Sil:[/B] Come on... I'll show you to the cafeteria.
[I]Somewhere on a mountain range in the North of Alaska, a team of scientists work in a hidden laboratory. Their task, to create the ultimate biological weapons. Their specimens, two boys with almost identical mutant powers.[/I] Inside the laboratory, as the experiment continues, one scientist begins to make his daily log into the computer. [B]Scientist:[/B] 4 years ago, almost to the day, we brought in a specimen, a 12 year old male by the name of Quentin Craig Logan. The boy had a very developed mutant gene, which infected his skin. As such, he is able to recover almost any injury in a fraction of the time it would take an average homosapien. This was all we knew when he was brought in, but we have examined his tissue and discovered many things. Firstly, he has a very unique type of white blood cell, any injury he is infected with, his white blood cells instantly start to create an antibody for the disease. Because of this, any sedation we gave him, he instantly started to build up a resistance. It is truly amazing, at this very moment, he had enough tranquiliser in him to kill an elephant, and yet it barely puts him to sleep. What's more, he displays an excellent sense of sight, hearing and smell... much more acute than the average human. Also, one very interesting discovery we made, is that as he had gotten older, his skin has started to evolve and age more slowly. We estimate that by the time he is between 24 and 28 years of age, but tissue will have evolved to the state where it doesn't age at all. This means, that unless killed, he will live forever. We have labelled him "Weapon X: Wolverine." One year ago, we brought in another specimen, with powers very similar to Quentin's. We found soon after that they have the same date of birth. However, because this one had been allowed to evolve for 3 years longer than Quentin, with him being under our custody, he was more developed. He was animal-like, he has thick fur on some parts of his body, and long, sharp claws on all digits. We estimate that is Quentin had not entered our custody, he would be in a similar state. We named the second specimen "Weapon X: Sabretooth." 3 days previously, we began the test on the subject Wolverine to replace the normal enamel of his bones with Adamantium. Also, we have sergically implanted a set of adamantium claws into each hand, which he will be able to extract and contract at will. If the subject survives, we will attempt the same process on the more evolved specimen Sabretooth. We are very excited about the results. As the scientist finished his log, a technician ran into the room, clearly alarmed. He carried with him a wooden pad, which he held very chakily in one arm. [B]Technician:[/B] Sir, you'd better take a look at this. [B]Scientists:[/B] What? Is there a problem with the experiment? [B]Technician:[/B] Please sir, come quickly, I'll explain on the way. The scientist rose and walked off quickly after the technician. Several thoughts rushed through the scientists mind... [I]Could project Wolverine have failed? Had Sabretooth escaped? Or possibly the operation was succesful...[/I] The technician pushed open the door into the laboratory. In the centre of the room was a cylindrical flask, inside which was a green bubbling liquid, and a boy. The boy was dormant, and very big, perhaps 6'3" in height, and had a natural ruggidity to him. He had a muscular appearence, and wore only a loose fitting pair of white trousers. Several large pipes and wires were connected to the flask, which lead either into the ground, or into the large computer next to the flask. [B]Technician:[/B] Sir, Quentin's vital signs are through the roof... he's waking up! [B]Scientist:[/B] What!? Impossible... the sedation shouldn't... The looked in awe and fear as the boy, as his eyelide snapped open, revealing two large hazel eyes. The green liquid drained from the flask, and the boy hit the floor, falling to his knees. He was very disorientated, he had not used his legs in over a year. Pain and aching surged through his body, his very bones felt as if they were on fire. He ripped the breathing aparatus from over his face, and a sudden, ferocious itching started at his knuckles. He reached with one hand to scratch the other, but as he did, three metal claws shot out of the gaps between his knuckes, causing him to wail in agony. Soon after, an identical set of claws shot out of the other hand. Another wail of agony, the boy shot one hand out in a punch, and the claws broke straight through the glass. [B]Scientist:[/B] Get secirity down here... he must not be allowed to escape that chamber! It was already too late. The boy, who had noticed the affect his claws had on the glass, started thrashing the flask, and yelling in a very demonic way. Within seconds, the secure flask was in glassy shreads, and the boy leapt out, landing clamly on his feet. He was bent double, one palm pressed against the ground, the other up by his face. He noticed the scientists, the cowered, and started to back away. He thought of resisting, but the instinct in him was overwhelming, his claws wished for blood. He leapt forward , and hit the technician in the gut with one knee. As the technician fell, winded, the boy slashed across the technician's neck, cutting through his jugular vein. In an instant, the boy leapt again, claws beared, fists balled, towards the scientist. He threw a punch, and his claws dug straight through the scientists face. As another corpse fell, the boy started to hyper-ventilate. He began to remember things, who he was, and where he had come from, but the pain inside his head was all but devastating. He fell to his knees once more, clutching his forehead, screaming in agony. The other specimen, the one known as Sabretooth, was know banging on his cage, trying to get the boy's attention. [B]Sabretooth:[/B] Hey buddy, what's wrong? Can't take the pain... bwahahahahaha. The boy looked up through squinted eyes at the beast like man, and was about to attack, but disorientation overcame him once more. He needed to get out... into the open. He saw the computer, the one that had supported his container, and in a blind rage, began slashing it to pieces. However, he was unaware that the computer was triggered to a self destruct device, a fail safe incase his operation went terribly wrong. [B]Computer:[/B] 5 minutes to detonation. All staff, evacuate immediately. The boy could barely hear what had been said, his head was pounding so badly. As his eyes began to come back into focus, he scanned the area for an exit. He noticed a window, near the ceiling, and he growled in a low, harsh tone. With his claws still out, he leapt at the wall, and drove his claws into the reinforced concrete. He began to dig his claws into the wall, pulling himself up towards the window, though his body ached with fatigue. He reached the window, and put his fist through it again, using his new claws to open a hole. Pulling himself through, he cut his chest and back on the shards of glass, and in a lapse of pain, he lost balanced and fell from the window. He hit the snowy floor below, into a roll, and lay there, almost dead. With another growl, he pulled his body up, and began lumbering on in a stagger, heading towards the woods he saw before him. His body ached and surged with tremendous pain. He kept one hand pressed against his cut, bloody chest... seemingly unaware that the wounds had almost closed already. He went on for what seemed like an eternity, until he was absolutely sure that the laboratory was out of sight. He pressed against a tree, and collapsed onto the floor, sitting against the tree and breathing heavily. He stared ahead with half open eyes, and saw a figure amongst the trees. The boy felt no hostility from this person... infact, he almost felt a blanket of security around this man... but it still made him nervous. Like a cornered animal, the boy pulled himself to one knee, and raised his hands, preparing to defend himself with his claws. [B]???:[/B] Do not be afraid Quentin... I am here to help you. My name is Charles Xavier, and I feel your pain. Please, be calm, you are safe now. The boy felt the anger grow in him, he could trust no-one now, everyone would decieve him... they would all lie and cheat, everyone was the same. Quentin lunged forward, preparing to strike, but his body gave up, and he collapsed to the floor, falling forward in an unconcious state.
Damn, aren't we just one in the same Boba. My sister also loves Jar Jar... but I think he should be roasted in his own juices. I agree with everything you said about Jar Jar... except about the grammar. Lets not forget Yoda's greatly superior form of speech... which is what everyone would be speaking like if it was upto me.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Darncoolguy1 [/i] [B] Mutant Power: Jubilles with an iceman freezing power. [/B][/QUOTE] Ugh... only one power please. And being as Schratn 9 took Iceman's, you'll have to stick with Jubilee's power.
Alrighty, lets get the story done and then I can lay down the rules for all you bumpkins. --------------------------------------------------------------- Mutants; the Homosuperior, rumoured to have existed for hundreds of years, are starting to become more common. The mutant gene, previously existing in less than 1 human per 100,000,000... is now rumoured to exist in as much as 1 in every 1,000,000 people. The mutant gene lies dormant within almost every child... but it is very rare than it awakens... (look at the stats above ;)). The mutant gene usually emerges when the host is in the adolescent period of their lives, when under great stress. At first, the young host finds it very difficult to come to terms with their new abilities, some find it so hard to cope, that they are driven into insanity. However, some embrace their power, and can grow into people with immense strength. Nearly all mutants display a clear advantage over average human beings. Often, one part of their body is enhanced, be it their skin, their mind, even their eyes, and this enhancment gives them a power. However, because of this power, they are not labelled gifted, but are labelled as freaks, outcasts and inferiors. It is common for parents to cast their children out on the streets, when they dicovered their child's... power. There are two mutants in the world, very powerful mutants, that have been good friends for a long while, that are determined to help the younger of their kind to adapt and grow, but they wish to go about it in very different ways. One, a man named Charles Xavier, was crippled from the waist down, and has developed great psychic abilities. His wish is to take in young mutants, and to help them control their power so they can become respectable members of society, and to live in harmony with normal humans. However, the other mutant known as Magneto, who's power is the manipulation of metal, believes that mutants are superior to humans, and so should take their rightful place as the rulers of humans. Both are trying to recruit young mutants to their cause... you are one of those mutants. ------------------------------------------------------- Okay, so here's the deal. You are a young teenage mutant just coming into your power. You have very little control over your power, you don't understand what is happening to you, and pretty soon you will be contacted by one of two people... Xavier or Magneto. (Note: Who finds you is completely upto you... but if Magneto finds you then you will be an evil character.) And yes, for those of you wondering, this is basically an alternate reality of the real series. For this reason, I must ask that you [B]choose the power of an existing mutant. e.g Cyclops[/B]. I don't want people to choose their own powers, because there are some who always take it out of hand. You have the complete freedom to choose any mutant besides Xavier, Magneto, Apocalypse and Juggernaut... if you ask why you can't choose them, I shall kill you. Now that is explained... this is what you need in your sign-up: Name: Age: Nationality: Mutant Power: Bio: Description: ---------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Craig Magnuson [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Nationality:[/B] American (Alaskan to be more specific.) [B]Mutant Power:[/B] A very limited form of Mangeto's power. [B]Bio:[/B] Craig grew up on a ranch in Alaska, raising husky dogs, and racing them. He was quite a normal boy, until the age of twelve, when he was racing in a huksy sled, and as one point, the huskies strayed from the proper path, onto a patch of black ice. Craig managed to dive off the sled as it slipped into a crevase. Craig looked over the edge, and put his hand out uselessely in a vein attempt to save the lives of his dogs. Miraculously, the sled, and the dogs stopped in mid air, and rose back up to the surface of the crevase. Craig couldn't believe what had happened, and so rushed home to tell his parents. They simply didn't believe him, but his father was so furious that he led the huskies off the proper path, that he forbid Craig from taking his sled out ever again. Of course, Craig didn't listen, but now found that if he concentrated immensely, he could manipulate objects consisting of metal. He tried honing his skills by trying to control his sled without the use of his hands. Quickly people caught onto this, and Craig was labelled a freak. Some people became intimidated by Craig's ability, and began to pick on him. One group in particular, was a local biking group, that were well known for acts of assault and vandalism. One day, they decided to pick on Craig and his family. They broke into the house, armed with chains, crobars, and shotguns. Craig and his family were driven into a corner, and Craig's father shielded Craig behind him... but Craig pushed him aside. He raised his hands, and closed his eyes... just as one fired a shot from a shotgun towards his mother. The bullets stopped inches from her body, and were thrown back at the attacker. The next attacked with a chain, but somehow the chain stopped in mid air, and wrapped around the holders neck, strangling him. All the while, Craig stood infront of his parents, eyes closed and hands raised... it wasn't hard to put 2 and 2 together. The rest of the attackers fled, leaving their two dead comrades for the dogs. Now, however, word got out, and the entire town wanted Craig dead. His parents, however, still felt love and compassion for their son, and so gave him some money, and sent him off to live with his uncle in New York City. [B]Description:[/B] 6'2", hazel eyes, scruffy brown hair. He has a naturally rugged appearence, which is quite attractive to the opposite sex, and is quite muscular in build. He has no scars or cuts on his body.
It wasn't long before Strider had returned, he was riding on a cart, the wood was ashen black, almost as dark as the horse. The horse had muddy hooves, and newly sealed cuts. No doubt Strider had helped this horse out somewhat. [B]Abob:[/B] Is this the best you could find? [B]Strider:[/B] I am afraid so... this horse way the only one with any life in him. Most of the others were collapsing on their feet... or worse. Strider had lessened the tale of what he had actually seen. It was horrid... most of the horses were burnt or burning, and almost all of them had arrows in them, orc arrows. They were the horses of the orcs, which was the strange thing... Strider had also noticed that two of the healthiest looking ones that lay dead, had arrows in them that he recognised. One of the arrows, through the horses cranium, was that of Abob's. Another arrow, through the neck of another horse, belonged to Strider. These must have been the horses they had hit when they were being persued. The horse he had found, was one of only two left alive... he had tried the other first, but it had collapsed under only the weight of the cart. This one was hiding in the forestry nearby, and it took Strider meer seconds to coax it out. He still prayed that Snowmane were with him though... he was strong enough to carry the entire fellowship all the way into the heart of Angband... (Warning: Description of Snowmane may be exhaggerated for the purpose of this RPG.)
Craig charged over the top, his Thompson raised at waist height. Bullet fire and explosions could be heared all around, more than enough to drive a man mad, which it often did. He noticed two men down, identical shots in the shoulder, and the young medic tending to them. No one from second platoon had yet got past that point, and so Craig ducked behind an burnt out car, and surveyed the adjacent building. [B]Craig:[/B] There you are... Craig spotted the sniper, and he couldn't believe what he saw. He was actually lining his shot up for the medic... but why? Medics often went and tended to the other side after they had finished healing their own troops. Craig had no time to waist. He raised his Thompson, lined up his shot with the small aimer at the front of his gun, and pressed the trigger. A volley of bullets launched up at the sniper, Craig had hoped just to scare him enough to give him some time to get to the medic. However, the first few bullets missed, but one hit the sniper in mouth. He saw blood splatter out of the window, and the sniper fall. [B]Craig:[/B] Second platoon... ADVANCE!!! Now, any soldiers taking cover besides the sniper had no choice but to get up and move towards the enemy. Craig went into a full out run, as best he could, firing cascades of bullets into the line of enemy fire. He kept close to the wall of a crumbling building, and as he approached a hole in the wall, a Kraut leapt out with a pistol ready. Craig, in an instant, had driven his bayonett into the German's neck. He ran forward again, and leant by a low wall, next to Matt. [B]Matt:[/B] Good luck... I got your back. Craig forced a weak smile, but in reality, he had never been as scared in his life. Now it would happen, he would order his platoon forward, either into victory, of to their deaths. Craig dropped his emtpy magazine, and loaded a new one into his chamber. [B]Craig:[/B] Second platoon, FULL FORWARD! Craig stuck his gun around the corner, and started firing for a split second before charging further forward. He advanced maybe 15 feet, and a stick (Kraut grenade) landed by his feet. [B]Craig:[/B] Shít!!! Craig ran to the side, and dived towards an open insulator pipe, as the stick exploded. There was a German in the pipe, and Craig drove several bullets through his body, killing him instantly. He crawled into the pipe, it would provide good cover and let him advance some 30 feet towards the German's.
Strider started charging through the gangs of orcs, heading straight for Abob as best he could. Anduril was nearly a blur in his hand, orcs were falling by the score as he pushed and stabbed through the masses of enemies. Arrows shot at him, missing his face by inches, but it did not heed him. His own personal safety was not a factor right now, he [I]had[/I] to get to Abob. Strider ducked and turned as an orc blade came flying to take him head off. With one swipe of Anduril, he took the orc down by severing his knees. He got up, and sheathed his knife. Now, holding Anduril in both hands, he pushed forward, taking huge, cutting sweeps with the broad bladed sword. He reached Abob in what seemed like very little time, a row of bloody, trampled, dead orcs in his stead. Strider knew it was pointless to check if Abob was ok, wasting the time doing that could get them both killed. Instead he turned, and started taking down more orcs, the best way to help Abob was by keeping them from him.
The only thing I can really say is... finally. I was really way to busy to join this... it was a selfish act on my part basically just to prove I could get in. As soon as it started... I remembered just how much I hate Big brother. ------------------------------------------------------- [B]Craig:[/B] Well, see you guys around. Good luck Ken... and uh... hope you get out soon Neil? [B]Ken:[/B] Lata bro. [B]Neil:[/B] Thanks man. And so, Craig strolls out of the house, and goes off to look for the nearest bar.
Strider held in his left hand Anduril, and his dagger in the right hand. He was shoving his way through the lines of orcs, cutting and stabbing, punching and blocking, his reactions were impeccable. One orc came with a horizontal swipe at Strider's head with his axe. Strider ducked, stabbed the orc in the chest with his dagger, then rose and punched the orc to the floor with his other hand, where he would die of blood loss. One orc came at him with a long knife, swiping vertically at his head. Strider sidestepped, and cut the orc in the back with Anduril as he passes. In one fluent turn, he hit another orc, slashing through his neck with his knife. He had to ignore the blood at his feet, seemingly swelling up from the ground. He had to ignore the blood that seemingly rained from the sky. [I]What form of sorcery is this?[/I] Strider thought as Anduril beheaded yet another orc. Strider felt something hit his back... it was the back of another. He turned, bringing his sword down in a cut, and it was met by the sword of Lalaith. The two shot a breif smile at each other, even though they had nearly murdered each other, and went back to fighting. Strider turned, and threw his dagger at a charging orc. It hit the orc in the neck, and he collapsed with a stream of blood pouring from his neck. He ran towards the downed orc, and dived over his corpse, pulling out the dagger as he did so. Upon landing, he went into a roll, and took out another orc through a stab to the chest. He blocked the sword of another orc, and stabbed him through the chest with his knife. He was using the very rough, physical, and yet tremendously effective style that his father used. The sword would be held in one hand, but mainly used only for the initial strike or block, the knife would actually claim the most lives.
I'll give this a go methinks... [B]Name:[/B] Craig Burke [B]Platoon:[/B] 2nd [B]Rank:[/B] Lieutentant [B]Gun:[/B] Thompson
No, you'll find it's spelt [B]sarcasm[/B]... there is no "i". --------------------------------------------------------- Turf and Kain came to a taxi drop off, they were both eager to get this job over with. Turf waited as Kain used the force to... let the taxi drivers be aware of his presence. Immediately one came along, and Kain, not in the mood for idle chit-chat, simply grabbed the Dug driver by the neck, and tossed his over the side to his death. [B]Kain:[/B] Drive. Kain sat in the back, and Turf, obeying his command, got in the driving seat, squashed as he was, and began to drive. Within moments, they had reached the docking bay where their ship was. They both got back on the [I]Scorpion's Den[/I], and began making preparations for launch.
Oh, what... an... ***. --------------------------------------------------------- Craig stands up. [B]Craig's review on the Legacy of Kain series[/B] (Okay, so it's not strictly an RPG, but it's more that than anything else...) [I]The legacy of Kain series is set in the gothic world of Nosgoth. With Nosgoth's birth, the pillars were born. The nine pillars, which go high above the clouds, and deep below the ground, are the very life essence of the planet. Each of the pillars has a guardian, chosen at birth to guard their pillar, until the time they die. The guardians share a telikinetic link, and have great pride in Nosgoth. Some 500 years after the pillars, the Soul Reaver came. The Soul Reaver is a sword, it has unmatched power, and the wielder will have tremendous strength. This sword will shape the very destiny of Nosgoth, in some years to come. One day, the guadrian of the pillar of balance, a woman named Ariel, is murdered. At the exact moment of her death, a young man named Kain is born, destined to take over from her as balance guardian. However, one of the other guardians, a man named Nupraptor, was the love of Ariel's life, and when he finds her murdered corpse, he slips into an extreme madness. This insanity infects all the guardians through their telekinetic bond, it spreads to them all, even the young baby Kain. The pillars, now without any guardians, turn grey and crack. They to, have become corrupted by Nupraptor's insanity. Some 30 years later, the now nobleman Kain is murdered by thugs outside a tavern. He does not now his destiny, he does not know he is chosen to be balance guardian, but he soon will. At the mouth of hell, the necromancer Mortaineous offers Kain the chance to come back to live and kill those who murdered him. The only catch is, he will be a vampire. Kain, blinded by rage, accepts willingly, and returns to Nosgoth in his new... divine state. He avanges his own death with little effort, but then he visits the pillars. He beholds them in their broken, crumbled state, and he feels a bond with them, one he does not undertstand. It is then that he is visited by the spirit of Ariel, former balance guardian, who tells him that he must restore the pillars, by killing their corrupted guardians. He kills 7 without effort, including Nupraptor, but finds it difficult to kill Moebuis, the guardian of time. This is because Moebius has a guard, a noble warrior by the name Malek. Kain finds and claims the Soul Reaver, but even now he cannot seem to hurt Malek, and vice versa. So, Kain searches out the help of a vampire stronger than he, the ancient vampire named Vorador. Vorador eventually agrees, and he fights and kills the warrior Malek while Kain goes after Moebius. However, Moebius is a deceiving man, and he persuades Kain to go after a man called the Nemesis before he kills Moebius. He persuades Kain that this man, the Nemesis, is the true reason for the pillars' corruption. He tells Kain that he can send Kain back into Nosgoth's past, and he can kill the Nemesis, who was once King William the Just, before he turns to evil. Kain, tired of being a pawn, accepts, and, with the Soul Reaver, goes back into the past to kill William. Kain meets William in the past, but... something devastating happens. Both Kain and William hold the Soul Reaver, and a paradox is created. History strains to alter to this event as Kain and William battle. Kain kills William, as Moebius has asked, but when he returns to the future, he finds out that it was all a setup. Because Kain killed Moebius before he became the Nemesis, he was only known as a kind and good king, and that he was assasinated by a vampire. Because of this, a huge hatred for vampires is created, which is what Moebius planned all along. These rebels are known as the Sarafan. Kain returns to the future, just as Vorador is beheaded. Moebius holds up Vorador's head, and proclaims that the vampire plague is no more. Kain then kills Moebius for his deceit, and 8 of the nine guardians have been destroyed. Kain, suddenly, realises his final task. He realises that he is the ballance guardian, and that for Nosgoth to be saved, he must make one final sacrifice. Should he kill himself and save Nosgoth? Or, should he selfishly live, and rule in Nosgoth's corruption, condeming the land to utter ruin? Kain chooses to live, and so Nosgoth is doomed to die. Kain is determined to destroy all sarafan, and decided that the vampires must thrive again. Kain does not rule Nosgoth, and has huge furnaces pumping smoke into the sky to bloke out the sun. Kain decided to commit the ultimate act of disrespect on a sarafan. He stolls into the underworld itself, and steals the sould of 6 dead Sarafan priests. Their names are Melchiah, Zephon, Rahab, Dumah, Turel, and Raziel. He resurrects them as his "sons", his vampire lleutenants. For a millenia, they serve him. Over time, Kain and his vampires learn to evolve, by going into a state of metamorphosis, coming out of their cacoon like state with a new trait. Kain would always be the first to do it... until one day, when Kain's strongest son Raziel, goes into his cocoon, and emerges with a set of bat like wings, something that even Kain does not possess. Kain was furious, he rippes Raziel's wings from him, and he ordered that Raziel be thrown into the abyss, a deadly vortex of water, the ultimate height of pain for vampires, their bodies suffer, but their minds are kept alive until the very last moment. Raziel is thrown in, and he burns for an eternity. His skin turns blue, his body is whithered, his midsection and lower jaw completely burn away... but somehow, he lives! Raziel wakes in a mysteirous chamber, and only a proud, mystical voice as his company. The voice tells him that he is the "Elder", and that he wants Raziel to get revenge on Kain, not only for himself, but so that Nosgoth will be saved![/I] [B]Craig:[/B] More next time folks... no, I'm not done yet.
Kain looked at each of his sons in turn. They were still proud and noble in appearence, still retaining much of their former humanity. If only they knew... knew that they would once have slaughtered Kain as soon as looked at him, how would they feel? Kain sneered at the thought, the puppets at his feet, once his mortal enemies. [B]Kain:[/B] My sons... the Soul Reaver has been taken from me. It lies somewhere in this cavern, if you find it, you are to come and collect me. No-one, is to tuch it. Understood? [B]The bretherin:[/B] Yes sire. [B]Kain:[/B] Good. Now, go!
Abob and Strider remain at the back of the group, bows in hand, ready to fire on any chasers. Lalaith led the group from the front with all the strength he could fathom. An arrow shot over the heads of the fellowship, hitting a tree some way infront of Lalaith. Strider stopped, and turned as he fixed an arrow into his bow. He let it fly, and it shot through the darkness. There was a thump, and a wail, and Strider knew that he had hit something. Another arrow shot out from Abob's bow, and both turned and began to run again. There was another wail, and then a loud cry. Arrows were flying at them, 3, 4 at a time. Strider turned and dropped to one knee, drawing another arrow. Abob realised his act, and decided to follow. He turned, drawing an arrow of his own, and they both waited as the others ran. Strider waited, waited until a creature was within his keen elven sight. He let the arrow fly, and it hit the creature in the head. Abob let off an arrow of his own, which hit another creature in the neck. [B]Strider:[/B] What's going on... we hit orcs. [B]Abob:[/B] We'll worry about that later... let's go.
Well, pubic won't appear on the spellcheck, being as it is a word. But... uhh, I don't recall "sarcasim" being a word at all Raiha. I also have no doubt that someone will find a mistake in my post and point it out... and on the cycle will go. ---------------------------------------------------------- [I]My hate for Dooku goes far deeper than you fathom, my dear Laporin.[/I] Kain thought, as he paced down the hallway. He saw Abob wasn't satisfied with the answer, but Kain saw that he wasn't about to push the subject either. Once Abob found out something that suited his interests, he lost his enthusiasm. Garunteed privacy was your basic package when working with Abob, you were much less likely to keep your life, but only the weak try to team up with the powerful without being prepared. Kain's true anger sprouted from personal experience, which he could shield easily because he was only in the presence of the pawn. Kain had known full on what the Emperor's grasp was like, but he had been forced into it, born into it, he had known no different. He was disgusted in the fact that one would be so weak as to switch uses of the force to attain power. That was not power, that was lack of pride, that was lack of control, that was what it truely meant to be weak. It showed also, Dooku's new power wasn't able to stand upto someone of true strength, someone who had earned the respect of many, even Kain. Yes, the tiny green Jedi master Yoda, one with his own side of the force, had shown that power is much more than a physical thing... something that Kain understood only too well. Kain, being honest, would have loved to have seen what had happened, if he had been under Yoda's teachings since he was a boy... it was most intriguing. [B]Abob:[/B] A million credits each is quite a fee... [B]Kain:[/B] Indeed... seems he's a bit desperate now that his precious Jango is dead. His son is already making quite the name for himself. Boba Fett... if he keeps going the way he is, one day no one will be able to touch him. ---------------------------------------------------- Which of course is absolutely true. No bounty hunter can touch Boba Fett, even Jango is second rate in comparison. EDIT: Okay, once again Boba managed to get in a post at the same time as me... so just pretend mine happend before his... so then it fits in.
Kain stood proudly at the side of the room, and Turflack went and sat down on one of the chairs. Kain was very tall for a humanoid, and his appearence could be considered attractive for one of his species. He, however, cared not for such things. It's not that he disliked the people in the room with him right now, he had worked with Abob on several occasions, and all time have been very mutually beneficial. However, if it was in his interest, he would kill everyone in this room, including Turflack... [B]Kain:[/B] Laporins... [B]Tarlain:[/B] Oh, what about them? Kain considered the possibility of letting the subject drop, but he was in the mood for some amusement, and he would have some fun killing her if she got a little to... angry. [B]Kain:[/B] You'd think one of them would have a shred of dignity... [B]Tarlain:[/B] Dignity gets you nowhere in this universe. [B]Kain:[/B] Oh? Then expain my success. Your just making up excuses... because you were born of the inferior sex. [B]Tarlain:[/B] Females and males are equal in most aspects, that has been proven many times before. [B]Kain:[/B] In idle things of little importance... perhaps. But in the power of the force, it is common knowledge that males have a much stronger will for it, it's more potent within them. And without the force, you can never achieve true power. He could see that he had now angered Turf as well. Tarlain was about ready to pounce, but Abob, he was a tougher nut to crack. He was as business-like as they came. Insults were meaningless to him, he knew his own physical limitations, and had a respect for users of the force. However, he would defend against the Jedi Yoda if he had to... it was all business. Kain put his arms at the small of his back, making the presence of his lightsabre known to Tarlain. He waited, as if inviting her to attack. Does she know fear? Does she care for her own safety? She mad killed many twice her size and strength, Kain had a great recpect for her achievement, but at the same time, knew that it was all meaningless, compared to the will of the force. [B]Kain:[/B] You... are angry... aren't you? I can sense the hate growing in you. *chuckles* Please, by all means, attack me if you wish... the only thing that will result is that there will be one less Laporin around... Tarlain was willing to risk it, she had had enough. She prepared to attack. Kain simply laughed. [B]???:[/B] Please my friends, to not quarrel. It would be most displeased if I were to lose one of my most esteemed employees, whether it be the lovely miss Tarlain, or the powerful jedi Kain. Kain could already sense who stood behind him... he needn't have turned around, and he didn't. He owed no respect to this... servant. [B]Kain:[/B]... Dooku.