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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Tifa is hotter!! I would be Vincent because he has a cool gun and is a half vampire type creature with wicked Limit breaks!
  2. In the U.K we must have seen the Frieza saga like 4 times before the ANDROID saga came along. Then we saw the andriod saga twice before the cell saga came along!!!:flaming: :mad: :flaming:
  3. Yoda


    Charmander and Arcanine! No question! They are really :cool:
  4. Sorry, replied to the wrong one! My bad!
  5. I thought of one called called Kikohama. Basically, you rise both your hands above your head and charge 1 small red Ki ball in each hand. You then combine hands in front of you, so the Ki balls fuse. You then proceed to charge it up like kamehameia or galec gun, yell out kikohama, and fire! :devil: :devil: :devil:
  6. I'm new here so I just wanted to post my team straight away: Snorlax:@ leftovers Earthquake Body Slam Rest Curse/ Sleep talk (any suggestions) Mewtwo:@ leftovers Psychic Amnesia Submission Recover Arcanine:@ mint berry Flamethrower Rest Extremespeed Crunch Jolteon:@ magnet Thunderbolt Bite Reflect Thunder wave Dragonite:@ bitter berry Outrage Flamethrower Surf Thunder wave Golduck:@ nevermeltice Surf Ice beam Psychic Light screen Any suggestions are welcome just please don't take the p*** out of my team.
  7. Yoda


    Gary Oak is right you know! You need a team of 6, just because they're at 100, that means absolutely nothing! I have a team of 6 all at lv 100, and the movesets suck! Sorry man, it just had to be said! :smirk:
  8. A GOOD moveset for Mew is: Psychic Softboiled (Recover is not a TM so he can't learn unless you use a gameshark) Icebeam Earthquake
  9. If they were the same ssj level it would make absolutely no difference! Goku would destroy Gohan!
  10. Chibi Goku was definately the best in Dragonball.
  11. Trunks burning attack and finalflash
  12. Both of them suck! Trunks would kick both of their asses:devil: But out of the two I think Goku is the best
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