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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. The [I]Scorpions Den[/I] came out of hyperspace on a course straight for the Core Capital. It streamlined, shiny surface was just a reflection of how good, and well kept the ship was. The pilot altered the ships trajectory to keep it on angle for it's entry. [B]Traffic control:[/B] Pilot of the Y-2400 Correlian, please dock your ship at the hanger of the ship ahead of you. This is a random contraband check, nothing more. Kain clicked off the comm, and scowled. He had no need to surpress the dark side, the Jedi were to feeble to sense it. His Wookie companion, Turflack let off a roar of apprehension. [B]Kain:[/B] Don't worry Turf, this won't take long. With great elegance, but mimimun caution, Kain brought the [I]Scorpions Den[/B] into the hanger of the Coruscant Security Vessle, and landed, but kept the engines on. [B]Kain:[/B] Stay here... I'll be right back. There was a calm authoraty in Kain's voice that indimidated the Wookie into obeying, even though they had been allies for many years. He kept a check on the controls, and Kain got up, and moved swiftly towards the hatchway, his long white hair and ruby cape flowing behind him as if caught in the wind. The hatchway hissed open, and three clone troops stood at the door. [B]Troop1:[/B] Nothing to worry about, we're just here to check the ship. With the slightest of efforts, the dark side surged through Kain, and he let it pass into the mind of all three troops. [B]Kain:[/B] You won't be checking this ship, it's fine. [B]Troops:[/B] We will not check the ship, it is fine. [B]Kain:[/B] You shall give me a distiction on the quality of the vessel, and send me on my way. With that, Kain turned and walked back towards the cockpit, as the troops again began to repeat Kain's statement. Kain returned to the cockpit, and saw that all familiar confused look on the Wookie's face, which happened every time they got off easily like this. Kain smiled, and the Wookie growled. [B]Kain:[/B] You see my friend, no worries. Now, lets get out of here. The [I]Scorpions Den[/I] rose elegantly, and shot out of the hanger like a bullet out of a gun. Of course, Kain could have let them check the ship... they would find nothing wrong with it, and if they did, they wouldn't have made it out alive. This method, although depressing, allowed Kain and Turflack to be back on their way as quickly as possible. Kain surpressed the dark side within him, but still let enough of it seep out to shroud his force from the Jedi. One of the few pleasures he liked to endulge in was to see the surprise on the Jedi's faces when the mass power surrounded their opponent, who had only seconds earlier been a weakling. The Jedi, martyr's of peace, and calm, couldn't help but be shocked when Kain's true power was revealed to them. As if coming out of a daydream, Kain realised suddenly that Turflack had brought them down onto Coruscant's surface, and they had landed on one of the quieter, but still legitimate landing docks. Turf got up, and went over to his locker, which had filled with nothing but weaponry. He drew out his favorite weapon, which most Wookie's were fond of, a bowcaster. Kain simply got up and walked towards the hatchway, he had everything he needed. Walking out of the hatchway, they stepped once again onto the contemporary planet that was Coruscant. Kain already noticed that Turflack was clearly the biggest creature around, it was not surprising, he was large even by Wookie standards. 7'9", and over 600 lbs... an amazing feat, Kain had to admit. Within seconds the two were approached by an Ithorian. [B]Ithorian:[/B] You need taxi, yes? [B]Kain:[/B] Yes, I will direct you where to go, and you nedn't worry... you shall be paid handsomly. [B]Ithorian:[/B] Hehe, dat's what I like to 'ear... Kain and Turf followed the Ithorian to his taxi, one of the larger and more impressive ones. They got in the back, and the Ithorian took off. With little effort, Kain directed the Ithorian about the streets of Coruscant, and soon they were at their destination. [B]Ithorian:[/B] That'd be, 236 credits, yes? [B]Kain:[/B] I'm... afraid not. Turf. With a commanding gesture, Kain pointed to the pilot, and, with one mighty swing, Turf snapped the neck of the snail-like creature. [B]Kain:[/B] ... Poor man. Walking a few paces forward, Kain spotted two bounty hunters he recognised, Abob, his disguise would not hide him from Kain... and the Laporin female... Tarlain. Kain and Turflack walked over to them, Kain's presence already casting a cold chill into all those present... though no-one could place why, except for Turflack and Abob, who knew what power he had.
  2. I am always up for a Star Wars RPG. --------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Kain Treldar [B]Age:[/B] 34 [B]Species:[/B] Human [B]Home Planet:[/B] Correlia [B]Weapon:[/B] A single bladed, red lightsaber. That's all he needs. [B]Ship:[/B] A Y-2400 Correlian Freighter known as the [I]Scorpion's Den[/I]. It has two-twin mounted turbo lasers on it's top and base, concusion missiles at the side of the ship, and an ion cannon atop the cockpit. This ship was the first proto-type for the series that included the [I]Outrider[/I]. It is streamlined, heavily armoured, and fast. [B]Alliance:[/B] Neither, he is a rogue... though he has a hatred towards Darth Sidous himself. [B]Bio:[/B] Kain was born on the same day as Darth Maul. He had exceptional strength in the force, and the Jedi noticed this. However, before they could get to him, he mysteiorusly disappeared. Unknown to them, Darth Sidous had gotten to him first. Sidous took Kain on as an apprentice, defying the rules of the Sith, because a young Irodonian known only as Darth Maul was also under his teaching. Maul and Kain were rivals, their hatred for each other, their will to please their master was what kept them going, and allowed each of them to increase in strength so quickly. Sidous was in a state of nirvana, both his apprentices had grown in power with the force more quickly than any other before them, simply because of their rivalry. At the age of 16, Sidous pitted Kain against Maul in a battle, Sidous had decided to obey the Sith laws, and train only the strongest, one one who killed the other in combat. The battle was long and weary, but eventually Kain was struck down by his Iridonian rival, stabbed through the chest, and left for dead on the harsh desert of Tatooine, where the battle was staged. However, Kain did not perish, he used his anger for the Sidous, and for Maul, and chanelled it into healing his body. His power was flourishing, his master, the one person he had trusted and loved in his lifetime, had left him for dead, despite his loyalty. Kain survived, and vowed for revenge on Sidous, and on Maul. On Tatooine, he met up with a young Wookie, about his age, who was looking for a partnership in the trade of Bounty Hunting. The wookie's name was Turfank, and Kain saw how he could profit from this offer. He joined forces with the wookie, and Kain's skill with the force easily allowed him to excel in the bounty hunting trade. 8 years later, Kain heard the news that a mysteious warrior brandishing a double edged lightsabre has been killed by a young Jedi on the planet Naboo. Kain knew this could only be Maul, and his anger rose again, knowing that he would never be able to take his revenge on Maul. For 10 years, Kain continued Bounty Hunting, and he had taught himself to use the light side of the force, hating everything involved with his master. He knew though, that his connection with the dark side is phenonimol, and so he does not fear to tap into it when he has to. This gives his a powerful advantage over his enemies. Recently, he learned that a Jedi outcast known as Count Dooku is searching for him, with a... business offer. Kain senses his former master is behind this, but still, he wants to meet with Dooku and find out what exactly is going on. [B]Description:[/B] Kain has long white hair, and hazel eyes. He has smooth, un scarred skin, except for a large scar on his chest caused by his fight with Maul. He is very tall, and quite muscular. He wears a breast plate similar in appearence to a Mandalorian breatplate, it is dark grey. They rest of his suit is black, except that he has exquisite silver gauntlets that come half way up his lower arm. His large boots are also embrioded with silver, and he wears a ruby cape that is attached to his breastplate through two silver bolts.
  3. In a remote dojo, amongst the buildings of Sydnay, Australia. A young man trains, his face shadowed by the hood of his jacket. Another punch to the bag, and it splits, sand seaping out of the gash in it's side. Jin, however, does not stop, he feels the anger rise up in him again, the anger he holds towards his grandfather Heihachi, and his father Kazuya. Up into the air he goes, bringing his foot around in one fluent kick. The bag is ripped from the ceiling, and launches across the dojo, skidding along the floor, stopping only when it hits the wall on the other side of the dojo. His arm suddenly starts to ache, as the mark on his arm begins to throb, convexing, despite all his efforts to control it. [I]"Grandfather, you will pay for what you did to me. I will show you the true power of fighting... and then, I'm coming after you, father!"[/I] The doors to the dojo opens with a creak, and a hunched old man walks in, behind him, a proud, tall man of muscular build, roughly Jin's age, strolls in grinning. The old man notices the sandy mess on the floor, but simply smiles. [B]Sensei:[/B] Kazama-Jin, your training is done. You are ready, and must prepare for the tournament. Arano has come to make sure you didn't forget. Jin smiles and shook his head, and grabbed a towel to wipe the dripping sweat from his face. Arano and Jin had been friends for a long while, and Arano had been very excited about the tournament, but Jin wasn't sure why. Did he want to help Jin, or did he want a chance to win the tournament? Was he interestedin the reward... or did he want to fight Jin? Jin knew though, that Arano would love to meet Jin in the final, Jin felt the same obviously. However, there were certain... matters, that had to be taken care of before Jin could have any fun at all. [I]"Thank you Sensei, it has been an honour to train under you."[/I]
  4. Strider was visibly shaken, he had fought bravely and courageously, but still he was very disturbed by the fact that he was caught out. He walked over to the tree he and Lalaith were in before hand, it was time for him to put his head down and think for a while. Abob sat at the foot of the tree, and saw Strider force a weak smile to Abob as he began to climb up the tree. [B]Abob:[/B] *Thinking* Poor guy, none of us were as young as he was when we set out the very first time. He has a lot to live upto as well, his father bring Aragorn and all. As if he didn't have enough on his plate. Abob noted how strange Strider looked when he moved. He had the build of a human, but moved with the grace of the lightest elf. He leapt up the tree just as Lalaith would have, and sat in the position he was at earlier. He immediately started scanning the area intently, anything dared to come near, Strider was determined to spot it.
  5. Strider's only wound from the battle was a small cut to his upper right leg. Already he had bandaged it, and had gone to give his council to Abob. [B]Srtider:[/B] *Whisper* Abob, something is wrong. Both I and Lalaith were watching the road... and those creatures are sloppy. I find it impossible that they could have ambushed us... [B]Abob:[/B] Yes, I feel some devilry at work. Do not worry yourself about it too much, they are sloppy fighters, and you seemed to handle the bettle better than most of us. You did well today Strider, and don't blame the ambush on yourself. Although, I fear it may be better if the ambush happened because you slacked. Otherwise, we are in serious jeapordy. [B]Strider:[/B] Damn those creatures. I swear, no matter what happens, this will not happen again.
  6. Strider worked frantically with his bow to protect his injured companion... no, friend. Lalaith was near the point of collapse, and Strider was determined that he wouldn't let his friend die. One of the creatures charged, and was met by an arrow to the neck. Blood gushed from the wound like water from a tap as the creature fell backwards. It was inconcievable though, and it angered Strider. How had a group of these... things managed to surround and ambush the group when two of the most reverred rangers in Middle Earth were standing guard? It was impossible. Strider was not arrogant, he knew that he was too good for that to happen. He had the senses of an elf, which he inherited from his mother, and the skills of his father. This was absolutely proposterus. Strider continued to launch arrows by the many, taking out the creatures before any could manage to even look at Lalaith. Strider felt a small chill of fear as he ran out of arrows. He reached for Andúril, letting his bow fall to the floor. He saw Lalaith's reaction, which one one of joy rather than pain. [B]Lalaith:[/B] Now, Strider, we will charge into the masses together, our swords raised. Strider smiled, and then they both charged, Lalaith feeling a new sense of power as he got a second wind. They charged forward together towards the largest group, detemrined to help their friends.
  7. Yoda

    Arkali Spirits RPG

    "The boss will see you now." The armed guard and his small escort led Kain into a dark, long chamber. It was well lit, and draped with many exquisit things. The aristocracy on Valandra were, by no means subtle about their wealth. The "boss" sat at the back, his loyal Valandran lurcher at his side. The man was old and fragile, he carried a walking stick made of fine Terran oak. However, he still stood proudly, and seemed to be very healthy and fit for his age. Kain knew the man, he was Onokai Tanasi. [B]Onokai:[/B] Ah, Kain, at last. Please take a seat. You, leave us. The escort of guards left, leaving only Kain, Onokai and Onokai's chief of security. Kain set in the seat opposite Onokai, and the lurcher stared up at Kain edgily, and let out a small growl, which was completely unlike him. Onokai was deeply surprised by this, but he managed to hide his surprise. [B]Kain:[/B] Lets get right to the point... old man. [B]Onokai:[/B] Of course, I forgot how much of a businessman you are Kain. There is... a certian business rival of mine, that has been causing me some trouble. I would like him... taken care of. [B]Kain:[/B] Fine. I'll do the job for 75k. [B]Onokai:[/B] My, that is quite a salary. But I suppose if you want a job done right then it will cost that bit extra. Very well Kain, upon completion of the job you will recieve 75,000 Valon. [B]Kain:[/B] Pleasure doing business with you. [B]Onokai:[/B] The pleasure was all mine. Onokai bowed, as when he rose, he found himself looking down the barrel of a TTF .50 Magnum. The cheif of security was chocking, gasping for breath, his neck torn in two by Kain's katana, which was in his other hand. [B]Kain:[/B] Nothing personal old man, but your rival got to me first. Onokai looked in shock, taking in his last breath of air. A single shot was fired, and the elderly gentleman fell to the floor, fingers twitching violently. The lurcher however, did not react. Instead, he walked over to Kain, and stared up at him blankly. [B]Kain:[/B] I guess he didn't treat you to well did he. Well, don't you worry, I'll take care of you. The lurchers tail wagged, he seemed to understand what Kain had said. However, Kain had something different planned. He raised his gun and pointed it at the lurcher. His eye twitched for a moment, as he stared at the helpless canine. A small part of his former, dormant self seeped through into what was mostly Fire Storm, though he didn't know it. [B]Kain:[/B] Damn, I can't kill a dog. Come on boy... and be glad you weren't a cat. I'm not too fond of those. Kain turned, and thought of what he was going to do. Now, not only did he have to fight his way out, but keep the dog alive as well.
  8. Craig sits on the couch, thinking about what to do. [B]Craig:[/B] I could really go for a good game on Soul Reaver right now... A leprechaun suddenly bursts out of the ground. [B]Leprechaun:[/N] I'll grant your req-- The leprechaun is suddenly crushed as Craig rolls onto his back, thinking about what to do.
  9. Hours passed, and the Fellowship slept silently arounf him, but Strider was restless. Already, within a single day of travelling, he had met enemies, new enemies, and they were dangerously close to Rivendell. If only Snowmane were with him, he could have rode back to Rivendell and warned them of the thread, and have made it back by sunrise. Strider decided that Lalaith must have been watching for hours, and, seeing as Strider would not get any sleep tonight, he decided to go and take over from him. Strider got to his feet, and looked about for Lalaith. Quickly it dawned on Strider that Lalaith was hiding somewhere... and knowing Lalaith's skill it would take some time for Strider to find him. [I]I think we are more alike than we realised[/I] Strider thought as he looked about the long grass, hoping to see a gleaming eye of the sparkle of metal. [B]Lalaith:[/B] *Whisper* Strider, up here. Strider looked up, and his keen elven eyes spotted Lalaith, though only barely, the tree he was in provided excellent camouflage. Strider elegantly sprang up the tree, and in moments he was up with Lalaith. Strider drew his own long bow and an arrow. [B]Strider:[/B] You go and get some sleep my friend, I will take watch from here. I will find no sleep tonight. [B]Lalaith:[/B] Hmm... we truely are alike Strider Half-elven. I find it hard to get any sleep these days. But I would welcome your company. And so Lalaith and Strider sat atop the three, talking quietly about past events, while still keeping their eyes on the path.
  10. Yoda

    Legend Of Leto

    [B]Name:[/B] Kain Sinothal [B]Element:[/B] Lightning [B]Weapon:[/B] Raiden [A glaive, blidning white and blue in colour] [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Biography:[/B] Conveniantly, Kain has the largest lightning shaped scar of the group, which goes all the way from his left shoulder to his right hip, and ironically he has the power of lightning. He is an unbeat, energetic and very skillful man, who is always determined to finish a task once he has started it. [B]Looks/Description:[/B] 6'3", long white hair (hell, basically looks just like Sephiroth.) He wears black studded armour across his chest, with no sleeves. The corner of his scar can be seen on his shoulder.
  11. [B]Name:[/B] Craig [B]Codename:[/B] Chaos [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Height:[/B] 6'2" [B]Weight:[/B] 200 lbs [B]Apperence:[/B] Looks just like Snake from MGS 2. That is short brown hair, rugged, greenish eyes. [B]Weapon:[/B] Silenced Pistol [B]Gadget:[/B] Door Breaker [B]Personality:[/B] Calm, calculated, an expert marksman. It is very rare that Craig misses a target with his pistol.
  12. Craig sits in the garden, bored as hell... thinking about drink. [B]Craig:[/B] One hundred green bottles of Heineken on the wall... hmm, Heineken. He starts picking up stones and throwing them into the water, and the ripples in the pool reming him of a Physics lesson about sound waves. [B]Craig:[/B] Stinking school... with all their books.
  13. [B]Name:[/B] Jin Hayabuso [B]Age:[/B] 22 years old [B]Hometown:[/B] Neo Tokyo [B]Occupation:[/B] A Lieutenant of T.A.N.T.O. [B]Weapon/Skill:[/B] Is a master in Jeet Kune Do, Tae Kwon Do and Capoiera [B]Personality:[/B] Jin is an energetic, determined and strong young man who had been determined to clean up Neo Tokyo ever since his brother was killed 16 years ago. His father was a master, and much reverred fighter in the form of Jeet Kune Do, and Jin has been learning it from him since he was 4. However, at ten years old he began to learn Tae Kwon Do and Capoiera. He, because of his very professional attidude towards his work, is usually chosen for difficult missions and very rarely fails to please. In his spare time, he either hones his fighting skills or continues investigating the murder of his brother.
  14. Strider followed Lalaith intently, he was anxios, but by no means scared. He reached for Andúril, and unsheathed it, holding it lightly in both hands. In his hands, Andúril was almost as deadly as it was in the hands of his father. But still, he wondered. Orcs were not this crafty, why haven't they struck? Goblins weren't smart enough to hide either, and Troll's were too confident in their strength to hide from a small company. It could only be Wolves... or humans, unless Strider was mistaken. Although he knew Lalaith was infront, Strider felt almost as if he was alone, he wasn't depandant on Lalaith to lead him. Was this the moment he had anticipated? Would this be the time when he and Lalaith would charge into a company of enemied as the others followed? He could only wait and find out...
  15. Xanko landed the ship calmly on a strip of dry earth, that had been sindered and burnt by the laser cannons of the Death Watch. He leapt out of the pilot's chair. [B]Xanko:[/B] Keep the guns warm, I won't be long. Xanko lapet off the ship, and ran towards the forest to find Marth, Jango and the others.
  16. [B]Strider:[/B] The honour is mine. I have waited long for the time when I would be strong enough to fight in this most talented of groups. I was sure when I came that you and your wife had done the right thing. [B]Lalaith:[/B] So, why didn't you join earlier? We could have done with your help much sooner. [B]Strider:[/B] Two reasons really. Firstly, I was training all the time, and being a member of the Dunadáin was a time consuming thing. [B]Lalaith:[/B] As I know too well. And the other reason? [B]Strider:[/B]... My mother wouldn't let me go until I was strong enough. Lalaith laughed, he could see the sincerity in Strider's words, but even Strider laughed at it. Lalaith had a respect for Strider, how he had obeyed the wishes of his parent. He had also noticed how Strider was intently watching te environment just as Lalaith was. [B]Ryan:[/B] What the... Strider and Lalaith became alerted, and together they rushed up to join Abob and find out what was happening.
  17. Strider looked back towards the gate, remembering his horse, Snowmane, who he had set off to Gondor only moments ago. He walked at the back of the group, as his father had done when he was in his own Fellowship. He thought about the possibility of never seeing Snowmane again, never seeing Gondor again... never seeing his mother again. He was easily the youngest of the group, though by no means the least experienced or the dimmest. He found it quite easily to keep up with the group, he had moved much faster than this when he had to, but, being the tallest in the Fellowship, his giant strides easily kept up with the quite tredding of Lalaith. Strider had not been in Rivendell long, but already he had decided that Lalaith was a decent enough guy. Determined, head strong, observant, much like Strider was. He both respected and admired Lalaith, Strider would be honoured when he got to fight alongside him.
  18. [B]Craig:[/B] Ah, that's better. 4 Neil's and 4 Ken... Kenna's, just the way I like it. Neil and Ken walk back towards the living room, when two huge blasts of scorching Ki strike them in their backs'. They both fall to the floor, spines burning. [B]Craig:[/B] That's for blowing me up, now I'm even, with all 8 of you. [B]Kenna:[/B] Seems fair. Wanna go get a san'wich? [B]Craig:[/B] Yeah lets go get a san'wich.
  19. Well, you are fighting Death Watch troops in the forest, me and Abob are off playing the game "saving everyone's áss." ----------------------------------------------------------- Xanko landed calamly in the hatchway of the drop ship. Kawz was still out cold. Xanko decided it was best if he was awake. Xanko walked over to the medical kit, and got the anti-depressant, and a syringe. He injected Kawz with the anti-depressant, which woke him up almost immediately. [B]Xanko:[/B] Keep pounding the guns, I'm gonna land. Xanko got onto the controls, and set it off the computer plotted path. With a touch from the nerve equipment in his fingertips, the same targetting data he had used before hand came up in his visor. He spotted the largest group of his allies, and in his mind, plotted the best course to reach them. He also had to buy some time for Abob to repair the ship.
  20. Chaos arrived in the city aboard a hover bike, one of the older ones. Signas was too píssed at him to give him one of the state of the art models, especially since there was only a slim chance of it getting back. Even Chaos knew that, but still, he didn't approve of hindering his mission and speed for any longer. Chaos looked about, his scanners trying to pick up the other Reploids. It took him mere moments. Firstly he picked up Demos off towards the east. Proteus was off West, and Kurt, who must have been the guy he passed over, was off in the South. Then he picked up Reverb, off in the North. It was always good to see a fairly new Reploid getting some good field experience. He would also be a rookie if he wasn't equipped with Omega's memory chip. Following mission parameters, Chaos decided to seek out Demos. He hid the hover bike under a crumbling balcony which hung low over the street. Then, changing his arm into it's buster form, he started running off towards te West, following the signal he had for Demos.
  21. Craig looks blankly at the can of Red Bull that was placed in his hand. Neil looks, and sees Craig start to twitch and spasm wildly. [B]Neil:[/B] Oh shít! Who gave him the red bull? [B]LK:[/B] Me, why? [B]Neil:[/B] He... hates nothing more than being given cheap alchohol substitutes. At that moment, the can of Reb Bull was thrown violently across the room, straight through the wall, and a large blast of Ki followed it. The can exploded, shards of allumunum flying everywhere, tearing clother, ripping through flesh. O_o'' [B]Craig:[/B] DRINK! [B]Ken:[/B] Oh no... [B]Craig:[/B] DRINK! DRINK! ARSE! DRINK! GIRLS! DRINK! [B]Liam:[/B] What's happened? [B]Ken:[/B] It... it can't be. He's, sobering up!!!
  22. *Points to new Username.* Someone now has absolute power!!! Mhuhahahahahahaha. 'Course it's not me... but someone had it. P.S, it's not Neil either. Ken maybe... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Y.Craig walked out to the garden, and trensformed back into his usual form, much to his disliking. He walked over to the side of the pool, and sat down on the floor. [B]Craig:[/B] No... alchohol... need... alchohol. And so Craig sat on the grass, twitching.
  23. Name: Kain Arkali spirit: Fire Storm Age: 25 Planet of Origin: Valandra Description: 6'4", hazel eyes, long white hair, muscular build. Wears black jeans, fingerless leather gloves, and a white vest. Bio: See earlier I suppose... Start weapon: Katana. Final Weapon:
  24. Kain now faced the creature. Hideous in appearence, even more disfigured than Azmudan, the flesh was literally hanging from his bone, dry blood covered every cut, bruise and sore. Still, Kain did not fear him, for he had true power, in himself, and within the weapon that he carried. This beast could do nothing to him. Kain pointed to the beast with one clawed hand, as the other rested upon the handle of the Reaver. [B]Kain:[/B] What are you, creature? Have you come to take back what the Sarafan have lost? I assure, you, if that is the case, then you will die. I can already tell you are a creature of Sarafanitic nature. Speak demon, my patience wavers, and I may not keep you alive to answer my question. The creature, a huge bulbous figure, stood, staring at Kain, breathing heavily. He rested his staff of the ground with one giant, clawed hand. [B]???:[/B] I... am Malik... the means of your demise. Throw down your weapon vampire... or I will be forced to take it from you. Kain sneered, his cold, yellow eyes staring deeply at the creature. [B]Kain:[/B] Do you really believe you could strip the Soul Reaver from it's master? You have no Nexus Stone, you have but a pathetic lance. I welcome your attempts, the Reaver craves for blood again, as do I. It was inconceivable. Kain had no time even to raise the Reaver to defend. With a single swing of the lance, the creature, Malik, had knocked the Reaver from Kain's mighty grasp. It spun through the air, anf fell straight through the opening that Malik had fought his way out of. Malik laughed, it was evil, demonic, and then he leapt down into the fissure after it. As soon as he did, a span of purple energy covered the fissure, and sealed it shut once again. Kain, he was beyond furious. Once again, he was separated from the thing that he adored most. Once again, a Sarafan creature had found a way to strip him of his gold. And, once again, Kain would get his vengeance. [B]Kain:[/B] Medra, Azmudan... and my six sons. Come now, the Reaver has left me, and I shall find it. Come now to the Sarafan camp, and enter this underground layer opened by the creature, Malik. Find my Reaver, return it to me, but, if you find the warrior Malik, leave him. He... is mine! With that, Kain moved over the the tiny opening, the only crack that Malik had failed to seal. He banged his fist upon the floor, and cried out to the sky. [B]Kain:[/B] Nosgoth itself will pay for this abomination. I swear, I shall rip the pillars down, and use them for my throne! Nothing in this world is above me! NOTHING!!! Kain smashed his clawed fist upon the gound again, and leapt down through the crack in the floor.
  25. Zanitz sat in his pod, quietly thinking, his sword rested on his knee. A technician came and stood infront of the pod. [B]Technician:[/B] Good luck Zanitz, bring us back another planet eh? [B]Zanitz:[/B] You know it. [B]Technician:[/B] Okay, all clear, seal the doors. The technicians that had been placed infront of the pods sealed shut the doors, and stepped back. [B]Technician:[/B] Okay, launch preparation complete. Fire pods at 2 second intervals, beginning with pod Z-92. The circular hatched begind the pods opened, and the pods were moved back into them. The hatched then closed again. A rumble was heard, then a "whoosh", as Zanitz's pod was thrown upwards into space. Then, another one went, and soon they were all in space, heading off towards Morklark. [B]Zanitz:[/B] Computer, put me into carbon sleep, wake me up at 6 clicks from Morklark, or if any of the others have something important to say.
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