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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. [B]Xanko:[/B] Okay Abob, engage! Simultaneously, Xanko and Abob fired up their jet packs, and at the same instant, the drop ship started another series of evasive manouvers, randomised by the computer. The antenna on top of Xanko's helmet came forward over his left eye, and he put both his fists forward as he flew towards the front viewport of the shuttle. He started firing precisely and quickly with the missile launcher on his left wrist. s he predicted, the blasts made but scratches on the viewport. [B]Xanko:[/B] Okay Abob, you got your rocket locked? [B]Abob:[/B] Locked and ready. [B]Xanko:[/B] Okay, fire! The bore missiles atop the jetpacks of the two warriors launched out, and smashed large holes in the viewport upon impact. With pinpoint accuracy, the two warirors flew through the gaping hole made in the viewport. Xanko rolled onto his shoulder, grabbing his X-33 rifle as he did so. He came up on one knee, firing at the troops in the cockpit. [B]Abob:[/B] Cockpit secure. A labelled plan of the ship was transmitted into the helmets of both warriors. [B]Xanko:[/B] Proceed into hatch A. I'll secure B, go around the curcumfrence of the ship and meet at tunnal D. [B]Abob:[/B] Copy. Xanko got to his feet, and quickly moved to the entrance to the tunnel labelled "T;B" on the plan. He planted a remote detonator on the hatch, which was sealed shut, and, moving back to the centre of the room, set it off. A gaping hole was blown into the door, and he walked upto it. Bolts of plasma were flying through the hole, Xanko brought the scope up on his X-33, and peered through. He identified 3 hostiles in the immediate corridor. He aimed, kneeling behind the door, peering through, and shot the first troop between the eyes. In reaction, there was a breif pause in firing, and Xanko took this oppurtunity to dive through the hole, coming to a rolling halt behind a durasteel crate on the left side of the corridor. Another shot of his rifle, and the second guard fell, a sizzling hole where his heart once was. The remaining guard began to retreat, firing frantically as he did so. Xanko had him locked within seconds, and a single shot was fired, scoring a hit in the troop's forehead. [B]Xanko:[/B] Corridor B secure. Proceeding to entrance of D. [B]Abob:[/B] Copy... Corridor A also secured. Xanko passed around a corridor, and saw Abob at the other side. Between them were 6 Death Watch troops, who, for a brief moment, couldn't decide who to fire upon. In this short time, two fell from blaster shots by the Mandalorian warriors. [B]Abob:[/B] Any captives? [B]Xanko:[/B] Negative, waste 'em.
  2. Chaos stood in the centre of his domed training facility, perfectly still, head down. He held the long handle of his Z:2 beam sabre between both hands. His helmet was off, and he had disengaged all circuitry from his "brain" to projectile weaponry, and communications. This way, if he lost, there was no way for him to bail out using the buster, or by calling for help. Around him, two modified cleaning cyborgs circled him. They both had simple beamsabres, and had been programmed by Chaos with over 10 forms of sword discilpines. They were basically just the cyborg skeleton, in this way they were minimized as a target, and were able ti moe faster, without any heavy armour or artificial muscle. The head technician had agreed to help construct these fighting droids for Chaos to train, as long as they had a chip inserted that would shut them down as soon as they had their opponent in a life threatening position. Chaos, of course, has removed this chip. If he was bad enough to lose, then he didn't deserve to be an elite. Both cyborgs continued to circle him, waiting for their signal to attack (which was at the point when Chaos ingited his sabres). Two red beams shot out of either side of the handle at his command, and immediately the cyborg's moved in. One cut vertically down towards Chaos' head. Chaos blocked, and with a sweeping motion, threw the attack off to one side. Using this momentum, he turned and blocked an attack to his left shoulder by the other android. His sabre caught his enemies above his blade, so Chaos was able to force his enemies sabre towards the ground. As he did this, he turned and thrust one end of his sabre through the back of the droids spinal circuit. The droid sparked wickedly, then dropped to the floor as the sabre fell from his clutches. Immediately Chaos had to turn and make a late block towards his right side. He had blocked with the sabre facing the ground, and in one giant arking cut, he brought the enemies sabre above their heads, and down onto their left side. Then, with the other sabre, he brought it back, cutting through the neck of the second cyborg. With both cyborgs defeated, he put away his sabre, and, using a simple connection in both shoulders, logged back on with his X-33 buster and Chaos buzzsaw. Then, on came his helmet, and his communication systems came online. Immediately he heard Signas' voice yelling for him. [B]Signas:[/B] Hasn't anyone found him yet? Chaos, where the héll are you? [B]Chaos:[/B] I'm here, I'm here... what's up? [B]Signas:[/B] What's up?! You infernal piece o' junk. Your supposed to be on a mission, that's what. Now get over to docking, grab a speeder bike, and go to to co-ordinates I'm pitching to your navigation board. [B]Chaos:[/B] Okay... boss.
  3. The ship took off agaib with minimum fuss, Abob at the controls, Xanko at the guns. Kawz was resting in the back. He was busy shooting, when a right light in the rocner of his visor bleeped, letting off the slightest of noises. He had programmed his helmet to do this when he was within firing range of the forest, and, also as he had programmed, his helmet visor instantly switched to heat vision. Now he could see targets in the wood, and the data was automatically transfered to the ships onboard computer from his helmet. The ship then would observe targets, decide whether they were allies or enemies, and plot them onto the radar. Green dots signalled allies, red signalled enemies. Then, this data was transfered back into Xanko's helmet, making all allies appear green, and all enemies appear red through his visor. It was most likely that Abob had done the same, as he seemed to be taking the direct route to the largest group of allies. Meanwhile, Xanko was picking off red targets with pinpoint accuracy, one, then another, then a small group.
  4. Yoda


    Cable walked on through the woods, taking his time as he walked towards the X-mansion. He had already seen the man hiding behind the tree with his right eye, picking up his heat signal. But, he still walked on, uncaring. He didn't even reach for his gun, as the mugger jumped out of the trees, pointing his pistol straight at Cable's face. The mugger was sneering proudly at his accomplishment. [B]Mugger:[/B] Okay man, this is how its gonna be, you hand over all your money, or maybe those nice lookin' guns, and you won't get hurt. Cable stared blankly at the man, who's sneer widened. [B]Cable:[/B] Your about two seconds away from wearing that smile across your áss. The mugger's sneer vanished, his face filled with anger, fear and shock. [B]Mugger:[/B] Oh, ya' think so wise guy? Within a split second, Cable's pistol was pointed square between the muggers eyes. [B]Cable:[/B] Yeah, I do. The mugger was trembling, staring down the barrel of Cable's impressive pistol. The mugger píssed himself, urine running down his trouser legs. [B]Mugger:[/B] Okay man, I... I'm sorry, just let me go, please! [B]Cable:[/B] Your gun, hand it over. [B]Mugger:[/B] Sure... just, just don't hurt me! Cable snatched the pistol from the mugger's outstretched hand, but kept his pistol locked in place. [B]Mugger:[/B] Okay man, now let me go, like you said. [B]Cable:[/B] Sure. You've got five seconds. [B]Mugger:[/B] W-what? Hey, what 're you doin'? [B]Cable:[/B] 1... 2. The mugger swallowed hard, then turned and started running for his life. Cable shook his head, and tossed the muggers pistol away. He holstered his own pistol, and carried on walking towards the X-mansion.
  5. Y.Craig, in the mood for some more radioactive cabbage, walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge door. As soon as he opened, something leapt out of the fridge and started mauling Y.Craig's face. Y.Craig used the force, and threw the thing into the wall, but it leapt back onto his feet. [B]???[/B] Hehehe, I am the samurai pickle! Feel my wrath!! Y.Craig notices the saliva foaming at his mouth, and it's tendencies to bite it's own arms. [B]Y.Craig:[/B] ¬¬... Rabies you have. [B]Samurai pickle:[/B] Hehehe, shut up. We will fight!!! The samurai pickle pulled out a baby carrot from behind his back, and was acting as if it were a weapon. [B]Y.Craig:[/B] -.-... Where you stored that carrot, I don't want to know. Now, kill you I shall! Y.Craig raised his arms above his head, even in his mighty Yoda form, he still had absolute control over his ki abilities. Two red orbs formed in the palms of each of his hands. Neil looked over curiously, he knew what was coming. The red orbs sizzled with energy, vicious bolts of lightning flickering between his hands, surging into and out of the orbs. When they were powerful enough, Y.Craig brought them down infronf of his torso, and pushed them together, into one giant orb. The increase in power was tremendous, the floor and walls around his were collapsing from the pressure of the one giant orb. Y.Craig sneered. [B]Y.Craig:[/B] Now, die you shall. Kikohama!!! The orb released from Craig's hands at tremendous speed, and the rabie struck pickle loooked on in horror. In one vein attempt, he swung his carrot at the orb, his it burst into flame and exploded. The orb plowed through the pickle, through the fridge, through the wall, and carried on it's way outside. Then Y.Craig closed his fists, and the orb exploded with tremendous power, knocking almost everyone off their feet. [B]Neil:[/B] Damn, that was one weak pickle. You hardly put any energy into that... [B]Y.Craig:[/B] Yes, more radiation, the fridge needs. Unfortunately, destroyed it did I.
  6. [B]Kain:[/B]... Carry on Khan. You must fulfill your duty. I shall go alone, and this beast will be dead within the hour. Kain took a deep breath, then turned and ran at full pace towards the gates of Normus. Medra and Azmudan both sensed him leaving, but they had been given no other orders, so they carried on finding scouts. Two Sarafan glyph knights stood at the gates to the city, replacing the group that had been slaughtered by the three vampires. They glowed orange as Kain approached, they instantly knew where he was. Kain cared not, he charged at the knights, who ran twoards him with their large broad swords. Kain's hand glowed with red energy, which transfered into the Soul Reaver. His fury attack, weakest of all his rage like abilities, but, with the Soul Reaver, it was deadly to almost anything. He cut in an upwards ark at the first glyph knight, and it ripped straight through him, the seperate halves of his body being launched backwards, exploding as they hit the gates' wall. [B]Kain:[/B] Be honoured Sarafan, I have learned a new ability, and you are to be it's first combat test subject. It shouldn't be unfamiliar to you, your master knew this ability long before I. Kain thrust the Soul Reaver forward, and a red stream of energy came out of it's blade, hitting the Glyph Knight, bursting through his middle, ripping most of his organs to shreds. However, the shot didn't come from Kain, it wasn't channeled through the sword, but it came from the sword itself. Kain knew this ability a life time ago, and only now had he re-learned it. Kain noticed the gate was blocked by a ward gate, and there seemed to be no lever in the area. Kain scowled, then leapt up, his claws ripping into the wall, holdinh him up. Then, using his mighty arms, he launched himself upwards, gripping the top of the wall that sdurrounded the city. He flipped over the wall, landing gracefully on the other side, and he continued, without hinder, towards the Sarafan camp.
  7. Xanko was like a machine. Every shot scored a hit, or even two, and he sent out volley after volley of bolts from the ships guns. The natives were dropping like flies, any one lucky enough to fire a single blast at the ship was met with three scorching blasts from the ships cannons. Every turn, dip or rise Abob made created new targets from Xanko, who was popping them off systematically. Xanko however, had still falt naked ever since he was stripped of his helmet. He was a creature of nessecity, he did what had to be done to keep himself alive, and on top of things. He knew that this was the ship Vertigo squadron had been brought in on, which meant that Xanko's spare gear, which he brought on every mission possible, was aboard this ship. [B]Xanko:[/B] Abob, can you hold your own for a second? [B]Abob:[/B] Yeah, sure. Abob needed to explanation to why he had to control the ship by himself, he knew what it was. Abob would be doing the exact same thing were he in Xanko's position. Xanko leapt from his chair, his adhesion soled boots allowing him to keep his balance even in the constantly manouvering ship. He went straight for the supplly crate, and ripped the top open. His spare helmet lay perfectly among the other accesories. He put the helmet on with speed and grace, then ran back to the cockpit area. Leaping into the co-pilot chair, he started to mann the guns once again. He sighed with relief as his new helmet started loading firing data, and the ships integirity levels into the computer, as he had instructed from his fingertip controls. Finally, Xanko was back in action.
  8. [I]The tomb was quiet, the coffins emtpy. Yet, the air was filled with a quiet evil, one about to resurface. The six had long since left, the Sarafan were dead, but the earth tremored with an unknown force. A giant fissure buckled the groung, ripping the floor of the tomb into pieces. Fallen carcasses of the Sarafan were tossed metres into the air, some landing 50 feet or more away out of the sheer force of the fissure. The ground itself was being forced apart, something had awoken, deep in the night, and was trying to get out. A giant, scaled hand broke through the rocky surface, giant claws lined with dirt and blood. The cracked skin wretched in the cold night air, but the... creature, continued to dig itself out. Another arm ripped out of the buckled floor, still bearing the giant spear with which it was buried. Then it's head barged through the debris, one of it's giant, snake like eyes had been ripped from its socket, leaving a bloody, ***** mess where the eye should have been. It's teeth, no, fangs, were like swords, though many were cracked or chipped. It screeched, making the mountain shake with pulsating energy. Using it's giant arms, the creature yanked itself out from his muddy grave, and it stood again, alive. The creature was truly mighty, it's head nearly in contact with the tomb's roof. It's giant shoulder puched into the tomb's walls, and it's giant arms had literally crushed the coffins of Turel and Rahab. With one giant step, the creature rammed through the wall of the tomb, meeting the night for the first time in millenia. The creature sniffed the air, and then yelled in one mighty roar; [B]???[/B] KAIN![/I] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kain sensed it. He was at the door of the Blue Harvest, and he heard the call of his name. What was going on? Was this voice real, and if so, was it friend or foe? Kain sensed it was at the Sarafan camp, he could feal his presence. [I]So it is real[/B] Kain thought. Should he go and see this thing, or should he wait for chance to bring it to him?
  9. It was morning. The fellowship was again invited to a breakfast feast, and they had heard rumours that one of the new fellowship members was in Rivendell. They walked together, for the first time in many days, towards the hall. Lauren and Lalaith led the group, who were all quite anxious to meet the new arrival. They walked into the dining room, Elladan was again sitting at the head of the table, but they saw no sign of a newcomer. The sat at the places that they sat at yesterday, and before any eating began, Elladan rose. [B]Elladan:[/B] Friends of Rivendell, may I present, Strider Ellesar, prince of half elves. Suddenly the noticed him, as he rose from a stool in the corner of the room. A dirty, musty cloak covered his body, and shadowed his face, and he smoked a pipe. He stood, and threw the cloak back from his brow, and they all saw him. Instantly, those who knew Aragorn elf friend saw him in this young man, and many of them also saw Arwen in him. Indeed he was mixture of both, he had the rugged appearence of his father, and he was also tall and well built like Aragorn, but he had elven ears, and his mothers eyes. He seemed to walk without the cares that his father carried, he was filled with life and vitality. He bowed low to the company of elves and men, then took a place at the end of the table, next to Elladan. [B]Elladan:[/B] Fellowship members, greet him and welcome him, as he will be joining you on your teduis quest.
  10. Snowmane glided through the heavy mudded track, racing through the storm, rain and wind beating down upon he and his rider. Strider though, was unhindered, he was more than used to the torments of the weather, indeed he loved the rain, the sound of it beating down upon the ground as he sat in the hall of Minas Tirith, practicing his fighting skills or eating many a fine meal. The rain had also helped him to succeed in many battles, goblins from the Misty Mountains wrecthed at the touch of rain from elvish streams, and he had taken down scores of them with the rain as his ally. Snowmane suddenly came out of the overhanging woods, into a clearing, which led into a glade someway north. There, in all it's splendor, glowing even in this harsh rain, was the city of Rivendell. The sun was beginning to rise over the tips of the Misty Mountains, only Carhádras stood higher than the sun, it's snowy peak gleamed with splendor in the light of the morning. Riding with great haste now, Snowmane galloped swiftly towards the elvish city. They kept alongisde the river, which they would have to cross to get into the city. They came shortly to a shallow crossing which lead up a stony path. Snowmane strode across, welcoming the fresh, clean water to bathé his feet. Then, he walked proudly up the hill, and marched upto one of the smaller, but still ever open gates of Rivendell. There was no was into the city except by crossing the river, and the main entrance was a thin bridge, no more than one man wide, which led over a small canyon towards the main gate of the city. Strider had purposely taken the route leading to one of the smaller gates, near to the south of the city. Strider climbed down from Snowmane, and led him through the gates by his reigns. Already a small company of elves were there waiting for him, which didn't surprise Strider at all. [B]1st Elf:[/B] Welcome, Prince Elessar, to the city of Rivendell. This way please. The others will take your fine beast to one of our stables. It has travelled far, and needs rest no doubt. [B]Strider:[/B] Thank you. Snowmane may be tired, but I have no desire for sleep. I wish to see those who summoned my council. [B]Elf:[/B] All in good time, but will you not eat first? Our lord has prepared a fine breakfast for the fellowship, and I'm sure you will want to meet some of them. [B]Strider:[/B] Yes, I will go and eat now, I have not eaten properly since I left Edoras.
  11. [B]Y.Craig:[/B] We'll just see who rules Tekke *gets blasted.* y.Craig stands up, and suddenly realises he hasn't got a clue how to get out of Yoda mode. Realising that he is was cooler when he looks like Yoda, he shrugs and walks into the bathroom, trying to climb up onto the toilet seat. [B]Y.Craig:[/B] Mountain climbing gear I need hmm. [B]*Several hours later*[/B] Y.Craig walks out of the bathroom, wahsing his hands, as he throws his mountain climbing gear out the window. He walks into the bedroom to see Neil laughing demonically... for no reason at all. [b]Y.Craig:[/B] Tekken 3, we shall play. Hwoarang I shall go. But, a playstation and television we need.
  12. Strider sat at the riverbank with his horse Snowmane. He rested his chin in his one hand, while the other gently brushed the face of his horse, as it pleasently drank some of the water from the stream. It was the horse who had decided to come to this spot, as he would be able to drink the water of Rivendell. This horse, was the calf of his mother, Arwen's horse. It was elvish, and although born in Minas Tirith, is was really a child of Rivendell. Strider knew his way well enough, he was one of the Dunedáin after all, like his father before him, but Snowmane always seemed to know the quickest route to Rivendell, no matter where he was. He looked at Andúril, resting in it's sheath at his side, and he remembered his father. He held onto this sword dearly, he could handle it with almost as much grace and power as his father Aragorn, but he knew that it didn't belong in his hands, not really. Andúril was the sword of King Ellesar, saviour of men... atleast in his eyes. His mother had often said that Andúril was the blade of Gondor's Kings, but that made little difference to Strider. He looked up at Snowmane, who was gently drinking his fill of the sweet water from Rivendell. They were not far south of the elven city, Strider was confident they could reach it by morning. His thoughts now wandered towards his hosts, as it were, Lauren and Lalaith. He had met them only breifly when he was but 7 years old, they were both radiating... it was a strange thing that all elves seemed to have. He always remembers how his mother, you could feel when she was near, her beauty and grace would fill up even the largest room with peace and joy. Snapping back into reality suddenly, he bserved his horse, who was still sipping peacfully at the water. His hand, which had been stroking the mane of his stallion, was now in the shallow of the stream at his sides. Only his fingertips were wet, as he drew his hand out and shook off all the vapour. [B]Srider:[/B] Come on boy, the elves of Rivendell await our call, we must not hinder their plans. Snowmane looked at Strider through one of his deep, black eyes, and then lefted his head from the stream, showing that he was ready to ride again. Strider smiled for a moment, then lead Snowmane up onto the path. Snowmane shook his head and snorted when he stepped onto the soft grass of the woodland paths, a sign of his approval. Strider leapt on in one graceful movement, and looked about his environment one last time. Then, he looked onward, and said with a booming voice. [B]Strider:[/B] On Snowmane, glide across the fields, and get us to Rivendell's gates by the dawn of the next sun. Snowmane naighed, and took off, with the speed of the wind, heading for Rivendell, where Strider's quest would begin.
  13. Well your not stating a fact, and here are the reasons why. Note; these reasons are researched, just to make sure there is no more argueing. 1. Kain acquires the ability to freely teleport 450 years after Raziel comes into his service, through a metamorphic transformation. He is roughly the age of 1500 at this point. 2. Vorador gains a limited ability of teleportation at the age of 1000, where he is able to teleport to places he is extremely familiar with, or to people he is extremely familiar with. Now, please note Super Gohan's post, where he teleports to Kain, who he has never met before, and then freely teleports to the top of a mountain again to start fighting. The fact that I didn't want teleporting in my RPG is common sense, because no vampire, not even Kain at this point, would be able to use it freely, as he clearly did. And regardless of all these technicalities, my rules are my rules, and I do not expect them to be debated, as my rules clearly benefit the life and fairness of the RPG. I expect everyone, including Super Gohan can see why I took away his teleporting ability, everyone except you that is. Now, end of discussion. On with the RPG. ---------------------------------------------------------- Kain marched, without care, down one of Normus' main streets. The stench of sweet human flesh was so potent it made his mouth water, his desire to feed was immense. However, he would have to wait for another meal, his business now resided inside the [B]Blue Harvest Tavern[/B]. Vorador had informed him before he left that atleast one vampire supporter would be waiting there. The civilians he passed were to afraid to run, to afraid to attack, or even to afraid to scream when they saw Kain, which satisfied him greatly... and yet, made him feel empty. In a way, he longed for that time when he had first woken from his 400 years of torment, when he was the hunter, fighting his way through the slums of Meridian, fighting thugs, rogues and thieves. That was the only time when he truelly felt powerful, when he was fighting with his claws only, ripping flesh from bone, tearing at arteries, and ripping out organs, with only his strength, claws and hunting nature as his tools. [B]Kain thinks:[/B] Day will break soon. Khan, he shall have to find shelter on that long road to Raspeth. Though, knowing him, he is already in the town, decimating the Sarafana ranks and laughing at it all the way. Infact, I think I shall check. *Whispers:* Khan, how goes the task? [B]Khan:[/B] Sire, I have not yet reached Raspeth, but already the road has given me a few... pleasent results. [B]Kain:[/B] I'm sure it has. That road, it is full of caverns and mystical caves, very few of which have been explored, or even found. I am guessing that is what you refer to? [B]Khan:[/B] Yes, my lord. You are indeed very perceptive. [B]Kain:[/B] It is no surprise. I have been plotting to travel across that route ever since my rise to power. If this... thing benefits your service to me, then I am indeed happy for you. [B]Khan:[/B] Thank you sire. A smile spread across Kain's face, even the most dedicated vampire has a lust for power, a lust for the time when they may be able to beat their master. [I]But no longer[/I] Kain thought, not with the nexus stone destroyed and the Soul Reaver in his possesion. His eyes fixed upon the sign for the Blue Harvest tavern, on the corner of the street. He fixed one hand upon the hilt of the Reaver. [B]Kain:[/B] Time to pay our little friend a visit.
  14. Back on Vegeta's surface, the team made their way to the space pod launch area. They entered the building, there were rows and ros of space pods as far as could be seen. Babies were being jettisoned off to weaker planets, teams of saiyan and other species were going off to fight and conquer the planets they had picked out of the pool. The master technician of the port approached the saiyans. [B]Technician:[/B] This way please, your pods are ready to launch. The technician turned on his heal, and lead the team quite some way down through the hall, the sweaty, musty smell generally started to get more sterile and clean. He pointed the team to a group of pods with the hatches opened. [B]Technician:[/B] Have a pleasent trip.
  15. Finally, the three approached Normus from the North. It was buzzing with Sarafan guards, just like Meridian. Kain stood atop a hill, a vicious thunder storm was following him, it seemed. Medra and Azmudan were at his sides, observing the environment. [B]Kain:[/B] Okay, lets just make sure we all understand our objective here. There are humans in this town, they hate the Sarafan so much that they are willing to work for vampires to rid themselves of the Sarafan. We must seek these people out, and tell them to instruct any passing vampires to seek out Vorador in Meridian. This is, if they wish to work for me. Also, feel free to eat as you please, and don't be afraid to endulge in the blood of a few more Sarafan. [B]Medra:[/B] These vampire supporters... they will be in hiding no doubt? [B]Kain:[/B] I would suspect so. Check every alley and sewer, do not rest until you have found atleast one vampire supporter. [B]Azmudan:[/B] I love a good hunt. With that, the three vampires started down the hill towards the gates of Normus.
  16. No, one again I will leave you with two words. STOP SPAMMING! If you are not going to join the RPG, don't post in it. Any complaints you have, keep them to yourself. Any questions you have, USE THE PM'S!!! So, another two words for you, just incase your ignorance once again missed what I just said; Wise up. Another two words; Obey rules.
  17. Yoda


    There he stood, at the edge of the town, watching the others from the shadows. Now even X-man knew he was there, as he is not the only mutant with extreme psionic powers. Cable, son of Cyclops and Jean, stood in the alleyway, watching as Gravitonne lifted the others away towards the base. Through his left eye he saw them through the normal spectrum, but his right eye had mytated, allowing him to see them through the heat in their bodies. However, they were not the only creatures he saw through his right eye. He picked up another one, a body, quite large, trapped, no, hiding behind a wall. As soon as the others were out of sight, the mutant stepped out, and started laughing. [B]Mutant:[/B] Hahaha, those X-men won't ever kill me! Cable then stepped out of the alley to face the mutant. [B]Cable:[/B] I guess not, being as I'm about to finish you. [B]Mutant:[/B] Hahaha, you really think you can beat me, by yourself? Bring it on fool, and I shall deal you your death. Cable extended his left arm, a staff seemingly materialised out of nowhere. The staff radiated with electricity, as did Cable, and his right eye was shining with blinding light. With one swipe of his staff, he cracked the monster across the face, sending him spiraling into, and through the nearest wall. Cable's staff vanished as soon as it had appeared, and he stood patiently, waiting for the monster to make his move. Sudenly, out of the darkness of the building, an electromagnetic blast shot out of the hole, straight towards Cable. He made no effort to dodge, and simply raised his arms out, palms upward. His body was surrounded by a blue aura, and his right eye glowed a similar, radiating blue. The blast stopped, an inch away from his hands, and then reversed velocity, shooting straight back into the hole. There was a large explosion like a crack of pulsing thunder, and then all that could be heard were the monsters feeble gasps for air, as his lungs filled with blood, suffocating him. Cable stepped through the hole, and stared at the monster, who was covered in cuts and scars. One of his eyes had exploded, leaving only a ***** mess in the socket. Cable drew his customised pistol from it's holster, and pointed it directly between the eyes. [B]Cable:[/B] When you see Apocalypse in hell, be sure to tell him, Cable sent ya'. A shot rang out, and a scorching bolt of plasma shot through the head of the monster. He went limp instantly, and his fingers twitched with the last messages of his brain. Cable turned, and left the crumbled building. It was time, once again, for him to go and visit the X-men.
  18. Ken walked out of the room, and glanced breifly at Y.Craig, who was holding Mini Y.Craig on the floor and pummeling him with his fists. Ken grinned, and walked off, only to have a bolt of lightning strike him in the back, sending him crashing into the wall head on. [B]Mini Y.Craig:[/B] Hmm, missed you did I. [B]Y.Craig:[/B] End you I will, if Ken doesn't beat me to it, when recovers does he.
  19. Okay, Super Gohan, you cannot have that teleport ability, this is not a Draginball Z RPG for hell's sake. ------------------------------------------------ [B]Kain:[/B] This is Azriel I believe. He is but a child who wishes to serve me. I have yet to find a test for... wait. Azriel, I have found your test. [B]Azriel:[/B] What do you wish of me Kain? An enourmus sneer spread across the face of Kain. It drove fear into Azriel, but Medra welcomed it. Azmudan was puzzlied, he did not fear Kain, but he did not know him as well as Medra did. [B]Kain:[/B] You shall fight Medra, child. Medra's grin could eve be seen by the blind at this point, he was going to enjoy this. [B]Kain:[/B] What's the matter boy? Now you have doubts, I can smell the fear around you. Realise boy, I need only the strong to serve me, and Medra is one of my best. If you can beat him, then you will have proven your strength, but that will be impossible for such a child. I shall make it easier for you though, if you can so but wound him once, then you can follow me. But, if as I suspect, Medra here tears you apart, then you will get out of my sight, and stop living in your disilusioned world. Azriel was shattered with fear, as he slowly drew his sword. Kain was disgusted with him already, showing such fear. Kain had never done such a thing, even when he was terribly outclassed. He looked over at Medra, who was enjoying every second of it. He could see now Medra's loyalty, he was prepared quite willingly to attack a fellow vampire, who he had no quarrel against. That was the kind of soldier Kain needed. [B]Kain:[/B] Enjoy the fight, the winner shall be the first one to find myself and Azmudan. We shall be heading again towards Normus. Oh, and Medra, try not to kill him... if you can help it.
  20. Well, the fact that both myself and Boba are continuing to post would suggest that it's still running now wouldn't it?
  21. Well you can just get out before you start. Firstly, it is impossible for any pure living vampire to be older than Kain. The reason for this you would know, if you have played the first one like you state you have. At the end of Blood Omen one all vampires are dead except for Kain, who has to chooose whether he wants to die to save the pillars of Nosgoth, or live and rule in Nosgoth's ruin. Azmudan, the only character older than Kain here, obviously died at some point because he has the ability to absorb souls. Also, the teleporting thing is very old, and cheap, and I am revoming it from anyone who has it. And don't say you don't have it because that Cloak of Shadows thing is basically teleporting.
  22. Xanko tried his best to keep cool, but he was boiling with fury inside. He flipped the scope up on his X-33 blaster, and started furiously pumping round after round at the Death Watch troops. The groups leader was dead, and Montross was a traitor. Xanko made a vow right there and then, he would hunt down and kill Montross and Viszla, no matter what. However, right now he had to worry about his team, all except for Jango and Abob, who were in much the same situation as he was. [B]Abob:[/B] Xanko, how do you plan to get us out of here? [B]Xanko:[/B] Are any of the dropships functional?
  23. Lets try to keep this going! ---------------------------------------------------- Xanko said nothing, he kept his usually emotionless appearence, but he was filled with tension and relief. His one hand wavered over his blaster pistol, he could almost have hot Vlszla right there and then. He was at a major disadvantage without his helmet, he couldn't keep in cilent communication with Abob or any of the others, whereas Death Watch could easily be plotting the Mandalorian's demise. He didn't plan to die today though, and he was sure that Jaster didn't either.
  24. [B]Name:[/B] Chaos [B]Type:[/B] Reploid [B]Age:[/B] 3 months [B]Description:[/B] See attatchment [B]Personality/Bio:[/B] He was constructed upon Omega's last wish before he died. He wished to be remade with his existing memory chip, but a completely knew body, made similar to the design of the reploid Flash, as a tribute to his old friend who had sacrificed his life to save Omega and the others. He was given an upgraded standard of weaponry to what Omega was used to, and it was adapted towards his new body. His personality though, is exactly like Omega's, except that he has not been given the feelings of remorse or mercy, which Omega' requested be removed. This is why he was called Chaos, when a fight starts, he will kill anything, in a frenzy. Other than that, he is funny, cheery, and very aggresive in a fight. [B]Weapons:[/B] X33 Buster Cannon - An upgraded version of Omega's X20, it has the ability to fire in repetitive mode of 15 charges a second, though this wears away Chaos' energy quite rapidly. Chaos Buzzsaw - A weapon made exclusively for Chaos, it is a weapon attatched to the top of his right arm. It fires energy in the form of buzzsaw's, which can alter in size and power. Unless the opponent has a special shield, the saw will cut through whatever it hits. Z:2 Beamsabre - An upgraded, double sided version of Omega's Z1 beamsabre.
  25. Kain made his way swiftly to the entrance of the tomb. It was heavily guarded, but that worried him not. He charged in, Soul Reaver raised high above his head. He ran straight into the centre of the gazebo like tomb, and the Sarafan guands surrounded him. He swung his Soul Reaver with speed and grace, and its tip ripped through the throat of one Sarafan guard. A Sarafan charged at him with his own sword, and slashed downwards. Kain turned, and blocked the attack with the Soul Reaver in one arm, and then he brought the Reaver down in a cutting ark, taking the Sarafan's legs from his body. The Sarafan fell to the floor, screaming, moments before the Soul Reaver was driven through his face. [B]Kain:[/B] If you are so eager to come to your death's, then come quickly, I have work to do. As if in reacion, the remaining guards simultaneously charged towards Kain, all with their swords in attacking positions. Kain leapt easily above them as they were only inches away, and one Sarafan was idiotic enough to slash another guard through the chest. Kain landed, turning in one swift motion, and taking another guards head off. One remained, and he felt fear. He was hesitant, and backed away a step. Kain raised his hand, and launched out a orb of telikinetic energy which knocked him against the wall. Then, he picked up one of the swords of the dead Sarafan, and tossed it towards the guard. It struck the guard through the neck, delivering him a swift but agonising death. Kain, despite his rush, took great pleasure in drinking the blood of each of them, before he moved onto his task. There were six coffins in the room. They all had names above the coffins embedded in stone. Raziel, Turel, Dumah, Rahab, Zephon and Melchiah, the six most powerful Sarafan priests, who had all been killed by swarms of vampires. Kain planned to bring them back, to bring them back as vampires. [I]Who would be a better soldier than someone who had no memory other than being in my service.[/I] Kain thought. One by one he went about the coffins, ripping the covers off, to reveal siz deathly white bodies, though not decomposing, and still threatening, even in death. Then, he pulled out a small pouch, and went over to the tomb of Raziel. He gathered a spirnkle of the substance within the pouch, and sprayed it over Raziel's corpse. [B]Kain:[/B] Rise, Raziel, first of my Sarafan leutenants. He proceeded to go around all the coffins. [B]Kain:[/B] Rise, Turel, rival of Raziel. [B]Kain:[/B] Rise, Dumah, lover of power and strength. [B]Kain:[/B] Rise, Rahab, priest of water and anger. [B]Kain:[/B] Rise, Zephon, lover of arachnid life. [B]Kain:[/B] Rise, Melchiah, youngest of the priests. Kain knew it would take hours for the process to complete. He stood in the middle of the tomb, he knew that the corpses would be able to hear, and comprehend Kain's orders. [B]Kain:[/B] Listen to me, all of you. I am Kain, your master, you will obey no one but me. When you awake, I shall not be here, so do this. Around you, you will find many corpses. Take what weapons and armour that you will, and then make haste to the town of Normus. You are vampires now, and I'm sure that you are eager to feed. With that, Kain turned, and ran out of the tomb, eager to get back to the camp and battle more Sarafan. He was still very hungry.
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