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Everything posted by Yoda
[I]When did I say Star Wars cannot be overpraised? *Waits patiently for answer* Oh yeah, I never said that. But the actually statement "Metallica cannot be overpraised" is indeed overpraising them, so you contradicted your own sentence within the same sentence. And I also think I am within reason when I say that you only talk about James... because whenever the topic of Metallica comes up among us, there is very little mention of Lars Ulrich and even less mention of Kirk Hammet, but there seems to be an excessive amount of conversation about James. Now perhaps you do not initiate that topic, but you certainly do not try and change it, no matter how many times it comes up. That is why I always try and veer away when Metallica becomes the conversation topic, because I'm pretty sick of hearing about James Hetfields life story. Yeah, Reload would be my 2nd favorite album. When I first heard it I thought it was a bit "iffy", but the more I listened to it, the more I grew to like it.[/I]
[I]The battle was won as Luke cut down the leader of the Sith troop with his green blade. The other 24 Jedi had done exceptionally, taking out the rest of the Sith, and the troop of Hybards.One by one the Jedi lightsabres faded out, and I noticed Luke looking about the battleground, much calmer than the rest of us. Applying the Jedi calming technique, I cut off my own lightsabre and turned around to face my master, who put on arm on my shoulder. [B]Kyp:[/B] Well done Craig, you fought tremendously. [B]Craig:[/B] My skills are so, only because of your teaching my master. My master smiled at me, then beckoned me with his head. [B]Kyp:[/B] Come, we must talk with Master Skywalker. My master picked his cloak up from the floor, and threw it over his shoulders. Mine was still in my dorm, so I shrugged, clipped my lightsabre handle onto my belt, and followed my master along. We met Master Skywalker, who greeted us both with a smile. [B]Luke:[/B] A well fought battle. What can I do for you Kyp? [B]Kyp:[/B] Nothing for me master, but my apprentice here. A look of shock spread over my face. I glanced up at my master as he continued. [B]Kyp:[/B] His skills are exceptional, but I feel that he is not being pushed. I believe that to unlock his full potential as a Jedi, we will need to find a task suited for only the most talented and determined of warriors. [B]Luke:[/B] Interesting Kyp, what do you have in mind? [B]Kyp:[/B] Well master, I think it would be a good idea, if Craig learned to train with a double-edged lightsabre. I couldn't hide the look of shock on my face. As far as I knew, only 2 people had ever trained with such a weapon, and they were both Sith. I had never heard of a Jedi with a wespon such as this... was I ready for such a responsibility? [B]Luke:[/B] That is an intriguing idea. Yes, I think you have something there... you can proceed, if Craig thinks he is upto it. Luke and Kpy both turned to me, I was a little taller than them both, but I flailed in comparison to their power. A slight smile spread across my face. [B]Craig:[/B] I will do what I must to serve the Jedi. Luke nodded, and Kyp smiled, then they turned back to each other. [B]Luke:[/B[ I'm afraid though, that I do not even know how to built such a weapon. I think though, that Craig would need more crystals, about 2 more I should say. He will have to journey to the same moon he got his first crystals, the one past Korriban. And he will have to do it alone. [B]Kyp:[/B] As you wish. Craig, you can take your X-Wing. [B]Craig:[/B] Yes master, I will leave immediately. I filled my voice with enthusiasm, yet I was heading out into a mission where I was virtually blind. There was no information, atleast not that we had on Yavin, that would give me any clue to help me build this new lightsabre. This also meant that I would be in a world of my own when training. Never the less, I would obey the wishes of my masters, and would not fail. I gathered all the things I would need for my journey... energy supplies, ascention gun, lightsabre repairing tools, and an R2 evergy pack. As with most space jounryes, I had to travel with my R2 unit, named R2-X9, I just called him "X". He was a black and white astromech droid, and I always tried to keep him at maximum effieciancy. I was not as confident with my flying as I was with my lightsabre combat. My bode farewell to the rest of the Jedi, and then set off with X towards the hanger. He chirped pleasently as he rolled along beside me. We walked under the barrage-way into the hanger, which had roughly 30 ships inside. There were 27 one-man fighters, 2 cruisers and a Mon-Calamari freighter. I headed over towards my X-wing, a few tachnicians were running final tests on it for me. I climbed up the side ladder and jumped into the cockpit, as the technicians lifted X up and into the R2 section behind me. [B]Technician:[/B] Everything is ready for take off master Jedi. [B]Craig:[/B] Thank you. The techncians climbed down from the fighter, and removed the side ladder. X whistled as the hatch on the cockpit closed, and everything came on-line. I knocked on the primary thrusters, and the engines kicked into life with a roar, before hitting the secondary thrusters on. The X-wing lifted slowly into the air, and I contracted the landing legs, as I turned the X-wing a shot out of the hanger, out into the atmosphere of Yavin IV. I flew once around the Jedi temple, getting a feel for the ship, as the nevi-computer compassed itself to Korriban. As soon as it did, X whistled to me to acknowledge what had happened, that I ligned up my ship, and launched off into space.[/I]
[I]Yes, Metallica rules and all the rest of it. It's just that some people I know *eyes two people on this thread who he knows personally* need to realise that Metallica are a band, and not just James Hetfield. Yes, one certain person on this thread even said that Metallica cannot be overpraised... which I think is taking it a bit too far. And if 39 is too "old" for some people, then their shallowness is deep... if that makes any sense. But there was no beating them in their Black Album days, which is undisputedly their best album. *Waits for one of the two people in question to come along and start talking about how cool James Hetfield looked at that time*[/I]
[I]The arrivals in the old clone trooper uniforms didn't surprise me that much. After those suits had been used to built the more advanced suits for the stormtroops, those shocktrooper suits were sold all over the galaxy. It seemed to me that someone, whoever was behind this, had hired a group of these. By their markings I could see that these were a group called the [B]Hybards.[/B] However, I had little time to ponder that thought. I leapt backwards, over my master, and as I came down, I noticed Kei had joined the battle. The Sith were all alomgst us, but the Hybards were all collected in rows,marching this way, blasting heavily. This is when out small group of 25 Jedi started to suffer. I found myself in battle with two Rodians, while trying to hold off a flurry of blaster bolts from the Hybards. Suddenly, Master Luke shouted out to us all: [B]Luke:[/B] Everyone, pair up. One defends, one attacks. Instantly my master leapt over to my side. He pressed his back to mine, and started blocking blaster bolts. A sense of calm spread over me, I knew my master would easily protect us both... and hopefully I could do the same. Because he was protecting me I had to stay formed up, which would have been perfect for someone of style 6, whereas my style prefered to move alot. I found it just as easy to block, but when it came to attack I found myself shifting heavily on my weight, which is something I would have picked out and exploited on my opponents. But as it was, these Rodians seemed as foolish as the rest of their species. They attacked callously, but sloppily. I blocked one attackto my left leg, then, with a surprising and quick shot upwards, I cut that Rodian through the stomach. The other one came with a vertical cut to my head. I blocked, and swung his sabre to the left, then cut back to the right, cutting the rodiand head clean in half at the nose. [B]Kyp:[/B] Craig, you okay? [B]Craig:[/B] Yes master.[/I]
[I]He thought that was a good move set because that is the very same moves I have on my Scizor, and the very same moves that took down exactly 3 pokemon in his team... So yes, I would agree with your choice of moves perfectly Andrew.[/I]
The [I]Obliterator[/I] pulled out of hyperspace, Korriban directly ahead, taking up most of the view from the front viewport. Darth Mayhem couldn?t help but feel inadequate; even from here he could sense the sheer power coming from the Mausoleum. Mayhem?s ship had been built for covertness and pace for than anything else. It had an automated satellite jamming system, stopping the ship from showing on even the most powerful radar detection units. It also had a state of the art cloaking device, strong enough to conceal the ship from view until another ship was well within its targeting range, by which time it would be to late for the any opposing ships. Its shields were very basic though, it would take a cruiser of equal size only 3 or 4 direct hits to disable it entirely. The ship spun, altering it?s entry to the trajectory needed to land on the side of the planet where the Mausoleum was. Gravity immediately took its course as soon as the ship entered Korriban?s atmosphere, set to land 2 kilometres outside the Mausoleum, amongst the rocky canopy to its north. The ship set down on the flattest space of rock possible to occupy its size. The hatchway at the rear of the ship opened with a sharp hiss, and lowered to the ground. Darth Mayhem stepped outside, carrying a pair of electrobinoculars. He scanned area around the Mausoleum. Normally he would have taken a few moments to take in the magnificence of the Mausoleum, but he had to be as swift as he could. Near the main entrance to the building was a single republic cruiser, military standard. It could occupy a maximum of 45 soldiers, so for the time being Mayhem had to be prepared for the fact that he would have to take down 45 rebel soldiers without any of them signaling for help. An almost impossible task for anyone? but Mayhem sensed that his master would have not have sent him to accomplish such an overwhelming task alone. Within minutes, using the dark side of the force to enhance his speed, he was within a few hundred metres of the Mausoleum, hiding behind a ridge of rock, so he could safely plan how to gain entry to the Mausoleum. He closed his eyes, and reached out with the force. His gaze penetrated the wall of the Mausoleum, and he observed that there were only a dozen guards in there, a much easier task then he had anticipated. Also, no-one had been commissioned to guard the entrance; everyone was busy exploring the interior of the Mausoleum. [I]Pitiful[/I], thought Mayhem. He leapt over the ridge, landing gracefully on the rock surface below. Stealthily, he crept towards the main entrance of the Mausoleum. The power he felt was intoxicating, the spirits of a thousand Sith Lords from over 5 thousand years dwelled in this temple. He peered through the partially opened iron doors, glancing into the main chamber. It was a large, bare, rectangular room, with large circular pillars placed around the outside of the chamber, only about 6 metres from the edges of the chamber, with a simple alter at the rear of the room... There were only 5 guards in this room; others had obviously wandered off into the adjoining passages and rooms. Silently he slipped through the door, and ran to the corner of the room, where it was greatly shadowed. He was quite safe from being seen here, so now was the best time to plan his attack. For an hour Mayhem observed the soldiers motions, trying to detect any form of repetition, if they had any kind of set course to follow. It seemed that they were just meant to stay in the main chamber, until the other seven came back. They were just exploring the inscriptions in the walls randomly, trying to keep themselves from being bored. There was very little communication between them; it would be easy enough to pick them off. As long as he stopped them from escaping, they had no means of communication with their superiors; their only comm. link of any kind was on the ship outside. However, the quieter he executed the people in this room; the easier it would be to pick the others off. It was much easier to take out 5 quietly, than rush in and suddenly have another 7 on your back. He had to try and prevent any blaster fire. At this point Mayhem saw asphyxiation as his best tactic. If he could take out two, or even three before the others noticed, he could quickly take out the others in the room, and then he would just wait for the others to return, to kill them off as well. He decided it best to try and choke the two nearest to him at the same time, which would draw the other three closer to him, giving them less time to sound any kind of warning or alarm, like blaster fire. Letting himself become immersed in the dark side, Darth Mayhem held out his hand. A dark tendril of the force shot towards the soldier nearest to him. At first, Mayhem simply pressed lightly against his neck, the guard seemed to react, but then he shook it off and continued about his business. Darth Mayhem then started to close his fist, and the soldier fell to his knees, clutching his neck, trying desperately, but unable to call for help. Then, he turned to the guard to his right. Using the exact same technique, the second guard again fell to his knees, clutching his neck, almost identically as the other one had done. Another soldier noticed this, and attracted the attention of the others. They raced over, just as the body of the first guard went limp? and lifeless. They reached the second guard, who was desperately clawing at his throat, trying to release the mysterious grip that was choking the life out of him. His bulging eyes looked pitifully up at his fellow soldiers, as he too collapsed to the floor as a corpse. The others stood for a moment in paralysis and shock, and a moment was all Mayhem needed. He removed the long cylinder from his belt, and ignited both ends, red beams of plasma shot from the chamber with the distinct humming that a lightsabre has. From the other side of the pillar, all that the guards could see were the two beams, and that was enough to make them run for the door. Pitiful. Mayhem vaulted through two pillars, keeping the sabre above his head, as he drove one end through the back of a soldiers neck. One continued t run for the door, while the other drew his blaster. [I]A courageous move[/I], thought Mayhem, [I]but a foolish one[/I]?the soldier managed a shot, and a well aimed one, it came straight for Mayhem?s face. But, with one elegant swing, and a stroke of his lightsabre, the bolt was deflected back, and hit the soldier right between the eyes. Mayhem allowed himself a slight smile; he had often practiced that, but had never been able to use it in action until now. Using the dark side of the force, Mayhem launched himself forward with amazing speed, cutting off the third soldier as he was about to reach the main door to the mausoleum. He struck the soldier through the chest, and then slowly drew the blade out, multiplying the soldier?s pain, spun, and took of the soldiers head with the other blade of his lightsabre. The 5 guards had been taken out as best Mayhem could have hoped for. Very little noise, and no time to call for assistance. Mayhem allowed himself a grin; he enjoyed it when his plans fell perfectly into place. He disengaged the twin crimson blades of his lightsabre, the lightsabre that proven just how dedicated to the dark side he was. Only an expert, with the utmost dedication and talent in the dark side, could wield such a weapon successfully. Anything less and it could easily become more dangerous to the user than to his opponents. Only two Sith Lords had mastered such a weapon in times past. Darth Maul, and Exar Kun, both very talented in the Dark magics of the force. Mayhem started to walk towards one of the thinner corridors leading out from the main chamber. He sensed three presences in that direction? and as far as he could tell, one was a Jedi. Suddenly, Mayhem?s wrist comm. went off. He knew it was his master checking on his progress, and he didn?t hesitate to answer his master?s call. He pressed a button on it, and it engaged. His master spoke almost immediately. ?Lord Mayhem, how is your assignment coming along?? ?My master, I have secured the entrance and the main chamber. I am now going to check on what I feel is a Jedi in the temple.? Even without being able to see him, Mayhem could feel that a Jedi in the temple had infuriated his master. ?Lord Mayhem, I want that Jedi destroyed, and quickly! Show no mercy my young apprentice, that Jedi will soon pay the price for this disgrace!? ?Yes, my master.? The comm. broke off from communication, and immediately Darth Mayhem started running down the corridor from which he felt the Jedi?s presence. He was alone; two guards were in the room before him. Mayhem entered that room, ingoting both ends of his sabre. Running straight down the middle of the room, he held his sabre parallel to the ground. The room was to narrow for the guards to avoid the blades, all they could do, was look on in horror for that split second before they were cut down. Mayhem continued running, shrugging off his cloak as he did so. He held his sabre out at his sides, the blades pointing in front of, and behind him. He came into the next room, and he saw a young male humanoid, pointing his blue bladed lightsabre towards Mayhem. Darth Mayhem vaulted into an Arab spring straight over the Jedi?s head, swinging one end of his lightsabre down towards the Jedi. The Jedi blocked with a slash of his own sabre, and spun towards his opponent who had landed behind him. Mayhem spun his sabre above his head, and drew in for an attack. The young Jedi soon found himself struggling to block an elegant flurry of Sith moves, both warriors knew that the Sith was clearly stronger. In a desperate effort, the Jedi attempted a move he had studied in a Jedi holocron, a move which a Jedi padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi had used on Darth Maul, a wielder of a double bladed lightsabre, just like his mysterious was. The Jedi swiped in a high attack towards Mayhem?s neck. Mayhem, much to the Jedi?s surprise, moved into the path of the blade, rather than trying to block it. The Jedi, with a sudden rush of confidence, used the force to power his sabre down more quickly. Inches from the mysterious Sith?s head, the Jedi felt like his hands had hit a durasteel wall, and they rebounded backwards harshly. Mayhem had set up shield with the force, a shield much too strong for the Jedi to penetrate. The Jedi also knew, they his guard had completely dropped, as he guessed was the Sith?s plan. Mayhem, moving like a bolt of lightning, struck upwards with one blade of his lightsabre, cutting the Jedi in two, from the groin to the head. A look of pain streamed through the Jedi?s face, as the blade had made his way through him, which filled Mayhem with delight. There was nothing he liked more, than seeing the look of defeat in a Jedi?s eyes only a split second before they died. Unlike the earlier scenario, it was unlikely that the guards had not heard the lightsabre battle. Darth Mayhem reached out with the dark side, feeling for any shimmers in the force. He sensed two guards in the chamber beyond, a chamber almost as large as the one he had killed the first 5 guards in. He sensed that one was coming to inspect the ruckus, and the other was standing guard. He disengaged both ends of his lightsabre, and summoned his cloak, which was lying in the chamber next to the two guards that had been cut through the abdomen. It launched into Mayhem?s open hand, and he quickly threw it over himself, as he walked silently into the corner of the room. Using the force, he camouflaged himself. The guards sent to investigate walked into the room, and looked down at both halves of the Jedi lying on the ground, his lightsabre hilt motionless next to him. Mayhem could see the shock form in the guard?s eyes, now was his time to strike. He launched from the corner, and with one stroke of his left hand, he had gripped the base of the guards chin, and twisted his head obtusely. He quiet ?crack? of his neck snapping came as a pleasant sound to Mayhem. The guard dropped to the floor with a small thud? his stomach was pressed against the ground, but his head was almost looking up at Mayhem. Ignoring this, Mayhem headed down towards the next sentry? when he felt something. Another Jedi was here, a powerful Jedi. Mayhem had been finding it very difficult to pick up on life forms using the force, because of the immense Sith presence he felt here. But the feeling had suddenly struck him like a freight train ramming into a flimsiplast sheet. He knew that his presence would go un-announced however, the Sith aura radiating from the mausoleum itself was more than enough to cover his masters presence, Mayhem would certainly have no trouble of roaming around without being sensed by the Jedi. He silently dashed down towards the end of the thing stone passage. The walls were a very dull yellow, almost rustic in colour, though they were made of stone. The guard was positioned just to the right of the passage, looking out into the chamber. Mayhem crept up to the corner of the passage, and silently unclipped his lightsabre hilt from his belt. He pointed it at the corner of the wall, and ignited one end. The plasmatic crimson blade shot straight through the wall, and into the spine of the sentry. He let out a gasp, as if the air had been stolen from his lungs, and his body went limp. Mayhem disengaged his lightsabre, as the corpse of the guard fell into a heap upon the ground. He felt the Jedi making his way towards him at great speed? he had obviously sensed the deaths of his comrades. Mayhem didn?t need to hide; this Jedi was about to be taught a lesson. He pulled off his cloak, and let it drop to the floor, as he walked into the centre of the chamber. Soon enough, the Jedi and the final guard came running in, the Jedi had his lightsabre hilt in his right hand, and the guard was clutching the handle of his blaster in its holster at his left hip. Foolishly, the guard?s first instinct allowed him to draw his blaster, and he pointed it at Mayhem. ?No! You fool.? The Jedi yelled, as the guard let off a shot. One blade of Mayhem?s lightsabre shot out, and, aiming it perfectly, he deflected the blast. It launched back at the guard, and struck him right between the eyes. The Jedi stared at his fallen friend, and then drew his own lightsabre. A green blade shot out of his hilt, as Mayhem extended the other crimson blade of his lightsabre. A huge battle, was about to commence. The Jedi slowly advanced, his lightsabre held straight out in front of him pointing at Mayhem?s eyes. Mayhem spun his sabres around above his head, and then lowered them into his battle ready stance, where the blade facing forwards was pointed towards his opponent?s feet, and was placed across his body, from the left hip to the right knee, because he stood almost side on. Mayhem sensed the Jedi?s caution, although this one was strong, he had had very little experience in lightsabre combat. Mayhem however, had killed many Jedi in his life already. Mayhem had recognized the Jedi; he had appeared on one of his databanks aboard his ship on his way here. Bur?ca Whabe was his name, he was in his late 30?s, and was very force sensitive. The Jedi lying dead in the adjacent passage way must obviously have been his apprentice. Mayhem wasted no more time; he darted forward, holding the lightsabre behind him with one hand. Whabe responded, launching towards Darth Mayhem, his lightsabre held above his head. Their lightsabres clashed, a surge of heat and energy radiating off the plasmatic beams. The battle? had begun.
*Leaps up and down frantically* The Zabrak's are from Iridonia! Good o'le Darth Maul. I have seen Ep2 four times... Fave quotes: *Huge Quake* 3Po: Sir, it is quite possible that this asteroid is not entirely stable. Han: Now entirely stable huh?, well I'm glad your here to tell us these things. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sebulba: Chhheeewwwbbbaaaaa (the first time he says it when Jar- Jar launches the thing into his thing... it's so cool.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yoda: *takes torch* Mine! Or I will help you not! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mace Windu: I don't... think so! *and* This parties over! Sorry, I couldn't be ássed to put all those in quotes.
[I]I have lured 3 enemies away from the rest of the group, which was already quickly dispersing. So far the Sith were holding well, only a few had fallen, but the Jedi were far superior. I had lured a Rodian, a Trandoshan and a humanoid up near the entrance to the temple, and was fending them all of pretty easily. I blocked an attack from behind by the Rodian, then swung at chest level towards the Trandoshan. He shrugged by lightsabre away with a stroke of his own lightsabre. I turned, blocking a low attack by the human to my left leg. I had no time to stall, I sensed the Trandoshan gathering himself for another attack, and as he slashed towards the back of my neck, I used the force to vault myself upwards, into a backflip over the Rodian. I landed securely behind him, and blocked an attack to my head by holding my lightsabre adjacent to the ground. I moved in for an attack to his legs, and he blocked, but as his guard came down I lunged forward, driving my elbow into his face. I quickly swatted away a stroke by the humanoid to by side, then launched forward into an attack to the Trandoshans head. He blocked, but I used the force to push him backwars. He toppled down a few of the temples stairs, before recovering to his feet. I turned, and as I did so, I blocked an attack by the Rodian to my left leg as he got to his feet. The power of my stroke swatted the lightsabre from his hand, and continiung with the strike, I slashed straight through his shoulders and collar bone, making a huge gash. His force presence dissapeared instantly, as he collapsed limply to the floor. The Trandoshan leapt at me from his position on the stairs. I ducked under his horizontal sweeping attack, turned, and struck away the attack from the human. I recovered my uard, and held the lightsabre at waist level, pointing it towards the eyes of the Trandoshan. He made a sweep at my legs, as the human dived over him in a cut at my throat. I dived through the middle of their attacks with great speed, bringing my lightsabre forward in a cut that skimmed through flesh and bone, removing the Trandoshans head from his body. I landed on my feet, and turned to face a stabbing attack from the human. I moved to my right, and swatted the humans lightsabre upward, then flipped the lightsabre around in my hand, recovering my guard. I spun into a cutting attack at the humanoid's neck, and he blocked, then bringing his lightsabre down to an attack at my leg. I leapt up into a spin, landing in a croushed position at the humans sides. Before he could so much as look at me, I brought my left leg round in a swing, sweeping his legs from under him. He fell to the floor on his neck as I recovered to my feet. Using my knowledge of the force, I made a motion with my hand, and the lightsabre he had was thrown into the wall of the temple. I spun my lightsabre forward twice in one hand, then faced it downards in two hands, and drove it through the chest of the human. The stench of burning flesh was intense, as the humans body went limp. He died, only meters from his comrades. I looked up and scanned the area for my master. He was doing just as well as I was, though his actions seemed to come much more easily and naturally. Atleast 5 dead warriors lay about his feet, exhibiting wounds that would come from the sort of attacks my master used. The rush of battle exited me, and although these warriors were nothing special, I charged back into the pack without hesistance, detrmined to get into the fight once again.[/I]
I think I'll try and RP this from a first person perspective, and see how it goes. ------------------------------------------------------------- [I]I woke from a deep slumber, sensing a great disturbance in the force. Quickly, I shifted out of my bed and headed for the door to my room. Just as I was about to pass through the door, my master, Kyp Durron, pushed the door open with the force and walked into the room. I looked at him puzzlingly, and he glanced breifly at me with concern in his eyes before speaking. [B]Kyp:[/B] Craig, come. I summoned my lightsabre to my hand, and quickly clipped it to my belt, before following my master out of the room. I was already in my black tunic, so there was no need to change. We walked swiftly down the corridor, which I thought had an unusual amount of rooms, especially since there were only 25 Jedi at the academy. We rushed down a set of stairs, where the rest of the Jedi were waiting. Expending my sense of the force, I sensed that I was the only padawan not reaking of aprehension and nervousness. I was quite confused to find that I was as calm as my master. Master Luke Skywalker was definately the most calm though, and it showed in both his force waves, and his appearence. He waved his hand, and instantly everyone turned their gaze toward him, as did I. [B]Luke:[/B] Friends... I must tell you all that we will shortly be going into battle. A group of 75 people, as far as I could count, all trained in the darkside of the force, just arrived in a large cruiser. No doubt most of you were awoken by the disturbance it gave off. I have probed their minds, and they do have intention to fight us. They do not appear to be that strong, but we are outnumbered 3 to 1, so be catious, and may the force be with you. Luke then turned, and started wlaking towards the main entrance of the temple. We all followed, I stayed at the side of my master. I saw a few of the younger padawans already reaching for their lightsabre handles, but I kept mine at my side for the time being... I had every confidence in my abilities. This never put me at a disadvantage, I was never arrogant with my power, but I was also never afraid to battle another warrior, no matter how much they seemed to outclass me. One by one we walked out into the crisp morning, dew was settled on the grass and trees spanning for miles over the planets surface. The gas giant was just peaking out over the horizon. As if on cue, figures started emerging out of the forestry about 100 metres away. Indeed, as master Luke had said, they appeared to be about 3 times as big as our party was. I reached out with the force, and saw that their knowledge and control of the force was very limited. A creature skilled in the dark side could normally shield his force patterns from the Jedi, but these could be sensed quite easily at all times. As I scanned through them, I saw that the group was made up entirely of humanoids, rodians, and trandoshans, and they all had lightsabres clipped to their belts. As if in a military drill, they all drew their lightsabres in unison, and ingited them similarly. A fleet of white / silver blades shot upwards, and the human in the centre had a crimson blade. Everyone guessed that he was the leader. In their own unique ways, all the jedi drew their lightsabres, a range of colours shooting out from them. I flicked the lightsabre around in my hand as I thumbed the trigger, and a yellow blade shot out with a hiss. I held it at my dominant side (my left) with my dominant foot (also my left) behind my other. The blade was pointed directly upwards. [B]Luke:[/B] Dark warriors, we do not have to do this. We can all come out of this alive. The leader of the mysterious warriors stepped forward. He was a young humanoid, and would have been quite good looking had it not been for the scars that loitered his face. He looked up at master Luke with such contempuousness that it made my blood boil. [B]Dark Lord:[/B] There is no bargaining out of this one Jedi. Our masters have sent us to destroy you, so shall it be. A breif look of grief spread across Luke's face, and then he drew his lightsabre. The green light of his blade hissed upwards, and that seemed to lift my spirit, everyone seemed to feel safer when Luke battled along side you. The dark warriors started running forward, and we responded, charging back at them. I spun my lightsabre round, and brought it down in a vertical strike, to meet the white blade of a young rodian.[/I]
[I]Xanko stood next to the cockpit of his podracer, "The Vulture", checking all the systems and relays to make sure everything was in order for the race. If something was a bit out he'd have his R2 Unit, named X, to sort it out.[/I] (All things Xanko says will be translations of his own language.) [B]Xanko:[/B] Okay X, everythings fine. Get off the track. [I]X chirped pleasently, then his third leg extended onto the ground, and he started moving off the track. Xanko pulled on his racing goggles, and made a quick final check of his pod, as the announcers voice boomed into the stadium.[/I] [B]Announcer:[/B] Welcome everyone to the Vinta Harvest race, on the lovely planet of Malastare. The stakes sure are high today, with the prize of 6,500 truguts to the winner! 12 of the best racers in the universe have come here to compete today, including track favorite Gasgano. He sits on the pole position, and next to him is the always threatening fan favorite Sebulba! His fellow Dug, the extremely popular Xanko sits behind him, and next to him is the rugged young humaoid Andrew. The native Malastarian Mohonic is also in the race, and as usual is a real crowd pleaser. Ebe Endecott is also in his first race back after smashing up his pod on Mon Gazza! Racers, start your engines! [I]All the racers climbed into their pods, as the rest of the bustling crowds on the track quickly cleared the way. One by one the engines started up, each sounding unique, completely different to the one next to it. The racers all braced themselves, preparing for the start of the race.[/I]
[I][B]Name:[/B] Darth Mayhem [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Species:[/B] Zabrak [B]Weapons:[/B] Double bladed crimson lightsabres [B]Force Powers:[/B] All your basic powers, plus balls of hatred, sith lightning, and his special attack. *winks twice* [B]Vehicles:[/B] A speeder bike, stripped of weapons and shield to maximise speed. [B]Bio:[/B] A Zabrak born of Iridonia, he was taken into the Sith law when he was just a child. He excelled in his training, his determination and natural ability making him the most talented Sith of his age. He is completely loyal to his master, and does not have a real opinion on who to back between Kaan and Bane, he is happy to go on whatever side his master chooses. He has trained with a double bladed lightsabre, showing his expertise in the darkside. To show his loyalty to the Sith, he had intricate red and black tatooes done all over his body, matching those of Darth Maul's. Although young, Mayhem is one of the most talented Sith alive, and is a match for almost anyone in battle. Of course, his piercing yellow eyed gaze is enough to petrify most. [B]Description:[/B] Looks exactly like Darth Maul, as you should have gathered from the bio, but he is a good 15 centimetres taller than Maul. His suit is also identical to Maul's. [B]Other:[/B] I don't want to ad anything else, I just want to say that I don't want any-one to say they are my master.[/I]
[I][B]Name:[/B] Dimitri "Craig" Shukofski [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Height:[/B] 6'7" [B]Initial Weapon/s:[/B] 2x Custom USP, optional mercury rounds. [B]Initial Vehicle:[/B] Black Camaro SS, with NOS injection engines. [B]Gang Affiliation:[/B] Soviets [B]Description:[/B] A giant of a man, Craig has spiked black hair and goatee, and has a huge communist soviet tatoo on his back, and a smaller one on his left fist. He wears a black leather jacket ripped at the shoulders, and blue jeans. He has huge Russian edition army boots, and leather fingerless gloves. [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet, takes order well from his superiors, but does not take any insults well in the slightest. The last person to insult him got fitted with a pair of concrete boots, and then went for a swim. He also loves to fight, which is why he is so loyal to his gang. [B]Bio/History:[/B] Born in to the Carsor Soviet gang, he has known nothing but fighting and war since he was a child. For some reason everyone knows his as Craig, and he diesn't mind being called that, but is just as happy to be just plain Dimitri. He is known to kill anyone, even Soviets, if they annoy him, and is believed by namy to have killed his own father.[/I]
[I]Ugh, this topic has already come up, elsewhere, please refer to it in order to discuss this tpoic.[/I] ~Closed~
Red, be quiet and acquire some intelligence before you go making idiotic comments like that. Firstly, the podracers to not hire Jedi, Jedi are assigned to protect the podracers, and two, they are not assigned to protect all the podracers. Geez, common sense man.
Okay, this is PODRACING RPG!!! Which means that most of you have to be podracers, or else we have no RPG. Now, since everyone seems to have ignored this in order to once again be one of their precious Jedi, I am limiting the Jedi to 2 people, namely the first two people who signed up as Jedi. (Dx Sabre and Zero.) DA is also allowed to be a Sith but the rest of you will have to alter your sign up's, or leave, it's your choice. And before everyone starts babbling on about me having no power in this RPG, I am the co-creator, so I have as much power here as Majjin Vegeta.
[I][B]Name:[/B] Xanko [B]Age:[/B] 26 in human years [B]Race:[/B] Dug [B]Occupation:[/B] Podracer pilot [B]Weapon(s):[/B] Has a Shocktrooper class blaster pistol, modified and changed to fit his unique limbs. Also carries a few concussion and napalm grenades for his more hostile acquaintances. His biggest surprise though, it the mandalorian class flame-thrower on his wrist gauntlet, which he salvaged from a scrap heap one day. It shoots a flame 5 metres long, and a metre wide. [B]Ship (if any):[/B] A heavily armoured, hollowed out cruiser, used to transport his Podracer. Like his blaster, its controls have been modified to suit the limbs of a dug. It is heavily armoured, has a decent weapon system, but is quite slow, and has an out of date hyperdrive, which Xanko soon plans to replace. The ship is called ?The Wretched Glider?. [B]Bio:[/B] Born and raised on Pixelito on Malastare, Xanko soon fell in love with the sport of podracing. Ever since he was a boy, his hero and idle had always been Sebulba, who is also a Dug from Pixelito. Xanko started racing in Sky car races as soon as he was big enough to pilot a speeder, and had a natural flying ability. The lack of serious competition in this sport meant that he earned a lot of money very quickly, never once losing a match. At the age of 7 he had started to collect parts for his podracer, and as soon as he had enough spare credits, he moved to an apartment in Mos Eisley on Tatooine. There he was able to collect a lot of good parts from various smugglers etc, and even managed to win his small freighter, ?The Wretched Glider?, by betting on a podrace. Soon after, he had enough credits to construct his ship. He took the parts he had to the respected pod manufacturers Collor Pondrat. Using the parts, they made the exceptional pod known as the model XX-935J, or the Vulture. Xanko started racing immediately afterwards, initially in the smaller races, where he again seemed to have no equal. Most of the money he won went straight back into upgrading his pod, until he was confident enough to enter the big leagues. His first bid race was the Boonta Eve Classic, in which he came a respectable forth. It was also the first race in which he was competing against his childhood hero Sebulba, who was of course, the race winner. Sebulba was indeed impressed with the young Dug, and even congratulated Xanko after the race, something that he had never done to anyone before. Since then, Xanko has been competing in every big event he could, and has gained a lot of popularity. He has only crashed 3 times, and even then, his pod managed to escape serious harm. Unlike most other pod pilots, he refuses to have any form of protection. His only companion is his astro-mech droid; R2- X9, which Xanko simply calls ?X?. [B]Description:[/B] Looks exactly like Sebulba, but has slightly lighter skin colour, and a more youthful look in his face. [B]Personality:[/B] Conniving, devious, chaotic, much like any other serious bounty hunter. He likes to intimidate his opponents before the match, and gets angry quite easily, as to most Dugs. [B]Pod Class:[/B] Collor Pondrat XX-925J: Vulture [B]Pod Bio:[/B] The ?Collor Pondrat XX-925J: Vulture? is Xanko?s famous ship.7.96 metre long Radon-Ulzer 620C Split-X engines power it, allowing it to reach speeds of over 920 kilometres per hour. Illegal KAN Mark V secondary thrusters are hidden behind the main split X thrusters, allowing it to ?boost? for upto 10 seconds, reaching speeds of over 980 kilometres per hour. It has an E-23 suspensor that provides good traction, and also allows the pod the slide around corners, giving it a lesser drop in speed than most pods. Plug-8G 927 Array thrusters provide it with excellent acceleration, an added bonus to the low drop in speeds it has on corners anyway. It?s cockpit has small but heavy limbs or ?flaps? controlled by twin pneumatic pumps, which extend out on corners, giving him extra control and traction. [B]Pod Description:[/B] Has engines almost identical to Sebulba?s, and his cockpit is shaped like an arrow head. All of it is painted in an intricate red and black pattern. His power coupling is a devilish black.[/I]
[I]No no, Red picked Sabretooth, and I had already talked to him about that. If he tries to play as Sabretooth again, he will not be with us for very long. Now, back to the story please. I'm almost finished with the mimic post, so just occupy yourselves until I post them up. And once again, everyone except Andrew knows me only as Craig. That is Andrew as in Majin Vegeta, who has Venom's power, which exlains why he knows who I am. And before you start any queries about that, you should all remember that Venom did fight on the side of justice when he helped Spidey beat Carnage.[/I]
[I]Sorry, Links are against forum rules. You might try reading them sometime.[/I] ~Closed~
[I]Okay, question answered, topic closed. Before this thing has a chance to turn to spam.[/I] ~Closed~
[B]Five Favorites:[/B] [I]1. Darth Maul (beaten two of the best Jedi Masters, and is barely into his 20's) / Boba Fett (he's Boba Fett! Nothing more to say.) 2. Yoda (The main man with the classy ears.) 3. Obi-Wan (Young guy, the old one is a fool.) 4. Mace Windu (Good o'le Samuel L.) 5. Darth Vader (The only bad thing about him was his whiny little brat of a son.)[/I] [B]Least Favorite:[/B] [I]1. C-3PO (All out áss hole...) 2. Jar-Jar (Star Wars has no place for bumbling fools.) 3. Chewie. 4. Ku'Dar Ma'bat (or something like that... that ****** of an assembler.) 5. The damn Ewoks... every single one, except the one that steals the speeder, he's classy.[/I]
[I]Shinobi, for blatently disregarding almost every rule I have set up... I am hereby banning you from this RPG. It's your own fault, so don't whine or anything. Also, much thanks to Schratn for actually listening to what I said, and calling me Spiderman. Atleast some people pay attention to what I say. Also, I am also disregarding every post after SS2 Serren's, because you sorta have ignored what I said. In my post I was like on the other side of Manhatten with Andrew. It's an easy mistake, so if everyone could please just ignore their own posts after SS2 Serren's, it'll make things easier on me, especially since I am about to introduce the Mimics into the RPG.[/I]
[I][B]Name:[/B] Craig [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Height:[/B] 6'6" [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Function In The Team:[/B] Leader of FBI Special Commando Squad. [B]Weapons:[/B] Twin custom-made laser blasters. [B]Bio:[/B] Craig was born in "The Valleys" in South Wales. An overly disruptive child, he was abandoned by his mother when he was but a baby, leaving him with his abusive father. He has had scars on his face from before he could walk or talk, from the beatings his father used to give him. One day, when he was 15 years old, he turned on his father (who, by this time, was a dwarf compared to Craig.) And beat him into near death with nothing except his fists. Since then he has had an unusual amount of rage inside him, and will snap very easily. [B]Appearence:[/B] Hazel eyes, scruffy brown hair, numerous scars all over his face and back. He is covered with tatooes, his most famous is the demonic symbol over his left eye. He wears a black vest, blue ripped jeans, and a black trenchcoat.[/I]
[I]I will introduce everything... no-one other than me has any plot changing decisions, as it is in every RPG.[/I]
[I]Super Gohan, there is also someone named Craig in here... namely me. You shall therefore have to change your name, to avoid confusion.[/I]
Just so everyone knows, only one person in this RPG knows my secret identity... and that is Andrew. To everyone else in the RPG, I am known only as Spiderman. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [I][B]Craig:[/B] I'm just your friendly neibourhood Spiderman! With that, Craig raised his hands, and webs launched up into the wall of the building, and he zipped upwards, then kicked off the wall and started swinging away, as the others watched. He hit the top corner of a building with his webbing, then clung onto the webbing until his web was almost vertical. Then, he launched another web into the centre of the buildings roof, and released the first web. He swung clean over to the other side of the building, and continued around, until he was thrown through an open window, just as another figure in black leapt out. [B]Craig:[/B] Why does that always seem to happen? Using his sharp reflexes, he flipped straight back out of the window, turned, and launched a web, swinging after the black figure swinging before him. He launched a web that clung to the figures back. Then, with a hard yank, he pulled the figure backwards, and he whipped past Craig, hitting the building wall. What seemed like a fight from the civilians above, was actually just a bit of fun. The black figure, Andrew, launched a web back at Craig, who released his own web, and went into a backflip, as Andrew's web past under his head. Craig started to nose dive towards the stree below, but Andrew sent out another web, which stuck to Craig's foot. Andrew threw his hand upwards, launching Craig up into the air like a whip. The web released, and Craig vaulted onto the wall of the same building Andrew was on. Andrew glanced up at him through his symbiote host. [B]Andrew:[/B] Not bad... spidey. [B]Craig:[/B] Yeah, speak for yourself.[/I]