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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. [I]Just one thing for everyone not familiar eith EU. The new Jedi base is set on Yavin 4, not Coruscant.[/I]
  2. Red, that sign up is completely wrong. For one, as I have said countless times, you must be a [B]good[/B] marvel character. Second, Sabretooth doesn't have any adumantium in him, that's Wolverine... the only thing they share is the healing ability.
  3. [I]Please, pay attention to my instruction. [B]Every Jedi who signs up MUST, [/B](that means you have no choice) [B]be a padawan!!![/B] Please, do not ignore my instruction. It must have been clear to you, unless you are blinded by ignorance, that your sign up was not as I had asked. Now, kindly change it...[/I]
  4. [I]Craig sat on the edge of a crane, staring out into New York City, as the sun peaked out over the cities proud skyline. The city was normally nice and quiet this time of day, that was how Craig liked it. It would still be an hour or so before such people as Vulture and Scorpion started emerging from their lairs, and then Craig would be in for a busy morning. Now was his time to get in a quick warm up. Craig extending his arm, his two middle fingers touching his palm, his two end fingers extended. A web shot from his wrist, and propelled forward, affixing to the corner of one of the thicker skyscrapers in the immediate area. Craig pushed himself off the edge of the crane with his legs, and he shot downward in a swinging motion, his body arched backwards from the force of the air resistance. He swung in a curving motion around the corner of the building he had fixed his web to, and he released his grip from the web. The momentum of his swing vaulted his body into a back flip towards a building. He clung to it, hitting it upside down, with his back facing the building. Pressing his hands against the wall over his head, he flipped over, so he was now facing upwards, stomach facing the building. He started quickly to escalate the building, heading for the roof. Near the top of the building, Craig pushed himself off the building, leaning backwards into a flip as he started to free fall. Craig loved the exhilarating feeling he got from nose diving towards the busy traffic hundreds of feet below. He ripped downwards through the air, and when he was no more than 50 feet from the city streets, he launched a web up at a pole above him, that was sticking out of a building, adjacent to the floor. His body whipped forwards in-humanely as his arm was pulled upwards, and his legs snapped downwards. He was thrown forwards, coming within inches of a taxi roof as he swung over it. He continued to swing upwards until the web line was nearly horizontal, and then he released the web. Craig was propelled upwards in a back-flipping motion, as his hands gripped onto the base of an iron girder that was sticking out from the body work of a soon-to-be skyscraper. Using his momentum, he rotated upwards, his legs planting firmly on top of the girder. He sat in the classic crouched Spiderman position, and looked out over the street below. He let out a sigh of relief, it was nice to have this kind of freedom at one point in the day.[/I]
  5. [I]The new Republic is triumphing, recently the new Jedi order overcame their greatest challenge, a group of creatures, immune to the force, known as the Yhuzung - Vong. The Jedi, led by Luke Skywalker, have continued to expand, and gain new Jedi apprentices. The dark side, although seemingly diminishing, is far from lost. A group of "Sith suffragens", with no real knowledge of the force themselves, but still knowledged in dark teachings, stumbled upon a holocron in a Sith sanctum, telling of the Sith's most amazing technique... the ability to resurect past Sith Lords. The catch to this, is that only 2 Lords can be resurrected every 4,000 years, and the Sith's chosen must have died within that 4,000 year period. The suffragens studied for many days, diligently trying to pick the best two Sith Lords... and, after a long time, two were finally decided. The first, was a Zabrak, died quite recently, his dedication to the Sith was immense, and as such, despite his age, he became a formidable warrior. He wielded a double bladed lightsabre, showing his dedicaion and expertise. He was killed in a lucky attack by a Jedi padawan, and the suffragens belive that if his training had continued, his power would have reached untold limits. His name, Darth Maul. The other, was one of the most feared Sith Lords in the history of order. He was the first Sith ever known, to wield the double bladed lightsabre. His name strikes terror into the hearts of most Jedi even today, and his spirit was only recently vanquished by the Jedi. His name, is Exar Kun. Upon the resurrection of the two Sith, the Jedi felt their presences like bullet shots to the brain. Everyone could sense two spectacular powers, both attuned to the dark side. Upon their return, they killed the suffrages who had resurrected them, and set off, to find apprentices. Both have clearly grown in strength, and the Jedi, are in for their greatest challenge yet.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, this is what you need in your sign up: Name: Age: [human years please.] Race: Class: (Jedi, rebel soldier, bounty hunter etc.) Lightsabre Style:* (only applicable to Jedi, see below for help.) Weapon(s): Ship (if any): Bio: Description: Personality: *Each Jedi has a style of sighting that they study... and this style reflects in their personality. Eg, Obi-Wan, because of his humble nature and non-violent personality, chose style 3 of fighting, which is a defensive style, mainly used to deflect blaster bolts. Anakin, because of his determination to get stronger, chose style 4 of fighting, known for it's power. Some styles take advantage of non-human abilities like 360 degree vision, things like that. Now, being as [B]everyone who signs up as a Jedi will be a padawan[/B], you will be limited to single styles, and not custom styles. Being as I am only familiar with 4 forms, I will make up 7 styles for people to pick, based on their personalities. Style 1 - This is your traditional style, it has the basics of attack, laser deflection, accuracy, but does not specialise in any particular area. It is an allround style of combat. Style 2 - It is an ancient style, which favors long, elegant moves and deftness of hand. It has a good balance of accuracy and dexterity. People who choose this style often wish to demonstrate their determination and drive. Style 3 - Invented centuries ago when blasters became common among Jedi enemies, it began as high speed laser blast deflection, but over the years it has developed into a non-aggresive experssion of Jedi philosophy. This is a favorite among those with great dedication to the Jedi order. Style 4 - Jedi who fall to the Dark side have usually chosen this style of lightsabre combat, as it reflects their quest for power. It focuses more on strong, fast attacking moves. Style 5 - Normally used among the physically weaker species, or smaller humans, this style focuses on very fast attacking moves to compensate for lack of strength. Natural pilots and those with a love of speed also like to chose this. Style 6 - This is a defensive battling style. It teaches you advanced defensive moves, allowing you to denfend against an opponent for an extended period of time, until your opponent makes a mistake, allowing the wielder to deilver the fatal blow. Often chosen by those with good patience and obedience. Style 7 - This style is for the more agile creatures. Wuelders of this form often see their weapon as an extension of themselves, allowing them to perform attacking and defensive moves that are impossible for wielders of other forms of combat. This usually gives them an advantage in battle, as they are able to surprise their opponents. Hopefully none of that confused you too much... -------------------------------------------------------------- [I][B]Name:[/B] Craig Haro [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Race:[/B] Zabrak [B]Class:[/B] Jedi [B] Lightsabre Style:[/B] 4 [B]Weapon:[/B] Yellow bladed lightsabre. [B]Ship:[/B] Jedi Starfighter, black in colour. [B]Bio:[/B] Craig is an extremely talented padawan, and is the apprentice of Kyp Durron. He was found on Irodonia at the age of 6, and had an un-naturally high medi-chlorian count, almost rivalling master Yoda's, and so was taken in for testing. The Jedi leader Luke Skywalker saw amazing ptoential inside of him, and wished to take him on as a padawan himself... but he found that he was to busy. So, his most talented student, Kyp Durron, aggreed to train the young Zabrak. Craig excelled in every task he was given, and chose style 4 of lightsabre combat, determined to grow as strong as his master. When it came to constructing his lightsabre, he chose the strongest natural crystals in the galaxy, the yellow crystals formed on a volcanic moon of Korriban. When he was 15, he went against his masters wishes, and had intricate red and black tatooes done all over his body, to show his dedication to the jedi. Unknown to him, they are the very same tatooes that Darth Maul had imprinted inside his skin. Craig has often shown signs of rebellion, and the new Jedi council fears that Craig may all to the dark side, though he has shown no signs of doing so yet. Kyp is sympathetic with his padawan in this matter, as he once succumbed to the dark side, under the influence of Exar Kun's spirit. [B]Description:[/B] Craig looks exactly like Darth Maul, and has a tunis exactly like Maul's, but has a brown overcloak. Unlike most Jedi, Craig wears black leather gloves over his hands. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig is quiet, odedient, but sometimes rebelious. His glare will sometime strike a flash of intimidation into even Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Craig loves to fight, and waits for the day when he will get to feel the clash of a Sith lightsabre against his own.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------- Just another reminder... everyone who signs up as a Jedi will be a padawan. Also, if anyone wishes to be the apprentice of either Maul of Exar Kun, you can be, but that means there are only 2 people who can be siths.
  6. [I]Kahn stepped into the turbo elevator, that would take him back up to Rika-Sun's office. His devotion to his work had not gone unrewarded. He had an exquisit apartment in one of the more expensive hotel blocks in Vin Kartia, he was treated with respect by his fellow workers, and his weapon was state of the art, even though he had built it himself. Of course, he hadn't become Rika-Sun's protector by sheer luck, to think such a thing would be idiotic. Kahn is well trained in several forms of unarmed combat, explosives, specie psychology, diplomacy, and of course, extensive weaponry training. The respect he had off others, he had earnt, not been given. The turbo lift stopped at the topmost floor, and the doors swung open with a light "ping". Kahn walked forward, as the elevator dismissed him witrh a friendly. "Good Day Mister Kahn." Kahn headed down the corridor, towards the only door on the floor, the door to Rika-Sun's office. Rika would have heard the entire conversation, Kahn had an amplification tracer implanted in his ear, allowing Rika-Sun to hear the conversation as clearly as Kahn had. He proceeded into the office, Rika turning to him as soon as he had entered.[/I] [B]Rika-Sun:[/B] Well my friend, this is very interesting indeed. [I]Kahn removed the small amp. from his ear, and placed it on Rika-Sun's desk.[/I] [IMG]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kahn_Avatar.gif[/IMG] [B]Kahn:[/B] Sir, I believe they will show up. The short haired one, Luca, was trying to hide his intentions, but the curiosity was clear in his eyes. His partner, Rasanak, seemed to have a great pride swelling in him... he doesn't want to be beaten by any amatuers... I think together, that will bring them to you. [B]Rika-Sun:[/B] Yes... I believe you are right my friend. Once again you have pleased me greatly. You may go home now my friend, but be back here at sun-rise, then our work will really begin. [IMG]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kahn_Avatar.gif[/IMG] [B]Kahn:[/B] Yes sir, as you wish.
  7. [I]Kahn stood at the back of Rika-Sun's office, staring diligently out into the city night, from the top floor of the "X-Ion" bar. He glared at the bustling crowd, the street fights, and bartering... Rika-Sun had created chaos among the people of Vin-Kartia, and soon Kahn would no doubt have to do something about it. He suspected that is why Rika-Sun had summoned him, the most respected body guard of the wealthiest Hume on Gaia. The doors at the front of the room shot open with a deep pulsing sound, and Rika-Sun himself entered. Kahn lowered his head before the man, as he swiftly approached. He looked unusually happy, this chaos he had spread across the town had obviously enlightened his spirits. He came and stood next to Kahn, and looked out below at the mayhem that ensued. A thin smile spread accross his face, and he turned to Kahn.[/I] [B]Rika-Sun:[/B] My friend, a long time you have been my protector, a long time. Failure is not a thing I have come to expect from you, and not once have you surprised me with it. I now have a new task for you. [IMG]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kahn_Avatar.gif[/IMG] [B]Kahn:[/B] What do you request of me sir? [B]Rika-Sun:[/B] It is quite simple. I want you to win this "Monster Hunt" I have prepared. [IMG]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kahn_Avatar.gif[/IMG] [B]Kahn:[/B] But, why sir? I thought this contest was for the people of Vin-Kartia... [B]Rika-Sun:[/B] And, are you not one of them? [I]Vin-Kartia pointed out towards the crowd below, some of them, by now, were ready to set out for their hunt.[/I] [IMG]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kahn_Avatar.gif[/IMG] [B]Kahn:[/B] I am but your protector sir. I do as you ask of me. But, won't the people find it suspicious if I was to win the contest? The vast majority of the city know of my connection to you. [B]Rika-Sun:[/B]... Yes, you have a point there. Well then, I have a new task for you. [IMG]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kahn_Avatar.gif[/IMG] [B]Kahn:[/B] Very well. [B]Rika-Sun:[/B] Two young men have just entered the bar... monster hunters by trade. Their names are Rasanak and Luca. I want you to study the profiles on these two, on the X-Ion database, and then... make sure they win the contest. [IMG]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kahn_Avatar.gif[/IMG] [B]Kahn:[/B] But sir, are you sure they will enter? [B]Rika-Sun:[/B] Oh, I have a feeling that their pride will drive them on. They do not want anyone beating them in their own trade. [IMG]http://www.itsmysite.com/n-sider/images/Kahn_Avatar.gif[/IMG] [B]Kahn:[/B] Yes sir, it shall be done. [I]Kahn bowed before Rika-Sun, and marched swiftly out of his office, as Rika-Sun turned back, to look out upon the ground below him.[/I]
  8. [I]Two elven guards marched through the mausoleum in Rivendell, heading for the large pen at the back of the dorms. There, the elves have been keeping their strangest, and yet mightiest warrior. His sight, hearing and agility was on par with the sharpest of elves, but his strength was like that of a human. They approached a large wooden door, with intricate pattersnall over it, and some elvish writing, which, translated into the common tongue meant simply: "Warrior". As they approached the doors, they creaked open slowly, and it the blackness of the room, all they could see were two, intimidating yellow eyes, glaring straight back. [B]Elf1:[/B] Ralvenar, it is time for you to leave. [B]Elf2:[/B] Your quest begins here. Ralvenar stood up, and slowly walked to the end of the room. He grabbed his weapons that leant against the wall, and walked out into the daylight. His cowl was rested oover his head, covering his horns, and shadowing the top most of his face. He was taller than the two elves sent to fetch him, and he followed them along, as he slung his bouble bladed sword, as he named "The Executioner" across his back. He then propped his bow up on his swords holster, and attatched his quiver. He was lead to the main entrance of Rivendell, where a brown horse, un saddled, awaited him. [B]Elf1:[/B] Head West to the Shire, then North until you reach Mythanmyre, the council should be waiting for you there. [B]Ralvenar:[/B] Yes. [B]Elf2:[/B] Good luck. Ralvenar leapt gracefully up onto his horse, keeping his weapons on his back, as he rode off out of the entrance at amazing speed.[/I]
  9. Yoda

    Papa Roach

    [I]The hell you talkin'? "She loves me not" is a fresh piece of class from the Kings of... well, whatever style they are. The new songs is one of their best, and if that song is anything to go buy, then their new album should be immense![/I]
  10. [I]Hah, the one area that America will never be able to beat us at! I'm sorry, and no offense to the Americans, but you cannot make comedy like us. Such things as Bottom (Flashy will agree with me here), Black Adder, Faulty Towers, The Young Ones, Monty Python... all classics, unbeatable classics.[/I]
  11. [I]Okay, with any luck I'll be starting this soon... just waiting for one more person to get his lazy *** over here and sign up... [b]even though it was him that wanted this RPG![/B] Anyway, just sit tight, it won't be long.[/I]
  12. [I]*Starts swiping off the tongues beckoning towards James' ***.* Now please peeps, don't make a fuss if you weren't picked, just move on... I mean, it's only an RPG, don't let it get personal.[/I]
  13. [I]Boba won't be on for two weeks, so I suggest that we start without him. Just inform him when we get back that we have a spot reserved for him.[/I]
  14. [I]Let me just say that although I have decided to join this RPG, most LOTR RPG's around here have consisted mainly of very short posts, often with just one person saying one thing. Now I am not the thread starter of this RPG, but still, that sort of RPing is simply not acceptable, as says the rules of OB. Hopefully this RPG will not follow the same pattern.[/I]
  15. [I][B]Name:[/B] Xanko Fett [B]Age:[/B] Unknown [B]Appearance:[/B] No-one knows what he looks like because he always wears his armour and helmet. He has mandalorian ballte armour like Boba Fett's, only it is black and red. [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet, very business like, does not joke about. [B]Short Bio:[/B] An expert bounty hunter, with amazing battle intelligence. The gaze of his helmet strikes fear into most foes. [B]Weapons:[/B] His 'Mecha' X-5 blaster rifle, and a flamethrower on his wrist. [B]Other equipment:[/B] a Jetpack, and a cordgrip mounted on his wrist. [B]Ship:[/B] A ship that looks exactly like a Sith Infiltrator, called the Obliterator. [B]Ship's weapons:[/B] Turbolasers, proton torpedo's, seismic charges, ion cannons.[/I]
  16. [I][B]Name:[/B] Ralvenar [B]Age:[/B] Unknown, looks about 20 in human years, 200 in elf. [B]Race:[/B] Unknown [B]Weapons:[/B] Has a double bladed sword. (Think Darth Maul's lightsabre, but with blades, not crystal beams obviously.) And a long bow with a quiver, and a kris. [B]Bio:[/B] Ralvenar is unlike any race seen on Middle Earth before. He was taken in by elves a short time after the first fellowship dispersed, and they discovered that his heart was pure and good. They also discovered his amazing determination and stamina, and so they put him into training. Since Ralvenar can remember he has been practicing his skill with his weapons, and has acquired unrivaled discipline. His skill with weaponry has grown to an immense level, and in Rivendell, where he is training, they believe him to be the most skilled warrior of his time. They decided the time was right for him to reveal himself, and join the new fellowship when it was announced, as they believe he will be a valuable asset. [B]Appearnce:[/B] 6'6". Has demonic yellow eyes, that will strike fear into even the most sure hearted people. He has intricate black and red tatooes all over his body, and horns atop his head. He wears a black tunic with a black overcloak over it. (basically he looks exactly like Darth Maul.)[/I]
  17. Okay, this is a joint story written by myself and Majin Vegeta... so just sit back, and hopefully, enjoy. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Darth Chaos and Darth Mayhem, two sith apprentices, presented themselves before their Master. They were down on one knee, heads lowered, before the new master of the Sith, Darth Kahn. Normally, there would only be one apprentice, and eventually this law would stand, and they would be pitted against each other in a match for their master's favor. But their master found himself in a position where both his apprentices were very useful to him, and so he decided to overlook the sith law for the time being. Darth Chaos was a humanoid aged roughly 23 in human years. He was well built, with spiky brown hair, and had rugged good looks, though like every other sith humanoid, his skin had started to pale into a deathly white. He had been converted from the new Jedi order when he was 13, succumbing to the power of the dark side, under the persuasion of Darth Kahn, who had always kept an eye on him, noticing his great potential as a warrior. Darth Mayhem, unlike both his master, and his fellow apprentice kneeling next to him, was a Zabrak, also 23 in human years. Upon study of a sith holocron one day, Darth Mayhem found files on the Sith Lord known as Darth Maul, who?s utmost dedication to the sith teachings had made him an exceptionally powerful sith, despite being so young. Darth Mayhem, as a tribute to his fellow Zabrak, had intricate sith tattoos all over his body, identical to those of Darth Maul?s. He has piercing yellow eyes, and is slightly taller than his fellow apprentice. He had been under the tutelage of Darth Kahn ever since he could remember, and has always been completely loyal to his master, never questioning his motives. Darth Mayhem had not felt the need for another apprentice when Chaos arrived, and since then his determination has grown, possessed on proving he is the superior apprentice. ?Rise, my friends? said Darth Kahn. Immediately the two apprentices rose to their feet, and looked up at their master. He swiveled around in his large chair, his pale, lifeless hands gripping the arms of his chair. Much of his face was shadowed by the hood he wore on his face, the only ever present feature was his eyes, lifeless, yet full of ambition, power, and greed. Darth Mayhem had remembered when he was a child, looking into those eyes, and nearly being petrified into paralysis. His master had always been terribly harsh on him, but Mayhem respected his every action without question, Mayhem knew his master had only done it to drive into him the discipline and determination which he now had. Darth Mayhem had very little memory of life before he was in the emperor?s teaching. He knew he was from Iridonia, and that he was not always called Darth Mayhem?but that didn?t matter to him, all that mattered was serving his master. ?Lord Mayhem, Lord Chaos, you have both pleased me greatly. Your mission to kill the Republic general?s on their base on Yavin 4 was a complete success. Even the Jedi, including Luke Skywalker, were unable to sense your presence. And now, I have new tasks for you both.? Darth Mayhem lowered his head. ?We are but tools to use at your disposal, my master.? A thin, dry smile spread across the face of Darth Kahn. In most ways, he saw Darth Mayhem as the perfect acolyte. Obedient, powerful, filled with hatred and anger... he would one day rise to be an almighty sith. His problem though, was his pride. Although he followed his masters every command as law, he always felt that most jobs were not fit for his level of skill?he was right enough to say that, both he and Darth Chaos has demonstrated unusual talents. [I]Soon[/I], though Kahn. [I]Soon you will get the challenges you seek, worthy of your skill.[/I] Darth Kahn saw Chaos differently though. He would obey his master, though he would often voice his opinion where it was not desired, and anger his master. He was the sort of apprentice that would attack his master as soon as he thought he was strong enough to destroy him. That was his problem, his arrogance. Darth Kahn could see it now, clear as day. Darth Chaos drawing his light sabre out on his master, only to have it met by another light sabre? though not Darth Kahn?s sabre, No, but the sabre of his other apprentice, Darth Mayhem. That was how much they differed. [I]Chaos seeks power by rank, while Mayhem seeks power by obedience[/I], Kahn thought. ?Lord Chaos, step forward.? Darth Chaos stepped forward, again dropping to one knee, and lowering his head. Mayhem kept his gaze motionlessly forward, showing his tremendous discipline. ?My friend, I wish for you to go to Tatooine. There you must go to Kishna the Hutt, destroy him, and retrieve the holocron he has in his possession. That holocron is very important to me, you must not fail.? Darth Chaos bowed his head further, signaling that he understood his task. He now looked up to meet the gaze of his master. ?If I may ask, my master, what is on that holocron?? The thin smile on Kahn?s face turned to a contemptuous scowl, as his eyed the sith kneeling before him with infuriation. ?That is my business, and my business alone, Lord Chaos!? the words seemed to lash from Kahn?s tongue. ?If I required for you to know, I would tell you. Now go!? ?Yes master, I am deeply sorry.? Darth Chaos got back up to his feet, but kept his head lowered as he backed out of the room. He knew that he had been beaten; any further disobedience would mean serious punishment for the apprentice. Never the less, both Darth Mayhem and Lord Kahn could feel the anger swell inside him, as he left the room. ?Lord Mayhem, come, my friend.? Darth Mayhem stepped forward, lowering his head. ?I am at your command, my master.? ?I have a very important job for you my friend. A rebel team has invaded the Sith Mausoleum on Korriban. I will not have our sanctum defiled by their filthy presences any longer. You must remove them from the mausoleum, by any means necessary.? ?It will be done as you command, my master.? ?And remember? said Darth Kahn. ?Any person found in the mausoleum when you arrive, must be killed and burned in the crematorium as sacrifices, as says the ancient laws of the sith.? Darth Mayhem bowed low, then turned and proceeded to leave the room of his master?s throne room on Coruscant. The huge iron doors to the throne room were force controlled, to thick and heavy to open by pushing, or even by hauling a battering ram into. It was exceptionally difficult to open by anyone who wasn?t attuned to the force to a great degree, which, of course, Chaos and Mayhem were. Darth Mayhem held out his arm, the air shimmered around him, as a tendril of dark energy was thrown from his hand, slamming into the huge iron doors, and throwing them open with an immense force. He marched through, reaching out with the dark side of the force, sensing the shimmering force patterns of his master, and his fellow apprentice. Obviously, the essence of Darth Kahn?s power was far greater than that of his fellow apprentice, for two reasons. The first was that Darth Chaos was getting progressively further away, as he was now out in space aboard his ship; the second reason was that Darth Kahn completely outclassed Chaos anyway, as he did Darth Mayhem. Mayhem proceeded down the mutedly lit passageway, his cowl resting perfectly upon his head and Iridonian horns. He reached the end of the passage way, where the turbo lift was open and waiting for him. Stepping inside, he stared out of the view port at the rear of the lift, out into the landscape of Coruscant. Its endless rows and lanes of air traffic that extended over the horizon in every direction. Its towering buildings, some of which tall enough to scrape Coruscant?s atmosphere, extravagant and luxurious at the tops of the buildings, but at the surface, it was terribly run down, dwelled in only by beggars, crime lords, and street gangs. Some places on the surface, such as the Crimson corridor, only received a few minutes of sunlight every day. [I]Not that it matters[/I], thought Mayhem. [I]Soon this planet and every other will be under the control of him and his master, and Darth Chaos would be dead, as would the Jedi, I will make sure of it.[/I] Darth Mayhem had never hidden it, he had always displayed a hostile personage to everyone except his master, and that included Darth Chaos. Mayhem couldn?t wait for the day when he instructed them to battle, so there would only be two, a master and an apprentice once again. Mayhem would make sure he wouldn?t lose that fight. [I]Then, it will just be my master and myself once again[/I], though Mayhem, a grim, thin smile spreading across his face. The thought of finally destroying his 10 year rival had brought an urge of excitement and joy to the normally emotionless Zabrak. Chaos and Mayhem had only mock sparred once, and that was the most intense battle either of them had ever been in. [I]But still, I came out on top, and the next time we fight will be no different.[/I] Thought Mayhem, as apprehension swelled inside him. He had an almost undeniable urge to chase after Chaos in his own ship, follow him to Tatooine, and battle him there. ?No, I must do as my master asks of me.? Mayhem told himself, as he calmed himself, becoming one with the dark side once again. The turbo lift suddenly stopped with a loud hiss, and a ?ping?. The golden curved doors spread open, and Darth Mayhem walked through, into the hanger. There was space for barely more than Mayhem?s and Chaos? ships in the hanger, even though the ships were no bigger than a basic cruiser. Mayhem?s ship greatly resembled the Sith [I]Infiltrator[/I], but its durasteel body work was a sleek black, instead of the old silver model. It rested on the hanger floor, in perfect condition, untouched by anyone except Mayhem, and without a single scratch. Lord Kahn had given it to Mayhem as a gift 3 months ago, after he had successfully destroyed 3 Jedi that had discovered his masters domicile. He had destroyed them with such speed, as he had to, he couldn?t let them get back to Luke Skywalker on Yavin IV. He remembered the conflict perfectly, down to the last detail. He had caught up to the 3 Jedi in a hanger on the East side of Coruscant just as they were about to depart. Two Jedi had stayed back to battle him, they had instructed the third to get to Yavin IV as quickly as possible, and go straight to Skywalker to tell him the news. The Jedi were of course, no match for Mayhem?s exceptional skills. Normally he would had taken his time, and enjoyed the fight, but in that fight he had no time, and so within a few minutes both Jedi had been destroyed. His next task was to find an adequate ship in which to pursue the third Jedi. One had caught his attention almost immediately. It was undoubtedly a bounty hunters ship, and not a bad one to boot. He also knew that a bounty hunters ship of this quality would have many defense mechanisms in place to get rid of intruders. He had reached out using the dark side of the force, and disengaged or neutralized every trap before he had boarded. As he had estimated, the ship was very impressive, and easy to pilot. He had caught up with the Jedi?s ship within around 15 minutes, just as the ship was preparing to jump into hyperspace. In an all out offensive, Mayhem had let out a flurry of laser cannon blasts, proton torpedo?s, and seismic charges. The Jedi?s ship had torn to pieces, sipped in half by the seismic charges, then blasted into no more than chunks of durasteel by the torpedoes. Upon returning to Coruscant, he encountered the bounty hunter whose ship he had borrowed. It had been returned in exactly the same condition as he had left it? he had even reset the defense systems; it only needed to have its weapons reloaded. But still, the bounty hunter would have none of it. Mayhem could have killed him, but he simply put a mind spell upon the angry bounty hunter, and left. When he had returned to his master, this ship had been waiting for him. The hatchway at the back of the ship opened, hissing as the pressure inside and outside the vessel leveled out. Without any hesitance, he proceeded aboard his ship. The air tight hatch at the rear of the ship closed behind Mayhem as he entered. Soon after, the main thruster engines started up with a low hum, progressively getting higher n pitch at they warmed up. The secondary thrusters kicked in soon after, with a quiet car engine type sound, which could barely be heard over the humming. Mayhem?s ship, [I]The Obliterator[/I], lifted off the ground, and rotated towards it desired direction as it slowly rose up out of the hanger. It left the hanger, appearing in the congested air of Coruscant. The thrusters gave a burst of power, launching the Obliterator above the skyline, and into the orbit of Coruscant.
  18. [B]CHAR. NUMBER:[/B] 56 [B]NAME:[/B] Kahn [B]AGE:[/B] 30 [B]LOCATION:[/B] Vin Kartia [B]Bio/history:[/B] Born and raised on Vanar Island, Kahn travelled to Vin Kartia only a few months ago, seeking better employment for himself as a bodyguard, or mercenary. He has been trained in various forms of weaponry since he was a child, but tends only to use one kind. He once travelled to Meridion, and found it a pleasent place, and has always planned to visit there again. However, his continuing search for more and more gil means that he simple hasn't had time to do so. He is tall, and has a muscular build. [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet, modest, likes to listen more than talk. He is not one to rush into a fight, but has no remorse once he gets into one. He has no time for friends, and has such has become strictly business-like in what he does. [B]Weapon:[/B] A lime green beamsabre. [B]Items:[/B] 2x concussion grenades (not fatal, used to paralyse a foe temorarily.) 2x potion, 1x ether. [B]White Magic Spells:[/B] None [B]Black Magic Spells:[/B] None [B]Ability 1:[/B] [I]Kai-Kan-[/I] A well practiced series of moves, it is used to confuse a foe woth a series of fast sabre momements, then the sabre is flicked 'round n the hand once, gaining speed for a strike to the creatures chest area. [B]Ability 2:[/B] [I]Executioner-[/I] Using a dial on the beamsabres handle, it increases in length, and it's colour deepens... he then uses the blade to strike, in a stabbing motion, through an enemies cranium.
  19. Yoda

    Green Day

    [I]Greenday is the best band in the existence of the world. No, band, [B]NO BAND[/B] is better than they are. And they have not gone "mainstream" in the slightest. Warning was just a mellower album than we're used to from them, but it was still top quality. I'mma going to see them on July 19th, I can't wait.[/I]
  20. [I]Xanko rushed out of his room, as fast as his limited speed would alllow him, and made his way down to the cockpit. Once he was in the room, he focused his mind on the comm. switch. A tendril of force energy reached out, grabbing the comm, and throwing it into Xanko's hand. The force shimmered all around him, showing that most were in great distress. [B]Xanko:[/B] Bounty hunters, distract the fire of the Star Destroyer. Focus your fire on the Imperial cruiser, the freighters will. As soon as you can get past them, make the jump into hyperspace again. Waste time on this, we cannot. As if in instant response, all the smaller, faster ships that belonged to the bounty hunters swerved in a rapid descent, curling around into a faked attack position to draw the Star Destroyers fire. The Imperial cruiser was quickly decimated by the immense firepower of the Republic freighters laser cannons, the shields were quickly beaten down, and the cruiser started dissolving with the super heated laser blasts of the cannons atop each freighter. The Mark IX however, had too powerful shields for even the freighters to get past... that is why they had the bounty hunters take them on, the freighters would be futile against them, atleast the smaller ships of the bounty hunters were quick enough not to get hit, which was smart, decisive action on Xanko's part. One by one, the freighters managed to strafe past the Star Destroyer, and as quickly as they could manage, jumped back into hyper space.[/I]
  21. [I]Craig stood impatiently as Bolt tried to battle with the newly appeared Mr Mime. [B]Craig:[/B] I'm not waiting here any longer, I've got some pokemon of my own to catch. I'll see you guys inb Blossom Town. [B]Abob:[/B] Hold on, I'll come. [B]Craig:[/B] Very well. Craig and Abob started swiping their way through the thick brush that went off the path. Both Abob and Craig knew the forerst very well, they had spent a lot of time here for one reason or another. Inferno walked at Craig's side, burning through any harsh scenery in their way, Scyther at at Abob's side, cutting through any brush in the boys way. Within 10 minutes of travelling, the two boys arrived at a stream, severly cut from the thorns planted all over the forest.[/I]
  22. [I][B]Master Xanko:[/B] Go on the second command ship you must, master Luke. A special mission, this ship is on. [B]Luke:[/B] Yes Master Xanko. [B]Xanko:[/B] May the force be with you. Luke bowed, and then ran off to the ship behind the one Xanko was on, Xanko turned, and walked back into the confines of the ship, as it started to take off, the air tight doors closing shut behind him. The large Republic freighter's huge blue thrusters kicked in, and with a powerful surge, the ship left the hanger, out into Coruscant's atmosphere. Legions of other Republic freighters, and bounty hunter's ships followed behind, as one by one their engines propelled them all into real space. Every two Jedi had a room to themselves, nothing more than two seats and two beds in each room, Jedi required nothing more than that. Xanko walked down the main corridor of the ship, towards the freighter's cockpit. The door to the cocmpit shot open with a "whoosh", as Xanko stepped inside. One of the pilot's greeted Xanko with a bow, which he returned, before approaching the comm. link connected to all other ships. [B]Xanko:[/B] Set co-ordinates, and on my mark, jump into hyperspace. A few seconds passed, then Xanko said the mark. One by one, the stars stretched, and dissapeared, as one by one the ships made the jump into hyper space.[/I]
  23. [I]Xanko's floating chair moved to the front of the grand balcony, where the council's seats usually were when they watched padawan battles. Below, on the dirt covered arena floor, bounty hunters, padawans, Jedi knights and masters alike all stood, talking and mingling with each other. Luckily, there seemed to be no holstility among them, atleast not from what Xanko could see. After a few seconds, the people below realised that Master Xanko wished to address them, and so the arena quickly fell to an eerie silence. [B]Xanko:[/B] Jedi, and bounty hunters, the time for our attack has come. We are to travel to Barkesh, where an Imperial base is growing. Vital plans they have, to the construction of their new Imperial walkers. A special team is to go in there and get thos plans, know who they are, these people already do. The rest of you, are to stay on the battle field and defeat the enemy soldiers. Specially appointed bounty hunters, will fly air support to counter any heavy artilery the enemy may have. Everyone else, come in the command ships they shall, you have no need for your own ships. Upon returning to Coruscant, recive their money, all bounty hunters shall. Good luck, and may the force be with you. Xanko turned back towards his fellow council members, and his former padawan. They all followed him as he left the room, where one of the tech. specialists from the command ship he was travelling in, was waiting for him. [B]Tech specialist:[/B] Master Xanko, the ship is ready, bring your team, we leave immediately. [B]Xanko:[/B] Thank you, we will be with you shortly. The tech specialist bowed, then hurried back towards his ship. Saying farewell to the council members not in the front command ship, Xanko, Haakol, Smod, and Jitsy continued down the pathway, where the rest of their team should be waiting for them.[/I]
  24. [I]Craig tossed his pokeball in his hand, red and white streaks whiped through as it spun. The growlithe, who had was previoucly inside that pokeball, sat next to him, scratching his ear with one of his back legs. Craig looked down at the Growlithe, as he clipped the pokeball to the back of his belt. Growlithe returned the glance as he stopped scratching. [B]Craig:[/B] I think I'll call you Inferno... you like that name? The growlithe had a look of confusion on his face for a moment, before nodding in agreement. [B]Craig:[/B] Aight, cool. Craig slid down onto the floor, legs extended infront of him, leaning against the wall. [B]Craig:[/B] I wish we could just go, this is boring as hell.[/I]
  25. [I]Oh Jiminy Jelukurs... why do some people insist on breaking the rules I so blatantly spell out for everyone. Now, listen to me very closely. Everyone [B]must[/B] have a superpower of an already existing superhero. You have no option in that, I said it for a reason, and I expect everyone to abide by it, like most of you have.[/I]
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