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Everything posted by Yoda
[I]Xanko sat in his chair, one hand cupper over the other infront of his chin, eyeing Jitsu like he did any other person that came before the council. No one really knew what he was accomplishing when he did this, though the main rumour was that he was measuring how much stronger they were since the last time they had stood before him, but the Jedi closest to Xanko knew that he could sense the increasing power of every Jedi across the galaxy, his attunment to the force was astonishing. [B]Jitsu:[/B] Well, why have I been summoned here? The Twi'lek, one space to Xanko's right, leant forward in his chair to address Jitsu's question. He rested his hands firmly on the arms of his chair, Xanko compared his power to Jitsu's... they were more or less equal, which came as no surprise to Xanko. He realised that when Jitsu left, the Twi'lek to his right had been very much Jitsu's superior... but the council, or atleast most of them, had taken their powers for granted, whereas Jitsu's power has constantly grown, Xanko had been monitoring it. He would very much have liked his old apprentice to have joined him on the council, he was certainly strong enough now, but Xanko feared that the dark side of the force, was starting to take control of Jitsu. [B]Haakol:[/B] You have been chosen to go with a team of 10 Jedi, into the main command ship to attack the Imperial base on Barkesh. There will be a squad of imperial troops firing on us as we enter... [B]Jitsu:[/B] Great... and who else will be on this main command ship with me? [B]Haakol:[/B] Myself and my apprentice, Smod Tarkoon and his apprentice, 4 other very gifted Jedi Knights... yourself... [B]Xanko:[/B]... And me. Jitsu looked in both surprise, apprehension, but also pleasentness at his former master. Normally he wouldn't get into a fight unless it was absolutely nessecary, this was obviously of an importance that Jitsu did not yet know. [B]Jitsu:[/B] May I ask Xanko, why you are going out in the front command ship? [B]Haakol:[/B] Have some respect... you will refer to him as master. [B]Jitsu:[/B] Or what? [B]Xanko:[/B] Enough of this childish bickering. In that base, important plans there are, plans for the construction of new Imperial walkers. *points to Jitsu* you and myself, must get through to the command centre in that base. Get those plans we must, as is the wish of the republic senate. [B]Jitsu:[/B] But still, I don't see why you are involving yourself in this. That seems easy enough, none of the council need be involved. [B]Xanko:[/B] No, powerful Sith I sense in that base, powerful Sith. How many, impossible to tell... but that is why I must go. [B]Jitsu:[/B] So, you and I are off to kill the Sith and steal the plans for the new walkers, and the others will fight the Imperial troops? [B]Xanko:[/B] Correct. As soon as all the bounty hunters arrive, they will be briefed, and then, time to strike, it will be. [B]Jitsu:[/B] Is that Imperial leader... that Darth Chaos man there? [B]Xanko:[/B] Hard to tell... but I do not think so. [B]Haakol:[/B] We are all to go down to the initiate training room now, and await for the other bounty hunters. [B]Jitsu:[/B] Ah yes, that reminds me. When do I get paid for this? That comment seemed to strike Xanko like a knife through his chest. One of the main teachings of the Jedi had been the forbiddence of greed and idol possesions such as money unless they were absolutely nessecary, he had always tried to make Jitsu enforce this, but just then, he had defied it so blatantly. It hurt Xanko to see just how much his former padawan had changed. [B]Xanko:[/B] Be paid you shall, if that is all that you care about. But not until you have done your duty in this mission. Xanko then climbed out of his chair, and walked forward a few paces. He turned back to face his chair, and held out his free hand (the other was clutching his stick.) The small cushioned spoon shaped device next to his council chair lifted off the ground slowly, and rotated it's way towards Xanko. He moved it slowly, as he did most things, a symbol of both his control and patience. He rested it behind him, and sat down on it. He then rose himself off the ground, while sitting on the elevated seat, and floated towards the doors of the council room, the rest of the Jedi following behind him.[/I]
[I][B]Name:[/B] Craig [B]Age:[/B] *sighs* 10... [B]Height:[/B] 5'10" [B]Desription:[/B] Wears a red buttoned shirt with a black chinese dragon swirling around it. He also wears blue ripped jeans, and fingerless black leather gloves. [B]First Pokemon:[/B] Growlithe [B]Bio:[/B] Somehow Craig himself was born with innate psychic abilities, however, these phychic abilities only work like Spiderman's spider sense, meaning he can sense impending danger, and his reflexes are immensely quick... and he also has the ability to sense things inside boxes, pokeballs etc. This means he always has the advantage in battle, as he can see what pokemon the other is going to throw out. When he was placed before the six pokeballs, he immediately chose the one that he saw a growlithe inside.[/I]
[I]A silver craft suddenly broke through the cloud on the eastern side of Coruscant. Streamlining downwards, the magnificent silver ship coursed downwards, towards the small landing pad near the Jedi temples main building. It's two jutted wings started rotating upwards, as the blue jets at the back of the ship, it's main thrusters, started decreasing in power, slowing it's descent. It's wings, as they rotated upwards, caught the reflection of the sun, reflecting offf a blinding white light, that would surely have blinded anyone who looked into it at that moment. The wings stopped rotating at acute angles, almost touching the vertical fin at the top of the ship. Two huge jets of gas were propelled out of the base of the ship, it's reverse thrusters, which slowed it's free falling descent to a controlled drop. It's huge mechanical landing feet lowered out of the base of the ship, as the gas thruster jets exploded into huge oranhge flames, bringing the ship almost to a standstill. On the platform where the ship was set to land, a group of Jedi were waiting, for their leader. Slowly but surely, the ship touched down, and, after a few seconds, all engines on the ship cut out. There was complete silence for a few moments, before a large "whooshing" sound could be heard, as the air-tight seal on the ships main hatchway opened, and the air pressure levelled itself both inside, and out of the ship. The walkway in the'neck' of the ship lowered down to the ground, and a sillhouette of a figure appeared in the doorway above. The figure was only about 18 inches high, and his most noticable feature were his large pointy ears. As the figure slowly made his way down the ramp, the Jedi waiting on the platform bowed. The figure lowered his head towards them in a bow also. The figure made his way down to the bottom of the ramp, addressing the highest ranking Jedi present. [B]Keshka:[/B] Master Xanko, it is good to hear that your negotiations were succesful. [B]Xanko:[/B] Yes, hard to persuade both sides were. [B]Keshka:[/B] Did you get the disk? Xanko, with one 3 fingered, clawed geen hand, reached inside his cloak, and pulled out a small square object. He handed it to his taller acquantance. [B]Xanko:[/B] On that disk, are the names of all the bounty hunters to come with us on this mission. [B]Keshka:[/B] Is Jitsu on that list? [B]Xanko:[/B] Unimportant that is. [B]Keshka:[/B] Sir, Jitsu has grown more powerful than he was under your teaching... he blew up a Jedi sanctum, I think we deserve to know if he is coming, he is a threat to us all. [B]Xanko:[/B] Aware of his actions I am Master Keshka. On that list... Jitsu is... The attentions of the Jedi were distracted, as a ship suddenly broke through the cloud lining. [B]Xanko:[/B] Already arriving, the bounty hunters are. Send them all to the docking bay, and keep them all in one of the initiates training halls. Feel more at home there, they shall. [B]Keshka:[/B] Yes Master. Keshka bowed, then marched off towards the hanger of the Jedi Temple to carry out his errand, as Xanko headed off towards the council building.[/I]
[I]Up on another planet, Dr Doom and the Red Skull have been catching symbiote drones, and combining their DNA with giant chameleon type creatures from Mars. The combined effect of their DNA, would mean that whatever superhero the creatures come in contact with, they permanently mimic the superhero?s powers, but, because of the symbiote part of the DNA structure in the creatures, they not only mimic the powers of the super humans they come into contact with, but they get enhanced powers, twice as strong as the original from which they mimicked. 8 of these creatures have been created, and have been instructed to track specific super villains to inherit their powers. Kingpin, who is in league with Dr Doom and the Red Skull, has been scouting the 8 best super villains to be victimized to this. Magneto, Carnage, Scorpion, The Green Goblin, Vulture, Rhino, Quicksilver, and Electro, are the 8 that have been chosen to be mimicked. Kept in place by a mind control device created by Dr Doom, the creatures can be used for any purpose that the 3 evil masterminds see fit, which could mean certain doom for everyone. All 8 of the creatures have been put onto a ship, heading directly for Earth. Meanwhile, the superheroes back on earth have no idea that a ship is headed their way, a ship that contains creatures that will soon make their lives, a living hell. Ok, now, when creating you bio, there is one rule you must abide by. This RPG is set in a parallel universe to the one we all know. This means that all super heroes and villains do exist, but their identities are different. So, everyone who joins will take the powers of one of the marvel superheroes. This is for two reasons. The first, is so everyone who joins should have a good understanding of everyone else?s powers, and secondly, this guarantees that no-one can go overboard with their powers. The only other rule is that the superhero who?s powers you choose must at one point [B]have fought for good[/B]. Meaning no one can pick a character that is evil? and no one can pick the people that are already on the list (for obvious reasons). However, if someone really wants to be a character on the list above, and you can think up a suitable replacement, I will let you be those? but only the ones that again, have fought for good at one point. I believe a few people such as Magneto and Quicksilver have fought for good at one point. But remember people, you can have the powers of ANY character that has fought for good, provided they aren?t invincible. You can be such people as Captain America, and The Incredible Hulk, Deadpool, and Ironman? there is no limit to the [B]hero?s[/B] you can go, as long as they can be hurt and killed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyway, this is what you need in your sign up: Name: Age: Height: Super power: Bio: Description: Personality: [B]Name:[/B] Craig Burke [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Height:[/B] 6?2? [B]Superpower:[/B] Spiderman?s [B]Bio:[/B] Bitten by a radioactive spider one day at a science expo when he was 15, Craig suddenly found that he could stick to walls, that he had amazing strength, speed, agility, the ability to shoot webs from little slits in his wrists, and the ability to sense impending danger, something he calls his ?spider sense?. He made a suit, and called himself Spiderman. For the last 4 years he has been living a lie to all who know him, living two lives? one as a 19 year old private in the army, completing his basic training, the other as a Superhero, protecting New York City from its host of villains. [B]Description:[/B] Normal ? Hazel eyes, scruffy brow hair, arms are loitered with tattoos, normally wears punk jeans and a black muscle vest. Super Hero costume ? Exactly the same as Spiderman?s from the film. [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet, intelligent, disturbed, friendly, basically just like Peter Parker.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------ And Just one more thing, the powers of Venom have been reserved.
[I]This looks good enough for now, I'll start it up. Sign up's will remain open for the time being though.[/I]
[I]I judge no one by their "tag", I judge strictly by post quality and attitude towards the RPG. Keep that in mind... because if I feel your posts aren't upto standard, you'll be out of my RPG straight away, anyone will tell you that, not just newbies.[/I]
[I]Just a note to SS Vegeta. As is clearly stated in [B]bold[/B] lettering at the top of this RPG, this RPG is taking place 4000 years after Return of the Jedi... now, either you missed a key point of this film, or your just plain ignorant, but Yoda did die in that film... therefore making it impossible for him to train you.[/I]
[I]Actually, Tyson has spent his carrier getting inside the reach of bigger men, so the height and reach advantage mean squat when Tyson is concerned. It's just the fact the Lewis made sure he couldn't get inside his punch, he kept his jab going beautifully throughout the fight, and thoroughly deserved to win. And as for the whole "ear" incident... that was not an intirely barbaric act. If you notice, through the entire fight, Holyfield would lock arms with him, and then he kept head butting Tyson, and stepping on his feet, which got Tyson worked up, and led to the bite. Holyfield thought that if he got Tyson worked up, he would get careless and make mistakes, but it backfired on him. But as we all saw, Lewis just tore Tyson apart with his old-school finesse. A drug hyped, street fighting rapist got beaten by a well spoken gentleman who loves his mamma.[/I]
[I]I don't know if this has been discussed already, but has anyone read the Bounty Hunter Wars? I think they're very good, really gives you a better insight into why Boba Fett is as good as he is.[/I]
[I]Sorry to tell everyone, but this RPG is off... I really can't see it working. However, I started a new Star Wars RPG called 'Star Wars: The Empire's Seige' which I think is altogether better, so all get over there and sign up on that one! ~Craig~[/I]
[I][B]~Several thousand years after Return of the Jedi~[/B] The republic has rebuilt on Coruscant, the Jedi have re-formed, thanks to the hard work and commitment of Luke Skywalker almost 4 thousand years ago, and are once again peace keepers in the galaxy. Of course, where there are Jedi, there are always Sith. The Jedi have done a remarkable job of securing peace all over the galaxy, the only illegal proffesion that has propered, is the bounty hunting trade, and their numbers are growing, especially since some Jedi are starting to get very large bounties on their heads. The number of skilled bounty hunters is growing, and the search for talented Jedi is growing desperate. Over many years, the Empire has been re-born, and has very quickly been increasing in numbers, even the Jedi were not able to stop it's growth. Now, the Empire has a greater army than ever, and is lead, by a mysterious dark jedi warrior, who has not yet revealed himself. The republic, in desperation, and out of fear of revolution, has started hiring bounty hunters in mass number, to work together with their usual targets, the Jedi, in order to slow down the increase in Imperial power, whilst the republic begin to built an army of their own. These are truely desperate times, for everyone.[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, here's what you need in your sign up: Name: Age: Race: Class: (Jedi, Imperial, Bounty Hunter, etc) Weapon(s): Ships(if any): Bio: Description: Personality: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Xanko [B]Age:[/B] 522 [B]Race:[/B] He is the same species as Yoda... [B]Class:[/B] Jedi Master [B]Weapon(s):[/B] A single bladed yellow lightsabre, and ofcourse, the force. [B]Ships(if any):[/B] A Jedi transport shuttle (he has people to pilot it for him.) [B]Bio:[/B] He is leader of the Jedi, elder upon the jedi council. He is the first Jedi master in over 4 thousand years that is the same species as the great Yoda, and rivals him in power. He is greatly reverred throughout the galaxy as a wise and great Jedi. He normally takes it upon himself to train very yound Jedi, but has only ever taken on two apprentices. The first was when he became a Jedi Knight some 500 years ago, he had to in order to attain the title of jedi Master. Since then, he has only taken on one more apprentice... a humanoid, in which he saw great power and potential. He trained the Jedi well until he became a Jedi Knight, but soon after, his aprentice left the Jedi order, persuing the quest for greater power, and he became a bounty hunter. Xanko was terribly dissapointed, but also concerned, incase his former student turned to the dark side. Xanko's symbiosis with the force has given him great strength, speed, and even the ability to levitate. Like every other Jedi, he owns a lightsabre, times are rare when he actually uses it. [B]Description:[/B] Looks [I]exactly[/I] like Yoda from episode 2, including the clothing. Though, his walking stick has a mysterious red gem atop it. [B]Personality:[/B] Humble, friendly, likes to listen more than talk, although he has great wisdom. He is liked by many people both inside and outside of Jedi order, or atleast by the law abiding. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Just to inform everyone, the position of my former apprentice, and 'mysterious leader of the Empire' have already been reserved, but feel free to be Sith warriors if you like.
[I]It all seemed so obvious to Craig now... why Blank had stood out to him ever since he had entered the arena... why he recognised his fighting style... and why Blank seemed to do the same to him. Craig began to take a step forward, as did Blank, they were about to have their first un-hostile confrontation. However, their advancement was suddenly interrupted. Andrew came storming along from the end of the training hall, catching both their attentions. Craig locked his cold hard gaze upon Andrew, who struted across the trainers hall. [B]Andrew:[/B] It's time for me to take this chump out. This tournament is mine! Blank scorned, and was about to advance towards Andrew, when Craig held up his hand, telling Blank to remain stationed. Craig stepped forward, directly in Andrews path. Andrew, who as busy chanting about his soon to be victory, walked straight into Craig. Andrew stumbled backwards. [B]Andrew:[/B] Get the hell outta' my way! [B]Craig:[/B].............. [B]Andrew:[/B] Oh I see, to scared to move, that's understandable, your in the presence of greatness. Craig leant forward, his face only inches away from Andrew's. [B]Craig:[/B] Cockyness... it only fitting... if you have the ability to back it. With that, Craig stood back up straight, again towering over most people in the arena, and walked back to his previous position leaning against the wall... as Andrew, now silently, started parading towards the ring.[/I]
Well Newt, atleast this RPG has a good level of detail, which your sign-up certainly hasn't. So, until you can back what you say, don't say anything. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I][B]Name:[/B] Craig Burke [B]Codename:[/B] Roach [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Height:[/B] 6'6" [B]Weapons and Munnition:[/B] Silver Desert Eagle .50, holds 25 bullets, 10 extra clips stowed on legs and chest. Flip action, sawn off shotgun. Holds 6 bullets in each round, cylinder infront of the handle must be cocked or 'flipped' to reload. Held like a long pistol, 6 extra rounds stored on chest. [B]Personality:[/B] Hostile to most people, calm at all times, never showing fear or aggresion in any situation. [B]Appearance:[/B] Spiked brown hair, hazel eyes, scar coming down through his right eye. Has a biohazard tatoo on his left upper arm, a flame on his left forearm, and a roach on his right fist. A huge figure, well built and muscular. His usual attire is a light grey jump suit, sleeves torn upto the shoulders. Fingerless gloves, and U.S edition army boots. [B]Squad History:[/B] Born and raised in Wales, Craig went into the army to do military service (by choice) when he left school at 16. At 18, he finished his basic service, and because of his exceptional prowess, was offered a place in Her majesties Royal Marine Commandos. Acceling in that field also, he became a squad commander, sent on various missions into Afganistan and things to deal with the ongoing war. Then, 18 months ago, a woman from the 'AD Special Missions Team' said she wanted him to join. He agreed. His nickname roach hailed from the fact that no matter what situation he got himself into, he always survived.[/I]
Sorry for the delay... I've been delayed. ------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Craig, the huge figure at the back of the training arena, leant against the wall with his arms crossed, staring out into the crowd of participants, almost daring him to end their lives. His seemingly omnificent presence send a cold chill through most of the other competitors. His gaze was directed mainly towards Marth, his cold gaze piercing Marth's soul. However, his gaze would often turn towards another warrior, a saiya-jin like him... his power, was as chilling as Craig's was. The warrior seemed to be keeping a lot bottled up, trying his best to hide his true nature. Craig however, was quite happy to show everyone just how powerful he was... and Marth was his first victim.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig's power level: 12,000 Craig's power level with Kai-Sin-Da: 25,000
[I]Yeah, but Warlock hasn't signed up yet... and being as Flash has already mentioned that he wants Warlock to sign up, I assumed they were still open...[/I]
I hope the sign-up's are still open, it'd be a shame to miss this one. ---------------------------------------------- [I][B]Name:[/B] Jinn Ma-Haro [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Height:[/B] 6'6" [B]Race:[/B] 3/4 Human, 1/4 Grey Elf [B]Class:[/B] Monk [B]Weapons (2 max):[/B] Dragon Nunchuks - Jinn's prefered weapon, these light and durable nunchuks have titanium handles carved into the bodies of Chinese dragons, making them much more lethal than usual. Retak - A dagger sized katana, rarely seen or used in Jinn's hands, but he is said to be lethal with it. The handle is rumoured to be black. [B]Armour/Clothes:[/B] He has an elegant black silken robe, sleeveless, with a Golden Dragon woven all down it. Also he wears a brown cloak over his robe for travelling, and also as a symbol of his simple lifestyle. [B]Description:[/B] Long brown hair, woven into a thick braid. He has cold hazel eyes, a symbol of his discipline, and his deadliness. He is quite muscular, not not so much as it doesn't allow him to be as agile as he should. Regardless of his harsh training in a monk temple, his extensive knowledge of battle and his avbilities means that he has no battle scars, he has managed to come out of every enounter un-scathed. Surprisingly though, the elf in him gives him a strictly non-oriental look. [B]Bio/History:[/B] Born into a life of simplicity and solitude, Jinn has known nothing except the monk way of life since he was born. His discipline is as great as his abilities in battle, he always seems as if he is on wings when in battle. He has now, for the first time in his life, left the monk temple to go on a quest for the elders at the temple.[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Well, I don't exactly get what you mean right there, so I'll have to ponder that point. I just don't see there being a clone of Palpatine if that is what you are suggesting...I think I'll just retire for the time being...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I think she means that the Emperor is a clone of Palpatine..... or visa-versa.
[I]Well, for one Emperor Palpatine is Darth Sidous. And I believe that Artoo and lord of the faggots must have had their memories erased... or else their malfunctioning. And the reason Artoo is always outsmarting 3PO is because 3PO is so concerned with making an *** of himself, that he rejects ratioal thought[/I]
[I]Back in Europe, somewhere near Belguim, Craig cut through the skies, a deep green aura burning brightly around him, and coursing behind him in the form of a tail. He had been 'produced' mainly for speed, and it was certainly reflecting now. Every human or demon who gazed into the bright tail of his aura, felt a sensation not un-like the one you get when you stare at the Sun. There had always been controversy about creating a saiyan made entirely from the blood of Brolly. Brolly was [B]extremely[/B] proud, and had amazing speed and control of ki. They had hoped that Craig would only inherit Brolly's physical enhancements, as was usually the case in reproduction... but this wasn't reproduction, this was cloning, and that was quite different. Unfortunately, Craig had inherited Brolly's pride, and his arrogance. He saw everyone, demons, humans, and even his fellow saiya-jins as inferior. The legendary blood coursing through his veins had greatly cntributed to him feeling this way. Craig came to a stop, as if he had hit a brick wall. His aura lightened, as he gazed down upon a town, burning and roasting in an inferno like state, as demon hoarded and shredded each other, battling for control of the town. Craig waiting, in anticipation, waiting to make his move.[/I]
[I]No, Anakin is no-where near as powerful as Obi-Wan, as you will find out for definate in the third movie. Now, lets stop this, and get back t the sign up's.[/I]
[I]Anakin is 19/20 years old, and still a padawan.... proving my point.[/I]
[I]The two scientists prodded and poked Craig, moving around him, inspecting his concious form closely. They checked his hair, looked at his boots, everything, as Craig just stood perfectly still. [B]German:[/B] He's.......... he's perfect. [B]English:[/B] The ultimate engineered saiya-jin warrior. [B]German:[/B] What shall we call him? For the first time in about an hour, Craig moved. His left hand snapped forward, gripping the neck of the German engineer. He lifted the German engineer into the air, until he came to eye-level with the huge saiyan. The English scientist pawed furiously at Craig's arm, trying to get him to release his grip on the German's neck, but to no avail. [B]Craig:[/B] I have a name. With that, Craig tightened the grip on the German's neck substantially. A large crunching sound echoed through the room, as the German scientist went limp, his eyes turned up into his head. Craig tossed his to the side, he skidded along the ground, his corpse crashing into the wall. The English scientist fell to his knees in tears. His best friend, and co-worker for over 20 years was just killed by their biggest project. [B]English:[/B] We..... failed. After all that, we failed on our biggest project. Craig looked down, his gaze focusing upon the English scientist wimpering at his feet. He extended his right arm, palm open. A ring of white energy pulsed into his hand, forming into a small white ball of energy. [B]Craig:[/B] I disagree....... I think it was a complete success. The white orb suddenly launched from Craig's hand, slamming into the scientist, who looked on in sheer horrow, as the ball eat away through the scientists neck, and out through his back. The scientists eyes bulged, blood flowing out of him like running water. Falling forward, face down in his own blood, the scientist slowly chocked, his air way eaten away by the ki orb. Craig's deep green aura surged around him again, as he blasted off into the air... he was free now. He stopped above the labratory in which he had been created and grown. nd raised his hands above his head, a yellow ball of energy quickly forming in them. Tossing his hands downwards, the ki ball launched downwards, plummeting into the labratory. A white ring of ki suddenly pulsed out at ground level, buckling the ground it passed over, as the labratory crumbled and disintrgrated into nothingness.[/I]
Ah, but only by a Jedi. They didn't say anything about someone obsessed with greed and power having trouble sensing a Sith ;) And don't call me SS Trunks...... I hate that damned name. Just Craig will do nicely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]Xanko drew his blaster, he felt himself drawing nearer to the deathly cold presence he felt. He didn't know what he wished to ackomplish here... it was very doubtful that two Sith had travelled to Coruscant to dispose of the one particular politician he was trying to get to hire him, especially since one was already after Aba... though he seemed to have been taken care of, Xanko could no longer sense the Dark jedi's presence... but Kyle's was still coming through quite clearly. Suddenly, the passage Xanko was in seemed to swell into darkness. His gut instinct was to go back... his his arrogance, and pride as an esteemed bounty hunter pushed him onwards. He held his blaster tightly in his hand, ready to shoot at the next thing that came round the corner. Nothing had had this effect on him before... for the first time in his life, he was genuinly afraid of whatever was approaching him. Though, Xanko was not about to disregard his own skills. [B]If it moves, it can be killed...[/B] tought Xanko, as his confidence started to regroup in him, as he again started to walk down the corridor. He kapt to the outside esge of the corridor, giving him a better view around the continuing circle-like corridor as he passed down it. There were few windows in the room, and it was quite dimly lit. [B]There's no way this place is a hyperdrive manufacturing plant...[/B] Xanko thought to himself... since he had entered, there had been no sign of activity besides the presences he felt, and this was the middle of the day, so something was definately amiss. Suddenly, he stopped dead, blaster extended straight infront of him, as a dark figure appeared in the doorway at the end of the hall. The intensity of his presence seemed to freeze the room, and burn it at the same time. Xanko, overcoming the complete paralysis he felt, shot a single bolt towards the dark figure. Even in Xanko's present state of mind, his skill was not affected. The bolt headed straight for the dark figures head. Moments before it hit the figure, it raised it's hand, cancelling out the blast, as it fizzed into nothingness. Almost in denial, Xanko fired 3 more shots. Each of these was cancelled out and disintegrated much the same way as the others. Pretending like that had never happened, and still determined to save his own life, Xanko unclipped his lightsabre handle, ignited the yellow beam, and darted forward towards the mysterious warrior.[/I]
[I]Two male scientists, an old German, and a younger English man, looked blankly at their creation. Inside a chamber of green liquid, there was a man... his long black hair perfectly still, his hands out at his sides, palms facing forward, eyes closed. [B]German:[/B] Finally... we have succeded. [B]English:[/B] The saiyan myths are true then... these creatures really do have exceptional power. [B]German:[/B] Yes, lets ho-- what the? Looking at the control panel beside the chamber where the mysterious saiyan was being contained, there were several readouts of his brainwaves, pulse, etc. All of a sudden, they all started to race... [B]English:[/B] How is this possible? We haven't activated the re-animation proceedure yet. The saiyans eyes suddenly snapped open, completely black. Thje black from his eyes seemed to radiate out into the room, darkening it with a cold feeling. The water around the saiyan started to swirl arounf him, like a tornado, before being thrown outwards, smashing the chamber, as the saiyans deep green aura exploded around him. His completely black eyes, started to metamorphose... sclera of his eyes now becoming their normaly whie. The saiyan, who was easily twice the size of both the scientists, standing proud at 6'6". He stared down at them, an unemotional scowl on his face.[/I]
[I]Xanko suddenly stopped dead in the middle of the clash he was hyaving, nearly causing him to get cut in two. He flipped back, just as the Dark Jedi slashed towards his chest. [B]Xanko:[/B] *thinking*......... SITH?!? Once again, he noticed that his opponent and partner had felt something, but nothing to the extent that Xanko was feeling. He felt so cold inside... they had much greater power than the opponent he was currently facing. He had to take care of them... Kyle would be fine on his own with this guy. Xanko turned suddenly, and ran towards the edge of the building. He pressed a few buttons on his right gauntlet, and a bleep in his helmet signalled that his ship had recieved the message. He leapt off the side of the building in a diving position. Moments later, his speeder flew under him, and he caught hold of it, and sat down in it's seat. Focusing on the terrible energy he felt, he kicked the throttle, shooting forward. They weren't far away at all... infact, withing just a few minutes, he came to the building that felt the coldest to him... supposedly a hyperdrive manufacturer. There was an elegant black ship on the landing pad. Xanko's ship rotated horizontally as it lowered onto the landing pad, next to the black ship. ~Meanwhile~ [B]Vin-Mar:[/B][COLOR=red]My master, someone has just landed on the landing bay... one of the Jedi we sensed.[/COLOR] [B]Palpatine:[/B] Yes, this one has extraordinary potential... and I sense a strong will to achieve power in his heart. He could be turned... and he would be a powerful ally. [B]Vin-Mar:[/B] [COLOR=red]I shall go and meet with him.[/COLOR] Vin-Mar bowed low at his master, then turned and started walking back towards the landing bay.[/I]