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[B]Name:[/B] Craig Hall [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Code-Name:[/B] Cogen [B]Mutant power/Mutantion:[/B] Cogen possesses the ability to mentally manipulate gravitons, enabling him to control gravity. He can surround any object or person including himself with gravitons and anti-gravitons, thereby increasing or decreasing the Earth's pull of gravity upon it. He could, for example, decrease the pull of gravity around himself, allowing him to fly. He could also increase the gravity around an opponent, pinning them to the floor, or increase the gravity around them to a state where their cardiovascular systems can no longer function. He can also increase the intensity of gravity around an inanimate object, such as a book, giving the object it's own gravitational field. [B]Description:[/B] Craig is 6'1", 215lbs. He has short brown scruffy hair. He has hazel eyes, and is quite rugged. He is slim, though his muscles are quite sizeable... but not overly so. He wears a tight fitting black jumper and a pair of dark demin jeans. He has a tatoo of a dragon roaring with it's wings spread on his left arm. [B]Side:[/B] Magneto's [B]Biography:[/B] Craig was born in Houston, Texas... and led a very normal childhood. He had loving parents, a sister, a dog. Craig was always very competitive, no matter what the event was. He played sports, chess, computer games, anything he could get his hands on, he was fiercly competitive with. He would fall out with friends for days when he lost to them in a game, and would get into fights with team mates when they lost a football game. His parents tried as best they could to damped his aggresive tendencies, but to no avail. At every thing he did, Craig just wanted one thing; to win. His mutant powers emerged as a result of his behaviour. One day, participating in a chess tournament... he found himself up against what could only be described as your stereotypical nerd. He had a high pitched, whiny voice, and smirked confidently with every move Craig made... as if it had been his plan. This infuriated Craig as the match went on, and then, as the nerd was moving his queen into a spot that would put Craig in check-mate, grinning widely as he did so... Craig went into a rage. Suddenly, the boy's hand smashed smashed straight through the table, and crushed against the floor. His fingers shattered under the pressure, and his head head smashed against the metal table as he fell, giving him a concussion. Fortunately for Craig, spectators believed it to be the nerd's mutant powers manifesting... as did Craig, for he did not realised that he had caused it. Craig soon realised that it was he who had inherited special gifts... and he was soon approached by one Charles Xavier. Xavier promised acceptance, teaching, and the ability to adapt his skills. He was told to think about the offer. Craig was then approached by one who called himself Magneto. Magneto's offer was far more tempting. He revealed that Craig had the potential to be one of the most mighty creatures on the planet. He was promised strength, control... and power. Fueled solely by his competitive desire, Craig bode farewell to his parents, who cried and yelled at him to stop as he boarded Magneto's jet, and left with him. Craig was trained diligently under Magneto's tutilege, and has been for over four years. He has adapted his powers to allow him flight, and to provide gravitational fields to other objects. All he had to do in return, was fight the good fight for Magneto. Craig agreed with the ideals of Magneto... that power must be taken from the humans, it must be earnt. Thusly, when Magneto changed his ideals, Craig was not overly pleased, but he followed him on anyway, now with his eyes set on overthrowing Magneto, gaining confidence in his own powers. Perhaps with the X-Men... these ideals would change. Then again, perhaps not.
Art Some of my artwork... for you to belittle or praise, whatever takes your fancy.
Yoda replied to Yoda's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE=Lynx][font=Verdana][size=1]I really am impressed by these pictures Yoda, I never knew you were that good at drawing. I do have one question though in regard to the Vegitto picture, did you copy that from another drawing or is it 100% original ?[/size][/font] [font=Verdana][size=1]Gavin[/size][/font][/QUOTE] I copied it from a picture. That's generally how we do things. I think the best way to judge how good you are at drawing a specific thing is to look at it, and replicate it to the best of your abilities. Then you have a good idea of just how accurate you can be... The Spawn pic also came from the cover of a comic my friend had... I had wanted to draw a Spawn pic for some time, and that was the pic in the comic with the most potential. I don't trace though... if thats what anyone's thinking. I never trace... -
Well, I recently stepped out of the cave I was in and bought a scanner, so I can finally post up some art work of mine. These two were done within the same month, in October of 2002; I was fifteen... and apparently still working on my signature (as you will see in the Spawn pic ;) ). I like to draw, and will gladly accept all comments you would care to give. Enjoy...
He watched it descend, the Jedi Starfighter he had seen in the skies of Mechis III earlier. He watched the eerie precision with which the ship lowered into the streets. Blood still dripped from the tips of his clawed hand, watching with intent as his next victim lowered himself into darkness. Asajj was on planet by now too, and no doubt she was causing her own form of mayhem. Grevious had only met her in person once... and he realised that she could be a very intimidating person, with a very volatile persona. Of course, Grevious did not experience these feelings himself... but, as he did with his own mannerisms, he was well aware of their affect on other people. The battle raged to the West, and already it was kicking up fierce amounts of smoke and dust, which raged across the city like a sand storm. His cape thrashed in the battle generated winds, and he started moving towards the Jedi Starfighter. He bounded over buildings effortlessely, racing towards his next fight. He had a feeling this one would be a lot nearer to the Consular ship, so he had to be ready. He could quite easily find himself outnumbered. It did not matter though, they would all die... ------------------------------- Very short post... very big case of writer's block. My apologies, it shan't happen again.
The ship levelled out, the landing gears lowered, and the ship settled to the floor with the low hiss of the ship's reverse thrusters. Grevious had landed the [I]Noxious[/I] on an abandoned factory roof. Atleast, sensors had indicated no major life-forms present. He just wanted to take sure his ship would be there when he got back. He stepped out of the ship, and the hatch closed. In his left hand, he held his primary weapon, his double-bladed vibro-sword. The handle was covered in a crimson cloth, which was always new. The blades were thin, and curved, like Katana's, and faced in opposite direction. They hummed in a low pitch, almost anticipating the taste of the flesh they would be cutting into. He looked about, to the West, almost on the horizon, there were the flashes and screams of war... the battle must have been taking place there. His Jedi though... they were to the South. Approaching the southern side of the factory, he stood at it's edge, and looked down. He was 50 feet up atleast. Below, he saw several people, in a frantic rush. Either they were wondering what the commotion to the West was, or they were trying to get away from it. Grevious crouched, pressing one hand against the buildings edge. In a single whipping motion, his limbs snapped upwards, launching his body into a pounce. His cape fought backwards against the momentum of his jump, and he landed, knees slightly bent, on the nearest factory to the south... some 20 feet away. He broke into a run, and went into a straight leap over onto the next building. In mid flight, something caught his eye... on the ground to his left. He landed, and moved straight to the edge, looking down over the building's Eastern face. Below, on a street, in the middle of the road... he saw a single figure. The figure was doing... nothing. It was just standing there, with it's eyes closed... and Grevious got the feeling it was absorbing everything around it. The robes, and the mannerisms of the character instantly told Grevious it was Jedi. That was all the information he needed. Grevious stepped off the edge of the building, allowing himself to fall freely towards the ground. The Jedi's eyes snapped open, and it cut a glance at Grevious as he hit the ground. Any normal organism would have landed in a mess of his own bones and liquidised blood. Grevious landed, bending his knees to almost touch the floor, and then instantly regained himself... as if he had fallen but 5 feet. Grevious eyes the creature for but a moment. It's species; human. It's sex; female. Quite old by human standards, her hair was greying at it's edges, and signs of age and wear lined her face. Also, she was calm... focused. He knew from experience, the younger the Jedi, the cockier... or edgier they were. Grevious let his sword drop from his grasp. It hit the stone floor with a foreboding clang. He knew this weapon was no use now... Grevious' cape whipped backwards as he broke into a charge. The Jedi acted instantly, spinning backwards as she drew her lightsabre. Its green blade sprung to life with a menacing hiss, and she drew it to her side, waiting for Grevious, she assumed, to make his charge into death. Surprise took her, when Grevious sprand into a corkscrew over her, landing in a crouch, as she instinctively went into a spin, bringing her lightsabre in a swing that took it over his crouched form. His lightning speed, he bounded vertically, bring his left claw in a thrashing motion, drawing it up her side. Blood tipped his claws as his momentum took him into a backflip, away from his opponent. The female moaned in agony, before quicky regaining her composure. Grevious' mask... devoid of all emotion, was as powerful a weapon as any he carried in his arsenal. Intimidating, blank, beset with two venemous yellow eyes. To stare into this mask was to stare into fear itself. The Jedi, however, barely had time to glance, at it fully... Grevious was on the offensive again. He kept his claws at his side, allowing her to take a swing at him. She brought her sabre in an arc that would have cleaved him from shoulder to hip... but his back arked abormally, allowing the blade again to come down over his shoulder. The experienced Jedi went into a spin, going to one knee, and bringing her sabre across in a cut designed to separate his body from his legs. Grevious hopped... his reaction were unhuman, and he brought his foot across in a sweep like her sabre had. The cap of his foot connected with her cheek... and he heard the crack of the cheek bone chattering, as she was sent hurtling into the middle of the street. Even the mighty force could not save her now... Grevious crouched slightly, then launched himself into an ark that took him over her kneeling figure. He seemed to hover over her, and suddenly, a crimson blade extended from his left hand, and he brought it into a low cut, then the blade quickly faded. He landed, not even facing her... and felt something lightly clash with his heel. He turned to it, and saw the severed head of his opponent. Her green eyes stared at him in a mixture of shock and pain. Her face was a ghostly white... and the cortorized neck wound still sizzled and smoked with the putrid stench of burnt flesh. Grevious pushed her head aside with his foot... and moved over to her body. He leant down, and pryed her lightsabre free from her lifeless grip. He slotted it into a pouch in his belt, turned, and walked away from his victim. This was to be the first of many.
Boba... I may have missed it, but I can't find a description of Mechis III anywhere in this or the sign up page. I'd just like to know if Grevious' ship should be landing in a city, a jungle, a desert or whatever. ---------------------------------------------------------------- The [I]Noxious[/I] sensors kicked into life like a hunted animal caught sleeping, indicating the arrival of a hostile ship in the area... but Grevious already knew it was there. He allowed his piercing yellow, reptile-like eyes to cut towards the fighters' direction. A Jedi Starfighter... which obviously meant another Jedi. His grip tightened on the 'stick... when he noticed Asajj in her ship much closer to the new holstile. Sensors had confirmed atleast three Jedi on the surface, and they were Grevious' priority. Grevious gently pushed the 'stick away from him, tipping the ship's nose into an arc that brought him closer to the surface of Mechis III. He had almost circled the Consular ship once, waiting for the life readings to come back from the [I]Pride of Neimodia[/I]. Meanwhile, he had been trying to get a visual on any survivors, but so far the smoke from the wreckage had given them excellent cover. Ideally, he would liked to have picked them off out of the sky, and left without having to leave his ship. This was becoming ever more an impossibility. Grevious picked out a spot to land... some four kilometres away from the crash site of the Consular ship, basing it at a 10 degree angle from the direction he believed his quarry to be heading in. The twin ion engines of the [I]Noxious[/I] radiated with energy and a crimson glow as he ripped through the air as a dagger, heading towards the surface of Mechis III.
The black slits that were Grevious' pupils thinned in anticipation. He had been hovering patiently about the Droid Control Ship that contained Count Dooku, and now, at his master's order, the twin ion engines kicked into live, and the [I]Noxious[/I] jolted forward into a dive, lining it up with Mechis III. Droid ships swarmed about him in controlled chaos, flying with mechanical precision towards their designated targets. Grevious was met with very little resistance, the occasional bolt from a turbo laser would flash past his viewport, but the Republic ships were too preoccupied for a ship that, as far as they knew, was just another droid fighter. Had they known the General of the Seperatist army was inside, he felt certain that he would have attracted more attention. By forcing the Jedi Consular ship down on planet, Tyrannus had also guaranteed the safe entry of his 'apprentice'. Had they still been up here, one of them surely would have sensed her through the force, and would have treated her as a serious threat. Right now they were undoubtedly focused on staying alive in their impending crash. To the clones though, she was just another ordinary enemy. The [I]Noxious[/I] hit the atmosphere of Mechis III like a fist of flame. He heard the momentary strain on his shields, before the lightning quick [I]Noxious[/I] ripped through the atmosphere altogether. The ship wavered under the sudden rush of gravity, so Grevious raised the nose slightly, killing the momentum of ships dive. His ship's sensors indicated where the Consular ship had landed. As Grevious continued his descent, he activated the comm. unit, and the same black face of a battle droid appeared. Grevious waited a moment, then spoke. His voice was harsh, raspy, deep, almost metallic in texture. It was as intimidating as the figure who owned it. [B]Grevious:[/B] Get me the life readings on that Consular ship. [B]Droid:[/B] Roger roger...
Grevious stared for a moment at the swirling of the stars as they streaked past the viewport of the [I]Noxious[/I] in flashes of white and neon blue. He considered this to be the calm before the impending storm... and it was something he took enjoyment in. He took this time to focus on the details of the battle ahead. An invasion, a vital planet; one where they could produce arms, and a port much closer to the Core Worlds than they were used to. Grevious was more than aware of the importance of this battle... his purpose was solely to fight, and to win. Normally he did so devoid of any feeling, which is what made him so effective... but he generated some excitement from the promise of fighting those gifted in the force. He had been given a taste of the powers of the force each time he had seen Tyrannus in battle. Grevious had longed for someone to face him with that kind of power... the thought of tearing his claws into their flesh as they stood in shock was an overpowering feeling, and it was one of the few emotions he had. This feeling was organic, and lent itself to the arguement that there was some human in Grevious. The General would get plenty of chances to lend his services on the battle field, but his main responsiblility was to lead Dooku's droid armies... hence his rank. A machine of war, Greivous was also quite the tactician. Grevious sat, motionless, staring unblinking into the swirling void of hyperspace. His arms crossed over his chest, his claws grasping their opposite arms in a vice that would break the bones of most organisms. He knew, sparing any unforseeen problems, that he would spend the majority of the war effort at Count Dooku's side, where he would be subject to the constant whining of Nute Gunray and his Neimodian associated from the Trade Federation. Constantly he watched while the Count played the role of babysitter, forever reassuring and making promises to the Trade Federation's leaders, as they revelled in their cowardice. Grevious had often thought that as soon as Gunray had served out his purpose, Grevious would be given the order to dispose of him at the first sign of his cowardice. The Count, although he did it well, did not think very highly of his associates, many of whom he considered nothing more than worms. The button below Grevious' comm. panel suddenly began to blink. He moved one hand over and tapped the button with a metallics claw, and the face of a battle droid flecked with red marks appeared on screen. [B]Droid:[/B] General, we are approaching Mechis III. Please be prepeared to exit hyperspace at the next warning. Grevious nodded once, and the comm. went blank. His own ship's sensors were more than capable of telling his to come out of hyperspace at the appropriate time, and yet he was always sent a message by one of the Droid's of the Trade Federation. Such things would have angered a normal man by now... but Grevious was devoid of such feelings, and gave no thought to trivial matters like that.
Boba has given me permission to play this character... My my, I am going to have some fun. :devil: [B]Name:[/B] General Grievous [B]Age:[/B] Unknown [B]Species:[/B] Believed to be an android. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Allegiance:[/B] The Seperatists. [B]Weapons and Armor:[/B] [list] [*]One single bladed crimson lightsabre. [*]One crimson bladed "light whip". [*]One double-bladed vibro-sword. [/list] [B]Spacecraft:[/B] [I]The Noxious[/I]. A ship custom made for Grievous, given to him by Count Dooku. The ship is as deadly as Grievous is. The ship is powered by twin ion engines, and has X-shaped solar panel wings, that arc forward into points (like a TIE Interceptor's do). The body of the ship is almost mirrorlike, making it very hard to spot, in space or otherwise. The body of the ship is very flat, and curved in to a sharp point at it's nose. A birds-eye view would give the [I]Noxious[/I] the appearence of a dagger. It is armed with four laser cannons at the tip's of the solar panelled wings, and has a proton torpedo launcher beneath the nose. Built for speed, the [I]Noxious[/I] is amazingly quick and agile. It's shields are very basic, but with Grievous at the helm... who needs shields? [B]Biography:[/B] Very little is known about Count Dooku's right hand man. He has been described as the most effective hand-to-hand Jedi killer ever. He is believed to be an android, but the rare individuals who have looked into his eyes and live to tell the tale say that his eyes look almost organic, and it is possible that a living man is inside Grievous' hard exterior. Merciless, fearless, he is the perfect killing machine. Fast and skilled enough to be more than a match for Jedi, he has killed many force users in his time, all at the command of Count Dooku. Mainly, he uses his claws, or his double bladed vibro-sword as weaponry... and enemies certainly are surprised when this intimidating foe reveals that he can use the weapon of the Jedi.
[B]Meanwhile...[/B] Jodo, startled, shot up into a sitting position in his bed, breathing heavily. He was in the middle of a dream, when suddenly he heard a scream that felt all too real. It had woken him, and he swept his blaster rifle up from his side, and went out to investigate. A master thief, his feet stalked silently towards the door of the hut, his rifle's crosshair lay perfectly before his left eye. He took a breath and released it, letting out what tension he felt. He swung open the door, and the tension that had left him moments ago came back at him double-fold, in the form of fear. He stared into the side of a green helmet he knew only too well from his time on Tatooine. Behind the shield that was the black visor on his helmet was the coldest, most calculating mind in the galaxy, who cared only for himself and his business. No emotion, no remorse, no fear. The mans stance; flawless at he pointed the barrel of his gun between Van's eyes. Jodo's rifle was still motionless, pointing directly at one corner of the bounty hunters visor... and suddenly he was overwhelmed with a sense of self-doubt that all Boba Fett's opponents felt. [I]"If I try to shoot, will I even have time to pull the trigger before I'm dead myself? If I do get a shot off he'll just dodge it, like he does with all forms of danger... and he's literally got more tricks[/I] up his sleeves [I]than most circuses.[/I] This was the man in the galaxy more invincible than the Emperor and Vader... the man who always came out on top, because he chose to come out on top. Boba hadn't even glanced at Jodo yet, but Boba knew he was there, and while Jodo was consumed with doubt, Boba, ever the opportunist, would strategically plan his every action to capturing Van. Jodo didn't know it, but Boba wasn't being paid to capture him... [B]Boba:[/B] It would be in your best interest to lower your weapon... Jodo, realising he was being acknowledged, was filled with a sense of resolve one more... [B]Jodo:[/B] Why's that? [B]Boba:[/B] It's your choice. Keep the weapon if you want, though I wouldn't advise it. I could kill you, but since I'm only being paid to eliminate [I]threats[/I], I don't want to waste any time with you. Jodo forced a smirk, determined to show his character free of fear. [B]Jodo:[/B] I'll show you just how much of a threat I can be... For the first time, Boba glanced over at Jodo, and Van saw his one opportunity. He clicked open the case in his hand, allowing the remaining lightsabres to fall. As soon as he did this, Boba turned back at a pace almost to fast for the human eye, and let of a shot, that missed mere millimetres above Van's falling body. Before he had chance to fire another, Jodo fired at Boba, who dived out of the way with the grace of a Nexu. Van caught one of the lightsabres inches before it hit the floor, and tossed it at Jodo, who caught it with his free hand, igniting it instantly, just as Boba raised his blaster for another shot. A deep yellow blade came to life before him, crackling with anticipation. Jodo could see the sizzling crimson bolt, heading for a collision with his forehead... but it moved almost at a snails pace. Jodo, with one hand still clutching his blaster with the other gripping his new found lightsabre, dived into a roll to his right, the shot missing him by almost a foot. As he recovered to one knee, another blaster bolt was heading straight for his position. The lightsabre, seemingly acting of its own accord, shot in a downwards arc before Jodo's chest, just in time to deflect the blaster bolt, sending it careering in the floor, scorching it wickedly. Jodo recovered to his feet, more nervous... and yet more calm than he had ever been before. This lightsabre he held in his left hand had just saved his life, and yet it felt as alien to him as this entire world. Regardless, he knew it was his only defense against the galaxies most ruthless bounty hunter.
[B]Name:[/B] Jodo Kai'Belborun [B]Age:[/B] 4192 [B]Species:[/B] Drow [B]Rank:[/B] Sorcerer. [B]Weapons:[/B] Jodo carries a bone colored staff with him, which is smooth from it's base almost to it's tip. A it reaches the top, it splits into two thorns that twine around each other once, then split in adjacence to one another. Set between the tip's of the thorns is the symbol of the Holy Eye of Sharess. Many people think this is his main means of chanelling magic, but it is mainly for show. He wears, also, gauntlets of crimson on his wrists. They are beset with three jewels each, set at right angles to each other, on the sides and back of the wrists. On the wrists, above each palm, there is again the symbol of the Holy Eye of Sharess. [B]Clan:[/B] Kai'Belborun. [B]Appearance:[/B] I'll find a picture later... bear with me. [B]Biography:[/B] Jodo is revered as the most gifted user of magic within his clan. He was obsessed with the dark arts since he was a mere child, constantly consumed by his thirst for knowledge and power. He focused on the physical aspects of magic, fire, lightning... that sort of thing, mainly to be used as an aid in battle. Often such magic is used as a method to instill fear, and the mental edge he gains through this, as well as his superior manner, make him an extremely intimidating individual. Jodo posseses far more pride in himself and his own ablities than in the reputation on his clan, and it is not unlike him to talk with other clan member; who are both willing and have gained his respect. He is known to have talked for many hours with such esteemed individuals as Vajain, leader of the Nur'Lograin clan... many believing that their prowess in magic gives them a common ground. He is also known to have talked with leaders in the Vas'Naurnae clan... which is truly a rare occurence. He has earned the respect of several Naurnae through his presence and skill in battle. His hunger for power covers all aspects of self-development, physical or otherwise, and he was more than happy to learn from those who thrive simply for battle. Despite his inclination towards magic, Jodo keeps himself in excellent physical condition. His staff, which is mostly mistaken as being his instrument for using magic, is more often used as his melee weapon. He trains with is extensively, and will often venture out into the Underdark simply to look for fights, in order to measure his skills. Sometimes this is with other Drow, and sometimes with other creatures. Either way, Jodo revels in any challenge.
Jodo's blaster deftly, yet urgently flicked up infront of his face as he instinctively prepared for a fight. Jodo was used to being outnumbered and outgunned, but not by this majority. He focused the reticle of the blaster on the nearest native, when suddenly the blaster was pulled from his grip as if by an invisible hand, and glided willingly towards the cloaked figure, where it dropped to the floor before his feet. The weapons of the other three quickly followed suit. Jedgar, in a desperate attempt to keep his weapon, gripped it tightly with both hands as it began to motion for the cloaked entity. Jedgar relinquished his pike once it had dragged him roughly a foot forward. Strangely, Rayf had remained untouched through all of this, and Jodo, unable to see any settlements, immediately leant towards the idea that they had walked into a trap. Thrukh stepped forward, his body crouched in an aggresive manner. Almost protective of his companions, his body took on a hunched, spread out position that made him seem a lot bigger than he actually was, and somehow, even more intimidating. The cloaked figure calmly raised his hand, as if to stop any further action. Thrukh growled, and Jodo, inspired by his companions courage, stepped up next to him, fists balled. But then, Jodo found that his next move simply wouldn't come. His brain was sending signals to his limbs to move, but they didn't seem to get there. He was frozen, held in place by a feeling he could not describe, or had any control over... yet he could sense it, and feel it all around him. His eyes aimed at Thrukh, who was clearly undergoing a similar experience. [B]Jedi:[/B] Please, I do not wish to fight you. Quite the opposite actually... Jodo, suddenly released from the invisible vice that had held him in place, stumbled forward a step, feeling terribly embarassed. He stepped back and stood next to Van, with Thrukh joining suit. [B]Jedgar:[/B] What do you want then... Jedi? [B]Jedi:[/B] That will become clear to you in due time. Let me tell you first, that you were all brought here for a reason. Nothing happens by accident. The force has drawn you all... to me. [B]Van:[/B] And you are? [B]Jedi:[/B] My name, is Obi-Wan Kenobi.
[B]Name:[/B] Craig Richard Anderson [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Appearance:[/B] Craig stands at 6'2" tall and weighs 220lbs. He has hazel eyes and light brown hair, short, and spiked up scruffily. Generally he wears baggy jeans and a plain white T-shirt, over which he wears a black leather jacket. Craig does not have an overly bulky build though he is muscular. He is the sort of size that you wouldn't be able to tell he was well built until he took off his shirt. He also has a tatoo of a crimson dragon arced backwards; roaring on his left arm. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig is generally outspoken, and will comment on most things that catch his interest, regardless of whether anyone if listening or not. He will answer back and argue for days just to get a point across, though it takes a lot to make him angry. [B]Your Past:[/B] Craig grew up in the part of New York affectionately called "Hell's Kitchen". His mother worked part time as a waitress in a local café, His father was a good man, but the families monetary situation meant that he had to earn money working for a local crime lord, mainly in an underground boxing circuit. Craig would watch his father stumble in Saturday nights, beat up, bloody, but with a wad of cash in his hand. Craig never knew to ask why... until he turned about seven. Every time he asked from then on, either his mother would avoid the question, or his Dad would say he was a stuntman. Craig was one of the very few children in his area that actually went to school, and was very good at football. So good infact, that he got into a good highschool, but was unable to get a college scholarship, and so unfortunately was not able to get into college. So, after he graduated from high school he looked about himself, trying to figure out what he wanted to do. Finally, at age 20 he got an apprenticeship as an Engineer, a course that he finished last year. Currently he is searching for an engineering job, meanwhile he works as a bouncer in a bar. [B]Love Life:[/B] None currently. He has had the occasional girlfriend, but nothing serious. [B]Occupation:[/B] Works as a bouncer in a New York nightclub. [B]Information:[/B] Craig has devoted quite a lot of time to the mark under his eye. He had never really noticed it until he was ten, and then his mother told him it was probably a scar he got from a cut when he was younger. But as he got older Craig realised it was far too dark to be a scar, and also it felt no different than the rest of his skin. Craig has often tried scratching it out, and was even stupid enough to try cutting it out once, as he was ridiculed by other kids for having it... but no matter what he did, the mark wouldn't go.
Just one thing... I was under the belief that the TIE Interceptor was the quickest and most agile of the TIE craft. [B]Name:[/B] Jodo Bavre [Bar-v] [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Species:[/B] Human [B]Homeworld:[/B] Correlia [B]Ship of Choice:[/B] TIE Interceptor [B]Appearance:[/B] Jodo has hazel eyes and deep brown hair that spikes up scruffily. Always has a 5 o'clock about his face. He stands at 6'2" and weighs 220 lbs. His body is toned but not big, and he has many scars about his person, the most noticable being a scar that runs down over the left side of his forehead, over (not through) the left eye, down onto the left cheek. [B]Biography:[/B] Jodo was born and raised in Tyrena, one of Corellia's many coastal cities. Jodo's father worked in CorSec, whilst his mother stayed at home, taking care of him and his two brothers. His childhood was nothing special, he had always dreamed of following in his fathers footsteps and join CorSec. From a very young age he had a fascination for flying. His father had owned a T-16, and since Jodo could talk he had been asking his father to teach him how to fly it. It wasn't until he was 12, however, that Jodo's father taught him how to fly, and since then there was no turning back. Every spare moment Jodo had in a day he would use behind the controls of the Skyhopper. Once he turned 18, he began contemplating joining CorSec, but during his adolescence the Galactic Empire had come to power. Jodo had discussed frequently with his father about joining the Empire, and his father had no objections to it, despite the fact that Jodo would be away for great lengths of time. In the end Jodo joined the Empire's flight divisions, and went into basic flight training. Once that was done, Jodo flew in grunt squadrons for a while, when eventually his talent was noticed and he was assigned to Venom Squad, and was present at the battle of Yavin IV that proceeded the destruction of the mighty Death Star. He was awarded for his prowess in that battle with an invitation to join a new TIE Squadron that was to be formed on Imperial Centre, and he was to go there for training. Naturallt, Jodo accepted such a promising offer. [B]Other:[/B] Although an excellent pilot, Jodo has sometimes been known to be too headstrong. He finds it very hard to accept that a battle is lost, and will often be found getting into fights to big for even him. Most of his Squadron members wonder how he is still alive.
Jodo stood motionless for a moment, observing the young boy as he walked into the brush. Strands of doubt crept into the back of his mind. [I]Why was the boy out this far from his village... alone? Why qould he have no qualms about leading us to his village, initially believing us to be of the same nature as the man who killed many of his people?[/I] Jodo's natural distrust for strangers was only heightened now, as infront of him was a child with a potentially endless stream of ulterior motives, and behind him were two specie of aliens known only to be loyal to their own kind, who had both been connected with the Empire. Normally Jodo would have been extremely wary, but oddly, he looked at the others, and seemed to sense only the same doubt in them that he possesed. Unable to explain why, Jodo [I]felt[/I] no distrust about them, and so became far more at ease than he was before. Jodo walked up into the brush a few paces infront of Thruhk, and was suddenly overcome by the pungent aroma of acrid, burning flesh. He looked upon the few maruaders that he not made it out of the brush before they had been killed. There were four, and only a solitary man was killed with a bladed weapon. A severe gash ran up from the base of his chest to his right shoulder. Drying blood curdled on the edges of the wound, mingled with shards of rib and intercostal muscle, and even now the wound showed signs of blackness, early indications of an infection. Even though the man was dead, in all likelyness the wound would become gan'grenous, and as the flesh turned to black, the disease would eat it's way through the bone and the organs, turning them rotting and black before destroying them completely. With a wound as severe as that on a planet with few resources, it was probably better for the attacker that he had died. The other three men were all dead due to single blaster wounds. The wounds still scorched, perspiration rising still, adding much to the already foul stench. By now, Jodo had gotten more than used to the look and smell of the dead, as well as the unspeakably eerie atmosphere that always surrounded them. So, with a slight shrug of his shoulders, Jodo moved on. Walking now with a boy, and two specie of aliens that were not renowned for being very tall, Jodo was easily the tallest of the group, and so he moved through the brush with a greater degree of difficulty than the others, often having to knock away branches that the others could simply walk under. The child seemed to be walking a route that he knew well, and more specifically a route that seemed to be known exclusively by children. Even so, the agile Thruhk seemed to be moving through the canopy with extreme ease, moving gracefully between trees and over branches, all the while keeping his wits about him. Jodo noticed that every so often Thruhk would take a small lead and then stop on a high branch, and then he seemed to look and smell about him intently, before returning to ground level and walking amongst the group. Eventually, even Rayf became accustomed to waiting as Thruhk looked about himself, which was strange since a boy out this far into the forest on his own would surely be prepared for any dangers that the wilderness presented. Jodo often found himself talking to Jedgar quietly, mostly about trifle matters such as forms of weaponry and the pro's and con's of the ion engine. Jedgar revealed to Jodo that the Imperial's designed the TIE Fighter as they did; quick, agile, but minimal in terms of shielding and weaponry, so that the pilot's would have to depend solely on their own skill for survival. Imperial engineers convinced themselves that the TIE fighter was a superior craft design, and would not accept otherwise. Other than that, the journey was fairly quiet, the only noises being the occasional ruffle of a bush, or the snapping of twigs under one of the groups' feet. Rayf constantly led the group with a confidence that Jodo could not comprehend, and it lead him to muse whether there was something different about the people on this planet, or perhaps the boy in particular.
Jodo emerged from the cover of the forrestry, his DC-15 blaster pointing, un-wavering in the direction of the two he had just helped. [B]Jodo:[/B] Okay, which one of you wants to explain why you were chased down onto the planet by a Destroyer, when one of you is wearing an Imperial Uniform? Neither of the two creatures so much a moved. Jodo waited only a short time, then raised his blaster to the eye level of the Noghri. [B]Jodo:[/B] Lets not give me any of that non-basic crap. If you are imperials, then you certainly will know how to speak basic, or you wouldn't have lasted a week in their ranks. Especially you [I][Pointing at the Noghri][/I]. Imperial Noghri's are famous for being under direct command of Vader. [B]Noghri:[/B] I am no Imperial... my name is Thruhk. [B]Jodo:[/B] Then what about you, Bothan? [B]Bothan:[/B] I work under Imperial Command... and I was fired upon because I was flying in restricted space. As you well know, Mr Secura. The edge of Jodo's lip curled up in a grin. This obviously was the pilot of the ship that had hailed him. [B]Jodo:[/B] I take it your ship got a bit beaten up... [B]Jedgar:[/B] You could say that... why do you want to know? [B]Jodo:[/B] What's wrong with it? [B]Thruhk:[/B] Damaged hyperdrive. [B]Jedgar:[/B] We are trying to fix it, but our supplies are somewhat limited. [B]Jodo:[/B] I have quite a few ship parts that I keep as spares. They won't be top of the line, but they work. You could have them... for a price. [B]Jedgar:[/B] Could we possibly work out a payment later, I am eager to get my ship repaired as soon as possible. Jedgar took a step forward, but Jodo raised his blaster, pointing directly between Jedgar's eyes. [B]Jodo:[/B] No thanks, I know how you Imperial's work. Payment first, then parts. [B]Jedgar:[/B] Look. It's not as if I'm going anywhere. Firstly, there's a Victory Class Star Destroyer waiting for me in orbit, that will tears me to pieces as soon as they get me on their sensors. Also, you should know that when a Bothan gives his word, he keeps to it. Jodo shook his head, grin returning to his otherwise blank face. [B]Jodo:[/B] Not the Bothan's I've worked with.
Jodo had landed the [I]Fixeus[/I] in a small clearing at the edge of a minor forestry on the planets surface. He stood in the hatchway, staring down the boarding ramp into the soft, springy, damp ground below. He had watched the ship that he had identyfied as the [I]Idiot's Array[/I] land in a westerly direction, and it could not have been more than 2 miles away. He was pondering two things... firstly, why the Star Destroyer has not confronted him in some way, as their sensors surely would have picked him up. He was also contemplatingb whether he should go to try and find the landing site of this [I]Idiot's Array[/I], to find out it's owners agenda. Jodo walked slowly down the landing ramp, sighing and looking about himself sceptically. Ossus looked even more dismal down on the surface than it did from orbit... and this feeling he had been experiencing didn't seem to want to give him direction anymore... now it was just a tingling in his gut. He raised a small cantine of water to his lips, and took a long gulp. Again, he took a long sigh, then turned and looked at his ship, musing if this was just a complete waste of time. The lasers from the Star Destroyer had stopped firing, which meant that the [I]Idiot's Array[/I], which has been the ship's target, had either been destroyed, or had escaped the Star Destroyers clutches. Jodo decided it was in his interest to investigate the fate of the [I]Idiot's Array[/I], as the ship's owner seemed to have taken a degree of interest in him. Also, if the ship had been destroyed, there was the chance of salvaging the odd useful gadget. Either way, it was a start. And so, Jodo headed into the depths of the forestry, keeping as weswardly as was possible, headin for the landing site of the [I]Idiot's Array[/I].
[B]#1 When did this interest start?[/B] I can't remember how old I was, but it was back when the original trilogy was re-released. (Before the special editions came out). I was in a shop and my parents introduced me to the trilogy, saying it was good. They then bought it, and it was history from there. [B]#2 What is your favorite Book/Movie?[/B] I enjoy reading the X-Wing series. Best film... probably ROTJ (which was severly let down by the very embarrasing events involving Boba Fett.) [B]#3 How into Star Wars do you think you are?[/B] I'm an addict. [B]#4 Do you do anything Star Wars related online, if so what?[/B] I am a member of the "Galactic Empire" roleplaying site. That's about it... I would have Galaxies but I seem to be living in the archaic part of the world, as boradband isn't launched here until February... [B]#5 How do you pursue your interest in Star Wars here on the boards?[/B] Well, I,like Boba Fett, am constantly making or joining Star Wars RPG's. I think I have made atleast 5, and joined many more, including all of Boba's, Outkast's, and the Rogue Squadron series by Matt I think which I was sad to see fail. [B]#6 Any general comments, cares or concerns about Star Wars you feel obligated to share?[/B] I thought I was good when it came to Star Wars knowledge... and then I met Boba. In the first RPG of mine he ever joined, I had altered the timeline intentionally, and said that Boba Fett had died in the Sarlacc's gut... and the first thing he ever did was correct me and give a 20 line description of what had happened to Boba after the Sarlacc. I had to explain that I had purposely changed these events, but it still impressed me that a guy I had never seen on the boards before would suddenly pop up with such knowledge, when every other person who had signed up did not have a clue that what I was telling them was incorrect.
Jodo sat in the pilot's seat of the [I]Fixeus[/I], his chin resting in the palm of his left hand, staring blankly at the ship's vital readings. The ship coursed through hyper-space, stars streaking past the viewport like a vortex of white amongst the endless sea of black. Jodo was heading straight for Ossus, though he had no idea why. Every fibre of his being, though, had urged him to go there, and this feeling had only gotten stronger the closer he got. The draw the place had to him was almost irresistable. However, no matter how much logical thought he directed as to ask 'why' he was drawn as he was, he could never come up with an answer. A small red light to his left suddenly started flashing, with the accompaying bleep sound that classically follows such things. This was the signal that the ship was near Ossus, and should be brought out of hyper-space within the next few minutes. The light had the effect of almost waking Jodo, as he had been in a state of deep thought. As always, he checked his weapon systems were all online and operational, as no-one ever knew what could be waiting for them on the other end of a hyper-space jump, and he always liked to be prepared. Jodo pulled the [I]Fixeus[/I] out of hyper-space and was confronted by... nothing. Ossus was straight ahead of him, and immediately he was filled with a sense of gloom. He had never seen a planet, save Tatooine, that had looked to dull from orbit. The planet's surface was mainly a dull green of swanp-lands, or a murky blue... of swampy sea's. Over all that, patches of thin, murky cloud. Jodo sighed, and almost thought about turning around, had it not been for the still potent draw of Ossus; one that was stronger now than it ever had been.
Gav, you are really pushing your luck calling Yoda an invalid... ;) [B]Name:[/B] Jodo Secura [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Kiffar [B]Homeworld:[/B] Kiffex [B]Weapons:[/B] An upgraded DC-3 Blaster (this was the standard rifle for the republic troopers during the clone wars, it has been heavily upgraded since the original design would basically be considered archaic by current standards.) Also, a long vibro-knife that he holds in a sheath on his left hip. [B]Ship:[/B] A Y-2400 Correlian Cargo Freighter called [I]Fixeus[/I]. It is armed with twin turbo-laser cannons at the top and base of it's body, as well a concussions missiles at it's front, and illegaly upgraded engines and a cloaking device. It is a perfect ship for evasion and stealth, but is not a ship built for dog-fighting, due to the profession of it's owner. [B]Description:[/B] Jodo has long black hair tied into a pontytail, which you rarely see as he always wears a hooded cloak over it. He has red eyes, and is clean chaven. He is 6'2", 220lbs, and, like most Kiffar, it incredibly fit. He wears a grey, worn down chest plate over a brown shirt, with black leather pants worn almost to suade, and thick black boots covered in mud upto the ankles. [B]History:[/B] Jodo is a Kiffar, a species very much like humans in appearence and marresisms, the exception being Kiffar are far more inclined to force sensitivity. While Jodo was born on Kiffex, the homeworld of his people, he was taken away by his father at a very young age, so young that he would never remember it. His first and only real memories are surviving in the seedy underbelly of Mos Espa. His father had been driven off Kiffex for theft and manslaughter, and he had been looked for ever since. Tatooine was an ideal place to hide. Jodo's father, Kit Secura, had always been a criminal, but Jodo would never have known, as he was a loving parent. Kit worked free-lance as a smuggler for any crime-lord on Tatooine who required his services (obviously, they were mostly Hutts). Always, one of the terms of his deals was that his clients look after his son, Jodo, and keep him safe from harm whilst he was away; Kit refused to endanger his son by taking him on Smuggling runs. As such, Jodo spent a great deal of his time in the company of criminals, especially Hutts, who would often be his hosts, and was not unfamiliar to doing a bit of work for his 'keepers' while he was there. Often this would be serving drinks or helping out as a mechanic, and he would always be paid quite generously (by a child's standards) for his troubles. Any money he did earn, he would always give to his father when he got back from his runs. As he got older, to about the age of thirteen, his part-time guardians started involving him in small time theft. He enjoyed the thrill of stealing, and again would often be paid well for his work, and often his keeper would grow quite fond of him. Often they would try to get Kit to let them employ his son, but he would have none of it. This went on for a further five years, until Jodo turned eighteen. Kit had been warning Jodo for some time not to get too heavily involved with the Hutts, warning him that he was digging himself into a hole. Jodo, an arrogant teenager with a typical attitude of invincibility, paid no attention to him. Kit had then been sent on a run to Kessel, and whilst he was away, Jodo had been put under the protection of Griimi the Hutt, who was well known for having a twin brother Fiitha, with whom he was in fierce competition. Griimi family had, for several generations, been in possesion of a valuable stone; a gem that was currently in Fiitha's possesion. Obviously, Jodo had been sent to retrieve the stone for Griimi. He got into Fiitha's stronghold, retrieved the stone, and made his way back to Griimi's unnoticed. A few days later his father came to collect him, and they went home, and it seemed as though the robbery had gone perfectly. Over the coming weeks, rumours began to spread about an uproar between the Griimi and Fiitha clans, and on several occasions Jodo was forced to lie and tell his father he knew nothing about it. Warily, his father accepted his sons words for truth... and his downfall would follow. One night, a troop of Fiitha's henchmen broke into Kit's house, tied up Kit and Jodo, and escorted them to Fiitha's stronghold, accusing them of having stolen his family stone. Kit pleaded his innocence, claiming he was off-planet during that time... and Fiitha then revealed to Kit that he was not accusing him of the theft, but his son Jodo. Kit realised that his son had lied to him, and that it would cost them heir lives. Fiitha would not listen to reason or pleading of any kind, and executed a shamed Kit Secura, right infront of his son. Jodo's execution was to follow... but watching his father die, he was consumed with anger, every fibre of his being chocked with fage... and he fell into darkness. When he awoke, everyone around him, including Fiitha the Hutt, was dead. Jodo could not remember a thing. He took his father's corpse, and buried him. Then, he took his father's ship, [I]Fixeus[/I], and left Tatooine, wanting to make a fresh start. He could not explain why, but since his father's death every instinct in his body had told him to go to Ossus... [B]Personality:[/B] Generally quiet, Jodo is used to being in the company of creatures with much more power than him, and so tends only to speak when spoken to. As such, he is also very conserved, and hides his emotions behind a blank face. However, he does enjoy life, and enjoys the kicks he got out of such things a theft and fighting. When he does open up to someone, he is generally a pleasent person to be around.
[B]Code Name:[/B] Batman [B]Real Name:[/B] Craig Wayne [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Powers/Skills:[/B] Craig is a master of several forms of martial arts, taught to him by his father. He also has a utility belt with many weapons and other gadgets, as well as a variety of vehicles (land, sea and air) at his disposal. [B]Power/Skill Origin:[/B] Training and a rich father... [B]Alliance:[/B] Titans [B]Description:[/B] Surely you know what Batman looks like... but check the attatchment anyways... [B]Biography:[/B] Craig Wayne is the son of Bruce Wayne, head of Wayne Enterprises. Bruce Wayne, obviously, was the infamous Batman, the crime fighting dark knight. Craig had been taught martial arts by his father ever since he could walk, but he had been kept in the dark about his father's alter ego until he was eight years old, where he ran into the bat cave while Alfred was bringing his father something to eat. Bruce was initially determined not to let Craig follow in his footsteps, and even stopped teaching him martial arts for a time. However, Craig's percevierance finally paid off and Bruce took Craig, and taught him everything there was about being the dark knight. When the Teen Titans formed, Craig saw it as a calling, and joined. Instead of taking the father corny name of Batboy, he decided to keep the same name his father uses, which gave him an instant reputation among his peers.
Since the dawning of their existence, mutants; the homo-superior, have lived in secret, fearful of what ordinary man would do to them. Many have lived in fear of themselves, and in shame. While some can hope to simply conceal and ignore their powers, there are some whose powers manifest on their physical person. They, unfortunately, are forced to stay in hiding, unable to risk contact with ?normal? people. Then, there are the mutants who accept? even embrace their gifts, and want only to thrive in the world. Unfortunately, these mutants often have different perspectives on what ?thriving? actually entails. There are some mutants who which to live in peace with humans, and to use their gifts for the good of man. One such mutant is Charles Xavier, who has opened a ?School for the Gifted? in Westchester, New York. Here he takes in young mutants wishing to develop their powers and learn acceptance. Then, there are the mutants who see themselves as superiors, and who wish to thrive in the place of humans. With these mutants, a confrontation between them and human kind was only inevitable. Charles Xavier and his students have struggled for years to prevent this confrontation? but they could not do so forever. It is unknown how exactly humans discovered that mutants existed. They did not take to it well. World leaders gathered, some stressing total elimination, some stressing mutant registration, and a very few stressing acceptance for mutants. All the while, Charles Xavier battled diligently to achieve mutant rights, but it turned out all to be in vein. At one particular meeting, several World Leaders were attacked, and many even killed, by a team of mutants, lead by a mysterious man who wore a helmet that shadowed his face, dressed in red and purple. All that is known about this man is that he had the ability to fly, and seemed to be able to move objects with his mind. Those at Xavier?s School for the Gifted knew it to be Magneto, and Xavier was furious at his former friend for doing something so sinister. Ironically, it would be Xavier?s school that would suffer. It was obvious to the American government that Charles Xavier, who had been campaigning for mutant rights for months, was housing mutants in his ?school?. So, on the night of November 10th 2003, Xavier?s School was attacked by a large team of soldiers. In a battle that lasted most of the night, all mutants who were not killed or captured were driven out of the mansion. Now scattered and alone, the mutants of Xavier?s school are spread across New York City, and are trying desperately to regroup with each other. It is unknown what has happened to Charles Xavier, but none of his students seem to be able to contact him. --------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, you have the choice of being one of Xavier's students (who are all currently on the run in New York, being chased by armed soldiers), or you can be one of the Brotherhood (a group of mutants working for Magneto) or you can be unaffiliated. I will allow people to make up their own powers if they want, but I will be very strict on how powerful you can be. If I see powers which [B]I[/B] consider to be too strong, I will ask you to change them. You can also take the powers of an existing mutant, but have your own character... or you can be an existing mutant if you want. I will also allow someone to be Xavier if they want (whomever does this will get a PM of Xavier's situation), however, no-one can be Magneto I'm afraid, as I want control of him to ensure the RPG doesn't get out of hand. This is what you need in your sign-up: Name: Codename: [Your mutant name] Age: Powers: [Even if you are taking the powers of an existing mutant, try to give a description of what they are] Origin: [Where your character originates from] Known family: Affiliation: [X-Men, Brotherhood or other] Bio: [A brief history of your character] Description: [Your character's appearence] Personality: [Your character's mannerisms] One last thing, there is no limit to the number of people allowed in the RPG, but your acceptance will be based strictly on how good your sign-up is, and any past knowledge of you I have. One last thing, the powers of Quicksilver have been reserved. With that said, best of luck. ;) -------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Craig Wagner [B]Codename:[/B] Nightcrawler [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Powers:[/B] Craig is a mutant with the ability to teleport himself, the clothes he is wearing, and, additional mass which is in contact with him. He has a very limited unconscious extrasensory ability that prevents him from teleporting himself so that his feet, for example, would materialize below the surface of the ground. Craig also has the ability to climb walls, camouflage himself in darkness (as his fur is dark blue), and see clearly in perfect darkness. Craig is a superb athlete and an Olympic-class acrobat. He can do a standing high jump of about 8 feet. He is skilled at hand-to-hand combat and is a master at fencing, which he can even perform with his tail. His spine is also re-inforced to allow him to stand in a crouched position without harm to his back. [B]Origin:[/B] Somewhere in the Bavarian Alps [B]Known family:[/B] Eric Wagner (father, deceased) [B]Affiliation:[/B] X-Men [B]Bio:[/B] Craig Wagner was born with certain unusual physical characteristics, but his power of self-teleportation did not emerge until puberty. Margali Szardos, a gypsy queen, found Craig an hour after his birth, in a small roadside shelter in the Bavarian Alps. She found his father, Eric Wagner, dead of a heart attack on the road outside. Margali is said to have found Wagner's mother lying next to the baby and dying, but this assertion has been called into question, and not even Craig knows the truth. Margali took the baby to the small Bavarian circus where she worked as a fortuneteller as a "cover" for her activities as a sorceress. Craig was never legally adopted by anyone, but was raised by all the members of the circus, who had no prejudices against "freaks." Margali acted as Craig's unofficial foster mother. Craig grew up happily in the circus, and his two closest friends were Margali's natural children Stefan and Jimaine. Long before his teleportation power emerged, Wagner had tremendous natural agility, and by his adolescence he had become the circus's star acrobat and aerial artist. Circus audiences assumed that he was a normal-looking human being wearing a demon-like costume. One day, outside of Winzeldorf, Germany, Craig was approached by a group of men wishing to see what he "really" looked like. In the struggle that followed, Craig unintentionally broke one of their necks. The people in the area dubbed him a demon, and began to attack him, when they were all mentally paralysed by Charles Xavier, who asked Craig to join him in the X-Men. [B]Description:[/B] Craig is 6' tall, 215 lbs. He has shining yelow eyes (no visible pupils), and indigo hair. He has only 3 fingers (including an opposable thumb) on each hand, and only 2 toes, each longer than an ordinary human's, on each foot. Nightcrawler also has a prehensile tail about 3 1/2 feet long, which can carry his own weight. His body is almost entirely covered with a fine indigo-colored fur, making him so dark that he seems to blend into deep shadows. Nightcrawler also has pointed ears and pronounced fang-like canine teeth. His spine is more flexible than an ordinary human being's, allowing him to spend much of his time in a semi-crouching position without damaging his posture. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig is lighthearted and laid back, and those who can get over his odd appearence often find him to be very trustworthy and humerous. He does, however, have an extraordinary temper, but it is not easily triggered. A perfectionist, he spends a lot of time training and perfecting his skills.
[B]Craig:[/B] Finally. Without so much as a twinge, four bolts of lightning shot out of his chest at the single figure he saw. Conveniently, the one he hit was the only one left once they had made contact. Gen dropped to his knees, Craig was drawing Gen's energies from him, and channeling them directly back as a harmful force. He had been able to copy his bodies base electrical signals, but his only one had constant brain waves surging through it as his plan unfolded. Sleeping or unconscious, Craig wouldn't have missed that. [I]Psychics are too damned arrogant.[/I] Craig thought to himself as his concusive bolts of electricity left Gen in a state of paralysis. Of course, Craig realised they had all probably heard him thinking that... [B]Scott:[/B] That's enough Craig, we don't want him dead. [B]Craig:[/B] You sure? This guy knows what he's doing. He could easily have killed me just then... [B]Scott:[/B] We're not murderers here Craig, even if he is. Craig shook his head, and stopped the charge coursing into Gen's body. There was no point him standing his guard either... that hadn't worked before. Craig had only one other trick to protect himself against psychics, one that had worked against everyone and everything except Cerebro. It was strangely similar to the trick Gen had just employed. Craig had the ability to amplify his brain waves and multiply them, to give a mind-reader of any kind the impression that Craig had multiple personalities... so many infact, that without much knowledge and power, it is impossible to lock onto the real one. The one time Craig had met Xavier, which was some time ago, he had felt Xavier probing his mind, and he used this trick to stop him. Finding it curious, Xavier had asked him to do it while he used Cerebro, as he felt this may have been a similar way that Magneto had been shielding himself from mind-probing. Unfortunately, with Cerebro on, Xavier was able to single out the single real Craig... though he theorised it may have been that case that Magneto is more advanced at this technique. He had also revealed that Craig's power was strangely similar to Magneto's in many ways, especially since they both focused on manipulation of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Craig watched as Gen regained his focus, and once again directed his attention towards Craig. However, this time, Gen sported a look of frustration. Craig, uncharacteristically, wondered if the technique was working... and this was his mistake. Gen locked on to the thought, and sent stimulations of pain into Craig's mind. Craig dropped to one knee, yelling, his right hand clutching his temple. In desperation and blind fury, he extended his left arm, and sent out a massive stream of white, raging electricity. There was a pause between everyone, as the two tried to ignore the extreme levels of pain they were going through just to inflict more pain on the other. Gen was now entirely focused on Craig, and Craig on him, and neither were going to stop until one was dead. Scott realised this immediately, and acted in desperation, sending out a concussive bolt from his eyes, which struck the weakened Gen in the side, and knocked him out cold. Craig, suddenly freed from the mind control, stayed on one knee, breathing heavily. He looked over at the unconscious body of Gen... and grinned. Not through arrogance or victory, but because he had met an excellent opponent.
[B]Scott:[/B] Lightning... you got him? [B]Craig:[/B] Yeah Scott, he ain't getting away again. Craig had the ability to draw electricity from anywhere, including the natural battery that was the human body, and he had focused and locked on to the electrical signals emmiting from Gen's brain. All the mind tricks in the world couldn't make him dissapear from Craig now. He couldn't see Gen with his eyes anymore anyway, all he saw was a mass of sparks and energy. [B]Scott:[/B] Okay, the next time he dissapears, fry 'im. [B]Craig:[/B] You got it... Craig let a surge or electrical energy course around his body, flicker in his eyes, and jolt on his finger tips. This of course, made no difference what so ever, but he often did it just to let his opponents know he was ready. The control over electricity has many advantages, including immense reactions. He could have been sleeping on the grass infront of Gen, and he would still have sent 100,000 volts through his body the second he started his little disappearing act. As usual, the lack of immediacy in the situation made Craig's mind wander. He wondered what had happened to the new boy he saw this morning, and then he realised Adam had pulled him away from his breakfast, and he realised he was exceptionally hungry. All in the while, Gen had not moved an inch.
[B]Name:[/B] Rodimus Prime / Hot Rod [B]Age:[/B] 90,000,000 (A wild guess...) [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Autobot [B]Alliance:[/B] Autobot [B]Weapons:[/B] A Particle Beam Cannon (Double barrel) [B]Transformation:[/B] ...A Hot Rod [IMG]http://www.bwtf.com/g1/toys/reviews/rodimus/vm.gif[/IMG] [B]History:[/B] Rodimus Prime is like no other Autobot that came before him. He is unique and there never will be another Rodimus Prime. He was formerly known as Hot Rod, a smart mouth punk among the Autobots. But he was destined to be something more, something better. He was the chosen one, the "Autobot who would rise from our ranks and use the power of the Matrix to light our darkest hour." However, he was nowhere near the "ideal leader". He wasn't like Optimus in many ways. He didn't always have full confidence in himself and he often turned to his advisors for help. He was a character who didn't always believe he could do things, but when he had confidence he could do anything. He was a great role model for young kids and taught them that if they put their mind to it, they could do anything. He is the one destined to lead the Autobots after Optimus Prime. [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG]http://tfarchive.com/genone/profiles/RodPrime.jpg[/IMG] [B]Personality:[/B] Rodimus Prime is a reckless being. Many times he will rush into battle and ask questions later. He is arrogant and many consider him a smart mouth, but his mechanical heart is in the right place. A lot of people look upto him for his courage in battle.