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[I]Steal..... my......... patented...... yellow........... lightsabres........ will you. *twitches* You....... will....... pay...... for that. And lets get realistic here people. It takes a talented Jedi from the age of 6 months, to 25 uears of age to become a full Jedi Knight.... and that's just when the Jedi were in full power.[/I]
[I]I'd be prepared to do that. I'd have to sleep for a good 2 days straight first..... but I think seeing every movie in the trilogy back to back would be sweet, especially in the cinema. You'd get a severe case of numb-*** though....[/I]
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've had one hellava lot of school work. I'm free now though, so I'll definately be more dedicated to this RPG. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Xanko finally, after many hours of tutorials and advanced flight simulations, exited the training room, feeling some what fatigued. He had learnt how to fly an A-wing, X-wing, Y-wing, T-wing, a Speeder, a medical frigate, and a troop freighter. Xanko headed back to his dormitory, he still had failed to meet another member of Rogue Squadron... and hadn't been breifed on this supposed mission they were going on. He decided to get some sleep, then try and find out what was happening in the morning. Xanko arrived at his quarters soon afterwards, he tossed his flight helmet on the floor next to the bed, and took off his shoes. Next, he removed his rebel flight armour, leaving on only his orange jumpsuit. He unclipped his lightsabre from his belt, and leyed it down on his bed side cabinet. Then, he took off his belt, throwing it carelessely on the floor. Xanko then lay down on top of his bed, not covering himself with any sheets. He had to be somewhat cautious, otherwise his horns would tear the pillow to shreads. Lying back, he couldn't help but think where the rest of his squad had been. The only person he had actually talked to was the base general... and that made him somewhat frustrated. He slept very uneasily that night, he hated being left out on any details what-so-ever, especially since he had been training non-stop for over 20 hours just so he could be properly prepared for this mission. For all he knew, the rest of his squad could be on the mission right now...[/I]
[I][B]Craig:[/B] I fear that what he sees is the immediate future. [B]Yoda:[/B] Explain yourself, master Craig. [B]Craig:[/B] This "troop" of Jedi you wish to send to Barkesh.... I fear it may lead into his vision, my master. I sense more than just the military there. [B]Yoda:[/B] Compliment you I must, master Craig... your powers have greatly enhanced..... indeed I fear that you speak true, yet... No choice, we have. The jedi have triumphed before, and so they will do again. Craig bowed low before his master. Yoda also lowered his head in a bow. [B]Craig:[/B] Is it time to leave yet? [B]Yoda:[/B] Yes, prepare your things. Leave immediately, we shall....... may the force be with you. Craig turned and walked back to his apprentice Andrew. Yoda floated back towards his chamber on his floating chair thing, when Mace Windu approached him. [B]Mace:[/B] How could Craig's power have increased this much without us knowing? [B]Yoda:[/B] Ah, so focused on our enemies we were, that we failed to notice how our own were doing. [B]Mace:[/B] Yes, but both Craig and Xander have become stronger than Ki-Adi-Mundi... an elder on the council. [B]Yoda:[/B] Aware of Master Mundi's position, I am. A place on the council, they both deserve. [B]Mace:[/B] Xander may not accept, he has left the order.... and Craig is devoted to training his padawan, but I feel that he will accept the honour if we bestow it upon him. [B]Yoda:[/B] We will tell them, after we go to Barkesh. Another burden, they do not need at this time.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------ Everyone get ready....... and get to Barkesh..... something big is about to go down, and you don't wanna miss it.
[I]Xanko and Kyle faced down with the Dark Jedi. Xanko suddenly grew cold, a tinging, horrible feeling inside him. It was lucky that he had his helmet on, or the others would have seen the ominent tinge in his face. It was obvious that neither the Jedi beside him, or the one opposing him, had any knowledge of what he was feeling... it felt so strange to him, he couldn't pin point what the disturbance was, he just knew it was nearing, and that it was a terrible power. Ignoring the feeling for the time being, he darted forward towards the Dark Jedi, Kyle following behind him. It seemed to Xanko that Kyle had not long graduated to the level of Jedi Knight. He looked young, and the overwhelming thirst for battle that a young Jedi usually had, but at the same time, a slight uncertainty about his actions. Xanko had gone through exactly the same thing. Lightsabre after lightsabre clashing together, the bounty hunter and Jedi slowly started to overwhelm the Dark assasin. They continued to push him backwards as he swiftly managed to block every attack the two Jedi forced upon him. This battle was going to climax before too long.[/I]
[I][B]Name:[/B] Xanko Fett (I realise that this isn't Star Wars, but I shall be him none the less.) [B]Age:[/B] 30 [B]Bio:[/B] Born on a farm somewhere in Northern Russia, Xanko was going to learn the ways of his fathers business, and become a farmer himself. That was, before a group of Russian soldiers came and slaughtered his parents because they were apparently spies. Xanko, however, was taken in to the army. Over the years he excelled through every training group he entered, even making it into the 15th KGB squad, the most elite Russian stormtroopers alive. However, Xanko soon left the military, joining a non-military fighting group, that wore a certain armour exclusive to their group. They were called the mandalor... and considered to be better equiped than the army. However, the 15th KGb's, determined to prove to Xanko who the better fighters were, atttacked the group while Xanko was tied up and made to watch, unable to help either side. In the end of the small battle, only person was left, one of the underlings from the mandalor group. He freed Xanko, announcing that the mandalors were finished. Xanko had no-where to go...... until one day he heard, that the police were unable to control the escalating crime, and that bounty hunters were needed. Craig, taking with him the only weapon he had, a red beamsabre, he stowed away on freighters, catching bounties and retrieving them, until he had enough credits to buy his own ship. [B]Fighting Style:[/B] Jujitsu Strength: 20 Speed: 30 Agility: 30 Technique: 20 [B]Weapon:[/B] A red lightsabre. [B]Ship:[/B] Named the Outrunner. Class - A juat systems Firespray-class interceptor. Weapons- 2x laser cannons, 2x missile launchers, 2x Ion cannons, 4x seismic bombs. Armour - Light armour plating, made of Titanium alloy. Weapons: 30 Armor: 10 Speed: 30 Manuverability: 30[/I]
[I]Hey, did anyone know that in one of the deleted scenes of Ep 2, Jango, while battling in the arena on Genosis, gets a dent in his helmey, to signify to everyone not familiar with the EU that Boba took his helmet. Though, the book writers and such persuade Mr Lucas to remove that scene.[/I]
[I]Don't waste my time with such one sided questions. There is no way Spiderman can stand upto the all powerful AOTC!!![/I]
[I]Xanko slowly proceeded towards the cockpit, his adhesion soles on his boots allowing him to walk easily without fear of slipping. Taking out his smaller blaster, Xanko decided to test the strength of his opponent. He extended it, pointing it firmly at the Dark Jedi's head. He fired a single bolt, and the Dark Jedi barely managed to dodge it. [B]Xanko:[/B] He's.......... not all that strong. The Dark Jedi suddenly changed his course, trying to throw Xanko off. Xanko stuck firmly to the ship, not even slipping an inch. Tha Dark Jedi glanced back, noticing that Xanko was still advancing on him. The Dark Jedi again altered his course, now heading for the roof of a low building. Xanko knew that he planned to battle now.. so he waited... there was no honour in killing when the opponent couldn't fight back. The ship touched down on the roof of the building, Xanko could sense Kyle drawing slowly nearer. Xanko flipped backwards off the ship, and onto the roof of the building, waiting for the Dark Jedi to attack.[/I]
[I]Xanko pointed his left gauntlet towards theship, and fired his tow cable. It hit the back, only inches from Kyle's right hand. Xanko leapt out of the hole in the wall, and using the zip-line mechanism on his tow cable, he launched towards the ship. Now, he regretted dropping his jetpack. Soon, he was hanging from the back of the ship, right next to Kyle, who was squirming, trying to get up on the ship. The Jedi would already have dislodged them, but he was still pre-occupied with chasing Aba, and so hadn't felt the Jedi, and ex-Jedi's presences. Kyle would normally have springed up with ease, but the ship was very slippery, and the mysterious pilot kept doind enexpected amnouvers, which dis-orientated him. Fortunately for Xanko, his padded gloves weren't slipping on the ships metal coat. He vaulted upwards using his hands for propulsion. Then, he proceeded to grab Kyle and lift him up, just as the Dark Jedi noticed them. Kyle drew his grey / silver lightsabre. Likewise, a yellow blade extended from Craig's lightsabre handle, as they prepared for battle.[/I]
[B]Name:[/B] Craig [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Height:[/B] 6'2" [B]Power Level:[/B] 7,000 [B]Bio:[/B] A created killing machine, made exclusively from Brolly DNA. He has very little emotion, scarcely talks, and [i]never[/i] runs from a fight. His talents lie more in his speed, and he is [i]extremely[/i] quick. [B]Description:[/B] Long brown hair, black eyes (made for intimidation.) He has a sayian armoured suit like Trunks/ Vegeta during the Cell saga, except the blue undersuit is black, and has short sleeves like Majin Vegeta's suit. He has a scar that cuts over his left eye, not even Craig is sure how it got there. [B]Most common Techniuqes:[/B] 1) Riengiez. 2) Shindangeru. 3) Kikohama. 4) Ultima Cannon. 5) Hyper Bomb. [B]Owner/Benefactor:[/B] European Prominance
[I]Whoa, that's pretty cool...... maybe they've snuck a picture or two of *insert name* into every movie...... *goes off to thoroughly scan Episode 1*[/I]
[I]Xanko walked along the hallway in the hotel. Suddenly, he felt a strange presence, a few floors directly below him. Normally this wouldn't have bothered him, if it was after him then he was confident enough that he could kill it...... but now there was a chance that this being could keep him from making a profit on Aba Oosed, if it was here to kill him. Xanko also felt another presence, this one was defintely a Jedi, and was making his way towards the being. Xanko pointed his left gauntlet at the floor, and, using the blaster in his gauntlet, he shot a large hole through the floor, then through the floor below. Without another thought, he dropped through the hole, landing directly infront of the Jedi. The young Jedi stred at him for a moment.... he was definately a bounty hunter, there was no question about that...... but he didn't seem to be after Sulara. Never the less, Kyle was cautious. [B]Kyle:[/B] Why are you here? [B]Xanko:[/B] I think that's my own business. [B]Kyle:[/B] Are you after Sulara? [B]Xanko:[/B] Sulara Gen? No... [B]Kyle:[/B] Then why did you just blast your way to this level? [B]Xanko:[/B] I feel a presence..... no doubt you feel it to... and it could be after a potential client, I'm here to make sure it doesn't. Kyle nodded, he knew, that this mysterious figure, with the emotionless voice, and mandalorian armour spoke genuinly. Kyle then started running again, beckoning Xanko to follow. Xanko unclipped his jetpack, it was almost useles in this confined space, and would only slow him. It dropped to the floor with a thud, and he started to run after Kye, following him towards the room.[/I]
[I]I agree, I thought it was an exclellent war movie..... it really got to you..... ulike Saving Private Ryan which........ seemed to lack something. "This is my rifle, there are many others like it but this one is mine!" That guy was so funny........[/I]
[I]Yeah, I've heard about Galaxies, it sounds classy. I'll be my usual Zabrak bounty hunter, Xanko Fett. Son Goten, those Natalie Portman pics are sweet..... keep 'em coming!![/I]
[I]Xanko?s visor routinely started to alter, to suit the lack of light. Altering to a heat seeking vision, everything in space now became varying shades of red. Stars were a blinding red? almost white, through the extreme heat they were letting off. Other ships also stood as bright red glows among the dim of space. Through every ship Xanko passed, he pulled up the information on the ship from Scorpion?s data banks. None were all that interesting, most were cargo freighters, there were one or two Parliamentary cruisers, but no-one who posed any kind of threat to him. It wasn?t surprising? there were very few good bounties in this part of the galaxy, being so close to the Jedi temple and the galactic senate; most people daren?t put a foot wrong. The only reason Xanko had come in this far, is because he was chasing Sam to get his credits back. She mad been in a meeting with him and Boba Fett, and was pleading that they didn?t take her hard merchandise from her, because she really needed the money for him. When they both said she had no choice in the matter, she had stolen Xanko?s bag of credits, which he always carried round with him for emergencies, and fled to her ship. Xanko had put a tracer on her ship, and followed her deep into the centre of the galaxy, to Coruscant. Boba was probably getting the bounty for the hard merchandise right now? soon enough Xanko?s account would gain a good few more credits for his pile. Xanko suddenly noticed his ship was entering the atmosphere of Coruscant once again? he must be entering somewhere near the senate?s building. He already had the address of Aba Oosed in his memory banks, he had got it up shortly after he left the planet. He knew, regardless of the Ithor?s popularity, that he was wanted dead by many of the right wing extremists in the galaxy. Scorpion broke through the atmosphere back into Coruscant, his visor adjusting to its usual view. He found himself directly above the huge hotel block that Aba lived in. Scorpion was much more accurate than Xanko gave it credit for. As with most top of the line apartment blocks, this one had a small hanger for star ships. Xanko slowly brought Scorpion into a long, vertical launch tube. Bright Neon lights Flashed upwards through it, helping to guide ships up when it was dark. Slowly, Scorpion descended further, the reverse thrusters getting ever stronger, making the ship steadily decelerate. Soon, he had reached the bottom of the launch tube, and was now in a long hanger, a few ships were dotted about here and there??. It was surprisingly empty. Xanko landed near the entrance to the launch tube, and prepared to pay a visit to Aba Oosed.[/I]
[I]I haven't played the game, I saw it i the game stores a couple of times, but right now I don't have enough money to buy it. Looks good though.[/I]
No, the 128th Patallion is definately the best TIE Interceptor squad....... And could you please tell me who the new general is then if Reiken is retired.... it would certainly help us all out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]The door to the simulator room suddenly shot open, and Xanko walked inside. He could hear noises from the simulators, but no-one appeared to be around. Xanko: Hello? No response cam from the room...... as Xanko waited for a few minutes. Xanko: Bah....... probably busy In the simulators. I'll meet up with 'em later. I'm gonna try an A-wing sim. Xanko walked along the room, until he saw a sign above a metal door that said "A-wing simulators, tutorial." Xanko decided he'd better learn how to fly the thing before he started in the proper simulators, so he walked into the room. He found himself in a dark room, with a large monitor at the back of the room, and a circular device at the sentre of the room. Xanko sat down in one of the chairs, and reacting to this, the tutorial started to begin.[/I]
Note: This is an alternate reality setting, but all of the characters alive at the end of Return of the Jedi are in the story now. All applications are welcome for the time being. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Several years after the events of Return of the Jedi, the Bounty Hunting profession is growing ever more popular. Many stormtroopers who weren't arrested or killed went into the trade, hoping to make some money for themselves. Noticing the increasing competition in Bounty HUnting, Bossk, the famous Trandoshan, found it in his best interests to start up the Bounty Hunters Guild once again, much to the dislike of very succesful hunters such as Boba Fett. Boba had planned to destroy the second guild, as he had done the first.... however, he soon found that he didn't need to do anything. Through Bossk's primitive leadership, disputes and arguements soon started up between the guild members. Bossk, unable to settle the disputes, soon found that the guild was splitting up. Before long, the guild had been violently disbanded again, every members set on killing other members in the guild for one reason or another. Unexpected fights between Hunters would brake out everywhere, and normally the place they fought would end up more decimated than the hunters would. The newly re-formed Jedi council soon realised this threat... Bounty hunters were slowly tearing apart the galaxy. Jedi have been sent out to all corners of the galaxy, trying to put the squirmish between former guild members to a rest. They found however, that the more the Jedi tried to stop the fights, the more frequent and violent they became. Despite fighting, bounty hunters are still trying to find and collect bounties for people, and, as usual, Boba Fett is getting the most success out of it, especially now, seeing as most of the hunters were focused on destroying each other, and not him for a change. He had taken this oppurtunity to train up a new hunter in his image. This hunter was known as Xanko Fett, rumoured to be as skilled as his so called brother. So now, every-one is finding themselves in hard situations. The Bounty hunters find themselves trying to make bounties, while battling each other, and the Jedi at the same time. The Jedi have to worry about the increasing rise of Sith, as well as battling and apprehending all Bounty Hunters. The Rebel Allience also, tries despearatly to keep order among the bounty hunters, while still trying to fend off the increasing power of the re-formed Empire. These are trully desperate situations for eveyone.......[/I] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, now that everyone's familiar with the basic plot, lets get on with the actual sign ups. This is what I need: Name: [Your..... characters........ name] Age: [Must I explain this too?] Class: [Jedi /Sith /Bounty Hunter /Rebel soldier /Rebel Pilot /Imperial Soldier /Imperial pilot, or anything else you can think of, be creative, but keep it decent.] Race: [Be a human, or any other race yu want in the Star Wars universe.] Weapons: [All the weapons your character has, obviously Jedi will be much more limited than a bounty hunter] Ship: [If you have a star ship or a speeder, ALL vehicles that you own must be mentioned here.] Ship descriptions: [Descriptions of all your vehicles] Allies: [Who are the people you trust? Ibviously Jedi's allies will be their masters / padawans, but others may be more creative as to who their allies are.] Bio: [Your characters history..... the more descriptive the better.] Description: [What your character looks like.] That's it folks, so get signing up. ------------------------------------------------------------------ [B]Name:[/B] Xanko Fett [B]Age:[/B] Unknown [B]Class:[/B] Bounty Hunter [B]Race:[/B] Iridonian [B]Weapons:[/B] Correlian X-5 'Diablo' rifle - Xanko's custom made rifle, it is surprisingly light, and has a power alternator to fire at various ranges. Dallorian X-3 'Mecha' blaster - Xanko's custom made pisto. Made from a Dallorian alloy, it is light, durable, and hard to over heat. It is exclusively short ranged. Left gauntlet - Contains a laser shooter, a flamethrower, and a cable with a magnetic device on the end to wrap round opponents. Right Gauntlets - Contains various controls for his starship. Jetpack - He has the patented Fett jetpack, complete with a missile launcher on the top. Knee pads - The left one shoot poisoned darts, the right one shoots tranquilisers. [B]Ship:[/B] Has a starship names Scorpion and a speeder bike. [B]Ship descriptions:[/B] Scorpion - Scorpion is a Kuat Systems Firespray-class interceptor like the make used to patrol the prison planet of Oovo IV. It is very similar in appearence to the Slave 1, and had been fitted with similar upgrades. Speeder Bike - An upgraded Imperial class speeder bike. Attack and defense has been sacrificed for enhanced speed. [B]Allies:[/B] Boba Fett (Xanko is the only person Boba has really trusted, and they think of each other as brothers, even though they aren't blood related.) He is, however, currently working with another hunter named Seifer. [B]Bio:[/B] Boba found Xanko on the planet of Iridonia, Xanko's home, where he had learnt valuable killing skills, being as he had to kill for his food everyday. Boba, who had been looking for a partner for some time, despite his reputation, decided Xanko would be the right person for the job. Over the years Boba trained Xanko, turning him into a very skillful bounty hunter. Black mandalorian armour was built for Xanko, turning him into a slightly taller version of Boba Fett, with black armour. Boba then took Xanko, and payed a visit to Kuat Drive Yards, and stole a Firespray-Class interceptor, much to the disgust of one of Boba's main enemies, the long time owner of the KDY, Mr Kuat. Then, pulling in many of the favors people owed Boba, he got a lot of good parts to upgrade Xanko's ship. Xanko named his ship Scorpion, his favorite creature. Boba used his reputation and connections to get Xanko a few hunting jobs. Xanko's employers were very surprised when Xanko did the jobs very quickly, and very well. His reputation as a quality bounty hunter were spreading fast. Xanko and Boba developed an unusual relationship. For the first time, Boba felt he could talk to someone freely, like a brother. Boba was the first person that had ever treated Xanko like an equal..... and for those reasons there was an unmatched mutual respect between them. [B]Description:[/B] Xanko has black mandalorian armour, though it is nowhere near as battle worn as Boba's is. His jump suit underneath is a light grey, and his belt and sash are navy blue. His jetpack is a black and red colour. He has a black holster on his left leg, which holds his custom made X-3 blaster, and a holster on his back, next to his jet pack, which holds his X-5 rifle. The holster on his back has a quick-release mechanism, which flicks the rifle over Xanko's shoulder, and straight into his hands.
[I]The lightsabre handle at Craig's feet suddenly flew back into his hands. Igniting them both, he stood in one of his own styled stances. Both Craig and Xander had custom styles, Craig's made from a prefected variation of styles 2, 4, and 5, with many moves he had made up. To have a custom style required exceptional skill with a lightsabre, and many years of practice even then. However, both seemed t be masters of their blades. Most of the people in the arena noticed that Craig's style was very unorthodox. He spun a lot, both in attack and defense, and always attacked in swift fluent strokes. This way, his chest was almost never left open to attack, and his reactions were slightly improved, which is how Craig had designed the style. Craig pounced forward, whirring the sabres round in his hands. Xander ran, pointing his sabre directly towards Craig's eyes, the most common attack stance for a Jedi, but very effective. Craig spun round, striking towards Xander's neck in a backhanded attack. Xander blocked with his own sabre, deflecting Craig's sabre to the right. Craig used this momentum to spin and strike at Xander with his other sabre, this time towards the legs, Xander again swatting that away with his own sabre. Mace: This is an unusual treat for the padawans. Yoda: Yes, learn a lot from this they will. They know now that they still have much to learn.[/I]
[I]A TIE Interceptor suddenly flew into the base, it's elegant design, made perfectly for speed, caught the attention of a few people. They all knew, however, that the TIE was not here for anything bad. No, the pilot, Xanko, had been a valid accet in the 128th Tie Interceptor squadron, the best of the best of Imperial pilots. It touched down softly next to the main A-wing fleet. The pilot opened the hatchway, climbed out, and leapt down to the floor. He was approached by General Reikan. (I'm gonna assume he's still alive and in charge, if not just tell me otherwise.) Reikan: Welcome Xanko, hopefully you will become a true asset to Rogue Squadron. Xanko: I'll try my best. The Iridonain saluted the general, the walked over to inspect the A-wings. Xanko had always favored speed in his ships, and the A-wing matched a TIE interceptor in speed..... he was keen to see what he could do with one. Reikan: I heard you had a thing for speed........ why not go down to the simulators? I hear a few of your fellow Rogues are already down there. Xanko: Yeah, I'm pretty keen to meet them. With that, Xanko walked out of the main hanger, and started to follow the directions down to the simulators.[/I]
Treize was aight... but he got what was coming to him in my opinion. He was a damn fool half the time, and so he dies, simple as that.
Anime I need help finding a piece of BGM from Gundam 0083...
Yoda replied to a topic in Otaku Central
Yes this is advertising, and as such is..... closed. *closed* -
[I]Xanko had caught up significantly to his prey. His speeder bike was a lot faster than the Imperial model; he had enhanced the speed greatly, but sacrificed the laser cannons and shields on the speeder. Sam was dodging through the busy traffic, barely avoiding collisions with other vehicles. Xanko, only about 15 feet behind, seemed to glide effortlessly among the busy airways, catching Sam?s speeder up quite quickly. Sam glanced behind her, checking how far behind Xanko was. She was astounded, when she saw him such a short distance away. Turning back, she barely managed to swerve away from an oncoming speeder. This had slowed her down significantly; Xanko picked up on this instantly, revving the throttle of his speeder, he accelerated immensely, dipping under the speeder Sam had barely managed to avoid, and pulled up again right alongside her. Sam glanced over her shoulder, a look of absolute terror spread over her face, as she saw Xanko glaring back at her, side-by-side, through his T-shaped visor. The harsh gaze of his eyes seemed to penetrate Sam?s soul. He continued to look at her relentlessly, still managing to dodge all the traffic with the bare minimum of effort. Sam however, found she continuously had to glance back and forth, she knew her life was in jeopardy, whichever way she looked. If she kept her eyes on the traffic, no it wouldn?t take Xanko long to blast her out of the skies? but if she kept her eyes on Xanko, then she could easily plow into the oncoming traffic. Before she had time to properly decide, Xanko had already drawn out his X-5 blaster. Pointing it directly towards Sam?s ship, he fired a single shot. It struck Sam?s engines? cooling pack, freezing the engine totally. Another shot hit the ice, shattering it, and tearing off one side of the speeder as it went. Sam?s ship started spinning frenziedly, hurtling towards the ground. Xanko reacted to this instantly, dipping his speeder into a nose dive, heading straight for Sam?s speeder. Sam, meanwhile, was proceeding to boot the glass from her windscreen, desperately trying to escape. Only know she realized what a mistake she had made. She had always disputed whether the Fetts were as good as they had been made out, whether they were ?The Ultimate bounty hunters??.. Now, she had no doubts at all. She had always held her own skills in such high prestige, and yet she had been beaten so easily. With one final hard kick, the already shattered glass was ripped from the rest of the ship, and Sam leapt out, preying she would land safely on the floor. Xanko noticed her jump, and knew she would have his credits on her; she wouldn?t leave them on the ship if there was a chance of her surviving. Xanko extended his left arm, and released his tow cable. Anticipating Sam?s fall perfectly, the cable caught, and wrapped around her leg. The speeder lurched downwards suddenly with the added weight, falling a good 15 feet before it got used to the added weight. Xanko slowly descended, placing Sam gently on the ground. As soon as she had orientated herself, she drew a knife, and slashed the cable in two. She then flipped up to her feet, and drew her blaster? she wasn?t going down without a fight. It didn?t take Xanko long to notice her, and even shorter a time to react. He flipped straight off his speeder bike, allowing it to crash to the ground. Luckily, the bike sustained very minor damage. Before he had hit the ground, he had drawn his lightsabre, a strong yellow blade protruding from the handle. Sam started to blast furiously at Xanko, as he effortlessly and fluently deflected every blast. Much to Sam?s surprise, Xanko suddenly launched forward, powered by his jetpack. In mere seconds he had reached the astounded Sam, and, cutting off his jetpack as he passed by her, he turned, and in one swift stroke, removed both of her legs from the rest of her body. Sam instantly collapsed to the floor, screaming in agony. Xanko was still being thrown forward by the force the jetpack had given him. Crashing to the floor, he judo rolled forward, steadying himself with his knee. Getting back to his feet, he disengaged his sabre, and clipped it to a special section of his belt. Then, he drew the blaster from the holster on his right leg, and moved towards Sam, pointing the blaster straight at her head. [B]Xanko:[/B] Give me my credits. [B]Sam:[/B] Why?? why should I? Xanko said nothing; he just simply stepped back, and shot Sam in the open flesh wound in her right leg. She yelled in severe torture. Xanko stepped forward again, pointing the blaster towards her head once again. [B]Xanko:[/B] Give me my credits. Xanko, regardless of how angry he was inside, still spoke in his usual, emotionless voice. [B]Sam:[/B] F-fine?. Take them. Sam slowly reached inside a pouch on her blood stained belt, and drew a show sized bag out. She tossed the bag to Xanko, who put them in a compartment on his sash. Then, he turned, and began to walk back towards his speeder. Sam struggled to sit up, in frustration. [B]Sam:[/B] W-wait?? you?.. you can?t j-just leave me here! Xanko stopped dead for a moment, then turned, and walked a few paces back towards Sam. He looked down at her blankly for a few seconds. [B]Xanko:[/B] Fine?? let me help you. Xanko flicked his blaster round in his hand, before pointing it straight at Sam?s head. A look of horror spread across her face as a laser bolt launched straight through the front of her head. Blood spurted out of the wound, and poured out of her mouth, as she fell backwards, eyes turned upwards into her head. Again, Xanko turned, and headed back to his speeder. Touching a pressure sensitive pad on his gloved hand, the microphone that directly connected to his ship shot out in front of his mouth. [B]Xanko:[/B] Stationary position, 1500 feet, directly above my position. Responding instantly, the Scorpion suddenly appeared from behind one of the larger sky-scrapers, and stopped dead, directly over Xanko, one mile in the air. Xanko had predicted it perfectly; Scorpion was in between two traffic lines, avoiding all traffic from both lines. If Xanko had predicted it wrongly, then Scorpion would have stopped directly in line of a stream of continuous traffic. Xanko climbed back onto his speeder bike, and started up the ignition. He shot upwards completely vertically, heading directly for his ship. [B]Xanko:[/B] Open hatchway, 8 seconds. Once again, Xanko had timed it perfectly. Just as he arrived at Scorpion, the hatchway under the main body opened, and Xanko shot in, into his cargo hold. He cut the ignition of his speeder, and climbed off. His cargo hold smelt clean, sterilized, something that Xanko took great pride in. Most of the bounty hunters ships stank of their previous hard merchandises. Xanko?s was one of few that was hospitable, smell wise. Xanko climbed the ladder of his ship, and walked through the open doorway into his cockpit. He sat down in his chair, which was bolted to the floor, and swiveled round, facing his controls. He tapped in a few commands, and Scorpions thrusters suddenly exploded with a bright red flame, launching upwards, straight through all the traffic line in his way, without hitting another vehicle. Within seconds, he had broken into real space, and was orbiting Coruscant. [B]Xanko:[/B] I wonder if there are any protection jobs on Coruscant right now?.. Surely some politicians could one of the best bounty hunters in the galaxy. Xanko swiveled his chair, facing the left of his cockpit. He punched in a few keys, and suddenly, a list of all the politicians on or near the Coruscant system appeared on a screen above him. Carefully, he scanned the list, and suddenly, one caught his attention. [B]Xanko:[/B] Ah, this one looks interesting. Aba Oosed, an idealist it seems, very popular among the left wings of the senate? I?m sure he would welcome some guaranteed protection. Xanko altered the trajectory of his orbit, so that he would be able to enter the planets atmosphere near the important republic buildings. The thrusters of Scorpion again kicked in, as it started to speed up.[/I]
[I]Why does everyone want justification? If James didn't pick you, he didn't pick you, so just accept it and move on.[/I]