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Everything posted by Yoda
[I]Xanko launched out of the space port, and straight into the bust airways of Coruscant. He flew at tremendous speed, dodging life threatening traffic as he tried to catch Sam. He could see her location, though not through his scopes. He saw her in his mind, using the force, as she passed an oddly cubed building. Xanko looked to his left, and there, near Coruscants surface, was the cubed building she pad just passed. Xanko swerved, barely missing impact with a large air taxi. He darted downwards, dodging wave after wave of traffic lines, as he relentlessely headed for the cubed building. Dodging to oncoming cars, Xanko made it beneath the lowest line of traffic in his way, and finally had a clear view of the cubed building. He caught a glimpse of Sam's speeder, it was a fair way infront of the building now.... Xanko instinctively reved his throttle, the speeder bike shooting forwards again. A light bleeping sound suddenly occured in his helmet. 5 synchronised red lights followed. His told Xanko that some-one was trying to get into his ship. Xanko smirked, they would soon be dead. Xanko now spoke into his microphone, which allowed his to give verbal commands to his ship. [B]Xanko:[/B] Take off...... flight pattern 3. Disperse seismic bombs at 60 feet. An instant after Xanko had spoken the command into his microphone, the lights on the Scorpion lit up, and the engines ignited. The small search party made of space port employees sent to check the ship stood in shock..... they would be roasted if they didn't get out of the way. The employees ran through the hatchway of she docking bay, just as the Scorpion lifted itself off the ground with great speed, heading directly upwards. At exactly 65 feet on the ships altitude reader, a small clamp-like device in-between, and above it's main thrusters flipped opened, and a small, cylinder shaped device was released, free falling towards the space port. Within seconds, it hit the floor of the bay the Scorpion had just taken off from. The red light on it's side shot off, as it exploded, a huge seismic pulse ripping outwards, tearing the docking bay apart. All buildings, ships, and people were demimated, as the seismix wave ripped whatever it touched into pieces. Meanwhile, Xanko had managed to catch upto Sam quite a bit, and he continued his relentless chase, determined to get back the 100,000 credits that were taken from him.[/I]
I have changed my character, and yes, James has given me permission to do so. I have changed the profile of him, as shown here: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?postid=209038#post209038[/url] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]The Scorpion broke suddenly through the atmosphere of Coruscant. It sped downwards , only picking up speed as it got nearer to Coruscants surface. Inside, Xanko Fett sat in his pilot's chair, which was buckled to the floor. Through his helmet, he was trying to pick up on another bounty hunters location. The other bounty hunter was a human female by the name of Sam Dodonga, and she had stolen a large amount of credits from Xanko when he was busy on a job. And as was customary for his name, NO-ONE stole from the Fetts. As his telebinocular visor scanned the area around the space port carefully, a high pitched- continuous bleep echoed into Xanko's mandlorian battle helmet. Then, the Scorpion's internal alarms started, as steam started pouring into the cockpit from the gaseous vents. The Scorpion was starting to overheat badly, it had broken through the atmosphere far to quickly, Xanko flying on pure fury at catching Sam. [B]Xanko:[/B] Shut down alarms, seal off cockpit area. Xanko's helmet was connected directly to the intelligence unit of his ship. In an instant, the ship responded, as the alarms muted, and the large iron door of the cockpit slid down, and sealed air-tight. Now, the cockpit would be cooled, and stored with the emergency oxygen supply, as the rest of the ship took the full beating of the overh-heating. Atleast, this way, Xanko would remain intact, even if his ship was torn apart. A red crosshair blinked suddenly in the visor of Xanko's helmet, and it zoomed in, showing Sam on the surface, getting into her land speeder. Xanko slammed on the reverse thrusters, he was in no rush now, he knew the girl would soon be in his custody. Spinning the Scorpion in mid-descent so it's back faced the ground (as was common proccedure for all Firespray-Class Interceptors) lowered himself down towards one of the empty landing bays near to where Sam had taken off. Suddenly, a spark of static issued on the comm. reciever. Someone from below was trying to contact him. [B]???:[/B] Pilot, please identify yourself. You do not have permission to land here..... retreat your decent, or you shall be shot down. Xanko spoke in his usual, emotionless voice. [B]Xanko:[/B] Well then I suggest you give me clearence for that landing bay.... 'cause I'm not differing from my course. There was a pause for a few seconds, as Scorpion lowered itself even further towards the landing pad. The comm. started up again, though Xanko hardly acknowledged it. [B]???:[/B] You......... you have permission to land... procceed. Xanko smirked under his battle helmet..... he knew that was exacly how it would turn out. His ship rotated horizontally at it entered the landing pad. The reverse thrusters kicked in, 4 thing but powerful jets of blue flame, slowing the Scorpions descent dramatically. It touched down on the ground, as the reverse thrusters cut out, shortly followed by the engines stopping. The hatchway to the Scorpion opened, and for a few seconds there was nothing but silence. All of a sudden, a smaller, higher pitched engine kicked in, and Xanko shot out of the hatchway on his ship on a speeder bike. [B]Xanko:[/B] No-one steals from me......... and lives to tell about it.[/I]
I also signed up for the last one....... but I honestly never knew you'd started the play version for that. [I]Name: Craig Haro Age: 26 Species: Zabrak Home Planet: Iridonia Wing Number(after you have been chosen) R2 Name: R5 - X3 Rank: Ensign Weapon: A simple crystal yellow lightsabre Jedi: Yes Personality: Quiet, stern, and normally to the point. Description: Craig has the classic horns of a Zabrak, and deep red eyes. He had his face tatooed black and red like Darth Maul. He is of medium built, but relatively tall. When not in his rogue uniform, he wears his brown / black jedi tunic. Other: Forced to fend for himself on his harsh home planet of Iridonia, Craig was discovered by a Jedi master when he was 3. Accepted despite his age, Craig excelled in lightsabre combat and use of the force. Passing the final trials at the age of 22, Craig's first..... and only existing assignment was to join the Rebel crew and assist them for as long as he could. With his Jedi abilities, Craig soon made it into the Rogue Squadron team.[/I]
[I]Craig smirked, showing anger for the first time in years, as Andrew struck Li to the ground, a shot of harsh electric current launching through Li. Andrew bowed, disengaging his lightsabre, and walked back to his master. Xander: It seems my master, that your padawan is lacking a lot more than he thinks. Yoda: Yes, arrogant he is... but your skills, we will now test. Xander: My skills??? Yoda: How your skills have altered, we shall see. Fight Craig... you shall. Craig turned towards Yoda the instant he said that, despite the fact that he stood on the other side of the arena. Turning to Xander, he walked slowly into the ring, a yellow beam extending from the handle in his left hand. Shortly after, another yellow beam extended from the handle.... in his other hand. Everyone knew Craig preffered to fight with two sabres.... and it was not against the rules... it didn't even make him any stronger, it is simply the fact that his uniqly perfected style was perfect for holding two lightsabres. Xander was not long to follow suit. He walked into the ring, looking eye-to-eye at Craig. A silver bladed sabre shot out through Xander's handle. The padawans cheered, this match had been speculised for so many years, and finally..... it was going to occur. The only match people would rather have seen is Yoda vs Mace.... which was even more speculated than this one. Xander: Good luck to you Craig. Craig: Hmm...... and to you. With that, Craig spun the sabres round in his hands as he darted towards Xander. Xander, holding his sabre round his head, launched back at Craig. Their lightsabres clashed, as they stared one another down, pushing for dominance. Craig suddenly threw his hands forward, Xander being thrown back to the arena floor. He hit the ground with a thud, and flipped straight back to his feet. He held his sabre out, pointing it towards Craig's eyes. Craig held both his sabres pointing out to his sides, leaving his chest open. Xander pushed forwards in a stabbing motiong, but with a sweep of Craig's sabre, he knocked it to the side. Craig hen spun, launching into a backhanded attack with the other sabre, Xander blocking easily. Suddenly, Mace Windu, Seifer, Ki-Adi-Mundi, and Plo Koon walked into the arena, and approached master yoda. Mace: We heard about this fight taking place, we felt we needed to be here. Yoda: Ah, an interesting match, this will be. The outcome, I cannot tell. And so the two warriors continued to fight with vicious speed and power, leaving all the padawans, and most of the Jedi Knights astonished. Even Andrew didn't know his master could fight at that speed..... only the council expected it.[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue] It's kind of off topic, but look at that Steve Irwin idiot...do people really think that [i]all[/i] Australians talk like idiots and enjoy rubbing up against crocodiles?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [I]I thought they did......... (j/k) Seriously though, whoever couldn't see that the Clone's were Kiwi's *prey's that Kiwi's are New Zealander's and not Australians* needs seriously medical help..... as will I if Kiwi's aren't from New Zealand. I mean, when Jango said "Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi" how can ANYONE possibly think that's a Latino accent? That's just plain idiotic.[/I]
[I]I don't believe Jango would have stood a chance against Mace, whether his jet pack was working or not. I mean, Mace is the second strongest Jedi alive... and everyone saw how impressive he looked in the fights. Regardless of Jango's skill, he couldn't have stood up to Mace realistically...... I mean, he's not Boba.[/I]
[I]The larger of the two dark warriors turned to the shorter one, as the shorter of the two lowered his hood. The small creature's skin was green, he had long pointy ears, red / yellow eyes, and small white hairs on his head. He looked very similar to the late Jedi master Yoda. His name was Xan-Vendra, though this fact was as sparcely known as the name of his master. [B]Vin-Mar:[/B] [COLOR=red]I believe the Emperor has a task for you Lord Vendra.[/COLOR] [B]Xan:[/B] Ah, a hefty task, I hope this will be. Dissapointed I was, with the simplicity of the last one. [B]Vin-Mar:[/B] [COLOR=red]Indeed.... your skills shouldn't be wasted in such mindless tasks.[/COLOR] Xan and Vin-Mar marched into a cave that was before them. Vin-Mar was easily twice Xan's size, and yet Xan was able to keep us with him quite easily, even with his walking stick. They marched along the narrow passage-way, and after a short time they came to a flight of stairs. By now it was terribly dark. Xan waved his hand over the gem at the top of his staff, and it lit up brightly, igniting the entire area with lumination, as the gem glowed a warm red. Xan started climbing down the steps, followed a few paces behind by Vin-Mar. They descended for what seemed like an eternity. The air grew steadily more stuffy, but neither of the mysterious Sith Lords were un-affected. The walls and ceiling seemed to widen though, and the steps grew steadily more hewn and rough. Finally, Xan led the two into a clearing at the base of the steps. They appeared in a huge room, which was astonishingly equipped with very modern facilities. At the back of the room, a dark figure sat with his head lowered. The two Sith Lords walked into a stared circle in the centre of the room, and dropped onto one knee, lowering their heads. At that moment, the dark figure in the chair lifted his head. His face was terribly pace and wrinkled, his blood-red eyes shot through even the Sith Lords, and his decrepid teeth gleamed in a crooked, evil grin. [B]Emperor:[/B] Rise.... my friends. The two Sith rose to their feet, again greeting the Emperor by bowing, before they actually addressed him. The Emperor slothfully moved towards Xan, smiling more crookedly than before. [B]Emperor:[/B] Lord Vendra.... your progressing skills continue to astound me. I have an assignment for you... One of great importance. [B]Xan:[/B] Ready to serve you, I am. My assignment, tell me. [B]Emperor:[/B] My young friend.... I want you to travel to the Republic's central planet of Coruscant. The reigning Supreme Chancellor is very weak minded. I wish for you to corrupt him into war. [B]Xan:[/B] Ah, with whom shall I make him go to war? [B]Emperor:[/B] There is a large planet on the outskirts of the Oovo system that is still under Imperial control. It will not take much to make them go to war with the republic. The planet is Syphon III. [B]Xan:[/B] Done, it shall be. When shall I leave? [B]Emperor:[/B] Leave immediately. It will take time to cause a planetary war, especially with Jedi interference. The quicker you start, the better. Xan bowed low to the Emperor, then turned to his master, and bowed to him aswell. Then, before he departed, Xan slowly started to rise into the air. He came to eye-level with his master, and floated away, towards the stairs.[/I]
[I]Byss, a harsh planet. The sky, since it's existance, had always been scorched a burning red. Every cloud, regardless of how few there were, was un-naturally black. The planet was motly un-inhabited. The few creatures that dwelled here lived deep under the surface, only a few insects and bat-like aliens were able to live on it's surface. The surface of the planet was very mountainous, jagged, broken down rocks and cliffs made it a very difficult place to manouver through. There were many caves, intricatly woven through the jagged mountains and cliff faces. There was always a terrible wing present, and it was terribly hot, even though the sun shon rarely on the planet. A ship suddenly broke through the atmosphere. piercing the scorched sky like a bullet wound, the harsh redness of the sky whisping outwards. The ship soared downwards so elegantly, one sign of perfection in an otherwise dismal-looking planet. It's shiny silver colour, however, was made more sutle by the dull sky of Byss. The ship, a Sith Infiltrator, came to an altitude equal to that of Byss' highest mountain in that area. The ships reverse thrusters suddenly kicked in, a blue flamed gas slowly dispersing from the base of the ship, making it fall much more slowly. Three air-sealed compartments in the ship suddenly unlocked, and lowered slowly, a huge hydraulic pump powering each of them. These were the 'landing legs'. They folded outwards, until the padding at the edges of each metal sheet was at that base. Slowly but smoothly, the ship touched down, the reverse thrusters kicking out as it did so. Moments later, the main engines of the Sith Infiltrator cut out also. There was complete silence for a breif second or so, before a section of the back detached it's air-tight seal from the rest of the ship, and rotated downwards, stopping only when it touched the ground, making a walkway. Immediately afterwards, several guards in black uniforms marched out of the ship. They walked in twos, lining up at the base of the walkway in two parallel lines. Then, the pilot and co-pilot marched out and did the same. Finally, two figures appeared in the doorway. Both were clothed in black tunic's and cloaks which covered their entire bodies. One however........ was a great deal taller than the other. The shorter of the two held in his right hand a sppectacular staff. The wood gleamed even in this dismal planet's air. The gem on the top glinted from underneath his hand, as the two slowly began to walk down the walkway. The guards, and pilots in turn, all saluted as the two dark figures walked past. Both of them, no-less the small one, had very intimidating presences. Even their own guards pulses raced as they walked past, they were so very afraid of what the mysterious men could do.[/I]
[I]Just as Li was about to exit the battle arena, Craig put his hand out in front of him, blocking his exit. Craig slowly turned to face Li. Craig: It's about time someone taught you just how beatable you are. Li had picked just the wrong day to show off his arrogance. Craig was certainly not in the mood for such things. Li: I cannot fight you... it is forbidden. Craig chuckled, staring pathetically at Li. Craig: Your not fighting me. You shall fight my apprentice. If your so arrogant that you believe you can beat a Jedi master, then this shouldn't be hard for anyone. Andrew stepped forward, into the middle of the arena. Li smirked up at Craig, then strolled arrogantly into the arena. Both competitors drew their sabres.[/I]
Burcr Anabe.......... that's supposed to be my Jedi name? I don't even know what the hell that says. Thank God I'm a Sith. *wipes brow*. Yes, everyone hates Jar Jar.... I sometimes wish I could lock him and Jake Lloyd up in a safe and toss them in the ocean....... then bomb that area heavily. Luke Skywalker always got on my nerves though. Whiny little brat. Why couldn't Vader have just cleaved him in two.
I'll give this a try, sounds impressive. Name of Chara: Ralvenar Race: High elf Warrior Type: Archer Shards: 1 Magic Type: Dark HP: 50 ATK: 20 LVL: 1
[I]I think Attack of the Clones is the best Star Wars film so far. It was the most impressive film on many counts. It had a good story, and excellent action.[/I]
[I]I thought Anaking did a great job of acting...... completely made up for that damned wood nymph Jake Lloyd. "Are you an angel?" I mean, puh-leez. Noryko was basically right about the Jango topic. I just thought that his head separating off his body like that was hilarious. He was so unlucky there....... I was in stitches when he got runover by the Reek...... and when Padme drop kicked the Nexu........ that films has everything......[/I]
[I]I just got back from watching episode 2. Brilliant, simply brilliant. I always knew Yoda had it in him....... that green little dude showed everybody *shakes fist* showed eveeeryybbooodddyyyy!!! Mace was also very impressive. Jar Jar and C-3PO still managed to piss me off...... regerdless of how small their parts were. Jango's death was the funniest thing on Star Wars records...... after Yoda fighting. And most importantly..... Anakin learnt just how weak he is.[/I]
Mhuhahahahaha....... your all doomed!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [I][B]NAME:[/B] Xanko Fett [B]AGE:[/B] Unknown [B]SPECIES:[/B] Zabrak [B]LOCATION/HOMEWORLD:[/B] Iridonia. [B]WEAPON:[/B] Lightsabre - A yellow blade lightsabre with a crooked hilt. Dallorian X-5 'Mecha' blaster - Xanko's custom made pistol. It is made of very expensive Dallorian alloy. This makes it light, durable, and hard to overheat. However, it is relatively short ranged. Left gauntlet - Contains a flamethrower, a long range blaster cannons, and a cord grip. Right gauntlet - Contains verious instructions for his ship. [B]ALLIANCE:[/B] Neutral [B]VEHICLE/SHIP:[/B] Name - Scorpion Description - A Kuat systems Firespray-class interceptor. It has the same basic appearence as the Slave 1, but it is black and red. [B]FORCE CAPABILITIES:[/B] 1 - Enhanced abilities with a lightsabre. 2 - He is able to move things using his control of the force. 3 - He can manipulate the weak minded, forcing them to say and do things against their will. [B]CHARACTER DESCRIPTION:[/B] Xanko has black manalorian battle armour, much like Boba Fett's, but it is no-where near as battle scared. He has a leather holster on his right leg for his costom blaster, and a special clip on his belt for his lightsabre. His jetpack has a quick un-clip mechanism, because he prefers no to use in in battle. [B]BACKGROUND/BIO:[/B] Xanko was originally names Keshka Haro, though this is not a very well known fact. When Keshka was only a boy, struggling to survive on his home planet of Iridonia, the Jedi took him in. He was assigned a master, and began training with him. Keshka's determination and prowess meant that he excelled in every task he was assigned, as well as showing exceptional skill in using the force and handling a lightsabre. However, Keshka became greedy in the hunt for power. He kept this quiet, until the age of 22, when he became a Jedi Knight. In his final missions for his master, he turned on his master surprisingly, and slaughtered him. He was banished from Jedi order, all his jedi related items were taken from him. Keshka decided he would use his talents as a Jedi to become a bounty hunter.... howeverm to do this, he knew he needed help from the best, so he decided to seek out Boba Fett. He knew the chances of Boba helping him were very slim, but never the less, Keshka was determined to find him. Using his Jedi abilities, it did not take him long to track Boba fett down. Unfortunately, their meeting was not exatly perfect. Boba mistook Keshka for an assasin hired to kill him, and so started attacking him with his rifle. This was Craig's first real test of his new lightsabre, it had a crooked hilt for better accuracy. After a long battle, Keshka finally got his message through to why he had really tracked Boba down. Coincidently, Boba had been looking to take on someone to look after the Fett name, so he took Keshka to train as a hunter. With time, Keshka became another Fett, permenantly embracing the manalorian battle armour as part of himself. He renamed himself Xanko Fett, and in essence, bacame Boba's brother. From the planet of Oovo Iv, they bought another ship for Xanko, and Boba, pulling in a lot of the favors people owed him, upgraded this new ship a lot. The ship was named Scorpion, Xanko's favorite creature. Xanko is currently working with Boba, but has heard rumour that the Emperor wishes to hire him.[/I]
[I]Craig and Andrew headed towards the battle arena tower. Andrew seemed a little distracted. Andrew: Master.... why do you always make me fight at the battle arena? It's not to say I don't like it....... but there's a lot of pirde involved, that's why Seifer didn't come. Craig stopped dead, then turned to Andrew sharply. There was a great look of "what the hell did you just say!" in Craig's eyes. Craig: Andrew, thre is only pride involved if you strive to be arrogant. The only reason I take you is for practice. In this place you can adapt and learn new battle skills, to me it doesn't matter if you win or lose. It's just your childish rivalry with master Windu's boy that's made you this way. Andrew: But master.... you have never lost there, you wouldnt know how it feels. Craig: I have lost far greater things than just in that petty battle arena. I go there simply to improve, if someone beats me then they beat me, I move on and comgratulate the winner. That does not make them better or worse, it just means that hey beat you on this occasion. That is something that you padawans need to understand. If you are beaten in this arena, atleast you leanr, and still walk away with your life. If you fight a Sith, and he beats you, then you are finished. If you are more concerned about your reputation than your training, then there is no place for you or Seifer among the Jedi. Craig that Craig turned swiftly and strided at great pace towards the arena. Andrew marched along behind...... he knew his master was gravely dissapointed in him at this point. They soon reached the doors of the battle arena temple. They swung open heavily, and they appeared in a room with a huge electronic chart on the wall. It showed exactly who was in which room. Andrew stopped next to Craig, looking uo at the sign. Craig: You shall battle first....... and then so shall I. Andrew: Very well master. Craig led Andrew upto the padawan arena for ages 18-21. The door opened, and they came into an arena with a small stadium surrounding a gravel floored fighting arena. As was always the case, only one fight was allowed at a time. Craig: Go and sign up, and await your turn to battle. And remember, I shall think no less of you if you lose, and no better of you if you win. Andrew: Yes master.[/I]
[I]Omega walked about the corridors, looking for Demos. He had managed to follow him for some time, but had lost track of him soon after he entered the base. He knew he had to be somewhere around here, he could sense the propane left from Domos' jet. He walked past a set of doors...... and came to one that led down some stairs. Darkness was the only thing that shone through the window. Omega slowly pushed the door open, and peered down....... nothing. Omega shrugged, then slowly passed through the door and started motioning down the stairs. The light thud that sounded when Omega's boots came into contact with the ground rang out deafeningly to him, everything else was so silent. After a long while, he reached the base of the stairs. To his right was a large iron plated door. From inside, the evry light flicker of lightning could be heard, along with some other faint noises. Omega slowly opened the door, just enough so he could peek inside. The first thing he saw inside was Demos. Knowing that Craig had found him, and thinking therefore, that it was safe, he rushed inside. Then he saw Chaos.....[/I]
[I]Craig and Andrew appeared at the top of the stairs. They were in a corridor that went round the edge of the circular room. The was one door on the inner side of the corridor, it was a large iron foor, a huge red Jedi marking was inscribed on it. This was the door to the high chamber of the temple, where the Jedi council were seated. The door slid open silently, revealing a large circular room. There were 12 seats placed evenly about the circumfrence of the room, and in each one of those seats, one of the council sat. In the centre seat sat the great Jedi master, wisest of the wise, Yoda. To his left of him, was Mace Windu, and to his right was Ki-Adi-Mundi. They all welcomed Craig with various gestures, but none of them spoke. Craig motioned his hand to Andrew, telling him to stay where he was, as Craig walked to a small circle at the centre of the room. The council all stared somewhat eagerly at him. Yoda: Welcome master Craig. What have you to say? Craig: Yes my master. Recently, my padawan and myself encountered two Sith warriors..... Klarna and his new apprentice. Mace: Yes, may we congratulate you on defeating the Sith Lord Klarna..... surely that was no easy task. Craig: Indeed not..... but, I found two things of great significance there. Ki-Adi: Ah, something about the apprentice is it? Craig: Yes. He was easily more powerful than his master, that much was clear...... and I believe he could be turned. Yoda: Turned do you say? Craig: Yes my master. I believe that he held back because he did not wish to kill Andrew..... though I may be misinterpreting him, I believe there is a lot of good in him. Mace: Have no doubt, we shall look into this. What other news do you bring? Craig: Klarna's weapon my masters. I think you should see...... From behind Craig's back, he revealed the lightsabre that Klarna had used. He threw it into the air, and Mace summoned it into his hands. Mace: This is a double edged lightsabre. He used this in battle? Craig: Yes. His battle skills with it were very limited.... he was much weaker an opponent with both sides open....... but I think he was trying to help us my masters. Yoda: Help us you say? Explain..... Craig: Well...... no doubt you have all sensed the potent disturbance in the force. I think the Sith know more about it than we do....... and so even though we are enemies, the Sith feel we need to be ready for this opponent which could easily wipe us all out. So, I believe Klarna showed me that sabre as if to say that if we can learn to properly wield a lightsabre like that in battle..... then it would benefit us greatly. Yoda: Ah, great wisdom is inside you master Craig. Mace: yes, this could indeed have been their intention, even if they are our sworn enemies. Although we can never fight together, the Sith know that we must be on the same wavelength if we are to defeat the Tyrax. Craig: The Tyrax??? Mace: Yes..... the great disturbance you feel belongs to a race known as the Tyrax. Ki-Adi: Several months ago we sent a troop of jedi Knights to Tarash following the rumours of a strong, force willed species there. Plo Koon: We thought it would be mere lies, because Tarash is simply a waste planet. Yoda: Yes..... but we heard no more from the Jedi troop. Mace: Until today, that is. We recieved all the troops heads...... and a visual link message. The species called themselves the Tyrax, and are indeed as powerful as the speculations foretold. Ki-Adi: The Sigh's retaliated quite quickly....... senting a troop of their own men to the planet.... Yoda: But a similar fate did they suffer. Mace: The Tyrax are already so feared, that the planets of Barkesh and Gerrard 5 have already sworn allegance to them, giving them complete control of their armies. Ki-Aki: We anticipate something huge will escalate from this. Suddenly, the doors to the council room burst open, and Seifer stormed in, scowling. Mace: Son, you have not been summoned. Seifer: Maybe so, but I just heard the news. Many of my friends were in that troop..... how could you do such a foolish thing? Yoda: Ah, foolish it was not at the time....... expect a threat such as this, we did not. Mace: But we do have a job, for the three of you, and several more Jedi. Craig: I am at your service my masters. Ki-Adi: We need to start disabling the Tyrax's allies immediately. That's why the senate are sending a fleet of craft to Barkesh to bomb a series of hangers all over the planet. Mace: They are in need of good pilots, and you three are all especially skilled in piloting. We request that you go with the senates fleet and destroy these targets. Craig: As you wish, me masters. But what of the Siths message? Yoda: Ah, take heed of this we shall. Choose our best warriors, and train the, in the arts of this new sabre. You shall learn to use it Craig, when you return. Mace: May the force be with you. Craig: When do we leave? Ki-Aki: Tomorrow at dawn you leave for Barkesh. Craig: As you wish, my masters. Seifer: As you request. The three Jedi bowed and went to take their leave when: Yoda: Craig...... be wary. Hunt for you Razar shall. On his mind, vengeance is. Prepare for him must you...... do not slack. Craig: I am always prepared my master. With that, the three Jedi took their leave. They left the room.... and stood silently for a moment. Craig could feel the tension between the two padawans. Craig: Come Andrew, we shall spend what little time we have at the battle arena. And with that, Craig beckoned farewell to Seifer, and started to lead Andrew back down the stairs. Just before they left Seifer's view, Craig turned and said: Craig: Feel free to come along.[/I]
[I]Spider sat upon the edge of a roof of a skyscraper, in his casual clothes. He looked out over the waking town of New York, the air was cool, crisp, much like it was every day at this time. Spider loved New York at this time....... it was still quiet, not something usually recognised in New York. The sun was low in the sky over in the East, barely visible over Manhattan's buildings. Spider looked about...... and then looked down in the street below. A smart looking man in a suit, carrying a breifcase which was handcuffed to his wrist, was walking down the street, and in an alley nearby, an armed gang was waiting...... possibly for the man. Spider wasted no time. He pressed his legs up against the building, and pushed himself off, free-falling from the sky-scraper. He flew downwards, the wind whipping his hair and clothes violently. Suddenly, a black and red patterned 'blob' extended out from his back. It spread to about twice Spiders size, and then wrapped around him like it swallowed him. The blob quickly took the form of Spider's body, the spider symbol on his chest and back now clearly visible. Still spider continued to free-fall, no expressions rang in his face now, simply because all that could be seen on his face were two eyes. He extended his arm forward, and suddenly a thin white chord whipped outwards, attatching to a nearby building. Spider was hurled forward at amazing speed, before releasing the web from his grip. Elegantly flipping backwards, he unleashed another web, at the alley wall above the gangs position. He zip-lined forward, silently attatching to the wall about 20 feet above the gang. Spider released his legs from the wall, and vaulting off with his arms, he flipped forward in a 540* somersault, landing crouched down on his feet in the middle of the gang. Gang1: Oh loook..... another Spiderman wannabe. Lets show him what for boys, before breifcase reaches us. Craig: Oh, so you are planning to rob him. I thought as much. A gang mamber suddenly pulled out a chain from his belt, and swung it at Spider. Spider leapt upwards in a backflip, reaching about 15 feet in the air. He shot a web at the gang member who had just tried to hit him. The web wrapped around him quickly. Spider then wanked on the web, pulling the member forward into one of his comrades. They both toppled harshly to the ground, Spider attatching to the wall above them. Another gang member then pulled out an uzi, and pointed it at Spider. Spider pushed off onto the wall on the other side of the alley as a flurry on 9mm bullets pummeled the wall where he had just been. The gang member turned to fire at Spider again, but found Spider about 2 feet away from him, arm coiled. He swung and hit the gang member hard in the jaw, and he was thrown into the side of the trash bin beside him, before collapsing to the ground. As the business man passed the alley, he turned to see 3 gang members, all tied up with web, and a dangling web attatchied to the wall high above. On the end of the web dangling down was a small card. The business man held it up, and read it. It had a silhouette of spiderman shooting his web, and a statement saying. "Spidey's back!". The businessman smiled, and swiped the card from the web, putting it in his pocket, before continuing down the street. From high above, Spider looked down, deciding to go for a swing before he had to start work.[/I]
[I]The large doors of the Jedi Council closed behind Craig and Andrew. They were in quite a large room, there were no sentries... the Jedi didn't need them. There was another master / apprentice duo to the left of the room. Craig acknowledged them quickly with a nod. He proceeded to the back of the room, Andrew almost jogging behind him at the pace he was walking. The Jedi temple consisted of 5 towers. The centre tower was where the Jeci council stayed... and this was where Craig and Andrew were. The only other thing in this main tower was the "trial room" where one of the final trials of a padawan learner took place. It was the Jedi's most sacred place. There were 4 smaller towers the were placed at 2, 5, 8, and 10 o' clock around the main tower. One was for training groups of toddler padawans, this was by far the busiest of the towers, there wer quite a lot of toddlers in the galaxy. Another was the battle arena, where Jedi were allowed to spar with each other. There were several padawan rooms (which were divided by age), but all the Jedi Knight rooms were all identical, anyone could go into any room. This was Andrew and Craig's favorite room without question. Andrew often enjoyed watching his master battle..... of course, regardless of how much he wished to test his strength against Jedi Knights, he knew he could only fight padawans in his age group. Craig had never been beaten in a spar, and Andrew had only lost once. The other temple was for studying, it contained Jedi archives, and all the ancient books of prophecy. The final temple contained the dormitories...... this tower actually hada huge area underneath it where most of the dorms lay, only the council's bed, and the most respected Jedi member's beds were above ground. Craig continued up the long flight of stairs, upto the council's room. Klarna's lightsabre was strapped tightly to his belt..... that was his main motive for coming there...... that and the disturbance.[/I]
[I]Sorry I've been keeping this off for so long, I won't deprive you anymore. I'll start this up as soon as I can. But before I start, lemme just say keep it clean, and keep it detailed. Remember that everyone can get hurt, no-one is invincible, and if I see ANYONE making themselves out to be so, I will dismiss you from the RPG without warning. But I hope that doesn't happen, lets just try to have a good time.[/I]
[I]Well he hasn't been online in like 2-3 weeks....... I dunno why.[/I]
Saiyan Metroid, you have to stop being so cheap. For one, I made sure that no-one could follow us. And what's more, the ship would already be half way to the galactic senate by now, they would have a host of armed guards in the ship, and the senate would have the ship on scope, so if you tried to get away, they would gun you down, and that'd be the end of you. Also, if you had been within the ship, me or Andrew would no doubt have noticed, and destroyed you. You really have to think of the consequences of your cheap RPGing. This is your last warning, shape up, or your out. 3 line posts are simply not acceptable. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]The speeder carried on it's way to the Jedi temple. Craig looked about uneasily, the disturbance grew ever more suspicious. Suddenly, the Jedi council loomed before them like a towering haven, where there were almost certainly answers. Craig didn't usually like to consult with the council, he liked to sort things out by himself, but he knew that he had no choice now, they were the only one who could answer his queries. Craig suddenlt felt a new presence, someone... someone powerful, yet not trained in the Jedi arts, was nearby. Craig closed his eyes, concentrating...... and he saw a man in mandalorian armour, camped out in and old apartment.... waiting....... waiting for Craig and Andrew. Craig:...... Abob. Andrew: Hmm? Craig: Can you feel it? Andrew: I can sense something faint....... something nearby. Is it a threat of somekind? Craig: This presence you sense is of a bounty hunter, by the name Abob Ttef. Be wary, he is not trained in the Jedi art, but he is not to be underestimated. I suspect some kind of attack. Andrew: Perhaps he is after the casket. Craig: Possibly...... we shall soon find out. The speeder stopped outside the main entrance to the Jedi temple. The door needed a person with good knwoledge of the force to open, and even then it was a challenge. This was to make sure only properly trained Jedi could enter. Also, the force used by Sith was too potent to open the door, so no Sith could enter. Craig stood infront of the door, and touched the centre with his hand. A yellow glow emmitted from his hand, and connected to the door. Meanwhile, Andrew looked about suspiciously, waiting incase Abob Ttef showed up.[/I]
[I]After much travelling, the ambassador's ship finally arrived on Coruscant. It landed on the roof of the supreme court. Firstly, Xander stepped out, then the pilots and crew carrying the casket, and finally the two Jedi. Immediately Craig was approached by a guard. Guard: Thank you master Jedi, for retrieving the casket. We are truely in your debt. Craig: Yes, unfortunately the ambassador suffered quite an opposite threat. I'm afraid I could do nothing to save him. Guard: Yes... that is very depressing news. But that was not your fault none the less. Come, we have much to discuss. Craig: I am sorry, but I cannot. I must speak with the Jedi council immediately. Guard: Very well....... will you atleast join the banquet later this evening? Craig: If I am able I would be glad to attend, however I fear that may not be possible. I sense a great disturbance in the force...... such a thing I have never felt before, not even from a Sith. Craig shook the hand of the guard, before swiftly turning and heading towards the edge of the roof, where a Correlian speeder was sitting, waiting for the Jedi. Andrew climbed in the driver seat, and Craig got in the back. The speeder took off, dropping off the edge of the roof, and falling freely for about 15 feet before it came to transmission height, and was able to fly properly. Andrew: Master....... can you feel that.... its so potent! Craig: Yes.... I have never felt such a thing before. We must speak with the Council now. Andrew: Yes Master.[/I]
Saiyan Metroid....... can I ask that you stop following me for the time being, I have something planned, and cut the cheapness. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Andrew: So, was Xander as strong as you master? Craig: Hmm...... we may never know. Andrew: Well he ceratinly sounds like a good jedi in his time. Craig: Yes..... he used to be............ Andrew: Were you ever friends? Craig: Yes, at one time we were great friends..... but as far as I am concerned, when he abandoned the Jedi life, he abandoned our friendship too. Andrew: What if he turns to the darkside..... will you kill him if needed? Craig: I will do what I must young padawan. I would kill you as well if I had no other choice. Andrew: I hope it never comes to that........ Craig: ................................. Andrew: Was he better than you were? Craig: It was never really decided who was the more gifted Jedi between him and myself. As I said, I had more of a natural gift, but I was cocky for many years, whereas he was completely focused and dedicated to his master. Then, when I became wiser I caught upto him quite quickly in skill...... I was utterly devoted then, and I was determined to become the best Jedi I could. He left before we could have any sort of contest, but these days many people think I was the better Jedi in the end..... though that may just be bias because he left. I have never seen him more unfocused as when we just met. He is at the stage where he is starting to question his abilities, and is losing touch with the force. Andrew: I know what you mean. Craig: Yes, I have noticed your swiftly growing rivalry with Master Windu's son. Rivalry's can be healthy at times, but make sure it does not get out of hand. Andrew: Yes master.[/I]