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[I]Andrew walked into the transport, the casket floated in after him. Craig glanced out into the sands of Aldoran from under his hood, before walking into the ship. He nodded to the pilot, who marched off towards the cockpit immediately afterwards. Andrew led the casket into the cargo hold, Craig folowing it a few paces behind. They walked into the small cargo hold, and placed the casket into an alcove in the wall. It fitted perfectly. The Jedi nodded to each other, and left the cargo hold, Craig first, Andrew straggled behind, still hanging his head. They left they cargo hold, where the co-pilot of the transport was waiting for them. Co-pilot: We must ask you to take your seat now Master Jedi until we get into space. Craig: Yes, of course. Co-pilot smiled and nodded to them, then swiftly turned and marched towards the cockpit, Craig and Andrew following behind. He led them towards a large door with a strange red marking on it. It slid upwards with a 'whoosh', revealing the cockpit. Inside, the captain sat in his large seat laden with wool. He was checking one of the readings, but at the sound of the door opening, he turned and greeted the trio with a hand gesture, before quickly turning back to his work. The co-pilot pointed them towards two seats at the back of the cockpit, directly behind the pilot and co-pilot seats. Craig sat down in the seat on the left hand-side of the cockpit, and immediately started staring out of the windscreen. Andrew sat behind the pilot on the right, still with his head lowered. The pilot turned suddenly to address the two jedi. Pilot: We just need flight clearence and then we'll be outta' here. Craig: Very good. I assume the ambassador's ship is waiting for us? Pilot: Yep, it's about 5 miles West once we enter outer space. The thrusters on the transport suddenly kicked up with a low hummng noise. A transmission then came through on the comm. link. ???: You are clear for take off. Please proceed. The transport rotated as it rose up through the roof of the pen. Suddenly the engines kicked in and it blasted off into the air. Soon the ship had entered outer space. Pilot: Hmm........ this is strange, I don't have the ambassador's ship on my scopes. Craig: *Points* It's that way. Co-pilot: How can you tell..... I don't see anything. Craig: It's that way. Pilot: Hmm........ okay, we'll trust your juedgement. The engines kicked in again as the ship turned and headed towards the direction in which Craig had pointed. Within 5 minuted the ambassador's ship had appeared on the pilot's scope. Pilot: There it is. I'll prepare the appproach. ~Meanwhile~ Xander was waiting patiently in his ship, when the attendant came through into his chamber again. Attendant: Sir, the Jedi are on their way here. Their coming aboard. Xander: Excellent.[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B] [color=green]It is funny you should mention Jango/Boba Fett's appearance as mysterious and evil, I was just talking to my friend about it. I think that showing what Boba Fett looks like without the mask, and especially as a child, ruins the sinister mystique he had in the original trilogy. What do you think about showing the Fetts without the masks?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree entirely. Knwoing how they look completely spoils the mystery, and almost always leads to dissapointment. The same thing happened to Darth Vader I think. When I saw hia face on ROTJ I was like "The hell? That's him?!? God, talk about pathetic".
I disagree. In Darth Maul's fight he used the force quite a few times to his advantage. He used it to throw the engine at the door to the generator room thingy and open it, and he also used the force to push Obi-Wan over the edge of the balcony. But I don't deny what you say..... Vader is much more experienced, and his use of the force was much more defined, but if Maul had all the oppurtunities that Vader has had, if he was as experienced then I think he would definately win, without question. But my mention of intimidation does actually have an outcome on the fight. I mean, both Maul and Boba / Jango Fett look mysterious and evil, and this would often scare their opponents into a negative attitude. But I think it would be a good fight whatever the outcome.
Vader would never beat Maul. Darth Maul is a lot faster, a lot more acrobatic, and a lot more intimidatimg. I mean by honest, who would you be more scared of..... a guy who looks like the freakin' devil, or a rusty old robot guy who breathing can be heard from miles around. Not only that.... but Darth Vader isn't exactly all himself. I can just imagine one of his legs malfunctioning in a fight, making him go crazy..... that would be classic.
[I]Craig darted along the dirt grounds, dry dust kicking up behind him in a stream. His hood fluttered wildly, but did not blow off his head. He reached the edge of the town. Most of the buildings around here were crummy and torn away, desiregarded by the civilians that lived in the main part of the city. Craig's transport was in a hanger in the Tampla space dock on the West of town. Craig flew along the streets, flying about 15 feet in the air as to avoid collisions with civilians below. He darted along, always sure of where he was. Suddenly the comm. link on his speeder blasted a large course of static. Craig slowed down so he could properly recieve the transmission. Andrew: Master...... a sith just tried to attack me. I managed to get away.... but I believe he was after the casket. Craig: Yes...... Jin...... I've sensed his presence since we set foot on Aldoran. Don't worry..... he won't bother you again. The comm. link cut out, as Craig started to speed up again. He turned a corner off a crowded street, and appeared in a clearing. Infront of him was a large area full of largespace craft pens. Many creatures were busily working or trading all about the port. Craig darted along, looking, until he came to one of the smaller pens. In large silver writing on the wall above the pen door, was hanlact 4, or hanger 4 in the common language. Craig slowly flew inside, parking his speeder in a alcove close to the pen door. In the centre of the hanger was a ship, similar in appearence to the 'Slave 1'. It's new coat sparkled even in the dimness of the dusty hanger. Craig approached a large muscular alien that was working on the ship, adjusting his hood to make sure it was on properly. The alien suddenly stopped his work, seeming to know that Craig waws behind him. He put down the wrench in his hand, and turned 'round as he started to wipe his hands with a cloth. Craig:......... What are you doing? There's nothing wrong with the ship, I never asked you to fix it. Alien (translated) : We found problem with thruster....... we fix it for you. Craig: Well I didn't ask you to, so I am not paying for it. Alien: But we fix for you....... we save life. Craig: No, I am well aware that the ship was in perfect condition when we arrived. All you did was tighten a few bolts and you thought you could put a big price on it. I said I'm not paying, simply because you have done nothing beneficial to she ship. Now leave!! The alien scowled down at Craig, but Craig loked up at him, his cold, yellow eyes meeting the aliens. The alien was suddenly consumed with fear, and he backed away, rushing out of the pen. Craig entered the ship and prepared for take off, patiently waiting for Andrews arrival.[/I]
[I]Vamp. Ed, you suggestions are all true, but they are also sssssssoooooooo obvious. The nephew thing is actually a secret whih shall be revealed during the RPG. That's just what I do. Also, I wish you people WOULDN'T SPAM UP MY SIGN UP [B]BY HAVING A DISCUSSION! ONCE YOU SIGN UP, YOU DO NOT POST AGAIN ON THE SIGN UP.. YOU DEFINATELY DO NOT START A DISCUSSION.[/B] As soon as the RPG startes I shall delete this sign up so you lose all your useless spammy posts. And D X Sabre, the only problem I had with your sign up was that it had no detail at all...... and you made yourself stronger than everyone else in the RPG. Telekinessis had nothing to do with it *******. Now, stop the discussions NOW! None of you are to post in this sign up again, regardless of what it is. If it is that important then you can PM me. But sign up's are still open, so to everyone else, get joining. :)[/I]
Just a note to everyone, I'm changing the appearence of my character...... or rather the species, which in turn affects the appearence. Craig as of now is a Zagrat (I hope I got that right). For any of you unfamiliar with the zagrat race, then I only need 2 words to explain it to you. Darth Maul. My character has his exact appearence, but had the brown Jedi robes mentioned in the sign up. This is actually more for the convenience of the plot rather than my own preferances.... though they do play a part.... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Craig ran through the metal doors, back into the sediment pool. He ran along the iron grid catwalk..... and noticed the two apprentices still battling on the same ledge from which they started. They were on the balcony about 20 feet above him, where the cargo elevator was. Craig watched the two for a moment. They were perfectly equal in skill, yet their styles were amazingly different. Razar had a much smother technique, which came as no surprise to Craig.. not only did he know how effective a teacher Klarna was, but Andrew's arrogance also reflected in the sloppyness of his fighting. Andrew had amazing potential, but this battle showed just how much his attitude was holding him back. Craig hoped this would teach him a lesson, but knew he had to interviene before the Sith destroyed him. Granted, they were evenly matched in skill, but the young Sith was immensely focused, it was only a matter of time before Andrew would make a slip up, and Craig knew that's exactly what Razar was waiting for. Craig ran along the gangway and leapt upwards, his hands grabbing onto the floor of the balcony. Then, hoisting himself up with tremendous power, he launched into the air, flipping forward, landing perfectly on the balcony floor. Both warriors stopped as soon as they noticed him, but whereas Andrew's face was one of joy, Razar's was one of both fear and anger. Although he was in shock, he knew exactly what had become of his master, though at first he refused to believe it. Razar: Where....... where is my master? Craig: Come along Andrew, this fight is finished. We have more important things to worry about. Razar: [B]MORE IMPORTANT THINGS?!?[/B] I SHALL KILL YOU FOR TTTHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSS!!!!!!!! Razar charge forward, lightsabre held out in battle position. Craig's lightsabre extended, he knew Razar would be sloppy through anger. With a huge wild swing, Razar cleaved downwards with his dabre, Craig simply moved aside out of it's path. Not expecting it, Razar stumbled forward, past Craig. Craig clouted him with the butt of his sabre handle, and Klarna fell to the ground, dazed and confused. Craig disengaged his lightsabre, as did Andrew shortly after him. Craig then donned his hood, and walked into the lift. Andrew followed him in, picking up his cloak that he disgarded to fight. The lift closed, casket inside, and started to rise again, while Razar looked up, slamming his fist on the floor, tears in his eyes. The anger was streaming through him. The Jedi in that lift had killed his master.... the one that has been a father figure to him since he could remember, and he could do nothing to avenge his death. ~Meanwhile, in the lift~ Andrew: So, did you destroy Klarna master? Craig: Yes. But it came as no surprise to either of us.. Andrew: What do you mean? Craig: Well Andrew, every fully trained Jedi and Sith can see the outcome of a battle before it ends. As soon as he pushed me out of the sediment pool, we both foresaw his death, but he tried to prevent it...... Andrew: How? Craig: You shall see when we return to Coruscant. Andrew: So, neither me nor my enemy knew who was going to win that fight? Craig: Well you certainly didn't..... your mind was clouded by your arrogance, but your opponent certainly did. If I hadn't of interviened, you would be in the same state as Klarna right now. Andrew: But how...... I was sure I was going to win. Craig: And that is precisely why you would have been defeated. A jedi accepts death as a part of every battle, he does not go into a fight thinking about whether or not they will win. They minds are free, but you assumed at the start of the fight that because of what I have taught you, and because you are one of only two Jedi who can fight with 2 lightsabres, that you would win. Your opponent noticed this just as I did, and he was just waiting for you to make a mistake. I hope you learn a lesson from this young padawan.... because until you accept that you are no better than anyone else, you will never be able to reach your potential. Andrew: I....... I am sorry master. But.. how do you know this? Craig: The council all saw this when you first saw them, when you were only 6 months old. They knew that you had amazing potential, but your abilities would always be hindered unless you have a teacher that can make you free your mind. Andrew: How did they decide it was you who could do that? Craig: Because......... because I was once as you are. Andrew: You?!? But you are so disciplined..... how can that be true? Craig: Yes, it is true. The Jedi council told me that my medi-chlorean count was second only to master Yoda's, and that this meant could be one of the greatest Jedi ever, and this went right to my head. I saw every battle as another victory, I never thought I could lose, no matter what the oppontnt. That was, until one day, when I met him. Andrew: Met who? Craig: One day, out on Vergon 6, when I was 18, my master and I encountered Hos Libanta..... a great Sith Lord, and his apprentice. My master suggested that we had to work together, but i rushed straight in and began battling the pair of them. I was fine for about 2 minutes...... but then I was swiftly overpowered....... not by Hos.... but by his 15 year old apprentice. My master rushed in, managing to kill the apprentice quickly, as he was about to destroy me. But then, I saw my master die quickly at the hands of the Sith..... my master, the onl person I ever thought more indestructible than myself, killing within the space of 10 seconds. Hos saw me as feeble... he knew battling me would be a waste of his time, as so he left. Andrew: But..... your famous for killing Hos Libanta. Craig: Yes, but that was only after that experience, when I suddenly realised how weak I was. So I started to listen to my next master, and suddenly I saw the great power they said I could have starting to blossom. I met Hos again, 5 years later on Corellia. He realised it was me when he first glimpsed at me, and he started belching out in hysterics. Then, I lowered my hood, and he saw the focus in my eyes, the focus which I completely lacked 5 years earlier. I had only just become a Jedi Knight at this time, and he said maybe I was finally worthy of a battle. We fought for just over 3 hours, before I finally managed to dastroy him. Then I realised just how much I had progressed, but I also noticed something. I had always wanted vengeance for my master since that day, and yet when I fought him, the fact that he could have destroyed me did not bother me in the least. The saying goes, only through our defeats can we realise our strengths....... and that has never been for anyone more so than myself. Andrew: I...... understand. Was I really that outmatched by the Sith? Craig: ........... Yes. I realised when we first met the pair that Klarna's student was a lot stronger than Klarna himself, but Klarna's harshness had fimbled the student's confidence. Andrew: So, you would had rather if I'd fought the Sith Master? Craig: No.... the student hay have been more gifted, but as I said, he lacked confidence then. Klarna has been in many battles, he would have found your weakness and exploited it in an instant. The student is still a little wet behind the ears, it took him a lot longer to realise your weakness. Klarna also knew he had to prevent me from battling the apprentice, because he knew you couldn't spot his weakness as quickly as I could. Andrew:................. He rarely attacked. Craig: Exactly. Klarna has made that appentice fell so weak that he thought if he dared to strike he would get killed, so he blocked and waited for you to slip up. I noticed this as soon as he started dueling, but you only noticed it when he attacked me in a rage, am I correct? Andrew: Yes........ Craig: I am sorry for my harshness young padawan, but I believe this is the only way to get through to you now. Hopefully this will make you a much greater warrior as it did for me. Suddenly, the lift stopped with a light "ping" noise. The doors to the lift slid open, revealing a well lit corridor that led into a huge room. The Jedi passed down the passage, and came into the huge warhouse. It was filled with huge taks of various chemicals being recycled and filtered so they could be used for various appliances. The biggest tank obviously contained water. Craig led the casket and Andrew towards a small door on the left of the ware house. Andrew donned his hood, and kept his head down. He was obviously in a state of self pity and shock. Craig did have sympathy towards him, for once he knew exactly how Andrew felt, but he also knew how much stronger it would make him. The door slid open, and Craig led the way outside. The were now about 2 miles outside the city. The ground was very dry and dusty, made of droughted dirt, but there was a lot of vegetation, grass and such, growing there. Craig led the pair 'round the corner, where an Aldorian sand speeder and a Mark-X Corellian speeder bike lay in wait. Two more speeder's lay nearby, imperial models...... they must have belonged to the Sith's. Craig lay the casket in the back of the sand speeder. Andrew climbed in the front, and Craig got on the bike. Craig: I'll ride ahead to inform the transport ship of your arrival. Be careful, the casket cannot become damaged. Andrew: Yes master. Craig: May the force be with you. Craig suddenly kicked the throttle of his speeder bike, and it sped away towards the city.[/I]
[I]I despise Nickelback. "How you remind me" is the most boring song to grace God's green earth,,, it sends you to sleep if you listen to it, then you wake up and it's on again......[/I]
I think Kid Rock makes some good music....... ans he's a slf proclaimed pimp..... he asks so little and gives so much!
[I]Craig stepped off the final step onto the floor of the void. His lungs suddenly gasped for air, the atmosphere was so heavy. He soon recovered, only gasping because he didn't expect it. Craig: Enhanced gravity..... just like home. Craig's aura flickered around him, then exploded into flame as a white pulse rang outwards from his body. He flew forward, realising that the air was growing steadily colder. He stopped suddenly, the room was suddenly bitterly cold. Ice was building up from the ground at an alarming speed. Craig held out his left hand, supporting it with his right hand. His power surged, and lightning started flickering around him. Craig: ULTIMA........ CCCAAAAAAANNNNNNNOOOONNNN!!!!!!! A huge white beam shot like a lightning bolt from Craig's hand. He Zanzokened away, appearing again 3 miles away from the blast. His power skyrocketed again. He held out his left arm, extending his first 2 fingers. A seraing birhgt light appeared at the tips of his fingers. Craig: SHIN.... DAN--- GGGGEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOO!!!!!!! An arm thick green beam, pointed like a needle at the end, soared towards the other attack. Craig stood, panting hard.... but the main part of the plan was still to come. He zanzokened away again, appearing in between both paths of the beams. Craig's aura shorted out, and his power started seaping away. He didn't put up his guard, or prepare, he planned to let the attacks hit him.[/I]
Sorry I'm joining this so late, but I only just noticed this threads existance. To answer the question to Ricl's number 2..... I believe it is "Now go........ my son". I would like to start a debate here which I have struggled constantly with, with my friends. If Darth Maul and Darth Vader ever got to battle, who do you think would win? I believe that Darth Maul would win because he was totally obssesed by the dark side, Darth Vader always seemed to be conflicted when in battle. Also, Darth Vader loved to run his mouth a lot......... All in all though, the best character had got to be Boba Fett, he's just the main man. I mean, he has darts that fire out of his knee pads for crying out loud!!!
[I]Klarna darted forward once again. He struck with the right side of his lightsabre. Craig knocked his double edged sabre backwards with two powerful strokes from his own sabres. Klarna was knocked back, anger speading across his face. Klarna darted forward again, launching into a frenzied spinning attack, striking with powerful blows each time. Craig managed to block each one, though he was being pushed backwards very quickly. Suddenly, Klarna unleashed into an attack, knocking Craig's lightsabre from his right hand. It launched over the side, into the searing magma below. Craig looked down as his sabre handle fizzed and burnt in the magma, before didintegrating altogether. Craig flicked his other sabre round, holding it out infront of him with two hands. Klarna displayed an extremely cocky look. Craig darted forward, holding his sabre above his head. He struck downwards with all his might. Klarna blocked, but the force of the attack knocked him to the floor. Craig held his lightsabre upside down, and went to stab Klarna through the chest, but Klarna held out his hand. Craig suddenly felt like a freight train had struck him, as he was hurled backwards along the gangway. Craig landed, skidding on his back, but quickly flipped upto his feet again, only to see Klarna charging him down. Klarna struck towards the back of Craig's neck. Craig blociked, then swung towards Klarna's chest. Klarna blocked by holding his double edged sabre veritcally. Klarna then spun his sabre round, knocking Craih's sabre backwards. He struck down towards Craig's shoulder, Craig knocked his sabre away, and drove his own sabre unexpctedly through Klarna's chest!! Klarna stood, eyes bulged, blood pouring from his mouth, as he dropped his sabre to the floor, disengaged. Craig stood, looking up at him, eye to eye. Craig slowly released his sabre from the wound, then spun round, lightsabre extended, taking Klarna's head clean off. The head severed from the body, and it was thrown into the magma chamber below. The body went limp, and also toppled over the edge. The only thing of Klarna's left on the gangway, was his lightsabre. Craig picked up the sabre, knowing that the council needed to know about it. But first, there was one other Sith that needed to be disposed of. Craig ran back along the gangway towards the sdeiment pool.[/I]
[I]Omega took off his helmet, revealing his brown scruffy hair. He tossed the helmet out of the APC without another thought, and rested his head back against the wall of the APC. His thoughts immediately turned to Flash.... how Flash had always inspired him, and always managed to boost his moral, no matter how low he felt. Omega decided he would get a new body..... although still based on the Bass design, he would make a fresh suit, as a symbol for a new start. However, for that he neded to return to HQ, but Zero's appearence suggested they weren't going back to base before taking on the Maverick known as Napalm. Well, whatever happened, Omega knew he would get it done eventually, so he got out his Titan sabre, and started fixing it..... the handle had been badly damaged during the battle with Elec.[/I]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by D x SaBrE [/i] [B]Name:Lee Reilly Alias: Blitz Super Power: Spidey's with kinetic charging Age: 23 Height: 6'2" Bio: Took on Pete's old ruise costume and renamed "Blitz" Description: Ricochet from identity crisis Personality: Smart ***, but actually smart [/B][/QUOTE] This is unacceptable. You can't have "spidey's power with kinetic charging" because: 1) You haven't even explained how you came to have the exact same power as Spidey 2) I already have Spidey's power 3) Having "kinetic charging would make you stronger than me, puh-lease!!! Also, Peter drown in his suit, so how you came to have it is beyond me.
[I]Klarna started attacking relentlessely with his double edged lightsabre. He moved Craig backwards, though Craig blocked his attacks easily with his two lightsabres. Craig now moved in a more of a spinning motion, again blocking the attacks with strokes of his own sabres. Their fight was amazingly fast, and the two warriors seeming perfctly even. Klarna continued to move Craig backwards, and pushed him back to the door. It slid open and they moved through it, out of the sight of the two apprentices. They found themselves 0on a thin walkway, suspended above a boiling chamber of magma. Klarna swung his lightsabre at Craig's chest. Craig ducked, moving forward, coming up again behind Klarna. Klarna spun 'round, swinging his sabre viciously. Craig blocked the attack only centimetres before it connected with his face. He then kneed Klarna in the gut, and spun backwards, getting into combat position with his two lightsabres.[/I]
[I]It is a short time after Peter Parker has dies in the city of New York. The legacy of Spiderman has been left void seince Peter's demise, though the town has continued to remain unharmed by super villains..... untill recently at least. About 3 weeks ago, 7 bat shaped shadows moved across the streets of New York. High above, 7 Goblin's flew on their bat shaped hover thingies. Three of them were well known in new York. The Hobgoblin, DemoGoblin, and the teams leader, The Greengoblin. The other three were unknown, but were easily as dangerousas the other 3. He led them all through along, flying high above the city streets, heading for the mayor's office. They released a flurry of pumpkin bombs upon it, blowing it into oblivion. They then laid seige to the town, claiming it for their own, with no-one able to stop them......... yet. Somewhere in New York, a teenage boy has been training himself harshly for these goblins, the boy was the nephew of Peter Parker, and had inherited all of his powers. Though he was wet behing the ears, he knew he had to stop the goblins before things got seriously out of hand. Meanwhile, super villains all over New York are starting to come out of hiding, pledging their leagence to the goblin troop. This is a serious time for all super hero's in New York city, and a great age for all super villains.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------ Ok, whilst that was about the crappiest thing I've ever written, it's 2:00am and I just want to get this done so I can go to sleep, I promise the play version will be a lot better than this. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what you need in the sign up: Name: Alias: (your super hero/villain name) Super Power: Age: Height: Bio: Description: Personality: ------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Name: Craig Hayter Alias: Spider Super Power: Much the same as Spider man. Age: 17 Height: 6'2" Bio: The nephew of Pater Parker, Craig found that from a very early age he was able to scale walls and hang from ceilings on his own, and had little slits in his wrists which he could shoot webbing out of. Peter promised him never to tell anyone about his power, and then Peter revealed to Craig that he was infact Spiderman. Peter decided to train Craig, so Craig could be his heir so to speak. So, for 10 years Peter helped Craig develop his skills...... but then, when Craig was 14, Peter was killed, supposedly drown. Craig knew that he had to take over as New York's main super hero, but he decided just to call himself Spider, to save time...... though, New York had been at peace for some time, so Craig decided to remain dormant until a threat arose which would require his power to thwart. That threat has finally arrived, though in much bigger a problem that Craig expected.... and so he is training hard to meet the threat. Unlike Spiderman, Craig has web shooters in his own wrists, so he has unlimited webbing. Description: Normally - He has brown scruffy hair, hazel eyes, blue punk jeans with a chain going from the front to the back, a Metallica T-shirt, trainers, and fingerless gloves. Costume - He has a suit which contains a small amount of symbiote in it. As such, the design of the suit matched that of Carnage's symbiote,though it has a spider on it (like the Spider that Scxarlet Spidey has.) The suit does not give him any enhanced abilities, he already has those, but it does attatch to him like a symbiote would, and covers him when he needs it, but the symbiote is in such a small amount that it cannot possibly take over his mind. Personality: A cocky teenager who's power has completely gotten to his head. He likes to boast before and during a fight, though he definately has the skills to back his talk. Other than that, he's your basic teenager, he gets an allowance and lives with his parents.[/I]
WHY DON'T YOU DAMN NEWBIE'S LISTEN TO A WORD I SAY!?!?!?! NO-ONE, whether it's the queen of the whole bloody universe, is to have ANY knowledge of the battle AT ALL. [B]READ THIS STATEMENT VERY CAREFULLY UNTIL IT SINKS IN!!![/B] I am seriously close to throwing a few people out of this RPG, especially Sacred Warrior. You have not acknowledged a single thing I have said. Not only did I say you could have any knowledge of the battle, but I also stated that the only Jedi and Sith alive in this reality that were also in the films are the Jedi Council, and Darth Sidous. [B]WHERE DO YOU SEE OBI-WAN KENOBI IN THAT SENTENCE???.... 'CAUSE I SURE AS HELL CAN'T SEE HIS NAME THERE[/B]. A few people are treading on very, [I]very[/I] thin ice....... so you'd best pay attention to what I'm saying from now on. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Craig continued to attack Klarna, moving him backwards along the catwalk, now holding his lightsabre in both hands, using more powerful swings. Klarna suddenly unleashed a swift strike across the chest area, Craig was forced to flip over him, landing a few feet away from Klarna, near to a large metal door on the edge of the catwalk. Craig noticed all of a sudden how long Klarna's handle was....... the reason for the handle soon became apparent, as another beam extended from the other side of his handle. Klarna wielded a double edged lightsabre. Craig held his sabre in his left hand, he flicked it round as he reached to his belt and drew another sabre, extending that also. Craig now wielded two yellow sabres. Klarna: Ah, so it is true, you have learnt to fight with two sabres simultaneously....... i suppose your apprentice acquires a similar technique... Craig: Not exactly........ but he's getting there....... slowly. Klarna: Not that it matters, you shall soon face your doom.... The fight started aain suddenly as Klarna and Craig charged at each other, their lightsabres clashing powerfully infront of them.[/I]
Your all getting my character vvvvveeeeeeerrrrryyyyyy wrong here. He hardly talks, and when he does it's only a few words at a time, and he isn't compassionate in the least.
*falls to the floor in tears in memory of his own X-men RPG* [I]Name: Craig Hayter Mutant Name: Liquid Age: 17 Sex: Male Mutant Ability: His metabolism consists entirely of liquid titanium, so he can alter his shape, meld into walls, and recover from bullet wounds in about 5 seconds. Bio: When Craig was young he and his school class went on a field trip to the local steel mill. Whilst there, Craig was pushed (intentionally) into one of the titanuim moulds. Suspected to be dead, his teacher rushed down to the mould, and was amazed when a firgure made of liquid metal rose out of the mould in the shape of a human. It turned into Craig, and then everyone realised he had become a mutant. Of course, he wasn't welcome in his town anymore, only his parents were still caring towards him, and so he was accepted into the X-men, where he now second in command of the X-men. Short Description: Brown hair like teen SSJ2 Gohan (think when he fought Dabura, and went SSJ2). Hazel eyes, a white vest, black trousers with a chain coming from the front to the back. He has boots like Trunks, and fingerless gloves.[/I]
Yes you can change your character if you want. Just stop spamming up my thread. And don't you dare post a reply saying " ok, I'll change it" or anything like that. The next post i want to see from you had better be a RP post. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]Craig: I sense a disturbance in the force....... Andrew: I feel it also...... Craig: It's so potent....... it must be Sith... their close, be on your guard. Andrew: Yes master.... ???: Oh, there's no need for that, we'll just come right out. Suddenly, a young Sith warriors stood up from his hiding place behind a crate, he was quite pale. The second Sith, who was much older, and terribly pale, then stepped out from behind a wall, and stood next to the other. ???: I see we meet again Craig..... Craig: Klarna...... it seems you have a new lacky at your side. I shall have to dispose of him as I did the last... and you shall go aswell this time. Klarna: Oh I shall get vengeance for my last apprentice, but I assure you, this one is quite a different story, he's in an entirely different league. Allow me to introduce my apprentice, Razar. Craig: Andrew, be mindful....... and use your instincts. You can win this battle. Andrew: Yes master.... Craig: And no matter what happens to me, do not lose focus... and do not give into anger. Razar was the first to draw his lightsabre, it was a deep blood red. Klarna then drew his, it was a very pale red. Craig and Andrew drew their almost simultaneously..... Craig's was yellow, and the handle was bent (it was made that way, like a gunblade handle). Andrew's beam was black. Klarna: Shall we? Klarna darted forward at Craig suddenly. He swung his lightsabre down with deadly force. Craig blocked, knocking Klarna's lightsabre to the side. He kneed Klarna in the gut. At this time, Razar and Andrew also darted towards each other. Klarna started attacking Craig furiousluy. Both Klarna and Craig seemd very controlled, much less sloppy than the battle between Razar and Andrew, but Craig seemed a lot calmer than Klarma, Klarma seemed to be fighting on pure anger. Craig, holding his lightsabre in one hand, deflected each of Klarna's attacks with strokes of his own lightsabre. Klarna engaged in a vicious upward strike, Craig deflected it with a mighty stroke, forcing Klarna to tuen. Using this momentum, Klarna issued a vicious roundhouse kick, sending Craig flying over the balcony they were all standing on. Craig landed on another iron grid walkway, on his back, his lightsabre fell next to him, disengaged. Klarna leapt off the balcony, holding his lightsabre downwards as if to drive it through Craig. Craig held out his hand, and the lightsabre handle flew into his hand, and lit up. He then rolled to the side as Klarna hit the catwalk, stabbing the area where he was only moments ago. Craig flipped to his feet, and now started attacking, again in fluent strokes, holding his sabre in one hand. The other hand remained extended infront of his chest, by about a foot. He slowly started to force Klarns backwards along the catwalk.[/I] -------------------------------------------------------- Let me make one thing clear. NO ONE is to interfere with this battle. No one is to watch, orserve from a distance, or have any knowledge of this battle until it has finished. I cannot stress this enough.
Please refer to my thread entitled "Gundam info (newbie's please read)..... there should be some information valid to you there.
*Takes a very deep breath* Dude, you obviously have no clue what you are doing...... so let me help you out a bit. 1) Stories are to be posted in the stories forum. 2) You need to spend a lloooooooooooooottttttttt longer on your post, checking your spelling, and improving your post quality. I don't mean to offend you, but that post is complete crap. There is no effort into description, affect, anything........ it's so unbelievably basic. Much better posts are needed here at Otaku my friend, you need to spend some more time on your posts, or people will lose all respect for you.
[I]Craig looked about the Garden breifly, before stepping into the elevator. He followed Flash inside, then in came 'Locky and Neil. They stood inside as the elevator doors closed with a quiet 'ping'. The lift slowly started to rise. Craig looked over at Flash, who was keenly eyeing all the SeeD candidates of the female persuasion. Craig: On the prowl again Flash? Flash: You know it! Craig: Well, if we get sent away, you might wanna buy some magazines. Flash: What'chu talkin' 'bout Craig? Craig: I'm serious......... didn't you see that Chgn guy's breifcase? I'll bet their full of dirty magazines....... Flash: Hmm....... maybe your onto something......[/I]
[I]Omega sat down as Marth started to pilot the APC back to the base. Omega sat down next to Warlock, and stared blankly at the floor. For several minutes everyone was silent.... the death of Flash had greatly affected all of them, no-one moreso than Omega... ever since he was activated, he had almost looked to Flash as an older brother. Suddenly something changed inside Omega. Omega:..... I'm done......... Everyone, even Proteus, looked as Omega confusingly. Drake: Your........ done? Done what exactly? Omega: I'm done looking for that damned dog. He has controlled my life since I can remember........ and Flash always had to look out for me. He sacrificed his life........... for his friends, I understand that now. From now on my friends will be my main priority. As acting squad commander, I will not let Flash down... I promise you all. Omega stood up, and gripped hold of the wing type thing's on his head. He struggled as he pulled them forward, ripping them from his head. He threw them from the APC. Everyone was now looking at Omega strangely........ he didn't look himself anymore, it seemed as if he'd been born again. Warlock:............ You look [B]really[/B] strange like that..... Omega looked up, feeling the place where his blue wings had once been. Craig: Guess I'll need a new look when we get back.......[/I]
Just sp that everyone knows, the sewers on Aldoran are miles under the city streets, there are no entrances on the surface, besides the contamination facility and the maintenance dock. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig and Andrew appeared in a sediment pool. There were thing gangrails all surrounding a strange green liquid at the base of the room. In the centre of the room was a long spiraling stairway. Craig walked over to the path that led to the stairway. He signalled for Andrew to go up first. Andrew started to climb the stairway, the casket following him up. Craig then followed a few steps behind. They had to climb roughly a mile up to get to the cargo elevator. After a good while of climbing, they finally reached the midway level. Andrew led them to the left, where there was a huge cargo elevator. He pressed the button alongside it, and the doors opened. They both got in, and the lift started to rise upto the surface level.