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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. [I]In the sewer's of large city on the planet Aldoran, a group of bounty hunter's walked along a gangway, surrounding what seemed to be a casket made of metal. It levitated, moving along as the hunter's did. They walked down the main sewer path, and then made a left turn, appearing in a hallway that lead to a large metal door. They proceeded along the path, but when they were about half way along, the metal door slid upwards with a "whoosh", revealing two cloaked figures, who both stood with their heads down, hiding their faces. Hunter1: They're Jedi!! Get them!!!!! Suddenly, blue and yellow blades extended infront of the two figures, their lightsabres. The hunter's started blasting at the Jedi frantically, the Jedi were able to block with relative ease, deflecting each shot into the wall or celing. A shot was fired towards the figure with the yellow lightsabre, he swung and hit it back, striking the hunter who fired it through the head. The two Jedi suddenly threw back their hoods. They were two Jedi known as Craig and Andrew. Craig nodded at Andrew, and they both darted forward towards the hunter's, still deflecting the shots that they fired. Craig reached the hunter's. He ran to the right of one, and flicked his sabre to the left, cleaving the hunter through the chest. Then, he spun and decapitated another. Andrew ran full on, stabbing a hunter through the chest. He then backflipped into the air as a bolt was about to hit him. He landed behind the hunter who fired the bolt, cleaving him from the shoulder to the hip. Craig blocked a short range shot from a hunter, knocking it into the wall. As the hunter was about to fire another shot, his head was taken off by Andrew. There were now only 2 bounty hunter's left. They started to flee, Craig leapt forward, landing infront of the two hunter's, but not facing them. He turned his lightsabre over in his hand, and drove it backwards through the chest of the lead hunter. Andrew took this time to dash forward and stab the other one through the cranium. The pair of Jedi both turned off their lightsabres, having dispatched with the entire group of hunters. The casket still remained floating in the air. Andrew: Master...... how did you fight so quickly? You seemed to know where everyone was without looking. Craig: Your eyes can decieve you if you rely on them Andrew, use your instinct young padawan. Andrew: Yes Master. Craig: Now come along, we have to get this casket to the ambassador's ship. Craig and Andrew walked over to the casket. Craig pressed a button on it's side, and it blinked a few times. It then activated, and started moving whenever Craig did. He and Andrew walked back through the door, the casket floating steadily along behind.[/I]
  2. Gah, I probably should have mentioned this earlier. Only the members of the Jedi council and Darth Sidous are in this reality, everyone does not exist as far as we know. Just another reminder before I start the show, we do not yet know about the Tyrax, I will introduce them into a story a short way in. As far as we know the universe is basically at peace.
  3. Ok, this RPG will be set in an alternate reality to the Star Wars everyone else is familiar with, so basically the story line there did not happen. ;) Just a few alterations from the plot you all know: 1) There are many Sith in this reality, and they are just like they always were. 2) The Jedi are inquite big numbers, and are succesfully keeping peace at the moment. 2) Bounty hunter's are numerous in amount because of the high demand to get rid of the Jedi. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]The universe has been at peace for some time since the great war of Kel Dar ended. The Jedi, with some difficulty, have managed to keep the Sith under control. The universe has been at peace for a good while, under the wise orders of Yoda (couldn't leave him out) the Jedi have managed to keep control of almost everyone. While the Jedi are stronger than they ever have been, finding new recruits has become progressively more difficult, whereas the Sith seem to be gaining morewarriors every day. A rumour started spreading through the galaxy that a new species had appeared on a waste planet known as Tarash, and they were rumoured to be stronger than both the Jedi and the Sith. The Jedi took no precautions.... if this rumour was true, they wanted this threat eliminated, and with great haste. They sent a group of Jedi knights to the planet Tarash to check and evaluate the supposed threat. There was no word from the Jedi for almost 3 weeks, until one day, their heads were dropped outside the main doors of the Jedi council building. The Jedi knew something was seriously wrong, and they prepared to unleash a bigger assault onto the planet. However, before they were able to do anything, they got news that this new species had slaughtered all the inhabitants of a moon sized planet knows as Migata. The new species revealed themselves, calling themselves the Tyrax. They indeed were stronger than both the Sith and Jedi, appearing to have complete control over the force. The Sith now decided to take action, and so they sent a troop od good soldiers to eliminate the Tyrax. The galaxy watched live as the Sith were slaughtered within minutes...... appearing to be outclassed entirely. However, from monitering the fight the Jedi and Sith discovered that the Tyrax could be beaten, but to do it much more training was needed. However, time is growing short, as the Tyrax alowly start to make their way across the galaxy, their tyranny spreading like a plague. The Jedi and Sith now must train for the threat, while still having to fight each other at the same time. NOTE: Everything mentioned above is known to us yet. At the start of the RPG everyone wil be at peace, and the Jedi and Sith will mainly be focusing on each other. I will introduce this plot a short time into the RPG. Lets all keep that in mind please. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what you need: Name: Age: Race: (this also includes class such as bounty hunter, mercenary etc) Weapon(s): (Jedi and Sith may only have lightsabres) Height: Bio: Description: Personality: ---------------------------------------------- Name: Craig Haro Age: 30 Race: Jedi Weapon: 2 lightsabres... both yellow, but one has a crooked handle (like Darth Tyrannus lightsabre) Height: 6'2" Bio: Craig was taken in as a youngster at a very young age, after being seen to have a very high medi-chlorean count, the highest seen in years. He was an exceptional student, and, although he was always cocky, he was always willing to learn and listen to his master's teachings. He became a Jedi Knight at the age of 22, the youngest age ever to become a Jedi knight, and has spent the last 8 years training his Padawan. Craig is the only Jedi who prefers to use 2 lightsabres rather than one, and he is well known and well liked in the Jedi community. Description: Looks like Obi-Wan from Episode 2, and has a suit like Anakin from Episode 2. Personality: Craig is calm all the time. He is good friends with his padawan apprentice, but often gets confused or angry at him.[/I]
  4. [I]I suggest that if you want to get more member's to join, then you should give them more of a plot story for the start, most people want a little insight as to the storyline of the RPG. Also, you may want to give some examples of the skills and supers the players can have, basically so that everyone knows their limitations. I must admit that this RPG has intrigued me greatly, but I would like more of a beginning plot so I can better prepare for this RPG.[/I]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arikel [/i] [B]Excuse me SS Trunks but you -are- a MOD right? so would that not -be- part of your job? That is to help newbie's in the nicest way possible... If you don't feel you have the capacity to do this longer calmly and respectfully without resorting to cussing and personal insulting unnecessarily then maybe you should be replaced with someone who can deal with the increased flux of "newbies" as you call them... If you can't treat people with the same respect they give you then you don't deserve the same respect. And I read that thread about "how to role play" and it would have been alot better if it was put out to teach someone older than the age of 7. And on a further note, I hope not all MODs are as selfish, self-centered, high horsed, and conceited as you. [/B][/QUOTE] Rrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggghhhhhhhhtttttttttttttt. How do you figure I'm selfish? Self-centered...... yes ok, just because I can use proper spelling and grammer, and have better puncuation skills than a mule, that makes me self-centered? I believe it is you lot that are self-centered, saying how good you all are at RPing without ANY evidence on this board to back it. I do not think I am the ultimate RPGer, that is just idiocy, but I do take pride in my English skills, and if any of you want to take that as arrogance, then that just proves your own ignorance. As for me being a mod, most people here will tell you that I am a nice guy, not many people dislike me.... which you would find out if you spent some time on this board doing something other than having a go at me. Whereas, your posts are all complete spam, this has nothing to do with RPGing in the slightest, and so this stops NOW!!! But one final thing before this arguement comes to a close. Carren heart, you are right, the main thing about an RPG is to have fun...... but let me ask you this. How much fun can you have on an RPG if you cannot understand the other member's posts? It's not so fun then, and soon you start to get angry, until you reach the extent that myself and several others here have reached. You see, other than just whining, you may actually want to prove you can RP. I don't judge anyone by their status, I judge them by their posts. Take Boba Fett for example..... he's a newbie by status, and yet he had proven to me that he is a respectable RPer by taking part and giving good post quality. I also did this myself, and if you don't believe me, why not ask one of our Super Mod's Sephiroth. You have all judged me without even talking to me properly, if you actually talk to someone who knows me well, instead of jumping to ludicrous assumptions, then you would truly see what kind of person I am. Now, this arguement stops immediately.
  6. Well, whatever the outcome....... good match Raiha. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Sabir stood, breathing heavily from the attack, unable to keep her guard up for a moment. Craig suddenly appeared behind her, and he backhanded her viciously in the neck. She fell forward onto her hands and knees. Craig appeared alongside her, coiling back his leg. He launched into a vicious kick, connecting with Sabir's stomach. She jolted up into the air, coughing up blood, but dissapeared before she touched the ground. Craig stood in the middle of the ring, eyes closed, head down, arms folded. A cocky smirk suddenly appeared on his face. He raised his arm up to his side, instantly a foot met his arm. He turned to see Sabir in a kicking position. He grabbed her by the leg and pulled her towards him, arm coiled backwards to punch her. She zanzokened away before he could land the punch. She appeared instantly behind him again, connecting with a double kick to Craig's spine. Craig fell forward, landing on his face, unable to block his fall. (think when Majin Vegeta clubbed Goku in the back and he was knocked out) Craig lied motionless. Sabir raised her foot to stomp on him, but he dissapeared suddenly. Sabir looked about uneasily, and she turned to see a beam staring her in the face. Her aura appeared around her, and she managed to swat the beam away, but she was suddenly encountered by a charging Craig. He launched at her, throwing puches and kicks at amazing speeds. With every punch, he seemed to get faster, and his power seemed to increase. Suddenly, as he continued to punch his aura formed around him, bigger than before, and vicious sparks of lightning flickered around him. Suddenly, he caught Sabir with an unexpected kick, and she was sent flying across the ring, skidding as she crashed into the arena with her shoulder. Craig: Closing time........[/I]
  7. Yoda

    Terror RPG

    Name: Ralvenar Age: Unknown, believed to be about 200. Race: Half Vampire / Half Demon Class: He has no particular magic class, but he has spells which can temporarily enhance his abilities. This type of magic is known as Grashla. Abilities: 1) Increase speed ? Temorarily increase his speed and reflexes. 2) Claws ? Increases the size of his claws, so he can use them to scale walls and such. Occupation: None Weapon: A large, two-handed barbarian type sword. Skills: 1) Very fast 2) Very agile Bio: Ralvenar lives in the sewers of Horwindale, and comes out only to hunt humans. He is half demon, half vampire, and has traits from both species. He can venture out at day time, and has demon like strength, but has to feed like a vampire, and can get killed in all the way a demon can. His speed and reflexes are faster than most vampires and demons. Description: Looks just like the Uruh-kai leader from the LOTR film, but he has bigger fangs and claws.
  8. Name: Craig Age: 25 Organisation: ARKA Weapon: A crimson red beam-sabre and a Blas tech EE-3 rifle. Magic: Bolt and Cure Description: He is about 6'2", looks just like Boba Fett, only his armour is black. Bio: He was best friends with Krakas since they were both small. Once when they were playing, they came across a wild monster for the first time. Craig, in a rush to save his buddy, got his face severly burnt by a fire attack. From then on, Craig was worn a special helmet. He, like Krakas, joined SOLDIER as soon as it was formed. When SOLDIER changed back to Shinra, Craig was quite prepared to stay, but because of Krakas and his pact to stick together, he chose to leave also.
  9. Carren Heart..... you suck at RPGing even more than Anime Goddess, so shut the hell up. To answer your more than ignorant complaint Arikel, respected RPGers like Neil, Flash, Warlock, James, Seph, Andrew, and myself have had to put up with that crap standard of RPGing for a long while. It is no lie when I say that less than 5% of RPGers here are entirely commited to what they are doing. Also, Neil (SuperSayian) has a thread in the RPGing forum giving advice on how to improve posts, and also a set of rules. If anyone cannot even be bothered to read them, then they simply shouldn't be here. Also, if the respected RPGer is [I]that[/I] idiotic that they can misjudge an RPG to this sort of extent, then just by saying "oh I'm sorry my dear there's just a smidge wrong with your signup" then that isn't going to get the message through. As you said, you've only been at the boards a few days, but since last August I have been as polite as I can be to help people out with their RPGing problems, but I, and many others, have more than reached the end of our tethers. Now, because of their ignorance, members who do not read the rules and post properly will learn the hard way. Half the people here haven't even mastered a skill known as "using capital letters" or "spelling". So until you've lived on the street, don't judge it, so to speak.
  10. Over half the clone-army? Puh-lease!!! Can we get serious now and stop being so cheap. How many times must I inform you that all Jedi and Sith are more or less evenly matched. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [I]The door to the bar swung open, and Craig slowly walked in. He found himself atop a small set of stairs, looking down at the entire bar. He noticed Seifer at the bar, trying to order a drink while at the same time argueing with a local drunk. Craig stood silently, watching the pair argue. The drunk suddenly seemed to motion for something, and Seifer pulled out his lightsabre and cleaved the drunk in two. Craig's blaster flicked over his shoulder into his hands. He heard a small click of a pistol, he turned, and his sensor locked onto a man drawing his gun. Craig shot him through the head. Suddenly the entire bar was onto the pair. Seifer: Oh crud...... time to clear up Craig. Craig: Closing time already eh? Craig turned and shot another man with his blaster, and flicked it back into the holster on his back. He then drew his red lightsabre, it glowed eerily. He leapt down the stairs, flipping and slicing an alien through the head. He then swung and cleaved another through the waist. He then held his lightsabre veritcally infront of his face, and was motionless for a second. Then, all of a sudden, with extreme accuracy, and yet lack of effort, he blocked a flurry of bolts that came his way. He took out a circle of people that surrounded him. Seifer suddenly darted behind him, taking out an attacker beckoning for Craig. Craig held up his left arm, and shot a blast out of his left gauntlet. It hit an alien who had a large gun in the knee cap. The alien dropped his gun, and revealed a huge pair of claws. Craig shot another bolt, which the creature blocked with his claws. Craig darted towards the creature, but then flipped over his head at the last moment, turning as he landed, swinging his lightsabre so it cut a huge open gash in the creatures back. Blood spewed out of the aliens wound, but still it continued to fight. It swung 'round at Craig with it's mighty arm. Craig ducked, and cleaved the monsters leg off. The monster fell to the ground, crying in agony. Craig held his lightsabre downwards in his hands, and drove his lightsabre into the creature's skull. The creature went limp, as his eyes turned inwards. It died in a pool of it's own blood. Craig turned, to see that Seifer had cleared out the rest of the room, all except for the bar tender, who stood in amazement. Craid turned his lightsabre off, and clipped it back to his belt. He then turned and walked back out of the bar. Seifer followed as soon as he had gotten a drink. Seifer: We need to get our speeder bikes. Craig: Yeah, there's no use wating here anymore....... lets try to get to Mishna's by nightfall.[/I]
  11. Name: Craig Race: Human Age: Unknown Occupation: Free lance bounty hunter Weapon: Crimson red beam sabre Side arm: Blas Tech EE-3 rifle Training: Trained in advance combat as an assasin, in both melee and weaponry. Gender: Male Mesmerising experiences: Defending his family against a murderer after his father was killed trying to save them. Background: When Craig was born he had 2 weapons picked for him based on his genes and physical limitations. The 2 weapons chosen were a beam sabre and a laser firle. over the years he trained extensively with them, learning to control his emotions in battle and focus his instincts to heighten his limits. He was assigned his towns special armour at the age of 5, (mandolarian armour like Boba Fett's). He learned to be fast and agile while still wearing the armour, and he excelled at it. Then, when he was 19 a rival team of assasin's from a nearby village attacked Craig's village, and Craig was his father die at the hands of their leader. Craig drew his beam sabre and in a long battle, slaughtered the clans leader. He then slew the rest of the rival gang. He had vengeance, but he knew he would have t leave his homeland now, because he was a danger to the tribe. He put on his helmet in front of the town, no-one able to see his face through the t-shaped visor. His last words to everyone were, "This is my new face". And with that he dissapeared from the tribe.
  12. [I]~2 days, 15 hours later~ Craig is woken suddenly be the alarm in his ship. The substance in his chamber disintegrates, and he runs to his cockpit. He presses a few buttons on the panel, and a scope comes up. Some writing in a strange language appears next to the scope diagram. Craig: 1 hours from Tatooine......... Craig pressed the comm. link button on the control panel. Craig: Seifer..... you up? Seifer: Wha? Oh..... ye, yeah, I'm up. Craig: Tatooine is an hour away....... I'm gonna diable the magnetic field, get landing clearence and meet me on Mos Eisley. Seifer: In the bar? Craig: I think you know the answer to that. Craig pulled the lever back down that he engaged 3 days ago, diabling the magnetic beam between the two ships. Mos Eisley was on the opposite side of the planet that they were approaching from. As always, the split up and approached from different sides of the planet. Firstly though, it was time for Craig to equip his armour. He went out of the cockpit, and slid down the ladder. There, at the back of the cargo hold, was his mandolarian armour. He equiped it, and instantly his helmet's antenna came down infront of his visor. He climbed back upto the cockpit, and sat down in his seat again. A small red crossheir appeared on his visor, and it locked onto Tatooine in the distance. Suddenly, a message from Mos Eisley came through on his comm. link. ???: Mae chutna....... basaka. Craig: Che wunawunga........ botana Mos Eisla, se Mishna na hut. ???: Mesata, docking bay 4. Craig: Peska..... Scorpion's engines blasted up to full as it started to orbit Tatooine. He had just got landing clearence for docking bay 4. He got back on the comm. link to the Spider. Craig: Seifer, you get landing permission? Seifer: Yeah, docking bay 18. Craig: Okay, I'll see you in the bar next to bay 10. The com. link was cut off suddenly as Scorpion broke through the atmosphere. It broked through the light cloud at speed, and Craig saw Mos Eisley about 5 miles north. Looking up, Craig saw the Spider brake through also, he saw about a mile closer to Mos Eisley. Craig made a straight descent towards Mos Eisley, only ascending back to land at the last second. He touched down perfectly on docking bay 4, a short time after Seifer had landed on bay 18. The antenna on his helmet flicked back to the vertical position. He stepped out of his ship, drawing his Cossack blaster as he did so. He came out, and saw 2 guards waiting at the exit of his bay. Craig: Make sure it stays unharmed....... Craig walked out onto the sandy floor, the wind blasted sand against his armour, but it didn't affect Craig. Almost everyone loked at Craig as he passed, most with fear, a few with anger, but everyone showed a sign of respect. Craig put his blaster back in the holster over his left shoulder, and entered the bar.[/I]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Legend_Brolly [/i] [B]HI there everyone who is beleiving there is a new dbz game its a bunch of junk the latest 1 is finalbout if you want to quarrel reply or quote and il get bak to A.S.A.P.:flaming: [COLOR=orangered]A.S.A.P[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] What in the blue hell has this got to do with an RPG.. or anything for that matter? Get your spamming *** out of here and learn the rules of the forum, then maybe you'll get some acknowledgement.
  14. [I]What in the blue hell is this doing in the Gundam section?[/I] *Closed*
  15. Craig climbed back to his feet, whipping his arms outwards as his aura exploded around him. His power surged. He launched upwards clamping both fists together. He suddenly appeared above Sabir, axe-handling her in the back of the head with the majority of his SSJ2 power. She tumbled into the ring, slamming hard against the arena floor. Craig raised his hands above his head. A small crimson orb of energy pulsed into each hand. Andrew: What the hell is he doing? He'll destroy her!! Neil: *smirks* Slowly the orbs of energy started to grow, as Sabir struggled to regain conciousness.
  16. [I]Craig suddenly appeared atop Dende's tower. (I'm gonna assume Dende is still alive). Dende: Hello there...... who are you? Craig:...... I'm using the room. Craig brushed straight past the namek and his associate, and headed to the left of the entrance. He walked down a pathway, appearing at the door to the ROST. Mysteriously it creaked open, a bright white light the only thing Craig was able to see inside. Slowly Craig stepped inside, closing the door behind him. Craig found himself on a tiled floor, there was a pantry to his right, a bath to his left, and beds a little further ahead to the right. He headed forward towards the light, stoping on the very last step before the endless white started. Craig:............ A void. [/I]
  17. [I]Are you people completely oblivious to the rules of this forum? READ THE RULES BEFORE YOU POST IDIOTIC THREADS LIKE THIS WHICH AREN'T ALLOWED.[/I] *CLOSED!!*
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Mystical Pan~ [/i] [B]OOC: whoa wait?.so if we?re basically matched, that means I can do that thing you just did? Lol Where you just threw my character?? lol [/B][/QUOTE] Well yes that is a common power for all Jedi and Sith, it's called using the force. God, if you don't know that then you really don't belong in this RPG. I would suggest that you get some background information on Jedi and Sith law so you can better design your character and be better equiped for this RPG. --------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Scorpion and Spider entered space. They were 3 days away from Tatooine, even when in hyper space. The Scorpion and Spider are twin ships, single man craft. They only have 3 rooms, a cockpit, a sleeping area, and a small cargo bay. The ships were linked directly by comm. link, so Craig and Seifer could talk to each other freely. Seifer: We've got the co-ordinates set for Tatooine right? Craig: Yep, I've just got to activate the magnetic beam, then we're all set to go. Make the final check for orbiting obstacles..... Seifer: Alright........ Craig got out of his seat, and walked upto the door at the rear of his small cockpit. It slid open with a "whoosh". There was a door straight ahead that lead to his sleeping quarters, and a ladder that lead down to the small cargo area. Craig went down the ladder, appearing in a room with an iron grid floor, grey walls, and several small crates were littered about the room. At the back of the room was the stand where all of Craig's armour lay, and on the left of the room was the Sith's head, encased in a special jar to stop it rotting. Craig walked over to the jar and pressed the button on the top. The laser type covered dissapeared. Craig took a small dagger, and cut the braid out of the Sith's hair. He then pressed the button again, and the laser type covering returned. Craig then walked over to his Mandolarian breast plate. He tied the lock to the right shoulder of his armour, along with the lock's from many other victims. Craig then climbed the ladder again, the walked back into the cockpit. He sat back down in his chair, and pressed the comm. link button. Craig: You done the orbital check yet? Seifer: Yep, we got a clear path. Craig: And we have flight clearence for all the systems? Seifer: You know we don't........ Craig: Heh, same as usual. You gonna freeze sleep? Seifer: Maybe, not now though....... how about you? Craig: Hell, I'm shattered, I'm just gonna freeze sleep the entire way. Seifer: Alright, I'll see you in Tatooine then. Craig turned off his comm. link, and the turned to the left of his panel. He opened up a small glass shield covering a lever. He pulled the lever down, and an electric charge ran between the two ships. They were now set to stay a fixed distance apart via a strong magnetic beam. They were set to stay 150 metres away from each other the entire journey. Craig then jumped up out of his chair, and went out of the cockpit. He walked into the other door at the end of the very small hallway, into a tiny room. All that was in the room were a few buttons, and a man sized orb. Craig pressed a button on the wall, and the wall of the orb opened. Craig stepped inside, and put on an oxygen mask. The door then closed behind him, and locked air tight. Suddenly, a strange purple liquid started filling the orb. It quickly made it's way up the orb, eventually filling it. The instant it was full, it froze completely. Craig was now in what he and Seifer called freeze sleep.[/I]
  19. Just to inform you, all Sith and Jedi are more or less evenly matched. -------------------------------------------------------------------- [I]Craig said nothing, just simply extended his arm. Ambika was thrown along the gang way, hitting her head on the wall of the docking bay. Craig: This is your one and only warning, never underestimate an opponent... especially not us. With that, Craig turned and walked towards the docking bay which the Sith Lord was heading to. He turned off his lightsabre, and shook his head. Seifer followed shortly after. Craig picked up the head of the fallen Sith warrior, and carried it with him into the hanger. Soon Seifer and Craig had both dissapeared into the hanger. A short time after two twin ships rose up from the hanger, and shot off into space. The Sith Lord got back to her feet, and ran to the middle of the catwalk. Ambika: Damn them........ no-one mock's me like that! I shall junt those pair down...... there must be someone who knows their identity. Ambika picked up her comm. link and turned it on. Ambika: Commander, who were those two? Commander: We can't get a fix on them m'lady. They aren't classified in any of our files.[/I]
  20. [I]Craig spun 'round, and slammed his fist hard into Sabir's face. She flew backwards uncontrollably, Craig giving chase, driving his foot into Sabir's chest. She hit the floor of the arena, creating a small dent in the shape of her body. Craig looked down at her from about 6 feet in the air. She threw her feet upwards, putting her weight on her shoulders, then flipped up onto her feet. She launched up at Craig, throwing a punch. He deflected the punch, only to meet Sabir's foot in his back. He arched nackwards at the neck as he hurdled forwards. He turned suddenly and fired a beam, Sabir zanzokening out of the way. She appeared again high in the air. Craig noticed her immediately. She stared down at Craig, when suddenly she was hit in the gut. She looked down to see Craig, fist extended, smirk on his face. She leant forwards, splurting out blood. Craig zanzokened to the arena floor. Craig: Seconds out........ round 3.[/I]
  21. [I]Craig turned to face the first Sith, and Seifer leapt over his head, facing the Sith in the gangway. The first Sith came towards Craig. Craig spun his green sabre once around in his left hand, as he darted forward to meet the Sith. The Sith drew a single edged lightsabre, scarlet in colour. He swung his light sabre upwards, Craig deflecting it with his own sabre. Craig spun, and in one hand swung his lightsabre in line with the Sith's neck. The Sith ducked, and Craig saw his oppurtunity. Craig quickly reached to his belt and drew another lightsabre handle. He lit it, a crimson beam extending. The Sth looked in horror as the red lightsabre cleaved across his chest, rippping him in half. Craig: Seifer, lets hurry it up.... I'm not to comfortable with all these people watching us.[/I] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will now take this oppurtunity to give more of an indepth description of Craig: [I]After Craig was dismissed from Jedi life, he realized he needed some sort of career to provide for himself and his wife. He realized that his Jedi training could prove invaluable in jobs that involved fighting, and so he became a bounty hunter, though he wouldn't take jobs that involved killing. He was initially hired by a space pirate named Rozchka, to retrieve a Mallastarian clone leader by the name Ika-Ki. It was not hard for Craig to track down the clone using his Jedi power, but when he met the clone he was quite surprised. The clone used his blaster, and every blast Craig deflected back at the clone, but when the blasts hit the clone, they bounced off his armour. Craig realized how much stronger he could become with that armour, and so when he finally disabled Ika-Ki, he stripped him of his armour, which he later found out was called Mandolarian armour. He also took the clone's blaster, deciding that he would learn more ways of combat other than just his lightsabre. He returned to Rozchka with the clone, and offered to half the bounty if the pirate could supply him with a piece of good armour. He was amazed when the pirate presented him with a helmet, based on the design of the infamous Boba Fett's helmet. The pirate then said that if Craig did 2 more jobs for him, but took no money for the jobs, he would give Craig a ship that works together with that helmet. (Much like Boba Fett and Slave 1). Craig agreed. His second job for the pirate was to steal a large amount of cargo, food, supplies, and weapons, from an Empire frigate that was enroute to Concorde Dawn. The job went off basically without a hitch, his Jedi training and new armour proving invaluable to him. The space pirate was incredibly impressed when Craig returned with the cargo, admitting that he didn't expect Craig to return from the job. Craig then requested that he could return home to see his wife before the last job. Rozchka willingly agreed. Craig started to return home with unmatched high spirits. However, when Craig returned home, he saw a sith transport fleeing from his home. He rushed inside to see his home ransacked, and his wife slaughtered. Craig got on a speeder and chased down the sith transport, and in a long and grueling battle, he slaughtered all 3 of the sith that had done this to his wife. He took out his lightsabre, and cut off a lock hair from each sith, and tied each lock to his right shoulder, in memory of his wife. He returned to Rozchka a new man, hatred in his heart for the first time. Out of sympathy, Rozchka presented Craig with special gauntlets, with various weapons including a flamethrower, a clipwire, and a missile launcher equal in power to a blaster. He now told Rozchka that he would kill in mercenary work. For his final job, Rozchka told Craig to kill a smuggler called Criz Marcker. However, Rozchks had no idea where Crix was. For 4 months Craig hunter down Crix, even for an ex- Jedi he was very wily, and when Craig finally caught up to him on planet Tatooine, he was forced to chase him through a canyon on a speeder. He found that not only did Crix have Mandolarian armour, but he had special boots that worked like a jetpack. Craig killed him using a precise shot in the back of the neck using his Cossack blaster, and decided to relieve him of his boots. He took Crix's head back to Rozchka, who was amazed to see Craig again. Rozchka revealed that Craig was gaining a reputation as an exceptional bounty hunter. He gladly gave Craig the ship that he promised him, along with a utility belt containing many tools, and shin guards containing several knives and other things. Rozchka then gave Craig one last job for 100,000 credits. He had to kill a small group of rebel Jedi, led by a man known only as Seifer. Craig, using his new ship, which he named Scorpion. He managed to track down the rebel troop in only 2 weeks, but when he got to them, only the leader Seifer was alive, the rest killed by a small clone army sent to kill them also. Seifer was the only survivor from the battle. A mutual respect seemed to spread between Seifer and Craig as soon as they met, but Craig planned to stick to his word and destroy him. After an exceptionally long battle using only lightsabres Craig overpowered the Rebel Jedi. He disarmed him, and was about to kill him, when he realized how similar the two were. They were both ex-Jedi who were left alone after everyone they cared about were murdered by an enemy of the Jedi. Also, Craig was impressed by the unusual talent of this Jedi, and so they became partners. Craig returned to Rozchka and explained everything, but Rozchka was far from pleased. In an instant the 4 year friendship between Rozchka and Craig was destroyed, as Rozchka pulled out his blaster on Craig. Craig grinned evily under the T-shaped visor on his helmet, and together with his new partner Seifer they killed every single person on Rozchka's ship. Inside Rozchka's ship, was the twin ship of Scorpion, which Seifer took, and named Spider. They loaded Rozchka's ship with thermal detonators, and blew it into oblivion as they flew away. The pair knew they needed to seek new employment, and found it shortly after on a planet controlled by the huts. A hut by the name of Mishna took them on for a job, and informed them that Rozchka's brother Hik-Jahd was hunting them down. They took a job off Mishna to hunt down a theif known only as X. For a year they searched all over the galaxy for X, and they finally met him on Kessel. They discovered that X was infact a highly trained Sith Lord, and with him was a small squad of stormtroopers. In an instant the stormtroopers lay dead on the floor...... disembowled by the two bounty hunters. The Sith and two Jedi then engaged in a battle which lasted over 12 hours. After which time X fled to his ship and took off. Craig and Seifer gave chase in Scorpion and Spider. X led them into an asteroid field, and in a kamikazi type run, Seifer destroyed X's ship, barely managing to avoid a cluster of small meteor's, and barely escaping alive. They returned to Mishna with news of X's death, and he was delighted. Mishna kept the pair around in his palace for a while as guards, they were sent on various missions, Craig deciding to alternate between his armour and Jedi clothing to conceal his identity. Then, one day when a man came and offered them a job. The man refused to reveal himself, although it was certain that he was under orders from Mohawk. He hired Craig and Seifer to travel to Kel Dar, and kill the Sith Lord and his patrol before they left the planet, or else the clone army could be wiped out. They were also told that if they failed, another bounty hunter was waiting to give a present to the Sith as a peace keep. He said he would be waiting at Mishna's palace for them when they were done, or dead. With that, Craig and Seifer set of towards Kel Dar, which is where we all find them at the beginning of the story.[/I] Finally, all done, Crap that was long.
  22. Vampire Hunter, so far on this thread only one person has broken the rules, and that person is [I]YOU[/I]. Ugamon is welcome to create any style of RPG she sees fit, as long as it is in the rules. It is not permitted however, to flame other members, for whatever reason. I would therefore advise you to shut the hell up. Ugamon, feel free to continue with your RPG, and pay no attention to comments like that.
  23. Yes, yes you are. Also, asking for such things is against Otakuboard rules, which you should have read before hand. *Closed*
  24. Allow me Flashy. *closed*
  25. After a lot of walking, the two druids finally reach the edge of the forest. They come out into a rich field of grass, that lead for 5 leagues or more over to a small mountain range. Seifer: Maybe we'd better camp here tonight. Durumir: Yeah, that'd probably be for the best. Seifer went off to collect kindle for the fire, and Durumir started toset up camp. The druid's weren't people to rely on tents or anything like that... their beds would be grass and soft straw.
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