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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. [I]The rain beat down upon the grass once more... thunder roared towards the South. There was shouting, chanting, yelling from all directions... indistinguishable now, as he could only hear a vicious crackling. At his mud soaked feet there was a smoldering hole... and suddenly he remembered where he was. He turned to look down the field, and saw the crows massing, beginning to gather courage, growing ever angrier. He could see his father, clearer than ever... right at the front. The situation was always the same, but this time, Craig wasn't going to run. He raised himself slowly into the air, and positioned himself directly above the middle of the group. Lightning arked through his body, whipping around him maniacly. He raised his left arm to the storm above, and drew it's rage towards him. He felt it approaching, and then he felt the bolt of lightning strike him in the arm. Craig laughed as he charged it directly through his body, out the base of his feet... down at the[/I] racists [I]below.[/I] Craig woke suddenly, his eyes flickering with blue energy. The same dream, and the same guilt afterwards. Every time, in his dreams, he had killed those people. The only time he had done the right thing was when it counted, but that was only because he had no control over his power. He feared that, if he knew what he knows now... would he have done the same thing. His dreams suggested no... and he hated himself for it. Realising suddenly that he was in the dark, Craig raised a finger to the light bulb, and let out a small ark of electricity. The bulb came to life, and Craig leapt out of bed. He got into his X-Man suit, which was basically a black, skin tight suit with two lightning bolts making an "X" across his chest. He opened the door to his room, and felt his stomach rumbling, so he made his way to the kitchen to get some breakfast.
  2. [B]Name:[/B] Craig Sanders [B]Code Name:[/B] Lightning [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] 6'2" tall, and 230lbs. Craig's muscular appearence defies the speed he can generate via his powers. He has short brown hair, hazel eyes, and usually wears jeans and a white vest under a black leather jacket. [B]Mutation/Powers:[/B] Craig possesses the ability to generate electrostatic energy at a rate of about 1,000 volts per minute and store up to 1,000,000 volts. Craig is able to emit lightning arcs from his fingertips at speeds of up to 1,100 feet per second, achieving a maximum distance of about 100 feet. In addition, he can override electrically powered devices and manipulate them mentally. Effectively a living conductor, Craig's electrical supply is effectively limited, but he is still able to draw from any energy source at will, and expel it again just as easily. By propelling this energy from the base of his feet, he is also granted the ability of flight. Obviouisly, he is immune to harm form electrical shock and such. [B]Originally From:[/B] San Diego, California [B]Affiliation:[/B] Xavier?s school for the gifted, X-men [B]Current Location:[/B] Xavier?s school for the gifted. X-men [B]Known Family:[/B] Larry Sanders [B]Personality:[/B] Craig's personality seems to directly reflect that of his powers. He is very quick of mind, but also quick to react to any given situation. He has an explosive temper and is extremely impatient, and often he feels as though the world moves far too slowly for his taste. Still, he is very trustworthy and lighthearted, and will often be the one who offers cheesy puns in the middle of a fight... mostly because he finds himself getting bored mid-fight. [B]Biography:[/B] Craig's father, Larry, worked at a nuclear power plant where he was exposed to massive amounts of radiation during an accident. Norton was unharmed, but the radiation affected his genes, and as a result his son Craig was born a mutant. Unlike most superhuman mutants, Henry showed signs of mutation from birth: incredible running speed and reflexes. As a tween, he had the undeveloped pace of an opympic sprinter. Craig's father, a huge Chargers fan (convewniently), pushed Craig into playing football as soon as he was able. Craig had found a true passion. A naturally gifted running back, Craig played mainly at that position for most of his Pop Warner and High School years. His powers did not appear until he was sixteen, which is unusually late for a mutant. Not surprisingly, they would appear whilst he was playing a game of football. Craig's high school team was losing badly, and Craig had found himself getting increasingly furious, but somehow stimulated. He broke a run for an 80 yard touchdown late in the third quarter, and spontaneously spiked the ball. However, as the ball hit the floor, it proceeded to explode, and Craig's body was covered by a blue electrical aura. Craig was chased from the arena by a mob of furious mutant haters, that, sadly, included his father. After several days on the run, Craig was approached by Charles Xavier, and joined him at the academy for gifted mutants. He has never looked back since.
  3. I would love to play football, but I can't since I live in the damn UK. I play rugby though... which is quite similar.
  4. [B]Name:[/B] Xouzin Do'Urden [B]Age:[/B] 182 [B]Race:[/B] Elf [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Occupation:[/B] Ranger [B]House Type:[/B] N/A (See Bio) [B]Looks:[/B] Xouzin is 6'4", 225lbs. He has hazel eyes, long white hair, and a deep blue/grey skin colour. He has pointed ears, with two hooped earrings in each ear. He wears a loose black shirt and muddy brown pants. He has a pair of muddy black boots, that are worn below the ankles almost to suede. He wears a scarlet cloak that it attatched to his belt through two braces crossing his chest in an "X" formation. His twin scimitars hand from his belt at his sides. [B]Small Bio:[/B] Since Xouzin could remember, he had been travelling in the wild with a Ranger; Noom Alphie. Noom is a human, and Xouzin is an elf, or atleast some breed of elf, as he has never met someone who looked like him. Still, he always through of Noom as his father. Noom raised him, educated him, taught him how to survive, how to fight, and how to take care of himself. When Xouzin was 40, Noom died of old age, and since then Xouzin has been alone. Currently he is wandering through a forest. He has recently been injured in a battle with several bounty hunters. He has seen smoke and heard voice coming from the West for some time, and he hopes it will lead him to a town. Also, he has a black Labrador named Munch that travels with him, and is basically his only companion, and the only thing he trusts. ------------------------------------------- So there we are, as per DW's request I am not a resident of the town yet. Also DW, if your not happy with my character's appearence, I will change it.
  5. Xythe crouched, then leapt upwards, whipping out his wings as he did so. He went into an arking swoop, bringing himself head on towards one of the scorpions. The scorpion spotted his silhouette instantly, and braced itself into an attack position, claws beared before itself, tail high in the air. Xythe's swoop took him into contact with the floor only inches before he would hit the scorpion. The momentum of the impact put him into a roll that took him underneath the scorpion, as a giant tail whipped forward like a lightning bolt, striking the floor inches behind Xythe, sending a small tremor out into the cave. Xythe stopped on his back underneath the scorpion. Scorpion's kept their undersides dangerously close to the floor when moving, only when fighting did they rear up enough for a figure like Xythe to fit under. Xythe reared his arms back, claws beared, and he dug them into the scorpions underside. He heard a small yelp of pain, but heardly noticed it, the incision had given him the scent of blood... and being a vampire bat, he acted upon it. He lunged forward, biting deep into the creatures belly, eyes watering with delight. Even through a mouth of scorpion flesh you could hear him chuckling, as he sucked quenching blood from the scorpion. He gained control momentarily, knowing he had to move. He loosened his grip with his mouth, and rolled out to the side, dragging his claws along through the weakly armoured belly as he did so, opening several major wounds. He kicked up to his feet and jumped into the air without thinking, moments before another tail swoop struck the floor where he was... [B]Xythe:[/B] Gyahahahaha... fun time! [B]Crystal:[/B] Fun!? You call this fun!?
  6. [B]Name:[/B] Paul "Pauly" Cissiro [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Height:[/B] 6'4" [B]Weight:[/B] 225lbs [B]Gang Allegiance:[/B] Mafia [B]Weapons:[/B] Two Uzi 9mm's, a Colt Magnum .50 and a combat knife. [B]Mode of Transport:[/B] A silver Pheonix with two green stripes running along the centre. [B]History:[/B] Pauly Cissiro was born into a Sicilian family under Jimmy and Kay Cissiro. Jimmy had been in the mafia for many years, and he had been made for quite some time. It was only natural that Pauly would follow in his footsteps. He started when he was 13, doing small delivery jobs and sending messages around. Quickly he became very popular in mafia territory, as they loved watching children grow into the business. He would walk into a shop or a restaurant and would never have to wait in line, he would walk into a bar with his father on one of his regular "meetings", and all his Dad's friends would give him hundreds of dollars simply for getting them drinks. The mafia was a family, and they all looked out for each other. This was something he wanted to be a part of more than anything. Now Pauly works under his father, doing any and all jobs with his friend Joey, who he had basically grown up with. They are well known for their ability to heist trucks of cigarette's, booze, basically anything. Most of the truck drivers actually knew about the heists, and would let the boys steal the trucks, because they would get a little something for their troubles. The only thing Joey and Pauly disagree on is that Joey does drugs, and Pauly won't touch the stuff. [B]Personality:[/B] Arrogant, very up-beat and yet pragmatic. Though, he is easily angered, and the results are not normally good for the people he gets angry with. [B]Description:[/B] Hazel eyes, brown hair combed back. He is clean shaven, and is well built, but not fat. He wears only suits, as the Mafia pride themselves on looking presentable. He can often be seen smoking cigars, a trait he inherited from his father.
  7. Yoda


    Xouzin flew back over the group's position, and noticed that it had near enough tripled in size. The Absol was there, so his job was done. He decided to go down to the group again, he figured he may as well stay with them for now, atleast he was doing something worthwhile. He began to fly down, when he noticed another Charizard heading his way. Xouzin waited, and squared off at the approaching Pokémon until it was close. [B]Spiketro:[/B] Hey, are you under the mind control? Spiketro stopped infront of Xouzin, and looked at him, waiting for a response. Xouzin, the larger of the two, looked down at Spiketro somewhat bemused. He was either unusually friendly for a Charizard, or unusually stupid. [B]Spiketro:[/B] Hey, I asked you a question! [B]Xouzin:[/B] If I was under mind control, you'd be a pile of ash on the forest floor by now... [B]Spiketro:[/B] Oh yeah, what makes you so sure? [B]Xouzin:[/B] I can show you if you want... Spiketro decided it was a bad idea to get into a fight with a potential ally, especially since everything else would want to fight him, and he could already tell that the Charizard before him was strong. [B]Spiketro:[/B] No, there's no need for us to fight. [B]Xouzin:[/B] If you say so. Are you with them? With his snout, Xouzin pointed to the group in the forest. Spiketro quickly nodded, quite excited by the prospect of having another Charizard on his side. [B]Spiketro:[/B] I think we should go down to them... Xouzin shrugged, then suddenly bolted downwards into a nose dive. He ripped through the trees once more, spraying bracken over the group for a third time. He landed, and found most of them were staring towards a small Wynaut, with eerily glowing eyes.
  8. Yoda


    They stuck out like a sore thumb between each gap in the trees. A Croconaw and a Scyther, marching blindly into the deeper forestry. Obviously they had not been affected by the mind control... or one of them would be near death by this point. Xouzin, who had vowed to protect his family despite their altered mind's, decided to pay these two a visit, to see what he could find out. Regardless, if they were under mind control, he was more than up for a fight. He dropped into a swift descent, nose diving down towards their position, on a course to intercept them. Before long, his shadow covered all gaps within the trees. He broke the line of trees, sending bracken, twigs and leaves spraying down on to the ground below. With a shuddering thud, he landed before the two smaller Pokémon, and he let out a low growl, spraying hot ash out of his nostrils. The ash covered the two Pokémon, and the Scyther backed off, obviously irritated by the heat. The Croconaw, being a water Pokémon, hardly noticed. The Croconaw stared up at Xouzin for a while, but his gaze was intense and intimidating, and she had to brake it. [B]Rayne:[/B] Well... I guess you're not under the mind control either huh? Xouzin let out another blast of hot ash over the two smaller Pokémon, then shook his head slowly. He folded his wings behind him, and waited for her to speak again. [B]Rayne:[/B] So, what do you want exactly? [B]Xouzin:[/B] I was curious to why a Croconaw and a Scyther were wandering through the forestry together... [B]Rayne:[/B] Not that it's any of your business, but we're looking for an Absol. [B]Xouzin:[/B] Do you need some help? [B]Rayne:[/B] ...What? [B]Xouzin:[/B] Did I stutter? [B]Rayne:[/B] Well, if you could give us some air support, that would help quite a bit. Xouzin nodded, then whipped his wings outwards, rocketing up through the trees again, spraying another trail of bracken over the two smaller Pokémon.
  9. Yoda


    A shadow rocketed across the land, ripping apart the baldes of grass on the fields. Only feet above, Xouzin flew, poised like a dart, the air itself split before him to allow his flight. He was bordering the Char territories, searching for threats, and generally anything of interest. With a snort that released a plume of hot ash, he arked his neck back, and whipped his wings downwards, launching into a vertical climb. His climb stopped suddenly when he was satisfied with his climb. Cold air whipped his face, but he ignored it. He could see for miles from here, and nothing seemed out of place. He could see several fights going on below, some quite vicious, but the Char territories were fine, and there was no trouble there. Satisfied with his patrol, he decided to go and get something to eat. There were several locations that he liked to dine at. Most were near lakes or mountain ranges where Pokémon groups were plentyful, but few were brave enough to contemplate asking him to move. Fear was a powerful ally. However, had they asked him to move, he probably would do so... Charizard find it painfully cowardly to attack those weaker than themselves. Regardless, he felt like some privacy, and the best place for that was a forestry a short way North West, near a small mountain range. Xouzin reared his head forward, and went into a shallow dive, cutting roughly half the distance between himself and the ground. A small flock of Spearow were making their way somewhere... Xouzin cut right through the middle of them. He hit them at an ark so he wouldn't hit any of them, but the force of his flight was enough to knock several off their flight paths. He made it painfully clear that he would not move for them. Several of the Spearow turned and crowed angrily. Xouzin turned his head, eyes narrowed to slits. He reared his head back and roared, letting out a short spurt of flame, which was enough to shut up the small group. Within minutes, he was flying over the forestry, and began circling to find a decent place to eat.
  10. NOTE: With Ben's permission I have changed my character. Please visit the sign up's to get the information on my new character. ------------------------------------------------------------ Xouzin felt terribly conflicted. He had been given so many responsibilities lately, ones that now, he realised, he could not handle. Cursed with a deadly disease, cursed with an unusual lust for a feline, cursed with the natural gift of leadership that made him the Alpha male of the wolves. He realised now, his loyalty must not be to the clones, but to the wolves. They were a pack animal, they would survive alone. Wolves must not die to save the lives of insects or cattle... that was not the law of nature. That was not survival of the fittest. He realised now that he had to survive, no matter what the outcome of this battle was. A wolf was smart enough to know when to flee, and he did so now. He dived into the caves, running furiously into the depth's. He would go deeper than any human would dare... he would take the bodies of cattle clones for food. He would not die today, it was not his time. [I]His mind was being ravaged by the rabies with which he suffered, but to him what he was doing was perfectly logical. Perhaps one day... he would be cured of the growing insanity.[/I] Xythe watched the human scout from his position on the ceiling. With every breath he took, the smell of human sweat infested his pores and excited him. It was the smell of fear. The human had a torch, and he used it to look in every direction... except upwards. That would be his last mistake. Xythe let out a sonar pulse into the caves, and waited the split second it took for the messages to reach him again. He saw the scout as clearly as if it were broad daylight... and he was an eagle. He released his grip on the rocks above, and began to drop head first to the floor. He whipped his arms outward, spreading his wings, altering his trajectory to bring him straight down on top of the scout. Only meters above the scout, he torked his legs forward, flipping his body around silently. With the slightest of thuds, he landed inches behind the scout, white fangs gleaming in the darkness. The scout, who was moving backwards, took another step, and his shoulders bumped Xythe's massive chest. The scout, in complete shock, began to whip his body around, but Xythe's left arm whipped around, his left hand gripping the base of the scout's chin. With a quick outward motion of his hand, there was a loud snap, and then silence. Xythe's ears twitched suddenly. Footsteps, charging footsteps. The sound was deafening to his sensitive hearing. Then he heard a sharp whizzing, and a crunch. He had heard that sound many times before. [B]Xythe:[/B] So... Benny's here. We'll have to go see him. The disturbance was not far away, it was, as far as Xythe could tell, in a connecting cave roughly 400 metres north. Xythe spread his wings, and darted through the tight chasms effortlessely, heading towards Ben. ---------------------------------- Another note... Xythe is somewhat psychotic. He laughs at random things, calls himself "we" half the time, that sort of thing.
  11. Yoda


    Interesting... [B]Name:[/B] Xouzin [B]Specie:[/B] Charizard [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Description:[/B] Has deep red lines going down his body (like the clone Charizard from the 1st movie.) Also has an "X" shaped scar on his left cheek. [B]Bio:[/B] As a charmander, Xouzin was unusually viscious, a trait that doesn't normally develop until the Charmeleon stage. He would often pick fights at random, either with the rest of his litter, or with charmeleon's bigger and stronger than he was. He won a few, and got beaten a lot more, but this simply made his resolve grow. When he evolved into a Charmeleon he was larger than the rest of his litter, but suddenly, instead of wanting to fight them, he, being the largest, took naturally to being the leader of the group, and instead tried to protect them. Now a charizard in his prime, he is huge in stature and reputation, and is renowned for his speed when flying. He is very loyal to his species and to the protection of Irkon, but he has a very pragmatic attitude and own way of sorting things out. He finds it hard to take orders from other Pokémon, especially those smaller than he is; which is mostly everyone. [B]Moves:[/B] Flamethrower, Fly, Iron Tail, Earthquake, Double Team
  12. I don't know much about Zoids but I'm bored and this sounds pretty good so I'll give it my best shot. ----------------------------------------- [B]Character Sign Up[/B] [I]Name:[/I] Craig Burke [I]Age:[/I] 25 [I]Race:[/I] Human [I]Sex:[/I] Male [I]Height:[/I] 2.03metres (6'7") [I]Weight:[/I] 93kg (14.5 stones) [I]Occupation:[/I] Mercenary Soldier [I]Allegiance:[/I] Helic Republic [I]Rank:[/I] Seargent [I]Weapon:[/I] Ak-47; absolutely positively the best there is. [I]Appearance:[/I] Hazel eyes, long silver flowing hair. Wears a black vest with black pants, and a black trenchcoat over it. (Looks basically like Sephiroth from FF VII) [I]Personality:[/I] Calm, pragmatic, arrogant. The typical that could be expected of a mercenary at the top of his game. [I]Personal History:[/I] I will edit... [B]Organoid Sign Up[/B] [I]Name:[/I] Munch [I]Type:[/I] Wolf [I]Height:[/I] 5'10" [I]Appearance:[/I] Looks much like a miniature Konig wolf, but it is a dark grey colour. [I]Special Ability:[/I] Increase in speed... nothing more. [B]Zoid Sign Up[/B] [I]Name:[/I] Dark Horn [I]Zoid Type:[/I] Dinosaur [I]Appearance:[/I] [url]http://www.zoidsunofficial.coolfreepages.com/Harrys_Dark_Horn.jpg[/url] [I]Height:[/I] 13.5m [I]Length:[/I] 20.8m [I]Weight:[/I] 115 tonnes [I]Max Speed:[/I] 150km/h [I]Weapons:[/I] 60mm Hiblit Vulcan Cannon, Twin 80mm anti-aircraft cannons, Tri-Barrel artillery Cannon, various 20mm and 30mm cannons, and rocket pods, alloy strengthened horn. [I]Support Systems:[/I] Energy shield, sniper scope. [I]Extra Custom Modifications:[/I] Horns serve as sensor jamming arrays which protect it from detection by scanners.
  13. Lessee... I have my left ear pierced, but it's been out for a while. The hole is still open though, but there we are. I have a tatoo of a red dragon bearing it's wings and claws and roaring on my left arm, with a scroll going through the middle that says Craig. Since I am from Wales, I had the dragon done (we have a dragon on our flag), but it looks nothing like the one on the flag.
  14. Their conversation was broken by the pilot's voice coming in over the comm. system. It had taken them only a short time to take off and brake Coruscant's atmosphere. [B]Pilot:[/B] Please fasten seat belts and sit tight folks, we'll shortly be making the jump to light speed. Vastus sat quickly and fastened her seatbelt as tightly as possible. Kain raised an eyebrow, and then shrugged. He buckled himself in, but it was fastened loosely, the jump to hyperspace didn't bother him that much. He closed his eyes, and led himself dip into the pool that was the force. Kain had a very rare ability within the force, the ability to see "Shatterpoints". Anything, a sentient being, an animal, a ship, a shoe, he could reach out through the force and it would show him atleast a dozen "critical" places on whatever he chose. These shatterpoints were weaknesses, and the force showed them to him. He looked now at the ship, and he saw it almost as strands in an intricate web. He saw the vital strands, the strands that would rip the ship apart if he broke but just one. Luckily, there were none that would affect the ship in this flight. In a fight however, a strike to basically anywhere at the base of the ship would crumple it like someone stepping on a can. The ship, although relatively knew, was not well maintained. Slipping back out of the force, he opened his eyes, and saw Vastus looking at him, slightly amused. He could look at her through the eyes of the force now, see her shatterpoint... both physical and mental points that he could attack, but he didn't... he wouldn't, unless he had no other choice. Instead, he grinned slightly, as her look of amusement turned to anxiety as the ship lurched into lightspeed.
  15. [B]Kain:[/B] Logic boy? [B]Vastus:[/B] You heard me. You're so proud of your battle smarts and your natural Chiss brain. It's just wierd if you ask me... [B]Kain:[/B] Jealous? [B]Vastus:[/B] Not really... us Massonics... well, just me now, rely on our instincts and feelings, which makes us so adapt for being Jedi. [B]Kain:[/B] Instincts and feelings? Translation... "women's intuition". What a load of nerf crap... She gave him a serious look for a moment, and he burst out laughing... something that did not often happen. She shook her head. [B]Vastus:[/B] I wasn't aware the force differed between males and females. And if it doesn't, you must have a pretty good level of women's intuition yourself.
  16. [B]Kain:[/B] I've never understood that part of you... Besides natural intelligence and a cool logical mind, the Chiss all had one more thing in common; a love of flying. The best pilots were praised like kings, as it was the ultimate display of skill, both physically and mentally. Kain was no exception, he felt at home in the air and in space more so than he did on solid ground. [B]Vastus:[/B] So, why call it Vaapad anyway? [B]Kain:[/B] Why call it Split Rose? Vastus smiled again and shook her head. Kain shrugged, then stared blankly forward. [B]Kain:[/B] The Vaapad is a deadly predator that lives in only a select few jungles in the entire universe. It attacks it's prey with brutal efficiency and unstoppable malice. Those few who have seen a Vaapad hunt, and have not been the prey, say it is a glorious thing... so graceful, yet so deadly. They say it's the perfect hunter. I suppose the meant for the Vaapad form of lightsabre combat to be as good as the real thing. [B]Vastus:[/B] And do you believe that? [B]Kain:[/B] I wouldn't be studying it if I didn't. The other Jedi were making their way onto the ship. Kain had felt slightly uncomfotable ever since he had put his lightsabre in the kitbag. A lightsabre was an extension of the Jedi, and now is wasd seperate from him, and so he felt incomplete. He had been given the blaster, which would help him if a fight should occur and he was apart from his sabre... but Kain found blasters to be crude items. With the aid of the force, his aim would be almost perfect... not that it made him feel any better.
  17. [B]Kain:[/B] With all that's going on, I'd imagine a few scars on a tourist would be the least of their concerns. Kain finished changing by putting on a pair of old Imperial boots; black ones that belonged to an officer. They were completely covered in dryed mud upto the ankles. He also wore a stained vest of Correlian sand panther leather over a loose shirt that used to be white, and skintight black pants with wear patches of grey. The only part of his ensemble that looked at all maintained was the holster strapped to his left thigh, and the Merr-Sonn Power 5 blaster it held. His lightsabre was inside his kitbag, disguised as an old fashioned glowrod. The bag also contained immigration details for the entire team, and a datapad. [B]Kain:[/B] Besides, I think I'd draw more attention than anyone... [B]Vastus:[/B] Really... and what makes you so special? [B]Kain:[/B] I'm a Chiss... we're not exactly a well known species, and those who know us think we are all like Grand Admiral Thrawn of the old Empire. Not too many people are willing to trust a Chiss. His crimson eyes stared at her for a moment, their gleam and depth as radiant as the colour of his lightsabre. Then he blinked, picked up the kitbag, and walked out the door. It closed with a hiss behind him, and he began to walk with Vastus to the air-cab that would take them to the spaceport. They were to travel on a freighter called the [I]Nuraah[/I], a ship that was currently making a lot of money shipping people off Dorvalla and beinging them to the Core worlds. [B]Kain:[/B] There will be bounty hunters on Dorvalla. [B]Vastus:[/B] Your point being? Kain grinned breifly, then spoke with a regular soft voice that held no emotion... [B]Kain:[/B] Maybe we'll get into a decent fight... [B]Vastus:[/B] Ugh... Jedi are supposed to avoid violence... [B]Kain:[/B] But then my style of fighting would be useless... Vaapad students have to enjoy the fight for their style to take life. [B]Vastus:[/B] Which is exactly the reason that only two people have ever mastered it... it brushes dangerously close to the dark side. [B]Kain:[/B] I realise that, but I don't plan to fail. [B]Vastus:[/B] No-one ever does... Kain looked down at Vastus, and saw almost a look of concern on her face. Kain was confident in his abilities though... he had been studying Vaapad for the better part of two years. It was a very unique style, and one that Kain found very challenging. He had to remember though, that there was a difference between enjoying the fight, and a desire to kill.
  18. The new Jedi Council room was built to look much like it's predecessor. It was cylindrical, set at the hightest point in the temple, and was crowned with 12 seats for the respective countil members. The small band of Jedi that were to be sent to Dorvalla stood now in the centre of the room. Several humans, a Massonic and a Chiss made up the group, who stood noow alone with the eldest member of the council; a Cerrean named N'gorth. He sat in his chair, fingers pressed together infront of his face, staring at the group. They all waited in silence for him to begin his breifing. N'gorth let out a long sigh, and let his tongue roll slowly over his bottom lip. He had been the longest serving member of the Jedi council since the legendary Yoda. Luke Skywalker had remade the council, but he was destined to die quite early due to relatively short life span of his species. Kain stared blankly into the eyes of the master Jedi, knowing he was contemplating Kain's advise. Kain, being a Chiss, had a natural intelligence and a degree of logic that made him invaluable in such things as battle tactics. Only scratching thirty years of age, he had already been a commander in many large battles because of this ability. Some he had fought with had compared him to a Grand Admiral Thrawn... a comment he did not take as complimentry. [B]N'gorth:[/B] We are sending you down on Interplanetary transport, where you shall act as miners looking for work. Since the scare, we have heard that one of the larger companies; Transparistell mining, has lost most of it's workers. [B]Vastus:[/B] Were they killed? [B]N'gorth:[/B] Hmm? Oh, no... they fled off planet. Regardless, the company is no doubt now looking for workers. You will enter their employ, and investigate as you can from there. [B]Irvine:[/B] Ugh... Master, we don't know how to mine. [B]N'gorth:[/B] I realise that. You shall simply have to ensure that you are employed in a different aspect of the job. [B]Tsri:[/B] Like security? [B]N'gorth:[/B] Exactly. You shall obviously have to dress differently, and keep your lightsabres hidden. Only the highest members of the Dorvallan Security Force (DSF) know you are coming. If the Dorvallan public knew Jedi were on planet, they would fear the worst. You will be dropped off on Dorvalla's capital city; Ven Tarrel. Many mining companies have agents there that can hire you. You will simply have to find the agent for Transparisteel mining. Any questions? [B]Kain:[/B] We will need a means by which to get our lightsabres through customs. Perhaps if we put them in casing to disguise them as battery packs... or torches. [B]N'gorth:[/B] I have already taken care of that. The clothes you will be wearing have been placed in your rooms, so go and get ready. May the force be with you. Each member of the team bowed to Master N'gorth, and walked out of the Jedi Council room. They all headed off to their respective rooms, which they never spent much time in, as Jedi were mostly travelling on peace-keeping missions. There was an air of tension between the group... some were anxious, some were nervous, as they could all feel it now, stronger than ever. There was a distinct disturbance in the force, almost blinding in it's power... and it was coming from Dorvalla.
  19. Okay then, I'll start this up soon. Seeing as I can't be bothered to make anyone cry, all applications are accepted. For once, I have chosen to ignore some of the mistakes in the earlier sign up's... such as Dmitri's "mined" black crystal. I'm sorry friend, but all crystals for lightsabres are obtained by mining for them... I shall leave the sign-up's open for a while longer, so others can join if they choose and Outcast can complete his own profile. With all that said, good luck... and may the force be with you.
  20. When a Shagress 'comes of age'... the event is not taken lightly. The future Matriarchs of the Drow society were given the treatment they deserved right from the moment they mature. Xouzin had seen several of these, most under Vondeux's guidance. Of cource, he had also seen Vondeux herself blossom, and it was from that moment that Xouzin realised he would spend his life serving her. Finding himself suddenly outside Ariel's room, he knocked twice on the door. There was silence for a moment, but then a voice beckoned for him to enter. He walked inside, to see the young female sitting beside her bed. She greeted Xouzin with a welcoming smile, but his face showed no emotion. [B]Xouzin:[/B] The Val'Shagress has summoned you to the sanctuary at 9 o'clock tonight. [B]Ariel:[/B] Thank you. Xouzin nodded his head slightly, then backed out of the room, closing the door as he left. Now... the fun part; trying to get some of the neanderthal guards to understand why they had to enhance their armour and keep closer security. All but the oldest of guards knew to take Xouzin's orders without question... but the younger members always thought to highly of their skills to understand the need for modifications. Many of them had paid for this with their lives in the past, but those who lived soon grew to realise that orders given by Xouzin; especially those directed through the Val'Shagress, were given for a valid reason.
  21. TIE Fighters are fine... but please, direct any questions to me via a PM.
  22. The RPG takes place roughly 500 years after Return of the Jedi...
  23. Xouzin waited silently at his post inside the main entrance to Vondeux's dwelling. He was the only one in the hall, no-one else needed to be there when he was on guard. His right hand rested on the handle of his rapier at his side, his left dangled limply, waiting to spring upto his sword on his back at the first possible opportunity. The doors to the dwelling suddenly opened, and Vondeux walked calmly in. She turned towards Xouzin, who lowered his head to bow instincively as soon as she had walked in. [B]Vondeux:[/B] Xouzin, follow me. [B]Xouzin:[/B] Yes Shagress... Xouzin walked a pace behind his Shagress, in step with her, as she walked into her Throne Room. The guard at the door opened it for her, and closed it behind Xouzin after he followed her in. Xouzin stopped a few paces inside, while Vondeux entered and walked upto her throne, sitting confortably on it. She stared at him for a moment with her head resting in the palm of one hand. [B]Xouzin:[/B] Are you okay Shagress? [B]Vondeux:[/B] Yes Xouzin, I'm fine... Tell me Xouzin, why do you stay so loyal? [B]Xouzin:[/B] One does not get to be the best in their field through complacency ma'am. Vondeux smiled. Xouzin was a much more complex character than he pretended to be, but he never lied to her. What he said was basically true... he was basically as strong as a Drow could be without being talented magically. As Vondeux had grown, she had watched Xouzin grow with her, in both maturity and skill... and she was sure from quite a young age that she wanted him fighting for her. Many had shunned him for being related to the outcast Drizzt... but Xouzin had dfinately inherited some of the skill that Drizzt was so renowned for. [B]Vondeux:[/B] I require your... assistance Xouzin, in coordinating my upcoming party, to celebrate the changing of the season. [B]Xouzin:[/B] Of course Shagress. Xouzin wondered as to why she would need his help... but she always had her reasons.
  24. Xouzin herded the wolf cubs down towards the childrens hiding place. Their fear of the battle above was overwhelmed for the moment by their fear of Xouzin. Throughout the entire clan of Wolves, he was the Alpha male, there was little question of that, and the children saw him as a role model, but most were extremely fearful of him when he was around. But he led them as a shepherd would, down the miles of tracks. As swiftly as he could, he got them down to the hiding places. He had two of the smallest cubs in his mouth, and he was careful not to put any pressure on them, incase he bit them. If such a thing didn't kill them anyway, they would become infected with his disease. Finally he approached the blank wall, only to see Rena beginning her crawl back upto the surface. She shot a sly grin his way... all he could do in response was scowl, the cubs in his mouth preventing any serious facial expression. The cubs, some at the site of the feline, others following Xouzin's example, the cubs all growled or shot some angry expression at the feline. Rena, almost forcing herself not to laugh, let out a quick growl, which was enough to force half the cubs up against the wall to get as far from her as possible. Xouzin simply shook his head, and then touched the wall, as it melted away to reveal the childrens hiding place. Xouzin stood at the door, herding the cubs in with one giant paw. He had little time to waste, and so as soon as the last one was safely inside, he turned to begin his crawl back up. He turned to find Rena waiting for him. He walked slowly up alongside her, and stared at her as to ask what she was doing. With the two creatures standing side by side, there was little room for either of them to move sideways. [B]Xouzin:[/B] Can I help you?
  25. Dorvalla, an outlying planet in the Videnda sector, was well renowned for it's warm saline seas, verdant forests and arable grasslands that stretched off into distant horizons. But much of Dorvalla's reputation, and it's business, came from the mining of Lommite ore, which was a vital component in the production of transparisteel; a strong, transparent metal used for viewports in starships and ground-based canopies. At one point, Dorvalla was so rish in Lommite that over a quarter of the population was employed in it's extraction. However, Dorvalla fell into problems sometime shortly before the Clone Wars, and it has never really recovered. Eventually the Lommite mines started to run dry. Lommite Limited and InterGalactic Ore, the Planet's two biggest mining companies, both pulled off the Planet when it threatened to become unprofitable. What little Ore is left is mined by insignificant colonies who struggle to get any business at all, especially since the discovery of Lommite pockets near to the Coreworlds. The mines, it seems... were destined to become graves that the Dorvallan's were slowly digging themselves into. However, their troubles were only beginning... The Republic finds itself at relative peace since the destruction of the Yhuzan Vong*. They go about their daily problems as they used to... the Jedi Council again firmly established within the ranks, as it has always been. They paid little attention when Dorvallan miners send distress calls of "miners going missing". At the time, they believed they had much bigger problems. However, soon these missing miners became slaughtered colonies. Entire colonies of miners were being found dead, not robbed or pillaged, simply dead. The only other things harmed were their radio equipment. The attackers obviously didn't want their victims calling for help. In desperation and fear, several Dorvallan mining copanies posted ludicrous bounties for anyone who could bring in the killers, alive or dead. The attackers, who seemed to live in the vast forests, only emerging to attack the colonies, were completely anonymous. Any bounty hunters willing to take in the task would be doing so completely blind. The Republic finally contacted Dorvalla and instructed them that posting bounties was not an appropriate course of action. The Dorvallan's replied simply that the Republic would not help them, and so they had to help themselves. In response to this, the Republic sent in a Special Task Force to investigate, and to provide protection for Dorvalla's largest existing mining company; Dorvalla Lommite Inc. Three days after the Task Force landed on planet, they, and the entire crew of Dorvalla Lommite Inc. were found dead. However, this time the attackers sent a transmission back to the Republic from the Task Forces radio equipment: "You have raped Dorvalla of it's beauty and freedom. We are taking out Planet back so we may nurse her. All who interfere shall suffer a fate worse than that you have inflicted upon our Planet. You have been warned..." The activities of Dorvalla have troubled the Jedi for some time. Since the first distress calls, the Jedi have felt a strange disturbance from Dorvalla, something through the force that is neither light nor dark. With this message, they decided to send in a small group of Jedi to invesitgate... and, if nessecary, deal with the attackers. *For this story I am assuming the Yhuzan Vong were beaten. ---------------------------------------------------- Okay, you can be one of the Jedi going on Planet, you can be a bounty hunter going after the attackers, you can be a miner, a senator, whatever the hell you like. You are free to pick any race you want, and I will be happy to help with any information you need. Here's what you need in your sign up: Name: Age: Race: Occupation: [Your job. This includes Jedi] Weapon(s): [Remember, Jedi do not carry blasters. Also, try to be reasonable with the amount of weaponry.] Ship: [Again, Jedi do not have ships of their own. All Jedi who join can post their preffered ship that is assigned to them on missions. Normally this is a starfighter or some type.] Bio: [A brief account of your characters past.] Description: [What your character looks like.] Personality: [Is your character a psychopath? Let us know here...] ---------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Kain Vaskor [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Race:[/B] Chiss [B]Occupation:[/B] Jedi [B]Weapon:[/B] Single-bladed Crimson Lightsabre [B]Bio:[/B] Born on the Chiss homeworld of Csilla, he was discovered by the Jedi at a very young age, and taken into the Temple for training. He went through the training as did every other child, and was chosen to be a Padawan when he turned 13. His skill in battle quick earned him respect from elder members, even though he was only a young man. Given his talent and his abilities, it was only a matter of time before he grew arrogant. During puberty, he had an unusual desire for power... which manifested when he was constructing his lightsabre. He constructed the handle to look like his masters out of respect, as most Padawans do, but when Kain found the crystals he wanted to use, he found he could channel his energies into it. Tempted, he began channeling into it his desire for power. The next thing he knew, he awoke with crystals in his hand that had a strange glow to them. Inserting them into the handle, the result was a blade that had a red glow, much like Sith lightsabres of old were said to have. The council was furious with Kain upon discovering this... telling him that such things were the path to the dark side. Kain, through desperation, depressed his desire and ther such things, knowing that that path was wrong for him. However, the council made him keep his lightsabre as it was until he became a Knight, as a reminder of what he may have become. He passed his trail at 19, but chose to keep his lightsabre, as he had grown accustom to it, and was fond of the fact that it made him more individual. He has recently begun to study Vaapad (form VII lightsabre combat) from a Jedi holocron, which was the style that Jedi Master Mace Windu had invented, and had volunteered to go to Dorvalla when he heard of the crisis there. [B]Description:[/B] Blue skin, completely red eyes, scruffy black hair. Stands at 6'3" tall. Kain has a well developed body, though he does not look bulky. He wears deep brown Jedi robes (like Anakin in AOTC), with a black cloak over it. [B]Personality:[/B] Like most Chiss, Kain is very intelligent, and has a knack for using logic over instinct... which is why he sometimes finds it so hard to trust the force. Pragmatic and dedicated, he always displays a certain authority, but recognises his superiors...
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