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An ancient rivalry was the one between canine and feline creatures. Her pheromones that flared in his nostrils infuriated him, and he let the corners of his mouth fome with a rabid fury. A single bite, that was all it took, and she would die. Not from the bite itself... she was too strong for that, but the effect of the bite. Rabies. He was the only clone ever to be infected with it. It would kill him eventually, but the same people that had given him the disease had enhanced his antibody output, enough to hold off the disease until he was 60 or so. But by that time he would probably be dead anyway... even the clones may have killed him, before he became too much of a threat to them. Everyone knows the effects the disease can have on the mind as well as the body... It was strange in such a rivalry that the feline character would be the stronger of the two. But she had been made into a big cat... and no species of dog could compare with a wild cat in terms of strength. But what he lacked in strength, he made up for in speed. A panther such as herself was the ultimate predator in her environment. She didn't even have another breed of cat to contend with. As such, she had no need for any defensive advantages. Even her keen sight and hearing were used exclusively for attack. A wolf could be betrayed and attacked by the rest of his pack, or he could stumble across a bear, or a different pack of wolves. In any case, it was a wolves quick reflexes and agility, as well as the obvious weapons... that allowed them to survive. It was these that would help him to survive against any opponent, even one as deadly as she was. Not that it would come to that... they were both loyal soldiers, and neither were willing to risk their lives over such a simple thing. Never the less, she had won this battle... and so Xouzin turned without another word, and walked back to his patrol. It was not something he had to do, but he often patrolled the wolf caves, as did several other members of the species. They were not very partial to unwanted guests...
Xouzin walked alone in a dark corridor. The floor beneath him was damp, and it felt good between his claws. It felt almost like the trodden floor of a woodland; clean, crisp and free. Almost... Constantly he longed for the outside, the mountains and the trees... with fresh air and clean water to drink. A place he could be free. These caverns may have been suitable for insects and small rodents, but they were no place for a canine. He walked on only his hind legs... something to remind him that he was atleast part human... that a part of him was the same as the people hunting him down. Suddenly, his nostrils flared... he caught a new scent nearby. Now he did drop onto all fours, and broke into a quick jog, heading towards the source of the scent. No... two scents. He stopped, lowering his head to the ground, and picked up on their tracks. One, the first... furthest away, was loud, clumsy, unsure. The second, although closer, was almost inaudible... had he not recognised the scent, he would have treated this as a threat. It was the damn panther again. She was stalking something... that much was clear. Xouzin decided to have a look for himself. He walked quickly on all fours... no doubt she will have heard him already. There was little he could do about that. However, he kept his steps quiet enough so that the prey wouldn't so much as suspect him.
[B]Name:[/B] Xouzin [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Race:[/B] Wolf [B]Special Ability/ies:[/B] Excellent sight, hearing and smell. Sharp claws and teeth. Also, being a pack animal, he can bond with other wolves very easily, though he finds it difficult to trust other species. [B]Weapons:[/B] His claws and a rabies infested bite. [B]Bio:[/B] Xouzin has an unusually keen sense of smell even for a wolf, and was chosen as a scenter. However, being born under two wolves who were both sighters, he also tended to use his sight to help him in missions. He was often sent on long scouting missions growing up, either with a group of other wolves, or with a flying aid. On such long missions, his parents taught himto survive much like a normal wolf would. As such, he is now very adept at stealth and espionage, and has gained quite a good reputation among the elders. [B]Occupation:[/B] See Bio. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EDIT: I have, with Ben's permission, changed my character. Here is the one I'll be using from now on: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [B]Name:[/B] Xythe [pronounced Scythe] [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Race:[/B] Bat [B]Special Ability/ies:[/B] Flight, incredible hearing and smell, teeth and claws, and the ability to "hang" from ceilings. He is not blind, but can only see in black and white, like most bats. His sight is much better at night, but never the less, he uses his sonar to navigate most of the time. [B]Weapons:[/B] Claws and teeth. [B]Bio:[/B] Xythe was born to be a listener, like most bats are. He was, however, quite rebelious in his youth. Bats are the only mammals capable of flight, and as such he gained quite a feel of freedom when he was allowed to soar in the open air. He would often go off for days at a time on his own, simply enjoying the land from a bird's perspective. During these trips he learned to hunt for himself; the Vampyre bat inside him giving him an instant lust for blood. However, he matured, and has earned the elders respect for his fighting prowess and the ability to command battles from the air. Xythe is quite tall for a bat clone, he is roughly 6'6" tall. He is well built, and had 10 fingers on each hand. 5 are his usual fingers, and the other five are longer than his legs, as they are the bones in his wings (this is what most bats' fingers do). He has 3 hooped earrings in his left ear, and has a large chunk taken out of the corner of his right ear, the result of numerous battles. He also has an "X" shaped scar on his left cheek. [B]Occupation:[B] Listener...
Futurama has been my favorite animated show ever since it first started over here in the UK. I have all three season DVD's, and I can't get enough of the show. Bender is just classical, as are Farnsworth, Zoidberg, Zapp Branigan and Morbo (the news reading alien). Morbo: "Morbo can't read his cue's, I've forgotten how to pronounce that little man with a hat on..." Female newsreader: "That's a 'T'... it's pronounced 'tu'. Morbo: "Hello little man... I WILL DESTROY YOU!!!" ------------------------------------------------ Zapp: "You're the finest male specimen I've seen since my mirror got grease on it..." Zapp: "Kif, the easiest way into a girl's bed is through her parents... have sex with them and you're in." ------------------------------------------------ Zoidberg: "I'm going to get my old shell out of the dumpster... and maybe get those potato chips Amy didn't finish..." Amy: "Those were toe nail clippings!" Zoidberg: "A feast is a feast..."
Xouzin exited the vaults, waiting at the door until he was certain that the sentry had locked it securely. Then, proceeding through a series of pitch-black caverns, he made his way back to the foyer. As much satisfaction as he took from knowing his Shagress was safe... these times of calm always agitated him. Over the years he had been conditioned not to feel fear, sorrow, envy, or joy. The only emotions he had harnessed were his anger, and such other things connected to one's pride. He still, however, felt a thrill in battle. In knowing he was better than an opponent, and by proving so in a very [I]final[/I] way. With a sigh, he walked to the exit of the lair, and approached the guard standing at the door, who was looking out into the cavern ahead. [B]Xouzin:[/B] Any trouble? [B]Guard:[/B] No sir. [B]Xouzin:[/B] Shame... [B]Guard:[/B] A shame, sir? [B]Xouzin:[/B] Yes... I am quite in the mood for a fight. [B]Guard:[/B] I know what you mean sir. Xouzin nodded to the guard, and walked out into the cavern. He walked for a short distance, when he spotted a group of teens joking about in the street. All of them carried weapons, but most were crude knives or broken rapiers. One of them noticed Xouzin, and his grin faded. [B]Teen:[/B] Hey, aren't you Xouzin, one of Vondeux's guards... Already anger was beginning to course through his veins. The one thing that angered him most, was disrespect to his Shagress. [B]Xouzin:[/B] You will refer to her as Shagress Vondeux, boy. [B]Teen:[/B] Whatever... Before the teen could say anymore, Xouzin had drawn his rapier, and it was now pressed against the teens neck. Only the slightest application of pressure, and his windpipe, as well as his jugular, would be slashed. A few of the teens had drawn their... weapons, but Xouzin paid them no attention. [B]Xouzin:[/B] No, not 'whatever'. Harbor no illusions child, make me angry, and I will kill you, and all your friends. I am in no mood to put up with such insulence. [B]Teen:[/B] Okay... I-I'm sorry. Xouzin sighed. He had hoped that the boy and his friends would attack. Yes, they would die... but atleast they would have some honour. This was just cowardly. He lowered his rapier to his side, but did not sheath it. He turned his back on the group and walked away. [B]Teen:[/B] Who does he think he i- The boy did not finish his sentence... as a rapier came suddenly out of nowhere, driving through the center of his cranium. Xouzin stood motionlessely, his arm previously holding his sword now extended fully towards the boy. The boy's legs, now purged of life, gave way, as he collapsed limply, letting out his last breath. Blood streamed down his face, over his eyes, and into his gaping mouth. Xouzin waited, perfectly still, to see what the group would do. They would either charge him, or run... as he had to move into them to get his sword back anyway. Obviously not valuing their friends life all too much, they chose to run. Seeing such little pride made Xouzin feel sick. He walked slowly over to the corpse of the boy, a look of disgust still evident on his face. He ripped the rapier out through the top of the boy's skull, sending blood, chunks of bone and brain splattering across the floor. Xouzin wiped his blade clean on the boy's shirt, sheathed it, and walked away.
Karanzyr woke a few hours later, only to find Xouzin looking over him, his huge figure blocking out what little light there was to Karanzyr's body. One corner of Xouzin's moth was curled in a shallow grin, as he put a hand out to help Karanzyr up. Karanzyr accepted his hand. [B]Xouzin:[/B] It is a rare thing to see your own blood around you. [B]Karanzyr:[/B] A Shagress took a [I]distaste[/I] to me. That remark brought Xouzin, firstly, back to reality. He had thought for a moment that perhaps Karanzyr had been beaten, but the moment quickly past. Whilst Xouzin did not have the same taste for the battle arena as Karanzyr had, he was no less a swordsman. They had sparred only a few times, and on non-lethal terms, but on each occasion Karanzyr had thanked him for actually being able to push him. If Karanzyr had a weakness, it was his lust for battle. Xouzin was much more business oriented. Secondly, the remark reminded him of the reason he was there to visit Karanzyr. After pulling his friend; or as close as one could be to a friend, up, he stepped back, and looked at Karanzyr straight in the eyes. [B]Xouzin:[/B] Where is Shagress Vondeux? [B]Karanzyr:[/B] I don't know. Why? [B]Xouzin:[/B] She has... taken a leave of absense. Kelnoz contacted her recently... and she spent some time with the White Elf, in private. It was not unlike her to leave un-announced after contact from Kelnoz. No-one saw the Shagress in her house without him knowing, he prided himself on that... and over the years he had picked up on what normally happened in these meetings. No doubt this White Elf had become an object of pleasure, over the centuries there had been quite a few. But visits from Kelnoz ended up in her leaving, atleast most of the time. He knew better than to follow, if she had wanted him to come she would ask. Xouzin would not defy her, unless he felt an absolute need to... They had never felt such a need, but there was news of a demon about with a 50,000 ada bounty. This demon had killed every Shagress that had challenged it... and though none of them were at Vordeux's level, it was still slightly worrying. Karanzyr and Xouzin were almost as well renowned as Vordeux herself was, and this was where Xouzin's pride lay. He could exit a fight with so many cuts and wounds that he was more red than blue... but if the Shagress had not been harmed, that was a victory, and one he savored. He cared not for the cheer of the bloodthirsty crowd, or the ada for collecting a bounty... there was only his Shagress. [B]Karanzyr:[/B] She is on the bounty then, you suspect? Xouzin nodded slightly, looking now down at the blood-stained floor. It was not like her to go after smaller bounty's, atleast not anymore... and so whatever Kelnoz had proposed must have appealed to her tastes in some form. Nowadays, to appeal to the Shagress' tastes was to offer a lot. And as always, the amount given for a job was directly proportional to it's level of danger. [B]Xouzin:[/B] We shall speak to Kelnoz. Find out what we can. Karanzyr nodded, and the two Warriors left, on the short march to Kelnoz's quarters.
With any luck, one spot is all I'll need... [B]Name:[/B] Xouzin Do'Urden [B]Species:[/B] Drow [B]Age:[/B] 785 [B]Rank:[/B] Warrior [B]Appearance:[/B] [url]http://www.drowtales.com/galleries/Everhate/UNFINISHED.jpg[/url] [B]Weapons:[/B] Carries a drow broad sword across his back and a shorter, more curved rapier on one thigh. This smaller one is believed to be imbued with magic, though Xouzin has never confirmed this. [B]Bio:[/B] As close as what could be considered in Drow terms, Xouzin could say he "grew up" with Vondeux. Some say she took a liking to him simply as he was, but others say her interest was based on his apparent relation to the legendary Drizzt Do'Urden. Like his rumoured relation, Xouzin has mastered the fighting style Draa Velve, which combines the use of two weapons at a time, but he is also very adept with them on their own. For most of his life and ongoing, he serves Vondeux now as one of her Warriors. The red in his eyes suggests defiance or unhappyness in some form, but his dedication to his Shagress has been absolute. He takes all orders without question, though he has a knack for speaking his mind on situations. He is not sure whether his Shagress ever values his opinions, as they very rarely sway her decisions.
Although the movie was predictable, I thought it was great. Johhny Depp made me laugh with basically everything he did, from his drunken demenor to his witty one-liners. In hindsight it reminded me a lot of Bruce Cambells performance in Evil Dead 3, where everything he did was baasically hilarious... though Depp seemed to be even better. The action was good, Orlando did a nice job in his part, and the only fault was the predictable story. I don't think a soul in the theatre couldn't see what the deal was with Jack Sparrow. "Well, isn't this interesting." So, I agree with most people, Johnny Depp basically made the movie, but overall it was a great performance.
Through the entire spar, Xanko had watched Abob intently... and he was not disapointed. Picking any child as the loner at such an age was picking the loser, as their knowledge was all at a similar level. He wasn't expecting Abob to do well, he just wanted to see his drive... but to win, that was something else. He couldn't stop himself from smiling as he saw the boy figure out his path to victory, and again when it worked. It was more than strange though... Xanko had been put in the same situation at his age, and he had acted almost exactly the same. The only difference being that Xanko went on the offensive from the start, knowing he was the best combatant in his class. A very unorthodox thing was when a Jedi chose an aggresive path, but it was something Xanko admired greatly, and related to. When the Rodian boy had won his match he began pacing over to Xanko, showing off his victory. Xanko had blocked him with the force, holding him at eight feet, not even allowing him to blink. He wanted to focus on Abob as much as possible. After all, it was the only reason he had set this up. He picked up a training lightsabre off the instructor's table and began examining it, when he felt a presence. He turned, to see Abob approaching him...
Had Xanko been training all night? The mutilated bodies of many training and battle droids lay around him, his yellow sabre still alive at his side. He had hardly noticed the instructor enter the room; he was in such deep concentration. Only when the young Abob entered, did he slip out of his focus. [B]Instructor:[/B] Master Xanko, anymore of your all-night training sessions, and we shall be out of droids altogether. [B]Xanko:[/B] I apologise, I didn't realise I had been training for so long. [B]Instructor:[/B] Well, I'm afraid you'll have to leave now, as the younglings are coming in for their lesson. Xanko allowed his eyes to fix upon the young Abob, who seemed at a slight unease as he stood in the corner. Something troubled him; that much was clear. Xanko decided not to pry inside his mind, as it was best for Abob to tell someone. [B]Xanko:[/B] Actually, would you mind if I stayed and watched the lesson? [B]Instructor:[/B] You're welcome to, if you clean up that mess you made. [B]Xanko:[/B] Very well. Abob! [B]Abob:[/B] ...Me? [B]Xanko:[/B] Yes, come help me clean this up. Cautiosly, Abob approached the Zabrak Knight. Most of the younglings had known of Xanko, but most had very little contact with him due to his less than welcoming appearence. Abob walked upto Xanko, and Xanko moved quickly over to the metal scrap in one corner of the room. Abob walked over to a smaller piece, and bent down to pick it up... [B]Xanko:[/B] No! Abob rose; confused, and looked at Xanko. It was interesting, there was no sign of fear in his face. [B]Xanko:[/B] Not with your hands. Use the force. Abob nodded, then turned his attention back towards the metal. Xanko was going to use this opportunity to test the young Omwati again; he wanted to know as much as possible about his abilities. Abob raised his hand, and one of the larger pieces of scrap raised quickly off the floor. Xanko was impressed; for a boy his age, that was quite a feat. Xanko kept both hands behind his back, and suddenly, three droids that were complete apart from single stab wounds, raised up infront of him. Abob looked over, the Zabrak didn't even seem to be trying. Once all the scrap had been removed, Abob bowed to the Zabrak, and he returned the bow. Abob then turned and walked back to the instructor, who was almost ready to start the class. Xanko walked upto the instructor's side, whispered something into his ear, and then moved to the back of the dome. The instructor mused over what Xanko had said to him for a while, and then looked up at the group. [B]Instructor:[/B] Younglings... I'm afraid I have some pressing business to attend to. As such, Master Xanko will be teaching your lesson. Do not fear, he is more than capable.
Both Xanko and Lucas had been watching the youngling spars with interest. Whereas Xanko watched and kept a keen eye on those that shon, Lucas seemed to show more concern for those who were lacking. Xanko pinpointed it down to a difference in their personalities, as Lucas displayed a lot more care for things than Xanko did. Xanko imagined it was something he would learn in time... Now, he and Lucas walked along an empty corridor on the Chu'unthor... and Lucas could clearly see Xanko contemplating. He was staring at the floor a few seet ahead of him, a weak smile formed at the corner of his lips. [B]Lucas:[/B] What's on your mind Xanko? [B]Xanko:[/B] The boy Abob... he impressed me today. [B]Lucas:[/B] You did not see his actions as petty? [B]Xanko:[/B] Not at all. All I saw was a desire to win, to impress. That is something I can relate to. [B]Lucas:[/B] Why do I sense your intentions run deeper than you are suggesting? [B]Xanko:[/B] My mind is open to you master. I was pondering if I could possibly take Abob as my first Padawan when he turns fourteen. [B]Lucas:[/B] Ah... well that would certainly be interesting. [B]Xanko:[/B] Interesting? [B]Lucas:[/B] Yes. He is a lot like you Xanko; he is one of the most gifted in his class, and has great commitment and desire. He often reminds me of you... though he was never as isolated as you were. You have been a Knight for almost a year now, and you have not taken a Padawan as of yet. Why now? [B]Xanko:[/B] I was waiting until I found the right student. I believe that search has ended... [B]Lucas:[/B] I see. Your realize that becoming a mentor will require a great degree of lenience on your part. Remember your first years as a Padawan? If you are a harsh teacher, then the child will not respond to you. However, they must also feel as if they are being pushed, or you will not gain their respect. [B]Xanko:[/B] I understand master. But I feel as if I am ready. [B]Lucas:[/B] Well, I suppose we shall see... there are still nine months before Abob is able to become a Padawan. See how you feel then. [B]Xanko:[/B] I shall not change my mind... [B]Lucas:[/B] No... I know you too well to even concept that. In that case, perhaps a talk with Abob would be beneficial, to see how he feels about it. [B]Xanko:[/B] Yes master. If you'll excuse me. [B]Lucas:[/B] Where are you going? [B]Xanko:[/B] All that sparring has given me a thirst. I think I shall go and train for a while.
[B]Name:[/B] Xanko Elg'Hasek [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Species:[/B] Zabrak [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Jedi Status:[/B] Knight [B]Weapon:[/B] Lightsabre; yellow bladed [B]Other Possessions:[/B] None [B]Description:[/B] Xanko is roughly 6'2" in height. His eyes are a vortex of blood red and yellow, and a crown of horns top his head as they do to all his race. To show his commitment to the Jedi, he recently had his entire body covered with Jedi marks and symbols of red and black (you guessed it, to make him look like Maul). He wears black Jedi garments with a large cloak over them of dark brown. His body is of average size, but he is in excellent physical condition, with each muscle clearly defined and complimented by the curves of his many tatooes. [B]Biography:[/B] Xanko was found by the Jedi at a young age and taken in just like most. Like most of his race, his commitment and desire made him excel in most areas, especially physical combat. Xanko always remained extremely healthy, and found it especially easy to channel the force into developing his sabre techniques and physical feats rather than using it as a seperate ally. As such, not one of his peers could keep up with his physical development, or his deftness, speed and skill with a lightsabre. However, his knowledge of the force remained much more mediocre. This caused some problems between Xanko and his former master, who believed much more in knowledge rather than power. As such, he also believed Xanko to be a danger, as his desire would often borderline on him becoming aggresive and angry. This was backed when Xanko chose his lightsabre crystals, and he made his yellow; the crystals of which are said to be very powerful and used to show strength. Xanko's master was hesitant to allow him to take the final trails, as he still felt him too much of a threat to the order. However, eventually his master could delay no longer, and, as the master feared, Xanko passed his trail with ease. He was now out on his own, free to pursue his quest for strength, unhindered by borders of guidance and superiority. As a promise that Xanko would remain true though, he had Jedi markings tatooed all over his body as a promise that he would not stray. Most say though, that the markings give him a far more demonic and intimidating appearence that he had before. I hope this is all fine Mr Fett.
[B]What genre of music do you listen to?[/B] Metal and Punk mostly [B]What are your favorite bands?[/B] Well, lets see now... Greenday are #1. I also like Metallica, Iron Maiden, Disturbed, Finch, Simple Plan, Blink 182, Papa Roach, Adema, KoRn, the Offspring, Goldfinger, Rammstein, SOAD, Black Sabbath, Slayer, Good Charlotte, Sum 41, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones, American Hi-Fi, Spunge, Hundred Reasons, A, Reel Big Fish, Less Than Jake, Godsmack and Drowning Pool to name basically everyone I can remember right now. [B]Why do you like them[/B] They make my ears happy...
I love the new album. Obviously it has a different sound, and it may sound screwed up to some people, but I think this new album came more naturally to them than any of their albums since the Black Album. Just listen to the way the songs sound... just natural. With Load and Reload it almost seemed as if they were forcing songs out just to try and keep up with the Black Album. You can almost feel with this album that the songs mean something to them. Take "Frantic" for instance, it wouldn't take a genuis to figure out that this is about James' struggle to overcome alcohol. It seems to me that this is the sort of thing they would always have written if Jason had had more of an input... kind of ironic again. Also, St.Anger is certainly not a crappy Nu Metal CD, as anyone who's listened to it will know. Metallica could write better songs than Linkin Park and all their rip-off's in their sleep. To summarise, I was pleasently surprised by the new album, reminds me of a non-squeky version of Kill 'em all...
Hopefully I can still sign up even at such a late stage. [B]Name:[/B] Craig Logan [B]Age:[/B] 16 [B]Hometown:[/B] Staleport City [B]Appearance:[/B] 6'2", hazel eyes, scruffy black hair. Craig wears a black vest, jeans and army boots. Also wears fingerless leather gloves. On his left shoulder/upper arm is a tatoo of a roaring dragon... (just like in real life) [B]Bio:[/B] Craig was very fond of dogs ever since he was born. He took great interest in the tales of the Legendary Dogs of Johto, and found a love for other dog pokemon. As such, when he became a trainer and left on his journey, he vowed only to train dog pokemon. Although he only has two pokemon at the present time, they are boh quite strong, and have won many battles. [B]Pokémon:[/B] Arcanine, Houndoom.
Can everyone please stop trying to control the storyline. We are going to a meeting, a meeting that contributes to future events in the storyline. But now that all has to be altered... ---------------------------------------------- Frost's phone rang again, and he dropped his sniper rifle, and answered the phone. [B]GT:[/B] Clash has been nabbed by an agent. [B]Frost:[/B] Well, where is he? [B]GT:[/B] He's in a Police Training Facility, on the top floor... [B]Frost:[/B] So what about the meeting? [B]GT:[/B] I dunno, it's your call capt'n. [B]Frost:[/B] Alright, tell Pyro he's in charge, send them all over to get Clash. I'll get to the meeting. [B]GT:[/B] Right you are capt'n. Phone me when you need an exit... Frost turned his phone off, and scanned the rooftops, loooking for the best route. Deciding, he turned, and ran backwards, jumping off the edge of the roof, onto a fire escape across the road, he slid down the ladder, into a side-alleyway. There was a fence behind him, he turned, and ran towards the wall next to it. He pressed on foot on the wall, then another, then a final one before side-flipping over the fence in a near-ark. This was the only path he knew of that was not being watched, or so GT had said. He walked around the corner now, and before him lay the entrance to the bar. He walked upto it, and knocked on the door. A small slot, just below Frost's eye level opened, and someone looked up at him. [B]???:[/B] Password? [B]Frost:[/B] Raven... The slot in the door was closed, and then the door itself opened. Frost rushed quickly inside, and the door was shut behind him. He was lead down a set of steps, into a pool room. There were many people waiting there, the most noticable of which was Captain Niobe, who had taken a leading role since Morpheus' death. [B]Niobe:[/B] Nice of you to make it. Where's your crew? [B]Frost:[/B] They are indisposed. Lets get this moving along, shall we... I don't have all day.
Bullets flew around Frost as he landed, striking the sniper through the back with his katana. Leaving his sword in the sniper, he leapt in a turning motion, and struck one of the guards in the side of the jaw with the clean side of his foot. He landed, turning to the other guard, who tried to strike him with his fist. Frost blocked, pulled his arm downwards, then, with Frost's free arm, he slammed into the guards elbow, bending his arm completely the wrong way. Then, with that same arm he delivered a swift shop the the front of the guards chest. The first guard was back on his feet by now. Frost grabbed his sword upside down so he was holding it like a dagger. He spun, holding his sword out horizontally. As the guard got to one knee, he was decapitated. Frost then began moving to his next target, slamming his sword through the floored body of the second guard as he did so. The gap between the other roof was not so big. Frost drew his Uzi's, and went into a straight, spinning dive over the gap, releasing bullet after bullet as he did so. As a bullet ripped through the snipers temple, he fell limply down as blood and brains squirted out the other side of his head. Two more bullets struck a guard in the hip and upper leg. He collapsed, unable to stand any longer. The last guard remained untouched as Frost landed. Frost landed into a Judo roll, and straight after leaped upwards into a somersault, heading straight towards the remaining guard. He extended both feet, striking the guard hard in the chest, sending him twenty feet backwards, stright over the edge of the roof. Then, Frost approached the first guard, stamping hard on his neck, collapsing the guards windpipe as he begged for his life. Frost picked up his phone, and rang GT. It didn't even ring once before he answered. [B]GT:[/B] Operator... [B]Frost:[/B] What's the situation? [B]GT:[/B] Fine so far capt'n. One group's made it to the meeting point, the others are busy dealing with their groups. No casualties so far. Wait... [B]Frost:[/B] What, what is it? [B]GT:[/B] I'm not sure... some symbols I've never seen before. Keep a look out capt'n. Frost put his phone away, and jumped back over to the first roof to get his sword. Then, he grabbed the sniper rifle from the arms of the sniper's corpse, and moved to the roof edge. He began to give his crew covering fire.
The falling sensation stopped once more as the white infinity was swallowed into the same glum room they always dropped through. Bleak walls, broken windows, a single table with a phone on it. The captain, Frost, walked upto the phone as it rang, just as always. He picked it up slowly, and placed it to his ear. [B]Frost:[/B] We're in... [B]GT:[/B] Okay captain, you've got about twenty minutes to get to the meeting point. [B]Frost:[/B] No problem. Frost put the phone down, and turned to the rest of his group, who were all waiting eagerly. Slowly, yet confidently, he took a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket and put them over his eyes. [B]Frost:[/B] You know the situation. Since our sewer meeting place was found, we've had to pick a new one. So, we've chosen an abandoned bar not far from here called O'Neills. Problem is, the Agents seem to have targetted any place we might meet up, and so there are SWAT teams all over the place. So, here's how it's going to work. Each ship has been assigned to take out a particular SWAT team, which will buy us more time in the meeting before the Agents find out what's going on. Logically, since we're on of the bigger crews, we get stuck with the biggest area to cover. We cause a distraction, forcing them away from the meeting place, then we eliminate them. Anyone got a problem with that? Everyone was silent, with occasional shaking of the head. [B]Frost:[/B] Good. Lets move then people. Frost marched off towards the only door, Pyro following, then the rest of the group. Frost clicked open the door, wich lead down a small set of steps, into an alleyway. There were two ways to go, left, or right. The bar was to the right. [B]Frost:[/B] Blade, Priest... come with me. Pyro, lead the rest of them left to the park. Pyro nodded, he knew what was waiting for them there. He walked quickly away, the more experienced members following him directly, the others more hesitantly. Frost reached up with his left hand, and grabbed the hilt of the katana on his back. [B]Priest:[/B] Where we going boss? [B]Frost:[/B] We're going to take out the snipers and roof patrols. We have to take out the snipers guarding the park before the group gets there. Frost suddenly burst into a run towards the other side of the alleyway, towards a barricaded door. He leapt into the air, rocketing forward like a bullet, left leg extended. He hit the door head on, the force of impact allowing him to break straight through it. As GT had told him, they would be right next to a stair case leading to the rooves. They got to the roof door with no problems. Frost opened it cautiosly and silently. He motioned for the other to stay. They were all there, covering the park from all angles. Every sniper had two guards, making a total of 15 men on the rooftops. Frost walked back in to the others. [B]Frost:[/B] There's five snipers, two guards each. That's fifteen men. I'll take out the two groups on the far side, you two cover the nearest three. [B]Blade:[/B] No problem. Frost nodded and gave a hint of a grin, an almost brash grin, then he turned and went in full sprint towards the edge of the roof. One guard spotted him as he went and started shooting, but Frost moved to quickly. He reached the edge of the roof and pushed off into a leap, out over a busy New York street. Blade and Priest charge out towards the nearby sentries. In mid-flight Frost was already drawing his katana. His jump would take him directly into one of the groups. The fun, was about to begin.
Okay, the acceptants are as follows: [B]Captain:[/B] Frost (Me...) [B]Mechanic:[/B] Blade (Gohan) , Priest (Outcast) [B]Pilot:[/B] Clash (Schrat) , Pheonix (Sage) [B]Gunner:[/B] Pyro (Quicksilver) , Doom (GunMetal) [B]Electrician:[/B] Kinetic (Braidless Baka) [B]Operator:[/B] Blade (JJRiddler) My apologies to those who weren't chosen. Now, just a few things before we get started: Firstly, JJRiddler, you do realise that you will not be able to go into the Matrix? You will play a role like Tank in the first movie, where you act as a guide from the ship and get us out when needed. Also, either JJRiddler or Gohan will have to change their codename, we can't have two people named Blade... The RPG should be up soon, so be patient and happy hunting.
I said I needed two mechanics anyway. Also, if I get more than the required spots I will be picking the best ones, just to warn everyone.
They took Seifer onto the Jet and removed... the lampost, and sat Seifer down in the back, once the door was sealed. Craig was crouched opposite him on a chair, inspecting him, it seemed. [B]Seifer:[/B] So buddy, what's with the fur? [B]Craig:[/B] I vas born zis way mein freund. [B]Seifer:[/B] A German... figures. [B]Craig:[/B] Atleast now I haf someone that can challenge me in ze Danger Room. [B]Seifer:[/B] Why, that can't touch you either huh? [B]Craig:[/B] Nein. [B]Seifer:[/B] Why's that... just 'cause you can port like that, doesn't mean you have good reflexes... [B]Craig:[/B] Ze Proffesor says I haf "spacial avareness". I can sense things around me. It is vhat stops me porting into a vall ja? [B]Seifer:[/B] Ugh... sure, why not.
[I]It was all starting to go our way. The War was turning in the humans favor, finally; and all thanks to the One. The Agents had nothing against him, which is more than could be said for the rest of us. He was the Ace card, but, unfortunately, he was the only Ace card.[/I] While Neo was untouchable in the Matrix, outside, he was just like the others. The problem they had was, he could be anywhere. So, the machines started developing the program for the Matrix. It could read and capture the electrical signature of anyone who logged in from the Real World, then match that signature to a point. It worked at the very first trail, but because they were force to scan worldwide, the area over which it picked up was quite large. Through every hack they pinpointed it to a greater degree, the humans oblivious to this, as the trackers were implemented in squiddies, the most mass produces machines patrolling the Real World. Eventually, the signature was pinpointed to a single ship, the Nebucaneza. They tracked it for some time, making sure the One was aboard. After they were sure, a massive strike was launched against the Squiddies. The ship's EMP blast held them off for a while, but eventually the bombardment was too much from the ship and it's crew. Neo, Morpheus, Trinity and Tank fell to their doom, in much the same fashion as the Osiris. This came as a great blow to the human race. Not only had they lost Neo, but the great Morpheus had also fallen. Still, the humans had no choice but to struggle on, but now, they had to find a different means to fight the Agents. They found out how the machines managed to get to Neo, and this gave them an idea. If the Agents did not simply exist in the Matrix, it stood to reason that they would have to be input from a suitable position. So now, the humans have to find those places, and destroy them as quickly as possible. All available humans have been told to meet in a safe house called the Black Petal, where they can plan their first move against the Agents. --------------------------------------------------------------- This is an alternate story (obviously) set in between Final Flight of the Osiris and the Matrix Reloaded. Everyone will be aboard a ship called the Whistler, and here are the positions available: Captain Mechanic (2) Pilot (2) Gunner (2) [the men/women who would, normally, be the first choice to use the ship?s guns upon attack.] Electrician Operator (Whoever chooses this will not be able to log into the Matrix. If no one chooses it, the position will be played by an NPC.) Here?s what you need in your sign-up: Name: Codename: Position: (On the ship, listed above.) Age: Height: Bio: Description: Time Awake: (How long ago since you were woken from the Matrix. Remember, no-ones can be longer than the captain's.) Weapon preferences: -------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Craig Logan [B]Codename:[/B] Frost [B]Position:[/B] Captain [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Height:[/B] 6'3" [B]Bio:[/B] Craig was the star Linebacker in his College football team when he, and his best friend Dave Morgan were approached by a man called Morpheus. Throughout their lives, they had shared a mutual interest in a question, "What is the Matrix?" This Morpheus was prepared to give them answers, and so they took their pills and said bye-bye to everything they knew. Since then, they had been fighting alongside Morpheus, aboard the Nebucaneza. However, shortly before Neo joined Morpheus, the two left, and crafted their own ship, called the Whistler. They were still closely affiliated with Morpheus, any people he woke that weren't happy on his ship, he immediately offered to the Whistler. Craig and David, now under the named Frost and Pyro, accepted anyone, quickly wanting to make up a decent crew. Since Morpheus died, Frost and his crew have played quite a big part in the plot against the Agents. Their desire for vengeance is great indeed. [B]Description:[/B] Craig has hazel eyes and spikey black hair. Just like in the Real World, he has a scar that cuts vertically down over the left side of his face, going straight through the eye socket, though the eye itself is fine. He wears a black leather jacket, black leather trousers, a clean white vest, and black US army boots. He also has a dog-tag around his neck that says simply "Frost". [B]Time Awake:[/B] 5 years, 2 months, 13 days. [B]Weapon preferences:[/B] Katana - A katana he designed, made customely for his size and build. His favorite weapon. Craig is by far the most profficient of the group with blades. Indeed it is said that his skills with a blade are equal to that or Morpheus. Twin Uzi's - Submachine guns, Frost's favorite form of gun. Twin P229 Automatic pistols - Good all round performance; 18 rounds per clip.
[I]They were after him again. He was running, and had been running for miles now, but they did not relent. Looking back, all he could see were balls of flame, illuminated faces, and shouts of "Boser! Boser!", the German word for demon. With a single scream of "No!!!", he fell again...[/I] The fall was not in his dream. Craig had woken, because he had fallen from his place on the ceiling. Inches from the floor, Craig dissapeared with a bang and a cloud of ash. Appearing again three feet away, above his bed, he landed, crashing into something soft rather than the floor. Craig got back upto his feet, his eyes quickly focusing to the darkness, a pitch blackness that would blind anyone else, besiades Logan maybe. Feeling in need of a drink, Craig ported away. Just as Andrew had finished drinking his water, he heard a quiet bang from behind him. Turning around, he saw the feral, blue furred German resident affectionately called Nightcrawler. [B]Andrew:[/B] Hey... [B]Craig:[/B] Die GruBe mein freund. Over the past few months the other residents had been forced to get used to Craig's half-English, half-German dialect. He was trying his best to adapt, but a lot of German crept through in his sentences more than he would like. [B]Andrew:[/B] Why are you down here? [B]Craig:[/B] I am... ugh, thirsty. [B]Andrew:[/B] Allow me. A can of Pepsi from the cabinet suddenly lifted from it's place and flew towards Craig. It stopped, and hung before him. Craig wrapped his tail around it with a comfotable grip. [B]Craig:[/B] Danké. With that, Craig ported away once more, and Andrew was left alone to walk back to his room.
I wondered where I recognised that from... Also, my "alliance" was already up. It is Jedi.
[B]Name:[/B] Craig Myxaterith [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Race:[/B] Zagrat (Darth Maul's race) [B]Side:[/B] Jedi [B]Lightsabre:[/B] Twin yellow blades; same as always. [B]Style:[/B] Craig has his own, custom style which he has worked on since he was about 12. This style involves the use of both his lightsabres, and is a very aggresive form of combat. It is, in essense, the very opposite of Obi-Wan's form 3 combat. As such, it strays perilously close to the Sith form of combat, and in the beginning Craig found it very difficult to surpress the aggression in his style. However, now he is one of the most revered Jedi, even at his young age; famous among their ranks for being the first Jedi to build a style strictly using two lightsabres. He is also one of the most adapt Jedi in hand-to-hand combat. [B]History:[/B] Craig was, like all his people, born on Ithorian. He was found by the Jedi and taken in as per usual. Normally, the natural athleticism of his people would have given him an advantage in combat, but instead, Craig found that he was easily able to use the force in order to move himself. Thus, his style of fighting and movement in general became very focused on speed. This is the main reason that lead him into fighting with two lightsabres instead of one, and he chose the yellow crystals for his sabre because they weigh the most, which allowed for better rythym and momentum during a fight. However, once he passed the trails to become a knight, he turned into a rogue. He would leave without notice, and be gone for months. Once, he returned back to the temple, his body covered with red and black Jedi marks; he had been tatooed from head to toe. However, his stance with the Jedi remains strong, and he continues to fight firmly on their side. [B]Appearance:[/B] Because of his race and tatooed body, he looks exactly like Darth Maul. He wears black Jedi robes under a deep grey cloak, and his hands have black gloves on them also. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig is quiet and docile, standing up to his reputation of rogue and loner. Though he respects all Jedi, he is friendly with very few of them. Most people find him hard to approach, either because of his personality or his demonic appearence.