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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Yoda

    X-Men: Undivided

    [B]Name:[/B] Craig Wagner [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Mutant powers:[/B] Craig can teleport himself, his clothes and a certain amount of additional mass. Craig's backdone is flexible, allowing him to permenantly crouch without back pain and perform acrobatic feats. His tail is able to support his weight, and is dextrous enough to grab things, and even fight with. Craig can adhere to walls via his hands and feet. Craig has enhanced smell and hearing, and can see perfectly in the dark. Craig's body, because of his fur, becomes completely transparent in the dark. [B]Mutant name:[/B] Nightcrawler [B]Aliance:[/B] Xavier [B]Bio:[/B] Craig knows nothing of his real parents, but his foster parents found him on a riverside when he was just a baby. His parents were both German circus folk, and took him on tour with them around Germany. Normally, Craig's appearence would have been somewhat of an issue, but it wasn't that big a deal, it being the circus and all. Though Craig's teleporting ability didn't appear until puberty, his other powers had been with him since birth. So, with his acrobatic agility and his tail, he soon became a higlight in the circus as a great trapeze artist. He was given the showname "The Spectacular Nightcrawler". He was an instant hit, the spectators believing that he was a boy in a suit, they didn't even comprehend that he could actually look the way he did. Because of his gifts, he naturally got a lot of attention from people, which led to jealousy amongst his peers. When his power of teleportation appeared at 14, another circus boy named Hans attacked Craig is a jealous frenzy. In the fight that ensued, Craig killed Hans, and was banished from the circus. Outside, he was treated as a freak and a monster, and he was on the run for over a year before he was approached by Professor Xavier and taken into his school for the gifted. [B]Appearance:[/B] Craig is about 6'2" tall, and has black spikey hair. His eyes are completely yellow, and he does not seem to posses any iris' or pupil's. Fine navy blue fur covers his entire body. His canine teeth have been enlarged, like a dogs, giving him fangs. He has three fingers on each hand, and two toes on each foot. He also has a 3.5 foot prehensile tail which can support his weight.
  2. Ralvenar sat in silence, in a place that he had crafted, and was now tediously familiar to him. He had made this small trench months ago, at the tip of a ravine that overlooked a path to Puchiguso Pete's. He has positioned the trench quite close to the nearest village, adequately named "Puchiguso Way". It was at about the half-way point between Azure City and Pete's Farm, but it was quite a way off to the West. Ralvenar knew from experience that newbies who weren't actually strong enough to get to Pete's would go this way, logic telling them that it would be the safest route. Ralvenar waited here, because he knew otherwise. This was Ralvenar's main source of income. He would wait for a small party of newbies, or a single, brave one to pass. He would fake an ambush, proving to the players that they could be killed quite easily, and then offer them protection to Pete's. After the scare he gave them, most were very willing to accept. However, the last few hours had been pretty quiet. Only one person has passed, about an hour ago, a large Knight with a Scythe to match his physique. Ralvenar knew this man could easily make it to the farm, and an ambush to a knight that walked so confidently, would only risk a fight. On such a trecherous path, he knew that neither player would want that. Although Ralvenar had walked this path many times, he had never actually been into the Farm itself. Each time he had been employed as an escort, he would take them to the Farm's boundaries, take his fee, and leave. Often, the newbies would attempt to cheat him and skip the fee, which only resulted in them spending several days recovering at Puchiguso Pete's, stripped now of all their money instead of just the required fee. This had earned Ralvenar quite a few enemies, but that was something he had to deal with. Ralvenar was starting to wonder if it was finally time for him to commit himself to a party. Throughout his time in Azure Sea he had been a loner, quite the contrary to his real life, because, for some reason, he felt it difficult to approach anyone within the game, it made him feel almost false. This was something he would have to overcome if he wished to progress further within Azure Sea.
  3. [I]Category One: Your Online Character[/I] [B]Name:[/B] Ralvenar [B]Character Base/Type:[/B] Sky Runner [B]Weapon/s:[/B] A long bow with a 30 arrow quiver, and a curved dagger. [B]Appearance:[/B] Ralvenar has grey eyes and shoulder length, dirty brown hair. He always wears a hooded shirt, which shadows most of his face, but gives his eyes an almost demonic glow. Underneath his shirt he wears studded leather armour, which can only be seen at the tips on his upper arms, and at the base of his neck, otherwise it is covered by the shirt. The shirt has short sleeves, which look as if the sleeves were cut as they possess a very tattered appearence. He also has a strong tape wrapped around his hands, but not his fingers, and coming half way up his forearms (much like boxers have under their gloves). He wears dark grey trousers which are stained with mud, and hard leather boots, very worn and also drenched in dry mud. He has a leather strap and sheath around his waist that holds his dagger, and a strap that comes over his chest and around his waist, which is used to hold his bow and quiver. Many who see him deem him to be a wanderer, or a thief. [B]Sex:[/B] Male [I]Category Two: Your Real Life Character[/I] [B]Name:[/B] Craig Burke [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Occupation:[/B] Proffesional rugby player [B]Location:[/B] Pontypridd, Wales [B]Biography:[/B] Craig was born into a very sport-orientated family. His father had played rugby for years, representing both Cardiff and Wales at the proffesional as an Open-side flanker. So, Craig was also pushed in that direction. Craig began training, though lightly, with his father when he was four, where he learnt very basic skills like passing the ball, running with the ball and kicking. At the age of 8 he joined his hometown's side, Abercynon Under 10's. He played with them at the Outside Half position until he was 14, upon which time he was spotted, very luckily, by a Pontypridd scout. He was brought into the Pontypridd Youth, where he began to train with them. Craig possesed a lot of natural flare and ability, but the high degree of discipline they put on him wavered his interests. He started playing computer games and reading books, finding particular interest in the world famous book "The Lord of the Rings". By the age of 16, he had already read the book three times. At the end of Craig's 11th year in school, he had two choices, either to stay on into the 6th-form, or leave school and focus on his rugby career... with the hopes of making it proffesionally. He had almost made up his mind to stay on, but his cpach at Pontypridd promised him that if he stayed with them, and drew all his attentions to rugby, he had the potential to be the best outside-half in the Country. So, Craig left school, and started playing for Pontypridd Under 21's at the Semi-proffesional level. This gave him much more free-time to pursue other interests. A year later, when Pontypridd's second choice Outside-half Neil Jenkins finally retired, Craig was given his chance, and was brought up into the First team to work under Ponty's other young, but very experienced and talented Outside-half Ceri Sweeney. He renewed his rugby contract, now a fully proffesional player, on a very handsome salary. His family threw a giant celebration because of this, and amongst his presents was a copy of [I]Azure Sea[/I]. He played it, having heard about it's excellent reputation from other young members of his rugby team. Soon, he found himself drawn into the game, and he plays as frequently as he can. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig is very competitive, which has sprouted from playing sport, and he gets very frustrated and angry when things don't go his way. However, at most times he is quite light-hearted and enjoys life as much as he can. [B]Interests:[/B] Playing rugby (obviously), reading, drawing, computer games and music.
  4. Stryder stood atop the Guardians tower, looking out over the edge, onto the world below, of which he was the protector. There was a heavy wind, but hs Guardian cloak blew only slightly, a sure sign that it was weighted. His assistant, a half-dog/half-man creature named Lock, was, as usual, tending to his flower-bed. Stryder turned to him. [B]Stryder:[/B] You know, I can sense something strange. [B]Lock:[/B] Well, the World Tournament is on now, maybe it's all that combined power you feel. [B]Stryder:[/B] No... it's not that. A shadow of a threat has been growing in my mind for some time. Something draws near... So, Stryder turned and went back to his watch, paying particular attention to the World Tournament. He wanted to see how good Earth's warriors were shaping up.
  5. [B]Name:[/B] Stryder [B]Bio:[/B] Stryder is the only Namek alive on Planet Earth, and, following the recent tradition, is it's guardian. As such, he has had access to much more advanced training facilities than anyone else alive, such as the scenario room (the room Krillen and co. went into before Nappa and Vegeta arrived where they fought two saiyans on Planet Vegeta). He has also tried to go into the Room of Spirit and Time, but so far has ony managed to spend about a week in there. He has a surprising level of ki control, most of which he focuses into his speed. Until Buu arrived, he was the fastest creature on the Planet. Of course, he doesn't know about Buu, so in his mind he still is. He also has the healing abilities of Dende, or whom he is a descendant. [B]Description:[/B] He looks just like Piccolo, but his suit is black instead of purple. He also wears a cloak like Kami's over his suit when not fighting, the cloak that signifies he is the guardian of Earth. (Notice that both Kami and the Dende wore the exact same cloak's when they were Earth's Guardians?) [B]Pesonality:[/B] Calm, down to Earth, very rational, but has a short temper, and is not quick to trust anyone.
  6. [B]Name:[/B] Craig Logan [B]Codename:[/B] Napalm [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Height:[/B] 6'6" [B]Appearance:[/B] Craig has hazel eyes, and is completely bald. He is however, quite rugged about his chin and cheeks. He is muscular and well defined, but looks tall rather than big. He has various battle scars, the biggest one being a large diagonal scar across his chest caused by a bullet skimming almost perfectly along his upper body. He wears a black muscle vest, black pants, black boots [US army edition] and black fingerless gloves. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig is somewhat light-hearted and enjoys a joke, but is often quick to anger and probably the first of the group to rush into a fight, often foolishly. He is also very protective of his team. [B]Preferred Gear:[/B] [I]Dual Beretta 9mm - 92FS's;[/I] Light and accurate, but they pack one hell of a punch. 15 rounds per clip. [I]Remington Flip action shotgun;[/I] Single barrel, sawn off, reloaded by 'cocking' the metal piece infront of the handle. [I]Dual MP5's;[/I] Standard army edition MP5's, fully automatic, 60 rounds per clip. [I]Double-edged sword;[/I] Long and thin like a Katana, but it isnot curved, and it serrated on both sides. [This Blade's sword in "Blade II"]
  7. [I]A voice suddenly broke out across Marth's comm. It was his explosives expert Craig.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Yo boss... we blowin' this place? [B]Marth:[/B] We sure are marine, gotta' let you have a little fun. Set it up, I want the place levelled. [B]Craig:[/B] Yessir! [I]Cutting off the comm., Craig took the cigarette out of his mouth and blew the smoke from his nose. Then, popping the ciggarette back in his mouth, he pulled out a packet of C4-Semtex from his pack. He was at the centre of the compound, and, following his tradition, would set up heavy explosives at the central bulkhead, and then a lesser amount on each of the adjacent walls. He rested the first pack of exmplosives against the bulkhead, and jabbed the ignition sticks into it. He then pulled out three more packs, setting them up on each side of the rectangular bulkhead. Then, he pulled out two remote mines for good measure, and attatched them to opposite sides of the bulkhead.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Ain't nothing gonna' be left of this place when I'm finished wit' it.
  8. Yoda


    [B]Craig:[/B] Shít, ain't no one around no more Munch. Well, mebbe there is, but all they hav'ta do is stand quietly 'cross the street an' I won' notice them. How 'bout you boy, what you see? [I]Munch sniffed anxiously forward, and suddenly his ears picked up. Had he picked up on a scent? Immediately his nose fell to the ground, and he sniffed furiously at the floor, and again stopped dead, nose pressed to the tarmac. Then, turning to Craig, he let out a single bark.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Looks like you got summ'n. Well, you ain't never let me down before boy, but mebbe we leave a trail so we can find our way back, non? [I]Reaching into his pocket, Craig pulled out one of his packs of cards. He opened the pack and pulled out a single card. Craig grinned, it was the Ace of Spades. He helt it above his head... it didn't move. Good, that meant there was no wind. He placed the card face up on the sidewalk before his feet.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Okay monáme, lead 'de way. [I]Munch pressed on, nose constantly pressed to the ground, Craig following him less than a pace behind. Every few steps, he placed another card down on the sidewalk, leaving a distinct trail for him to backtrack from... or for someone to follow.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Wherever Neil at... I hope he's a'ight.
  9. [B]Name:[/B] Craig Logan [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Description:[/B] 6'2", hazel eyes, scruffy black hair. His face has quite heavy stubble, though it isn't long enough to be considered facial hair. He wears a blue bandana acround his forehead, tied in a knot at the back. His features are more rough and rugged than handsome, but he seems to be attractive to the opposite sex. [B]Speciality:[/B] Explosives expert. [B]Weapons and Armor:[/B] ST-30K Attached-Grenade launcher Magazine fed Rifle C4-Semtex; 5 packs. 12 Claymore mines. 15 Remote mines. A remote detonator. B4-3T Standard combat armor.
  10. [I]Craig was beginning to get tired. He had no chronological instrument with him, either on his person or in the brig with him, but he guessed that his last three "water stops" had been missed. He was beginning to get very dehidrated and weak, almost to the point of collapse. Worse still, he was handcuffed by his right arm to a horizontal bar on the wall, and so was forced to stand, unless he fancied ripping his arm off. Even though he was handcuffed, and had a wall to rest against, he was beginnig to sway on his feet. He decided to try and get someone's attention.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] I need water! I know someone's out there, I ne-- [I]Craig was suddenly thrown wildly off balance as the entire ship jolted forward, as if it had collided with something. He hit the wall hard with his lower back, winding him quite badly. He fell to his knees, clutching his side, and breathing hard. His breath came in short stabs for a little while, but soon began to return to normal, and his heart rate slowed somewhat. It was then he realised, the bar chaining him to the wall had snapped, and he had been cut loose. He still had the handcuffs attatched to his right arm though... but that wasn't a problem. He staggered slowly over to the door, loosing his balance towards the end and literally falling into it, shoulder first. He was incredibly weak at the moment. He was amazed suddenly to see that the door had budged open a few inches... it wasn't even locked. He pushed against it once more, it wasn't locked, but something was pressed against it, as he was struggling greatly to move it even at all. He pressed his left shoulder against it, and braced his right hand infront of his face, and... with all his remaining strength, began to push frantically. Inch by inch, centimetre by centimetre, the door slid open. As soon as it had opened enough, he slid through the gap, and saw what was blocking it. The body of the guard lay there, completely still. The face was staring straight up, and the sight of it would have turned a lesser man intensely sick. The eyeballs were completely white and dilate, the face was grey and rotting, withered and thin, almost like paper. The teeth, some missing, others crawling with disease, formed a freakish smile that would send chills down the spine of any man. This man, he looked the same as those scientists did when they tried to eat him! Something terrible had happened here... something demonic. As with all lower deck guards, the man only had a standard issue army pistol. It was in a holster at his side. Cautiously, Craig reached down and grabbed the gun, half expecting the figure to come to life! Craig assured himself that he was being stupid, and checked the ammunition in the clip... it was full. He had two more clips clipped to his belt. Craig, again cautiously, took them both and put them in his back pocket. He looked down at the lifeless corpse.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] I'd hate to be you right now... thanks for the gun though. [I]Craig turned as he tucked the gun into the back of his jeans, and began to walk off. He had walked only a few paces when he heard something, it soudned like squirming, wretching maggots... and it was coming from behind him. He turned, and saw that the corpse was slowly rising to it's feet. At was so slothful anyone could have run from it, but Craig was frozen in place! As it pressed it's wrist down on the floor to push himself up, there was a loud snap as his forearm buckled. However, this didn't hinder the creature, and it continued rising. It got to its feet, and let out a low moan, as it began advancing upon Craig. Instinctively Craig grabbed his gun from his jeans and pointed it at the creature... this zombie. He fired, hittind the thing in the left side of the neck. His left shoulder was knocked backwards, but then he quickly continued his advance. Craig fired again, and again, hitting him twice in the chest. Twice it reacted, but then continued it's pursuit.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Ah screw this... [I]Craig aimed at the creatures head, and began firing it concessive bursts. Each shot was perfect, striking the creature in it's brain cavity. It took five shots, and the creature finally fell, collapsing first to it's knees, and then finally falling limply on its stomach. Craig let out a long puff as he stuffed the pistol back into his jeans... he felt suddenly as if he was in a nightmare, a nightmare from which he could not wake![/I]
  11. Yoda


    [I]Craig's eyes snapped open with a jolt. He was in an alleyway, bunked up against the wall of a shop, his arms clasped across his chest. His 5 year old Doberman Pinscher "Munch" was on his belly at Craig's knees, staring up at him through cautious eyes. Craig's head was pounding, and he realised suddenly that his obscured vision was not through a fault on his person... it was fog. Thick fog...[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Damn Munch, looks like we woke up on 'de wrong side of 'de floor 'dis mornin'. [I]Craig remembered very little about last night, if anything. The one thing he remembered was fighting... a crobar... and a revolver. Well, he knew where the revolver part came in, because he had a Colt .45 on his person at all times. Looking to his right side, he saw a crobar, flecked with blood on the ground, spiked with frost. Slowly and groggily he rose, and pulled his Revolver out from the back of his pants. He flicked out the barrel... 3 bullets remained, with a fourth in the chamber.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Damn, musta' been summ'n serious... Le's move Munch. [I]Instantaneously the Doberman rose to his feet and stood at the left side of his owner. Craig could see that Munch was uneasy, he was sniffing the air in sharp bursts, almost as if tracking a fly through the air. But, obediently, he didn't leave Craig's side... which suited Craig just fine. If nothing else, this dog was one hell of a scrapper. Craig reached down and picked up the crobar. Then, he slowly walked out from the alleyway, and onto the sidewalk. Each footstep he took rang out like an explosion, it was quiet... far too quiet. He looked about the street, tucking the crobar under his arm and pulling out his pack of cards. he began to shuffle them instinctively as he looked down at his dog.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Think we clean' everyone out of town eh? [I]Craig cracked a cocky grin, but Munch turned and sneezed... giving Craig his answer. He shrugged, and popped the cards back inside his inner trenchcoat pocket. From the opposite pocket, he pulled out a cigarette and his "Harley Davidson" Zippo lighter. He put the cigarette to his mouth and lit it, the flame giving the area an eerie glow.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Or maybe they all clear out 'cause Neil' back, non? [I]Munch stared at him sternly as he tucked the Zippo lighter back into his pocket, and puffed the cigarette smoke out of the right side of his mouth. He scratched the bottom of his chin, which was getting quite a heavy stubble on it. He liked to look like that, rugged, but without any actual facial hair.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Well, I guess we go find Neil 'den. Be nice to see him again, right monáme? [I]Munch took a step closer to Craig, and looked up at him once more. Craig nodded decisively, then began to walk off down the street.[/I]
  12. Alrighty my young padawans, the acceptants are as follows: [B]Final Flash - Team Leader [Captain] Super Goku - 2nd in Command [Lieutenant] MajinVegeta [Sergeant] Super Gohan [Corporal] Arikel [Corporal] DAI [Corporal][/B] Many apologies to those who didn't make it, but there were conveniently only 6 people who completed the sign up's as I asked... and to a satisfactory level. Obviously, it was those who were picked. The RPG should be up soon, so keep a look out.
  13. [I]Sauros could bear it no longer. He was in wait, with all but one of his comrades at the edge of the woodland. With one great arm he thrust his Scimitar into the air as he let out a fierce ululutation, his free hand beating against his chest like a furious ape. Kenratu watched, and with the slightest nod of his head, the Juggernaut was released from his authoratative cage, and he charged with all his fury. Sauros' wings extended upon his back, his mouth watering with the sweet thought of man-flesh. With one great downward flap with his wings, he shot upwards into the air. The humans, so focused with Amatros, had failed to see the behemoth that was leading the poison of the Shades. He flew with great grace, only metres from the floor, his sabre held out before him... his mace sheathed to his large belt. He landed with a cheer as Amatros passed overhead, and know the humans knew of him... He had already targetted his first group, all young for their species, roughly 25, and all male. They attempted to turn again and flee, but the hand of Sauros was already upon them. He brought his Sabre downwards, cleaving the straying male in two. Blood, flesh and bone fell apart limply, no longer a balanced, living system. His claws wretched outwards into the open air, and he drove them through a car next to him. Then, with his vice-like grip he lifted the car above his head, and he yelled once more. He thrust the car forward, and it crashed into the fleeing group like a bowling ball to the skittle. Their legs collapsing, they were paralised to the floor in agony, now completely helpless, even more so that before. Hungry now from the stench of fresh flesh, Sauros drove the point of his Scimitar into the ground, allowing it to stand on it's own. It was time for him to feast on his prize... and after a light breakfast he would have much more to do.[/I]
  14. Yoda

    Dream Band

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by treton_noir [/i] [B]i thought Billie Joe's name looked a little funny so i looked it up to make sure. in the "Dookie" credits and the Dec. 2000 issue of GuitarWorld, his name is "Billie Joe [I]Armstrong[/I]". just thought id straighten that out. [/B][/QUOTE] Gah... my baaadddd. Just as well I was quite drunk when I wrote that or I might have to kill myself.
  15. [I]Sauros sat by his two closest friends, Kenratu and Amatros, as he gulped down another mug of what the human's called Lager. Ofcourse, a mug by his standars held roughly six pints. He chugged from the mug until it was stone dry, and then placed it on the floor next to his giant sabre. Kenratu looked at Sauros, somewhat amused... Sauros was a Shade who enjoyed to drink.[/I] [B]Sauros:[/B] You know, these humans stuff isn't half bad. Perhaps we could keep a few humans alive to run the beer factories? [I]The company around the fire fell silent, as they stared at the giant Sauros. He looked blankly around, as a smile broke across the face of Kenratu, and he began to laugh. Amatros followed, and then Sauros himself broke into laughter. Any jokes Sauros made were usually very out of character... and possesed a very dry, almost black humour, one that Kanratu and Amatros had grown to enjoy. The others present chuckled lightly, finding themselves suddenly in a situation unfamiliar to them.[/I] [B]Amatros:[/B] Oh, and I suppose that means I have to spare the glazier's so you have something to drink out of? [I]Another burst of laughter came from the three, but Sauros suddenly smelt a new level of perspiration in the air... people were beginning to get anxious. Filling his mug, he glanced across at his comrade Amatros, the only Shade present taller than he was. He, as usual, was constantly inspecting the area... something Sauros thought he did to keep himself from getting bored. He knew that, like himself, Amatros was desperate to start fighting, and was beginning to get impatient. Sauros raised the mug to his lips, and took a long gulp.[/I] [B]Kenratu:[/B] Only a simpleton like you Sauros, could drink like that. [I]As Kenratu said that, he raised his wine to his lips and took a short sip, raising his pinky as he did so. Immediately Sauros broke into laughter once more, and Amatros let out a quiet snigger, which was cut short as he suddenly turned to Sauros, who had risen to his feet. The mammoth Shade was looking Easterly, and sniffing. Both Amatros and Kenratu knew what this meant... sunrise was approaching, and the invasion was about to begin![/I]
  16. [B]Name:[/B] Sauros [Saw-ross] [B]Race:[/B] Shade [B]Age:[/B] Unknown, roughly 5200 [B]Weapon:[/B] Sauros carries a large scimitar, the blade of which weighs almost a tonne. A large, dragon-like creature is engraved into the blade, and everyone who looks at the carving swears that they can see fire and flame within it. He also carried a Mace, the chain of which can extend to over 30 feet in length. [B]Supernatural Power:[/B] Sauros posseses no external powers, but rather his body itself has been greatly enhanced; Stronger than any other shade, he can lift roughly 12 tonnes thanks to a natural enhancement and much physical training. He thinks that the power of the Rune is, however, enhancing his strength to even greater levels. Sauros also has enhanced senses. He can track a person by a very weak scent that is over 3 months old, and in enclosed spaces, such as caves, he can hear light breathing from nearly a mile away. His reaction times are also greater than normal, roughly 5 times that of a humans. [B]Bio:[/B] Sauros is a soldier, a warrior. Considered mighty even by Shade standards, he is a very old friend of the Shade leader Kenratu. He will obey any order given, even if there is a chance of him loosing his life, which there often is. He has trained for millenia with his sword and mace, his claws and his teeth, and has become a champion of fighting, with the scars to prove it. He hates humans with passion, almost as much as his leader, and when in battle with one, only then is he truely happy. At all other times, he is constantly brooding and anticipating the next time he will hear the sound of a human's weak flesh and bone ripping apart as his Sabre tears through them. At this present moment he is un-settled, anxious and angry as he waits for his leader to let him loose on the humans inside the temple. [B]Description:[/B] Sauros stands at 6'11", and his muscles are more clearly definable than his own face. He has quite a few scars, most of which have been inflicted by other Shade, his most distinguishable one being the one that comes down across the brow of his right eye, continuing then onto his right cheek, while leaving the eye un-damaged. His large shoulder muscles make his neck invisible, and he hunches forward, so that he normally appears to be only about 6'2". Sauros is a very serious Shade, often the only time he ever laughs or even smiles is when talking about a battle. However, most find him easily approachable and down to earth, dispite his mammoth-like appearence.
  17. Yoda

    Dream Band

    [B]Lead Singer:[/B] Billy-Joe Anderson (Greenday). Sings for my favorite band, 'nuff said. [B]Guitarist:[/B] Billy-Joe Anderson (Greenday). It's not his fault he can play guitar so well too... [B]Second Guitarist:[/B] Noodles (The Offspring). Because he hates a lot of thing... he hates a lot of people that are lame. [B]Bassist:[/B] Jason Newstead (Formerly Metallica) / Mike Dirnt (Greenday)/Steve Harris (Iron Maiden). They all love playing and jamming with the crowd... and they do it so well. [B]Drummer:[/B] Tré Cool (Yes, you guessed it, Greenday). Greenday are about as close as you can get to the ultimate band anyway... and Tré is a funny guy.
  18. Yoda

    G Gundam

    There is another thread just like this on the same page, please go there to discuss G Gundam. ~Closed~
  19. G-Gundam isn't bad... I think I would defintely rate it better than the original series, but Zeta and Double Zeta are on another level completely, and I would defiately recommend those to everyone.
  20. Yoda


    The movie isn't all that bad, it certainly isn't the worst movie I've seen... but it did lack quite a bit, I especially thought there should have been quite a few more battles. Also, as Rick Hunter said previously, to fully understand the plot you would have to play "G-Savior" on the PS2.
  21. Yoda

    X Men

    Magneto is able to control Collosus, indeed a person / object doesn't have to be metal for Magneto to control it anyway, as he can create electromagnetic fields around objects or peoplr to move them as he wishes, he even uses this ability for his flight. Nightcrawler is my favorite X-Man, and so I was very excited when I discovered he was going to be in the next film. I have seen the trailer, and from the looks of things they won't disappoint Nightcrawler fans.
  22. [I]Welcome? to the nightmare. It started with the Colossus, an American battleship. It was on a routine trip from the West Coast to Hawaii. There were several hundred naval and army infantry aboard, for one simple reason. Beneath the ship?s metal confines, a team of scientists were developing a new form of nuclear weaponry? designed to be more efficient, more compact, and far more deadly. They were America?s most trusted and experienced nuclear staff, but they were under the employ of the Umbrella Corporation, a secret known not even by the soldiers aboard the ship. This was a plan instigated by Umbrella, designed so that, if for any reason something went wrong, the American government would be blamed. Within the laboratory of the ship they worked diligently on a new form of Bio-Organic Weaponry, the current test subjects; Doberman Pinschers. There had been numerous tests on Doberman?s in the past at the Raccoon City Research Facility beneath Spencer Mansion. The dogs became severely territorial, so much so that they would hunt down and attack any scent they picked up on within a mile of them. Their senses were also heightened to a much greater degree. However, the virus also broke down the subjects flesh, although slowly. It took approximately 43 days for a dog?s flesh and muscle tissue to completely rot away, resulting in death. The team was attempting diligently to try and improve these results, and they were partially successful. They could find no way to stop the disintegration of the flesh, but they were able to increase the subjects muscle mass, meaning that it took much longer for each subject to rot. They estimated that enough tissue was added to allow the dog to survive for an extra 15-17 days. As a result of the extra muscle mass, the dogs also received a great speed and strength increase. These dogs were codenamed ?Cerberus II?; after the original tests. Then, it happened. On a breakthrough test, the virus was accidentally released, and it began to spread. The technicians were the first to be infected, their skin began to rot, and their brains were numbed, but they became much stronger, and much faster. The virus began to spread throughout the entire ship, almost without any outside knowledge. However, before the ?zombies? broke into the bridge and attacked the Commanding officer, he was able to send out an SOS, claiming that he was being attacked by the living dead. The American army, nervous of what had happened, has decided to send a Special Forces team out onto the Colossus to investigate the rescue call. Little do they know what they are getting themselves into?[/I] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You are a member of the Special Forces team being sent into the Colossus. The team will consist of six people, not including myself (I will be the only person who isn?t a part of the team.) Obviously, if more than six people join I will pick the best six as my team. I will also pick your ranks within the team based on your sign up's, so leave the 'rank' column blank for now. Here?s what you need in your profile: Name: [Duh?] Age: [Duh?] Height: [Duh once more] Rank: [Your rank in the military] Weaponry: [Special Forces? are armed with a small pistol, a standard army knife, and [I]either[/I] an MP5 sub-machine gun, or a Remington M-1100 army shotgun.] Bio: [Your past / how you can to be in the Special Forces.] Personality: [Your characters? mental state.] Description: [What your character looks like.] ----------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Craig Logan [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Height:[/B] 6'1" [B]Rank:[/B] Lieutenant [B]Weaponry:[/B] None at the moment. [B]Bio:[/B] Craig was a Lieutenant aboard the Colossus during it's current voyage. He was on a shift, guarding the weapons laboratory, when he heard struggling and shouting. Forcing his way into the laboratory, he found that the scientists... were no longer themselves. Their flesh was hanging off, their eyeballs were wither missing or gangrenous. They seemed incapable of communication anymore, and no matter what Craig said, they simply groaned, and kept on advancing... with remarkable walking pace, towards him. One of them attempted to bite him, but he backed away, and felt he was left with no alternative but too shoot in self defense. He shot down all the men within the room, and a group of soldiers, who had heard gunfire, came to investigate. They found the dead bodies, and Crag there with a gun, the barrel still smoking from recent fire. He was stripped of his weapons and thrown into the Brig, and they told him he would be Court Marshalled when they reached Hawaii, on counts of both murder and insanity, as he was protesting that the deformed corpses were trying to eat him. Everyone admitted that the bodies were deformed almost beyond recognition, but they believe this had happened in an accident, and Craig had killed them through fear because of their appearence. They sealed off the area from fear of a radiation dose, the most obvious source of the deaths. However, the corpses were not quite dead yet, and soon they broke out of the lab, and started infecting the whole ship. Craig, safe within the brig, is the only person who remains un-infected. Craig knew, through standard military proceedures, that he was to be brought water every three hours, and food every eight hours... which is exactly what happened for a while, but suddenly Craig has noticed that he must have gone unattended for atleast a day... but he cannot even attempt to escape, because he is handcuffed to the wall. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig posseses an air of arrogance, and has a very sarcastic humour. However, most of the time he is very down to earth, and very rarely gets nervous or anxious... [B]Description:[/B] See attatchment
  23. Absolutely, Zeta will be something to look forward too. Ofcourse, I'll probably get it quite some time after most of you as I live in Britain.
  24. [B]Name:[/B] Valygar Elg'Hasek [pronounced Elseck] [B]Age:[/B] 98 [B]Race:[/B] Drow [Dark Elf] [B]Weapons:[/B] Valygar's only weapon is his shield, a concave disk with razor sharp edges; 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds. The shield has great aerodynamic properties: it is able to slice through the air with minimal wind resistance and deflection of path. Its great overall resilience, combined with its natural concentric stiffness, enables it to rebound from objects with minimal loss of angular momentum. It is virtually indestructible: it is resistant to penetration, temperature extremes, and all but the most powerful magicks. Valygar also has some limited skill in ice and water magic, and has almost perfect aim. [B]Bio:[/B] Valygar was born on the road, as his parents were both Rangers. From an early age, his father decided it was best for Valygar, atleast for a time, to follow in their footsteps, to learn how to fight, track, and survive in the wild. So, the Drow parents took their child back to their home, which was pretty bare as they never spent more than a few months there at a time. As soon as Valygar was able, his father began teaching him how to fight. Valygar was a quick and able learner in hand-to-hand combat, but had a difficult time learning weapons techniques. So, at this time, his mother began teaching him magic, but he never really shined to that either. Then, one day, Valygar was doing a defensive session with his father. The object of the task was simple, defend his father's attacks until he saw an opening, and then strike. However, Valygar was armed only with a simple buckler. His father was armed with shuriken and throwing knives. Valygar blocked his father's initial attacks, and when he saw an opening, instead of rushing his father, he launched the buckler from his arm at his father. Both were amazed when the buckler struck Valygar's father in the forehead, with enough force to knock him over. Picking the shield up, he asked Valygar to repeat what he had just done, pointing at a target on the wall. Sure enough, Valygar threw the buckler, and it struck the target dead in the centre. So, in a very unorthodox manner, Valygar and his father began adapting Valygar's fighting style... for a shield. Valygar became very profficient with shields, and when he was 30, he left his home and persued his travels as Ranger. For the rest of his current life, he has been doing jobs for money, often tracking, or getting people with prices on their heads from point A to B without any casualties. He had attained quite a reputation. One day, very recently, he was in the middle of tracking a company of Dwarves, when a Raven flew overhead, dropping a neatly sealed envelope before him. [B]Description:[/B] See attatchment...
  25. 12 songs... this won't be difficult. [B]Greenday:[/B] Longview [B]Greenday:[/B] Basket Case [B]Greenday:[/B] When I Come Around [B]Greenday:[/B] Church on Sunday [B]Greenday:[/B] Castaway [B]Greenday:[/B] Hitchin' a Ride [B]Greenday:[/B] Brain Stew [B]Greenday:[/B] Walking Contradiction [B]Greenday:[/B] Doo Daa Daa [B]Greenday:[/B] Blood, Sex and Booze [B]Greenday:[/B] Nice Guys Finish Last [B]Greenday:[/B] Ha Ha You're Dead Yes, I am a man who enjoys his Greenday. *Salutes Billy avatar*
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