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Everything posted by Yoda
1) He's latin, but that is such a wide area. He has been, more specifically, described as Greek. 2) If Trowa won't talk to you, maybe it's because he's a cartoon character... 3)... ... ... -_-'' Well, I'll close this thread before it starts getting filled with spam and stupidity. Questions were answered anyway. ~Yoda~
... ... ... Wow, so many questions, so little discussion. Lets try and kick this off again with a nice, tough question: [I]Everyone knows the Griffin's live in Spooner Street, but what is the next street over from them called?[/I]
[B]Austin Powers 3[/B] [I]Austin Powers' father:[/I] There are two things I hate in this world... the first is all kinds of racial inequality. The second, are the Dutch. [B]X Men[/B] [I]Wolverine:[/I] Storm... Sabretooth... *Turns to Proffesor X*. What do they call you... Wheels? [B]Daredevil[/B] [I]Bullseye:[/I] You impressive girly, real impressive... but me? I'm magic! That isn't a film, but it has to be in here... [B]Family Guy[/B] [I]Peter:[/I] Petro numor slappywag, which is Petorian for; More beer you slappywag.
All moon could see before her was that trademark meniacle grin, and those demonic eyes, the only spots of white against the swirl of black and red. He pretended to examine her, his attention was really drawn to the figure on the nearby rooftop... a figure with small devil horns, very strange. His attention snapped back to the girl suddenly, and he leapt off the car, into a mid-air Arab spring, and he landed inches infront of the girl. [B]Carnage:[/B] Can we help you?
[B]Name:[/B] Mini Craig [B]Alleigance:[/B] Mini Flash [B]Weapon:[/B] Mini green electrum lightsabre, mini oak walking stick. [B]Magic:[/B] All you basic Jedi magic's... that Yoda posesses. [B]Description:[/B] Yoda, but half the size (if that's physically possible.) [B]Bio:[/B] Craig was a good man once, and a popular member here at Otakuboards. Sure he looked and spoke like Yoda, but no-one seemed to mind. He joined OBBII for a laugh with his close friends, like Ken, Neil and Mr. Connor. However, Craig's competitive nature soon took over, and when he was kicked out, he grew very jealous of Ken. So, this eventually led to Craig, renowned Jedi master, turning to the dark side, and joining Mini Flash on his quest for whatever... [I apologise for any mistakes, and also if it is crap. I am quite drunk... (ask Ken if you don't believe me.)]
A real Yoda fan would have said "Wars not make one great" and then wouldn't have swung at you... Ugh, the dumbest fight I got into... I guess it was one time I went camping with a few friends, and across the firls from us were about a group of 12 kids, they were 2 years younger than us. But anyway, in the morning we had to walk past their camp to leave the field, and they started taking the píss of us, and my cocky friend started back talking. Now, he may have been bigger than them all, but he's not about to take on twelve of them. So, I knew that if he got into a fight, I'd have to help him. Lets just say that one leapt on his back, so I grabbed the kid and slung him into a tree... hard. Then one decided to try his luck tackling me from behind, but I could hear his tranppling a mile away, so I turned and threw him to the ground, face first. Then, for some reason, one decided to come at me with a branch... so when he swung it at me, I grabbed it, pulled him towards me, and drove my knee into his stomach. The rest decided it was in their best interests to stay back.
He was called Christobell. [I]What is Stewie's full name?[/I]
[B]Name:[/B] Craig Parks; Gambit [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Description:[/B] Craig stands at 6'2", 190lbs, scruffy auburn hair, hazel eyes. He has a large tatoo of a dragon along his left arm. He is slim, but very muscular, and talks with a slight French accent. He wears black denim trousers, that have several tears and scags along them. He wears a pair of large black US edition army boots, and a plain white t-shirt. Over this he wears a large brown trench coat, the collar of which is always up. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig is light-hearted, and tends to take everything in his stride, usually with a joke or pun to accompany it. He tends sometimes to refer to himself in the third person as 'Gambit'; meaning to trick or decieve, and, although is bilingual in English and French, sometimes puts a French word or two into his sentences. Craig was born into a Cajun family in New Orleans, but they moved to Silent Hill shortly after his birth. Logan was fine for a few years, but at puberty he became a very rebellious teen... this transformation mostly due to his brother's disappearence. The only thing that he and his father actually agreed upon anymore was the martial arts, and Craig continued to learn Hapkido with him. However, he was brought home several times on counts of theft, and overtime he became quite a proficient thief. He also became very skilled in handling cards, and he would often 'clean the table' with any who played against him. Of course this gambling would be in an undisclosed location with people who could not exactly be called law abiding. So, Logan is always seen with quite a large sum of money on his person, and also with a pack or two or cards. Craig has heard rumours recently that his brother is back in the area, and is very keen to meet up with him again.
Bryan's mother is called Biscuit. [I]What is Peter's favorite flavour Ice-cream?[/I]
Well, you should know how this works by now. Someone asks a question, and the person who answers it gets to ask the next question. Obviously this will be based on the series Family Guy. I'll start with an easy one: What does Peter name his house after it is declared a country?
[B]Name:[/B] Craig Logan [B]Alias:[/B] Scorpion [glares at Super Goku for stealing the Zero man.] [B]Age:[/B] Unknown [B]Height:[/B] 6'2" [B]Weight:[/B] 210lbs [B]Staus:[/B] None yet... [B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral [B]Fighting styles:[/B] Hapkido Pi Gua Wushu [B]Weapon:[/B] Twin arked knives (Think Legolas' weapons) [B]Bio:[/B] For many years Scorpion was a loyal servant to Shang Tsung. However, when the Dragon Army was formed, Tsung cast his powerful follower out... declaring him unworthy for the Dragon Army. Scorpion, in a rage, attacked his formed master, but with Quan Chi's help he was easily defeated. So, he was banished from Outer-realm, and now resides on Earth, living a solitary life. The long time rivalry he had with Sub Zero still exists, and he has heard rumour of him joining Raiden and aiding him against the Dragon Army. [B]Appearance:[/B] Like Sub Zero, but the blue parts are yellow (as Super Goku's avatar shows) [B]Personality:[/B] Quiet, volatile and somewhat arrogant, but with the skills to back it. He finds it very hard to trust people, and has an intense rivalry with Sub Zero.
The teenager Craig Cassady walked quiety along a small New York street. After another tough day in College, all he wanted to do was get home and put his feet up. He was kicking his feet lazily, staring blankly at the floor. His mentor and friend Andrew Curtis had a report assigned, to be completed by tomorrow, and Craig hadn't even started it yet. He was considering taking a sick day the next day. His thought was interrupted suddenly as a car camed streaming past. A man was chasing it, screaming about something having been stolen. It didn't take much thought to put 2 and 2 together. With the slightest tinge of anger, he felt it come alive once more. The symbiote suit, bonded to him, animated itself, Craig's clothes changing from their usual state, to a paradox of black and red, which slithered along his skin and formed a suit over his entire body. [B]Craig:[/B] No one can run... from Carnage! As the suit formed it's characteristic smirk, with elongated fangs, Carnage released a tendril from his arm, which stuck to the wall, and he was away. He swung through the air, velocity increasing with every moment, his back arched inhumanly, and he released himself from the tendril. His legs arched even further downwards as his upper body started to follow the momentum, and he landed on the roof of the stolen car. The red and black living being around his left arm formed into an axe, upon Craig's command. With one thrust, he cut into the roof of the car, and ripped a large chunk of it clean off. [B]Carnage:[/B] Now now... stealing is wrong! GYAHAHAHAHAHA... The axe like formation on his wrist reverted back to it's normal state, then extended and wrapped around the theif's face. The other arm extended down, wrapping around the handbrake, and pulling it sharply. When the car had stopped, Carnage ripped the theif from his seat, and threw him from the car, onto the sidewalk. Carnage leapt from the car, and loomed over the theif, his menacing grin still ominous across his face. [B]Carnage:[/B] I think you'd better apologise little man... MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
[I]Logan had been staring at the door for hours, and suddenly, he felt the electronic configuration alter... his door had been unlocked. A slightly confused look broke across his frail face, and slowly, he raised his weak limb, and pressed his bony fingers against the door. He gave it a slight nudge, and it opened slightly, and silently. Was this a trap? Logan pushed harder this time, and to his own surprise of strength, the door swung open almost fully. The two guards that had been placed to watch his stared in complete astonishment. They raised their weapons, but suddenly, they felt the ambient air begin to intensify. With a slight focus from Logan, the pressure in the air surrounding the guards torked into an inferno, as their skin and muscle was ripped from them, disintegrating as it was forced upwards into welcoming Nitrogen. Within moments, they were both but a few ashes, and Logan took to all fours, finding he was more comfortable that way, with his spine being bent the way it was. Unsure if he was strong enough even to run, he used his mind to move his limbs, pushing him into a cat-like sprint... he was moving at 50mph atleast. Every door he met was hit with such psychic energy that it ripped apart from inside, with the proportionate force of a nuclear blast. As he moved from the pit of suffering, he could feel the air become sweeter, more fresh. His lungs welcomed it, and more the first time in many years, his heart rate increased slightly, as precious oxygen started to meet haemoglibin, and every cell felt the slightest twinge of strength. Within minutes he was out of the complex, any and all resistance, man or otherwise, were destroyed utterly, beyong recognition. He broke into a run again, knuckles making the lightest mark in the ground as he sprinted along, though he could easily have flown... levitation was one of his more developed traits. He didn't know where he was going, but strangely, he knew he was heading in the right direction. "We can sense them... they are like us." "No, they aren't like you, you are incredible..." "They are altered, like us! They are tortured, we were too, our toture created you, we hatesss you!" "Do you really think yu can compete with me?" "Shut up!" "What?!" "SHUT UP! We won't listen any more, not to you, we want our mind back. The girls, in the city, they hurt, they are in fear. They are like us... and the man." "The man will consider you a threat... he will try to kill you." "No... we are like him... he has suffered, he hasss." "Fine, them go to them, and see how you are rewarded." "We are sick of you, trying to control us, stinking, vile, you are a plgaue to us! I will help those, and do something good for them... before you drive us to death." Again, Logan broke into a sprint, heading for the town, focusing solely on one thing, the mental projections of one tortured soul, the one known as... Rena.[/I]
[I]He was a lone figure in his cell, half hidden in shadow. His pale, lifeless eyes stared blankly foreword, and such pain was on their surface that even his fragile flesh seemed belittled. His long, stringy arms wrapped feebly around his knees as he sat in dampness, it could well be urine, but the figure called Logan neither remembered nor cared. A short spasm fluctuated at the left of his neck, through an inability to produce sufficient motor nerve fibers. He was used to that by now... Outside the heavily insulated cell, to guards watched and pondered the listless creature. Both were quite young, and hadn't been residents long enough to see Logan's tantrums. How could something so fragile hold such power? This thought they shared, through both pity and curiosity. Normally the thought of the tortured victims was nothing short of amusing to them, but nothing alive could laugh at this, it was simply too poignant.[/I] [B]Logan:[/B] We can hear them thinking? sadness? pity? envy? Why do they envy us, we are afflicted. Much pain have we seen, and we know nothing but pain. Do they want pain? Do they envy pain? We should deliver them torment? No! That is wrong, they are innocent? and yet, they keep us here, putrid, rotting, suffering. They do not help us, they do nothing for us. We are not fed? ?I feed you.? ?When was the last time you fed us? Our teeth were so bored with our mouth that most have left, and the others are dying!? ?I altered you, so you don?t need to feed?? ?You don?t even let us think!? ?Of course I do? for I am inside you. I keep the mind strong, while you have left your body to grow weak and wasted.? ?No, they did that to us? those on the outside. You know that, they made you, and now you control us!? ?No, I don?t control you; I just help you to make judgment. Have I ever steered you wrong?? ?You make us miserable?? ?No, they made you miserable, they made us quarrel. Don?t you want vengeance?? ?Vengeance?? ?Yes? can you feel it? That hunger in your person? That is your want for revenge?? ?No, No! We do not want this. You, you let us be? let us!? ?I can make you happy? if only you would listen.? The voice contained an irresistible attraction once more? It demanded compliance, it was too strong to ignore, to powerful to oppose. [I]For the first time in months, Logan felt his legs lift his frail carcass, though he was slow, even if he wasn?t so weak? his altered metabolism prevented fast movement, he needed to conserve energy. The two guards outside watched in astonishment, unsure of how to act, astounded that he was still able to move at all. Logan was moving with a purpose, governed through an essential illness manifested within, he had no choice but to kill.[/I]
[B]Birth name:[/B] Logan [All other names unknown] [B]Subject name:[/B] AR33 - Naviga [B]Age:[/B] 47 [B]Appearance before:[/B] 6'3", hazel eyes, long brown sruffy hair. A well built body and defined muscles. He had spent a long time body-building. [B]Appearance after:[/B] Still 6'3", but his spine is so hunched that he appeares to be about 5'8". His eyes are a very pale blue, and he has no hair, at all. His skin is white, almost like paper. He is very skinny, and it appears that he has too much skin for his malnourished body, it is literally hanging down. [B]Bio:[/B] One of the oldest living subjects, anyone who knew Logan before he entered the facility would certainly not recognise him now, as his appearence greatly mimics that of the living dead. Stripped of all physical prowess over years of mental enhancement, Logan has become one of the most experienced users of telekinesis and telepathy alive. Driven near to death many times as both mind and body were consumed by pain, Logan exists simply to be tortured. However, the R-complex in Logan's mind began to envelope the alterations to itself, and it grew stronger and more prominent. As Logan's primitive insincts took over, Logan was driven further into insanity. He saw everyone as threats, and his phychic powers, now at an immense level, would often spurt from his body with the slightest tinge of anger. He was locked away, permenantly, and forgotten, for over three years. Project Naviga was officially terminated. As the years went by, the R-complex in Logan's mind, bent on simply survival, learnt to slow down Logan's metabolism, allowing him to go great lengths without food or water. Logan would have welcomed death, but any concious thought within him was now almost lost. However, the primitive isnide his mind, is now beginning to plot... to escape.
User Name, you are only allowed to have the power of a single existing mutant, as clearly mentioned above. You can't have any mixtures...
Just to let everyone know, this RPG is based on Marvel comics. ------------------------------------------------------ [I]Carnage, one of the most deadliest people on Earth, was sent into the Dead Zone by Spiderman, and the Carnage symbiotes father, Venom. Carnage was in there for years, though in the Dead Zone, only hours had passed. When he fought his way out, he found himself on the symbiotes home planet. Carnage was quickly hailed by the symbiotes as their leader, his insanity and angry temprement made him an instant hit with his own kind. He promised them that he could take them somewhere, a place where there were billions of hosts for them to control, some of them very powerful. That place, was Earth. Back on Earth, the mutants and other heroes of the planet were budy fighting the Prime Sentinels. The Prime Sentinels are humans that have had a special gene placed in them. When they detect any mutated DNA signatures, they change into half human, half sentinel creatures, with all the abilities of the sentinel, but with the size and speed of a human. Though specifically designed to extemrinate the mutant threat, the Sentinels also have secondary objectives to exterminate any DNA not within normal organic peramiters. One day, in a huge battle between the Sentinels and Earth's heroes, small pod-like transports started falling from the sky like comets. Upon impact, the pod's would burst open, and a small, liquidy creature would some from inside. The Sentinels were the first to turn on them, detecting that their DNA was alien to them, they began to fire upon them. However, nothing they could do would even harm the creatures... but instead of fighting, the alien creatures fled from the battle scene, seemingly headed towards the largest nearby towns or cities. Another pod, larger than the others, landed last, and from it, sprand Carnage, laughing wildly as he ran off, spreaming about Earth's demise. The hero Spiderman declared that he had seen these creatures before... and he believed they were symbiotes. He told the other heroes that they fused with people, giving them enhanced physical abilities, but in turn they took over the hosts mind. He said that the only two things able to hurt symbiotes are fire, and sonic airwaves. This was truely a big threat, but, at the same time, there are still many Prime Sentinels to deal with. Will Earth's heroes be able to survive this?[/I] ------------------------------------------------- Here's the deal, you can pick the power of any Marvel superhero for your own, as long as they aren't invincible, or able to move planets or anything like that. If you so wish, you can be the character entirely, of you can have the character's powers and make up your own storyline, it's upto you. Here's what you need in your profile: Name: Alias: (Superhero name) Age: Nationality: Power: (Whomevers power you have, give a breif despription if possible.) History: Description: Personality: --------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Craig Storm [B]Alias:[/B] The Human Torch [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Nationality:[/B] Welsh [B]Power:[/B] The Human Torch's. [I]Possesses the mental ability to control ambient heat energy and the physical ability to envelop his entire body or portions of his body with fiery plasma without harm to himself. (Plasma is a super-heated state of matter that exists in the atmosphere of stars.) Ordinarily, when aflame, Craig is enveloped by a low intensity flame of low level plasma (reddish, approximately 780 Fahrenheit), which ranges from 1 to 5 inches from his body. He can, however, generate much higher levels of flame about himself. If the Torch refers to his highest, hottest levels of plasma he can create a "nova flame." The exact temperatures that his "nova flame" can attain are not known. Craig can generate shapes composed of fire from any point on his body. (He usually employs his hands to "sculpt" the flames.) He can form fire into long streams, spheres, or even more complex shapes like letters in skywriting. These flames-objects will only remain their shapes as long as he concentrates upon them. The objects will only burn for about 3 minutes before expiring unless the Craig continues to infuse them with energy. The temperature of these fiery projections is generally around 2,800 F (near the melting point of iron). Craig's plasma has a high hydrogen content, and is surrounded by an exuded cloud of mono-atomic hydrogen atoms. This hot cloud provides sufficient positive buoyancy for him to float. With mental stimulation of his flame, he can provide enough lift to carry himself and an added 180 pounds. By forming a jet from his feet, directed behind him, he can achieve speeds up to at least 150 miles per hour. Craig is unaffected by heat and flames, including his own, even when part of him is aflame and the rest of him is not. His flesh cannot be scalded or burned by any heat source whose level is below that of his maximum output. Craig can also telekinetically control not only flames and flame objects that he himself creates, but also flames he did not create.[/I] [B]History:[/B] Craig was born in a small town in South Wales. He grew up there, and was always very intelligent. When he was about four, he met a boy named Seifer Drake. They quickly became friends and went throguh school together, often competing in sports and competing academically. When they were sixteen, they moved to America to go onto higher education. They both became interested in science. One day, they were in a lab studying a small chuck of a comet that had landed near the university. They comet contained a small amount of nuclear energy, which it released as soon as the boys began tampering with it. Both were exposed to a normally lethal dose of cosmic radiation. However, both boys were actually mutants, and the radiation actually awoke their mutations. Craig became a master of the fire element, and, as usual, Seifer gained an equally powerful ability that would be directly competitive to Craig's. He became the master of ice. The two, for a short time, used their powers for personal gain, using it to rob stores or start fights. However, soon after they gained their powers, they were approached by Charles Xavier, who invited them to study at his School for Gifted Youngsters. They accepted, and have since been learning to control their powers, and also, fight against the Prime Sentinel threat as members of the X-Men. [B]Description:[/B] Hazel eyes, brown spikey hair. Roughly 6'2" in height, Craig is not a huge boy, but his muscles are well defined. He normally wears blue ripped jeans, a plain white T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. [B]Personality:[/B] Cocky, brash, hot headed... and somewhat of a joker. However, he always knows when it's tme to get serious.
That's the whole point of this being an alternate reality genius, otherwise we'd all have to be existing characters, not our own versions.
I guess I'll give this a shot... ---------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Craig Parker [B]Superhero name:[/B] None. [B]Superpower:[/B] [I]Super strength[/I] - Craig has been known to lift upto 10 tons. [I]Super Agility[/I] - Craig has acquired amazing reflexes and agility proportionate to that of a spider. [I]"Spider sense"[/I] - A tingling at the base of the skull that warns Craig of any incoming threat to himself or others. This skill, combined with his agility, make it almost impossible for Craig to be surprised in battle. [I]Wall crawling[/I] - Craig's hands and feet are able to adhere to most surfaces, enabling him to climb on walls and ceilings. [I]Web slinging[/I] - Two small holes on Craig's wrists allow him to launch exceptionally strong webs, strong enough to support upto 25 tons, and even the strongest foes struggle to break free of them. [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Bio:[/B] Craig is the son of Peter Parker, AKA the amazing Spiderman. Craig is not technically a mutant, the radioactive mutation in Peter's genes was copied and passed down to him, giving him exactly the same powers, which he has displayed since birth. However, the one power he possesed that his father didn't, was that he could shoot webbing naturally from his wrists, he didn't need his father's "web shooters". Peter trained Craig from a young age, teaching him how to use all his abilities to his advantage. However, Peter still has his responsibilities as Spiderman, as knew that while he was Spiderman he couldn't get his son to reach his full potential. So, using the influence of his good friend Hank McCoy, he got Craig initiated into Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. [B]Description:[/B] Craig resembles his father alot, though he has hazel eyes and brown spiked hair. He normally wears baggy jeans, a white t-shirt and a black leather jacket. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig, like his father, is quite intelligent, and often uses his quick wit and intelect in order to be cocky and brash. He is somewhat of a joker, but most people tend to like him, if they aren't his enemy. [B]Alliance:[/B]
EDIT: Just letting everyone know that I am completely changing my character. [B]Name:[/B] Craig Cassady / Carnage [B]Age:[/B] 19 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Weapons/Powers:[/B] [I]Symbiote suit[/I] - The symbiote currently worn by the Amazing Spiderman (Majin Vegeta) spawned, and it has chosen to attatch to Craig (see bio for details.) As such, he has been gifted with incredible strength, great speed and agility, the ability to stick to walls, to shoot a web like secretion from his fists, and to change his hands into many forms of melee weaponry, such as axes. He is also invisible to Spidermans "spidey sense". [B]Weaknesses:[/B] Unlike Spiderman, who has been with his symbiote for years and has learned to control it, Craig is new with his. As with all symbiotes, it is evil, and trying to consume him. As such, Craig is constantly struggling within himself to gain control of his body over the symbiote, and so the symbiote often displays parts of his own personality within Craig. This often comes out as violent insanity. [B]Appearance:[/B] [I]Normal:[/I] Craig is about 6'3", hazel eyes, spikey brown hair. His symbiote can take the form of any clothing, and normally he chooses it to take the form of torn jeans, a white vest, and a black leather jacket over it. [I]Carnage:[/I] You all know what Carnage looks like right? Well, for the uneducated, he faintly resembles Spiderman, but he has a huge mouth with gaping teeth, and his entire suit is an unorganised black and red mess. The suit is always jumpy, small parts are always flicking around like worms trying to escape from it. [B]Personality:[/B] Cocky, brash, a joker and generally funny. Unless he is a persons enemy, most find his speedy wit and quick arrogance quite amusing. He can often seem somewhat insane to most, and that's basically because he is technically half insane... [B]Bio:[/B] Craig was a very gifted child, mentally. He was always the most intelligent student in his class, but he was no nerd. He is very tall, and though not big, he has very well defined muscles. After he graduated high school, he was accepted into the University of Manhatten (if there is such a place... I'm not American). He took a major in biology, and his teacher was one Andrew Curtis. Andrew, as most teachers did, recognised Craig as his most talented student, and they spent a lot of time out of hours together doing experiments and such. However, Craig found that often Andrew would suddenly lose concentration, he would become distracted, and then rush off suddenly. Craig accepted this for a while, but grew to find it a bit too repetative. One day, Craig came to Andrew's class early, and through the window he saw Andrew's clothes morph into a black suit that covered his entire body... it was Spiderman's suit! Craig could hardly believe it, his teacher was a super hero... and it did explain quite a lot. Andrew didn't know, however, that his symbiotic suit that he had worn for years, had spawned, and the copy was resting in his room, waiting for a suitable host. Later that week, Craig decided to confront Andrew about his real identity. After telling him what he knew, Andrew admitted that he was the super hero Spiderman, and Craig boiled with jealousy. The symbiote, sensing this, made a rush at the student, and wrapped around him, and Carnage was born! At first, the symbiote was in complete control, and it forced Craig to attack his mentor. Andrew was amazed to find that this boy was now as strong as he was, and as fast... but he had an extra ability, he could morph his hands into weaponry. The two battled in the University grounds, destroying a fair bit of it, and eventually Craig fought the symbiote within his mind, and took control of it. Feeling his new found power, he vowed to help his mentor Spiderman, feeling a strange bond forming between the two symbiotes. However, Craig is still quite dangerous, as the Carnage symbiote constantly fights to take control of his mind.
[B]Name:[/B] Craig Darkholme [B]Age:[/B] 27 [B]Sex:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Craig stands at 6', with hazel eyes. He has stringy black hair that come down over his eyes (like Jin from Tekken). He wears a black vest with metal shoulder plates that come up to cover his mouth (like Auron's and Vincent's suits do). He wears baggy black punk-like jeans and large black boots under them. He wears a pair of black fingerless gloves, and he has a tatoo of a dragon along his left arm. [B]Bio:[/B] Craig was born an raised in Midgar, and, although he hated the Shinra corporation , he always believed he wasn't strong enough to stand upto them. However, he had always wanted to make a difference, and so he trained long and hard with his father, who was fluent in many forms of martial arts. He also learned how to use weaponry, however, unlike his father, Craig wasn't a very big fan of blades, and sho he choose to use twin .44 Calibur Magnum's along with his fighting skill, making him a formidable opponent. He left Midgar sometime before it was attacked by Omega Weapon (was it Omega? I can't remember...) and some time ago ended up in New Nibelheim, where he met his current partner Aimee. He had been there ever since, and most of the locals have grown to like him, though he has a tendency to imtimidate most of them, and is very impolite to strangers. [B]Weapon:[/B] Twin .44 Magnum's [B]Armor:[/B] Mythril Armlet [B]Accessory:[/B] None. [B]Materia:[/B] Cure3, Haste [B]Spells:[/B] Fire3, Comet, Ice [B]Limit Breaks:[/B] (Note; all Craig's limit's are centered around one basic transformation, with each level gaining a new ability.) 1.[I]Rage[/I] - Craig grows to a 7', 900lb green Hulk, with amazing strength. 2.[I]Generate[/I] - The same as above, but Craig becomes immune to all time based ailments. 3.[I]Feral Rage[/I] - Craig enters his transformation with haste automatically cast upon himself.
This was getting a bit much... first the Jedi had been found in his ship, but now Abob had charged aboard. Xanko had made his way, firing with his single Westar 34, to the cockpit. With his free hand, he swiped that card, and darted into the cockpit. He spoke through his communicator in his helmet. [B]Xanko:[/B] Lock down the cockpit, and activate level eight security measures immediately! The cockpit door closed violently with a loud hiss, and now, the Jedi and the Omwati had about two seconds to get out before they were bombarded with blaster fire and poisonous gasses, which was more than enough to handle five Jedi. Xanko took great pride in the condition of his ship. Xanko sat in the pilot's ship, and started up the engines. Scanners showed that a repeating blaster was firing at the ship's vital systems, but the shields were easily holding up. Xanko then closed the hatchway, if the two were not off the ship by now, then they would soon be dead. The ship glided into the air, and rocketed off out of Naboo's atmosphere. Xanko turned on the ship's internal scanners to check for any life forms. There were none, both of them had gotten off the ship in time. The [I]Scorpion's Den[/I] moved into space, as Xanko began to set the coordinates for the jump back to Coruscant. All of a sudden, the comm. button started bleeping again... he expected it to be Palpatine. He pressed the button, but instead, saw the blue Omwati face of Abob Ttef. [B]Xanko:[/B] Can I help you? [B]Abob:[/B] That was a very arrogant act bounty hunter... arrogant, but brave. [B]Xanko:[/B] Is this going somewhere Ttef? [B]Abob:[/B] Just how far are you prepared to go for money Mr Hasek? [B]Xanko:[/B] As far as my employers need. Nothing is above me. [B]Abob:[/B] Good... then let me make you an offer. Caution crept into Xanko's mind instantly, he had just infiltrated the lake retreat and killed a Senator, and within moments of this Abo was making an offer... it had ambush spelt all over it. But still, Xanko decided to play along for now. [B]Xanko:[/B] Go on... [B]Abob:[/B] Your a good fighter Xanko, very good... and I think you just saw that we're in need of men who can fight. [B]Xanko:[/B] That is true... only you and the Jedi managed to stand upto me at all. [B]Abob:[/B] So work for me... help me protect Senator Amidala. I must not let her die! Abob's voice was filled with a sincerity and desperation that begged agreement. Still, Xanko was cautious about the whole thing... [B]Xanko:[/B] I'll think about it Ttef. Keep your communication open, I'll contact you with my answer. Abob's head nodded, and the comm. went blank. Xanko made the final adjustments to his ship, and made the jump into hyperspace.
[I]Xanko stopped his speeder bike quickly at the dock. Already a sentry was approaching. Xanko leapt off the speeder, and ran to hide behind the small wall beneath the balcony. The sentry passed, and walked to the edge of the steps, and pulled out a pair of electrobinoculars. He began looking out over the water, checking for any hostile targets. Xanko crept quietly up the stairs, and with one hand, he gripped the sentries chin and twisted it, snapping the sentries neck. Instant death... He toppled the sentry quietly over the belcony and into the water below. It made a quiet splash, nothing that was audible over a few yards away. Then, Xanko ignited his jatpack, and shot up onto the ledge above the ground floor windows. He crept quietly to the window side, and checked for any approaching sentries. There were none at this time. With his laser-cutting device on his wrist, he unsealed the window jamb, and crept quietly inside. He had a complete scan downloaded of the retreat, he was taking the most efficient path to the place where he had picked up the largest heat signal. Suddenly, another probe droid darted around the corner. Within a micro second, a scorching hole was in the droid's main body, and it crashed to the floor. Xanko knew he had to move know, security would pick up where this droid had gone offline. He darted around the corner to the door of Senator's room. He approached the door... a retinal scan was required. A sentry walked quietly around the corner on patrol, he had barely noticed Xanko, when he grabbed one of the sentries arms and rammed his head against the wall, knocking him into a state of unconciousness. He then pressed the man's face against the retinal scanner. It was approved, and the door opened with a quiet hiss. There was utter silence inside. Xanko pushed the guard into the doorway, and immediately a blast scorched through his chest. Xanko, using this momentary distraction, ignited his jetpack and darted into the room. Immediately his scan picked up the Mallastarian target... he was in the centre of the bunch. Stun bolts shot past his feet or head, but they were all Senator's, none of them could land a decent shot, except Amidala... who happened to be the only one with a proper blaster. Xanko raised his blaster rifle, and let off a shot. It hit Senator Osg square between the eyes, and then Xanko immediately turned and made for the door. Amidala was so astonished that she was not the target, that the shot she fired missed by some three metres. Xanko landed on his feet just outside the door, just as Abob Ttef and two more sentries came rushing around the corner. Xanko picked off the one on the left, just as Abob fired a shot, which hit Xanko's blaster, ripping it in half. Xanko, who had little time to react, raised his arm, and the whipcord shot out, wrapping around the barrel of Abob's gun, which he then ripped from his grasp. It landed on the floor by the wall. Then, as the other sentry fired a shot, which missed Xanko by inches, Xanko fired up the jetpack again, rocketing back out of the window. Abob chased him frantically, furious, thinking that Amidala was dead. Xanko shot out of the window, and headed straight for his speeder, avoiding the many blaster shots aimed his way. Xanko landed perfectly in a sitting position on his speeder, and rocketed back off towards the forest. Then he realised... the Jedi was probably still up there.[/I]
[I]Immediately the droids split up, circling the two boys in opposite directions. Craig instinctively moved into a crouched position, his tail swaying lightly in the air... and Seifer was hunched double, like a sprinter before a race... wherever he has going, he would go like a speeding bullet. The droid nearest Craig suddenly broke it's perimiterary guard and dashed straight at his fuzzy, blue opponent. Craig flicked his legs into the air, and pushed into a flip off his hands, flowing gracefully into the air, and planted a two footed kick straight into the droids chest. It stumbled back a few steps, but seemed almost unaffected otherwise. Craig dropped from a backflip into a crouch, and, shifting his weight onto one foot, spun around, taking the droid's legs from under him. The droid landed on his neck, but flipped instantly back to his feet. Then the droid shot out a punch, it was like a lightning bolt. Striking Craig it the chest, it winded him instantly, and drove him back several paces.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] Here we go again...
[I]Xanko froze, both in shock and anticipation. He could see the Jedi behind him, one of the capacitites of the Mandalorian helmet was 360 degree vision. This Jedi was good, the first one ever to see straight through the decoy... a trick that he had used to lose even the great Sassae Tiin once. Both hands gripped his DC18, not nervously, bit firmly, ensuring no mistakes. Obviously the Jedi planned for a showdown, his lightsabre was already drawn... though not yet ignited. Xanko was not about to disappoint his new opponent, Jedi or not. Xanko walked on a few steps, making Marth feel as if he had gone unnoticed, and he crept a few steps further also. Suddenly, Xanko turned, blaster raised, and he fired. Marth, amazed at the man's speed, ignited his lightsabre just in time to execute a block. However, two more bolts were already on the way, which Marth blocked also, as he started to rush the bounty hunter. Xanko knew he couldn't let this man get close, or he would be in trouble... his weapon would get through his armour like a knife through hot butter. However, he kept firing for the moment, hoping to catch Marth with a bolt by surprise. Marth could see the bounty hunter was good... any less of a person would have been long since dead. He wasn't simply firing bolts, he was trying to pick off vital areas... one bolt went to the kneecap, followed quickly he one directed at the heart. This meant that Marth was having to alter his course in order to get in a position to block. However, he was nearly on Xanko's position. Marth drew within striking range, and slashed vertically, as if to take off Xanko's head. Xanko, in an amazing move that seemed impossible for a non-force user, dive to the left, straight under the strike of the Jedi. Then, igniting his jetpack, he took off into the air, continuing to fire at his Jedi opponent. Marth blocked while watching the bounty hunter intently. Marth leapt suddenly into the air, straight at Xanko. It was simply to fast for Xanko to react to... Marth delivered a kick to Xanko's midsection, knocking his DC18 from his grip. Marth landed on the room of Xanko's ship on his feet, whereas Xanko landed on his back. Marth charge again, raising his lightsabre above his head to deliver the final blow. However, as he brought his sabre downwards, Xanko let his whipcord lose, and it wrapped around Marth's wrists. Their arms were so close together that it was basically like they were handcuffed together. Xanko brought Marth's arms down to his side, the sabre missing Xanko's helmet by centimetres. He kept forcing Marth's hands downards, forcing him to strike the roof of the ship. The hard durasteel crashed against his knuckles with tremendous force, causing him to lose his grip on his lightsabre, and it rolled a few yards away from him. He went to call it with the force, but suddenly he felt the cold steel of Xanko's Westar 34 pressed against his temple. This could go either way... Marth could call his lightsabre and hit Xanko before he fired a shot... but it depended on just how fast Xanko's reactions were. So, for now Marth decided to play it safe...[/I] [B]Xanko:[/B] Tell me Jedi, why shouldn't I shoot you? [B]Marth:[/B] I won't let you kill Senator Amidala bounty hunter... I won't allow it. [B]Xanko:[/B] I don't think your in any position to make threats... but I'm not here to kill Amidala. [I]Marth could sense that this man was telling the truth, he spoke confidently and clearly, with no alteration in his pulse...[/I] [B]Marth:[/B] Then why are you here? [B]Xanko:[/B] That's my business Jedi, and mine alone. [I]A vibroblade suddenly extended from Xanko's wrist, and he used it to cut the whipcord binding Marth's wrists. Immediately Marth shot up, and called his lightsabre to him, but Xanko was already walking away. He picked up his DC18 at the edge of the ship's roof, and dropped off the edge. Marth ran to the edge of the roof, only to see Xanko speeding away through the forest on his speeder bike.[/I]