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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. There she was... Naboo. Anyone could admit that this planet was exceptionally beautiful, considering it's importance. Normally planets such as this would have been turned into industrial havens, such a Coruscant and even Correlia to an extent. Xanko decided that Abob would probably keep all Senator's grouped for their safety. So, up on his computer, Xanko pulled up a list of all of Senator Amidala's most visited places, provided to him by the supposedly "loyal" Captain Panaka. A long list of places scrolled down his monitor. He immediately cancelled out those too obvious or too big, like her house or the Palace. Then he decided to eliminate those to close Theed or any other city area. He was left now, with only three places. The middle one caught his eye... it was labelled simply "The Lake Retreat". He touched the screen with one finger, and a picture and description of this retreat appeared on his screen. It was a particularly beautiful place, the house was on the water's edge, there was a large span of water, and then two islands, one very large one covered in forestry towards the West, and a very small island in the middle of the water mass off to the North. [I]Perfect place to hide...[/I] Xanko thought... this was the place he would visit first. [B]Xanko:[/B] Wait... what's this? An N-1 Starfighter. It had come up on Xanko's scanners... someone was trailing him. It was quite a way off, and scanners confirmed the ship with that serial number had been reported stolen. However, nothing was known about the pilot. The ship had been stoled from Coruscant... how convenient. [B]Xanko:[/B] I'll bet it's one of those damned Jedi. Well, if he upholds the law like he had done in the past, then he won't have a lightsabre... but that's not very likely, seeing as that is a stolen ship. Computer, deploy the decoy, and serial code him... this one's no pushover. The decoy was a small device that carried an override code to The [I]Scorpion's Dens'[/I] serial number, and it would deploy at an adjacent angle to the ship, so to any scanner it would appear that Xanko had made a bank turn in order to lose any followers. Even a Jedi had to be within eyesight of it before he realised he had been tricked... which was plenty of time for Xanko to lose his trackers. The decoy deployed from the ship, as Xanko accelerated the [I]Scorpion's Den[/I], bringing it into Naboo's atmosphere. Senator Osg wouldn't match much longer.
  2. In the cockpit of the [I]Scorpion's Den[/I], Xanko looked out at the vortex of swirling light through his Mandalorian battle helmet. Moments before he had entered hyper space, he had watched as the hunter known as "Kwaz" had foolishly attacked the patrol head on. Xanko knew better, his ships scanners had identified one humanoid on the platform as he had passed on his speeder. The Omwati, Abob Ttef. Xanko had quite a bit on information on this one, enough to know that he was no fool, and he was one of the best at what he did. [I]Well then, that's something we have in common...[/I] Xanko thought to himself as he gazed at the hologram of Abob. No doubt Kwaz was paying for his actions right now... Xanko would wait until he was on planet. Xanko's mind wandered... if Abob had managed to identify Xanko somehow, then he would no doubt feel that Xanko was after Senator Amidala... which was not the case. Xanko hoped faintly that Abob would be so concerned with the Senator that Xanko's task of stealing the Mallastarian; Osg Mu'Hak would be quite simple. But, it didn't matter, if Abob got in the way... then he would die. Xanko had put all his heavy equipment in his storage locker... his jetpack and wrist armaments. Now he only had his basic armour, helmet and a single blaster pistol. It wasn't something that Xanko enjoyed doing, but it was essential, as the jetpack would put a lot of unecessary stress on his spine, which, if caught in a collision, could prove fatal. He kapt an eye on the Naboo ship's tracker as he made tweaks and adjustments to the controls. Suddenly his comm. panel button started to bleep. He pressed the button, and a old figure appeared in the small comm. screen at the base of his foreard viewport. It was the face of Chancellor Palpatine. [B]Palpatine:[/B] Ah, Master Hasek, how goes your hunt? Xanko didn't usually enjoy his employers continuously prying into his work, but he felt particularly heppy with this man at the moment. Under his helmet, he cracked a rare, wicked grin. [B]Xanko:[/B] It's going fine... Osg will be in your hands soon enough. [B]Palpatine:[/B] I hope so Xanko... a lot pf people say you are the best... and I would be very disappointed if you weren't to live up to that title. [B]Xanko:[/B] Don't worry, I aim to please. The transmission cut off suddenly, the Chancellor obviously satisfied that his message had gotten across. Xanko made another slight adjustment to his velocity, the Naboo ship was doing it's best to lose any trackers. But this was on pest that was not so easily swatted. Xanko noticed suddenly that they were quite close to Naboo... and Xanko realised this is obviously where they were headed. Xanko felt a lump of dissapointment... he needn't have bothered to attatch the tracker, anyone could have guessed they'd go here. However, now Xanko had to plan how he'd get onto the planet without anyone noticing... which would take some doing.
  3. [I]Xanko shot like a bullet along the skyline of Coruscant, he had made it to the Senate building only to hear that a Gunship carrying his target was heading for a dock. He could see the Naboo Transport now through his visor... it was about to take off. Altering the setting on his repulsor coils, he increased speed, he had to get to that ship before it left. He shot straight past it, releasing a small homing beacon from his wrist as he did so. It stuck perfectly to the ships hull, and Xanko turned and sped away, job done for now. There was no technology, Republican or otherwise, that was good enough to detect any device of Xanko's. Dipping his speeder bike into a dead nose dive, Xanko headed for lower ground. He was heading for his ship, which, no doubt, had already begun scanning the Naboo fighters' flight path. Conveniently, his own ship was in a dock not too far away. He reached the dock in a matter of seconds, and, using the nerve controls in his fingertips, opened the secondary hatchway for his speeder. The only escape pod in his ship had been removed in order to make storage room for this bike, and it was a rick he was willing to take, especially with the excellent condition his ship was constantly kept in. Xanko made his way into the cockpit, and prepared the Svorpion's Den for flight.[/I]
  4. [B]Seifer:[/B] ... Women. [B]Craig:[/B] I hope all of them aren't planning on attacking me when they arrive... I have to sleep sometime. [I]Seifer chuckled, they had planned to take the arrival of the new students quite lightly. Infact, they had planned to stay out of the Professor's way whilst he settled them in. They had both agreed, however, to give a sparring demonstration in the Danger Room. Craig was actually slightly anxious about that, as they both had to make a good impression.[/I] [B]Craig:[/B] What time is it? [I]Seifer glanced at his wrist watch.[/I] [B]Seifer:[/B] 1:30... why? [B]Craig:[/B] I'm getting bored just sitting here. [B]Seifer:[/B] What do you say we give those new combat droids a whirl? [B]Craig:[/B] We did that yesterday... we had a royal áss kicking. [B]Seifer::[/B] All the more reason to try again. The Danger Room is still currently cut off from the new arrivals, so we don't have to worry about making fools of ourselves. [B]Craig:[/B] Okay then... Want me to 'port us down? [I]Seifer looked inquisitively at Craig for a moment, but then his expression eased, and he shrugged.[/I] [B]Seifer:[/B] As long as it's just the one 'port this time. [I]Craig reached over the table and grabbed his friends arm, and with the BAMF! They went, just as a group of new arrivals entered the cafeteria, hoping to see the two original students, but instead being greeted by two empty plates and the smell of brimstone... The two boys appeared on the floor of the danger room, but then Craig ported once more into the room's control centre above the dome shaped room itself. He tapped in the security code, and typed in the activation code for two combat droids. These droids are able to run at 60mph, lift over 1000lbs, and are fluent in 9 forms of advanced hand-to-hand combat. If that wasn't enough, they could also expel radiation from their hands which knocked out a mutants' abilities for a short while. Craig then ported back into the Danger Room itself, and waited next to his friend as two droids marched quietly from a hatchway in the wall.[/I]
  5. [I]This was the closest Xanko had come to laughing in years. The Jedi, the only force in the galaxy that could pose him any kind of threat, had just been stripped of their powers. Xanko wasn't blind, he knew they were getting weaker... Xanko was good, but he didn't believe he could have killed a group of 3 Jedi at the same time otherwise. That little stunt, however, had given him quite a business boost. He had to leave now, on business. A mysterious benefactor had agreed to pay 50,000 credits if one of his main opposers in the senate was to be... eliminated. Xanko liked that, he didn't have to worry about keeping it alive. He stood up from his table in the corner, where he sat alone. People would rather have stood up than taken their chances sitting by him. He walked over to the bar, where Dexter... one of the very few people he was civil to, smiled towards him.[/I] [B]Dexter:[/B] If nothing else, this is good news for you, eh? [I]Under his helmet, Xanko smiled. This seemingly gentle giant was so wise, and a very good fighter when he needed to be, Xanko had seen that for himself... and yet, he spent his time here, running this tiny, if very popular diner.[/I] [B]Xanko:[/B] You could say that. But don't worry Dex... nothing will happen to this place while I'm around. [B]Dexter:[/B] Thank's Xanko... that means a lot to me. [B]???:[/B] Seems like the great Xanko Elg'Hasek is getting soft! [I]Xanko knew who it was anyway... but the speech sensors in his helmet had, as they were designed to, identified who was speaking and relayed an information strip into Xanko's helmet, where it displayed infront of his right eye.[/I] [B]Xanko:[/B] So what if I am Tok? I'm still a better hunter than you'll ever be. [B]Tok:[/B] We'll see Xanko... how're you gonna get outta this one! [I]Suddenly he felt the slightest ounce of pressure press against the back of his helmet... a blaster pistol. Xanko kept his visor fixed on Dexter, who was finding it hard not to break into a smile. Xanko, with his arms already down at his sides, had to simply alter the position of his wrist to line up his wrist blaster with Tok's leg. He squeezed his index finger into his hand, the sensors in it activating the blaster's trigger. A blast was heard, and Tok yelled in pain as a scorching bolt of energy went through his leg. Then, Xanko brought his arm back, striking Tok in the face with his elbow. Tok fell to the floor, and Xanko simply turned, and walked out of the Diner.[/I]
  6. [I]Craig had to admit, those droids sure could cook. Perhaps the fact that they couldn't taste allowed them to create such good food, much like Bethoven was a great composer because he was deaf. Craig shrugged off the theory and stuffed another large piece of ham into his mouth. It was always the same, Seifer would eat about four times as much as Craig, in the same time space. It took Craig a few weeks to get use to this, he wasn't use to anyone being faster than him. After all, his ability to run on his hands and feet meant he could run twice as fast as any normal human, but Seifer had been clocked at 180 mph. But then again, Seifer had to get used to hanging out with a boy who looked nothing short of demonic, so Craig couldn't exactly complain. Craig's mind wandered back to those long months on the run... constantly being chased by a lynch mob. They didn't know Craig, but simply because of his appearence he was hunted, and was almost killed numerous times. He was certain that they would have gotten him in the end, there were just too many... and they were a secret organisation, so he could never tell when someone would go for him. So, in a big way the Professor had saved his life, and he was very grateful. Now, in just three months, he had learned 2 new fighting styles, added to the 2 he already knew. He had become proficient in many types of weaponry, and learned how to use his powers to sneak about. One thing he had only learned to do once in the mansion, was that his body can blend in with shadows, which Craig was very fond of, like someone when they first learn to drive. Often he would try to use this skill to jump out on Seifer and the Professor, though the Proffesor would always sense him there, and doing it to Seifer usually resulted in a punch to the face. Craig realised suddenly that he had finished his food, and Seifer had just come back with another plate. Craig whistled and signalled to the canteen droid for a coke. The droid wheeled back to the fridge, and grabbed a coke. Then, with great accuracy, he threw the can across the room at Craig, who caught it with his tail. He opened the can and took a long drink, and then behind him he heard the slightest whirl of wind in the air. He held up his hand, and caught another can without looking at it. He passed the can to Seifer, who had obviously also signalled for one.[/I] [B]Seifer:[/B] Damn, how did you know that was coming? [I]Craig said nothing, but instead made both karge, pointy ears twitch twice, signalling to Seifer that he had heard it. Craig's gift of spacial awareness; the ability to sense things around him, had allowed him to catch the can. It was also this spatial awareness that stopped him from teleporting into solid objects, a feat that would surely cripple or kill Craig.[/I]
  7. Firstly, Lost Prophets are a great band, though they sound nothing like either Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit... (both of which suck.) The come from a town 5 miles from where I live... and that town also has the rugby team I support. (Ponty, for anyone interested.) Their song "Shinobi vs Dragonninja" is by far their best song, it was a great opening song to get them started.
  8. My favorite aminated TV shows are Futurama and South Park. I have both Season 1 and 2 Futurama DVD's... Professor Farnsworth and Bender are just so damned funny. And South Park... that's just a classic show, Towelie was the ultimate creation. However, my favorite non-aminated shows are the British comedy's like Bottom, Blackadder, The Young Ones, Father Ted and The League of Gentlemen. They are truely classics.
  9. I read the Jango Fett, open seasons series. They were pretty good, except I thought it was a bit cheesy how he got his silver and blue Mandalorian battle armour...
  10. My favorite X Man is Nightcrawler. His half German / Half English talking always makes me laugh. Also, he has a very different power to most people... almost half the mutants seem to be able to fire beams of some sort, but Nightcrawler doesn't follow that stereotype at all.
  11. Another fist struck Craig in the chest, then two more in the throat and face... then what seemed like five consessive kicks to the spine. If his spine was not enhanced to be very flexible, he was sure that it would have snapped by now. This is what Craig hated about sparring with Seifer, the guy was just too damned fast. The spar in the danger room, featuring the school's only two current students had been going on for only a minute or so, but already Seifer must have landed several hundred punches in, compared to Craig's grand three. Seifer's punches weren't that strong, but he was hurling so many that any lesser person would be screaming in agony right now. Craig had to do something to end this flurry, or Seifer would never let him forget it. The danger room had the amaxing ability to alter it's own size and shape, and also to create objects to suit the environment it had created. It was a very simple design this time, the inside of a warehouse. Craig had already found himself having to use the bulkheads and rafters to get away from Seifer. Seifer may have had the speed advantage, but Craig was more agile and acrobatic. Craig could only see whisps of air as Seifer passed, but Craig knew that his reach was bigger than Seifer's, and that he also had a 3.5 foot prehensile tail to help him out. He swun out forward with a punch, while at the same time swinging his tail low behind him at full extension. His tail hit something, and in a whiping momentum, wrapped around what it had struck. Surely enough, he had caught hold onto Seifer's leg. Without a second thought, Craig whipped his tail in an upwards ark, tripping the adequatly named "Quicksilver". As he predicted, Seifer needed only a moment to gather his breath, so he wasted no time. He shot an open palmed strike down to Seifer's person, and struck him straight in the chest. Seifer gasped in a moan, his breath being utterly driven out of him. Suddenly, however, Seifer was away in another whisp of air. Craig knew he had only moments before Seifer struck him again, and so suddenly, with a "BAMF!" Craig disappeared in a cloud of ash and brimstone, just as Seifer threw a lightning fast punch at where he was only milliseconds before. Craig appeared again on the ceiling, directly above the place he had teleported from. He could see Seifer scannning the room, his face moving so quickly it was a blur to even Craig's perfect vision. With another "BAMF!" Craig teleported onto Seifer back, wrapping both arms and legs around him. [B]Seifer:[/B] Hey... what's the deal? Craig closed his eyes and scrunched up his face as lightning fast elbow strikes started pummeling him in the jaw. Craig, knowing he was starting to lose his grip, began to teleport about the room wildly. Craig was able to teleport easily, but if he took a passenger, they always found it an incredible strain, two, maybe three repeating teleports was enough to knock out the strongest of humans. However, Craig had teleported atleast seven times while clinging to Seifer before he stopped, and released from his opponent with a quick backflip, arking to land in his trademark hunched position. Seifer was left staggering, exhaustion overwhelming him. He turned slowly, and he saw a blue blur infront of him... it had to be Craig. With one last effort, he charged forward and rammed Craig in the stomach, before collapsing to the floor. Craig was knocked into an uncontrolled corkscrew by Seifer's attack. He hit the ground, hard, and was in turn knocked out himself. As per usual... the fight ended in a draw. The danger room morphed back to it's default shape, a simple round, grey room. A calm, comforting voice came on over the comm. speaker. [B]Xavier:[/B] Well done boys, good use of adaptation, both offensively and defensively. Get yourselves down to the medical wing, if you can manage it. Craig groggily opened his eyes, and turned to see Seifer lying next to him. With an effort, Craig reached over to touch Seifer's arm, so he could expel the last of his energy getting them to the medical wing. However, as he was about to touch Seifer, he quickly rolled over, out of Craig's reach, and opened his eyes, facing his blue haired friend. [B]Seifer:[/B] No you don't buddy... you ain't taking me through that again... Craig smiled, while coughing sleepily. He closed his eyes, and with a BAMF! He was gone. ~An hour later~ Craig and Seifer walked out of the medical wing, fully healed and refreshed. The medical wing had three medical droids, programmed to analyse mutant signatures and treat them accordingly. Seifer was stretching his shoulders, and Craig walked along next to him on all fours. [B]Craig:[/B] Y'know, you shouldn't move so fast... I'm sure I strain my eyes trying to follow you. I'll go blind before long. [B]Seifer:[/B] Heh, that's not my problem. And anyway, you nearly killed me today, you know how much your teleporting takes out of other people. [B]Craig:[/B] Well, maybe we should both try and tone in down a bit. Both boys smiled, they knew that wasn't going to happpen any time soon. For the past three months it has just been those two and the Professor, it was the first place where Craig truely felt welcomed. Craig and Seifer had grown in many ways over the past months. Both had developed their fighting skills ten fold, they were more alert, and more concious of what was going on around them. They had also grown as people. Craig had learned that good people, people like Seifer and the Professor, were good people, people he trusted as friends. Indeed, he and Seifer spent most of their time together, playing on computer games, training, eating, playing basketball, or just hanging out. They were starting to get to know each other very well. [B]Seifer:[/B] Damn, I'm hungry, You wanna go get something to eat? [B]Craig:[/B] Sure. The two made their way downstairs, heading for the cafeteria.
  12. Okay, I'll start this before long... I'll leave the sign up's open for a short while though incase anymore people wish to sign up.
  13. [B]Name:[/B] Xanko Elg'Hasek [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Species:[/B] Human [B]Alliance:[/B] Neutral [B]Weapons:[/B] [I]DC18 Blaster -[/I] Xanko's custom blaster rifle, an upgreaded version of the clone troopers' DC15. It has optional scope fitting, and enhanced power settings, able to launch a bolt upto 7 miles. [I]Jetpack -[/I] A jetpack that he wears on his back, can be mounted by a fine-bore missile. [I]Westar 34 pistol -[/I] Sports a single Westar 34 on a holster on his thigh. The Westar 34 is the pistol Jango Fett was famous for using. [I]Flamethrower -[/I] Has a flamethrower mounted onto his right wrist. It can shoot a flame 5 metres long and a metre wide. [I]Whipcord thrower -[/I] Mounted onto his left wrist, shoots a thin but very strong whip cord. It's magnetised eng allows it to wrap around whatever it hits. It is able to support Xanko's weight. [I]Gauntlet projectile dart shooter -[/I] Again mounted on his left wrist, this is a basically a short range blaster pistol, but attatched to his left gauntlet. [I]Kneepad rocket-dart launchers -[/I] Can shoot small poisonous or concussion darts from small projectiles on his knee pads. [I]Vibro-dagger -[/I] Can flick out from his left gauntlet, this provides Xanko with a very effective surprise attack when needed. [B]Biography:[/B] Not that much is known about Xanko Elh-Hasek. Like most bounty hunters, he started at quite a young age, and, like any who are good enough not to be killed by the competition, slowly worked his way up the ranks of the bounty hunters. What was so strange about him was, like one Jango Fett, this man sported the battle armour of the infamous Mandalorians. Many would have considered this an insult to the Mandalorians, if Xanko was not to effective at what he did. He was described at the start of the Clone Wars to be second only to Jango Fett, but now that he is dead, many describe Xanko as the best Bounty Hunter in the galaxy, though the young Boba Fett is certainly starting to make a name for himself. [B]Appearance:[/B] Wears the classic Mandalorian battle armour, though the armour's main colour is black, it's secondary colour is red, and his undersuit is dark grey. Since he never removes his helmet in public, no-one knows what he actually looks like. [B]Other:[/B] Xanko flies a Correlian Y-2400 freighter, severly upgraded. He calls it [I]The Scorpion's Den.[/I] He carried a custom speeder bike inside it for on-planet pursuit.
  14. The droid remained in a stationary position, so perfectly still that a humanoid being would find replicating it impossible. Neither opponent had moved now for almost a minute, and Valygar decided the droid was either waiting for him to strike first, or he was plotting out his own best COA for the next round. Either way, Valygar was growing impatient. Springing forward suddenly from crouched legs, Valygar sped towards the droid like a ball shot from a cannon. Inches from the ground, the air around him was distorted from the force of Valygar's charge, and the sheer heat it generated. Valygar drew his left hand back fully, keeping his palm open. He fully extended his right arm infront of his person, in anticipation of a defensive throw by the droid. It seemed to like those menouvers, using Valygar's own momentum to hurt him. And, with the speed Valygar was going, an effective reversal from the droid could mean paralysis. Valygar came within two metres of the droid, and suddenly the droids arms shot up, gripping Valygar's extended right arm tightly. With amazing speed, the droid shifted it's weight onto its left side, preparing to swing Valygar round by his arm. At that moment, Valygar let a gleaming orb of white ki grow in his open left palm, which he then threw forward like a punch into the droid's chest. Upon impact, the unstable orb ripped apart like a flash grenade, the power it generated making the very metal of the droid's chest soft, and it rippled like water struck by a rock. The droid's grip on Valygar's arm was certainly tight enough to cut off his circulation, it was so tight infact, that the droid's own shoulder joints would break apart before it's grip released... which is exactly what happened. The droid was launched backwards, crashing into the arens wall once more, it's arms still gripping Valygar's right wrist. It slammed with square back into the wall, and, as if on an a spring, was propelled 15 feet back into the arena. Valygar still struggled to regain control of his own person, he was only metres from the wall and still going at an impressive speed, unable to stop his immense charge. Once more he diped into the well of ki inside him, and, whipping out both arms, let it stop him like the wall would have, except the ki wouldn't hurt. He hit a dead stop as a light flux of red ki was sent outwards from his being. He lowered himself gently to the floor, and turned to face the droid, who, like a true warrior, was trying to regain his form. The droid, now with a large dent in it's chest and two arms missing, scrambled desperatly to get to his feet. The blast Valygar had used would have ripped apart any living tissue, but the droid has not gone without injury. The dent in his chest had destroyed much of it's circuitry, and collapsed some valuable hydraulics. Valygar knew the fight was over... finally, and this droid needed fixing. [B]Valygar:[/B] That's enough droid... the fight's over. With those words, the droid accepted defeat. It let it's legs go to sleep and it slumped back down to the floor. It seemed to Valygar that it was trying to speak, but the blast must have damaged it's speech circuits. He could hear a fan inside it working wickedly to try and cool the body down, and it eventually managed to blurt pieces of words out. [B]Droid:[/B] Si-le oppo-nt; Dunm-... Power s-t at lev- 1; tra-ni- sess-- end. Valygar let his body relaxed, and he decided to try and find Tonberry to let him know what had happened to his droid.
  15. [I]If nothing else, this droid was fast. Valygar had been doing quite well for the first few minutes, or so he thought... but it occured to him now that the droid had spent those first moments of battle collecting data on Valygar. Now, every block or strike of manouver Valygar made only lead to yet another hit by the droid. It wouldn't have been so bad if the droid didn't pack such a punch... Valygar sent an open plamed strike towards the droids chest... as he had done once before. The droid, with his own palm open pushed Valygar's hand over to the left. The droid then moved in to deliver a strike with his knee... just what he had done previously. Valygar vaulted into a backwards dive, his legs together, and he struck the droid at the base of it's chin. Valygar then landed on his upper back, both palms planted firmly on the ground, over his shoulders. The droid had stumbled back a few steps, and was regaining composure. Valygar wasted no time. With a flick of his legs and a quick push of his arms, he was able to flip back onto his feet. In the same motion he arked into a dive towards the droid, both arms extended fully, fists balled. The droid caught both hands suddenly, and using Valygar's own momentum, pulled Valygar towards his own person and delivered a two swift knee strikes to Valygar's solar plexes. He allowed Valygar to collapse onto his knees, but still retained his grip on Valygar's hands. Struggling to regain breath, Valygar calmed himself. He reached inside himself, searching once more, and finding that same strength that the others affectionately called Ki. He forced it outwards, through every pore, every cell in his body. It gathered inside him, he could feel it's strength, and with the slightest push he expelled it in all directions. A bright blue pulse shot out from Valygar's person very suddenly, and the force of it was like a battering ram, too great for even the droid's mighty grip. He released Valygar's hands, and was sent backwards with immense velocity. Crashing into the wall, Valygar heard the screech of metal crashing into metal, and the droid's body buckled under the force of the crash. It hit the floor in a heap, allowing Valygar to regain his composure. Valygar stood, watching, as the metal body of the droid started to bleep, and it started to rise. Within moments it was back, exactly as it was before, facing it's Dunmer opponent. Valygar clicked his knuckles individually, first right hand, then left... and then he crouched, waiting for the droid's attack.[/I]
  16. [B]Name:[/B] Strider Youngfang [B]Age:[/B] 25 [B]Race:[/B] Wolf [B]Description:[/B] He looks very similar to Fox McCloud, but his fur is grey instead of orange. He is also taller than Fox, and better built, but he wears the same uniform as Fox did in "Starfox Adventures". [B]Biography:[/B] Strider was born into the StarWolf pack, destined to one day become a pilot for them. He was taught how to fly, and was easily one of the best pupils for his age. However, his abilities quickly made him arrogant, giving him a very independant and cocky streak. He soon grew sick of the discipline and orders that StarWolf tried to inforce on him... and so one day, at the age of 17, Strider stole away in the night, heading to the Lylat Systems' capital; Corneria. He spent a short amount of time on the streets, but his desire to fly grew, and so he decided to enlist in the Cornerian military, hoping to become a pilot. He was allowed in, again easily surpassing any and all of his peers. His arrogance grew, but he had grown attatched to his new craft, an Arwing Type II. So, again in the night, he stole his Type II and fled the Cornerian military, and was officially declared AWOl at 19 years of age. He flew to one of the small colonies on Meteo, and then, in a bar, he helped out an old Wolf in a fight with some local thugs. The old Wolf announced that he was Pack Rhinehart, owner and captain of his Bounty Hunting ship, [I]The Rhinehart.[/I] He asked Strider to join his crew, become a bounty hunter and Pack's protigé. Strider, with the prospect of earning the large amounts of money that Bounty's are rumoured to earn, couldn't resist the offer. So, for the past eight years he has been a Bounty Hunter on [I]The Rhinehart[/I], and is now under hire from the very military that he AWOL'ed from. [B]Faction:[/B] Independant [B]Origin:[/B] Was born on Katina, but is currently orbiting Aquas. [B]Alliegence:[/B] Good [B]Craft type:[/B] Upgraded Arwing Type II. The cargo hold was removed so the engine could be enhanced. It is now able to travel as fast, if not more quickly than the Type I. [B]Hand weapons:[/B] Has twin custom blaster pistols, Zoness - 83's. [B]Magical powers:[/B] None.
  17. [I]Valygar had immediately become intrigued by the fighting driods. After seeing the small Cactaur fair so well against them, Valygar wished to see what sort of fight he could put up against them. He approached the door to the room, and it opened with a gentle hiss. Slowly he walked inside, his deep ruby eyes already scanning the room. The droids were lined up next to the circular wall. All had their heads bowed, and their eyes were dead black, an obvious signal that they were turned off. Valygar approached the nearest one, and pressed a button on it's chest, opening a small compartment where the control panel was hidden. It's power rating was set at level 1. Valygar decided it would be best to leave it that way, it would be no good setting it at a high level, not even knowing what it's first level capabilities were. He pressed the burron labelled "power" lightly with his index finger. In the lens of the droids eyes, a small red dot appeared, and it's head raised. Valygar leapt back into the centre of the room, falling into a crouched position.[/I] [B]Droid:[/B] Single opponent; Dunmer... Power level set at level 1. Training session begin. [I]The droid rose off the ground into a burst of forward momentum, heading like a freight train towards Valygar. In only an instant there would be impact, so Valygar instinctively leapt upwards in an ark, shifting balance to his left side, so he was pushed into a corkscrew, landing behind the droid, but facing him.[/I]
  18. Just as well this isn't Rogue Squadron then JC. ----------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Strider Elg'Hasek [B]Age:[/B] 26 [B]Rank:[/B] Leuitenant [B]Call Sign:[/B] Coming soon... [B]Ship:[/B] A-Wing [B]Bio/Description:[/B] A Dug from Malastaire, Strider, like most of his species, is grouchy and bitter. He grew up on the podracing circuit, helping to repair and upgrade his father's pod. However, in the Imperial invasion of Malastaire, Strider's father was taken away and forced to work on an Imperial shipyard, one of the poorest in the outer rim (With the Imperial's being prejudice towards anyone non-human.) So, Strider joined the alliance in the hopes to free his father. He has accomplished that, but has decided to stay with the Alliance until their goals are completed.
  19. Well Cyko, in my post I talked twice, and you talked four times. Then, in your next post, I talked once, and you talked twice. In both posts, therefore, you have talked twice as much as me. But there we are... ------------------------------------------------------------ Valygar's eyes came back into focus suddenly, and he remembered where he was. This was his version of sleep, he would lie there, and allow his mind to wander freely through his thoughts, and most of his memories were that of pain... and he revelled in it. His keen ears had picked up the sound of talking outside, which had brought him back down to earth. He got up, out of the chair that he was resting in, and went straight for the door. Dan was still very much alseep. [I]If he can't prepare himself, why should I help?[/I] Valygar decided as he silently moved out of the door. He paced the short length of the hallway from the door of "dorm H", into the main chamber. Roughly half of the students in the school had gathered here already, Valygar immediately noticed the one called Tonberry, who was walking about pleasently and chatting to anyone and everyone. His eyes then wandered to Arano, as he remembered. Valygar had an almost photographic memory, he could name everyone in the room with him quite easily. Arano was sitting at a bench, alone, seemingly focusing his power. Valygar atleast, felt he would get a mutual silence from Arano... Valygar noticed suddenly that Tonberry was approaching. Valygar felt this was the one person he had to atleast show some civility towards. Tonberry approached him with a smile. [B]Tonberry:[/B] Looking forward to the training? [B]Valygar:[/B] ...It should be quite... interesting. [B]Tonberry:[/B] Yes, I'd imagine so. Valygar took his leave, and walked over to one of the far walls, leaning silently against it, half covered in shadow.
  20. I did say you could pick from any mutants besides the ones mentiones above, so Lady Deathstrike is fine. It'll be a nice change from the usual rabble of powers.
  21. If you are not going to sign up, then you have no right to post in this thread, unless you have authority and feel it should be closed. Your post is therefore SPAM. Also, an idiot could understand the plot of this RPG, it is very simple, and so I assume you have posted what you did in order to be funny. Then let me tell you that you have succeded only in making a fool of yourself. What's more, judging by the quality of your supposed X Men "RPG", I'm not sure I would even have allowed you to join, as you obviously lack creativity and good role playing skills. So, next time, think about what you are going to say before you say it. Thank you... and have a nice day.
  22. Sorry guys, but I'm stopping this RPG. It is just a bit too screwed up for anyone's tastes, and very few people are posting. I do, however, encourage everyone to join my new RPG "X Men: Mutant Hunters", which, I promise, will be much better.
  23. Just to let everyone know, this is in no way related to my other RPG "X Men: The Begining." I have decided that the last RPG wasn't working very well of late, so I am starting up a new RPG, which will hopefully work a lot better. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Three months ago, Professor Charles Xavier opened a school in Weschester County, New York. However, the "Xavier Institute for Higher Learning", is no ordinary school. Shadowed from the public, this school was made to teach mutants how to control their powers. Mutants are the next stage in human evolution, gifted with special powers, but they fear humans will greet them with fear, hostility, and even violence. Xavier himself is a very powerful mutant, gifted with the ability to control people's thoughts, and read minds. However, his powerful mind came at a great cost; the use of his legs. This man, although wheelchair-ridden, always displays an air of calm, and of trust. His best and oldest friend is a man named Erik Magnus Lenshher. Erik is also a mutant, one with an extreme power, the ability to create magnetic fields; allowing him to control all metal objects. He called himself Magneto. The two, although great friends, had very different opinions on how mutants should introduce themselves to mankind. Xavier believed that mutants should introduce themselves as friends, and live in peace with humans. Erik refused to accept this as a possibility, he knew that humans would never accept mutants, and that a war would brew between the two species, a war which he intended to fight... and win. However, they both agreed that the world was not yet ready to find out about the mutant species, and so, individually they searched for yound, developing mutants to take in and train, so that the mutant race would be kept a secret. Whereas Xavier wished to teach his recruits control so they could return to the world as acceptable members of society, Erik Lenshher planned to use his recruits as soldiers in the upcoming war against mankind. Unfortunately, the humans began to learn of the existance of mutants, and so both men feared they had to work quickly. Xaviers first two recruits were very extreme cases, two very strong mutants named Craig Wagner and Seifer Maximoff. Both had already displayed excellent control over their abilities, but they had also both been discovered and labelled as freaks by their local communities. He took them in, and for three months he had been training them solely, waiting patiently for more mutants to develop, so he could take them in and train them, protecting them from the hateful public. The American Government, in a very drastic movement, has began to build a mutant detection and elimination system, called Operation Sentinel, which they are keeping top secret. Xavier fears his time is running short. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the deal... you are a young man or woman that will discover their power in their first post, or at an early stage in this RPG. You are able to pick any powers from existing mutants, besides the following: Charles Xavier, Magneto, Juggernaut, Nightcrawler and Quicksilver. The first three are NPC's, and the last two are the powers of Craig Wagner and Seifer Maximoff, the positions of which have already been filled. You have been warned, any person who tries to create their own powers will face immediate expulsion from the RPG. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Here's what you need in your sign-up: Name: [Your characters full name, and any nicknames.] Age: [Your characters age in years...] Gender: [Male or female... or maybe a bit of both.] Nationality: [What country your character comes from.] Powers: [The characters who's powers you have, a.k.a Cyclops.] Weapons: [If you so wish, you are free to have one weapon.] History: [Your characters past, remember, children who turn into mutants often have troubled pasts.] Description: [Your characters physical appearence.] Personality: [Your characters likes / dislikes, and their attitudes towards others.] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Craig Wagner [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Nationality:[/B] Half Welsh, Half German. [B]Powers:[/B] Nightcrawler's [B]Weapons:[/B] None [B]History:[/B] Craig was found on a riverbank in Lauterbach, Germany in May 1985 by a married couple, David and Anne Wagner. Craig was only a few months old at the time, and had been seemingly abandoned by his parents, who to this day still remain unknown to him. When the couple found him, they found he was very unlike most children. Blue fur covered his entire body. His eyes were yellow, and his ears were pointed. He had two fingers and a thumb on each hand, and two toes on each foot. Also, perhaps the most peculiar thing of them all, he possesed a demon-like pointed tail. Regardless of his physical appearence, the couple couldn't help but take pity upon him, and took him in as their son, moving back to the mother's home country of Wales. They soon found that the difference between Craig and the other children were not simply in appearence. The found that Craig was able to climb walls, and hand effortlessely from the ceiling by his tail. He was also extremely agile and quick, by the age of five he was already faster in raw speed than his father. However, despite his obvious gifts, his parents knew he must be kept inside at all times, as they community would never accept him as they did. Craig was happy with this for a while, always pleased to stay with his parents constantly, as most young children are. He was schooled at home by his father, who had given up his teaching career to stay home and look after Craig constantly. However, and Craig turned ten years old, he began to realise how lonely he was becoming. Suddenly, his parents did not provide the level of companionship he desired, he wanted friends, people his age that he could hand out with. He asked his parents about this, and they forbade it, knowing what the consequences would be. They took heavy precautions to make sure Craig could not get outside, they went so far as to bar the windows and reinforce the doors, which only made Craig's desire for the outside stronger. One day he became very frustrated, locked up inside his room. He began pounding on the doors and walls, screaming and yelling for his parents to let him out, when suddenly, he vanished in a puff of ash and smoke. He reappeared suddenly on the roof of his house... he couldn't believe what had happened. He focused, and in the same flash, he was back inside his room... Over time, in secret, he practiced and developed his ability, not even letting his parents know about his ability of teleportation. Over three years he gained a lot of control over his power, and finally decided that he should face the outside world. So, one day almost a year ago, he teleported outside his house, and onto the streets, in broad daylight. The people believed him to be a demon, quickly developing a fear of him, they started hunting him. Knowing his parents were right, but also that they could no longer protect him, he fled, and for one year he had been running, hiding, and fighting for his life. He was so relived when a man, Professor Xavier, ame to him, explained about what he was, and offered him sanctuary from the outside once more. Craig was glad to accept. He was brought to New York, where he met the only other student of Xavier's at the time, Seifer Maximoff, who possesed super speed. The two instantly developed a strong friendship, training together in the mansion, developing as people, and Craig learned to trust people once more. For three months they have been at the mansion, and now Xavier is looking for other recruits to join his School for Higher Learning. [B]Description:[/B] Black scruffy hair, yellow eyes, pointed ears, blue fur covering his entire body. Three fingers on each hand, two toes on each foot, and a pointed tail. He is about 6', and is quite slim, but at the same time has very defined muscles. He usually wears a black "Green Day" t-shirt and baggy jeans. All his trousers have a special hole in the back for him to put his tail through. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig is a joker, and over time has become quite cocky with his powers. Never the less, he is a good friend to anyone who earns his trust.
  24. Valygar paced quickly down the hall way, as Dan ran to catch him. It was going to be like having a kid-sidekick, someone who'll follow you everywhere, giving out useless pieces of information, and asking about Valygar's past... most of which he did not wish to recall. He opened the door to the dorm, and walked inside, his metal boots making a large clanging sound on the floor. The one duffle bad he carried, he tossed onto the floor lightly. He looked about the room, it was more than he deserved... but all he needed. A place to train, to shelter under, and to sleep in, not that he slept much. Dan walked into the room soon after, and was much more appreciative of the dorm room. [B]Dan:[/B] This is an eye opener and no mistake... Valygar said nothing, and just hoped than Dan was someone who needed a good nights sleep, and wasn't someone who wanted to stay up all night talking. If he was one of the latter, Valygar would soon drive him into being one of the former. [B]Dan:[/B] So, ugh, which bed d'ya want? [B]Valygar:[/B] I don't care kid... [B]Dan:[/B] Okay then... I'll take the right one. I'm pretty tired, we should probably both get some sleep. Valygar looked inquisitively at his room-mate for a moment, not really sure what to make of him. Then, he turned and sat quietly on a chair. [B]Dan:[/B] Aren't you gonna get some sleep? [B]Valygar:[/B] No need...
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