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Everything posted by Yoda
The next day, everyone was gathered in the briefing hall, the only room on Level B1 besides the control room of the danger room. Xavier sat at the head of the table, and looked about the recruits. The Xavier Institute for Higher Learning had barely been open a month... and yet they had already gone through so much. It was time to establish order, to assign a leader that was capable to lead if ever Xavier was not there. The most obvious choices were Sil and Seifer... two of the oldest members of the group, they knew everyone, and were able to give orders. The only problem was that Sil was quite an emotional fighter... and Seifer was not the best tactician. That was something the old Craig had been good at. Xavier then, thinking about that, brought his attention towards the new Craig. He was sitting there, his yellow eyes peering at the ground, but his ears were perked. He was listening, taking in every piece of information he could from anyone. Xavier pondered; was this boy suitable for leadership? Already he had developed a friendship with Andrew, who sat on his right, and he was also developing quite a bond with the still depressed Seifer, who sat, now silently on his left. Xavier suddenly, speaking through telepathy, commanded them into silence. [B]Xavier:[/B] It is time to decide on a team leader, and a second in command, because I believe we need some sort of order. I will base my choice on several things. Today you will all face a trial by fire, a series of tests to demonstrate your control and abilities. Also, I will take into account each of your opinions on who should be the best leader. At this, all of them looked about, trying to decide on who the best leader would be. Decision making intelligence lied mainly within Andrew, where-as the most obvious leaders were Sil and Seifer... but there was an air of mystery about the new Craig, a depth behind his deep yellow eyes that demanded respect, and made them all think deeply about the proper leader. [B]Xavier:[/B] The first challenge will be in the danger room itself... you simply have to avoid being hit... without attacking anything yourself. There were a few gasps and gawks amongst the group. Some of them were seriously going to have to adapt for this challenge, as they had based their powers solely on attacking upto now. [B]Xavier:[/B] Would anyone like to volunteer to go first? There was a few moments of silence, everyone looked about, anticipating Sil to stand... but as she pressed her arms onto the chair arms to pull herself up, the new boy, Craig, stood up, his tail swaying behind him. [B]Craig:[/B] I'll go... The room went quiet, as they all stared at Craig. His decision had brought a smile from Andrew, who was the only person at the moment who knew anything in detail about him. Sil shrugged, and flopped back down into her chair happily; it was about time someone else set an example. Xavier looked at Craig, and allowed his mind to slip into Craig's. He was very surprised, he saw complete calm, but also, a very competitive drive. He realised then, that this new boy was going to complete for the leader spot. Xavier smiled, this was going to be interesting. [B]Xavier:[/B] Very well Craig. Sil, please take Craig down to the danger room. ------------------------------------------------------- Craig in his uniform:
[B]Craig:[/B] Well, all that isn't much good if your not able to hit your opponent. [B]Sil:[/B] Oh, I haven't met anyone yet who has been able to succesfully defend against me. [B]Craig:[/B] Well then you haven't met someone who could teleport... Both of them were now on all fours, Craig looking a lot more comfortable in his position than Sil, being as it was his natural stance. Sil smiled playfully, and Craig waited patiently, expecting an attack. However, Sil then stood up, she realised that if both of them were focused, it was improbable that she could catch him, as he could teleport. [B]Sil:[/B] Everyone will see just how good we both are tomorrow Craig. [B]Craig:[/B] What do you mean? [B]Sil:[/B] Oh, maybe the professor didn't mention it to you. While your here, your part of a team known as the X-Men. Tomorrow we are going through trials to decide the leader, second in command and so on. Everyone is participating... even you. [B]Craig:[/B] Ugh... wouldn't it make sense to let me get to know everyone? I mean... if I do beat you all... I'm not sure how likely that is, but if I do... won't there be some issues of trust? [B]Sil:[/B] Maybe with the others. But, I trust you. [B]Craig:[/B] Why? [B]Sil:[/B] When I touch someone, I not only get their powers, but their memories also. I know what you've suffered... it's worse than any one in this place. Yet, even after so much persecution, you've agreed to stay with a group of mutants, that defend the people who have hunted you for years.
A loud rumbling was heard above the Jedi, and they all stared upwards. All of them could feel a large power inside the force, but it was not hostile. They all felt a twinge of ease when a Jedi dropship suddenly appeared through the clouds, dropping rapidly to the surface of the planet. It landed at the front of the Jedi encampment, and the hatchway slid open, releasing dust from the planet's surface. It the hatchway, they saw the sillhouette of a very small figure with unusually large ears. Lord Hoth smiled. [B]Lord Hoth:[/B] Master Craig... The small Jedi walked quickly down the ramp, followed by his padawan, and five other Jedi. Craig's padawan was fifteen, which wasn't too bad. They were pleased to see that all the others who stepped off were atleast twenty, which was very promising... as they were used to seeing a lot of very young padawans in battle. [B]Lord Hoth:[/B] Never before have I been so happy to see you, my old friend. [B]Craig:[/B] Great distress I sensed in you. I gathered, as quickly as I could... all the Jedi Knights able to fight. [B]Lord Hoth:[/B] We will be most grateful for your help. Abob is, as we speak, sending out for re-inforcements. [B]Padawan:[/B] I think we are fighting a war we cannot win. [B]Craig:[/B] Yet, try we must young one... trust to your own strength, or trust to the victory of the enemy.
I'll post my sign up now, if Boba decides I can't join then I'll just delete it. ------------------------------------------------------------ [B]Name:[/B] Craig [B]Age:[/B] 193 [B]Species:[/B] Unknown (He's a Yoda...) [B]Weapons:[/B] A single, yellow-bladed electrum lightsabre. [B]Force Powers:[/B] [I]Jedi Healing:[/I] This form of meditation allows a Jedi to heal himself quickly, although it is exhausting. [I]Force Shield:[/I] A shield is created around the user, which can block and repel almost everything. [I]Force Lightning Block:[/I] The ability to repel deadly Sith Lightning. [B]Vehicles:[/B] A speeder bike, customly made small to fit Craig's size. [B]Bio:[/B] Craig was found by the Jedi and taken in when he was roughly a year old. Like most of his species that become Jedi, he was very naturally gifted in his knowledge of the force. However, Craig liked to spend a lot of time practicing his lightsabre techniques. He now has a custom lightsabre style, a mixture of forms 3, 4 and 6. However, he originally was taught in form 6 because of his size. He is nearly 200 years old, but in relevance to his species, he is still growing. He is a powerful and well respected member of the Jedi, and is good friends with Abob. [B]Description:[/B] He looks basically like Yoda from AOTC... but his hair is a light brown colour, and he doesn't have a walking stick.
Sorry, every year I go down my Nan's for X-Mas week... that's why I haven't posted. --------------------------------------------------- Craig opened his eyes fully, and looked up at the girl. Still in his victimised frame of mind, he teleported away, re-appearing again on the ceiling. Then he realised he was in the mansion, not in his own bed, being hunted by humans. Then, the girl must also be a mutant. She hadn't yet realised where he had got to. He dropped down, arching backwards and landing in a crouch on the floor behind the girl. [B]Craig:[/B] What do you want? The girl turned around, shocked. Craig had the ability to move silently, after all, he was more animal-like than anyone else in this place, save perhaps Andrew. His tail swayed gently behind him. [B]Sil:[/B] I just wanted to say hello, and welcome. My name's Sil. The girl held out her hand, and Craig regarded it for a moment before he accepted it. [B]Craig:[/B] I'm Craig. [B]Sil:[/B] There were rumours that you could teleport... I see that's true. What kind of limits does that have? [B]Craig:[/B] None really... I just have to know where I'm teleporting to. The professor says that otherwise I have the risk of reapearing inside a solid object, which would kill me. [B]Sil:[/B] So, there's no distance limit? [B]Craig:[/B] I'm not sure... I haven't really tested it like that. Normally I was using my ability to run and hide... [B]Sil:[/B] Mutant-phobics? [B]Craig:[/B] I guess. So, what do you do?
The young Strider stood, and moved to the head of the council. He looked very much like Aragorn, his father... but anyone who looked into his eyes saw the calm and grace of Arwen Evenstar, who was his mother. He was clothed in a deep green trenchcoat, which was very muddy, as were his boots. (His coat is like Aragorn's in the Fellowship before they visit Lothlorien.) He also wore black fingerless gloves. He looked around, almost happily at the crowd. [B]Strider:[/B] As my father did before me, I will join the Fellowship... and give my life to it, if needs be. I wield the sword of kings, and I give it to the fellowship. Elrond regarded his grandson with pride, as Strider approached the man known as Abob. Strider held one gloved hand to the man. [B]Strider:[/B] I am Strider; Prince of Gondor. I look forward to drawing swords with you, friend. Abob accepted the young princes hand, and smiled.
I can't say I'm surprised Flash... you always seem to go big people when in such situations... big and strong, and treeish. (You'll never be better than Quickbeam.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [B]Name:[/B] Strider [B]Age:[/B] 20 [B]Race:[/B] Half Elven [B]Weapons:[/B] Anduril; Flame of the West. (Aragorn's sword.) A long bow of Rivendell, with a quiver of 30 arrows. [B]Description:[/B] Looks basically like Aragorn from the films, but he is taller, less rugged, and has classic pointy elven ears. [B]Bio:[/B] He was born in the city of Minas Tirith, a half elven destined to one day rule Gondor. His father was the great King Elessar, his mother the elven princess Arwen. He inherited his father build and rugged appearence, and from his mother he inherited his pointy ears and enhanced senses. From an early age he was trained by his father to use Anduril, and he has finally taken it as his own. For the past 2 years he has wandered Middle-Earth as a Dunadain, and many know him.
Rei... you really have no idea what your doing do you? In your last post, you were in the mansion, so how could you have magically appeared 5,000 miles away all of a sudden? Craig is on the streets of South Wales, not in the mansion in New York. Also, your posts are of very poor quality... so I must ask that you take some time to post carefully and adequately, or else you will be asked to leave. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The hatchway at the base of the helicopter lowered, it was stepped... but a platform started lowering, sttatched to the rails at the sides of the steps. It stopped at ground level, and Xavier wheeled himself onto it, and turned to face Craig. [B]Xavier:[/B] This, is the X-M Velocity. Please, come aboard. Craig watched as the platform rose, now carrying the disabled professor onto the chopper. When he was half way up, Craig teleported away, and appeared at a spot near the top of the stairway. He got up into the craft, and waited, crouched on all fours as the professor was elevated the rest of the way. [B]Xavier:[/B] Craig... our current leader of the X-Men is also named Craig. We shall have to think of creating code names for each of you, so we don't get confused. [B]Craig:[/B] That's if I decide to stay... [B]Xavier:[/B] ...Of course. Xavier wheeled himself over to a spot in the cockpit... there was a metal compartment on the floor... where a pilot seat normally would have been. Craig guessed that it was lowered into this compartment when the professor was the pilot. His suspicions were confirmed when the professor keyed in a combination on his wheelchair, and two restraints bolted him to the floor. Craig got up, and walked over to the co-pilot seat, wrapping his tail around his waist so it didn't get uncomfortable for him. [B]Craig:[/B] This is a... nice helicopter. [B]Xavier:[/B] I thought you'd like it. It has all the latest in radar, communication and weapons software. There is very little in the world with enough power to take this down... anything human atleast. [B]Craig:[/B] You mean there are people like us strong enough to take down aircraft? [B]Xavier:[/B] Yes indeed. You will soon find that not so hard to believe... especially with potential like yours. By now, the craft was already in flight. It was very fast, but Craig noted that the rotor's of the blades were extremely quiet. Craig stared inquisitively at the controls of the ship, and there were many. [B]Craig:[/B] So ugh... what kinds of people are at this school of yours? [B]Xavier:[/B] Well... one in particular is very much like you. He has thick blue fur covering his entire body... but he doesn't have your teleportation ability. He is, however, much larger and stronger than you. [B]Craig:[/B] Well... atleast I won't stand out as much now. [B]Xavier:[/B] Hahaha. I think you'll like this place a lot. Please, fasten your seat belt, we're almost there.
And so comes the introduction of Nightcrawler. So... the next game starts. --------------------------------------------------------------- The boy ran, as fast as he could, on through the blistering rain, down the empty street. The mob chased him, armed to the teeth with flaming torches, knives and chainsaws. The boy was hunched forward naturally, running on all fours, using his tail as a rudder to enhance his agility. The boy darted into an alley, and leapt up, clinging to the wall, pressing himself as flatly as he could to it. He was shadowed by the wall, but it was also dusk, and raining badly. The boy, named Craig, figured he had a good chance of not being spotted. He shut his bright yellow eyes tightly... praying that he wouldn't be seen. The mob rushed past, they hadn't even considered the alley as an option, nevermind scoured it to find Craig. He was safe... for now. He opened his eyes, and suddenly, with a spark and a cloud of ash, he disappeared. Craig appeared again on the roof of his house. He was crouched, his hands placed on the floor between his legs, and standing on his toes. His tail swayed freely behind him. The mob was nearly a mile away now, he was safe for the moment. [I]"Over here..."[/I] Craig looked about, he had heard a voice, but it was almost as if he had heard the voice in his head. There was no-one in sight... and the voice was almost a whisper. However, the voice was calm and welcoming... not the sort of voice Craig was used to lately. [I]"Come, this way!"[/I] The same whispering voice in his head... but it felt as if it was coming from a very specific direction... the woodland behind his house. He leapt off the roof, and landed in his garden. He leapt over the garden fence, and ran again, on all fours, into the woodland. [I]"Good. Hurry Craig!"[/I] The voice knew his name? This was getting strange, but the voice contained the same trusting, welcoming and calm tone that pushed Craig onwards. He ran for a few minutes, and finally reached a clearing. In that clearing, was a very sleak helicopter. One man was outside it... he was bald, and disabled. The blistering rain that engulfed the woodland didn't seem to be able to touch him... he was completely dry. Craig walked forward catiously, still crouched on all fours, his fur soaked. [B]Craig:[/B] What do you want? [B]Xavier:[/B] Hello Craig. I am Professor Charles Xavier. Do not fear, I bring help, not hostility. I run a school for gifted individuals like yourself. [B]Craig:[/B] Not gifted... cursed is more the word. Anyway, how do you know my name? [I]"Your not the only one with gifts..."[/I] The Professor's voice, spoken directly into his head... but the man's lips hadn't moved. Craig realised suddenly, this man was like him... he was a mutant. Craig stood up on his feet alone now, and straightened up to his full height. [B]Xavier:[/B] Atleast let me take you to my school Craig. You can see the place, and make your decision... Craig regarded the man for a while... this could all be a trap. But there was something about this man, a calmness and serenity that demanded trust. Craig took a step forward. [B]Craig:[/B] Okay... I'll come.
Well Piro, the start of season 2 is going to be like a fresh start, because I'm about as confused as anyone. And well, about the character thing... I had my short Wolverine phase and my Magneto phase, but eventually I always get called back to nightcrawler, my favorite X-man.
[B]Craig:[/B] It's... it's okay. We beat Magneto... that's all, all that matters. He forced a smile, but was barely conscious... he could see Sil, brought to tears as she cradled him in her arms. He knew she could probably see the blood stained floor through his chest, but he was too weary and to weak to even lift his head and look. The room groaned as the place continued to collapse slowly. [B]Craig:[/B] You'd better... leave. This place, it's goin'. [B]Sil:[/B] I'm taking you with me... [B]Craig:[/B] No good... I'm done. You go... and, take care of my brother. Sil couldn't speak... her throat was tight with sorrow, and her eyes, blurred by tears of anger and sadness. With a last, great struggle, Craig lifted one hand, and touched her cheek softly. [B]Sil:[/B] ... I love you. Craig forced another smile... he had almost given out the last of his strength. [B]Craig:[/B] I... I know. Sil raised him up, and kissed his softly on the lips. Craig, too weak to respond, to weak to even move anymore. So he died, happy, and Sil watched, helpless, as he went limp and cold.
Craig rose to meet his father, as Seifer shot off into invisbility... but not for long. Magneto extended his arms, and a magnetic pulse shot forward, suddenly hitting the moving Seifer as he ran through the air. He was knocked into the ground, seriously hurt. Craig, however, had taken this opportunity well. He had ripped a metal support beam from the wall, and hurled it towards Magneto. He turned, in shock, and stopped the bar inches from his face. The pair struggled to force the beam towards the other person. Craig, however, was clearly focusing greatly, while Magneto's focus was somewhat less. With a laugh, Craig felt that all too familiar feeling of inferiority as the beam forced it's way towards Craig, now with blinding speed. Craig could have moved... but he had to give his brother an opening. This was their one chance to beat Magneto. Seifer had gotten back on his feet, and watched as the metal beam hit his brother, and drove straight through his midsection. Seifer, although distressed beyond belief, took his chance, as Craig had planned. He raced upwards, and tackled Magneto hard with his shoulder, sending him spiraling into the chamber that had evolved Craig and Seifer earlier. The power of Magneto was too much for the chamber to bare... and it started to colapse in on itself. Craig had fallen to the floor, coughing up blood... wounded beyond repair. He had used the remainder of his power to remove the beam from his chest, and now he lay, struggling for breath on the floor, in a pool of his own blood. His brother looked on in horror, almost brought to tears, but he saw calm in the eyes of his brother...
Craig and Seifer squared off against their father Magneto. Both boys were tall, but Magneto towered over both of them physically. His face was masked by the shadows cast in his helmet, only his eyes, the gleaming yellow eyes that both he and Craig possesed could be seen. [B]Magneto:[/B] We don't have to do this boys... you can still take your place at my side, where you belong. [B]Craig:[/B] We are where we belong... with the X-Men. [B]Magneto:[/B] So be it... X-Men. Magneto rose into the air, preparing to battle. The other were fighting frantically all around the three, but they seemed to be in their own bubble, inactive from the fight outside. This was their own private fight...
Well, the first chapter, if you will, of my X-Men RPG is coming to an end... and so I've decided to open a new sign up for anyone new who wants to join at the start of the new chapter. Firstly, here is a breif description of the plot: [I]Mutants; the Homosuperior, rumoured to have existed for hundreds of years, are starting to become more common. The mutant gene, previously existing in less than 1 human per 100,000,000... is now rumoured to exist in as much as 1 in every 1,000,000 people. The mutant gene lies dormant within almost every child... but it is very rare than it awakens... (look at the stats above ). The mutant gene usually emerges when the host is in the adolescent period of their lives, when under great stress. At first, the young host finds it very difficult to come to terms with their new abilities, some find it so hard to cope, that they are driven into insanity. However, some embrace their power, and can grow into people with immense strength. Nearly all mutants display a clear advantage over average human beings. Often, one part of their body is enhanced, be it their skin, their mind, even their eyes, and this enhancment gives them a power. However, because of this power, they are not labelled gifted, but are labelled as freaks, outcasts and inferiors. It is common for parents to cast their children out on the streets, when they dicovered their child's... power. There are two mutants in the world, very powerful mutants, that have been good friends for a long while, that are determined to help the younger of their kind to adapt and grow, but they wish to go about it in very different ways. One, a man named Charles Xavier, was crippled from the waist down, and has developed great psychic abilities. His wish is to take in young mutants, and to help them control their power so they can become respectable members of society, and to live in harmony with normal humans. However, the other mutant known as Magneto, who's power is the manipulation of metal, believes that mutants are superior to humans, and so should take their rightful place as the rulers of humans. Both are trying to recruit young mutants to their cause... you are one of those mutants.[/I] Okay, so here's the deal. You are a young teenage mutant just coming into your power. You have very little control over your power, you don't understand what is happening to you, and pretty soon you will be contacted by one of two people... Xavier or Magneto. (Note: Who finds you is completely upto you... but if Magneto finds you then you will be an evil character.) Now, anyone who was in the last series obviously doesn't need to sign up again. However, for those of you who are interested in this RPG, I must first state that you must choose the powers of an existing mutant... eg, Wolverine. Here are a list of the powers already taken by people in the first series, obviously you cannot use these: Rogue Storm Quicksilver Beast Jean Grey Cyclops Gambit Havoc Ice Man Anyone else is free for you to pick... obviously besides Juggernaut and Apocalypse (As they are invinsible...) and also Magneto or Xavier... If any people currently in the RPG want to change their character... please state what your previous character's powers were, so they can become available to the new recruits. Here's what you need in your sign-up's: Name: Age: Nationality: Gender: Powers: Bio: Description: --------------------------------------------------------------- As I will be taking on a new character for season 2, here is my new sign up: [B]Name:[/B] Craig Wagner [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Nationality:[/B] Born German, raised in Wales. [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Powers:[/B] Nightcrawler's (Teleportation, wall climbing, excellent agility.) [B]Bio:[/B] Craig was born... different. He has blue fur all over his body, yellow eyes, three fingers on each hand, three toes on each foot... and a tail. His real parents are unknown, but when he was born he was found on the streets by a German man names Kurt Wagner. He had recently married a Welsh lady and agreed to move to Wales... so they took Craig with them, accepting him as their adopted son. They didn't care about Craig's differences, in their eyes he was still a living, breathing human with thoughts and feelings, and they treated him as they would any other son. However, they knew that the outside world would not feel the same about him. So, for Craig's own protection, they kept him locked inside their house. They schooled him inside their house, and his father, a professional sensei in Tae-Kwon Do, taught him how to fight. Soon they found that Craig had the ability to climb walls, and also had a great natural agility, and could leap very high. Craig learned to use these when training to his advantage. However, Craig was becoming sick of not being able to leave his household. He knew he was different, but his theory was that everyone would accept him like his parents had. One day, when they left to go shopping, Craig tried desperately to get out of his house. However, the windows were re-inforced and the doors were locked, and he became frustrated. He banged furiously on the door, and suddenly disapeared in a small cloud of ash. He reapeared again outside the walls of his house... he had no idea of what had happened. However, he saw his parents returning from their trip, and so he needed a way to get back into the house. He closed his eyes, and conentrated on his room, and suddenly, in the same puff of ash, he appeared in his room. He told his parents of this, and at first they didn't believe him... but he showed them by teleporting around the room. They were amazed... his strange appearence had a deeper depth than they had thought. Recently, Craig teleported out onto the streets to prove that he would be accepted. He wasn't. He was met with fear, holstility, and even agression. It didn't take long for the people in the town to figure out where Craig had come from... so they raided the Wagner house in search for this... freak. Craig immediately fled the house in order to protect his parents, and has been on the run ever since. [B]Description:[/B] As mentioned earlier, blue fur all over his body... yellow eyes. He has pointy fangs inside his mouth, three fingers on each hand, three toes on each foot. He also has a tail. His body is quite hunched over, and when he runs, he often runs on all fours. He is tall and slim, his muscles are quite defined.
The X-Men stood together again, as a team. Xavier at their head, addressing them. However, now Aimee and Claire were with them. Their priorities for the team were unknown for the moment. [B]Xavier:[/B] My friends... this is your first real mission. You must defeat Magneto, and destroy that asteroid. Craig, Seifer... I warn you that when that asteroid blows, you will lose your enhancements. Craig and Seifer nodded... they were prepared to face the consequences of their actions, and do what was needed. [B]Xavier:[/B] Craig, Seifer, you will lead the team into battle today. I am very sorry to say that I cannot join you. There is a mutant elsewhere that desperately needs my help. [B]Jack:[/B] Will he join the team if you get to him? [B]Xavier:[/B] He very well may. There's something to look forward to when you get back. Now remember my friends... you are not just a team, you are all family. Fight well, and succeed, for each other. Craig clenched his fists and smiled... he was about to fight with his real family. He turned, and faced the rest of his team with optimism in his eyes and smile. Xavier, now in a new wheelchair, turned and went back towards the barely stable mansion. [B]Craig:[/B] Okay guys, here's the plan. We have four people hear that can transport people to the asteroid. That's myself, Seifer, Sil and Adrianna. Andrew is already up on the asteroid, I'm not sure what sort of condition he is in. There are some powerful mutants up there waiting for us, so be prepared. As the team prepared themselves to leave, Aimee approached Craig. She was smiling sadly... [B]Aimee:[/B] Craig, I know this is a bad time... but I think it's best if we break off the relationship. Craig smiled... she was right. His heart belonged to another...
[B]Name:[/B] Craig [B]Age:[/B] 30 [B]Race:[/B] Half-Saiyan, Half-Human [B]Bio:[/B] Craig is Ageta's younger brother. Despite being a year and a half younger than his brother, he was no less potent in natural strength. Ageta was allowed to start training when he was three, Craig being only one and a half at the time. He watched and learned daily as Ageta trained, mostly with their grandfather Vegeta. He watched, and memorised techniques that Ageta had been forced to practice. When Craig turned three, he was allowed to train, but, instead of turning to his grandfather... he first decided to train under his father Goten. So, unlike Ageta, who learned to base his fighting on strength and power, Craig learned to fight with his mind, using his spirit and courage. Then, after much training with his father, he turned to his grandfather in order to improve his fighting skill and stamina. He found fighting under his grandfather hard... he was not used to the heightened amount of physical strain that his grandfather placed upon him. Ageta however, had been training with him since the age of 3, and was now used to it. As such, Craig pushed himself very hard, but placed elements of his father's teachings into his fighting strategy. Instead of learning family Ki techniques, he chose to alter them to his liking, producing custom attacks such as the Kikohama and Ultima Cannon. [B]Description:[/B] Like Ageta has a great resemblence of Vegeta, Craig seems to take after Vegetto... being a perfect mix of Goku and Vegeta blood. He would often listen to his father's tale of the time when he was Vegetto, about the intense strength they had achieved, but also the enhanced intelligence and abilities. So, Craig decided to wear a fighting suit like Vegetto's, only the blue parts on Vegetto's suit are black on Craig's. [B]Personality:[/B] Craig's heart is pure, but it belongs in a fight. He takes most things very seriously, and any joke he makes is usually one of sarcasm. Has an intense rivalry with his brother, as it has never been determined who is the stronger. [B]Stats:[/B] Strength: 500,000 Defense: 500,000 Speed: 800,000 Agility: 800,000 Ki: 400,000
[B]Craig:[/B] It... it wasn't my fault. [B]Sil:[/B] What? Why? [B]Craig:[/B] Magneto... he did something to my mind, and to Seifer's mind. We were like robots... [B]Aimee:[/B] What should we do? [B]Craig:[/B] We have to stop... my father. [B]Sil:[/B] Your father? Magneto's your father? Craig looked up at Sil through shameful eyes. She could see that that simple fact was a heavy burden for him to bear. Craig now, was prepared to fight again, as an X-Man, and take his father down. One problem remained through, before anything happened. Craig's twin... Seifer. Craig hadn't seen him in a while, and wasn't sure what kind of state he was in.
As Alex moved, a huge metal gurder struck him in the back, instantly knocking him into a state of unconciousness. Craig was already up, as was Seifer. Craig felt it suddenly, something a metal force behind him. He turned, and saw a car being hurled towards him by Sil and her new ability. Craig held out his hand, and the car stopped instantly. Craig again felt like he did when he faced Magneto a month ago... but this time, he was in Magneto's position. Sil may have had his abilities, but she had nowhere near the degree of control. With a grin, Craig raised his other arm, and the car shot back towards Sil, crashing into her like a freight train. She fell to the floor, obviously hurt. Adrianna burst through the door now, but she was met instantly by Seifer's charging body. He knocked her through the wall, while he stopped inches behind the point of impact. Craig now, raised a sharp metal bar from the ground, and moved over to Sil, who lay hurt on the floor. He smiled as he prepared to drive the bar through her... [B]???:[/B] Craig, no! Craig stopped, he knew that voice. He turned, and saw Aimee standing behind him, almost in tears. Craig felt something grow inside him... a feeling of guilt, of shame. He looked down at Sil, one of his friends, one of his closest friends, who he was about to kill. The bar suddenly dropped to the floor... and Craig fell to his knees, cupping his face in his hands. [B]Craig:[/B] What have we done...
Xavier was first to come to greet the boys. Craig cuckled silently, this pacifistic old fool didn't stand a chance. Before Xavier could motion at all, Craig raised one arm, and Xavier was lifted into the air through his metal wheelchair. Then, Craig clenched his fist, and the metal wheelchair folded in on itself, crushing Xavier's already immobilised legs. Xavier wailed in pain, and Seifer rushed passed him suddenly, slapping him with great force. The force of the blow was enough to knock Xavier unconcious, added to the seraing pain in his legs. [B]Seifer:[/B] The King falls... [B]Craig:[/B] And like sheep, the pawns will follow. Craig lifted himself into the air suddenly, he was going to the roof. He knew they were there, the sisters of spirit, were about to face true brothers of blood. Craig's piercing yellow eyes had already spotted them. He stopped in the air, arms crossed across his chest. The girls stood, ready for battle. Little did they know that any lack of metal wouldn't save them now. Sil was the first to strike. She flew forward with elegance, and Craig remained as he was. She wa sinches from his face, gloves removed, but still Craig didn't move, and she suddenly felt why. Seifer, with unchartable speed had ran into the air and tackled her from her attack, knocking her into the ground. Craig had known, and that was why he hadn't responded. Now, he faced Adrianna alone. She stood, her eyes already completely white. A blazing wind suddenly was thrown towards Craig, but it was met only by a distortion inthe air, an invisible barrier that stopped the wind from reaching Craig, and he did not move. He raised one hand, sending out a magnetic pulse through the air, which struck Adrianna head on. She was knocked through the roof of the mansion, crashing into an unknown area. Craig waited, waited for her to come out. There was no response for a long while, and Craig had grown impatient. [B]Craig:[/B] You cannot hide in a mansion... if it is in pieces. Craig focused, the eerie yellow glow in his eyes enhanced and intensified, and he raised both arms. The mansion itself started to quake, metal supports and stone walls ripping apart from one another... the very mansion itself started to break apart.
Craig could feel his power, it surged through him freely now... his control was absolute. He smiled broadly, he had never felt such power, but he also felt a new connection between himself and his twin. He could almost sense what his brother was going to do... [B]Magneto:[/B] My sons, your powers are complete... and your minds are ridden of useless emotion. What's more, you are more tuned to each other. You are the perfect team. Craig clenched his fist, and looked at his brother, who returned the grin. Brothers, born into very different lives, separated, and then brought back together in a better form than either of them could have imagined. The X-Men would see... they would suffer, they would perish. [B]Craig:[/B] We don't need the sphere's any longer, do we father? [B]Magneto:[/B] Indeed you do not my son. Craig, you, through electromangetic shielding, have free contol of flight. And as for you Seifer... you are now light-footed enough to run through the air itself. With a grin, Seifer suddenly disapeared, too fast for anyone to trail him. An image of him suddenly appeared near the ceiling, and then by the far wall, and then he stopped once more where he had previously been. [B]Seifer:[/B] Perfect... [B]Magneto:[/B] Tell the other boys... how do you feel? Craig and Seifer stared at each other, and grinned equally. They spoke in harmony. [B]Craig + Seifer:[/B] ... Like Kings. With no effort, Craig rose suddenly into the air. With a flick of his wrist, the large hatchway ahead opened like a lightning bolt. Craig floated through, as Seifer whizzed aorund the place, leaving images of himself everywhere. They entered the dock where all the metal sphere's were. It suddenly dawned on Craig that neither Aimee or Claire were present when they left the chamber, but Craig didn't dwell on that for very long. He rose up out of the port, into the open night. Seifer stood, arms crossed, on the floor only inches beneath him. [B]Seifer:[/B] We have united... [B]Craig:[/B] And they have set their deaths...
Magneto floated infront of the boys, and they followed. Craig knew he would be able to do that soon, if everything went as planned. Craig was still very edgy, but Seifer seemed to trust Magneto fully... and Craig was determined to be there for his brother. So he followed on, ignoring or smirking at the glances he was getting from the others. Magneto took them to the other side of the hall, where there was a large circular vault-like door. With one wave of his arm the door swung open with a creak, revealing a long cylindrical chamber. There was an intense purple light coming from the chamber, so intense that the boys could barely see 10 feet inside. [B]Magneto:[/B] Boys, if you choose to go into this chamber... it will be painful, but you will emerge at full strength. Craig ran that over in his head... full strength... that would mean he would be as strong as his father. Would Magneto be prepared to take that risk? Craig couldn't see how he would. [B]Seifer:[/B] Lets go Craig. I really want to do this... Craig came out of his trail of thought, and saw Seifer looking at him happily. Craig nodded, but said nothing... he still had many doubts about this. Seifer walked inside, and Craig followed. They stepped into the chamber, and found it was pressurized. Instantly Seifer clutched his ears, but Craig, a little more resistant to it's effect, just pressed two fingers to his temple. The door suddenly swung closed, and then an intense buzzing sound that increased the pressure of the chamber greatly began to ring out. Craig and Seifer both collapsed to their knees, Seifer yelled in pain. Of course, the sound proof chamber meant that those outside couldn't hear what was happening to the boys. Craig had his eyes closed, so he couldn't see what was happening to himself, or his brother. What was happening to Craig is, his normal hazel iris' were turning a glowing yellow, and his hair went smoother, and turned into a deathly white. Any scars on his body healed themselves, and within a few seconds, the process was finished. Craig removed his hands from his ears, and opened his eyes to look at the new form of his brother.
As Xavier sat there, ready to battle, a very distinct and clear voice broke into his head. This was the voice of a very old friend, a man called Eric Lensher, aka, Magneto. [B]Magneto:[/B] The boys are mine now Charles. With that, the voice cut off. Xavier was astonished, distraught, and devastated. [B]Xavier:[/B] Magneto... he has the boys. [B]Adrianna:[/B] What?! [B]Xavier:[/B] They are with him... I din't know in what sort of condition, but he has them. He is nearby, I know because he forced his thoughts into my head. [B]Adrianna:[/B] The asteroid!!! Xavier looked upwards, and saw a large, jagged piece of rock blocking out half of the moonlight. Xavier closed his eyes, and instantly he felt the boys minds... but they were calm, almost happy. [B]Xavier:[/B] He is toying with their minds... he had obviously convinced them that he is the good guy. If those two join them, I fear his team may become unstoppable. We can either go, and try to save the boys, or stay, and try and save the mansion. What do you think?
Craig didn't think anyone on the asteroid right now had known that the boys were Magneto's sons. Aimee was clearly shocked, and the goons over on the far wall seemed surprised also. Craig was astonished... but Seifer seemed to have absorbed the information. It made sense though... Craig and Seifer both had very intense powers, it made sense that they would have to be the children of someone powerful. The fact that Craig's power was exactly the same as Magneto's was even more convenient. [B]Magneto:[/B] Boys... I have wanted nothing more than to be a father to you both ever since you were born. I have watched in joy as you grew, and when you found your powers... I was especially thrilled. Today, I wish only for a chance to try and get forgiveness... and to be a father to you once again. My sons, how would you like the opportunity to realise your full potentials? [B]Seifer:[/B] What do you mean? [B]Magneto:[/B] I mean... how, today, would you like the chance to gain absolute control of your power? I can make it so my sons.
Craig had already landed, and now he walked with Aimee through a maze of corridors. The air in this place was exceptionally thin... he couldn't place why just yet. Never the less, Aimee didn't seem bothered by it, so Craig shrugged it off and continued walking by her. She led him to a hatchway, and she pressed her hand to a scanner by it's side. There was a bleep, and then a hiss as the door opened, and Aimee led Craig through to the next room. The air in here was much thicker, which Craig welcomed. It was a large room, constructed almost entirely of some form of metal, which Craig didn't find surprising. He could already feel Magneto's presence inside the room, through he couldn't see him yet. [B]Magneto:[/B] Welcome back Aimee. I'm glad to see you've brought a friend. Suddenly, the same large, masked figure that Craig remembered all too clearly stepped into the light. Craig's urge to rush over and pummel him into a pulp was almost overwhelming, but he managed to resist, for the time being. He wanted to hear what Magneto had to propose to him. There were other figure in the room, Craig's attention was drawn to them for a moment. [B]Magneto:[/B] Ah, allow me to introduce the others. The large hairy one is called Sabretooth. Next to him is Collosus. Then Piro, Blob, Toad and Avalanche. [B]Craig:[/B] Nice names... The clear sarcasm in Craig's tone prompted a few glares from the men, but Craig didn't care. Craig watched as the second one... Collosus, as he was called, stepped forward and tensed his arms. 4 small metal circles formed on his knuckles, and it spread in plates over his entire body. Within seconds his entire body was covered in adamantium. [B]Craig:[/B] Cool. Craig had to admit, that Collosus had one hell of a trick up his sleeve. To bad he was metal... so against Magneto, or even Craig he was basically useless. When Craig looked at Sabretooth, he was reminded of Andrew... one of the few people in that house that Craig considered his friend. He wondered how Andrew was doing, he hadn't seen him since that occasion in the danger room. [B]Magneto:[/B] Craig, let me take this oppurtunity to apologise for that mishap a few weeks ago. I hope you will bear no grudge against me for that lapse of judgement. Craig remained silent for the moment, not exactly sure how to take this apology. He was about to say something, but the hatch behind him hissed open again, and Claire walked in with Seifer. [B]Magneto:[/B] Ah... siblings joined together again, after being parted for so long. [B]Craig:[/B] Huh? [B]Magneto:[/B] Now that you are both here... let me explain the situation. I believe that a war is about to brew between our kind... and the humans. Charles Xavier refuses to accept this, but he is an idealist. I, am a realist. The humans will never accept us, and so I am gathering together the best mutants possible, to help me with my cause. Craig, Seifer, I welcome you to sanctuary... otherwise known as Asteriod M! [B]Seifer:[/B] Oh great... we're on an asteroid. [B]Magneto:[/B] Yes Seifer, and here your powers can be fully realised! Yours, and your brothers'. [B]Craig:[/B] Brother? [B]Magneto:[/B] It's time for me to come clean with you boys. Seifer, you know that the parents you lived with are foster parents. Craig, I am afraid that your parents are also not your blood guardians. You see... you two, are twins. Craig and Seifer looked at each other with total disbelief... but at that moment, it clocked, and made sense to both of them. They looked nothing alike, but they had always sensed an unexplainable connection between them... a bond, formed in a time they couldn't comprehend. [B]Magneto:[/B] You were split up because your mother died giving birth... and your father was considered to dangerous to take care of you. I have never forgiven them for keeping you away from me. [B]Craig:[/B] I'm sorry... what are you saying? [B]Magneto:[/B] Boys... I am saying that... your father, is me.