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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Kenjiro: Lets see here, hmm.... there's a sandwich, a pair of shades, the latest issue of Playboy. Jim: PLAYBOY!!! Kenjiro: What Pllayboy, where? I didn't see any playboy!
  2. Yoda


    Warlock: Oh, some more guards! Craig: I got them! Siren: Don't do anything stupid! Craig: I'm just using a move! ULTIMA CANNON!!! The blast instantly kills all of the guards!
  3. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Scyther's are really common in our RPG,aren't they! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig: Bills house is just at the top of this hill! Sandra: At last! Zero: So hungry! The gang are walking along when they see a pokemon! Poke: Flaafy! Craig: What the? Sandra: Oh, it's so adorable! Craig: Go nidoran(m)! Use horn attack! Nidoran(m) launches at Flaafy, and drives his horn into his stomach! Craig: Now, Tackle! Nidoran(m) tackles Flaafy, and it faints! Sandra: Craig, that was one of Bill's pokemon, and it's at a really high level! Craig: So? They suddenly look at Nodoran(m), and it glows white! When they see it again, it is a Nidorino! Craig: Hah! I got me a Nidorino!
  4. Yoda

    Gundam RPG play!

    Craig: Guys, we'll have to use our speed to beat this one! Himura: I see, he's to heavy to move very fast! Niel: Gotcha!
  5. Craig: Well, according to me I can spend one more day in the old ROST. Samsung: Go in again then! Craig: Okay, I will, but do you guys mind if I go in alone? Everyone: Not at all! Craig: Good, thanks guys! Craig eats a Senzu bean (to heal after the old ROST) and enters the old ROST again! -------------------------------------- Craig's new stats: Strength:4550 --> 5050 Speed: 4600 --> 5100 Dexterity: 4500 --> 5000 Spirit: 4450 --> 4950 Ki: 4650 --> 5150
  6. Oh yeah, my fav fight is the Goku- Cell fight, as I haven't seen past the cell saga. (sorry to double post)
  7. That reminds me, I want to be the one with the sword, not the gun!
  8. They'd seriously have to shorten the game if they wanted it on the PS1!
  9. Actually, the spirit bomb was introduced in the first Goku vs Vegeta fight! He gave it to Krillen, Krillen missed Vegeta, but then Gohan rebounded it and it hit Vegeta!
  10. There is no SSJ3-4 Gohan!!!
  11. Gogeta would win even if they were the same power level! Why? Because Veggito is mainly Vegeta, Gogeta is mainly Goku, and who always wins between Vegeta and Goku? Goku does!
  12. Every one over-estimates M.Gohan!
  13. I like the intro music to Final Bout. (does that count?)
  14. Friday eh, by my watch that's about 3 hours away!
  15. I'm not calling any of the American's stupid, but only around 5% of you will know where I'm from. I'm from Wales (next to England)
  16. Some people will go to such low levels! All I can say is, sorry man!
  17. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Don't worry, weve been including you in the story a lot.
  18. Sorry bout that. ------------------------------------------------------- Craig and Warlock step out of the ROST (old one) Raiha: You're a lot stronger now! Craig: Thanks Warlock: Our stats must have raised by about 4000 Samsung: Nice one, but Safer and Tonberry will be stronger than all of us when they come out! Craig: No doubt! ------------------------------------------------------------------ Craig's new stats: Strength: 550 --> 4550 Speed: 600 --> 4600 Dexterity: 500 --> 4500 Spirit: 450 --> 4450 Ki: 640 --> 4650
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B][b]HaHa! I get more sleep than alla ya's! I go sleep 11:30-1:30, and wake up anywhere from 6, to 7:10...that's 5 1/2 to 7 1/2 hours sleep! :p,..but then,..I guess that ain't much sleep for a 13 year old, right? Oh wells,.. snoresnoresnore.. :sleep: [/b] [/B][/QUOTE] No, you don't, cause I get aroung 8/9 hours sleep a night, that's 10 to 7.
  20. Dende: The new ROST is completed, you may spend up to 5 days in there. Craig: Come on Warlock, lets go. Warlock: Sure. Craig and Warlock enter the 2nd ROST.
  21. Yoda

    sparring here!

    MajinVegeta, prepare to die!!!
  22. Yeah, but this leads to him being an SSJ2 and 3!
  23. Also, notice he never eats anything, and never sleeps to!
  24. Like I always say, and will defend you to the end on this, you are one of the coolest guys on here!
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