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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. If your making a best Villain poll, then where the hell are Cell and Frieza?
  2. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Umm, that would be Jolteon licking his face! AND THE PROS RIGHT HERE!!! And what the hell is up with the flying Pikachu? That's the most screwed up thing I've ever heard!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig finally gets back up! He punches Mako in the face and she falls over crying! Craig: I think I'll train the ones I got some more before I catch anymore! Zero: Dude, you hit your best friend! Craig: Well i'm not taking that $hit off him! Andrew: So you shouldn't! Sandra: Oh well, onto the next town! The 3 boys and Sandra walk off, Mako following them, snivveling!
  3. Very well, obsessed with cartoons, fine by me, get over it, and so-on.
  4. 19 lines, but I'll delete the Warrior Breeder stuff, cause no-one seems to do that anymore!
  5. Charizard: Throw him out as Arcanine is much better! Blastoise: Surf, Icebeam, Earthquake, Morror Coat Nidoking: Surf, Earthquake, Thunderbolt, Toxic Arcanine: Flamethrower, Rest, Extremespeed, Crunch Scyther: Slash, Metal Claw, Hyperbeam, Swordsdance Dragonite: It can't learn Stomp but CAN learn Flamethrower, as I taught it to mine through the Move rater on Crystal! Give it Flamethrower, Surf, Thunderwave, Outrage!
  6. After over 4 hours training Craig and Warlock take a break! Craig: We'll resume in two hours! Warlock: Very Well Craig: I'm going to visit Koran and get some Senzu beans. Warlock: Okay. Craig jumps over the edge and makes his way fown to Koran's. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Craig new stats: Strength: 340 --> 450 Speed: 390 --> 500 Dexterity: 290 --> 400 Spirit:240 --> 350 Ki: 430 --> 540
  7. Thank you Warlock!!! GO TO THE PLAY VERSION!!!!!
  8. GO TO DBZ NEW Z WARRIORS PLAY, PLLLLLAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!! Don't make me delete this thing!!!
  9. What the hell? It's up, THE TIDY ONE IS UP!!!!!
  10. Okay, we start now, we start in a battle with Cell okay! Anyone else can join up after, I'll start it now!
  11. Can you say right on cue? ---------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah man we got it!
  12. We got 4 people!!! However, I think Single H, Sephiroth, Warlock, DBallZMan, and Raiha will join, cause they always join DBZ RPG's!
  13. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Craig: Mako's got a Charmander, Bulbasaur, and a Squirlte, so it's a wonder he didn't beat Bracho! Andrew: So, where are we going next? Craig: Next destination is Artolia city, the next gym! Andrew: Excellent, I've only got this badge so I need more! Craig: I've only got one too! They turn around to see Zero marching towards them! Craig + Sandra: Hey Zero! Andrew: Who's that? Sandra: Andrew, this is Zero, Zero, this is Andrew, Andrew + Zero: Hey. Andrew: So, Sandra, how about a pokemon battle? Sandra: Sure!
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]assault is when you attack somebody & battery is when you actually cause them serious physical harm. ehhh, the whole thing was stupid. i try not to get into fights b/c when i do i sorta black out & then i can't control myself. is it any wonder vegeta's my favorite? *sigh* [/B][/QUOTE] If that's the case then shouldn't Gohan be more suited to your favorite?
  15. Use Zidane, Vivi, Dagger, Steiner!!!
  16. I don't have anything against Bisexuals or Homosexuals, but I;m 100% Hetrasexual and proud of it!
  17. Woh, you really thought that through in great detail!
  18. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Sandra throws out 3 pokeballs, Mr Mime ,Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan come out! Andrew: Not bad! What about you Craig? Joltoen and Growlithe steps forward, Craig throws out Psyduck and Dratini! Suddenly Craig notices the Larvitar. Craig: Woh, A Larvitar! Andrew: Woh, A Dratini Craig + Andrew: How did you get that? Craig: I caught Dratini as soon as I left New Bark Town, he attacked me! How about you? How did you get the Larvitar?
  19. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Nice one Single H, torture him, TORTURE HIM TO HELL AND BACK!!! Mean while ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Andrew: Okay, here's the Thunder Stone. Craig: Excellent! Craig held the Stone down towards Eevee, he started to glow white, and changed form! When the White Glow left, he was a shiny new Jolteon!!! Craig: YES!! I GOT A JOLTEON!!! Andrew: Time to evolve my Eevee! Andrew held a water stone down towards his Eevee, it again emitted a White Glow, and Evolved into a Vaporeon! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Single H, would you join the DBZ RPG myself and MajinVegeta just created? I know you join loads of RPG's, and our one is going to take over the world!!!
  20. We spent ages thinking this up guys, so you better join or unimaginable torturous acts will be performed on you people!!!
  21. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Craig: Can I borrow one? I want to evolve my Eevee Andrew: Okay, which one do you want? Craig: I'll ask Eevee Craig kneels down next to Eevee, Eevee looks at him curiously. Craig pulls out pictures of a Flareon, Jolteon, and Vaporeon. Craig: Which one to you want to evolve into? Eevee looks at the 3 pictures for about 3 minutes, then walks over and touches the Jolteon picture. Craig: Cool! Andrew: Okay, so I'll lend you the Thunder Stone. Craig: Thanks man!
  22. Okay guys, new DBZ RPG created by myself and MajinVegeta. Different things have happened to what the series has fortold, Trunks came and warned the others about the androids, but Cell managed to absorb the future androids, and so came back to our time already in his perfect form! Then, because of his superior strength, he manages to kill everyone except Picollo, Vegeta, and Goten. After 5 years, the Buu's came, but Cell is more than a match for them, and they have been battling for many years, tyranising Earth, and, while preoccupied with their battles, new Z warriors have emerged, and are after the Dragonballs to wish back what ever Z warriors they can! This is what you need: Name: Craig Age: 14 Height: 5'7 Race: Saiyan Attacks: Kamehameha, Masenko, Bakuhatsuha, Ultima Cannon, Kikohama. Bio: Son of Goten, he learned the Kamehameha from Goku, the Masenko from Gohan. He has amazing Ki, Stamina and Speed, but lacks a bit in strength. (not power level) Description: Wears Picollo's cape, and a suit like Veggito's except everything blue on his suit is black on Craig's. That's what you need, so sign up!
  23. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Craig: Sorry, but I just had a match and I need to heal my pokemon. Andrew: Okay then. The gang, except for Mako, who is battling, make their way to the pokemon centre. Joy: I'll heal your pokemon for you! Craig: Thanks. So, Andrew, how would you like to come along with us? We could always use another trainer. Andrew: Sure, I see now reason why not!
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