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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Is this spam? Why, I believe it is! Well anyway, that guy, oh, what's his name? Oh I remember, he's called Shadow Gohan ! (joking, Shadow Gohan is one of the coolest guys on here!)
  2. Okay: SSJ1: Gohan/ Trunks with long hair SSJ2: Vegita SSJ3: Goku (fav over all) SSJ4: Goku
  3. Mhuhahahahaha!!! If I didn't already have an avatar planned I'd choose that one!!! But I'm getting a DeathScythe Hell Custom one off Ice Dragon v2, I think!
  4. Okay, my new stats: Strength: 280 Speed: 330 Dexterity: 230 Spirit: 180 Ki: 380 ------------------------------------------------------- "Okay, I'm rested now, who wants to train more?" said Craig Sephiroth steps forward, grinning "Okay, then" said Craig "Lets go" said Sephiroth They fly at each other, and Craig delivers a blow to Sephiroths gut, and he responds by kicking Craig in the head! They both fly back a few yards! Craig suddenly disapears! "That trick" said Sephiroth Craig appears behind Sephiroth and tries to kick him, but then Sephiroth disapears, and launches a kick at Craig, which he block's, and then punches Sephiroth in the face, sending him crashing to the floor! Sephiroth flips back up and raises his hand: "JUJINSEIKO..... HAAA!!!" shouted Sephiroth Craig jumps in the air, thus avoiding the beam, he puts his hands in front of his face in an X formation: "BA... KU... HA... SU... HAAA!!! shouted Craig He then whips open his hands, and energy explodes in all directions, which not only hits Sephiroth, but everyone else too!!! "Hey, what the" said Samsung "Oops, sorry", said Craig, landing on the floor "Sephiroth climbs back to his feet, and gets into attack position, Craig see's and does the same!
  5. I'd say when Goku told Krillen not to kill Vegeta in the Saiyan saga! btw, this is post 500!!!!!!
  6. Yoda

    Gundam RPG play!

    Craid turns on his scope and his twin buster cannons, as he waits for the base to come into range! "Gotcha, say bye-bye"said Craig As he flies towards the base, firing his buster cannon, he aims his shield at one of the patrolling space tauros! He fires, explodind the tauros! "Guys, these must be where the Space Tauros came from, which probably means that Talgeese is around! Keep your eyes open" said Craig
  7. How can you say Misty looks better than Jessie?
  8. Yeah, and he needs a guy with no eyes to tell him how to battle!
  9. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Mako wakes up early, Sandra and Zero are still asleep, but Craig isn't in the room! He goes outside and sees Craig sitting on a bench, growlithe and eevee by his side. He goes down to Craig. "Why are you down here?" said Mako "I couldn't sleep so I just came down here, and I've been talking to my pokemon" said Craig Mako then notices Dratini and Psyduck sitting on the floor in front of him, he calls those to back to their pokeballs. "I'm gonns buy some supplies, you coming?" said Craig "Uh, sure! can we get some food" said Mako "Okay" said Craig They walk over to the pokemart, as they reach the door Sephiroth walks out, he notices Craig and Mako, and storms off! Craig and Mako enter, they approach the guy at the desk, and Craig gives him a list of what to get. The guy gets them, they pay and leave, they head for the nearest Restaurant. "Can we get 2 cheeseburgers, and some chow for our pokemon" said Mako "Sure, how many pokemon", said the Waitress "Seven" said Craig She walks off, and soo returns with 7 bowls of pokemon chow! Craig and Mako release their pokemon! They dig in, and she then comes back with 2 cheeseburgers, they pay, finish their food, and leave. "Dratini, Psyduck, return" said Craig "Charmander, Bulbasaur, Squirle ,return. So what are we gonns do now" said Mako "Lets wake Sandra and Zero up! I wanna get going" said Craig
  10. Craig and Sephiroth arrive at Dende's tower! "Ah, Craig, it is good to see you again" said Mr Popo "Hey Mr Popo" said Craig "We've got the 1 star Dragonball, and the others should be here soon" said Sephiroth "What's say we get to some training before they come?" said Craig Sephiroth smirks, "Sure" he says Both warriors take up fighting positions, and charge at each other, resulting in a range of punches and kicks! Sephiroth punches Craig right in the face and sends him a few feet back, Craig smirks, and puts both hands in front of him! "Kaa Mee Haa Mee" shouted Craig "Masssenkko" shouted Sephiroth The Kamehameha and Masenko launch at collide in the middle! Slowly but surely the Kamehameha over powers the Masenko, it hits Sephiroth and sends him flying! "I... see.. you've...... been.... practicing" said Sephiroth "You know it" said Craig Sephiroth flips back onto his feet, and they start fighting again!
  11. Yoda

    Gundam RPG play!

    "Yeah, Heero, lets go back", said Craig "Gotcha" said Heero They fly over to where Serpent was, he is still there, but a new ship is attacking him! "$hit, it's the talgeese", said Craig, tuurning on his Double Scyth Craig turns on his scope and fire's his shield at Talgeese as he charges at him! Talgeese turns, and fires his buster cannons at what he thinks is Serpent! Then, noticing the two new Gundam's, retriets back! "You were lucky then Himura" said Heero "Yeah, thanks guys" said Himura The three gundams take off again, then split up as they prepare to attack the base!
  12. Yoda

    RPG:the silence

    Siren: I finally made it to Merica, whoa big town!! He suddenly sees a boy walking out of the town with an Arcanine, counting a large sum of money! Siren: How did he get all that? Siren walks over to the boy Siren: Who are you, and how did you get all that money? Kenjiro: I'm Kenjiro, and it's none of your buisness how I got this! Siren: We'll anyway, I need someone to show me around this town, fancy showing me around? Craig: Sure, I don't see why not! Siren: Who's the dog? Arcanine steps infront of Craig, growling! Craig: It's O.K Arcanine, this is my Arcanine, he's a fire dog! Siren: Cool! So lets go! Craig and Siren walk back into Merica
  13. If we were to change a server, would all our posts and sigs and stuff disappear?
  14. Yoda

    Gundam RPG play!

    Craig: Hey Heero, this is Himura: I'm Himura, and this is my Gundam Serpent Craig: I liken the new look on Zero, it looks even cooler than before! Heero: Yours looks wicked to man, like the new Double Scyth! Craig: The Serpent looks pretty cool to, Dr N really did a good job on him! Himura: Thanks! Heero: So are we ready to go? Craig: Yep! Himura: Sure, lets go! Umm.......... where to? Craig: We have to attack an underwater base, out in the Pacific ocean, it has some blue prints to the old Zero which we need to destroy, as the new one is still mainly based on that design! The three pilots get into their Gundam's! DeathScythe, Zero, and Serpent all fire up and launch into the sky!
  15. I've seen SSJ4 Gogeta, he looks really cool, red hair and all!
  16. Yoda

    pick one !

    I still like Entei better!
  17. Yoda

    Gundam RPG play!

    Craig: Wow, it handles so smoothly, it's great, hmm, according to these co-ordinates I should land about here! Craig lowers DeathScythe to the ground, he lands with a thud! Craig: Heero sholdn't be to long, I hope! Ah, here he is on my radar now! .............. What the, I see another Gundam on my radar, coming up behind me! DeathScythe turns on his double- sided Gundam Scythe, and turns on his scope for one of his buster cannons, he prepares to fire at it when he see's that it's another Gundam, not a mobile suit! The New Craft lands infront of DeathScythe, he puts his scope away and lowers his buster cannon, then turns off his Double Scythe! He gets out, and walks over to the other Gundam, the pilot of theother Gundam also gets out! Craig: Who are you? Pilot: My name is Himura, and this is my Gundam Serpent, Dr N built my Gundam and sent me here to help you! Craig: Dr N eh, O.K you clear, I'm Craig, and this is my Gundam DeathScythe, we're waiting for my friend Heero and his Gundam Zero! Just then Zero flies over and lands next to DeathScythe, Heero emerges from the cockpit!
  18. Yoda


    Thanks Shadow Gohan! :D
  19. See ya man! Best of luck!
  20. Why did you post that thank you for posting bit?
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