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Everything posted by Yoda
War has erupted on earth, general Crix Madine and his army of Mobile Suits has terrorised the colonies of the Earth! However, deep underground several gundam's been made which have the power to stop the armies of Mobile Suits! Craig: Wow, it's so cool!! Dr H: Yes, and now you have completed your training you can finaly pilot it! So what will you call it? Craig: Well, being as it's main weapon is a Scyth, and Death is well known for having a Scyth, I shall call it DeathScythe! Dr H: Good Name, but remember that he also has that shield on his arm, a laser cannon on each arm, and a gatling gun on his right arm, because the Scyth is mainly held in the left arm! As a new modification and a little present, I've modifird him so he can now fly!!! Craig: Wow, thanks alot Dr H! Dr H: Now go boy, the world is depending on you! You must meet Heero at these co-ordinates! Craig: Great, I get to see Heero again!!! Craig gets into DeathScythe, fires him up, and launches into the sky (straight through the roof). btw, I am not Duo anymore, I'm now Craig, but I still wanted DeathScythe (my deathscythe as in weapons, but Duo's as in looks)
Oh yeah!!!:cool: Plus, when you charged up you would have cool energy surrounding you, which would scare the $hit out of most people!
Sephiroth starts looking for the Dragonball when: "So what did I miss?" said Craig, landing behind him "Hey Craig, I believe that Cube is coming to earth" said Sephiroth "Freiza's spawn, guess he'll be after me for what my great-grandpapi did to Frieza" said Craig "You mean Goku" said Sephiroth "Yep, looks like Ceroth (craig+sephiroth fused) will be making an appearence again" said Craig "Maybe, but he's more powerful than not just Ceroth, but all the other strong warriors combined" said Sephiroth "Really, well anyway the Dragonball's over there" said Craig Sephiroth looks over and see's the Dragonball among the quick sand, he wonders how he could have missed it, he suddenly feels embarrased! "Oh..... umm......... thanks" said Sephiroth "No problem, now lets get up to Dende's and start training" said Craig "Yeah, sure, it'll be good to train with you again" said Sephiroth Craig and Sephiroth both fly off towards Dende's tower, Sephiroth now with a Dragonball in his hand!
It's okay my friend, but I would still chose flying and SSJ
They're pretty good! They are wierd, but good never the less!
They won't ban you for spamming once man! I can get 500 posts by 9 tonight easy, and I'm from the U.K to!
Exactly, Gohan would never survive FinalKamehameha
Nice pic Shadow Gohan!
Someone always has to be cocky like that!!! No, you wouldn't be able to do all those things because: 1: You have to learn to fly, that isn't based on Power level! 2: Only Tien, Piccolo, and Krillen can do split form! (of the heros) do you see a saiyan there? 3: Teleportation can only be used by Goku, when they are fighting and disapear then reappear in another place it's because they are moving so fast you can't see them! 4: All of them can sense power levels, not just the saiyans!!!
Forte, I don't think you should be telling ANYONE to watch their spelling! But Vegitto would whoop Gohan!!!
Sorry, 461 NOW!!!
Congrats, mine should be at 461 now!
Mine depends on the time of day to! Rght now it's fast while in the night it is slow!
Anime ..and the "Best Villian Award" goes to...
Yoda replied to *GaLxY-GiRl*'s topic in Otaku Central
I clicked on Cell quite simply because he's the best! -
What about DeathScythe Hell and Hell Custom? What weapons do they have?
*looks down trousers* Hmm, never seen that there before! Looks like I'm a male!!!
"Quick, get in that cave" said Craig Craig and Zero jump in the cave! The pidgeotto fly past, the 2 trainers try and catch their breath! "That was close" said Zero "Sure was!" said Craig "Hey man, what's say we put our differences aside until we get out of this forest? I mean, we're both lost!" said Zero "You got it" said Craig After hours of searching they managed to find the exit! They saw Mako awaiting their arrival, they we're about to greet him when: "Hey, there's a Psyduck, I'm gonna catch it" said Craig "Go Dratini, use Thunder Wave" said Craig Dratini paralysed Psyduck, he lies on the floor motionless! "Okay, now use Dragon Rage" said Craig Dratini hit Psyduck! He is on low health! Craig throws a pokeball, it hits him and after a few wobbles, catches him! "YES!" said Craig Craig and Zero went to the entrance and greeted Mako, he asked what pokemon Craig had just caught. "Wow a psyduck nice one" said Mako "So wheres Sandra?" said Craig "She went to find a hotel" said Mako "Well I'll see you guys" said Zero "Wait, Zero, your a tidy guy when you want to be, how would you like to come along with us?" said Craig I'll leave that for someone else to answer, and btw Zero, it was Mako that beat you not Craig.
Kenjiro hears a large Digimon that seems to be coming from the main hall! "Jim" said Kenjiro Kenjiro ran down the hall way and burst out of the door, there, between him and Jim, stood Metal Greymon! He flips over Metal Greymon's head and lands next to jim! Kenjiro reveals his golden katana, and Jim equips the Ehrgiez he stole from Zell! They were about to attack when the Digimon jumped out in front of them! "Looks like they're gonna battle" said Jim "Seems so" said Kenjiro
"Well here's dark jungle", said Mako "I don't wanna go in there", said Sandra "Now C'mon, we knew we would have to face this sooner or later" said Craig "Right" said Mako "Hold it right there" came a mysterious voice from behind them Mako turned around slowly, he knew who it was! "Zero, been folowing me have you?" said Mako "Yeah right! How about a Pokemon battle" said Zero "You're on" said Mako "Kick his A$$ Mako" said Craig "We'll use omly 1 pokemon each, go Bulbasaur" said Zero "HA! Go Charmander", said Mako "Vine whip" said Zero "Ember attack", said Mako Vine's shot at Charmander, but he launches an Ember down then middle at Bulbasuar! Bulbasaur faints! "Ha! Easy", said Mako "You just had the type advantage, that's the only reason you won" said Zero "Nice going man" said Craig "Oh well, let's go into that jungle" said Sandra
I'm gonna try and make a Gundam RPG, interested? Okay, you can either make up or be one of the pilots, and you can either make up or have one of the gundams. (please note you can be a pilot eg Duo, and still have a made up gundam, or vice versa). I don't really have an idea for a story so any ideas would be much appreciated! Name: Duo Maxwell Age: 15 Gundam: DeathScythe Weapons: Gundam Scythe, Gundam Shield, standard armaments! Armour: Gundanium Alloy Ethnic origin: America So join up guys!