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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    Mine takes ages to load up to! Craig: Blue rose town is only about an hour away, and my grandpa said he'd have some map cards for our pokegears! Mako: Yeah sweet! Sandra: Lets pick up the pace a bit then! The three trainers started walking along when a familiar trainer jumped out from behind a tree! Craig and Mako: Sephiroth! Sephiroth: Cut the chat, Craig, we battle now! 2 pokemon each, go Scyther! Craig: Go growlithe! Mako: C'mon Craig, show that creep! Craig: Ember attack Growlithe! Ember launches at Scyther and hits before Sephiroth can issue a comand! Scyther is on low health! Sephiroth: Quick attack! Growlithe is seriously injured but manages to get up! Craig: Finish it with Take Down Growlithe! Growlithe launches at Scyther and hits him, Scyther faints! Mako: Yeah! Go Craig! Sephiroth: Lucky today, aren't we, well try this one! Go Alakasam! Craig: Growlithe, use bite! Sephiroth: Use Confusion! Growlithe manages to Bite Alakazam, he cries out in pain, but then confusion throws Growlithe across the floor! Growlithe faints! Craig: You did great Growlithe! Go Dratini! Sephiroth: How did you get a Dratini? Oh well, Confusion! Craig: Use Thunder wave Dratini! Alakazam lifts Dratini with Confusion, when an electric beam shoots at Alakazam, his attack stops! Craig: Use Dragon rage! Sephiroth: Use Kinesis Dratini strikes Alakazam with Dragon rage, but Alakazam is unable to move! Craig: Finish it with Twister! Sephiroth: Use Psychic Alakazam starts Psychic, but a huge twister hurls at Alakazam, stopping Psychic, Alakazam fainted!!! Craig: Yeah! I won my first Pokemon battle!!! Mako: Well done Craig! Sandra: Wow, good match! Sephiroth walks off in a storm, seriously Pi$$ed off!!!
  2. Yoda


    My fave's are Goku and Trunks!
  3. I'll join up! Can I be Seifer, only not Squall's enemy!
  4. How? Umm............... oh let me see........................... oh, now I remember, maybe A PSYCHIC ATTACK!!!!
  5. You can only close it if the thread starter (pikeon this time) requests it, or deletes it himself! I think......... but your right man, Pikeon is an idiot.:o
  6. Yoda

    Pokemon RPG play!

    "I think I'd better check your attacks" said Craig He pulls out his Pokedex that Elm gave him yesterday Eevee: Tackle Tail Whip Sand attack Quick attack "Okay, how about Growlithe" said Craig Growlithe: Bite Roar Ember Takedown "Wow, they're pretty good", said Mako "Thanks man, I..................... what the?" said Craig Sticking his head out of a near by lake, was a.............. "A Dratini", shouted Craig "I'm gonna catch it, go Eevee" said Craig The Dratini jumped out of the water! "What the................ they're normally really shy!" said Mako "Eevee, use Quick attack", said Craig Eevee hit Dratini, it seems pretty hurt. Dratini launched a Thunder wave at Eevee, but Eevee dodged the attack. "Okay Eevee, Tackle attack", said Craig Eevee hit it again, it is on really low health! "Go pokeball" said Craig He threw a pokeball at Dratini, he went inside, wobbled a few times, and then it stopped! He was caught! "Yes, I caught a Dratini", said Craig.
  7. Kenjiro enteres a door in front of him, there in the room there is one thing and one thing only, Greymon!!! Kenjiro draws his Gold Katana, and prepares to face Greymon, he has an unusual confidence in himself today! He launches at Greymon and attacks him. He manages to block the swipes with his claws, but is really struggling to keep up with Kenjro's speed! Kenjiro knocks him into the wall, and puts his sword away, he delivers a swift roundhouse kick to Greymon and sends him through the wall, straight into the water below!!!
  8. This arguement again!!! Okay, Flik, Pikeon, Shadowgohan, stop it now!!!
  9. Yoda


    Thanks for the help guys!
  10. Craig wakes up very early, so excited about getting his new pokemon! "Today's the day I get myself a Totodile", said Craig He ran to his door, only to see his best friend Mako standing there! "Hey man, did you get your first poke yet", said Craig "One, what do you mean one? I got myself three" said Mako "Dammit, just because your Elm's nephew, so what did ya get?" said Craig "I got Charmander, Bulbasuar, and Squirtle" said Mako "Sweet man, but I'd be happy with my Totodile" said Craig Craig and Mako ran side by side down to Proffesor Elm's laboratory, they reached the door and bursted in. "Would it hurt you to knock" said Elm "Can I have my Totodile now please" said Craig "Sorry Craig, someone already got Totodile" said Elm "D@mn it" said Craig, now dissapointed "Don't worry Craig, I've got a special Pokemon for you" said Elm Elm handed Craig a pokeball, Craig looked at it excited, he opened it to reveal an adorable little Eevee. "WOW! I got an Eevee" said Craig Craig and Mako ran out of the lab and back to his house! "Hey Mam, Dad, I got an Eevee"! said Craig "An Eevee, you lucky little" said Dad "We've got another present for you before you go" said Mam They handed him another pokeball and a fire stone, he opened this one to reveal a Growlithe, Craig glowed with excitement! "YES! I got an Eevee and a Growlithe, thanks guys!" said Craig He got his back pack, which contained 5 pokeballs, 5 potions and 5 Antidotes. He said farewell to his parents then set off with Mako on his Pokemon adventure! btw, Eevee and Growlithe will never go in their pokeballs, they always walk side by side with him!
  11. Okay guys I'm starting it now!
  12. Yoda

    RPG:the silence

    Deep in the slums of a big town, there is an arena, there 2 people are competing for $100,000. "Your going down boy", said Porunski Kenjiro just smirks at the threat! Porunski reveals his axe in front of him, and Kenjiro reveals his much revered golden Katana. Porunski charges at Kenjiro, Kenjiro shouts out "Bolt charge", electricity surges through his sword and into him. Porunski lifts his sword above his head and swings at Kenjiro, he side steps and swiftly slices off his head!
  13. Kenjiro and Katanamon, along with Deathmon, entered the house, they were in a large hall way, steps in the middle that led upstairs, and one door on each side of the hallway! "Maybe Jim should have come with us", said Deathmon "He'll be in when he's ready", said Kenjiro "So where do we go?" said Katanamon "Best that we split up, Deathmon go to the door on the right, Katanamon take the door on the left, and I'll go upstairs, meet back here in half an hour, Jim should be in here by then, unless he gets preoccupied" said Kenjiro "Okay, half an hour" said Deathmon. The two Digimon and Kenjiro all went they're seperate routes.
  14. Excellent, this is gonna be sweet!!!
  15. "Okay, use Katana cannon", said Kenjiro Katanamon aimed his front katanaclaws at Agumon and fires them at him!!! Kenjiro is very surprised to see that they grew straight back! Agumon seems quite hurt! "Fireball", said Agumon (can't remember his attack) Katanamon dodged the attack! "Blade fury", said Katanamon Katanamon launches himself at Agumon and continuelly slashes at him with his katanaclaws! Agumon is very injured! "Finish it off", said Kenjiro Katanamon fires another Katana Cannon at Agumon, Agumon faints! The 2 are very excited to have won! They look out to sea! "What the? Look how far out Jim is", said Kenjiro "We gotta get going" Said Katanamon Kenjiro and Katanamon, now pumped with adrenaline, run along the beach faster than ever!
  16. *complete guess* Welcome to the hotel of Crazy White Boy! Here you can enjoy quality rooms at exceedingly low prices! Take in some of our fine cuisine (tuna sandwiches), and swim in one of our shark infested pools!!! btw, illegal goods sold behind the counter!!!
  17. What the hell are you on about now?
  18. Name: Kenjiro Age: 14 Ability: Amazing psychic powers (leaves him vulnerable to psysical attack) Weapon: Gold Katana (can use a move called bolt charge which makes him stronger and faster) Personality: Quiet guy, amazing fighter. Companion: Arcanine (amyone who nows me knows this is my fave poke) Companion's bio: Strong, friendly, extremely protective of Kenjiro)
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