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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. I always knew I was a true punk!!!
  2. D@mn right!!! Not to mention that we allready spend 6-7 hours in school 5 days a week!!!
  3. What do you mean puny Butterfree! He'd kick the Cr@p into Beedrill or Primeape for that matter!!! Also, why have Charizard when you could have a much better Arcanine!
  4. I hate PIKACHU!!!!:flaming: :flaming: :mad: :flaming: :flaming:
  5. Yeah, but the fact remains that Goku is far superior!
  6. When I saw Cell after Final Flash, I just thought, WHOA!!
  7. Kenjiro and Katanamon manage to scale the boulder in a very short time! They reach the top and look to check on Jim's progress. "Hmm, he swim's pretty fast, he's quite a way out" said Kenjiro "We're gonna win, aren't we" said Katanamon "You can bet on that, my friend" said Kenjiro Kenjiro and Katanamon start running along the beach, Kenjiro is amazed at Katanamon's speed! Meanwhile, out at sea: "Whoa, they run like the wind............... I'll win no problem" said Jim. Kenjiro and Katanamon are running along when a small, dinosaur like creature jumps out of the forest! "What is that", said Kenjiro "That's Agumon, looks like he wants a fight" said Katanamon Kenjiro draws his gold katana, and prepare's to attack when Katanamon stops him! "No Kenjiro, this is my fight", said Katanamon "Okay, I have faith in you my friend" said Kenjiro Both Digimon take up battle stances!
  8. Vegeta: Brain power: 0 (to arrogant) Strength: 10 Personality: 0 (an orange has more) Appearence: 7 (he does look cool) Economic: 3 Rank in society: ??? Sense of Humour: - 12
  9. "So what's up with you and Tori?" said Kenjiro "What do you mean", said Jim "You may be hiding it quite well, but I see right through you man! You like her don't you" said Kenjiro *Classic Anime fall* "I don't know what your talking about!" said Jim "Don't worry man, your secrets safe with me" saig Kenjiro, grinning! btw, my digi is KATANAMON, KATANAMON!!!!!
  10. Excellent! Don't worry about the guy I was on about if he doesn't show up in time!
  11. Yoda

    Warrior Breeder Arena

    Not being funny or anything but you are one hell of a sore loser Krillen! Also, the reason Zero kept fighting is because I killed his DOUBLE! He explained it perfectly well!
  12. Yoda

    SSJ levels

    You forgot Gotenks for SSJ3! Yes, Goku does go to SSJ2! Why did you post the same thing 4 times? My fave lv is SSJ3!
  13. :laugh: Say hello to tonberricolo!!!
  14. Yoda


    That's what I'd like to know!!
  15. What do you mean not nice!!! Do the words ANIMATED CHARACTER mean anything to you! Okay, lets stop the arguing now, I just thought it was funny when Mr Hard A$$ was crying!
  16. Yoda

    Warrior Breeder Arena

    "We finish this now" said Kenjiro. Kenjiro and Kaiyu continue to fight with their swords, but because of Kenjiro's new speed he manages to stab Kaiyu in the stomach!!! Kaiyu drops his weapon! With the sword still in Kaiyu, Kenjiro shouts out "Lightning blade", Kaiyu gets charged with Electricity and sets on Fire!! He then explodes from the Electric charge!! Kaiyu is dead!! "Your turn", said Kenjiro "Psycho attack", yells out Kenjiro "Tri - force", yells out Zero Zero gets thrown against the wall, and Kenjiro gets hit by the Tri force! Kenjiro is extremely injured, but manages to keep Zero in place with psycho attack!! He charges at Zero with his sword held high! Just as he is about to attack Zero, he holds up his staff and it stabs Kenjiro! Kenjiro then swings his sword at Zero and cuts off his head!!! Shortly after Kenjiro dies from the stab wound!! Okay guys I win because I died last! My new attack will be Tremor Scyth! Why don't you guys battle each other on your own!
  17. Never the less, it's very original and funny!
  18. No, I mean that by putting me on their lists, that they made their's super cool!!! And yes, before you ask, I do love myself and think alot of myself and all that sort of stuff! (being sarcastic)
  19. D@mn right I would!!! "K - Kakarrot, you must destroy F - Frieza" :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  20. Well ,for some reason he's logged off!!!
  21. Also friends and the simpsons!
  22. Bottom and the young ones are the greatest shows ever!!!
  23. Yoda


    Sorry Sephiroth, that's what I meant, but I phrased it wrong! What I meant is that while Goku trained all the way! Vegita jumped from SSJ2 thanks to Bulma!!!
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