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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. He should have kept Butterfree! Never mind Beedrill!
  2. Yoda

    Is Ash gay?

    Pikachu's definately gay!!!
  3. Okay guys were going to need a lead guy (that being me), 2 guys to walk along with him (they can be trainers, breeders, or whatever), a rival for EACH of these, 8 gym leaders, and the elite four! You don't just get involved when I show up at the gym, you can follow your own separate story's! Name: Craig Age: 14 Height: 5'7 Starting poke's: Eevee (my starter) Growlithe (leaving present from parents) Bio: Very sad about leaving his parents ,they caught him a Growlithe as a going away present, and bought him a fire stone. We're starting from new bark town!
  4. "Identify yourselfs", said Kenjiro Kenjiro raises his Gold Katana (thanks for the idea single H) and Jim raises his fists. "Hey cool, some more Digimon!" said Ryu "Hey I'm Ryu, this is Leona, and this is Kaiyu" "They seem friendly" said Tori "Hi I'm Tori, muscle man over there is Jim, and ninja dude here is Kenjiro" At this, Jim dropped his fists, and Kenjiro put his gold katana back in the holster. "Hey", they said. "Hey Jim, how do you turn this digi-thing on anyway?" said Kenjiro "It's called a Digivise", said Usagimon Katanamon scowls at Usagimon! "Here man, press this button" said Jim "Oh, I see, thanks man", said Kenjiro
  5. "Where are we going? said Kenjiro" "I'm trying to get us out of the jungle, YOU GOT A BETTER IDEA!" shouted Tori Jim and Jenjiro look at each other, scared "Hey Kenjiro, I got your Digivise" said Katanamon "Yeah, we got yours too", said Usagimon and Deathmon "A Digi-what now?" said Jim "A digivise" the digimon give them to the humans "Looks kinda cool", said Kenjiro "But what's it do?" said Tori
  6. Yoda


    Busy today, aren't we!
  7. In my opinion there will never be peace as long as there is religion!
  8. Yoda

    LEts Fly

    You called me a lady, didn't you!! Even when I was the one who broke up the fight!
  9. Vegeta starts to gather with Electricity! He is seriously angry!! Suddenly, a huge explosion emits from Vegeta, he has aquired the SSJ3 form! He gains 500 hp. Vegeta SSJ3 = 1360hp Gundam shield II = 1265hp Vegeta, eager to show off his new power, powers up Galec gun and fires! While Gundam is down, he fires Final Flash! Vegeta SSJ3 = 1360hp Gundam shield II = 1165hp
  10. You guys should post your next parts! Some of us have!
  11. Yoda

    Is Ash gay?

    Oh I've been waiting for someone to ask me this! YES!!! Both him and Pikachu are gay!!! They are amazingly gay!!!
  12. I seem to have a permanent cold!:laugh:
  13. Yoda

    Best hair

    1: Trunks 2: Trunks 3: Trunks
  14. At the North pole inside a deep cave, a teenage boy of about 14 is training hard! "Why am I the only saiyan alive? There must be more like me! I will find them" said Craig. "Wait, what is that power I can sense? It is even greater than my own! I must find out more!" said Craig. Craig flies off! Name: Craig Age:14 Gender:Male Height:5'11 Weight:230lb Bio:Grandson of Goten, he ponders his origin and his amaing power. The only thing he knows about his race is that he is a saiyan. Stats: Strength:200 Speed:250 Dexterity:150 Spirit:100 Ki:300 Practicing his famly airloom, the kamehameia, has raised his ki alot
  15. Kenjiro enters the forest with his knew found friend. "Where are we going", said Kenjiro? "We are going to find a girl named Tori, she was also summoned to this place and she not to far from here", said Katanamon. Suddenly, they saw a rustle in the bushes! Kenjiro drew his sword and Katanamon put up his claws. A girl slightly shorter than Kenjiro stepped out of the bushes with a small blue rabbit! "Are, you ............. Tori?" said Kenjiro "Yes I am" said the girl.
  16. Kenjiro awoke on a beach near a forest. Where am I? He pondered. Suddenly, he saw a swift movement underneath the sand. He instinctively drew his sword when something leaped out of the sand at him! After a short fight the creature stapped. "Ah, It is you Kenjiro", said the creature. "What are you and how do you know me?" Kenjiro said. "My name is Katanamon, I am a digimon, and I knew you were Kenjiro because only you could have defended that attack I made." "Well, my instinct tells me to trust you, lets go" said Kenjiro!
  17. At the shoulin temple: "Kenjiro my son, let us begin the initiation! The masters will decide if your soul is pure enough to train" "Yes master", said Kenjiro Kenjiro and his master, Hando, entered the room of the elders! "Welcome grasshopper", said the elder. Kenjiro bowed. "Let us begin the initiation", said the master. He waved his hand, slowly a portal was opened, Kenjiro was instantly sucked in! The portal closed behind him!
  18. While were waiting I'll give a better description of Kenjiro. Even though he is only 14 he is a master swordsman. He always speaks his mind and is not afraid of anyone. He was asked to train at the shoulin temple because of his amazing potential as a fighter. He always trusts his instincts and if needed can lead a large group with confidence. He is a good judge of character and is normally friendly, but has a brutal temper. In the short time he trained at the temple he learned better survival skills, such as, he can go much longer without food, and has gained a better resistance to pain. Although he has much confidence in himself, he finds it hard to trust others.
  19. While paralysed Vegeta pummels and pummels it, until he is shattered. This takes off 75hp, he then proceed's to charge up Big Bang and scores a direct hit, this takes off 50hp, the Gungam then manages to get back up and strikes Vegeta with a powerful blow for 20hp. Vegeta SSJ2 = 1020hp Gungam shield II = 1265hp (paralysed)
  20. D@mn cats!! Burn em, BURN EM ALL!
  21. Maxwell swings again at at Vegeta but he reverses at tosses him into the ground, he then fire a barrage of beam's that cause a total of 70hp. The throw takes off 10hp Vegeta SSJ2 = 1040hp Gundamshield = 990hp
  22. I forgot to mention that Kenjiro always carries a Katana with him!
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