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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. I agree completely with Shadow Gohan! F.Flash and bakuhatsuha are the best!
  2. O.k, but note I used a Senzu bean! Vegeta is at 1200hp!
  3. Don't worry bout SG, he missed his chance! Now we can start!
  4. Don't worry, now I have 970hp. Vegeta whips out a senzu bean and reatore's his health (you may heal yourself only once, and I did it early so it would be fair, now Goku is the only one who can heal) Goku gets into a bout with Maxwell, meanwhile, Vegeta charges up Galec gun -->20hp. He fire's it, and causes 10 hp to both opponents! Vegeta SSJ2 = 1200hp Maxwell = 1060hp Goku = 130
  5. 1020, Goku hit me with a ki blast!
  6. Told ya I'd get people! Shadow Gohan should be joining to so keep reservations
  7. Join quickly man, there's only 2 spaces left!
  8. Vegeta unleashes a combo on Goku that takes off 10hp. Then, noticing the temporarily parylised Gundam, charges up Big Bang and strikes a direct hit! Vegeta SSJ2 = 1100hp Maxwell in Gundam = 1070hp Goku = 140hp
  9. Guys, do any of you like Digimon? If so, sign up for Sailor Crimson's Digimon Adventure! I'm on there, it'll be fun! Let me know soon guys!
  10. Guys, I think I can get 1, maybe 2 more people! So keep reservations!
  11. My turn: Vegeta charges up final flash to fire at Goku while he is vulnerable, just before he fires Maxwell strikes him in in the back, this takes of 20hp. However, Vegeta still has control of his final flash and fires it at Maxwell, but his aim is off and it only skims maxwell and takes off 10hp. Vegeta SSJ2 = 1120hp Maxwell = 1120hp Goku = 85hp
  12. Hey guys, I think tori should be the leader! Agreed?
  13. ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Stop this childish bickering before I stop it myself!
  14. Yo Dragon Warrior, what's your Digimon look like? It sounds good!
  15. Okay you can join! Vegeta goes insane at the appearence of Goku and powers up to SSJ2. He then fires 2 Ki blasts at Maxwell which take off 10 each. Then, while goku is distracted by this Vegeta drives his elbow into Goku's back, hurling him into the ground. Takes off 15hp. Vegeta SSJ2hp = 1140 Maxwell in Gundam hp = 930 Goku hp = 85 Dragonballzman's turn.
  16. Katanamon is an Echidna with two Kitana's(samurai swords) as front claws, Kitana Cannon = Fire's his two front claws at the enemy (instantly regenerates these) Blade fury = Slash's repetedly at an opponent. Kenjiro was chosen for his ambition to fight and his ability to follow his heart! So can I join?
  17. Kay I'll join Name: Kenjiro Sanga Gender: Male Age: 14 Height: 5ft 7in, 172cm History: Troubled child, parents split up, lots o fights. Live: The shoulin temple (i'm creative) Digimon: Can I make up one? If so:name = Katanamon, height = 4ft, 2in, attacks = Katana cannon, blade fury. If not, I'll have Agumon or something. I was summoned to the digital world because my elders were contacting the holy spirits, to see if I was worthy to train with them! Suddenly they opened a portal and I was sucked in.
  18. I'm glad she doesn't come back! The hight of the game was when Sephiroth drove his Masamune through Aeris!!!:laugh: :devil:
  19. I believe it's the bakuhatsuha attack! If the one your talking about is an invisible beam, then that's it!
  20. Vegeta goes mad, and fires a Ki blast! Maxwell dodges and runs straight into Big Bang! Gundam HP:950 Your turn.
  21. I punched a squirrel by accident ........................... only kidding!:D :D
  22. Yeah, Final flash rules!
  23. *Shudders with fear* T-The Pokemon J-Johto song! *shudders with fear again*
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