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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. We've seen loads of "fave pokemon" so I thought I'd make it a bit more complicated and ask you the fave of each type.Please only enter duel types for one of their types eg. Houndoom = EITHER fire or dark. Mine are: Normal: Snorlax,Eevee Fire: Charmander,Arcanine(my ultimate fave's) Water: Golduck,Vaporeon Grass: Venusaur Electric: Jolteon,Raichu Ice: Articuno Fighting: Hitmonlee Poison: Muk Groung: Nidoking Flying: Pidgeot Psychic: Mew/Mewtwo Bug: Butterfree,Scyther Rock:Golem Ghost:Gengar Dragon: Dragonite Dark: Tyranitar,Umbreon Steel: Scizor What about you guys?
  2. No,NNNNNNNOOOOOOO!!!! I've got the Johto Pokemon song stuck in my head! "Everybody wants to be a master" NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!:mad: :mad:
  3. Yeah, but depending on who your nicest to up to that point (Aeris, Tifa, Barret) depends on who you go on a date with!
  4. Hey, do you know what you get for doing the battle tower at different levels? I've only done it at lv100 and for that you get 5x Calcium or Protein, or one of those. What about the other levels?
  5. Ya know what I think would be cool? If you had the saiyan armour from the Cell Saga, but cut the sleeve's off so it was like a vest under the actual armor!:tasty:
  6. I like Trunks's when he fights Frieza, Gohan's when he fight's cell, and Goku's in general!
  7. Although I will never get a Motorbike, I think Harley Davidson's rule!!!
  8. Yoda

    Take DA quiz

    I've only seen DBZ up to the cell saga, not Dragonball or GT so I can't answer all your questions, but here goes: 1:Radditz 2:I think Choutzu 3:? 4:? 5:Krillen 6:7(8 if you count USSJ) 7:Pikachu? 8:Vegeta 9:Capsule Corp 10:The Red Ribbon army 11:The fat one at the end of snake way 12:?................257(guess)
  9. Yoda

    What If?

    You see, Pikeon, that's why I said IF cell had trained, IF!
  10. *wipes drool away* when I get to 500 posts, can I have one of those, PLEASE? *continue's drooling*
  11. Yoda

    What If?

    Just say Cell killed the Z fighters and the Buu's still came 5 years later. If Cell had trained in that time, do you think he would beat them? I do!
  12. Yoda

    Help Me

    To have an avatar go to profile, then edit profile, go to the bottom and you'll see a thing called chande avatar, they're in there! To change your name you have to PM the administrators, though it hasn't worked for me!
  13. Yeah, but that's the thing, Vegeta did have his tail cut off and Goku did have time to charge up the spirit bomb! Goku would win!
  14. Yeah, I know what you mean!
  15. Does anyone watch Spiderman? If so, what's your favorite character? Mine's Venom, I think he's really cool! What about you Guys.
  16. Aragorn was definately the best, and I also like Sam Gamgee!
  17. Did you? Sorry man, I didn't read all of the posts!
  18. Who cares if he spelled a word wrong or if it was a bit too long! Truth is it was a really good pic and that's all you should be worried about!
  19. I try to use correct English and I mostly do but never the less, WHY DOES IT MATTER?
  20. Yoda


    Hey, some nice pics there!
  21. Goku would win guys, I think as soon as the fight started everyone would team up on the buu's, then team up on Vegeta, (krillen would be dead by this point), Tien would then be killed by Trunks, who would in turn get killed by Goku! Gohan would then kill Piccolo and Goku, Gohan would team up on Pikkon, then Goku would kill Gohan!
  22. I never have, and never will take drugs of ANY form (except medicine) that, my friends, I a can promise you!
  23. Yoda

    pokemon yellow

    Yep, it's a very good game!
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