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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. The star wars trilogy Terminator 1,2 Predator 1,2 From Dusk till Dawn Billy Madison Waterboy Devilman 1,2 Gladiator Deuce Bigolo, Male Gigolo
  2. Yeah man this is serious as it comes
  3. Umm.............I think you posted the same one
  4. Guys, I now we're all really angry and everything but I think I speak for everyone when I say I hope this doesn't break out into war!!
  5. Sorry James! I just thought it might cheer everyone up a bit! But if it was uncalled for as you say, then I apologise!
  6. Umm...........................I accidently hit my friend after trying out your technique!:( :( Lets just say it worked just a little too well!
  7. I was watching the news just now and a guy called Aslama Binlaaden is supposed to be responsible for the events. Also, in west Jarusalem Adults and children alike were celebrating the destruction of the buildings!!!!! It's apparently because the American army is always siding with the Israelees, the bombers (pallestinians) greatest enemy. And the Americans are apparently always giving them weapons and F - 16's to fight the pallestinians. This is just plain sick guys!!!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  8. Perfect example of an annoying little Dwarf creature is my sister. Okay, her and her friends used to pi$$ off the boys in her grade, and , even though it's wrong, the boys would eventually strike back at the girls (physically). So, whichever one didn't get hit always came running to me asking for help so then I had to take matters into my own hands, and then I get into trouble for hitting the little $hit$. Regardless of this the girls never seemed to learn and I was getting into trouble on a weekly basis!!!!!
  9. $hit, there's an unidentified plane supposedly headed for the White house!!!! I live in the U.K so I really feel sorry for all you guys in U.S.A, and Gary Oak is right!!! They should all be F*****g burned alive and have they're internal organs ripped out through they're F*****g mouths. This could seriously start WW3!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Yoda

    hey gary oak

    I don't mean to sound like a ret@rd, but how exactly do you guys battle?
  11. Is that just an obscure way of telling us your a Hermaphradite? Perhaps the word personalities should be switched with genitaillia?
  12. you could get it in the Japanese version of Crystal.
  13. Well ,I have a few and they're all by Metallica. Here goes: The four horsemen Master of Puppets For whom the bell tolls Fade to black One The Unforgiven King Nothing Hero of the Day Fuel Memory Remains Low man's lyric No leaf Clover Whiskey in the jar (originally by thin Lizzy) Sabra Kadabra (originally by Black Sabbath) Stone cold crazy (originally by queen) An I Evil (originally by ???)
  14. I'm a wicked lead guitarist and I do write my own music!
  15. I come from the U.K so we have Comprehensive school instead of High School, and I'm in my forth year of that now and I'm 14,i'll be 15 in March (Isaid that incase you go into high school at a diff. age)
  16. I generally take a shot gun and blast anyone who presents me with a cup of coffee!!!! Sorry, I just really despise the stuff!
  17. Exactly, excellent point Anna!
  18. Yeah, but what are ya gonna do? We have to go no matter how $h!t it is!!!!!!!:flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  19. I do mess about in class alot but I don't see why I should risk getting suspended. I have gotten away with being sick and havin' 2 days off school when I was perfectly fine!
  20. Yoda


    Regardless too how much I hate Aeries (I hope this doesn't offend anyone) I must say it's a very good pic!
  21. Yoda


    1.Chi chi would probably destroy them both and Goku would probably give them his blessing. This one is actually not too unreallistic. 2.Vegeta would probably say something like"that's my boy" or "just like his father". Bulma would probably take it out on Chibi Trunks. 3. I don't think anyone would give a $hit.
  22. Monty Python rules!! I like the knights who say nee. Fav quote: You may pass, if you can answer me these questions three. Question 1: What is your name? I am sir Robin of Camelot Question 2: What is your quest? I seek the holy grail Question 3: What..........is the capital of Abergerania? What, I don't know that! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
  23. C'mon Phanhuynh, you said you know what it's called so spill it!!
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