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Everything posted by Yoda

  1. Whoa, you just mentioned my 2 favorite bands in your post!!! Nice one!!!!! I prefer bands!
  2. Yoda

    best race?

    I would say Goron's because one of them gives you the best sword in the game!
  3. I would say Bongo, Bongo.
  4. I thought Volvagia was the easiest. Just hang over the Egde when the boulders drop then clout him with the hammer. Easy.
  5. Tyranitar and Snorlax. Both good.
  6. I like Mewtwo and Articuno, then Mew, then Entei.
  7. Arcanine and Charmander! There should be no other answer!
  8. What's your fav band, group, or whatever? Mine's Metallica! They just rule! Runners up are The Offspring, Slipknot, Blink182, Papa Roach, and Guns+Roses. What about you guys?
  9. I got one teacher who was making fun of this kid, really p-i-s-s-i-n him off, so the kid tapped him on the cheek, (just messin' around like) and he got suspended for it!!!!!!!!
  10. Never done it! I'm a good boy!
  11. When I play GBA games it's fine. When I play GBC games though, then it's a bit darker!
  12. Are you sure it works 'cause to me it sounds like aload of cheap internet rumours that you spend hours trying for a load of dissapointment. :flaming: :flaming: :flaming:
  13. Yoda

    SPAMming Issues

    Yeah I hope it settles down soon. Good idea though Altron Gundam!!
  14. Or maybe your a hermaphradite? My, my how the rumours fly!!!:devil:
  15. It was a gay voice! Even gayer than Krillens. And Cell is the best villian, NO CONTEST!!!
  16. Originally posted by Baby Girl: Ah, but Obi-Wan beat Maul with a single blade, and he was only a Padawan. Think of what a Dark Master could do. Yeah but he was battling 2 Jedi for ages and then Qui Gon Jinn by himself before battling Obi Wann. So he must have been knackered but he still managed to knock him down into the reactor by using force may I add!
  17. Hmm..............a kind of attack like that would need a powerful name. If you want a Japanese name then how about Econamushu, or Shinkoryu. If you wan't an English type name, how about Split Force Beam, or Double Bomb barrage. I can't really think of a mane for the old one right now, but if I do then I'll let you know ASAP! btw thank's for putting me on your people not to kill list!:D
  18. Sorry, Matt.D I should explain it better! If if they both met somehow at they're primes, then who would win? Also, you may say Darth Maul is weak mentally but was Luke not also Mentally Weak when he defeated Darth Vader? He was just angry, and even then, he wasn't as fast as Darth Maul is! Anyway, Darth maul seemed pretty darn confident to me! Taking on two Jedi's at once and all!!!
  19. Who do you think would win in a lightsaber duel between Darth Maul and Darth Vader? I think Darth Maul, because he's faster, he is trained in Martial Arts, and he has twice as many lightsabers as Darth Vader!
  20. True! I like Cell a lot better anyway!
  21. Thanks man! btw, nice answer for location.
  22. Just messing around 'cause he was so cocky I 'spose!
  23. If your asking who gas the better kid then it depends which kid of Goku's your talking about!................No, wait, it doesn't, Trunks is better than Gohan and Goten!
  24. Well, thanks, man. It's the first time I've had a warm welcome on a forum.:D :D :D
  25. If it's not to much trouble, could you change my name to SSJ4 Vegitrunks that would be very much appreciated!
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