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Everything posted by KharBevNor

  1. Across this fair land, in thousands of high streets, pens are shackled to bank desks, without freedom or rights. They are abused every day by the fat, sweaty hands of the capitalist scum signing their ill-gotten cheques. Help end this tyranny! Join the PLF today! [url]http://www.redturnip.150m.com/[/url]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stephanie Ayler [/i] [B]That's a good point. I mean, that's who Haruko was searching for in the first place. So, she made her own plan into getting what she seeks with Naoto. That's cold......and yet funny. Now, about your question, I personally think that the reason why fangirls right down a bishonen as what you say is because of looks and behavior. Here's an example, in the series Pokemon, the character James acts like a noble person. Soon enough, he runs and jumps like a girl, sometimes cross-dresses into a girl, and talks and squeels in a high pitched voice. Once my mom watched, she only told me that he sounds and kind of acts gay. She's not asuming him as that; it's just that's how that character appears to be. I'm not sure if James is included as a bishonen, but that's an example. And as for myself, I don't care what they look like and how they act. If that's how the bishonen characters are, then let them be. I'm a fangirl of all characters; they're cool to me no matter. (Also, sorry if I'm off the subject of this thread.) [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah...It's just I'm really getting annoyed with these unlikely pairings...and it's made searching for pictures of the gundam wing pilots a [i]nightmare[/i]. Aren't Jesse and james voice-acted by the same person? Woo...off-topic... :blush:
  3. Hmmm... On the FLCL subject, Haruko/Kamon wouldn't work either. In fact, Haruko/Amarao didn't work, and probably Hatuko/anyone wouldn't work. [SPOILER]This might have a lot to do with her being a ruthless space pirate who would think nothing of destroying whole worlds to get her grimy mits on Atmosk...Plus of course the fact that Kamon couldn't open N-O channels. Amarao could only open piffling little ones, so a Haruko/Naota pairing is most likely, at least until she finally manages to summon Atomsk properly and goes off with him to steal planets and have wild sex, or whatever it is she wants to do with him[/SPOILER] Can I just ask a little question by the way? Why is it that whenever Fangirls see a bishonen character in [i]anything[/i] they immediately right him down as gay and start writing up atrocious yaoi fanfiction? :D Not that I have any real objections, I suppose we men are probably as bad with our Yuri... (I swear if I ever see another Alucard/Anderson though...I mean come on, it's not even remotely likely...)
  4. Naota (FLCL) The name of Naota creates a mature, self-possessed, and responsible nature. You are an organizer and leader who exercises sound and fair judgment in all your dealings, both business and personal. The name is a very practical influence, causing you to take your responsibilities seriously. At times it is difficult for you to see the lighter or more humourous side of a situation because of your serious attitude. Your highly capable and efficient nature make it difficult for some people to approach you. Although you desire to serve your fellow man, you may at times lack tolerance for those who are less self-assured and whose approach to life is not as positive and optimistic as your own. Hmmm....true in some places. Naota is quite serious, but loads of it doesn't fit...lets try some more! Alucard (Hellsing) As Alucard you seek change, travel, new opportunities, and new challenges. Your active, restless nature demands action and you dislike system and monotony. As you are versatile and capable, you could do any job well, although you would not like to do menial tasks. Having considerable vision, you could be adept at formulating new, more effective ways of doing things. You could organize the work of others, though in your impatience to see the job done efficiently, you would likely step right in and do it yourself. That actually fits him quite well...hmmm...lets do some female characters. Milly (Trigun) Your name of Milly has brought you enjoyment in working with people in circumstances in which you can organize and direct their efforts, preferably in an executive position. You are self-expressive, philanthropic, clever, and ambitious. You like to specialize in whatever you undertake. This name gives you an optimistic outlook on life. You appreciate good quality in all things and want the best money can buy. You have big ideals and dreams about the things you would like but you are not always willing to put forth the necessary effort, particularly if it means being subservient to others or having to work in an unimportant, menial capacity. Position and means are important to you and, in order to create this impression of affluence, you will spend even when it is not prudent to do so. You like to give the impression that you have everything under control. Hmmm...she's an optimist, but just about everything else is wrong. Haruko (FLCL) Your name of Haruko gives you the ability to be creative along practical lines of endeavour. Your ideas can be very original and inventive. You enjoy being with people in a social environment. Your personal appearance is important to you, for you desire to make a good impression on others. Your pleasant manner attracts people to you with their problems and you are capable of offering practical advice, though you may not follow such advice yourself. This name causes you to be somewhat too concerned with the personalities, problems, and activities of other people. Not even close...she says at one point [SPOILER]she doesn't care if the planet Earth is destroyed[/SPOILER], so I doubt that the caring bit applies. :D And one for luck: Edward (Cowboy Bebop) Your name of Edward has created a practical, responsible, stable nature, and you desire to direct the efforts of others rather than to take order or ask permission. You have a determined, self-reliant, capable nature and resent any interference, although in your desire to help you are inclined to become involved in the lives and decisions of other people. You like to make your own decisions and to be the master of your domain. You feel a limitation in your own expression when it is necessary to reach another through tact and understanding. Not even [i]close[/i]. :rolleyes: BTW, how this works, if its anything like what it looks like, which is Qabbalistic numerology, is this: they convert each letter of your name into a number, add them up, then check them off on a logarithm table to get the results (I researched Qabbala whilst I was trying to understand FF7 better. Some of the hidden meanings in that game a re mind boggling.)
  5. KharBevNor


    Trigun doth verily rock. It is the only anime series I have ever watched that had me both guffawing in laughter (numerous times) and crying [spoiler](At Wolfwoods death and several times ine pisode 25.)[/spoiler]
  6. Oooh, tough. Normally the sub. However, sometimes if I've seen the dub first thats what I'm used to, so I go for that. What someone above me said about the Japanese seiyuu being better actors is true. It especially comes out in things like screams and laughter, which always sound better in japanese. The one anime I saw subbed first but prefer the dub of is probably Hellsing. This is because they used proper British-accented voice actors and made a very good dub (great synching) so it really adds to the overall feel of the series. Some things, (Trigun for example) just [i]suck[/i] dubbed (I really hate the English Trigun voices)
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anime Otaku [/i] [B]She's right, different animes have different animation levels some are better some are worse(but to tell the truth i never saw an american cartoon better the worst anime i ever saw ;)) [/B][/QUOTE] True. let me guess, how old was the anime you saw? Older anime are both a lot more static and a lot worse dubbed than more recent anime (You [i]should[/i] be watching it subbed but I'll forgive you for that ;) ) Also, series area lot more static than films, becuase, lets face it, these people are working on a budget/ If you're a huge fan of great animation, any of the Studio Ghibli (spelling?) stuff is great, as well as stuff like Akira, Ghost in the Shell and Blood (Blood has a fantastically unsatisfying plot but the animation just blows me away) As far as well animated series goes, Cowboy bebop, Trigun and FLCL all have great animation, and you could never accuse them of being static... Just please, please don't repeat the mistake of so many and judge all anime by one series.
  8. The only way I could get my parents to stop ridiculing my liking for anime was to FORCE them to watch Grave of the Fireflies. that shut them up pretty damned quick.
  9. This is POV of a character from a series of sci-fi stories I'm writing, an Android designed for covert warfare: [b]They made me[/b] They made me from the stuff of their own Carbon, black, soft The medium of artists They made me Fullerenes sliding across float glass Like hot blood on ice Traceries of crystal For a mind They made me My face, symmetrical and perfect Angelic Pristine Androgynous Were you to look at it, your gaze would not see it Merely skim across the face of that alien ocean And drown in the eyes, dark and deep like lakes of Bromine. No, screams something inside No! Turn back! Run! But how can you turn? How can you extricate yourself from the hell that they constructed To hold my soul? It is simple to kill you And your family And your friends The mordant fluids of your demise run down my arms, sprays up the walls Clings to the ceilings. I am the destroyer Grim reaper Made to kill, and to enjoy it They made me, So why can?t they unmake me?
  10. [b]1. what did you think of the book?[/b] Order of the Pheonix was pretty good, but it felt wrong somehow: too gritty, too angsty. The problem is, at least for me, that the thing that makes the Harry Potter books great is the wierd and wacky world the characters inhabit, and that world seemed far too ordinary and grey throughout order of the Pheonix. Also [spoiler]NO QUIDDITCH!? What the hell was she thinking![/spoiler]. The death also shocked me. I would literally rather any other character would have died [spoiler]I also hated it how she played on the fact everyone knew someone was going to die by chucking all those fake deaths into the last fight, like when it seems Tonks has been hit by an Adavra Kedavra[/spoiler] [b]2.what is your favorite book out of the series?[/b] Harry Potter and the philosophers stone. It's the only one I've read more than once or twice: a true classic IMO. The others are good, but its the way Harrys nightmarishly dull and boring world suddenly becomes wierd and magical, and the way Harry transforms from a bullied kid with broken glasses to a student Wizard. Nothing can beat that first immersion into the HP world: Hagrid, Diagon alley, Hogwarts...great stuff. [b]3.Do the movies give the books justice?[/b] No they don't. Too long, too boring, not funny enough by half, badly put together. Some classic moments, but not many. Also, they got a lot of things wrong: they had a tendency to use their computer effects to over-magic everything: like the quidditch stadium. It shouldn't look that wierd. It should be more like a classic stadium but with quidditch hoops and whatnot: not enough ordinary in the extraordinary. If they want an example of how to put a long fantasy book into a good film, Lord of the Rings is it.
  11. OOoooohh...thats tough! it differs so much across series. In some series, goodies are total open goody two-shoes, and I can't say I would prefer them to Villains (Tenchi is an example of a series like this). If the Hero has some sort of dark and mysterious past though (Vash, Spike, Shinji, Alucard, Heero) or has an even more mysterious future (I'm a sucker for the 'transformation' sort of genre. Seras from Hellsing is probably the best example) I will generally prefer them. Villains do tend to get the best lines though...
  12. Which is unfortunately, in England anyway, probably going to be Pokemon, since only that and digimon have ever been aired on terrestrial TV over here.
  13. Some anime DVD are plain, some aren't...As has been mentioned, ADV do lots of extras. For example, spread over my first two Hellsing DVD's are the hellsing trailer, creditless opening and closing movies, galleries with 100 different pieces of concept art, action figure info, about 8 previews for other anime series (all different on both DVD's) and a 15 minute staff interview...and theres still two more DVD's I've got left to buy! My Akira special edition DVD has a whole DVD of extras...but then my Ghost in the Shell DVD has damn all (its desperate enough to mention one of the special features twice on the back in the special features box...and thats something like 'Japanese langauge track' or something) As has been said before, maybe they just can't scrape together enough special features on most anime DVD's to amke it worth it...plus for series they'd have to put different special features on each DVD, which is probably why Hellsing (a mere 13 episodes) has so many...
  14. I really have no idea...possibly Vash, because he combines being a sort of crazy, donut-eating pacifist with incredible, bullet dodging uber-coolness. And I want his coat damn it! (I've found a website that sells it in black...:cool: ) Either him or Alucard :demon:
  15. Has anyone here ever played Seiken Densetsu 3, either in the original Japanese or the fan-translated ROM? If not I recommend you pick up a SNES emulator and get a ROM now (Its legal now under the new abandonware laws). It's certainly one of the best 2D games square ever made, second only to Chrono Trigger. Like Chrono Trigger, its a refreshingly different concept to the brilliant yet un-deniably samey feel of FF games. It also happens to be probably one of the most non-linear RPG's I have ever played, more so even than Deus Ex. There are six main characters to choose from at the start, making it one of the few games to have alternative beginnings, and depending on who you picked in your party the potential combinations of plot events are endless... A must-play game!
  16. Are cons held in any other countries than America? I would so like to go to one...but I live in England, and all the cons I've heard about are in America.
  17. There is nothing more annoying than getting hold of anime in England. I'm lucky in that I have a friend who lives in Hong-Kong, who brings back tonnes of subtitled VCD's with anime. Although I do notice anime becoming more widespread. My local HMV now stocks Gundam Wing, Eva, Orgun, Patlabor, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Blood, Trigun, Vampire Hunter D, Hellsing and Macross, plus occasional others when someone orders something and even some hentai. O_o There's no chance of getting anything like this near where i live though. I tend to keep up with anime news over the Internet, on sites like this.
  18. In reply to above: [SPOILER]Well, you would think it natural for the queen to know, since she is the head of state. It would be like the president of the USA not knowing what the FBI was up to. Plus, Alucard [I]is[/I] killing for fun. "Use your next technique. Hurry, hurry, hurry!" And the only bad guy that doesn't die is Anderson. [/SPOILER] I would recommend you to get it now. Its a thoroughly good series, excellent animation and bucketloads of style (You just gotta watch the intro to see this). Alucard is damned cool, Seras is suitably wimpy [SPOILER]with those occasional 'O_o' moments when her eyes go black and she starts beating the crap out of everything[/SPOILER] My only complaint would be the length. Only 13 epsiodes? I want more! >_< I hear that a second series is planned once the manga is finished, however.
  19. Trigun: [SPOILER]When Wolfwood dies. He was my favourite character as well...sniff :bawl:...[/SPOILER] Evangelion: [SPOILER]lots of little bits in this series were pretty poignant, especially the characters past (Suicide of Asukas mother etc.)[/SPOILER]
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