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Everything posted by Mimmsicle
[COLOR=darkred]I have to say that I was instantly hooked on the first version. There's something about a banner that has been stripped of apparent color that attracts me. It has a feeling of ... coolness, in lack for a better word / expression. And I like the grayning effect. Added to the detraction of striking hues, it resembles an old Western movie. Where everything's a little laid back, but awaiting to kick some behind. But mostly I think the banner reminds me of an old black&white picture, the kinds that tell a story. When I saw the colored version, I saw no story to tell. Which I did in the first one. I'm no expert, but it looks like you've blended the images you used very well. There are no distracting lines / blurred places. What do you call those little staple-like things that you've snuck into the upper right corner and the lower left corner ? Those made/make the banner[s] more stable and balanced somehow. Yes, all in all - I like it a lot ! - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[b][I love telling the story of how I got a scar on my right foot ^__^ ][/b] [COLOR=darkred] I was about 5-6 years old and my oldest sister and I had been to a nearby school ground (probably going on the swings and such). She had her bike with her and I was too tired to walk home, so she told me to get up on the "luggage carrier".[size=1] (that was the only word for it I could find - surely there is a better one ??)[/size] She made it [i]very clear[/i] to me that I had to hold my legs out, which I thought would be no problem. But after a minute or so of holding my legs out, I tired and looked for somewhere to put my feet. I thought I saw a piece of metal that looked big enough to put my feet on, so I decided to ignore my sisters "recommendation" and rested my feet. Suddenly she stopped and I thought she was mad at me for not doing what she told me. But she didn't look back at me, she just grunted and said something like "[i]It won't budge[/i]"... [b]I looked down and saw my right foot stuck in the wheel.....[/b] From thereon I have a lot of "black outs", meaning I was probably in shock and maybe I passed out. But I remember lying on the ground, foot stuck in the wheel and my sister panicking like mad - I was bawling my eyes out, of course. A guy on a bike stopped and helped me get loose somehow. When I got home [size=1](we were just around the corner from my house when this happened, incidentally [i]*lol*[/i])[/size] our parents weren't home. More panicking ! No one knew what to do, so I ended up lying on the kitchen floor - pretty dazed out of it ^__^; My parents rushed home when they heard what happened[size=1] (so someone obviously called them)[/size] and I was [thankfully] placed in a comfy bed and well looked after. ********** I went to the hospital a day or so later, got some x-rays done and a check up by [incompetent] doctors. Nothing was broken - but I still couldn't walk on it. ~_^ I guess something was torn off, or just bruised [i]*shrugs*[/I] Spent a couple of weeks on crutches and healed up pretty quickly. [b]So the lesson here is :[/b] ..... keep your legs spread... [b]when [i]biking ! [/b] [/i][b]~_^[/b] - Mimmi[/COLOR] [size=1]EDIT: I still have a scar and I think some nerves got damaged, cause I can't feel anything if I touch it. My sister [b]still[/b] feels guilty about this, by the way ^_^;[/size]
[center][size=1][b][ Thanks to Everyone who helped me out with this ^_^ ][/center][/size][/b][color=darkred] [b]I have been thinking about things we pay for. [/b] This stemmed from reading many articles and interviews over the years, featuring young women who loudly protested about sanitary protection being over charged. Often followed a demand that it should be free, since periods are not voluntarily. When I started to think about other situations where help/aid is unfairly priced and discrimination occurs, I was reminded of a movie that dealt with AIDS and the implications of the disease[size=1] (in a very Hollywood-esque manner of course).[/size] People with AIDS need medication [size=1](expensive medication)[/size] and if they have Health Insurance, that [i]could[/i] assist them. * But it appears that things aren't as crystal clear as such. Some Insurance Companies will try to either wash their hands off an AIDS/HIV inflicted person, or increase the premium. This kind of discrimination is illegal of course, but Insurance Companies have found ways around that.[/color] [size=1][b] [ Charles provided a [i]very[/i] interesting article about this, unfortunately I didn't gather where it came from. But if anyone would like to read it, PM me ^_^ ][/size][/b] [color=darkred] I then remembered a thread here on OB, where the subject of drug addicts being given free injections/or needles for injections, came up ** Drug addicts are aided in their sickness, while people dying of AIDS have to fight Insurance Companies [i]and[/i] their disease ? I realise that some things must be paid for, but what is reasonable to pay for ? When is it downright silly to charge [too much] money for a service/product ? [/color] [size=1][b][It would be nice if this could be kept fairly high quality ? so please refrain from complaining about how much a pair of Gucci shoes cost and alike. Thank you.][/size][/b] [color=darkred] - Mimmi [/color] *[size=1] I am not very familiar with the medical system, so if anyone would take it upon them to shed some light over this, feel free to do so.[/size] **[size=1] The thread was not about this, however I fail to remember which thread it was and the exact statement, so if anyone would care to repeat that information - go ahead.[/size]
[COLOR=darkred]I realize now that I need to take a closer look into how my brain is working ^__^; Whenever I try to unravel something, nothing comes out of the package. When I just react, I score ~_^ But on the subject of this post... it's a very good one [i]*wink, nudge*[/i] - Mimmi [/COLOR] [SIZE=1]I apologise for my abuse of the English language and for being unfunny ^_^[/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RPCrazy [/i] [B]"At first I thought this would be about Stabucks..." O_O!! Do you share a brain with Alex, or soemthing? Were you related in a past life? -inspects you- [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred] I'll probably make myself look like an ass but [size=1](I'll pretend my ass looks great >__> )[/size].... What are you talking about ? ^__^; - Mimmi[/color]
[COLOR=darkred][size=1]At first I thought this would be about Starbucks... but let's leave that.[/size] The poem moved very much like the situation itself. You heard the call[size=1] (started to read)[/size] - it drew you in [size=1](you wanted to know more) [/size]- then as you moved closer, it changed. It's funny.... I'm guessing the person in this poem, would have the means to express what you've written. Yet he still is unable to utter a single word, other than that of dissapointment. It is a nice twist. [size=1](a very realistic one)[/size] For some reason I don't want to analyze poetry too much, especially when it's something that I instantly like. Hence my somewhat fuzzy observations ^_^; - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]At long last, she returns to us with her poetry ! I cannot even begin to comprehend what you just wrote, for it is filled with layers of subliminal messages. Lies - twisted perception, or realization of false facades - quiet walks in crowded places. It is good to read your words of thought, so I ask thee to grace this place once more ^_^ - Mimmi[/COLOR]
Writing My Poetry: Looking for constructive critisism, please!
Mimmsicle replied to JazzLady22's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkred]Another poem ^__^ Like the others, this is very fluid. You take the reader on a mental journey, on several levels. From the eyes of the grandmother/father (?) to she writer, the surroundings, objects and so on. It becomes more vivid that way, it feels tangiable. I have no suggestions for editing, since I liked it the way it is ^__^ - Mimmi[/COLOR] -
Art YOU decide on PoisonTongue's NEW avatar/banner combination!
Mimmsicle replied to Brasil's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkred]Yeah, that's along the lines of how I envisioned it ^__^ Really good work[size=1] (and it'll be better when you've tweaked it, naturally)[/size] ! - Mimmi[/COLOR] -
Art YOU decide on PoisonTongue's NEW avatar/banner combination!
Mimmsicle replied to Brasil's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkred]I'm not sure what you're going for, but avi #1 is really.. hypnotizing. If it wasn't for the brown background in #2, I would've said to go with that one. As for a banner.... if you were to choose avi #1, then banner #1 would suit it best (in my humble opinion). But in any other case, I'd say that banner #... Actually... it'd be really cool if you made it animated, so it started with #2 and eases into the remaining two. Giving the effect of flies to honey ~_^ That's my view on the matter. - Mimmi[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkred]You say these two have no rhythm ?! I beg to differ. The first one was [i]very[/i] harmonious and swayed/flowed delicately. Poem number two also had a certain "beat" to it, mimicing the feel of searching through the misty surroundings.[/color] [quote]For two rivers can form one. As may our souls.[/quote][COLOR=darkred]That was really profound. There's no other way to say it. I would very much like to read more. - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][i]*is pleased she made a lasting impression on Annsie*.....[/i] [b]In a very innocent way [/b][i][copyright Mimmi 2004] [/i] Thanks for copyrighting it for me [i]*winks*[/i] - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]I've not known Annsie for long and already she's had an impact on me. [size=1](in a very innocent way, of course *wink*)[/size] She has a delightful, playful attitude and has brought many smiles to my face in those crazy chats ^__^ I hope that she has a safe journey ahead of her and that time moves quickly, bringing dear Annsie safe back here. [b]*huggles*[/b] - Mimmi[/COLOR]
Writing My Poetry: Looking for constructive critisism, please!
Mimmsicle replied to JazzLady22's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkred]I was just about to scream PLAGIARISM !, cause I knew I had seen it somewhere before =^_^= Then I realised that it was [b]you[/b] [i]*points*[/i] ~_^ I encourage you to [b]not[/b] edit anything, it works wonders as it is. Now there is a quality of silent movies nestling in it. Very nice ! If only the weather reports were this good ^_^; - Mimmi [/COLOR] -
[color=indigo][b]General Awards[/color][/b] [b]Overall Member of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]James[/COLOR] [b]Male Otaku of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Charles[/COLOR] [b]Female Otaku of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Sara[/COLOR] [b]Staff Member of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Charles[/COLOR] [b]Funniest Member of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Charles[/COLOR] [b]Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Poison Tongue[/COLOR] [b]Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Adam[/COLOR] [b]Best Oldie: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Shy[/COLOR] [b]Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: [/b][COLOR=darkred]AzureWolf[/COLOR] [b]Thread of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Kill Adam[/COLOR] [b]Silliest Thread of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]"Charles can I be a mod for??"[/COLOR] [color=indigo] [b]Random Awards[/color][/b] [b]Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall): [/b][COLOR=darkred]James[/COLOR] [b]Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall): [/b][COLOR=darkred]Sara[/COLOR] [b]Best Location (Best Specific Location): [/b][COLOR=darkred]PoisonTongue[/COLOR] [b]Best Otaku Couple: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Queen Asuka/Piromunkie[/COLOR] [b]Best Looking Otaku: [/b][COLOR=darkred]James[/COLOR] [b]Best MyOtaku: [/b][COLOR=darkred]James[/COLOR] [color=indigo] [b]Otaku Writers[/color][/b] [b]Poet Laureate: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Mitch[/COLOR] [b]Writer of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Solo Tremaine[/COLOR] [b]Role-Player of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Arcadia[/COLOR] [b]RPG of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Kill Adam[/COLOR] [color=indigo] [b]Social Otakus[/color][/b] [b]Otaku Social Member: [/b][COLOR=darkred]James[/COLOR] [b]Entertainment Otaku: [/b][COLOR=darkred]Semjaza Azazel [/color][color=indigo] [b]Otaku Anime[/color][/b] [b]Otaku of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred] Shy[/COLOR] [b].hack//SIGN Member of the Year: [/b][COLOR=darkred]AzureWolf [/color][color=indigo] [b] Otaku Artists[/color][/b] [b]Best Graphic Designer (Banners, wallpapers, etc.): [/b][COLOR=darkred]Syk3 [/COLOR] [b]Best "Traditional" Artist (Drawings, paintings, etc.): [/b][COLOR=darkred]Sara[/COLOR] [color=indigo]- Mimmi[/color]
Writing -Syk3's Guide to Modding Your Butt Off-
Mimmsicle replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkred]Giving Syk a speech impediment was a really smart move, it makes him less dictatorial [i]*cough*[/i] I'll make no comment on grammar and such :p Funny read - there is more coming you say ? - Mimmi[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkred]Art to me is something that has been created, sprung from an idea or emotion and then inspires, evokes something within others. Beauty and originality has no major importance to me - art's main purpose should be to open new worlds and allow people to explore their perception. Sorry if this is too flimsy ^_^; But that is art in a nutshell to me - something beyond words and traditionall approach. - Mimmi[/COLOR]
If you could be anyone you wanted to be...
Mimmsicle replied to RainbowChick's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=darkred]I've never really wanted to be someone else. Sure, having some of another persons talent would be fun - but that's about it. If I could be anyone, I would like to be [b]myself[/b] more ^_^ - Mimmi[/COLOR] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]People are not born with that ability, it too must be learnt. Understanding text is just an add-on to this pre-learnt ability to understand others, and I would still like to disagree. [/b][/quote] [COLOR=darkred]True, that ability is learned.[size=1] (and you are entitled to disagreement, I'm not arguing that) [/size] I didn't mean to imply that you were [i]born[/i] with it, simply that it comes more naturally. And I also believe that written communication can only be fully utilized if you have a really good grasp on the spoken/body language, since that's what it's building on. Or, vice versa for that matter.[/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [b]Text holds much more information than most people think and it can basically replicate (easily) everything that you can in a normal conversation except for visual positioning of the person. [/b][/quote] [color=darkred]I would like to state that while text [i]can[/i] be replicated to other forms of communication, parts are still lost in "translation". Or, they are transformed slightly. But that is my opinion and I understand yours perfectly.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [b]Also highlighting text isn't restricted to smiles and making things bold, you can literally attribute hundreds of methods to each and every word in a sentence that are just commonly understood by most web people.[/b][/quote] [color=darkred]Do feel free to elaborate on what "tools" are used, apart from what you hinted at in the example you gave. I am not completely sure how you mean you implement the advantages of the written communication there... I am interested in knowing.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [b]An example of using this is you can easily have a much more intense argument/debate in real time text than real life over things like religion and politics while knowing exactly how hard you can push on a topic with out the other person blowing up[/b][/quote][color=darkred] - Mimmi[/color]
[color=darkred] [b]Name: [/b]Mia-Marlene [b]Age: [/b]22 and getting younger [b]DOB: [/b]24th of August 1981 [b]Location: [/b]Sweden [b]One Word: [/b]Pants [b] No, seriously. Describe yourself in one word: [/b]Human [b]Occupation: [/b]Removal business [b]Color: [/b]Most of them [b]Food: [/b]why of course [b]Beverage: [/b]milk or water [b]Alter Ego: [/b][b][color=black]Badness[/b][/color] [b]Dream Job: [/b]I prefer real ones [b]Self-Proclaimed: [/b]Embracer [b]Ethnicity: [/b]Outer Worldly [b]Extracurricular: [/b]Poetry [b]Hobby: [/b]Communication and Psychology [b]Dessert: [/b]Homemade buns [b]Mac or PC? [/b]PC [b]Blog: [/b][URL=http://www.myotaku.com/users/mimmi/]Yeppers[/URL] [b]Book: [/b][color=indigo][i]?Momo?[/i] Michael Ende[/color] [b]Collections: [/b]Pants and hugs [b]Won't Eat: [/b]Vegatables [b]TV Show: [/b][color=indigo]The Pretender [/color] [b]Words to live by: [/b]I love you [b]Addicted to: [/b]Love/Life [b]Comic: [/b]Calvin and Hobbes [b]Movie: [/b][color=indigo]Breakfast Club[/color] - Mimmi[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [B]I must say that I don't agree, people that talk on the internet and have done so for a long time can tell exactly how some one is feeling, implying and trying to put across even without any preposition of the others perception. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkred]I was mainly thinking about books ^_^; Sorry, obviously I wasn?t clear enough. [quote]Severed from emotions embedded in the spoken word, yet it is just as successful in transmitting thoughts and ideas, as any other form.[/quote] And I probably should?ve included ?[i]partially[/i]? before the word ?severed?, since I admit it to have the ability to communicate emotions [i]similar[/i] to other forms.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by cloricus [/i] [b]In fact it's very hard to lie in (real time) text; people are not used to it so you can see it in the way they type; the speed, accuracy, type, use of highlighting methods, and how they structure a sentence and the content. [/b][/quote][color=darkred] Yes, the things you pointed out are indications of ?life? in written communication ? but it?s still a [b]somewhat[/b] (I stress that word) sterile form, compared to spoken communication where you instinctivly (no training required) pick up on the mood (because you have so much more to go on, body language etc) and have access to everything naturally. Sure there are smileys and different ways to [i]highlight[/i] what you?re transmitting, but really - it is still difficult to replicate the authenticity in body/spoken languge, with (for example) this :) - Mimmi [/color] [size=1]Forgive me if I make little or no sense, this form of communication (discussion) is new to me - but I'm eager to learn, hence why I posted it in the first place.[/size]
[COLOR=darkred]My obvious nickname is Mimmi. It sprung from not being able to say my own name when I was a child. One of my shortlived nicknames in school was "Miyagi". The first part of my first name, along with the first letter in my last name, added to the fact that guys had a respect for me [size=1][temper][/size], all forged together and the result was [b]Miyagi[/b] [size=1](anyone remember "Karate Kid" ?)[/size] Other than that, I've not had many nicknames.... apart from being called "Giggles" [size=1](or the Swedish version of it anyway)[/size] for a day or so [i]*rolls eyes*[/i] - Mimmi ^_^[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred] So what would be the most[b] infuriating[/b] way to conduct communication [in the various fields] ? Personally I have an issue with people raising their voice to the heavens, even when adressing the smallest of things -_- [size=1](for example: " [b]I AM GETTING MILK ![/b] ")[/size] It's all very well for dramatic effect, or when a discussion gets heated (as long as it's passion speaking, not anger), but beyond that it gets unnerving. In my humble opinion. Minor grammar and spelling mistakes are not too bothersome (I'm prone to slipping myself, quite often), it is when things are warped into quirkyness and sloppyness that I cringe. Maybe I'm naive that way, expecting those born/raised with a certain language, to automatically have higher standards in their communicational skills ? [i]*shrugs*[/i] - Mimmi[/COLOR] [size=1]Thankyou all for communicating communication ^_^[/size]
[COLOR=darkred][b]Sara:[/b] If that was a tangent then I encourage you to further go off key >_> It's true that a basic shared understanding of the subject at hand is vital to communication. I'm glad you brought that up ^_^ And Shin touched on something good: people who are not overly eloquent in person, can still shine just as bright in written communication as those who are more verbaly forward. - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[QUOTE]I, for instance, am an Audio-Visual Communicator. This means, I say what I want to say best in pictures, words, and other visual things, and I retain and learn best from seeing something done while hearing it explained. You show me how, I get it. I read how, I don't get it. Get it? :p I could go on and on with this topic, since it's now my life...but I'm sleepy. LOL[/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred]Yes, I would love to get you.... I mean, yes - I get what you're saying ^_^; What is your opinion on [b]manuals[/b], though ? I mean, there you have pictures [i]and[/i] words communicating an action. Still, I find then very confusing at times =^_^= It would be really interesting to hear more of what you've learned ! [color=darkblue] And fibble.... you just demonstrated another form of communication, very good... [/color] - Mimmi[/COLOR]