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Everything posted by Mimmsicle
[size=1][center][Warning: The word "communication" will feature heavily in the following text][/center] [color=darkred] Since my arrival here at OB I have thought a lot about the different forms of communication. The things I have listed are, of course, only a handful of examples and are meant to initiate discussion. Feel free to elaborate and add ^_^ [b]Physical communication[/b] ? body language. Mostly used to highlight / emphasize other ways of communication, though it can stand on its own accordingly. [b]Silent communication [/b]? subconsciously/consciously collaborating with body language. By not responding to conversation or situations you still transmit something, in the sense that others fill in the voids and interpret the silence as having a certain meaning. [b]Spoken communication[/b] ? different languages, both geographically and socially (or male and female, if you so wish). Despite being a universal form of communication it is equally vulnerable to others perception and your own execution of it. The intonation and melody vary from each human and depending how well the relationship is developed between 2 (or more) people talking, it is easy to insert your own "logics" into the conversation - resulting in failure to properly converse and communicate. [b]Written communication[/b] ? words on various objects (paper, stone, sand etc). It's on one hand a somewhat sterile art of communication, relying fully on the recipients perception. Severed from emotions embedded in the [i]spoken[/i] word, yet it is just as successful in transmitting thoughts and ideas, as any other form. (Not to mention sound, visuals (signing for instance) and so on.) [b]Now I'm curious to know your thoughts about it.[/b] [i] Do you have a preferred type of communication ? Is there one form that works better than any other, in your opinion ? Does one get a greater communicational understanding by applying several different mediums of conversation ? Which ones ? [/i] - Mimmi [/size][/color]
[COLOR=darkred]I really like the image itself and how it's almost black and white, yet colorful. The text is an interesting effect, though it could be toned down a bit - as of now it's not working its full potential, almost taking focus from the appealing aspects of this "signature". Do I spot some kind if firefly/fairy above the letter "I" ? It looks like a silhuette of something, but maybe my eyes are mistaken ^_^; It's a nice piece, but it could be improved [i]*nods*[/i] In my humble opinion, of course. - Mimmi[/COLOR]
Project Triple Innovation: Exclusive First Look
Mimmsicle replied to Adam's topic in Help & Feedback
[COLOR=darkred]So that's what I saw at James' MyO... That's a really good thing, since quizzes can be a bit.... *cough*... One thing : the "click here" on the [URL=http://guru.theotaku.com/index.php#]quiz site[/URL] only brings you right back... - Mimmi[/COLOR] -
Art Syk3's Ultimate Banner Thread O.o (image heavy)
Mimmsicle replied to Syk3's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkred]For someone who hasn't been here very long (aka me) it's really interesting to see how people have progressed over time. You started out pretty good, but have obviously gone really far from that Gohan banner *nods* I'll list what I find strikes me, personally, with some of the banners.[/COLOR] [COLOR=indigo]2. Auron is my favourite character from FFX, which in itself makes this banner cool in my eyes. I like the orange "aura" (haha) around him, it gives the banner depth. I've noticed that grids can really damage a banner, but it works here, I think. 4. This one is really clean and crisp. The specks of orange gives it a touch of life, insuring that it doesn't come off all sterile like. The dotted line gives it some extra flair. 10. It looks really good, apart from the fact that it felt odd that the guy was boxed in, but not the toolbar. That's just me though ^_^; 12. Also looks really good, but I find that the girl on the right disturbs more than she adds. Though she is faded in well. 13. I can see why it won. Simple, yet not. Nice balance in the placing of text and image. 21. I felt that the blue could've been better blended in with the pictures. Other than that it's fine. 22. What can I say ? Spot on. At first I had an issue with the text not being as visible as it could've been, but it just fits somehow? 23. A subtle bullseye. It has layers, meaning it changes from first glance and becomes more and more appealing the more you look at it. You end up wanting more >__> 28. A new fun idea. It stands out and the animation is pulled off well. Overall goodness.[/COLOR] [color=firebrick]I'm sure I could say something about every banner, but I only took a few. You clearly have talent, good ideas and you improve progressively. - Mimmi[/color] -
[COLOR=darkred]Reading Mitch's poem made me glad I didn't know BabyGirl too well. It probably would've broken my heart to see her go. Now it only saddens me.[/COLOR] ********** [COLOR=indigo][FONT=arial][b]" A strangers comfort soothes the familiar unknown? "[/b] I believe I walked past tense many times over Motionlessly going nowhere in circles Through close distance came intimacy In spaces of physical detachment was touch A stranger so familiar to my broken memory Standing beside eachother before we approached us All along we came to where we already are Beyond this will be anything but nothing [/COLOR][/FONT] ********** [COLOR=darkred]New poem, new person.... - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]Now that I know your intent behind those stripes, I can very well say that it works [size=1](I knew that sound wasn't all in my head >__>)[/size] [i]*nods*[/i] I'm not sure the film negative would work on both sides... it works where it is right now, because it's right next to black. And the other side is quite the opposite, so I wouldn't jump up and down say "[i]do it, do it[/i]". But I'm not about to say that you shouldn't either ^_^ It looks just right as it stands now. - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]When I checked the size of the two banners, I saw that they were the same size.... but the first one seems to have more space on the left side.... maybe it's just my computer [i]*shrugs*[/i] I have absolutely nothing to say about the avi - simply because it is perfect ^_^ No dead space, no crammy-ness. Good work [i]*thumbs up*[/i] ok, I'll be quiet now and let someone else get a word in >___> - Mimmi[/COLOR] PS: could you try inserting "Baron" vertically again, on the second banner - so that I could see if it works better that way [i]*bats eyelashes* [/i]^_^
[COLOR=darkred]Hmmmm.... I also see that you cropped the banner somewhat ... I think that you should keep Akelda as it was in the first banner - it had more of a fun effect then[size=1] (as if it were staring at the "Markup Helix" text) [/size] What if you tried putting "Baron" at the other end of the first banner ? (in the upper left corner, I mean) I'm honored that you're taking my "advice" and testing it, considering I really don't know what I am talking about [i]*blush*[/i] Apart from knowing that the banner is good, of course ^_^ - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]First off - Welcome back ^_^ You've gotten the merging between the two pictures to blend really well into each other. The background, with its stripy effect thing, makes it feel a little claustrophobic. I could almost hear suspensful music playing in the background ^_^ Don't know if that's what you were aiming for, but that's what I sensed upon looking at it *shrugs* I'm not sure if the tiny squares sticking out on the banners right side is a conscious thing, but it's an interesting touch. It makes it look like you've cut out a piece of a negative [size=1](film roll, whatever it's called)[/size] I also like how you've made the descision [i]not[/i] to clutter it up with text >__> [i]*wink*[/i] All in all, I like it ^_^ - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]The banner is certainly good ^_^ It's very crisp and smooth. The colors are nice and calming, blending together quite well. Your choice of font is also pretty much spot on - I fail to see that it can be made better [i]*nods*[/i] My only objection is that your name feels misplaced... "Baron" and the eyebrow seems to battle for attention - that's about as clear as I can get right now [i]*shrugs and smiles*[/i] Although, if you were to move it slightly to the left - it might look like you've branded the poor sweet thing O.o It'll be nice to see this one in your sig ^_^ - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B]Once James IM'ed me and I uncontrollably kissed my computer's monitor... Does that count? My first was only nice for the feeling afterward, not during. I wish I had been a bit more smooth though, I was your classic fumbling ultra-nervous guy. Wow, I can't believe so many years have gone by since... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred]*[i]puts Adam down on the long list of "Teasers"[/i]* I'm gonna have to steal your pants for that ~_^ Does kissing in dreams count ? ^_^ - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]Thanks for the replies, it's good to see people valuing the comedical legacy left by the Marx Brothers.... Like PT pointed out to me, though, finding Marx Brothers movie will prove quite the challenge. Not many are available. I aquired two DVD's today ("[i]Horse Feathers[/i]" and "[i]A Night in Casablanca[/i]") and I might put up some sort of review here at a later day. [color=black] Random Opera Singing Guy :[/color] - [i]Are you a man or a mouse ?[/i] [color=black] Groucho gestures to the floor :[/color] - [i]You put a piece of cheese down there and you'll find out.[/i] ~ Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]Ah yes, great piece this is ! Though I now feel that I should watch what I say [i]*suspiciously glances around*[/i] I do hope there's more to come... I think ~_^ You're startin '04 off on a very high note, indeed ^_^ - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]I like how it feels so understated, but itsn't. The text coming/falling down diagonally reminds me of a meteor shower. It's a nice change from the text just appearing from the regular places *shrugs* The only thing I have a slight issue with, is that the "[i]the day after tormorrow[/i]" text isn't allowed to fade out properly, before "[i]where will you be[/i]" comes back again... But that's a minor issue and does not take away from the sharpness of the banner. Very pleasing on the eyes, yes. Good job ! - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]I've not been able to comment earlier, because the only thing would come to mind was [insert picture of smiley dropping jaw] and then [awestruck silence] Your style is very clean-cut, but it doesn't feel uptight in any way. It comes out looking very simple, but it also looks like you spent an enourmous amount of time getting it so close to perfection. But not to the point where you've overdone anything... I really like your black and white art - it feels like flicking through an old album, catching a glimpse of another persons life. It feels real - as if there is life behind/within the paper [size=1](or in this case screen)[/size]... And when you've colored your creations, it feels very natural - not over the top, but still striking in some way. I admit I'm not very good when it comes to commenting/critic but I like what I see here. And I would love to see more *nods* - Mimmi [/COLOR]
Art Astrological Interpretations in WaterColor
Mimmsicle replied to Queen Asuka's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkred]I have to say that I really like your drawing style. It's pretty, but not of the sugary-icky kind. No, your drawings have a sophisticated flair about them. Yet they maintain some innocent feel. I'll not point out whatever I like and what could've been tweaked, cause you seem aware of it already. I hope you'll post the others as well - that way we can get the full picture and stand back to truly admire your talent ^_^ - Mimmi[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkred]I just want to start off by saying that I really like what you've done here, Azure *nods* Here is something more specific for you to take in *lol* : [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]I personally don't think that the "Lain" text should be included. Maybe if you put it somewhere else, but right now it's cluttering the prettyness up. >__> The clouds around her face - right above where the wings start - they feel a bit "sharp-ish"... I think it might be the white poking out. The soft/muted colors does wonders for this "placid" wallpaper ^_^ I absolutely LOVE the "boxes" you put on the upper and bottom part of the wallpaper. It looks like the wallpaper is a still frame from a movie - very nice effect ! The halo reminds me of a type of hat. What else am I supposed to say, huh? :p [/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]I really, really like this banner and when I catch you online I shall tell you so again ^_^ - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[color=darkblue][b]Poetry in motion[/b][/color][COLOR=darkred] [font=century gothic] you work me from the inside turning on my consciousness you search my fires and evoke revelations imploring freedom The desire to move further you slide beside me alluringly sparking fantasies to gasp for life you entwine deepness to my core guide me senseless to blissful insights Tempt the craving to learn you expose me to your vibrant presence exuding these overflowing sensations you pleasure me to early beds of graves dug deep with stunning knowledge The final slip awaits deliverance [/color][/font]------------ [color=seagreen] Hehe, Arcadia can be really persuasive ^_^ Well, pretty much all the previous poems has been guessed on. And I have no idea who Solo is talking about, but it sure is a perdy one ^_^ - Mimmi[/color] [size=1]EDIT: I removed the first one, since I felt more happy with this and there's more fun in diversity ^_^;[/size]
Writing From Beyond the Dead[Mature Somewhat I'd Say]
Mimmsicle replied to Mitch's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=darkred]I don't think I can put into words what I felt as I read this - or what it made me think. But it sparked something - maybe I'm not ready for what it's telling me. It could be that I already know and have placed that information where I've forgotten it exists - some other time, some other place. The first time you see/experience something, it is beautiful. As you grow, it either stays beautiful or it transforms - like your lady in the story. It is up to the person who meets this beauty to decide - whether it be a butterfly or a maggot [size=1](to use your favourite word)[/size] that is cocooned and awaits birth. In the beautiful butterfly there can be decay awaiting and in the sickly maggot there can be beauty to be found. - Mimmi[/COLOR] -
[COLOR=firebrick]Last week I was fortunate enough to see two [b]Marx Brothers[/b] movies: "[i]A Day at the Races[/i]" and "[i]A Night at the Opera[/i]". It has been many years since I saw any of the many movies they did, but I remember "[i]The big store[/i]" being my favourite [size=1](if ever I saw them all)[/size] Back when I was young, I think I enjoyed the movie[s] simply because of the sheer volume of craziness. Now when I look at them, I am mostly floored with [b]Groucho's [/b]innuendos. [b]Harpo[/b] appears to be ahead of his time, with those psychedelic ventures on a harp - or any other instrument/object that came his way, for that matter. How he managed to communicate without words is also something that never struck me as a child. To me, he [i]was[/i] talking..... I still hold to that. [b]Chico's[/b] virtuosos on the piano has always brought a smile to my face. I just love how he doesn't take his talent seriously, but instead radiates playfulness and joy. The way he seemingly effortless executes a piece of music, with his fingers dancing on the keys, makes me admire his skill all the higher.[/COLOR] [color=darkblue] Now I have a question to those who are more familiar with the Marx Brothers' movies. I'm looking into buying some of their movies, but I am not entirely sure which ones to go for. [size=1](Considering that many of them might not be available, this problem may never arise)[/size] So any suggestions and comments about this topic, are most welcomed. - Mimmi[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]You raise a very good point, my friend.... ....it makes sense that my opinions occasionally clash with those of more fervent fans. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=firebrick]Thankyou *bows* Well, I see it as this: If you're really into a show and somone "challenges" the wonderful-ness of it, then you should be able to a) take that in and respect their point of view [size=1](provided that it has thought to it and isn't merely flaming)[/size] b) argue your own views/feelings/thoughts [size=1](without getting disrespectful, of course)[/size] By adapting this approach, you will grow in more ways than if you just keep harping "gah, I really love it and I think you're stupid because you say that it's not the most wonderful thing in the world"..... No offence to anyone, I'm one of those people sometimes >___> - Mimmi[/color]
[COLOR=firebrick]Why does your reply feel like a giant tease to me ? [size=1]~_^[/size] Well, hopefully I'll get the opportunity to read more of this saga. But if not - then I will have to settle for everything else that you'll write [size=1]^_^[/size] - Mimmi[/COLOR]
[COLOR=firebrick]Oh my.... I didn't know how to read it and so I was thrown back and forth. Laughing and giggling at the insanity and humour, then growing very quiet as you slipped in thoughts of sudden wisdom. It felt as though I was laughing at someone who'd fallen on a patch of ice, only to discover that they'd broken their spine.... [/color][color=darkblue] The scenery is well laid out, panning the surrounding with smoothness and an underlaying sharpness. I'm not too fond of how you "ended" this poem/comic, the joke could have been left out, thereby leaving the reader looking forward to what madness lay ahead. But like you said, it's supposed to be part of something bigger and if it's joint with its continuation, it should pass just fine. It's interesting to see how you explore different approaches to writing. Somehow you always manage to keep that chore, which is you. Bravo ! - Mimmi [/COLOR]
[COLOR=firebrick]I've not read the manga and only seen the anime up until the episode where [spoiler]Sesshomaru confronts Inuyasha, to see if what the tree told him was true. When I saw this, I didn't really understand at first why Sesshomaru backed down. Although it [i]was[/i] pretty obvious that he only wanted to test Inuyasha's capabilities. And if Sesshomaru truly feared that Inuyasha had the means to "outtake" him and truly does want to see his little brother dead, then surely he would've made short process with him - there and then. If not way earlier ~_^[/spoiler] So Dagger made a valid point about Sesshomaru and his attitude/behaviour. Sesshomaru, even though he is clearly disgusted [size=1](I lack a better word, sorry)[/size] with his younger brother's weakness, wants to envoke the strength and power that I'm guessing is slumbering within Inuyahsa. [/COLOR] [color=darkblue]As to the question why I watch it.... I've not seen a lot of anime and I wanted to try something new. Inuyasha started running and I figured I'd give it a go. The first couple of episodes made me unsure if this was an anime I'd enjoy, but I stuck with it. Sometimes it takes time to warm up to a show. It does seem to want to cover a lot of ground (romance, battle etc etc) and so it may very well be underdeveloped in some areas. The way they drag out the story's key elements is a bit frustrating, although I'm used to that from watching "One Piece" [size=1](another anime/manga)[/size]. Overall, there [i]are[/i] things that could be seen as faulty. But depending on how experiened you are, you'll either enjoy it a lot [insert exclamation marks] - or you will see the things that are positive, but still not be blind to the aspects that could've been done better. [/color][color=firebrick] Well, I tried to put some effort and thought into this post. I'm sure there's more to say, but I don't want to overdo it ^_^; - Mimmi [/color]
[COLOR=firebrick]I just want to point something out, before I praise you ~_^ [COLOR=indigo]"[i]Tom had seen it used is a Christmas catalogue last year[/i]"[/COLOR] Do you mean "used [i]in[/i]" ? [COLOR=indigo]"[i]He the smacked the screen door open and barged out to his mother.[/i]"[/COLOR] I'm missing an "n"... I think...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]Those minor things aside, I think this is a really sweet and well written story. I could barely notice the changes of perspective [size=1](from the boys to the mother and back)[/size], which provided a smooth flow to the piece. The characters are described enough, I think it'd take away from the feeling of the story if you made them more outlined. But that's just me *shrug* Vocabulary and grammar were top-notch, making the read even more pleasurable. All in all, it's a really good piece and now all you have to do is post the rest ~_^ - Mimmi [/COLOR]