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Everything posted by Mimmsicle

  1. [COLOR=firebrick]Charma, Charma, Charma ^_^ I can feel all of the poems you just posted, more or less. They feel very honest and honesty is good *nods* "Moment" felt almost... blissfull. Like those rare moments when you're not muddled in your brain. Sweet. - Mimmi [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=firebrick]Well, after looking at the original poster[size=1] (which compared to yours, comes off as rather cute in comparison)[/size] I can actually elaborate on my comment : ) The icky neongreen is spot on, but it could do with some toning down in the middle... slightly. It sort of stings in the eyes, which doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing ^_^ For some reason I think of "The Blair Witch Project" (though I don't know why, I've never seen it... unless you count the trailer). It's material for a scary movie [i]*nods*[/i] Here are some superlatives: [b]preposterously clever, extraordinary design, tremendously funny[/b] My dictionary doesn't have any more words.... - Mimmi[/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]PS: These comments are in no way meant to offend the posterboy. He is a very pretty posterboy and should have a brilliant future ahead of him. The End.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=firebrick]Your banners are a lot of fun to look at. You seem to be improving all the time : ) Keep at it and post more ; ) - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=firebrick]Wow.... so much to say, so few words that actually comes out *lol*[/COLOR] [color=indigo] I [i]adored[/i] [b]"Magnolia"[/b]. It exposed frustration without being angsty [size=1](which can be difficult to master, I've noticed)[/size]. [b]"Train of Though"[/b] felt disturbingly familiar, but was also uplifting in some strange way. The rhyming was gorgeous [i]*dramatic sigh/swoon*[/I] [b]"If I were a Bumblebee"[/b] started off so harmless, almost sickly sweet. As it suddenly bolted from the cradled safety and twisted around itself, it became truly delightful. I liked how you started and ended it with the same ... stanza (?). [/color][color=firebrick] Those are the ones I was personally attracted to : ) - Mimmi [/color]
  5. [COLOR=firebrick]Went through you banners (so far) and I really liked the "red Asuka" and the "excelsaga-banner". Very simplistic and easy on the eyes. The other ones are nice too, of course. But the two I mentioned appealed more to me, personally : ) The .hack one required a bit more looking at, to appreciate it fully. At first I was bothered with some kind of shadowing that started above the guys head.... then when I looked, I saw the text *cough*^_^ The banner itself looks sort of like a flag. Interesting approach. Colors are soft and are "blended" well together. Good work ! - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=firebrick]Nice banners. I especially like the Naru & Keitaro banner 1- and the purple banner [size=1](though it'd look better if the "Love Hina" text was a tiny bit smaller, in my humble opinion)[/size] Keep 'em coming : ) - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=firebrick]Err... I'm no expert, so feel free to shoot me down... but it feels a bit crowded with all the text in it. It's readable, which is always a plus, but there's just too much for my likings. Other than that it's really good, that spinning thing adds a twist to it. Like that. Keep up the good work : ) - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=firebrick]I'm really no good in commenting on people's work (apart from saying 'oooooo, pretty') *lol* The blue/green is seamlessly merged and so is the orange/red , but the two together are not. Was that an intent ? It'd be interesting to see what it lookes like more blended in, but maybe that won't do it any good. Like I said, I'm no good at this ^_^ It looks really good, the border fits nicely and it gives an overall feeling of being lost in the music.... - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=firebrick]Oh man, you literally had me hanging on every word from the get-go [i]*breathes*[/i] [b]*hits head on dictionary* [/b] No, that didn't help. I still don't know how to describe the goodness of this story ; ) The writing is excellent, it was really easy to follow this time. Clean and fluent. There we no parts that felt "too much", you kept it basic and to the point, while not losing edge/tension (?) along the way. I look forward to more [i]*falls off the edge of her seat*[/i] - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=firebrick]Is it meant to be scary ? [i]*shuffles feet*[/i] *lol* It's certainly eye-catching, that's for sure. It'll look better with the tweaking you implied to do. Fun stuff ! - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=firebrick]Thankyou for the suggestions, they will help a lot : ) I figured I would have to lose the shadowing of the text *lol* But you suggest that I move it [size=1](the text)[/size] ?.... hmm, must see what that looks like *shuffles away* - Mimmi[/COLOR] [size=1]PS: the song is [i]"I want you to want me"[/i][b] by Letters to Cleo[/b][/size] Edit: well, I managed to lose the original one (without the text) and I have no idea how I ended up with the result I have.... if only I could figure out how to get the text out...help ?
  12. [COLOR=firebrick]Thankyou soo much for your comments, they do me the world of good [i]*nods*[/i] I totally agree on what you say the *cough*/*sigh* thing does make it rather... meh : ) Why emphasize something that needn't be ? The "baptism of fire".. well, it was the only phrase I could find. *lol* I asked around a little, but found no alternative. I guess it didn't come out too bad anyway, in the end ; ) Ah, the ending... yes, it does come off rather cliched... though at this point I don't know how to re-write it... maybe it'll come to me, or it'll be there as a reminder of the fact that I can grow in my writing [i]*cheesy grin*[/i] ..... Myabe the story will benefit if I took it out all together ? hmm... Again, thankyou - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=firebrick]Now that was [i]something[/i] ! Truly beautiful, the rhyming worked perfectly. As Karma suggested, break it up and it will be even more accessible. Is there more where that came from ? : ) - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  14. [color=firebrick]I wrote this as an essay for my Swedish class back in 1999. A couple of weeks ago I translated it to English. It's basically the account of 3 accidents I had the year before I wrote it. Feel free to let me know what you think : )[/color] [font=century] [color=indigo][size=3][b][center]"The Tales of Winter"[/center][/b][/size][/color][/font] [color=firebrick]I was 13 years old when I started my career as a papergirl. My older sister and I were to share a district, since neither of us was really strong, or old, enough to handle one by ourselves. And with the promise from my dad that it would take no more than half an hour, we decided to go for it. [font=century] On the very first day my hometown was hit by a snowstorm, possibly the worst for a few centuries. So I can't say things got off to a great start. ~_^ What was meant to be a nice introduction to what is considered decent labor, turned into my baptism of fire. The snow went up to my knees; the wind felt like butcher knives against my skin. The heavy load of papers and the sheer volume of compact snow made for an interesting tug of war between me and my bike. In the end, we decided to postpone the slaughter of each other and join forces against the pesky weather. It took me more than [b]2 hours[/b] to finish my half-round that morning. Mom had been up since we left the house, so when I tumbled through the door there was a cup of hot chocolate waiting for me. I?m telling you, if it hadn't been for that warm liquid in my body, dad would've been in serious trouble. ~_^ My sister had it worse off though, she's visually impaired and it took her even longer. We were ready to call the police and send out a search party, when she finally turned up. [/color][/font] [color=darkred] You'd think that this sort of initiation would scare me off the line of work completely, but it didn't. I stuck with it and learned a lot. It was "[I]character building[/I]", as Calvin?s dad would say. Now of course I have this romanticized image going on, since I don't work as a papergirl anymore. Those were the days... [/color] [font=century] [b][color=indigo][center]One Friday morning in February, 1998.[/center] [/b][/color] [color=firebrick]On streets that were a concoction of snow, ice, and slush, I made my way forward. Getting to the place where I was supposed to collect my papers was a breeze. No worries so far. After loading my bike with papers hot off the press my journey continued pretty smoothly, considering the conditions I had to work in. I gained more and more confidence for each mailbox that I passed. [b]BIG[/b] mistake. As I slowed down the pace to unload another paper, everything went horribly wrong. [I]Like the Titanic met her superior in that iceberg, I had met mine in a tiny pool of ice. [/I] My bike started to slide under me and the ground pulled me down in slow motion, into a painful embrace. I landed with a heavy [b]thud[/b], all the papers fell out and sprawled across the street. At first I could do nothing but lie there. I was in chock, dazed and generally confused. After a while of just lying there I realized that I had to get up. People were awaiting their papers and they can get nasty when you're not in time. So I had no choice but to compose myself and pick up the scattered papers. Easier said than done with the ice pool under me. The bike kept slipping around along with my feet. Eventually I got everything together and boldly went to new mailboxes. After two hours of labor I was finally done for the morning. By that time I felt no more than a slight ache in my right knee, which had received the biggest blow in the fall. [/color][/font] [color=darkred] That was that, really. I still had another week to go and my sense of duty denied me to cower away from responsibility. I figured that I had learnt my lesson and the following days I studied every spot of ice I could see. Where they were, span of surface and so on. Because I took things slowly and gently, nothing happened and confidence emerged once again. [/color] [font=century] [b][color=indigo][center]A week later, disaster struck again.[/color] [/center] [/b] [color=firebrick] I had gotten halfway through my district and was about to make a left turn. After days of closely studying the ground for menacing ice spots, I thought I was safe. Thoughts and reality rarely coincide with each other. [b]Note that. [/b] To make matters worse, I had gained quite a speed when I took the turn. This contributed to the painful outcome. I gracefully flew[size=1] (and momentarily hovered) ^_~[/size] across the street before crashing onto the icy asphalt. I hit the ground forcefully and this time my left knee took the blow. This time the pain was instantaneous and fierce, to the point where I had to bite my tongue not to scream obscenities to the depopulated streets. After briefly contemplating a vicious attack on the malicious bike, I gave up and accepted defeat. The papers that were left to be carried out was done so with tears and self pitied sobbing. I managed to drag myself home and felt overwhelmingly proud of myself for totaling both knees within 2 weeks. ~_~ [/color][/font] [color=darkred] Despite my crippled state, I continued to work as a papergirl during the spring and summer. When fall was ready to take over, my knees had mended as close to perfection as they could. And still the year was not over? another accident was waiting to happen and before 1998 had drawn its final breath, I would be awarded another scar. [/color][font=century] [color=indigo] [b][center]A Sunday morning in December, 1998. Shortly after 4.00 am. [/color][/b][/center] [color=firebrick] A little over six months had passed since my latest escapades in the land of Accidental. Things were peachy. I got up that morning, put on my clothes and braved the night. [I]Looking back, I should have known what was coming. [/I] Those blogs of ice on the driveway did not bode well and they pretty much screamed at me with their blinding reflection, [b]"Get back inside!" [/b] [I]Alas, I did not comply. [/I] Why? Well, the streets looked clear from icy slushy pools, so I figured it'd be ok. What I didn't know was that it had rained during the night and the water had frozen, covering the streets with the thinnest layer of a skate worthy ice-blanket. But since I had perceived nothing unusual making my way down the path of doom, I trampled on? I was about to make a left turn when once again, adversity reeled me in. It wasn't until I was halfway to the ground that I grasped what was happening. Suddenly the asphalt was closing in fast and I swear I could see the flash of a grinning face on the surface? Luckily I had enough presence of mind to retract my arms to cover my ribs and brace my body for impact. I hit the ground and[b] bounced[/b] (observe [u]bounced[/u]) and slid about the ice covered piece of loathsome asphalt, before landing completely and coming to a standstill. As I lay there I came to the decision that I would not move, simply freeze in that moment of ignorant bliss before you realize what has happened and the implications that goes with it. It was so peaceful to embrace the nothingness and to feel every fibre in my body letting go. The chock had stunned me into a hazy state of sweet yielding. Unfortunately I was not able to enjoy my newly found position. A young couple out walking had seen my tumble and fall. They rushed over to me and worriedly asked if I was ok, which I really didn't care to think about. [/color][/font] [color=darkblue][center] - "[i]Mmm, yeah I'm fine[/i]," I whispered through gritted teeth. [/color] [/center] [color=firebrick][font=century]Thankfully they were content with my reply and helped me to my feet. In addition they were kind enough to help me collect the papers that had scattered on impact, before making their way homeward. Conscientious[size=1] (and moronic)[/size] as I am, I thought I could just pick up where I dropped myself and get on with things. But upon loading the papers onto the bike I quickly realized that it would be suicide to continue. The pain was unbearable, the tiniest movement made my lungs cramp up and choke me. It felt like I was poking myself with a knife. Trying to focus on the job at hand was unthinkable. So I threw in the towel and with great effort dragged myself home. Woke up dad, briefed him about the situation and put myself to bed. Later that day he told me that he nearly tipped over several times himself as he biked around town. [/color] [/font] [color=darkblue] [b] [center]Sunday passed and my body was pretty ok, but when Monday came? [/color][/b][color=firebrick][/center][font=century] Because I had tightened every single muscle in my neck to keep my head from hitting the street, I was rewarded with a gruesome wryneck. I had dislocated two vertebras, which made breathing close to impossible. My entire body was aching, all the time. All I could do was moan and keep completely still, unless I wanted a tidal wave of stabbing pain surging through me... I was lucky in the sense that I retracted no head injuries, but given the pain I was in, it really didn't matter at that point if I had or hadn't. After a couple of weeks I pretty much recovered physically from the ordeal and I eventually got round to fixing the dislocated vertebras? the day before I went back to work ~_~ [/color][/font] [color=indigo][center][b]Epilogue[/color][/center][/b] [color=darkred][i]Since the last accident I've been refusing to bike when there's snow or slush on the streets. I guess you could say that I never forgave the horse that kicked me off. And even though I occasionally get on it, I don't trust it further than I can throw it. [/i] [size=3][b]- FIN[/b][/size][/color] [color=chocolate] - Mimmi[/color]
  15. [COLOR=firebrick] Here are 10 of [i]many[/i] favourite movies.[/COLOR] [color=darkblue] [list=1] [*]Breakfast Club [COLOR=firebrick][i]"Don't you forget about me"[/i] [/color] [*]One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest [COLOR=firebrick]Don't you wish you were sent to a mental institutation after watching it ? ^_^[/color] [*]Star wars [size=1](the original ones)[/size] [COLOR=firebrick][i]The Force [/i] is strong in the original three[/color] [*]Welcome Mr Chance [COLOR=firebrick]The sweetest movie I've ever seen. Sweeter than Disney. Seriously.[/color] [*]Edward Scissorhands [COLOR=firebrick]Tim Burton + Johnny Depp = [b]Masterpiece[/b][/color] [*]Goonies [COLOR=firebrick]Childhood Classic. [i]"Goonies never say die !"[/i][/color] [*]What dreams may come [COLOR=firebrick]Because it is such a visually stunning movie[/color] [*]Life less ordinary [COLOR=firebrick]Wacky, wacky, wacky. Ewan McGregor. Holly Hunter.[/color] [*]Moulin Rouge [COLOR=firebrick]Baz Luhrman[/color] [*]Lord of the Rings [COLOR=firebrick]All the movies... even though I haven't seen the last one yet ~_~[/color] [*]Donnie Darko [COLOR=firebrick]Ok, that's 11, but it deserves to be here [i]*nods*[/i][/color] [/list=1] [/color][color=firebrick] Someone mentioned [b]"Ferris Bueller's Day Off"[/b] [i]*does happy dance*[/i] - Mimmi [/color]
  16. What is your name? [b][color=firebrick]Mia-Marlene[/b] [/color] Spell your name backwards: [b] [color=firebrick]Enelram-Aim [/b] [/color] Date of birth: [b] [color=firebrick]24th of August 1981[/b] [/color] Male or female? [b] [color=firebrick]Female[/b] [/color] [color=silver]Astrological sign:[/color] Nicknames: [b] [color=firebrick]Mimmi[/b] [/color] Occupation? [b] [color=firebrick] Recuperating[/b] [/color] Height: [b] [color=firebrick]5'2 I think. Can never figure out that system[/b] [/color] Weight:[color=firebrick] Enough to hold my ground ~_^ [/color] Hair color: [b] [color=firebrick]Right now ? Black. Otherwise blonde[/b] [/color] Eye color: [b] [color=firebrick]Blue[/b] [/color] Where were you born? [b] [color=firebrick]Sweden[/b] [/color] Where do you reside now? [b] [color=firebrick]In my room[/b] [/color] Age: [b] [color=firebrick]22[/b] [/color] Screen names: [b] [color=firebrick]Mimmi, OtakuMimmi[/b] [/color] [color=silver]E-mail addy: [/color] What does your screen name stand for? [b] [color=firebrick]Chibi Mia-Marlene[/b] ^_^[/color] [color=silver]What is your gangsta name? [/color] What does your diary name stand for? [b] [color=firebrick]Me[/b] [/color] Pets: [b] [color=firebrick] None at the moment[/b] [/color] [color=silver]Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? [/color] [color=silver]Piercings? [/color] [color=silver]Tattoos? [/color] Shoe size: [b] [color=firebrick]No idea[/b] [/color] Righty or lefty? [b] [color=firebrick]Righty[/b] [/color] Wearing right now: [b] [color=firebrick]Blue/White shirt, sweaters, socks and underwear[/b] [/color] Hearing: [b] [color=firebrick]Cars driving past[/b] [/color] Feeling: [b] [color=firebrick]Alright[/b] [/color] Eating/drinking: [b] [color=firebrick]Had some pancakes just now *yummy*[/b] [/color] ~Guys/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~ Have you ever been in love? [b] [color=firebrick]Infatuated, yes. [/b] [/color] How many people have you told "I love you"? [b] [color=firebrick]My family[/b] [/color] [color=silver]How many people have you been in love with? [/color] How many people have you kissed? [b] [color=firebrick]None[/b] [/color] [color=silver]Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? [/color] How many people have you dated? [b] [color=firebrick]None[/b] [/color] What do you look for in a guy? [b] [color=firebrick] Intelligence and sweetness[/b] [/color] What's the first thing you notice about the opposite? [b] [color=firebrick]Offline ? Eyes/Hair/Hands. Online ? What/How they write[/b] [/color] What type of guy do you usually go for? [b] [color=firebrick]The ones I can?t have[/b] [/color] Do you have a bf? [b] [color=firebrick]No[/b] [/color] [color=silver]If so where did you meet them? [/color] [color=silver]What do you like most about your bf/gf?[/color] Do you have a crush right now? [b] [color=firebrick]Funny you should ask[/b] [/color] If so who is it? [b] [color=crimson][size=1]Mitch[/size][/b] [/color] Do you believe in love at first sight? [b] [color=firebrick]Not love, no. [/b] [/color] Do you remember your first love? [b] [color=firebrick]I do not believe I have loved yet[/b] [/color] [color=silver]Who is the first person you kissed? [/color] Do you believe in fate? [b] [color=firebrick]I believe my life is what I make of it [/b][/color] Do you believe in soul mates? [b] [color=firebrick]I believe in friendship[/b] [/color] If so do you believe you'll ever find yours? [b] [color=firebrick]I hope to have many friends : ) [/b] [/color] ~Family Stuff~ How many siblings do you have? [b] [color=firebrick]3[/b] [/color] [color=silver]What are your parents names? [/color] [color=silver]What are your siblings names? [/color] How many siblings does your mother have? [b] [color=firebrick]1[/b] [/color] How many siblings does your father have? [b] [color=firebrick]4 or 5[/b] [/color] Where are your parents from? [b] [color=firebrick]Sweden[/b] [/color] Is your family close? [b] [color=firebrick]We are 'La Familia'. [size=1]At least in theory[/size][/b] [/color] Does your family get together for holidays? [b] [color=firebrick]We get together when we can[/b] [/color] Do you have a drunk uncle? [b] [color=firebrick]Yes. He fell into a river, got a cerebral haemorrhage and is now institutionalized. I never knew him. [/b] [/color] Any medical problems run through your family? [b] [color=firebrick]Don't know[/b] [/color] Does someone in your family wear a toupee? [b] [color=firebrick]No idea[/b] [/color] Do you have any nieces or nephews? [b] [color=firebrick]A bunch[/b] [/color] Are your parents divorced? [b] [color=firebrick]No[/b] [/color] Do you have step parents? [b] [color=firebrick]No[/b] [/color] Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? [b] [color=firebrick]No[/b] [/color] [color=silver]If so for what? [/color] [color=silver]Did some of your family come to America from another country? [/color] ~Music Stuff~ What song do you swear was written about you or your life? [b] [color=firebrick]I wouldn?t swear on anything, but there are a couple of songs that hits close to home. Too many to mention [/b] [/color] What's the most embarrasing cd you own? [b] [color=firebrick]Embarrassing to whom ? [/b] [/color] What's the best CD you own? [b] [color=firebrick]"Automatic for the people" R.E.M I don?t think I?ll ever grow tired of it[/b][/color] What song do you absolutely hate?[color=firebrick][b] I don?t [I]hate[/I] anything. I only dislike[/b] [/color] Do you sing in the shower? [b] [color=firebrick]No[/b] [/color] What song reminds you of that special someone? [b] [color=firebrick]"Somebody" Depeche Mode[/b] [/color]
  17. [COLOR=firebrick]I can't get my head around how to fix this "banner" I'm making. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/pop/4U/poetrybanner.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/pop/4U/poetrybanner2.jpg[/IMG] Is the green one better, or the "pinkish" one ? What color do I have to use to get the text more visible ? Should I lose the shadow ? Do I include my name at the bottom ? Is the "Poetryesque writings" slightly out of place, does it need shifting in some direction ?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]I'm using it for MyOtaku, so don't worry about the size-limit. Any and all help is appreciated ! - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  18. SECTION A [b]1) I find OtakuBoards rules easy to understand and follow.[/b] [color=firebrick]A, provided that you read them[/color] [b]2) I feel that the staff at OtakuBoards understand their job and are capable of performing it appropriately.[/b] [color=firebrick]A[/color] [b]3) OtakuBoards is easy to navigate.[/b] [color=firebrick]A, provided that you study it[/color] [b]4) OtakuBoards has a friendly atmosphere.[/b] [color=firebrick]A[/color] SECTION B Please try to keep your answers relatively short in this section. [b]5) How often do you visit OtakuBoards?[/b] [color=firebrick]Once a day, on average[/color] [b]6) Do you feel that the rules are too strict/not strict enough/fine as they are?[/b][color=firebrick] As long as you match the level of maturity, they?re fine.[/color] [b]7) Should we continue to uncensor the creative writing areas on OtakuBoards?[/b] [color=firebrick]Adventure/Battle arena is enough, in my opinion.[/color] [b]8) Would you rather a decentralized forum system on OB (more forums, less activity per forum) or a centralized forum system (less forums, more activity per forum)?[/b] [color=firebrick]Centralized. It gives a feeling of consistency/continuity. More forums would mean less clutter, maybe. But it?d also make OB feel disjoint.[/color] [b]9) Would you like to see a closer integration of myOtaku and OtakuBoards?[/b] [color=firebrick]I kind of like them separated.[/color] [b]10) Are you signed up to myOtaku.com?[/b] [color=firebrick]Yes[/color] [color=silver]11) If you are not signed up to myOtaku.com, do you plan to sign up in the near future?[/color] [b]12) Do you read Announcements at OtakuBoards?[/b] [color=firebrick]Yes[/color] [b]13) Which single Category (Category, as opposed to individual Forum) do you spend most of your time visiting?[/b] [color=firebrick]Mostly Poetry, Lounge and Movies[/color] [b]14) Do you think that OtakuBoards should offer an in-built chat system as part of our service? If we included a chat, would you use it?[/b] [color=firebrick]Chats on forum-sites tend to be spammed and violated, ultimately forcing it to shut down. So [i]No[/i].[/color] [b]15) If we offered an "OtakuBoards Wireless" service that would be accessible via Internet-capable cellphones, would you use it?[/b] [color=firebrick]No, I prefer the computer over the phone[/color] [b]16) When we offer a next generation version of OtakuBoards, should we continue to provide semi-regular community events in our Event Arena or a similar forum?[/b] [color=firebrick]They seem like fun. [i]Yes[/i][/color] [color=silver]17) If you could add one new Category (Category, not Forum) to OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/color] [b]18) If you could remove one Category from OtakuBoards, what would it be?[/b] [color=firebrick]I wouldn't [i]remove[/i] one, but maybe [i]merge[/i] two. But that?s a form or removal? [/color] [color=silver]19) If you could add anything to OtakuBoards (in terms of a new forum, a technical tool/feature, etc), what would it be?[/color] [b]20) On a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest), how would you rate your experience at OtakuBoards since you registered?[/b] [color=firebrick]10. I've had no real problems thus far. [/color]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]Wow, Mimmi?s reply was so sugary that it left my teeth aching after reading it. After a compliment that saturated with sucrose I bet Mitch will need a root canal.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=firebrick] Well, I prefer sugar to spam, therefore I took out my bag of goodies and dug deep. The poem demanded/earned so much more than the one sentence "[i]That was excellent ![/i]" which was about as much as I could muster after reading it. Root canal work is charachter building, I'm sure, and Mitch surely wants to build his charachter in order to make his skills grow, so I'm not backing on my previous post. - Mimmi[/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dagger IX1 [/i] [B]It's a nice thought, but [spoiler]had Peter Jackson decided to keep Boromir alive, I'm sure that he would have been lynched by a rampaging mob of angry purists. Anyway, Boromir's death was far from pointless--it served to redeem his weakness, and showed how Aragorn would be forced to grapple with himself before going on to achieve greatness. In The Two Towers and Return of the King, Faramir and Aragorn assume the roles which a living Boromir might have ended up playing.[/spoiler] ~Dagger~ [/B][/QUOTE] [color=firebrick] I hope you don't think I thought that Boromir's death was pointless ? Boromir was truly an important part in the fellowships journey [SIZE=1](outer and inner)[/size], he put things in perspective and was in some way a catalyst. [i]*reads previous post*[/i] hmm, maybe I wasn't as clear as I thought I was... I meant that his death was the [b]exact opposite [/b]of pointless. It indeed served great purpose, I am just sad that his journey had to end so soon after it had begun. [spoiler]It's good to hear that Faramir will carry on Boromir's legacy ; )[/spoiler] - Mimmi[/color]
  21. [COLOR=firebrick]It's amazing what you can do with something as overlooked as a toilet/bathroom. [i]*stunned*[/i] I have yet to find anything that is worthy to read or contemplate on when visiting a public bathroom. And yet, here you are, working with nothing and pulling out something like this.... creativity flows like a flooded river in your ocean... Pour some more into my cup, Mitch darling : ) - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=firebrick]I might get nuked for admitting this, but I read the whole first book and then skipped to the last 4-5 pages in the third one. I can remember nothing from the first book... [i]*hides behind printer*[/i] [COLOR=darkblue]I figured that since they were making "changes" to the movie, they might as well have kept Boromir. His death was so "perfect", [SIZE=1]weakness, betrayal, atonement, nighty-night[/Size], but imagine what he could've done. Where he could've gone with himself and his land/his people, had he miraculously lived. [/COLOR] Since I know nothing of what is to happen,[SIZE=1] except for Frodo[/size], I can enjoy the movie for what it is. A movie that happens to be inspired by an awesome story. - Mimmi [/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=firebrick]I actually love Moulin Rouge, so it'll be difficult for me to be objective ~_~ I guess I was so blown away by the whole spectacle that I didn't mind about the singing not being top notch. It seemed to fit in with the rest of the scheme, clumsy and positivly naive. That said, it [i]is[/i] a musical and [i]should[/i] be reviewed from those premises. I've not seen "Chicago" so I can't really draw reference points, which in turn makes my statement pretty worthless.... Back to the question. [i]Has she been in any good movies ?[/i] Depends on what the preferences for what makes a good movie are. "[b]Portrait of a Lady[/b]" didn't hit home with me, but is considered to be really good. - Mimmi [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=firebrick]Seeing these banners an avatars make me wanna play the game [i]*drools*[/i] If they ever had to flash an id in the game, I imagine they would look like what you've done here ; ) I like the effect of space between the flag and the rest of the banner. Makes it feel less squishy.... Outlines the whole thing. The only font I have issues with is the "San d'Oria" one. It looks [i]good[/i], but it feels like it could look even [b]better[/b]. But I don't really know anything about the game, so you might just be on the nose and I can't see it : ) Keep up the good work ! - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=firebrick]I normally don't comment on your work, for I feel that I don't have the vocabulary to do your work justice. But know that I read them all and that they strike something unexplainable inside me. This one had a really good flow, it was easy to read it without getting sidetracked. It felt like several poems merged into one big symphony of orchestral delight... Reading it was like being taken on a journey. Not ripping you up from your roots and dragging you along. No, it was more like something caught the corner of your eye and enticed you to follow.... Lovely, Mitch. Just like yourself : ) - Mimmi[/COLOR]
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