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Everything posted by Mimmsicle

  1. [COLOR=firebrick]My dad worked as a substitute for years, he didn't get his "Teachers License" until 2 years ago *lol* He's a late bloomer I guess ; ) My mum has worked with elderly, been a housewife, studied to become an assisting nurse, worked some more with elderly and now she's studying to become a Dermatologist (sp?). Will I be tracing my parents footsteps ? Nah, hardly. Teaching is for those who are passionare about what they love [SIZE=1](be it math, english or history etc)[/size] and are capable of sharing it with people who [SIZE=1](more times than often) [/size]are not receptive to it. I truly admire all those wonderful teachers out there who are stars in the black hole of the world known as [i][color=black][b]school[/b][/i][/color] [i]*bows*[/i] Working with elderly takes a lot of patience and putting up with... things. It's also way too stressy and way too underpaid. I'll be happy if I end up doing a job I enjoy, I see no point in stressing for a career. - Mimmi [/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE]Mimmi, you are very talented, especially at how well you rhyme. You put my rhyming level(which isn't very good) to absolute shame. There were very enjoyable and well written. Nicely done and I can't wait read your next batch of poems. ^_^[/QUOTE] [COLOR=chocolate][i]*basks in the deafening praise*[/i] Thankyou, Pex dearest : ) Yes I am [b]very[/b] happy that I posted, Charma ; )[/color] [QUOTE]How long have you been speaking English..? It'd be neat to know.[/QUOTE] [color=chocolate] How long have I been speaking english ? ... hard to say. In school we didn't have english classes until 4th grade (I was 10 then) and by that time I was pretty far ahead of everyone [SIZE=1]including the teacher[/size] :rolleyes: My oldest sister is 5 years older than me, so if [i]she[/i] started at 11... you all do the math :D I've been [i]exposed[/i] to the language since I was an infant though, with tv-programs such as "Muzzy" and other educational shows. But enough about that. Time for some poetry ! [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=darkblue]Tomorrow shall come today And yesterday will be fading So before yesterday has ended And tomorrow has already been Disregard those days that has passed Brace yourself for those who have yet to be lived [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=darkred]By all means scream, trust not to be heard Go ahead and cry, rest assured to go unseen [i]Borders move at your will[/i] Feel free to speak, prepare to be silenced Lash out if you dare, accept to be beaten [i]Borders strike at your will[/i] Give all you want, expect to receive nothing Offer your love if you wish, affection will not be returned [i]Borders kill at your command[/i] [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=sienna]Desire tugs at your dress Wants to see you naked Love strokes your hair Cradles you into safety Memories slap your face To keep your dreams in check But when desire calls You heed to its voice And when love looks at you That is all you see Soon the memories are fuzzy And you will be lost again [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=darkblue]It should be me laying there, not the one I love Quiet and peaceful My soul lingers here, on empty earth shattered Searching and wishing Memories of life are passing, treasures of the heart Promises and keepings It should be me laying down, not the one I love Eternally and after I am left to keep alive, breathing painful air Lies and recoiling See you resting in purity, cleansed of life Emptiness and clarity We should lie here together, Entwined and safe You will not be lonely, wait for me beyond Embrace and surrender So make room beside you, give way for me Welcome and farewell [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=sienna]I am blinded by the rays of the light Cannot see beyond the shadows I try to calculate how long forever will take Impossible to figure out what?s hiding in the shadows Why do I look for love in all the wrong faces Because I am unable to see through the shadows I search for reasons to take the leap Will not find them in the shadows [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=chocolate]There. I figured I'd get all the non-rhyming stuff up all in one go. Once I get all of my poetry out of the way I promise to post my "Winter tale", Charma ; ) - Mimmi[/COLOR] --- EDIT: ok, I read the rules and I think it's ok to add more in the same post....since no comment has found its way in here ^_~ [COLOR=teal]Put myself to bed and begin to weep Unable to fall asleep Hours upon walking in a haze Made me lose my place So confused and downright low Illusions won't let me go So here I lie tired and ready to sleep Instead I cry, instead I weep [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=seagreen]Bereaved of what was already lost failing the test Keeping close that which had gone failing the rest safeguarding what memory slips failing to halt begrudging that which is not failing to a fault [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=teal]Let go and cry Be not afraid to grieve Let go, let go Be not afraid to get up and leave Let go and smile Be not afraid of vivacious laughter Let go and embrace Be not afraid of what might come after [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=seagreen]When the show is over and the curtains have been drawn You have an empty look on your face to match that outdrawn yawn The sound of your clapping hands is as shallow as your words Indeed you have a cunning way to hit me where it hurts When you close the door tonight and leave me in the dark I will be diminished to an actor that has lost her mark... [/COLOR] ---- There's a few more, so if you want them - let me know ; ) - Mimmi
  3. [COLOR=chocolate]Thank you Charma, you're too kind as always : ) Here's a few more, shorter poems. ( I'm not ready to put up the "Winter" yet, sorry Charma ) ; )[/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=darkblue]I never give up easily, there will be a fight It will not be tears, falling this night Prepare for battle, move if you will Be aware, I am going for the kill [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=chocolate]I was sort of inspired by the "Kill Adam" RPG : )[/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=darkred]sleeping, sleeping falling in your absent mind Dreaming and waking refusing to be thine Crying, screaming agree to let me go Secret, silence no one will ever know [/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=indigo]This road is mine to walk These tears are mine to cry Take no notice, if at all If this is what you judge me by[/COLOR] ---- [COLOR=chocolate]Next time I will post non-rhyming stuff [i]*gasp*[/i] - Mimmi [/COLOR]
  4. [color=firebrick]I think that improvement, or change if you will, is inevitable if you write for longer periods of time. At least if you are somewhat dedicated and have a genuine interest in the written word. Personally I have kept my style in writing [i]simplistic[/i] and short, but I have found that it's "evolved" slowly over the years. Writing has become easier, less entangled and strained. Not to mention the growth of vocabulary that brings nuance and thereby reduce the trap of repetition. And now I also embrace everything I write which has made a huge difference. Now there's no end to the possibilities : ) - Mimmi[/color]
  5. [COLOR=firebrick]Maybe it could be the diary of someone who knew the woman ? I have no other idea as to how one could go about this. The only ways I have come across are the ones already mentioned in here. If the story is good enough (which I'm assuming it is) it should work out ok... maybe not to you, but to those who read it ; ) - Mimmi [/COLOR] EDIT: yes... what Charma just said ; )
  6. [COLOR=chocolate] Hrm. I'm no artist, nor am I a poet in the true meaning of the word. But here are my "works of art", hopefully they'll bring a smile to someone : ) I'll start off on a light note and take things as they come thereafter. [/COLOR] --- [COLOR=darkblue][FONT=century gothic]I was abandoned, alone in the dark I was Louis, without my Clark In a mad time, where pigs doth fly In a foreign world, where truth is lie Here I sit, on a cloud numbered nine Telling myself, everything will be just fine On a not very special day, I will be your Lane You will be my Superman, together we'll grow inane [/FONT]---- [/COLOR] [COLOR=chocolate]I was inspired by Mitch's use of the word "inane" there : )[/color] ---- [FONT=century gothic][COLOR=firebrick]You are the flame that glows in the darkest night You are my warrior in times when I'm too crippled to fight You keep me afloat in this sea of life ever moving You give me peace when my heart needs soothing You correct me when I think I don't belong You put the right in reasons that were wrong[/color] [/FONT] --- [COLOR=chocolate]I dedicate that one to the people who have the ability to bring a smile and peace of mind to others.[/color] --- [FONT=century gothic][COLOR=seagreen]I bid you sweet dreams this lovely night Promise to stay till you sleep Close your eyes as I dim the light Fall into slumber so deep There are no monsters under the bed No need to stay awake my dear So allow the pillow to meet your head Let me kiss away your fear [/FONT][/COLOR] --- [COLOR=chocolate] That's enough for now, me thinks. Grammar suggestions and spelling corrections are greeted with appreciation. As are words of praise ^_~ If you do not like what you read, be encouraged to create greatness and outshine the fading sparkles : ) - Mimmi[/color]
  7. [COLOR=firebrick]I'm not going to analyze anything, there are no words that would match what I think and feel upon reading your poetry. I simply take pleasure in the beautifully embroided artworks that is laid out here and allow it to flow into my mind. I let it speak to the chore of perception and inspire me to create. Simply gorgeous, Charma. That is all I can muster to speak : ) [SIZE=1]Now post moooooooooore ; )[/SIZE] - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkblue]Thanks for the link Semjaza. [/color] [COLOR=firebrick]It says that it's scheduled to begin shooting in April next year. They've put down surprisingly little information compared to most Hollywood productions. Sure they've given a plot and Steve Martin, along with a couple of "written/produced/directed by" names, but it all comes off a bit vague to me. Maybe I'm just spoiled in knowing [i]everything[/i] before it's even decided...and it's still early days. [COLOR=darkblue][b]AnonymousSource[/b]: thank you for replying to the thread. Good to know I'm not the only one a bit "iffy" to this subject :)[/COLOR] I'm reaching the place where you realise that your classic movies and actors are being replicated into a new, hip remake. Scary... - Mimmi [/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE]I motion for this to be made into a Sticky thread, as it should be read by everyone who is writing fanfic parody.[/QUOTE] [color=firebrick]I second that [i]*nods*[/i] This is truly the best I've read for a [i]looooong[/i] time. Everyone can enjoy this story, regardless whether you're a Newbie or an Oldie : ) It's written in a manner that keeps the readers interested, the grammar etc is top-notch (thereby making it easy on the eyes and more accesible to read). And the plot is truly wonderful. Like an old pair of trainers that are totally worn out and fits perfectly on your feet.... - Mimmi[/color]
  10. [COLOR=firebrick]A few months ago I saw this newsflash on a german teletext that Steve Martin is about to reprise the role of [b]Detective Clousea[/b] (sp?) in a re-make of [I]" The Pink Panther "[/I]. I?ve been looking around, but have found nothing that contradicts or confirms this ?information?. So I turn to the people at OB to help me sort this out. Is this just a rumour, or is this project/idea actually undergoing serious treatment ? [color=darkblue] Personally I have nothing against Steve Martin as an actor [size=1]( "Laugh and the world laughs with you. Sneeze and it?s [b]Goodbye Seattle[/b]" ? from the movie [I]Roxanne[/I])[/size], but it feels odd that he should play a role I [size=1](and others?)[/size] so deeply associate with Peter Sellers. For some reason I get the images from the movie adaptation of ?[I]Inspector Gadget[/I]?. An ok cartoon, but Matthew Broderick should?ve turned it down[size=1] (in my humble opinion) ?.yes I've seen it...[/size] And re-makes (in general) are usually a far cry from the orignal movies. [/color] It might sound like I take this more serious than I should, but rest assured that my world will not fall apart. Regardless ; ) - Mimmi [/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=firebrick]it looks fresh. probably the colors that liven it up. looks like you're pulling up the blinds and looking out of your bedroom window on a summer morning... or something :) refreshing.. some may think it's busy, I say there's a lot to look at and discover. I like it. Thumbs up ! - Mimmi[/COLOR]
  12. [color=firebrick]I've always had a soft spot for fall/winter, myself.... All that crisp air that revitalizes every single fiber in your body. [SIZE=1][color=darkred]and makes your nose runny...[/SIZE][/color] The sound of crunching leaves/snow. [SIZE=1][color=darkred]that makes you jump out of your skin when it's dark and no one else is around...[/SIZE][/color] The dazzling sunlight reflecting on the snow-covered ground. [SIZE=1][color=darkred]which makes you blind like a bat...[/SIZE][/color] The ice that's lurking [i]under[/i] the snow... [SIZE=1][color=darkred]the sound of bones breaking as you trip on before mentioned ice....[/SIZE][/color] [color=chocolate] Although I seem to be just as happy when each season kicks in. Apart from summer when it's scorching hot. I can't stand not being able to breathe. [/color] [SIZE=3][b]Anyone up for a snowball fight ? ^_^[/b][/SIZE] - Mimmi[/color]
  13. [IMG]http://www.angelfire.com/pop/4U/OTAKU.JPG[/IMG] [b]- Mimmi[/b]
  14. [color=firebrick]It is the "[color=black][b][font=century]eye of the black hole[/b][/color][/font]" [i]*nods*[/i] it looks very symmetric. it's set on a nice background and is generally interesting. - Mimmi[/color]
  15. [color=firebrick]My mom used to bench us four kids in front of the tv to watch [b]"Muzzy"[/b]. He was this blue bear-like guy who loved to eat clocks [SIZE=1](he sort of looked like the big blue guy in Monsters Inc)[/SIZE]. The Gardener [SIZE=1](can't remember his name... Bob?)[/SIZE] was in love with the Princess... and the evil guy Corvax tried to break the lovers apart. Don't know if it can be called a "kiddies" show, but I thought it was fun. Educating as well :P - Mimmi[/color]
  16. [color=firebrick]That banner really captures the feeling of OB. the only "complaint" I have is that all the text sort of squishes together. there's not much air. but then again, I am not an expert so don't you can disregard my comment. The banner is wonderful ! as is all of your work I've seen so far :) - Mimmi[/color] EDIT:[QUOTE]"It also makes OB come off kind of dull and boring." ... "that warm, homely feeling does not seem to be conveyed in the banner."[/QUOTE] hrm... ok. I'm a newbie and haven't tuned in to the [i]real[/i] OB-feel. I shall now hide under a rock :P
  17. [b]Mitch:[/b][color=firebrick] that last Radiohead song. is the video accompanying it the one where they're at this circus-lot ? every now and then it goes in slowmotion ? [/color] ok, just one more then I'm outta here. promise. ______________ [b]"Mother Mother"[/b] by Tracy Bonham [color=indigo] [SIZE=1]Mother mother how's the family, I'm just calling to say hello How's the weather how's my father am I lonely heavens no Mother mother are you listening, just a phone call to ease your mind Life is perfect never better, distance making the heart grow blind When you sent me off to see the world, where you scared that I might get hurt Would I try a little tobacco, would I keep on hiking up my skirt I'm hungry I'm dirty I'm losing my mind Everything's fine I'm freezing I'm starving I'm bleeding to death Everything's fine Yeah, I'm working, making money I'm just starting to build a name I can feel it around the corner, I could make it any day Mother mother can you hear me, sure I'm sober sure I'm sane Life is perfect never better, still your daughter still the same If I tell you what you want to hear, will it help you to sleep well at night Are you sure that I'm your perfect dear, now just cuddle up and sleep tight I'm hungry I'm dirty I'm losing my mind Everything's fine I'm freezing I'm starving I'm bleeding to death Everything's fine I miss you I love you[/color][/SIZE] ________________ [color=firebrick] I just love how it ends with [i]"I miss you, I love you"[/i]. like a routine practised to perfection. it's difficult to get the feel for this song unless you've heard it. there's the screechy violin, ([SIZE=1]reminiscent of nails down the blackboard[/SIZE]) that I guess represents the screams your brain is emanating, from being hassled and not able to respond in the truthful manner you desire to. The guitar that attempts to soothe you, so you can give people the time of day without putting them in their coffins. and the drums+electric guitar as you play with the idea of pulling back the blinds and forcing someone to look into the sun. If I were someone else than the picture you have of me, would you accept it ? sometimes people can't take the truth of who you are/have become, so you tell them the sweet lies they want to hear and everything is "fine". [/color] - Mimmi
  18. [color=firebrick]I come to the conclusion that it's been far too long ago that I watched this show and therefore have lost some of the plot :P Thankyou Chibihorsewoman for straightening out my perplex statement/mind. I really should pay more attention to things. I really don't see the point in the changes made in the transission manga - anime.... but then I don't run the show : ) - Mimmi[/color]
  19. [color=firebrick]I don't really know much about Disc World myself, my sister did all the reading... out loud... whenever I had something liquid in my mouth *lol*[SIZE=1] (I only remember the line "[i]the water tasted like warm farts[/i]")[/SIZE] So I'll not make anymore references to it in the future. I'll just be content in reading your story :) - Mimmi[/color]
  20. [color=firebrick]it reminds me of [b]Disc World[/b]... you know, when [i]Death[/i] gets sick of his job ? it's nice that it's so short, makes it easy on the eyes. and in keeping with the short leash: [b]excellent idea, good writing and promising for the future ![/b] - Mimmi[/color]
  21. [QUOTE]ChibiChibi is actually [spoiler]Galaxia's starseed[/spoiler][/QUOTE] in the anime, yes. in the manga... nooo... but then again, sort of still, yes... :rolleyes: according to the starlights themselves [spoiler]they changed into men to get their message across easier[/spoiler].... but I dunno...there might be some other reason for it...hrm. they do that switch-thing with quite a few people over the seasons. like the guy from the first season that they turned into a woman-like person. Zoizite ? and then there was the fish-bird/guy, in the circus season. same thing there. I have no sensible answer I guess... - Mimmi
  22. [color=chocolate]Chibi-Chibi is this one : [URL=http://members.fortunecity.com/bunnychiba3/ccdollcute.jpg]http://members.fortunecity.com/bunnychiba3/ccdollcute.jpg[/URL] Not to be confused with this one: [URL=http://members.fortunecity.com/bunnychiba/funnylittlebunny.jpg]http://members.fortunecity.com/bunnychiba/funnylittlebunny.jpg[/URL] - Mimmi[/color]
  23. [color=chocolate]wow... after looking through [i]ALL[/i] the pages I find myself speachless. it's amazing how you've managed to make all these different banners and avatars and still maintain a high level of ... what's the word... they all look different, there's no repeating in style. I'm gobsmacked. Truly. I might have to call upon your services when I get something that might challenge you in the slightest :P - Mimmi[/color]
  24. Mimmsicle


    [SIZE=1]I think it's pretty harmless putting my "vitals" in here, as most people probably skim through, looking for the people they're interested in.... maybe... hrm... :p [/SIZE] [color=chocolate] [b]Name:[/b] Mia-Marlene [SIZE=1](Mia as in Farrow and .... well, never mind. you'll never use it anyway..)[/SIZE] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Height:[/b] I can't figure out that whole - ' - system... I'm 1.65 cm, work the math yourself. [b]Hair:[/b] born black, turned blond, returned to black by "accident". shoulder length and straight. [b]Eyes:[/b] blue. black when angry. [b]Wardrobe:[/b] whatever fits me I guess. prefer sneakers to any other shoes though. and I recently fell in love with this gorgeous knee-length coat that's cream-white and embroided [i]*sigh*[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] mixed. feels like bragging to put down positives and depressing to write the negatives, so I'll just say that I'm forgettable in a crowd. [b]Favourite Music:[/b] anything from the "oldies" [SIZE=1](swing music, classical, early rock etc)[/SIZE] to selected parts of the current charts. btw, has anyone here heard of [b]Soul Asylum[/b] ? one of my older sisters subjected me to that band on a daily basis when she lived at home... and everytime I see her now *lol* [b]Favourite Movies:[/b] too many to mention..... [SIZE=1]LotR, Nightmare before Christmas, DPS, Moulin Rouge (yes I liked it, I'm a Baz-fan), Shrek, Empire Records, Star Wars etc[/SIZE] [b]Hobbies:[/b] I've never really understood the purpose of a hobbie... then again, I've never had one :P it would be fun to dance though... tap-dance preferably, that way I can have my body work [i]for [/i]me and not [i]against[/i] me *lol*.. [i]"Singing in the rain"- style[/i]... that's about as "interesting" as it gets. I'm content. thankyou and goodnight [i]*bows*[/i] - Mimmi[/color]
  25. [color=chocolate]No wonder you guys get published [i]*eyes dropping out upon reading*[/i] :eek: I'll post this "poem" I wrote 7 years ago [SIZE=1](in swedish)[/SIZE] and re-wrote this week [SIZE=1](translated it to english and cut it down basically)[/SIZE]. Feel free to suggest where and how to punctuate this thing, cause I have not clue :cross: Also, I know that the rhythm is off all along, that's a problem I have when I write more than 4 lines [i]*sigh*[/i] so don't try to find a flow [i]between[/i] paragraphs, cause I don't think there is one *g*[/color] --------- [color=blue][b]"The Age of Teen"[/b] Here we are, standing in life [color=darkblue]surrounding[/color] Upon closing our eyes we [color=royalblue]know[/color] that elsewhere we must [color=royalblue]go[/color] Not knowing where we?re [color=darkblue]bounding[/color] As we lie in darkness, no shadows [color=darkblue]appear[/color] Except that of the burning [color=royalblue]desire[/color] that can only be put out by [color=royalblue]fire [/color] Days are fleeting but you?re going [color=darkblue]nowhere[/color] In the midst of chaos there could be [color=darkblue]sense[/color] Just beyond hurt and[color=royalblue] loneliness[/color] Unreachable - impossible to [color=royalblue]access[/color] it might hold the key that makes [color=darkblue]a mends[/color] Parents who think they have a [color=darkblue]clue[/color] Standing in the way, waiting for the [color=royalblue]call[/color] thinking they can stop our declining [color=royalblue]fall[/color] Are greeted by lawyers eager to [color=darkblue]sue[/color] Now there are wounds for us to[color=darkblue] heal[/color] Round every corner a menacing[color=royalblue] threat[/color] misunderstandings and words of[color=royalblue] regret[/color] No longer welcome at the table of [color=darkblue]appeal[/color] Doors are slamming where souls doth [color=darkblue]seek[/color] a place where they can[color=royalblue] hide[/color] the pain and hurt [color=royalblue]inside[/color] Where tears fall freely down crimson [color=darkblue]cheek[/color] Anger is boiling and tipping the [color=darkblue]cup[/color] Begging for something to[color=royalblue] soothe[/color] open wounds that [color=royalblue]ooze[/color] Trying desperately to make it [color=darkblue]stop[/color] Broken hearts are awaiting [color=darkblue]repair[/color] Cause when all is said and [color=royalblue]done [/color] weary we will have [color=royalblue]become[/color] Fighting all that is [color=darkblue]unfair[/color] In these days of aging [color=darkblue]youth[/color] there?s something we do not [color=royalblue]lack[/color] Namely the ability to hold things[color=royalblue] back[/color] And we now deliver cutthroat [color=darkblue]truth[/color] Constantly trying to stand on our own [color=darkblue]feet[/color] we seek new grounds to live our[color=royalblue] lives[/color] ?Surgeons prepare your[color=royalblue] knives !? [/color] It is time to cut that bonding [color=darkblue]weed?. [/color][/color] ------ [color=chocolate]Phew, it took me forever switch < > to [ ]. - Mimmi[/color]
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