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Everything posted by Mimmsicle

  1. [color=chocolate]Even if one is not familiar with the people in the story, you can still enjoy it. which is nice. Good flow and easy to read. always a plus for me :p Impatiently awaiting what will happen next ! - Mimmi [/color]
  2. [color=chocolate]maybe not a love song as such, but: [color=brown]"Somebody" [/color]by Depeche Mode -Mimmi[/color]
  3. [color=chocolate]I'm amazed at your incredible ability to create reality out of fantasy ! I like how you put emphasis on "the curious cat", without getting repetitive and slowing the story down. it's constantly moving forward, coming to a halt at the appropriate time to bring suspense and then slowly picking up speed. all this and not a single moment of disturbance in the rhythm/beat[SIZE=1] ( ....[color=black] force[/color].... ;P )[/SIZE]. every aspect of thought and feeling is brought forward in a crystal clear fashion, nothing is looked over. it is [i]very[/i] well written. I actually managed to read through the whole thing and not lose interest for one second ! [SIZE=1](something I'm not very good at...)[/SIZE] I look forward to reading the continuation ! - Mimmi[/color]
  4. [QUOTE]The suicide was stupid...and felt contrived and unneeded[/QUOTE][color=chocolate]I thought it was fitting to the part. Neil never really took responsibility for wanting to persue his dreams and so suicide was the only way he could go. he didn't want his life mapped out, but he lacked the "courage" to take a different route. [SIZE=1]and lets not forget that Neil was a sucker for drama[/size] :rolleyes: it also sets the mood for when the others are faced with the headmaster and parents. not only do they feel like they're betraying Keating, but also their friend. I'm interested in any ideas you might have as to what would've made the movie better if Neil hadn't said nightie-night. or had you lost interest by that point and felt nothing could save it ? I'd also love to hear suggestions that has the kind of theme or feel as this movie, but are [SIZE=1](in your opinion)[/size] greater than DPS. - Mimmi[/color]
  5. [QUOTE]I guess I disagree with the way it depicts life at a boarding school. I think it overdramatizes it and the story is just kind of hokey to me. Perhaps the movie just struck a nerve with me that I really can't explain.[/QUOTE] [color=chocolate] Thank you for explaining further your dislike of the movie. now I see more clearly where you're coming from. I'd probably feel the same if a part of my life was dramatized into a movie. it can never be the same thing. it's impossible to depict life in that artform, even "documentaries" can never be the real thing ... - Mimmi[/color]
  6. [QUOTE]Really, I think it's lost all meaning when movies like...Legally Blonde are being labeled as "Instant Comedic Classic!!!"[/QUOTE][color=chocolate]people say that ?? scary... Can there be different types of classics? [b]Person-classic[/b] As in: your circle of friends/family, where a movie is close to your heart and stands the test of time .... [b]Genre-classic[/b] [insert genre here], where the movie stood out in its field, but perhaps not in the world of classics as a whole... Would you consider it to be blasphemy if one calls a movie that is not up to the standards of the "classic-rating", a classic ? seeing as we all might have different views of what is truly original, perfectly executed and so forth... and also... can a remake of a classic ever be eligible for classic-status ? some movies "borrow" ideas from other movies.. when is it anything beyond a duplicate of what's been done and when is it regarded as innovative and fresh ? [SIZE=1]dunno if I am making sense in my questions, but I hope the brains of those superior of mine get what I'm saying :cross: [/SIZE] - Mimmi[/color]
  7. [QUOTE]I, myself, having gone to boarding school found it incredibly... **** I can't think of the word. [/QUOTE] [color=chocolate] do you hate it because it doesn't make an accurate translation of how life in boarding schools are really like? it would help me understand your point of view, rather than [color=black]"Regardless, I hate it."[/color] I respect your opinion, I'd just like to understand how you formed it. [color=firebrick]life can sometimes imitate pictures, but pictures can never imitate life....[/color] - Mimmi[/color]
  8. [color=firebrick]"Acoustic #3" by the Goo Goo Dolls [color=teal][SIZE=1]They painted up your secrets With the lies they told you And the least they ever gave you Was the most you ever knew And I wonder where these dreams go When the world gets in your way What's the point in all this screaming No one's listening anyway You voice is small and fading And you hide in here unknown And your mother loves your father 'Cause she's got nowhere to go And she wonders where these dreams go 'Cause the world got in her way What's the point in ever trying Nothing's changing anyway They press their lips against you And you love the lies they say And I tried so hard to reach you But you're falling anyway And you know I see right through you When the world gets in your way What's the point in all the screaming You're not listening anyway [/color][/SIZE] ______________________ if you only search for what you want to find, then that's all you'll end up with. the more you scream the lesser you are heard. why is it that you're sought only when you're no longer looking to be found ? and with that I rest my case. - Mimmi[/color]
  9. [color=chocolate]I found myself thinking about this. I haven?t come up with an answer myself, so I?d like to hear your views on the matter. [color=black]What makes a movie a [I]classic[/I] ? Are there certain elements that need to be met ( plot, design etc ) ? Is a movie more of a classic when it has worldwide acceptance or a small but dedicated following ? [SIZE=1](or is a small following the basis for a cult-movie?)[/SIZE] What are the criteria?s necessary for a movie to be classic ? Do you base it on a personal or professional point of view ? or both ?[/color] Sorry if this has been done before. If that is the case then the delete-button is over there *points* - Mimmi[/color]
  10. [color=chocolate][b]Semjaza:[/b] it feels like a goodbye song... if you know what I mean ? looking back on everything, how it is and how it will/would be for you/others... I don't feel brainy enough to properly analyze it :drunk: [b]Mitch:[/b] about the iron lung. conformity comes to mind. that one should fight against it and create your own independant iron lung...and so free yourself from any angst and live your life. face what disturbs you and know that it won't be the end of you.... maybe ? [/color] _______________________ [color=black][b]April Fool[/b] by Soul Asylum [SIZE=1]Quittin' after one more last one Tired of playin' the clown If I want your opinion I'll ask ya I can get myself down Night driving without headlight Wearin' sunglasses too Lookin' good but sure don't feel right Anything to be cool Doin' hopscotch with my legs tied Jumpin' rope in wet cement Black leather in midday sunshine All your mother's money's spent Doin' time on the metal detector Like to drown in your pool Coverin' up everything that's defective Anything to be cool A burning heart could be so cool Won't you be my fashion victim Come on, I'm an April Fool for you Holdin' on to what's left of real life Anything to be cool A burning heart like an April Fool Won't you be my fashion victim Come on, I'm an April Fool I'm a mid-spring snowfall, joke's on you I'm an April Fool for you I'm an April Fool for you I'm an April Fool[/color][/SIZE] ________________________ [color=firebrick]it's a basic song, a bit of irony and some pain to finish it off. [SIZE=1]*try too hard and you make yourself look like a Fool. *feeling like an outsider and burning to get in. *the lengths you'll go to when seeking the company of others *in the end you're all by yourself and you feel worse off than that moment that just passed.[/SIZE] - Mimmi[/color]
  11. [QUOTE]And I think you left a part out.[/QUOTE] I found the lyrics on a site, so there might be parts missing :) [color=firebrick]The David Bowie song was awesome ! I've never really experienced any of his work, but I think I might have to now. [quote][SIZE=1]I took this walk to ease my mind To find out what's gnawing at me Wouldn't think to look at me That I've spent a lot of time in education It all seems so long ago[/SIZE][/quote]the lyrics are like a film played before your mind, he's talking to no one but it feels like he's inviting you along his walk and wants someone to know him. [quote][SIZE=1]And my hands shake My head hurts my voice sticks inside my throat I'm invisible and dumb And no one will recall me[/SIZE][/quote]sure it's killing him to think about how things are and maybe this has been his way in the world for so long that he is unable to turn things around... and I might be wrong, but I don't get the feeling that he'd like things to be different for some reason:[quote][SIZE=1]"He often calls me down to eat... Tries to be a friend to me"[/quote][/SIZE] and still he says:[quote][SIZE=1] "I'm a thinker, not a talker I've noone to talk to anyway"[/SIZE][/quote] and there's this line:[quote][SIZE=1]"And the world is full of life Full of folk who don't know me And they walk in twos or threes or more"[/SIZE][/quote] it's close to impossible to approach people, since they've already got someone to "walk with"... so why even try ? hope I explained myself somewhat understandable.... - Mimmi[/color]
  12. [b]"Losing My Religion"[/b] by R.E.M [SIZE=1][COLOR=firebrick]Life is bigger It's bigger than you And you are not me The lengths that I will go to The distance in your eyes Oh no I've said too much I set it up That's me in the corner That's me in the spotlight Losing my religion Trying to keep up with you And I don't know if I can do it Oh no I've said too much I haven't said enough I thought that I heard you laughing I thought that I heard you sing I think I thought I saw you try Every whisper Of every waking hour I'm Choosing my confessions Trying to keep an eye on you Like a hurt lost and blinded fool Oh no I've said too much I set it up Consider this The hint of the century Consider this The slip that brought me To my knees failed What if all these fantasies Come flailing around Now I've said too much I thought that I heard you laughing I thought that I heard you sing I think I thought I saw you try But that was just a dream That was just a dream..... [/SIZE][/color]___________________________________ [quote][i][SIZE=1][COLOR=indigo]"Trying to keep up with you And I don't know if I can do it"... "I thought that I heard you laughing/sing/try"... "But that was just a dream" [/color][/i][/SIZE][/quote][b][U]Loss.[/U][/b] be it loss of hope, faith, friendship, love, ground or whatever you'd like to read into it. [quote][SIZE=1][i][COLOR=indigo]"The lengths that I will go to The distance in your eyes"... "That's me in the corner That's me in the spotlight" [/color][/i][/SIZE][/quote][b][U]Affirmation.[/b][/U] I exist. see me. hear me. come to me. be with me. [quote][SIZE=1][i][COLOR=indigo]"Oh no I've said too much I set it up"[/color][/i] [/SIZE][/quote][b][U]Fear[/b][/U] don't take advantage of what I give you. keep safe the trust I give to you. once something has been said/done it's no longer in your hands to control. ________________________ [COLOR=chocolate]sorry for not commenting on the above lyrics. Mitch's has been done by Shy and I haven't got enough brain to say anyhting reasonable anyway, I think. go on, slay me :nervous: - Mimmi[/color]
  13. [QUOTE]Yeah, this is one of those anime series that is adapted from a long running and popular manga, meaning that a new episode comes out every week and there are no off-seasons. By now, there are probably at least 170 episodes or so. At least, that's my rough estimate.[/quote] :drunk: [color=chocolate] yikes. thanks for the answer. [SIZE=1][color=black]by the way, I've been looking around for One Piece sites, but since I can't browse any search engines (dunno why) I can't find any. so I'd be grateful if someone could give me directions :)[/SIZE][/color] [spoiler]the darkest it's got so far (haven't seen them all) is when they're in Alabasta. I seriously thought it'd never work out for them. but it was nice to see things as they are sometimes: impossible, heartwrenching and darker than average.[/spoiler] I like the style in which it's drawn, but then I haven't read the manga. it's just nice to see stuff that's away from cute/clean cut, fluffy and normal. - Mimmi[/color]
  14. [color=chocolate]I've thought recently that Inuyasha reminds me of Sailor Moon... [b][COLOR=indigo]*boy and girl are in love. *boy and girl sadly torn apart by death caused by outer force * "reincarnation" of boy and girl (boy is his old self, girl is .. not) *boy and girl meets and do not get along.. [SIZE=1]at first[/SIZE] *then boy and girl gets it on...[/b][/color] there's more than that, but you catch my drift. granted, I have only seen a couple of Inuyasha-episodes, but it seems that these two animes have a little in common. - Mimmi[/color] [SIZE=1]ps: how many episodes is there of Inuyasha ? for how long does the story span ?[/SIZE]
  15. [QUOTE]Annnnd...what about the last boss of FFIX?[/quote][color=chocolate] are you're hinting at me going on about the storyline ? :therock: :p well, the [i]very[/i] last boss was out of the blue and misplaced (in my humble opinion). the bosses before the last boss were a delight to fight. very Sephiroth-esque, so to speak. had it ended there, bliss would have ensued. but alas, it did not. :cross: - Mimmi[/color]
  16. [color=chocolate]I don't mean to seem rude, but I know all the above. :rolleyes: my question was rather [i]"will this thing go in circles ?"[/i] [color=black][spoiler]sorceress goes back in time, squall goes forth in time to prevent sorceress to go back in time. squall is successful in his mission, but the defeated sorceress is still absorbed by Edea from the past and thus nothing has really changed ??? a time-loop if you will. [/spoiler][/color] or is there only 1 future and 1 past, and once you've changed the future/past all will be well and never changed again ? hope I made myself somewhat clear of my thoughts in this matter. it's been a couple of years since I played it last and I am the first to admit that I'm not the brightest person that ever played an FF-game :cross: - Mimmi [/color]
  17. [QUOTE]actually, i have a published poem.......or three.[/quote][color=chocolate]with that quality, I am not surprised :) how long have you been writing for ? [i]*curious*[/i][/color] ------------------------- [FONT=century gothic][color=indigo]Tears fall down an empty face Burning skin that is torn Blood boils in veins slashed Where anguish once was born When Darkness shifts to Light All will be clear to see Upon that day I know for sure My life will return to me[/color] [/font] - Mimmi
  18. [QUOTE][spoiler]Of course it was the father's fault, lol. Even if it was the last push, it was still a push.[/spoiler][/quote] [color=firebrick]agree, agree, agree. I doubt anyone feels differently, though if they do it would be interesting to hear their arguments... even if I would discard it immediately :cross: on the dvd there's a part where [/color][spoiler]the actor who plays Neils' dad[/spoiler] [color=firebrick]talks about his character and gives his side to what goes on in [/color][spoiler]Mr Perry's[/spoiler][color=firebrick] mind and why he does things the way he does them. I've never seen it from the point of view he offers. it doesn't change the way I feel about the outcome, but it was interesting. - Mimmi[/color] [COLOR=chocolate]Thanks Maniac for letting me post about Robin Williams in general as well in here :) I'm just gonna shortly say something about "What Dreams may come": [color=indigo][B]"What dreams may come"[/b] is such an aestheticly gorgeous movie and it's so nice seeing the theme in it tweaked in a slightly different way. The movie is like a piece of art, a beautiful painting that you can look at for hours. ^_^ Robin Williams tones down his otherwise so explosive acting, into a subtle and painful portray of his character Chris. Annabella Sciora masters her part as Annie. One can [i]see[/i] the emptiness in her eyes. [/color] [spoiler]one scene that hit me the most is where Chris finally finds Annie. She's drowning in a sea of despair and loss [SIZE=1](okay, it's a bunch of faces, but you get what I'm saying)[/SIZE]. It's a painful depiction of how it feels, I think, when you've lost and given up on yourself and everything else that ever mattered to you.[/spoiler] Feel free to think differently :) - Mimmi[/color] [color=darkblue]You're not allowed to double-post (posting two replies in a row), so I combined your two posts into one. --Manic[/color]
  19. [color=chocolate]wow, the poems posted here are publish-worthy ! :eek: ok, I'll take the chance and post another and see if it's an improvement from my last one: [color=indigo][FONT=century gothic]The endless beat of forever stopped As soon as I let go Anxious voices that cried out for me Was soon heard no more The stars that choked on laughter Forever on will glow I will be forgotten one day That much is for sure[/font][/color] - Mimmi[/color]
  20. [color=chocolate]it was nice how the love story was pretty straighforward and basically uncomplicated.... if that can be the case when one is a princess and the other a thief.... hrm. about the main charachter: in FFVII Cloud was pretty messed up, but Tifa was relly together. in FFVIII Squall was (surprise :rolleyes: ) introverted and unfriendly, whereas Rinoa was really open and loving. so seeing as the two games before had somewhat broody main characters, they decided to let a supporting character (Vivi) do the heavyweight work and allow the leading man to be somewhat goofy. But even though Zidane is such an easy-going guy, they still managed to pull off that "dark" sequence [/color][spoiler](I can't remember the name of the place, but it was on his homeplanet)[/spoiler] [color=chocolate]and made a good "crossover", if you will. [/color] [spoiler]and the music at that point is in the same league as when you battle Sephiroth in the Northern Cave [i]*shiver me timbers... I mean spine*[/i] [/spoiler] [color=chocolate]the more I think about FFIX, the more I think of things to bring up and think more about. I'll stop now. - Mimmi[/color]
  21. [QUOTE]I haven't finished playing it yet, but I've heard that FFIX borrows many elements from Final Fantasy IV.[/quote] [color=chocolate][SIZE=1]My sister has the earlier games now that they've been released to playstation, but I myself have only played since FFVII, so I wouldn't know. but I'd like to... know. hrm.[/SIZE] Anyway, speaking of FFIX: the first time I played it, it seemed to come off a bit Disney-ish. I don't know why, but I think it had something to do with Zidane. he just didn't send out those vibes that Cloud and Squall did in the prior games. the style just came of as somewhat... cute, would be the word. maybe it's just me *shrugs* FFIX got better after a couple of rounds of playing it, but the initial reaction to the style and the final boss just made me unsure about it the first time 'round. - Mimmi[/color]
  22. [color=chocolate]yeah, there's a game for the ps1, though since it can be played just as easily on ps2 I guess one does not need to put it down to the one console :) I've seen that there's a movie, but have no clue what it's about. time will make us wiser, I suppose. - Mimmi [/color] [spoiler]EDIT: I saw the episode after my recent favourite (Peru and the explosion) and he never died !!! but then, who does in this anime? *lol*[/spoiler]
  23. [color=chocolate]Could anyone shed some light over the last boss in FF IX? [spoiler](if I'm not mistaken his/her/its name was Nechron ?)[/spoiler] [color=firebrick][SIZE=1]Granted, it has been a while since I played it, and I never did get around to completing the game repeatedly)[/SIZE][/color] I cannot for my life understand where it came from, nor did I think it made sense. It sort of felt misplaced and unnecessary. Have I missed out completely on the meaning of the last boss, except for the reason stated by the boss itself ? [color=firebrick][SIZE=1](which was alright and all, but I felt no build-up to such a point. then again I seem to miss out on a lot of things.)[/size][/color] - Mimmi[/color]
  24. [QUOTE]I'm not sure if in Disc 3 Squall has a flashback when he arrives at Edea's house. All of them were orphans there because of the war.[/QUOTE] yeah, I know. I'm just wondering if Squall ever got that [spoiler]Laguna was his father[/spoiler] or not. it's made pretty clear to the person playing the game, but I don't think it was made obvious that Squall knew. but then again, lose ends are always good for the imagination :) - Mimmi
  25. [QUOTE][spoiler]Anywho, I think that the suicide is his father's fault. *Shrugs* [/QUOTE] I agree completely that Neils' father gave him the last push. however it can be argued that many were to [i]blame[/i]: the school and it's suffocating attitudes and rules of conformity. [SIZE=1](hear! hear!)[/SIZE] Keating for going against the above mentioned [SIZE=1](which I don't feel is a valid reason for blame, but still can be named for argues sake)[/SIZE] Neil himself for backing down and not going through with his rebellion [SIZE=1](but then how could he? and if he [i]had[/i] stood up til the bitter end and beyond, then what?)[/SIZE] [/spoiler] [color=chocolate]- Mimmi[/color]
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