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Everything posted by Mimmsicle

  1. [COLOR=chocolate] I just found a tape with some of the [i]last[/i] episodes of [COLOR=deeppink]Sailor Moon[/color], [SIZE=1](dubbed to german[/SIZE]) and boy did that bring back memories. I really didn't like it the first time around, but I think that had something to do with the horrible dub [SIZE=1](swedes do not make hot dub-material)[/SIZE]. when I saw it the second time 'round [SIZE=1](german dub)[/SIZE] I was really hooked and saw it back to back. what I want to know is ([SIZE=1]since I'm not familiar with the uncut version or the manga[/SIZE]) what is the difference between what I've been watching and the original thing? from what I understand one can't state anything about [COLOR=deeppink]Sailor Moon[/color] unless you are not familiar with its origin. which makes sense by the way. I've read a translation of the manga somewhere, but I don't think that can be compared to the real deal. I wish to learn, so go ahead and enlighten me :cross: - Mimmi[/color]
  2. [COLOR=chocolate]ah, yes. the devils fruit. thankyou for the lecture. since I watch the german dub it is sometimes difficult for me to translate. must learn to communicate better [SIZE=1]*makes mental note*[/SIZE] the chop chop fruit was eaten by Buggy the Clown, right? I missed him the first time around, along with a few others. he was funnier when he was chopped up, I think. it's difficult to have a favourite episode, but one that has stuck in my memory is the one when they are in [spoiler]Alabasta and Peru (The Falcon man, dunno the spelling of his name) flew with the timebomb up to the heavens and vanished in the light of the explosion. [i]*sob*[/i] so brilliant, so beautiful and so sad. kinda reminded me of Boromir. [i]*sniffle*[/i][/spoiler] I've heard that there's at least 140 episodes. are there more than that ? - Mimmi[/color]
  3. [COLOR=chocolate]Karuh from One Piece. that is one funny duck *g* - Mimmi[/color]
  4. [color=chocolate] I haven't been able to bring myself to watch beyond the midsummernights-play, I'm slowly working myself up to it :) [spoiler] the scene where Neil prepares for the suicide is so chilling and performed, directed, and shot to perfection *shivers* it's difficult to say if that could've been avoided (the suicide) and who's fault it really was that it came to such an abrupt act. the father ? teh school? life?[/spoiler] glad to hear that someone else has enjoyed this [SIZE=1](in my humble opinion)[/SIZE] classic movie! - Mimmi[/color]
  5. "[b]Jerry Renault[/b] is pondering the question on the poster in his locker: Do I dare disturb the universe? Refusing to sell chocolates in the annual [i]"Trinity School"[/i] fund-raiser may not seem like a radical thing to to. but when Jerry challenges a secret school society called [color=dark blue]"[i]The Vigils"[/color][/i], his defiant act turns into an all-out war. Now the only question is: who will survive ?" [SIZE=1](I took this from the back of the book, cause I couldn't write it better myself)[/SIZE] [color=chocolate]this is a deeply, psychological, cruel and dark story. There are subtle twists and turns in the story that makes it close to unpredictable. it is reality stripped down to its raw, callous and merciless form. I really feel that these two books should be mandetory to read for all the kids in school. it is very well written and captivating to the last page. They have such depth, such accuracy to the world in which it takes place and evokes/challenges and questions what you think you know. [i]*what happens when you go against the tidalwave? *is suicide sometimes an extension of murder? *who carries the blame for all the pain?[/i] just to mention a few that I think of after reading these books. [b]Archie[/b] [SIZE=1](the name hints at arch-enemy, does it not?)[/SIZE]- the leader of [i]The Vigils[/i] - is a brilliant, complex and great charachter study of "evil". and the subplot with [b]David Caroni[/b] carrying into the sequel is so painfully beautiful that I cannot even begin to praise it. not forgetting Jerry and his journey straight to the chore of hell[SIZE=1](and back?)[/SIZE], along with many others. the only somewhat negative aspect of the first book is the massive introduction to different charachters. it's difficult to assume which ones will play a crucial part in the final showdown, but if you're good at remembering names it shouldn't be a problem. and you could always go back and re-read it :rolleyes: I really cannot tell you enough how magnificantand how well worth the read these books are !!! [color=blue][SIZE=3]Dare the universe and make it expand ! [/color][/SIZE] - Mimmi[/color]
  6. [color=red]Medea made a choice. she decided to revenge her wounded pride(and the betrayel from Jason, the scoundrel), she thought of how to go about it and then went through with her plan... fully aware of the subsequences I would say. it's easy to say that it was somehow "predestinied" or marked in her sould with fire, because of who she is/was. but I think that's an excuse. there are many who cry for forgiveness when judgement calls, and that makes all of the injustices even greater. if she had felt nothing, the sacrifices might have been only tragic, but now they only seem pointless. sure, she achieved an almost balance in the "you all did this to me, now I do this to you" department, but she ended up no happier, no more content than before the slaughter. [/color] [color=chocolate][SIZE=1]this of course is my own humble opinion, and apart from that I think Jason is scum and deserved to be stripped of what he thought was untouchable (as Medea thought Jasons love for her was). it is a tragic and delightful piece of story. [/SIZE] - Mimmi [/color]
  7. [color=chocolate]I found no thread on this gorgeous movie, so I posted one myself. hope that's alright ? many moons ago I saw Dead Poets Society for the first time, and recently I was able to add it to my growing collections of personal classics. the many themes of the movie makes it appeal to a broad mass, I think. For those who have not seen it follows a brief summary: [color=black][i]a group of boys in a strict school are encouraged by their new english teacher to break the code of rules that imprisones them, to broaden their horizon and question the mould in which they are thrown into. with poetry and unconventional teaching methods he shows them a world they only dare to dream about. but when some of the boys revive [b]"the Dead Poets Society"[/b] and try to relize their newly found awakenig, they take things one step too far. needless to say things turn grim and the young men are forced to take a stand and decide where to take his life from here on forward.[/i][/color] [SIZE=1](I am not the best in giving brief introductions, so I'm basically saying: rent the movie and I'll guarantee you won't regret it.)[/SIZE] the troubled Neil and his struggles to break free from the chains of conformity is so beautifully played by Robert Sean Leonard and directed to close perfection by Peter Weir. [i]all[/i] the actors gave brilliant performances in my book, even Robin Williams [SIZE=1](whom it's very unusual to see soo toned down, unless you've seen "What dreams may come", but that's a different story all together)[/SIZE] . you can sit for hours after watching the movie, contemplating how things could've been different [i]"if only..."[/i]. my love for poetry was born from this movie. I learned not to only appreciate the classics, but to embrace all forms of artistic expression. Charlie's poem accompanied by the sax gives me goosebumps. :cross: there are many aspects of this movie to be talked about, so I invite you all to join me. - Mimmi[/color]
  8. [color=chocolate]I second everything that has been said (the positive stuff). It is a beautiful movie, dark as it may be, and it can be seen by people of all ages (maybe not infants, but you get the idea). when I first saw it I was convinced that it was animated, it wasn't until a few months ago that I saw it was clay and stop-motion (it's called that, right?) and I was gobsmacked ! I've been working on my dad, trying to making him show it to his students *grins* it would be a nice introduction to all-things-not-Disney, aside from being a piece of art *nods* the whole movie is a "favourite scene" really, but I love the part where Jack wanders around in the graveyard, singing how something is missing and how no-one understands. [i]"somewhere deep inside of these bones, an emptiness began to grow..."[/i] - Mimmi[/color]
  9. [color=chocolate]does anyone remember the anime [b]Sandy Bell[/b] ? I saw it when I was really young and always bawled my eyes out. it was like Sailor Moon, only [i]more[/i] intensified in emotions. :bawl: I wonder if it was a manga originally (like many animes are) and who created it ? from what I can remember (it's been years since I saw it) she was looking for her parents, but did she find them ? I'm thankfull for any info I can get :) - Mimmi[/color]
  10. [COLOR=Navy]This is a mod-approved double post; the previous reply was spammy and therefore deleted. ~Dagger~[/COLOR] [color=chocolate]ah, yes. I think they've "translated" the names somewhat in the one I'm wathing (german dubbed version). it's good to know what others know them as, that way we can all understand eachother :) and thanks for giving me the name of the artist ! have you seen all episodes in the anime ? I haven't, so please don't give examples from the end or anything *g* I also forgot to mention in my first post that Ruffy/Luffy has the special ability to stretch his body as much as he'd like. he ate this fruit (dunno what it's called in english) that gave him this special power, but it also made him unable to swim. figures :P - Mimmi[/color]
  11. [color=chocolate]thankyou Goddess, and yes... somehow my stuff always seems to lose rhythm/beat. I need to work on that. my excuse is that it's old "poems" that I've dug out, and I can't bring myself to edit them, fearing that something might get lost. translating them doesn't help either. maybe I should just do them in english and I won't have that problem no more :) here's another one:[/color] [SIZE=01][i]your presence is law your suffering is also my existence an exception my pain also I give, you take You take, I give your voice reaching heaven mine lost in shadows my life - a fading whisper Yours - an undying echo I give, you take You take, I give You are beyond I am behind You are moonlight I am stardust You shall take from me no more I shall not give to anyone no more[/i][/SIZE] - Mimmi
  12. [color=chocolate]I discovered the anime [i]"One Piece"[/i] a couple of months ago. the weirdly drawn and quirky charachters caught my eye and I became hooked. I don't remember the name of the artist behind the anime, so if anyone knows please pass it on. [i]"One Piece"[/i] is the name of the treasure that the late [i]"King of Pirates"[/i], [color=black][b]Gold Roger[/b][/color], has hidden somewhere on the Grand Line (a trecherous stretch of sea). He was unfortunately captured and executed. A few years later, a young man by the name of [color=black][b]Ruffy[/color][/b] decides to claim the title of [i]"King of Pirates"[/i] and sets sail, off to the Grand Line. On his way he recruits [color=black][b]Zorro[/b] [/color](a swordsman), [color=black][b]Lyssop[/b][/color] (he's a cowardly liar, but also has excellent accuracy in firing), [color=black][b]Nami[/b] [/color](a navigator and thief), [color=black][b]Sanji[/b][/color] (a cook and ladiesman) and later on in the series 2 other charachters. I won't write them here in case I spoil it for someone. that's basically the chore, but interwoven in the story is the importance of friendship, the power of perseverence, and that any obstacle can be overcome if you have faith in yourself [SIZE=1]*sniffle*[/SIZE] it's hystercally funny [SIZE=1] (a lot of situation comedy, clashes between charachters) [/SIZE] , at times frustrating [SIZE=1](the closer to [i]"One Piece"[/i] they get, the longer they drag on the battles between the crew and the baddies)[/SIZE], it sends a good message.... and if that doesn't tickle your fancy, there's swords / high kicks / and flying fists creating mayhem [SIZE=01](powerful "persuasion" in other words)[/SIZE]. :cross: I hope I've made this thread somewhat informative and worthy of the space. feel free to share your thoughts on [i]"One Piece"[/i] right here ! - Mimmi [/color]
  13. [color=chocolate][SIZE=1]thanks for the help and guidelines, I need them to get to grips with this place. Newbie as I am :) so back to the subject: * does the storyline go in cirles after the last battle, or is it broken and thus creating a new future ? (I'm no good at time-warps and such) * is squall fully aware of his consanguinity (I love dictionaries) at the end ? does he know who his parents are, basically. * what is the future of the Gardens ? there, a few random questions that dwell in my mind. - Mimmi[/color][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=chocolate] [SIZE=1]thanks for sending me here Meteora, I totally missed this place last time 'round. I've also been thinking about the whole Cloud issue, but I don't want to waste space by doing a new thread. is it ok if I talk about it in here and change the subject-line to indicate the content more accurately ? - Mimmi [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [color=chocolate][i]if this should be posted somewhere else, please tell me. I tried to find somewhere suitable, but I couldn't find anwhere to put it.[/i] the theory I want to ask more experienced players is not one I have thought of myself, I read it somewhere a long time ago. but it struck me, and I wish to explore it further. ok, here goes: [b]in another time-line, where Squall fails to save Rinoa, she evolves/becomes Ultimecia. [/b] I think that's how it went, however I'm not sure what lies behind this thought and how it came about, and if this is what Square intended with their plot. So I hope that someone might enlighten me with their thoughts and ideas. Personally I didn't think much of this when I first heard it, and it also confused me (like all the alternative universes and time-lines does for me) but it's an interesting idea. Final Fantasy VIII is after all based on the whole going-back-and-forth-in-time thing... [SIZE=1]and saving the world and getting the girl [/SIZE] :p - Mimmi[/color]
  16. [SIZE=1][color=chocolate] Dunno if what I write can be seen as poetry, but I feel like sharing. this "poem" was originally in swedish, so some is lost in translation (that's the way it goes I suppose), but hopefully the feeling will come across :) [/color] [color=sea-green][i]I have no will I have no capacity I have no strength I have no desire But I would like to And I would be able to I would try so hard I would want it so badly What if I fail miserably? I could fall too deep? Then I?d be hurt again! I might surrender? Then again I fought yesterday I might as well fight tomorrow I have won battles I could win again[/i][/color] - Mimmi EDIT: forgot to say that the poems are all lovely. there's real thought and passion in them. keep it up!.[/SIZE]
  17. [color=chocolate]I ususally get inspiration to write when there's no pen or paper within reach. also late at night, when I'm supposed to be catching up on sleep, thoughts seem to be calling out for me. but I probably write best during the day, regardless the hour. Motivation is also key for me personally. if I don't have that then it'll just end up fake and strained. - Mimmi[/color]
  18. uhm, I have a common query about Inuyasha. how many episodes does it have ? and in keeping of the thread: yup, some guys look like girls (I haven't seen any cases where it's the other way around. not that I can remember anyway) but I've found that the more anime I go through, the clearer it becomes. it's a case of studying and sometimes..... asking someone else :P -Mimmi
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