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Everything posted by Mimmsicle

  1. [B]Ask your mom to send them a reply :][/B] It's abominable to know good people are being treated this way, especially you, Sara.
  2. [FONT=Tahoma]I have mostly sensory memories. Lots of them. Smells will remind me of people, songs will remind me of what I did when they were playing. For instance, a whole Soul Asylum cd bring back memories of a computer game that was solely text based. So instead of being visually anchored they envoke the same kind of emotions, even now years later, as they did while being in front of that computer. I've also got plenty of lego-building memories like that :3 Smoke (aside from making me gag and choke) gets me thinking about either my grandma or an amusement park. It depends on what smells it is. (Yes, cigarette smoke has a couple of different smells. No need to stare more at me.) On a positive note, scents that remind me of my mom's make me feel all calm and loved /cheesy. There's also more regular memories, like how eating pancakes can sometimes remind me of watching a tv-show while running back and forth to the dinner table. We (my sister and I) were so eager not to miss a moment, hehe. I can't say that the [I]actual taste [/I]of food triggers any memories, to my immediate knowledge *strokes chin in afterthought*[/FONT]
  3. [quote name='Lemony Slash']Also, I cannot comment on others otakus. I can see peoples comments, but cannot myself add a comment.[/quote] [FONT=Tahoma]That can be due to cookies on your computer or, if you're on a school/public computer, it could be that the computer you're on is blocking pop-ups *shrugs* Hopefully you'll be able to work it out by clearing the cookies, otherwise I don't know how to get around the problem :-/[/FONT]
  4. [QUOTE=xXxiTaChixXx][COLOR=Red][FONT=Century Gothic][B][SIZE=4]your avatar is ok, simple - 7.5/10[/SIZE][/B][/FONT]:toothy: [B][FONT=Century Gothic][SIZE=4]I don't like your signature. Why would you put a person holding a red ball? - 4.5/10[/SIZE][/FONT][/B][/COLOR]:nono:[/QUOTE] [IMG]http://img135.imageshack.us/img135/7982/bacon2lk.jpg[/IMG]
  5. [FONT=Tahoma]*insert squees of happiness and a smile reaching from ear to ear* Your latest avatar/signature combo is absolutely delightful. That can be said about all of your previous ones, too, but this one has something a bit extra. The crop on the avi is so perfect that it's hard to stop staring. So much room for thought is left to roam when admiring it. Same goes for the sig picture, which oooooozes freedom, an adrenaline rush much like what you get from going over the hill of a roller coaster. It's a perfect capture of an all too brief moment where everything stops and your heart holds its breath, your mind at total peace. [SIZE=1](Or for those with an anxious disposition, this is where you totally freak out and am convinced you're on the brink of death without enough time to have your life flash by, lol.)[/SIZE] Homerun, Annie. Thanks for sharing that beautiful moment >:3F[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Tahoma]Huzzah! The story continues :catgirl: I'm with everyone else in saying that (aside from a few spelling errors) you really shouldn't beat yourself up about the quality of these chapters! They're perfectly in order and a grand addition to the development of characters and storyline. Suggestions: None. Your style and technique is great so I have nothing to add ^_^;[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Tahoma]Well, the PM on MyOtaku troubles continue. Has anyone checked up on the issue or have any idea on when/how it will be fixed? I realize it must be frustrating for the technicians with these niggly errors and I'm sincerely thankful for the already spangly service. Hopefully you guys can sort this one out, too :catgirl: [/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Tahoma]I think I just died and then wet my paints, laughing! Superbly subtle, yet boombastic, humor in this chapter ^___^ It's been said a million times before, but you're really coming into your own with this story, Annie. Being part of this epic tale of grandness is a true honor *salutes*[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Tahoma]AH, it's great to see this back up again. Not only revised (not that it needed it ;-p) but with more chapters being added, too! Your writing style is appealing. I really like how you don't bring in the gritty elements just for the sake of having them there, which is a relief as it can sometimes bring a story down. That approach brings the story together more, while being more effectful. Do carry on with treating us to more of this story! :catgirl: [/FONT]
  10. [quote name='Arcadia][size=1]Ha ha, numbers and letters. That was the best. But I will admit, it scares me to think about what Mims could do with all those extra letters in Literati. It... it just wouldn't be [i]right[/i']![/size][/quote][FONT=Tahoma]*purrrrrrrrrs* Wow, this latest chapter was an even greater joy to read than usual, which I think must be because of the more fleshed-out narrative. It makes an already great story shine a little bit brighter ^_^ And it was hilarious to see you use Sandy's concern about number of moderators! The way you wrote that lone sentence was both sweet and funny, lol. But Kitty humping your leg took the cake *laughs* Those sudden/unexpected humorous moments are perfectly fitted into the story, never breaking up the fluid pacing ^_^ *brings many chocolate-covered cherries to you*[/FONT] :naughty:
  11. [FONT=Tahoma][B]Literati[/B] - The game that not only provided an abundance of entertainment, sparked lethal aggravation, sent people to the hospital for adrenaline OD (anyone remember round 1 of the Sara vs Solo game?) and innuendous amusement beyond salvation, but could also get you [I]banned [/I]from OB. [B]Shy, James, Adam, Dagger and Panda[/B] - [I][B]The [/B][/I]Tag Team of all Tag Teams. They (along with the rest of a magnificant staff) are all a strong part of the backbone of our Otaku Community, giving it their all to give us the best of the best. And for that I wish to pay my respects/gratitude. [B]Art Pad Picture Chain[/B] - Lady A is a woman with ideas alongside her brilliant story telling/RP-ing. This thread was inspirational and fun, for both talented and inept doodlers. [B]SYF[/B] - Liam's brainchild has spawned RPG's which grow in stregth and brilliancy for each installment. In addition to being a great RPG it's also a tremendously well crafted story, one that could easily stand on its own in book form. It also has potention to be expanded as well as evolving into further RPG's. Speaking of evolving, [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=51091][U]Peace Hangs Them[/U][/URL] is a great example and it's still open for sign-ups/ shameless fan-girl plug :p [B]Wikipeda[/B] - Can be used as both a covered insult on top of being informative. It's the equivalent to OB's [B]Search [/B]function =) [B]Annie [/B] - She's the best slave a Master can have >:3F [B]Shinmaru [/B]- He started the Literati Tournament (which sadly enough never wrapped up), does a great job at modding Play It, has the everlasting attachment devotion of Des's boot and is a Champion of mastering the art of self deprication. He also goes to college. [B]Corey [/B] - for best quote ever in the O Lounge's "Are you a vegeterian" thread: [quote name='Corey][SIZE=1']May I remind you that vegetables are showered in ****, ripped from their homes, wrapped in plastic or shoved in boxes, taken hundreds of miles away, put on display, fondeled by dozens of people, bought, and eventually cut up and digested. I'd call that tourturous and dirty any day of the week.[/SIZE][/quote] [B]Solo Tremaine [/B]- For being sexier than Dragon Warrior. Not many can pull that off. [B]The Nexus[/B] - Because it's as unspoiled and pristine as my innocence. [/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Tahoma]Oooooo, it's off to a very promising start! Possibly fraud, misconceptions (*snickers*) and lots of other juicy stuff to come, no doubt *rawrs* When Annie met James (new classic!) in his MyO was way cute, hehe. Poor Annie, though. Not many can resist that top hat, let alone the top hat [I]and [/I]the cane at the same time! ~_^[/FONT]
  13. [quote name='Goddess][size=1][b]Mimmi[/b'], my dearest, I have it in my mind that you would blow the rest of the Bandits out of the water with sheer physical and persona beauty! You are the most beautiful person I know, doll.[/size][/quote] [FONT=Tahoma]:blush: Consider yourself served with eternal servitude of chocolate-covered cherries ~_^ With a litte help of Annie's writing talent, Alan and Alex blows all co-hosting couples out of the water! You three should get together for real, making this into a live-action series :animesmil [/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Tahoma]Ah, it's always great to be treated to an installment of Enter the Net :catgirl: As always, your style work wonders for drama, romance [B]and [/B]funny! A really sweet blend you've got going on there. None of the "characters" feel out of place, either, which shows what a keen sense you have when it comes to extract the essence of a person into their otaku-ized persona. Oh, by the way, it made me giggle how you made sure to place [I]Otaku [/I]everywhere in the beginning. [CENTER] [B][SIZE=2]Now let's go to that Prom[/SIZE] [/B] :animesmil[/CENTER] [/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Tahoma]Annie, I am at a loss for words to describe what an utter joy it was to read this! Not only was it funny, hilarious and informative; it was written in a clear, cohesive and magnificant way *nod nod* Is there any end to how far you can go with your writing? Doesn't look like it, so please feed your adoring masses with that brilliant mind of yours .... only with stories, not the actual brain matter O.o; And thank you so much for making me a live reporter :catgirl: [SIZE=1] (PS: While I look like a walruss in a bikini, I'd love to be part of that saucy gang you're the Boss of. Bandana Bandit, maybe?) :3[/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Tahoma]*just about dies laughing* That was stupendous! It put the P into pun, I'd say ^___^ The look on Gavin's face is priceless, as is the body language of Sean (looking very much like the resigned mother scolding her child).*giggles* [/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Tahoma]Hands and lips are a major turn-on for me. Though there's probably more that get my cogs turning, if I think about it some more, lol. Hands are a turn-on partly because they are so wonderful to look at and play with, partly because [sometimes] they're an indication of a person's mentality. But of course you'd have to observe them in action ... [I]innocently[/I] (or not!), to be able to determine that. Staring at a pair of immobilized hands doesn't say much ... unless they're covered in paint, naturally. Simple things such as how they use them in communication, how they shake your hand or do every day chores. You might not be very interested in a person who handles objects violently, if you're someone who's after smooth love. Though, on the same token, someone who's uber careful around anything and everything might be a right stallion when it comes to using their hands on you. Hm. Anywhoo! Lips entrance me, for they can enhance attraction by looking delectable. Not to mention I've got a kissing addiction :catgirl: Eyes usually have a good hold on me, as well. Not by colour or positioning/alignment in (on?) the face, but by how they look at me. [/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Tahoma]If you want to draw a very fine line, I suppose you could say that life starts shortly after the egg is furtilized with the sperm. Though most believe it's when the fetus has "cogniscent functions, or outside awareness or something", as Baron so aptly put it. As for my own, personal, opinion .... it's hard to say, since I've not given it much thought. There's also the fact that very little of the information we got in "sex aid" class ever really stuck, otherwise I might've had a more educated guess. But basically it'd be when the sperm begins to develop/grow inside the egg, since that's what life does. Develops and grows *shrugs and smiles*[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Tahoma][QUOTE=Ozymandius Jones][COLOR=DarkOrange] ... That makes six in the last six months...[/COLOR][/QUOTE]*coughs politely* Make that seven, hehe. I agree with everyone who's said that you're advancing by leaps and bounds in your story telling, Mr Gavin. Whilst you've always had amusement as your muse and she's treated you good, the random sometimes went overboard and drowned itself, but this time around it's more controlled. If random can ever be controlled .... With this latest epic installment, there's also more fluidity. So even though you jump around a bit (as it seems), you keep it a lot tighter and maintain the red/blue/green/ ... orange? thread in the story. The things you've put tossed in is there for a reason, either to enhance the funny or to bring forth some logic in a funny way :p Bring us more! If you please ^_^[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Tahoma]Seeing these, more defined, sketches is really interesting. There was always a hint that you might be better in drawing than the impression you've given off [in the past] so to see you actually deliver that, well, what can I say? ^_^ Of the ones you've submitted here, they all appear to belong in the same story. Do they? Or maybe I'm hoping for that to be the case when you're just very even in your performance :p The shading is excellent and you seem to have proportions down, though I'm no expert when it comes to this field. Still! My compliments to you for jobs well done ^_^[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Tahoma]*giggles with delight* I've seen most of your Flash animations, all of which were hilarious, and to some extent your stories. But I can't really say anything about your stories here, since this is the art forum .... hence I shall wander over to Anthology after this to add those thoughts there *turns off lightbulb* This latest series of comedy, by means of [B]Flash doodling[/B], is a real feast for the eyes and mind. The pure sillyness of it really warms my heart :3 Also, because of the way it's drawn, there's a very good marriage between image and joke. Neither hogs the spotlight from the other, giving double the pleasure in reading/viewing. *gives you some love*[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Tahoma]Raya's banner and avi combo, to me, is near flawless. The simplicity of the avi stands out and really attracts your eye to rest on it. Though it fades a little in light of the banner, which is wonderful. My only gripe about it is the very thin, nigh invisible, white line. Maybe it was meant to be a divider of sorts and it really does break things up, which irks me. 9,5/10 ^_^ [SIZE=1][B]Edit:[/B] Cheers, Sakurasuke! Your critique was very generous and I completely agree with you on the banner issue. It'll be something to keep in mind for future sets ^_^[/SIZE] [/FONT]
  23. [IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/1921/banner3ym.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/8967/banner12pf.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/4398/banner55ry.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/8496/banner81fm.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/8932/banner97tg.jpg[/IMG] [FONT=Tahoma]*remembers PiroMunkie's banner from last year(?) with fondness*[/FONT] It's hard to compete with something that set the standards so high! lol
  24. [FONT=Tahoma][quote name='Grave Yard']I think this game is aimed for kids who dont have one.[/quote] =) Out of curiosity, armana and Grave Yard, what could the game have done differently to keep your interest longer? Simple pleasures are enough to keep my attention, which is probably why I won't tire of taking my dog for walks to see what we find and if the map will expand if she's superfit. It'd be fun to explore another "neighbourhood". Especially since you can only remodel your house, not move. Though I wonder how they'll be able to remodel my house to be a seaside pad.... which is going to be so expensive, eeeesh. It's going to take a lot of competition victoires and rare items to raise that kind of money. On the subject of rare items, the strangest I've found (so far) is[spoiler] the alien[/spoiler]. Now. Usually I'm not freaked out by[spoiler] aliens [/spoiler] but this thing was so creepy that its value was doubled when I sold it, hahaha. We went through a huge amount of disposable cameras and juice bottles before coming across that piece of rare, though. The [spoiler]lion's mane[/spoiler] still cracks me up as does seeing Bessy [spoiler]dance to the Flower Waltz, ending with a backflip[/spoiler]. If you haven't tried doing that when you're in the park with the two other dogs, I highly recommend it. It's hilarious. [B]Side note:[/B] I'm more than a little sceptic to the records from Archie that you sometimes find. That man doesn't seem to have all his marbles in the bag ¬¬ Back on subject. It's a shame you don't get random dog encounters, like you do with the gifts. The random gifts caused me a bit of a headache to begin with, because I couldn't understand how to get a hold of them :animeshy: It was only by a coincidental moment that it fell into place, hrm. [SIZE=1]The spoiler tags might be over the top, but hey :p[/SIZE] [/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Tahoma]My, my, my, my! This story is coming along quite nicely, I must say ^_^ The slower bits are actually nice (in my humble opinion), since it shows that you can write diversely and be equally good at action/suspense as with more relaxed interludes. Every story needs a little bit of breathing space, after all =p Hopefully you'll have more to add to this! Soon! >>[/FONT]
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