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Everything posted by Mimmsicle

  1. Well, [COLOR=Sienna][B]chocolate [/B][/COLOR]has always been an addiction of sorts for me. It's one that I've been able to kick, though, from time to time. My need for it is often linked to my physical state (I feel less of a need for it when I'm keeping up my working out routine) and to how I'm feeling, of course. Funny how any mood can call for chocolate - "[I]I'm happy, let's celebrate with chocolate![/I]", "[I]I'm sad, I need to console myself with chocolate[/I]", "[I]I'm bored, where's the chocolate?[/I]" and so on :p There are plenty of things I [I]pine [/I]for (and would fuss about not getting) but out of that long list, I would have to say that physical touch is the only one that would earn a spot on the 'addicted to' list, because I do suffer from withdrawal if I go too long without it. I'm a physical person in general (with people I'm comfortable with) and, when it comes to affection/love, my family has always been more about physical communication than verbal. So hugs/nuzzles makes me feel safe, calm and loved :catgirl:
  2. I'm straight as can be and I'm also secure enough in my sexuality that I can say a woman is pretty without worrying people will think I'm a lesbian, lol. The only time homosexuality bothers me is when I think a guy is cute (or I've begun crushing on him) and he turns out to be gay, thereby bulldozing my innocent fantasies about hooking up with him. Although that also goes for straight guys who are "snatched" by someone XD [SIZE=1]No, I'm not a petty person >>;;[/SIZE]
  3. [CENTER][SIZE=3][B]Halo[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] About the halo: I was going to say that the wings can be hidden, but then again so can the halo (Hyohko had a cap, Kuu a hat) so I never brought that up as a point, heh. The only way you could make a more distinct connection to Nazi times would be if their "mark" set them apart from the townspeople in a negative way, which never happens. But you know, even if there's no forced feeling over the halo .... they don't really get a say in the matter. They're born into this unknown world and have to depend on what the other Haibane tells them. What if someone decides they don't want the halo? =o Also, the halo is made[spoiler] from chips off of those rocks in the wall.... and on the rocks are the true names of all the Haibane...[/spoiler]
  4. [U][B]Crows[/B][/U] Rakka does not remember[spoiler] the crow until she falls into the well[/spoiler]. I meant that if the Haibane [spoiler]didn't work or contribute to the community they would be considered scavengers, like the crows[/spoiler]. [U][B]Halo[/B][/U] Well, in Nazy camps people were given symbols to signify what religion they belonged to (I don't know if there were certain symbols for anything else, like sexuality). The Haibane are given the halos to distinguish them from the rest of the people in Glie and that's where I drew my reference from. [U][B]Sin-ified[/B][/U] (lol) I guess I extrapolated it from what the Communicator said.[spoiler] Forgiving yourself is really hard, if not impossible, but if you feel that you've done someone wrong and they forgive you, then it's easier to accept.[/spoiler] Dunno why I spoilered that, but yeah. Also, no one[spoiler] forgave Rakka. She just saw the dead crow as a sign of being forgiven. So it could be either way. Someone forgiving you or you forgiving yourself/accepting your Sin and moving on.[/spoiler] [U][B]FGiWD? Revisited[/B][/U] Man, you really confused me with this paragraph XD Anyway. It would make no sense for [spoiler]Early Old Home Reki to hold back Present Reki. EOHR didn't know anything about what happened before she was hatched into Old Home, whereas FGiWD? Reki was there and experienced it. [i]She's[/i] the one who has to be convinced to accept "salvation"[/spoiler]. [U][B]Toga[/B][/U] Actually, I believe Glie is [spoiler]a middle station, inhabited by real people (ie not dead) to add to the feeling of familiarity/security to the Haibane. (But dead-dead people would work too). I mean, if we go by the whole unfinished business, it'd be really difficult to sort yourself out in a totally strange/freaky envoriment. Depending on your situation before Glie (dead or possibly dying) you either go on to the afterlife or back to the world beyo--- ooooo a new thought, the walls are what separates the middle world from the after world/heaven? The walls are the pearly gates? No, they believe the walls keep them safe from the evil behind it, so it could be [B]Hell [/B]on the outside?[/spoiler] Excuse me, I just lost my trail of thought. Moving on! [U][B]Nutty dreams[/B][/U] Yeah, I believe the [spoiler]reversed order of her name giving was to give (haha) her a chance to forgive herself/test her when her Day of Flight came and she still hadn't been able to move on from her cocoon dream/losing Kuramori[/spoiler]. [spoiler]Kuu's departure[/spoiler] really helped to force out some of the development in both Rakka and Reki, that's for sure. Rakka was already wavering in her ways ("what are the Haibane?", "what's beyond the walls?", etc etc), but it took until[spoiler] Kuu left to really push her to become Sin-Bound. Rakka was sort of on her way to forgiveness and was then swiftly knocked back by another person leaving her[/spoiler]. See? I ordered it out nicely for you, Azure :p
  5. The fact that Reki wasn't given [spoiler]her true name[/spoiler] until the very end must be important. Maybe it was done that way to enable her to change things? For some reason I think that's the case. Because if she'd known about[spoiler] her true name[/spoiler] from the very beginning ... *gestures* Know what I'm saying? Something else that struck me while watching the show again with my sister had to do with Rakka and Kuu but I can't for the life of me remember what exactly. But basically it was something to do with the fact that [spoiler]Kuu left once she'd helped Rakka find her way in Glie/Old Home. And the fact that Rakka was crying on the Field of Wind (or whatever it was called) and then the crow lead her to the well[/spoiler].... I just get the feeling that they're very closely connected even if I can't explain how *frustrated sigh* While on the subject of Kuu - haha, if she and Rakka are as closely connected as my brain wants me to think, then maybe[spoiler] she died of heartbreak or some kind of illness after Rakka died[/spoiler]? Wild guess, ignore that. And no, her[spoiler] true name[/spoiler] was never mentioned. And it makes perfect sense that the [spoiler]crow in Rakkas cocoon dream[/spoiler] represents Reki, since Reki is [spoiler]Sin-Bound and has black wings (well, they're stained black anyway)[/spoiler]. That only just now struck me, haha. :animeshy: As for Hikari - O.o Your idea of her really makes me shudder, but it does make sense. A [spoiler]fire[/spoiler] or some kind of[spoiler] explosion [/spoiler]could be how [spoiler]she died[/spoiler]. [SIZE=1]PS: Azure, you're allowed to post now ;p[/SIZE]
  6. [FONT=Arial]Intense purring woke Mimmi up, briefly confusing her until she remembered where she was. After burying her face into the pillow and cuddling the treasured theft, the idea of actually getting out of the bed felt like a very silly idea. She didn't have a shift to go to, the usual rumor of Dagger appearing over at the Battle Arena was probably blocking up traffic by now and .... As Mimmi's mind made up excuses, her eyes caught sight of some paintbrushes. Lying next to them was a couple of tubes with paint. Kei's low rumbles continued, occasionally broken by a sudden outburst of pouncing on whatever toy was lying about in her giant kitty bed. Mimmi glanced at Kei and then back at the paintbrushes. [b]".... No, I really shouldn't"[/b] she whimpered quietly, trying to suppress the temptation of getting up to mischief for the second time this morning. Sometimes it was painful how easy it was to indulge in pranks on this island. Unless you had a very boring attitude, or self control the size of Siren's ego, it was impossible not to get into a little bit of trouble. Though giving Kei a face paint in her sleep was pushing it by a couple of lightyears. Mimmi forced herself out of the comfy bed, putting on the radio at the lowest volume while she got herself ready to face the day... again. It was the same old. The forecast promised a highly entertaining appearance of Dagger today, some excited n00b complaining about the spelling and grammar lessons he'd been sentenced to ? was that a hairball in the corner? O.o ? and announcments of special upcoming events. By the time the transmission was over, she was all done and heading out the door but stopped at the threshold. [b]"Hm, maybe it's best to leave a note."[/b] The last time she visited Kei's abode, she had woken up in the middle of the night with an idea for a short story and went off without a word. It has scared Kei senseless when she found Poppler lying in the spare bed that morning, looking very full and innocent, with no Mimmi around. Wincing slightly at the thought of 'Bossyness's power of Retribution', she attached the note to Kei's foot carefully. Catching one last glance at the sleeping Mod's face, she had to bite her lip hard not to burst out into a giggle fit and dashed through the door as soundlessly as she could. Stepping out of the MyO she stretched and yawned, pondering where to go. The beach seemed like a good idea about now. A notepad and pen was still in her pocket since the latest shift she'd had, ideas inspired by this morning bubbling in her head. She brought up the menu and PM'd the pants to herself, to ensure that no one lifted them from her in case a particularly spiffy idea would engross her attention completely, then went merrily on her way. [B]"Just another wonderful morning on the OB island"[/B] [/FONT] :catgirl:
  7. I have absolutely no idea where to start so I'll just go back to the beginning of this thread and work my way forwards ^_^; And this is going to be extremely rocky. I first wrote a lot in the morning, before having anything to eat, and then some when I had marathoned it >> (Dunno if it matters, but I saw it with the Japanese voice cast.) [spoiler]Rakka's wings emerging from her back[/spoiler] was absolutely beautiful to see, as wacky as that might sound. Being in the cocoon was safe (unless you had a disturbing dream), breaking out of it wasn't traumatic and when they, later on, interact with the townspeople ... it's all very smooth sailing. The Haibane get pretty much everything served to them (in a manner of speaking) but the wings, one of two things to separate them from the townspeople, is the only thing that hurts to get. I just found that interesting for some reason. Ooo, they aren't [I]born [/I]with [spoiler]the halo, nor do they acquire it like they do their wings. It's [B]made [/B]and is given to them to distinguish them from the townspeople.[/spoiler] If it weren't for the fact that the Haibane is treated so good, I could draw a reference to the Nazi era >>; A lot of effort is made to single them out and yet they're still allowed into the society and treated almost as equals. (I can't recall a single incident where being Haibane resulted in nasty remarks or better than average treatment.) I absolutely love the music, it's perfect for this anime. The tune that's played while you're looking at the DVD menu sort of sets the mood. Not happy-happy but not depressing. Just an honest glimpse of how the entire story feels like when you get to the end. Oh yes, the [spoiler]Sin-Bound[/spoiler] issue. It's true that the Communicator said you can't forgive yourself, but I found that to be more of a general statement than a rule. I mean, if you feel you've committed a wrong and caused pain, it's virtually impossible to forgive yourself. Getting someone else's forgiveness helps you to overcome the guilt but only if you're willing to accept it and move on. At least that's my opinion. [spoiler]Rakka[/spoiler] could forgive herself first and foremost because of the help from the bird, but also because she accepted her guilt and being forgiven. I could almost argue that it's more of accepting your sin and wanting to do good from there on in, than it is about being forgiven for it. Although accepting the sin is basically forgiving yourself, so I'm just going in circles right now, lol. It was just something that I wanted to touch on as I read through the thread. [B]Prepare yourself for a very confusing paragraph :animeswea [/B] As for Reki and her younger self (whom I'm [strike]almost[/strike] absolutely positive [I]doesn't[/I] have wings) ? I never viewed her as being mean, so when she suddenly went all meany on Rakka, it was important to have the younger version of her appearing, to sort of show how her person had transgressed into whom she was now. And it was at the same time her inner voice, sort of like a .. flashback/reflection of her past self. It's very much how Reki is responding to the situation as it plays out before her [I]again[/I], in the critical moment of [spoiler]her Flight. Young Reki reflects how it was back when Reki was standing on that railroad track and how she lost hope, just as she does when she can't reach out for Rakka (turning from pure white into mud and dissolving) and it helps to really visualize how lost Reki is in her inability (and at the same time yearning state) to want to trust someone. To actually see a mirror of yourself, as it may be, and look at yourself crumbling, heightens the nightmare Reki's finding herself in. Then of course she is where she was before being born into Haibane ? standing at the railroad track, having lost hope but still wanting someone to tear her away from there BUT/AND ... she's in her [I]adult [/I]form. The girl in dress (younger Reki, PAST Reki) is the one holding Rakka back, which shows that Reki isn't in the exact same place anymore. If she truly had given up, it would've been [I]young [/I]Reki standing there (and possibly completely ignoring Rakka's attempt to get her out of the way) but now it's her [I]past [/I]self holding Rakka back. [/spoiler] Ablah, this is such an important point and it feels like I'm messing it up, lol. Reki has found forgiveness but she had to go back to that place she was at before coming Haibane [spoiler](the railroad track)[/spoiler] to challenge herself to make things differently, to truly be able to accept being forgiven. It's easy to welcome the help when it's offered to you, but truly difficult to call out for it. To beg for it. Ah, there we go ^_^; And, isn't the name of the town Glie? I need to check that >> (Yep, it's Glie.) Btw, while in the subject of Reki and her buddy boy Hyohko ? [spoiler]she was already in a state of feeling abandoned after Kuramori left, so when their punishment for trying to get over the wall meant being separated from each other it just cemented her belief that anyone she trusted and cared for would be taken away or leave her behind. I'd say he definitely has an impact on her further 'fall' into the nightmare. She felt responsible for Kuramori's leaving (because she had been gathering herbs for Reki) and the same went for Hyohko (because he tried to get her over the wall and was injured/taken away from her) and so her sin sort of grew all the time (especially after Kuu left and when Rakka was no longer Sin-Bound) - until she couldn't see any repentance for it.[/spoiler] She wanted to but was afraid to until the very end. Hrm, going in circles again *moves on* Oh yes, remember the story about Nemu and the book she tried to restore? ?The beginning of the world?. Anyway, it made me think that Haibane could be[spoiler] humans that died or is simply just wavering between giving up or fighting and Glie is their chance to make up their mind. They either go back to their human life, go to heaven or ... become Toga? It'd make even more sense that the Toga aren't allowed to speak then, because someone might recognize them and thusly the whole mystery of being Haibane, and what happens after Day of Flight, is disrupted.[/spoiler] Any other suggestions? Let me go through some of the Haibane's: [B]Reki [/B][spoiler]definitely died (and I think her parents died before her, which would fit in with her sensibility of being abandoned)[/spoiler], but [B]Rakka[/B]'s case is a bit iffy. She just said she wanted to [spoiler]disappear[/spoiler] and that doesn't automatically mean she [spoiler]killed herself/died[/spoiler]. *Look further down to my talking about the crows and you'll get another point there. [B]Nemu [/B]might be[spoiler] in a coma[/spoiler]. It's possible, with all that sleeping :p I'm having troubles fitting in [B]Hikari [/B](who had a very pleasant dream) and [B]Kana [/B](hers was as carefree as Kana herself) though. Are they sort of just in between having[spoiler] died and going to heaven[/spoiler], or something? Help me out here, lol. The crows .... hm, Kuu and Kana did a good job in showing what kind of relevance they have to the story. Basically I see them as a reflection of the Haibane and also how they relate to the town, their place in that world/the one beyond. [spoiler]In order to not become lazy scavengers, the Haibane work for what they receive. And while not being allowed to come and go as they please like the birds, if we go on the line of Haibane leaving becoming Toga, they do get to leave and sort of come back.[/spoiler] They also serve as a guide for Rakka to remember her dream, and to freak her out since they remind her of[spoiler] Kuu's leaving [/spoiler](the crow got her to be attentive of the forest after all). Later on they scare her because [spoiler]their black wings make her think of [I]her [/I]wings becoming ?stained?.[/Spoiler] If memory serves me correctly, they're not a prominent feature after Rakka [spoiler]falls into the well? * Hm, could it be that the bird [in the well] represents someone who died protecting her? [/spoiler] I have no idea how to wrap this up, seeing as it's all over the place, but how about [spoiler]the Communicator being God? You know, because his cane has wings and a full halo (no hole in the middle) on top of it? He's the only one allowed to address the Toga and has knowledge about the Haibane's true names (he gave Reki her ?true? name, which spurred the dream to become fully visible for her ... which was pretty much the trigger for her flipping out. Would she have flipped if she hadn't remembered the dream fully?)[/spoiler] Uhm, I did read through the whole thread but after trying to re-connect with the ideas you two (and Dagger) had gone over, it became easier to just jot down my thoughts and leave you to nit-pick them >>;; And if it sounds like what I'm saying is absolute and final, then sorry. These are only thoughts I'm tossing out and I fully accept (ahahaha) that I could be wrong/way off course ^_^
  8. First off I'd like to say that I [B]love [/B]the addition after the original part. It really ties it together beautifully and you keep the tone throughout. Nothing is really said but at the same time everything is, by the way the people interract/react. Perfect =) And while the beginning is good ... somehow it doesn't work in my head when I read it together with the rest. Though that might be because the first draft was so powerful, making any attempt to an introduction [to that particular scene] similar to the Star Wars "prequels" >>;;; *runs away from the angry mob* :animeswea
  9. ACK! There's nothing worse than to remember forgetting to put something in whatever you're baking >_< It happens even to those who are good at it ... I hope >> When I didn't find that you'd written about putting the oil in, I first thought you'd forgot to include it in the story ... but then I got to the end ;___; This really was a [I]sweet [/I]recount of brownies gone [B]bad [/B];p
  10. As sad I am to see this end, you've really gone out on a high note :3 And in the famous thoughts of Hollywood executives "Open ending makes it easier for sequels!" or something like that, hehe. A girl can dream _^_
  11. [SIZE=1]?Llama face!? ?[COLOR=Navy]The Emperor's new groove[/COLOR]? ?Excellent. Reward.? *twack* ?Now let's see if we can't make it more difficult....? In an attempt to tire Kei out, Mimmi was herding the sleepdeprived kitt-- Moderator around the Island. Quizzing her on Disney quotes and using an ultramodern state of the art toy (which was basically a ball of yarn on a stick that she let Kei pounce on when she guessed the quotes correctly), she'd managed to waste a decent amount of time. Not to mention energy on both their parts. ?Oh ... Ehehehe... mmmm? ?[COLOR=Navy]Uh, the hyenas in The Lionking? ... Mimmi?[/COLOR]? Kei peered over at Mimmi whose eyes were slightly glazed. At first she guessed it was because of exhaustion but then she followed her gaze and spotted a familiar face. Flinching internally she looked back at her friend with a stern expression and growled under her breath, as friendly as possible. ?[COLOR=Navy]Mimminx, I'd suggest you take a deep breath[/COLOR]---? It was too late. Two buns had magically appeared in Mimmi's hands and she skipped with open arms over to the young man who stood at the beach. Kei sighed and lowered her head in resignation, wondering if she should bother trying to intervene. The ball of yarn caught her eye, tantalizing her kitty instincts. She weighed the importance of saving two of her friends' dignity over indulging in pawing the ball around and pretty soon she was lost in her own little world, playing with her newfound friend made out of rolled up yarn. Meanwhile. ?Greetings, oh esteemed specimen of the male species!? Registering the voice as Mimmi's James turned around to see the young woman walking towards him with a silly grin, arms wide open and a bun in each hand. Further up the dune he could spot Kei, assaulting some kind of toy, giggling happily without a care in the world. It pleased James to see the members of OB so relaxed and enjoying themselves. The H4XX0r War had shaken people up so he relied on his trusty staff, and some enthusiastic volunteering members, to restore the peace and tranquility to the Island. The thought of Mimmi's famous buns and a cup of coffee to go with them, only furthered his joy at the sight of her. Extending his arms to embrace her, he could hear the faint sound of warning bells going off. Thinking it was originating from the Lounge, ?probably another heated debate involving Siren?, he decided to ignore it. Mimmi stopped an arms length away, firmly placed the two buns in his hands and relieved him of his pants with a delighted giggle. ?Always a pleasure running into your pants-- into you!?, she quickly corrected herself before giving him a beaming smile. A huge sweatdrop appeared behind James as his cheeks began to take on a shade of pink. ?I aim to please, eheh? he giggled hesitantly and returned the smile. Satisfied with commandeering the precious loot, Mimmi turned back to skip over to Kei who had all but demolished the poor yarn ball. The now pantless Administrator shook his head somewhat bemused and accessed his menue, making a mental note to send a short PM to Adam thanking him for the Invisible option. If there was one thing he didn't want to be caught doing, it was holding Mimmi's buns without his pants on. [/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1]*purrrrrrs* I am loving every moment of reading this chapter ~_^ And seeing James in this ... *gestures* ... is really [I]entertaining[/I]. Ehum. It's really interesting to see how it's come along from when you started it, from being a spur of the moment thing to a fullgrown [strike]sex machine [/strike]... novel, almost =) You're really [I]advancing [/I]with this story and it'll be a treat to keep reading it! [/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1]Mimmi took a large bite out of a particularly tasty bun and squeeed with delight. This batch was the perfect thing to start off the day with. But after eating a handfull of the freshly made delicacies she didn't feel right about devouring all of them by herself (even if she wouldn't have any problems doing so). Contemplating who would most benefit such a treat, at this hour, Lady K immediately came to mind. On the rare occassions that Mimmi had woken up early and strolled the Island, she had noted that Lady K was still hard at work over at the Manga Workshop, making her wonder if the word 'sleep' was part of the diligent troopers vocabulary. Even though she lost herself in thought while packing the picnic basket, Mimmi made sure not to include the coffee thermos. She'd learned not to ever bring that before Lady K ... Because while Poppler might be cute from a distance, you didn't want his mistress to utter the words 'glompage' with him around. Unless you were into that sort of thing. A devious smile played upon her lips as she thought about Shin and the amount of times he'd suffered the Poppler treatment. She adjusted her red dress and stepped outside of her sleeping quarters, making her way down the street, swinging the basket to and fro while humming. Getting closer to the Manga Workshop she noticed a character sneaking up to the main entrance. It wasn't someone known to her, but then again this wasn't a part she frequented that often. Figuring now was as good a time as any to become more familiar with the regulars around here she sung as loudly as she dared without fearing singing out of key. [SIZE=2][I]"Gooooood Morning fellow OB person!" [/I][/SIZE] The young man leaped into the air at the sudden outburst and then spun around to stare at her bewildered, casting nervous glances at the door. His behaviour seemed a little peculiar, though who wouldn't act a little weird upon being greeted by a Little Red Riding Hood impersonator without a hood. Though more often than not she actually felt more like the Wolf. A predator constantly on the lookout for new pants. Taking into consideration that it might be overkill on the freaky factor if she stripped him right there and then, she handed him a bun and swiftly entered the Workshop. [I]"Bossyness, I come with gifts! ... And it's [B]not [/B]Shin"[/I] she quickly added, not wanting to attract the attention of Poppler in case he was around this morning. But there was no reply. Not even the stereotypical gust of wind or that thing that looks like a ball of branchy yarn flying by. She was beginning to feel slightly nervous by the quietness and the looming shadows along the shelves. That feeling was quickly overcome by giddyness as she spotted a huge pile of manga, thinking the newest Naruto volume might've arrived. [I]"Hallelujaa[SIZE=2] AAAAAHHHHH!"[/SIZE][/I] She hadn't taken more than a couple of steps towards the pile before it started to move violently and making scary noises. Mimmi swallowed hard and braced herself for the worst.[/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1]Yes, what the title asks. If you could choose anyone to father/mother your babies, who would it be? To try and prevent this thread from people simply listing their potential "mates", I will add some other things that one might add to the equation. If I'm not mistaken, women who turn to sperm donors * have the ability to check the donors physical history (though I'm not sure if you're informed of their mental history). Is that something you would think about or would you strictly go for superficial things (such as height, looks, etc) and not be concerned about eventual hereditary family illnesses? Is their culture an important factor? (Note that I'm not saying religion here, people.) Because if you are to be raising the child(ren) together as well, is that something that would influence your choice? Or do you just want the person to aid you in the baby-making and then be on their way, caring for the child(ren) on your own or with someone else? A whole other point that could be brought up in this particular case is how far you could take the whole process of having a baby, what with science having advanced so much in recent years. (By that I mean checking to see if the baby has certain genetic "errors", choosing what kind of attributes you want for your child, etc.) But mainly I'm asking how you would base your choice of who fathers/mothers your babies. * Does anyone know if this goes for egg donors as well?[/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]Sara asked if myO avatars could be deleted [I]completely [/I]in the "Official myOtaku Problems Thread" but I couldn't seem to find an answer. Feel free to move the post into either of the existing threads about myO if you think it's unnecessary for this to be on its own. Because it's both a problem and a suggestion, I went ahead and did this thread outside of those two, heh ^_^; I'd really like to [B]not [/B]have an avatar at the moment (note the [I]at the moment[/I], seeing as it could change *cough*) and as of now you can only [I]replace [/I]the avatar with a new one, which is a bummer. Will that be changed with the revamp of myO? [strike]And ... if anyone has the free time to go in and manually remove my avatar, that'd be swell :3[/strike][/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Mmm, regardless of my lack of latino blood (or why not Italian? ;o) in me, I can still feel it stirring while reading this *gestures wildly* By clearly defining the people in your stories you implement subtle details very well. Like the ending: [QUOTE][SIZE=1]After what seemed like an intolerably long moment of silence, she finally murmured, ?I see.[/SIZE]?[/QUOTE] You don't say in which way this is said (apart from it being murmured) but we still detect it, because you've made sure to include the mothers characteristics earlier in the story. And it's so pleasing to read a story filled with detail but still doesn't come off as bogging you down with it. You really do capture situations as they are happening, so it feels like we're experiencing them the way they happen... instead of reading how they happen (ie "person does this and that, reacts that way"). Even if the setting might be unfamiliar, the way you write [I]makes [/I]them familiar =) [QUOTE][SIZE=1]That was the last straw ? the cage was open.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] [B]So. Spot. On.[/B] *grins*[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Hehe, this was a really fun read. I'd list every scene that stood out, though that'd mean quoting much of the story :p A favourite would have to be the meeting with the boss though, haha. All in all I love how your characters interact, either by themselves and the situation they're in or with others. Time to nitpick! (And these are really small complaints. Still, they're worth pointing out, to ensure your ego doesn't inflate too much >>) Are you ready? [quote]"The headlights of Vincent?s car only lit up a small area of space in front of his car, so he could only get a cursory glance at what was in front of him."[/quote] You used "only" twice. It's incredibly petty of me to point that out but the repetition freak in me irked :< [quote]?Man, that looks awful. Looks like one of those Hollywood crash scenes?this would be the part that the car explodes, I bet. Vincent opened his door quickly and scrambled out of the car. He then turned around quickly, slipping a bit on the soaking wet grass, and scampered to the back seat of the car. He threw open the door, grabbed the two pieces of luggage laying on the seat, and threw them out of the car. Vincent dove onto the luggage, and clasped his hands over the back of his head. He waited a few seconds. The seconds became minutes. Rain continued to fall harshly from the raven black clouds above? [/quote] While it does come across in the long paragraph that it's one of those " .... O_O OMG" moments, I still feel you need to emphasize it [I]a bit[/I] more. As it is now it doesn't come off effective enough, and I didn't realize he was having a " .... O_O OMG" moment at first. But maybe I'm just dumb like that ^_^; [quote]"I?ve just been fired from yet another job, the longest job I?ve held since I got out of college [U]a few years back[/U]."[/quote]Ok, I know this is a narrative story but it reads kind of weird to hear him say that last part of the sentence (much like it did reading "[I]oh well, not like I was really listening to it, anyway.[/I]? in the beginning of the story, when he turned off the radio). It could be that I'm used to reading that as a thought, not as something a person is saying out loud when by him/herself. Maybe I need to read it again, keeping in mind the way it's told *ponders* Hmmm, after looking at what problems I had with this story... I realise that they're very minor. Which leads me to one conclusion: You're getting too good for my nitpicking to be justified! ;___; [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][FONT=Verdana]I don't really think the question "Would you want to be a moderator?" is quite as straightforward as that, at least not to me when I think about it [now]. It seems like the first thing that comes to mind is strictly superficial: you get a title and you get 'power', both of which you [in some cases inadvertantly] flash as you enter a thread (to warn/lock or participate in general). That's where [I]most [/I]people stop to think (obviously [U]not everyone[/U] since we've got a lot of great mods around, not to mention a whole legue of excellent retired ones). To do your job as a moderator you're putting in a lot of effort. It's not a case of pushing a button and, voilá, a message detailing why someone has been warned or why their thread was locked/deleted is submitted automatically. (I'm hoping that everyone right now is ignoring the fact that I've never moderated anything, besides my own MyOtaku, don't have any personal experience with modding at a forum and still coming off as if I have a clue >>) They just don't think about the responsobilities that comes along, the effort that needs to be put into upholding the standard of this forum and that [while there [I]is [/I]loads of fun and play to be had] your number one priority is to do a job and do it well.Let's not forget about the fact that you'd need to give up/[B]devote [/B]a lot of time keeping this place tip-top, time that could be spent on schoolwork/leisure/whathaveyou. (I know this is all very exaggerated to those who do this job with a breeze but it's a breeze to you because you're gods. The rest of us aren't :p) So, getting back to the point. Uhm... what was the question again? Oh right, if I'd want to mod. If I was [I]asked [/I]to, then yes. Because that would show that James had confidence in me to do a good job and trusted me to be a good staff member. But I'd never offer my services... To MOD, you silly people ~_^;;;. [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. Mimmsicle

    Stalker Songs

    [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Normally I'd go 'Stalking is bad' but this is amusing, so I'll chip in =P[/COLOR] [B]You Oughta Know[/B] - Alanis Morissette I want you to know, that I'm happy for you I wish nothing but the best for you both An older version of me Is she perverted like me Would she go down on you in a theatre Does she speak eloquently And would she have your baby I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able To make it enough for you to be open wide, no And every time you speak her name Does she know how you told me you'd hold me Until you died, till you died But you're still alive And I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know You seem very well, things look peaceful I'm not quite as well, I thought you should know Did you forget about me Mr. Duplicity I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced Are you thinking of me when you **** her Cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able To make it enough for you to be open wide, no And every time you speak her name Does she know how you told me you'd hold me Until you died, til you died But you're still alive And I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know Cause the joke that you laid on the bed that was me And I'm not gonna fade As soon as you close your eyes and you know it And every time I scratch my nails down someone else's back I hope you feel it...well can you feel it And I'm here to remind you Of the mess you left when you went away It's not fair to deny me Of the cross I bear that you gave to me You, you, you oughta know [/SIZE][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]I'm loving my cameo, so don't sweat it ^__^ Besides, if you'd turned me into a waitress it would've meant that they'd have to run to the coffee shop all the time for me to be part of the story and it's nice to not have that cliche in your face ;p (And being a secretary is most excellent *grins*) Can't wait to see where this leads![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]A great collection of Nifty people/things and I'm honored to have been deemed possessing Niftyness. :blush: (Haha, that smiley reminds of me Charles for some reason.) This was a really nice spin on the Otaku Awards and I can't wait to see what Shy gives us next. Great work, everyone involved! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Wow. I am utterly amazed at your capabilities as a writer *jaw is on the floor* It's very focused and driven, with excellent flow in both language and story. The tone is just a delightful change from the standard comedy usually involved in OB parodies. (Not that I don't love them too, but it's nice with diversity, hehe.) And like Hevn said, your chapters are a very good length (though it wouldn't kill me to read more, since it's so good). [COLOR=Black]"Lately there had been a lot of cases that had screamed for her attention and Methuselah was not a woman who ignored her duties, [I]even if it did push her a whisper from insanity.[/I]" [/COLOR]I absolutely [B]love [/B]that sentence, particularly the very end. It just gives me a shiver down my spine ^__^ As for cameos.... I usually don't ask for them but maybe you could squeeze me in as a waitress at some café or a bakery? _^_ *gives her a bun*[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  23. [COLOR=SlateGray]He was my Geraden and the love he gave me broke through the glass. Beside him I grew stronger, in his eyes I could see my own reflection. The sand ran out before we could finish, leaving only an empty frame. Someday the horns will sound again but for now I'm lost in the mirrors.[/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=DimGray][CENTER][I]With a twist and a sickening crunch my life is crumbling in your hands I had been dormant for too long for you to wake me peacefully Swallowed by hollow laughter my shadows blind our path This quest so unavoidable will lead us there again Why do I chase after aware of the effect your cause? The only thought ringing in my mind is that you are the [B]one[/B].[/I][/CENTER] It was a scorching hot day in a bustling Australian city and the suns beams reflected itself in her topaz necklace, blinding those whose eyes were drawn to the girl wearing it. As she walked past a block of abandoned houses, dragging her hand along the rickety fences, she swore she could hear someone sing. Rather poorly at that. It sounded like the summer hit "[I]Seduce me, mate[/I]" (a song she loathed passionately and that every radio station plagued their listeners with). The poor singing, however, wasn't nearly as horrid as the original singers voice. Twirling the topaz necklace in her sweaty palm, a compulsary thing she always did when her mind strayed, she was reminded of something her dad once said when the dogs were especially rowdy: "[i]I swear, if you recorded the yaps coming out of those little rats you could make a fortune of it. It's certainly better than anything playing on the radio these days.... But at least you can turn the radio off.[/i]" At the time her dad's disgruntled remarks had annoyed her but now it made her smirk as the singing hit an all-time worse, trying to reach a high octave. Realising the sound would peel away her sanity unless she got away from it, her feet prepared to stomp off. But just as she was about to leave it stopped. In fact, it seemed as though any and all sound pertruding her ears had vanished. Startled by the sudden silence she froze in mid take-off, grippling the fence tightly with her hand and listened intently for any sound that would affirm she hadn't suddenly gone deaf or died. A faint tune began to weave its way through the dilapidated buildings. Despite not being able to make out the words the tune soothed her more than alarmed her further. Like a lullaby beckoning a child to sleep it seemed to call for her to deviate from her path and follow. Shielding her eyes with her hand she squinted up towards the sun. She figured that she'd only be able to last 5 more minutes in the blazing sun, tops, and the shade beyond the fence looked inviting. Ignoring all the warnings her mothered had once imprinted on her about entering building and destruction sites, she carefully climbed over the fence. Once over on the other side the tune seemed to grow in sound for a moment only to grow more distant as she strained to make out any distinction in it. Not really knowing exactly where it originated from and not wanting to get lost in the labyrinth of abandoned apartment complexes, she took a glance around. A sign reading "[i]Orion Avenue[/i]" made her wonder if the houses were named after the heavens as well. Architecths had an affinity for consistency, after all. The walls all looked like mould had settled in after the tennants had moved out and pools of mud had replaced what was once, presumably, green patches of grass. Back in the day it had might've been a cosy neighbourhood, set in stark contrast to the more run down parts of the block, but now it only made the impression of being a ghetto more firm in her mind. She kicked herself mentally for even thinking the word 'ghetto'. It was something her mom would say and anything her mom said wasn't something she wanted to stick with her. Imagining the look of contempt in her mothers eyes and that sharp voice speaking condescendingly made her shiver in disgust. Eager to erase the mental chill she looked around again, her mind beginning to visualize housewives hanging out the windows, yelling at their kids to get in and eat their supper. Where she stood would be a field for children to kick a ball. Over there would be a hammock for the older residents to lounge around in, either snorting distastefully at the young ones and their rowdy games or smiling nostalgically as they thought back to their own youth. Maybe a wannabe singer would stand at that corner and practice their newly composed song... Wait a minute. Someone [i]was[/i] standing there singing. A guy, her age she guessed, with his back turned to her and completely unaware of anyone's existence it seemed. He was singing that tune she'd heard, only now it wasn't a faint whisper on a dying gustle of wind but instead it was loud and clear. The boy sang with such softness that when the words echoed between the walls it felt like a warm blanket enveloped her. She realised that not only had every single muscle in her body tensed to make her stand absolutely still but she was also holding her breath. As he carried on singing it became harder and harder to stay still. Her lungs were bursting to breathe and her legs ached to move closer. Somehow it felt like a crime to disrupt so she remained perfectly still, focusing every fiber in her body solely on him. At least until a little orange cat brushed by her leg and caused her to shriek, which in turn made the cat shriek and flinch back, blinking at her with bewilderment. Feeling blood rush to her cheeks she quickly covered her mouth with her hands, forgetting that she was still holding the necklace and accidentally stabbed her lower lip with it. Yelping quietly at the pain she closed her eyes shut and hoped that by the time she opened them again her face would have returned to a normal color. Or be pale enough to make her blend into thin air. The latter would've been interesting, though seemed less likely to happen, so she tried to calm herself down enough to make the blood flow normally again. Her embarrassement only rose further as she opened her eyes and saw him walking over. The cat turned its head to him, letting out a confused mew. "Silly kitty, scaring her like that" he laughed softly and leaned down to pick it up. "Your inquisitive nature reminds me very much of hers. Though I doubt you could rival my lovely when it comes to curiosity. She is the law among the curious kitties, mhm." While he continued to coo at the cat her color vanished from her face as she got a good look at him. Her heart didn't know whether to beat out of her chest or die completely. The etch of his face she'd tried so hard to vanquished from her heart was now standing before her, sharper than ever. It wasn't an etch even .... it [b]was[/b] him. How many times had she played out this scene in her head now? Meeting him by chance somewhere, not realising it was him and just as they were happily reunited .. she'd wake up. [i]That's right. I must've blacked out back there ...[/i] Smiling through the tears that fell down her cheeks she closed her eyes again and prepared for reality to come crashing down again. He wasn't really there but she had jumped at the chance to believe it like so many times before. As if her heart had grown fond of imposing his face on every man she met and hang on to the hope of finding him. Or maybe it was Craig playing another foul trick on her. It had happened often enough for her to grow somewhat used to it. This was taking it too far though and she would make sure to give him several degrees of hell before she even considered forgiving him for this one. "Come now, honey. No more tears. Your smile used to shine brighter than the sun and it kills me to see you like this. Everything's alright now. I promise." Gentle hands began stroking her hair and the voice speaking to her had a hint of pain to it. She hadn't even registered that he had moved and now she could feel his breath on her face, hushing and comforting. Struggling to gain control of herself she shut her eyes tighter and began to back away. But his hands trailed down her arms and wrapped around her waist tightly, holding her close. The sensation of physical touch thwarted her mind and caused her to waver. It was the same fit body that took pride in being a left winger in an amateure soccer team, the same comforting embrace that would calm her after the terrible nightmares. He began to quietly sing again. "Shine for me. Somebody has to shine for me, it's difficult not to shine for me..." Liquorice. The smell of liquorice hit her as she automatically burried her nose into his chest. She remembered how that scent travelled from his wet body to hers after the extended showers and that he would joke that as long as he used that soap she would stay with him forever because of her weakness for the candy. She had never told him she'd thought that if there was a candy that smelled like [b]him[/b] she would've passed up all the liquorice in the world for just one bite of it.... A persistant beep from a cellphone cut off her train of thought. Mustering what strength was left in her from the tidalwave of emotions and memories, she wriggled out of his embrace. Keeping her eyes closed, scared to meet the [B]ones [/B]that threatened to destroy the little sanity still left, her hands dug in the pockets of the coat. Just as she pulled it out he grabbed her arm and slid a finger under her chin, coaxing her to look up. There was no way she could face that innocent expression that reminded her of month old pups tumbling around. The thought of finally getting to see his sly grin again and wiping it away with her lips was painfully tempting. But it couldn't rival the fact that it would break her spirit to find that it wasn't him. She shook her head and broke away forcefully. "[b]I have to get this ... [SIZE=1][i]I'm sorry[/i][/SIZE][/b]". Turning and walking a few steps away she answered the phone and was greeted with a familiar voice. "[i]Yo, Craig here. Whassup?[/i]" "[b]Your impending doom, bastard. I can't believe you pulled this crap on me and I swear if it's the last thing I do I will hand you your pathetic ass on a silverplate as an offering to the vultures shitting on your grave[/b]." "[i].... Oooook, you know there's stuff you can take for PMS, right? Anyway---[/i]" "[b]Don't even try to weasle yourself out of this, buddy. You owe me a bloody good reason for this twisted little game you're playing on me[/b]." "[i]It would be nice to know what you're harping on about, so how about talking in a language I'll understand. Like, oh I don't know, English?[/i]" "[b]Stop playing dumb. After having been tossed together with the ghost of my lost love I'm not in the mood to.... I mean what is this about anyway? The fact that I turned down your drunken invitation for some celebratory nookie? I realise you're pretty desperate seeing as no one will touch you without a five-foot pole and some heavy sanitary equipment, or that you don't have the capital to get yourself some, but I honestly didn't think you'd sink this low to get back at me[/b]---" "[i]Har har. You know--- Whoa. Hang on a second. Wait, wait. Are you .... are you saying he's there? With you?[/i]" She was close to murder the phone with the growing migraine in her head but something in the tone of his voice made her hold back. Swallowing hard she took a deep breath and exhaled sharply. "[b]I'm not exactly willing to stare someone who looks like the love of my life up and down, so don't make me turn around and do it. Just admit it and let's end this. Please[/b]." "[i]Ok, stay calm and listen to me carefully. I've been completely knocked out the past 3 days so there's no way I could've organized anything like this. David and Stuart are completely out of the question as well. No one else that has a clue about you, which granted isn't that many, have been here either and it doesn't make any sense looking at the... Gah! Look, I woke up like 2 minutes ago and have a killer hangover so maybe my head's not the most sharpest tool in the box at this moment but something is seriously wrong here. I mean, are you absolutely sure it's --- Hey, what are you doing at [b]Orion Avenue?[/b][/i]" She didn't want to hear this, didn't want this to be happening, didn't want to be standing in an abandoned apartment complex and see him through a wall of tears, standing no more than 15 steps away from her. Any other moment she wouldn't have thought twice about throwing herself repeatedly against crags, be they emotional of physical, to just be able to say goodbye and now that he was [i]here[/i] she was hesitating to return to his arms? She could have it all back and [i]now[/i] she was afraid to take that leap of faith? He was smiling sadly at her and stretched out a hand as he began to walk towards her. "[i]Uh-oh... I'm gonna hafta pull you out. Agents are gonna be crawling all over you in a minute.[/i]" "[b]What?! Wait[/b]--" Her voice was cut off by an explosion of sound from heavy traffic, squawking birds, and a heavy bassline from a stereo blasting at full volume. The noise from the city attacked her from every angle. Shrieking car wheels could be heard in the distance and as she turned around two black vans come charging around a corner at the other side of the rickety fence. She was transferred out of the Matrix just as he reached out for her.[/COLOR]
  25. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]*is very flattered that people would want to meet her* Sorry if I leave people out >> [B]Kenji & AJeh[/B] ? Two for the price of one! Bass and Cool. 'Nuff said. [B]Sarah[/B] - *huggles* Cool chica who could probably teach me a lot *nods* [B]Annie [/B]- Who wouldn't want to get up close and personal with Annsie? ~_^ [B]Badness [/B]? Oh my. We'd probably end up getting arrested for disturbing the Universe or something. But we'd have a blast before the cops could even get to us ~_^ [B]Azure [/B]? We could see who's more generous or something XD And it'd be interesting to actually see his reaction to my sillyness :p Even more interesting to meet him and [B]Preston [/B]at the same time =O [B]Lady A[/B] ? She could teach me how to write and I imagine we'd have a pretty spiffy time together =D Not to mention we'd be able to get down with Scrabble and do our best to fulfil her lifelong dream *wink* [B]Baron [/B]? Aussie. Swoosh graphics. 'Nuff said there =P [B]Boba Fett & Ben[/B] ? Another two for the price of one deal, hehe. I'm sure we could be very silly together and unleash plenty of mischief >=) [B]Alan [/B]? Simply to lavish him in praise and watch his head explode *evil grin* Just observing how he is off the net would be interesting, what with him claiming to be a clam around girls. [B]DDG [/B]? Mwuahaha, I'd so bother her about Naruto and her story! And steal her bed 0:-) [B]The Nad Master[/B] ? That way I could get to play some Zelda and have him guide me through it >> And I could bring him his coffee. I'm very good at that *nods* [B]Charles, HC, Alex[/B] ? All three are awesome though I doubt my psyche would be able to handle [I]actually [/I]meeting them XD;;; [B]Hevn[/B] ? Probably along with Alan, just make sure they keep it clean. It'd also be interesting to hear them both rave on about kitties and each other =D *giggles and runs away from Alan* [B]Hotness[/B] ? Beach party and Pikachu. Good enough reasons to want to meet him, isn?t it? :P The possibility of discussing various movies and other stuff would be cool too. /End dream scenario [B]Akamaru[/B] ? under the one condition that he keeps his hyperness under control, lest my head shall asplode from it >> [B]John & Sennen[/B] ? They're both incredibly funny and would be able to keep me entertained for ages. [B]Juuthena[/B] ? I'd love to walk up to her in a bikini and exclaim ?THIS IS HOW A FAT PERSON LOOKS, you imposter you!? >> And I want to hear her sing and play ze funky guitar =) [B]Liebling[/B] ? She'd be forced to read her poetry to me while I swoon dramatically _^_ We could probably funk it up good 8-) [B]Bossyness[/B] ? Oh the goody talk we'd have about Naruto *dies from the thought* To be able to bask in her awesomeness would be to die for too *nods* [B]Angel[/B] ? I could do with physically knocking some sense into her >>;;; And she's uber sweet so hanging with her should prove nice =) [B]Liam[/B] ? To squishyhuggle him for the immense amount of random sillyness he possesses ;p And to ramble about SYF *fangirl giggle* [B]Mitch[/B] ? Because I'd kill him with my optimistic personality and free him from the torments he suffer in this world XD [B]Molly & Becky[/B] ? I don't see them enough on MyO or here, so it'd be nice to be able to give them a real big hugglesquish and hang with them =) [B]Outcast & Red[/B] ? So if they got bored with me they'd have someone to have a drink with and complain about it XP [B]Panda[/B] ? I'd want to treat her to a Spa/Retreat weekend because she's so worth it :-* [B]Mistress[/B] ? Scrabble. That way it wouldn't be too awkward for her to meet me, lol. And I'd get lessons from the greatest *devious smile* [B]Mr Semjaza Azazel & Mr Shy[/B] ? If it were with other people I could hide behind someone and cower in their greatness =P [B]Shim Shim Maroo[/B] ? Because Everyone loves Shin! Short and to the point, unlike Shin ;D [B]Syk[/B] ? Just because *is too lazy to elaborate* ^_^; [B] Zidargh[/B] ? Almost met him this past summer so maybe it'll happen soon =) [/SIZE][/FONT]
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