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Everything posted by Mimmsicle

  1. [SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana][B]What is it?[/B] Panda becoming a Moderator [Otaku Lounge] [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] Because she is so commited and dedicated, doing a very good job at modding, all the while keeping a good appearance despite any personal issues (ie her AR). [B]What is it?[/B] "The ReAnimatrix Thread" [Anthology] [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] It was an alternative sign-up thread that showed people who are usually afraid to sign up for an RPG, because the think they won't get in or are good enough at writing, that it's about having fun with an idea and bring something new to the table. It really encouraged many to step out of their comfort zone =) [B]What is it?[/B] "Enter the Net" [Anthology] [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] What Alan said =P [B]What is it?[/B] "The Daily Otaku" [Anthology] [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] I promised him I'd remember it by the next Otaku Awards and here's proof that I indeed did! Next to "Enter the Net" this is one funny spoof of people frequenting OB. [B]What is it?[/B] Shy [Omnipresent] [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] For improper display of power by banning me for 24 hours after I made a cheap move in Literati ~_^ [B]What is it?[/B] Team Hanzo Thread Ratings [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] To those who wish to avoid certain subjects it's really handy, making it easier to navigate and saves the uncomfortable situation of reading something not desirable. [B]What is it?[/B] Siren [Wherever he cracks his knuckles] [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] For the sheer entertainment value he brings when entering a thread. Not to mention how valiantly he spreads the word that he has done so ("linky, linky" anyone? XP) [B]What is it?[/B] James [Ethereally Everywhere] [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] He's the butt of many jokes/satires and deserves some recognition based on that alone. Plus he does a great job administrating this place, pouring his artistry into it and contributing to make it a funky place. Do I get a cookie now? ;-* [B]What is it?[/B] The Geisha Skin on OB [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] It's an ultra wicked skin and (like the Liquid Skin) divided people about what they thought of it. And James's Geisha obsession is just fun, lol. [B]What is it?[/B] The OB staff [B]Why was it nifty?[/B] They're all doing a great job in keeping the Boards tidy and inspiring, devoting time and effort to make this place a great place to relax in for everyone :-* Arrr, used up my 10 =\ Annsies return was something I wanted to add but there wasn't enough room *sniffles and hugs Anssie* You can sneak into Shy's pocket, I'm sure ;-)[/FONT][/SIZE]
  2. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][B]Narrative:[/B] [I]"She's looking out over the ocean and, despite the chill of the winter wind, embraces the warmth of the water that beckons her."[/I] [B]My contribution:[/B] [url]http://artpad.art.com/gallery/?i969l6xdzdg[/url] After finishing it I realised it can be a lot of things so it'll be fun to see what people interpret it as, lol. This is a real fun idea! Props to Lady A ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Can anyone say Monty Python? You'd so fit in to write episodes for them, lol. As everyone has said (here and elsewhere) this is quite humorous, sometimes in a creepy bizarre way that makes you wonder if you really should be laughing :p The way you poke fun at stereotypes and such are welcome comic relief. Chichés can be irksome to find in a story but you pull them off well with your laid back arrogance (lacking a better word, so it's meant in a positive way) *claps* Knowing how some of your other stories have turned out, this one could go any way imaginable and therefore I won't be making any kind of interpretations yet. The fact that you're hinting that the future parts won't be in quite the same vein as this one also makes me hold back on anything this part might've stirred. I'll just say that you rock and feed us more ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Oh my, this story is so sexy I need to get a new chastity belt *fans herself* Can't wait to hear more of this notorious Band of Bikini Babes ~_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [B][I][U]PENGUIN:[/U][/I][/B] [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]You're a disgrace to the gay population. Now get back into the closet before I start to burst into Donna Summer's greatest hits![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]It's amazing how well you utilize the many different ways of writing and effectively hit the nail on the head each and every time *applauds* I struggle to properly critique this piece, since it's so breahttakingly perfect. This is something I imagine as being told by a man with a lute/lyre, to a crowd of medieval dressed people, hanging on every word he says. Beautiful ^_^ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]*blubbers* So gorgeously, morbidly, beautiful. You jump really well between the many emotions that the scene encapsulates. The imagery, as always, is innovative and brings such depth. It makes the story much more dimensionall and alive. I simply cannot praise this story enough _^_[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]It is gorgeous, just like you :-* I bet James'll orgasm all over this one, with the fetus and everything *giggles* You've pulled off the symbolism perfectly, so I can't add much to that. Though ... the placing of the fetus is interesting. It isn't in the center, where you'd pressume it should be (with the balance between dark and light), but instead it's in the demons'' eyeline. And the lines around the fetus makes it look like it's moving, maybe struggling to move closer to the center? I don't know, I'm rambling now ^_^; A most excellent drawing![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Wow, like DW said, everything's proportioned very well. It's a great pose and it looks like you've got the angles down to a tee. Impressive. Can't wait to see it inked and colored ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna][B]Hm, for those who are more fitness savvy:[/B] Is it more effective to do an exercise (say 50 situps) in one go or divide the effort (do 25 first, wait 30 seconds and then do the remaining 25)? And I haven't got a clue what 'repetitions' mean. Anyone want to fill me in on that too? [B]As for those people who are on about diets:[/B] just eat somewhat healthy food (potatoes are your friend), at regular intervalls. Vitamins are always a good idea too. I went to a local dietician because I didn't get all the nourishment my body required and got the advice to buy nourishment replacements and [B]add [/B] (note the key word here is [B]add[/B], not subtract) that to my daily intake of food. But then again, I'm just an exercise novice so no need to take me too seriously ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]The power of the Kinetic lives! I was listening to music on the old WMP last night and saw the most awesome pattern of yellow/orange. Unfortunately I wasn't quick enough to capture it and didn't get a second chance. What you've created is what I'd considered an awesome imitation of that (unbeknonwnst to you) and so it makes me even happier to look at ^_^ The colors are gorgeous and somehow I get the image of gods battling it out against each other *tilts head* Not in a violent or playful way, but more as a pose-ish kind of way. As if they knew an artist was lurking in the shadows, capturing their movements, and decided to flex a little extra. lol And the font.... hehe. A little bit of Asia and a little bit of Stargate. To my eyes anyway >> Cool stuff.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Give us more of your lovely poetry Charmi and I shall make an effort to actually put my brain into thought! Sorry for not trying to analyze the latest batch, but I will try if you whip up your latest creation _^_[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [COLOR=Black][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]So yes, lately I've had these vague memories of playing a game. It involved Mario and Luigi, some pipes and a 'POW' button. After conferring with my younger sister I decided that it was not merely a fiction of my fever battered brain. She said that it was part of a bonus game in the first Mario Brothers game and that the winner in said bonus games were awarded an extra life (besides the fun of messing with your opponent *cough*). Still, I was pretty sure it was a [I]game in itself [/I] and not just a bonus thing in the classic game. Once again my sister agreed, though neither of us got any further than that. So I took it upon myself to search for images (since the title escaped me) and came up with this: [IMG]http://www.gamezero.com/offline/smbss/reviews/MBros.jpg[/IMG] If anyone can help me fill in the major blank, please feel free to do so. Any kind of information would be much appreciated and welcomed. This was a favourite game of mine so it would be cool to see if I could hunt it down and play once more ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Haha, you just took something rather hilarious and turned it into a really good story. It'll still be hilarious to those who are in the know but all the same it's a great read for everyone alike! I bow to you and scrape my foot in an attempt to coax to you write more ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]I'm sick so please excuse the messyness of this post ^_^;; I couldn't help but giggle while I read the opening paragraphs. Joseph is kind of humorous with his whining ? the intelligent statements he makes only heightening that. Only later did I really realise that it was more than pretentious bitching. [I]Addicted [/I] + [I]beginning [/I] ? Paragraph 4. Those two words were repeated too closely, I felt, hehe. I [B]love [/B] the part where he gets off the buss and comments on the white picket fences and his neighbours. It?s to ? devoid, so blunt. This is when it really hits home that this kid needs to be taken more seriously than the whiny kid he comes off as in the beginning *nods* It didn?t feel like you ended the dream sequence very good. When you go on to say ?[I]I go to school the next day, weaponless.[/I]? I read it as the dream continues and it?s another day in the dream. That might be because I?m sick and not very aware of subtleties, heh. ?In Bloom? has all the classic Shin touches but you have also advanced considerably at the same time, without going over the top with the new elements you?ve brought to the tone of this story. Some grit and roughness has been added, very tastefully (that makes sense, I?m sure of it). I honestly thought it would end in a much different way, so it was nice how you twisted it like that with the conversation between Joseph and Maria at the end. And still keeping it believable. ?[I]I still hate all of the ugliness the world has to offer, but I think that I can learn to love the beauty just as much.[/I]?. Perfect ^_^ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]I really like the idea, simply because even if you're setting it in a medieval/fantasy setting it'll still echoe back to a modern (or even future) time. An Innkeeper would be very subjected to many different kinds of people in his work, I'm guessing, so it'd be interesting to see what you do with that - in terms of how capable he is in dealing with people, how he responds/reacts to them, etc. I wish you the best and keep us updated? ^_^ [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Like I said the first time I read part of this: It's hilarous. You're doing it so subtly, which helps a lot. There's not a feeling that you've gone to lengths to [I]make [/I] the story funny. The whole tone and situation just provides it naturally, lol. But if one wanted to, it could be read as highly serious and ominous. I choose to read it as parody ;p[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]I think you just described the undescribable. The imagery is so painfully wonderful to read that it's hard to know whether to smile or cry. It's so effectively told that it feels unimportant to analyze or pick it apart since it goes straight to where it's supposed to. There are no detours. I was deeply moved. That's all there is to it.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Picky ? Us ? *dodges Shin's glaring* ;p The changes you've made work really well with the story and almost makes it completely different. Possibly because you're staying pretty much within just one timeline and only going back very briefly in the beginning, before doing the 'real' flashback to how it had affected her/how she moved on from there. I have to say that the 'new' ending is adorable! It also ties together the story marvelousely, how she's come to terms with the bad and embraces it with the good. Lovely work, [B]Badness [/B] ^___^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]Hehe, it looks like the guy is slowly coming out of his shell. Could Winnie be the dolphin that will turn the turtle into a shark ? =O Hrm, ignore that >> Anyway, your style is lovely and loose. It's wonderful and easy to read, with plenty of entertainment/afterthought intwined in it ^___^ Keep it up ![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]This was [B]bad[/B]. Really [B]bad[/B]. In all seriousness, the story flows great. You switch from 'flashbacks' - and close to present day - to present day, very well. I love how you describe how it is to meet someone after some time and how it plays out, both in behaviour and emotion. Spot on all the way. I'm proud of you, [B]Badness [/B] ~_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]It's good to see that there's no slump in the continuation. Sometimes when the first chapter is really captivating, you get slightly dissapointed with the following story since it might not have the same feel. That's not an issue here ^_^ Personally I think the conversation flowed nicely and wasn't boring in the least. There's a really good balance between talk and description of what's going on (both in their surrounding and ... in their heads o.O). I also appreciate that you didn't tease us with just one chapter ~_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]This is a great start ! You have a knack for drawing in a readers attention and holding onto it, without making it seem like an effort on your part. Magnetic, I believe would be the best way to describe it. In any case, I look forward to reading more ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]*giggles* I absolutely [I]adore [/I] 'Instant Ramen' ! That droopy face is so comical and really mirrors Inuyasha's more dense looking moments ;p Somewhat unrelated, but when will we be able to see more of your carpentary and other artistical ventures ? ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy]I find it incredible how you can apply emotions ranging from naive and sweet - to hardcore estranged, in the same story. You pull it off well. That you do ^_^ It's really interesting to see where Arianna comes from (of course we know the basics from Kill Adam, but this delves further) and where she goes. Great that you decided to share this with us ![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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