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Everything posted by KarmaOfChaos

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Alot of people are allergic to caffine... And alot of people liek the taste of Diet Coke or have to drink Diet coke (ie: Diabetics).... therefor to fulfil there wants, Caffine free Diet Coke was made.... thats the only Diet coke my dad drinks.... I however prefer the caffine, I believe it adds a different taste to it. Regular coke is just... blah.... I feel like I'm drinking liquid sugar... How so many people can stand that is beyond me... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] If you wanted something that's diet with no caffine, you might as well drink juice or something. Diet Caffine-Free soda is like...nothing. Water and dye. It tastes terrible. You're trying to have a health-nut drink, and still have it be soda. It doesn't work! It's like...trying to make healthy chocolate bars. You're just deluding yourself into thinking it tastes good. x.X" As for regular vs diet...that's just pure preference there. We'll have to agree to disagree. ^.^;; -Karma [/color]
  2. [color=deeppink] Okay, several people are treating cutting as a rather casual thing on this thread. Like maybe it's not so bad. [b] It is. There is something wrong. [/b] I have cut, and I've known other people to cut. It's a serious problem, whether you think it is or not. It's a damaging addiction. For whatever reasons, attention, a way to let off emotion, whatever, don't try to pretend nothing is wrong, or that it's not really bad because you don't do it often, don't cut too deep, etc. Don't shrug it off. Talk to someone, figure out what's wrong, let them help you change both yourself, and how people treat you. It's not simple, it's not easy. But if you don't stop, you won't ever really be happy, or stable, or any of those things that you want. You'll always hold that in you, always have those scabs, like a demon festering inside you. You'll get attention maybe, but you won't really be satisfied, and you'll have to constantly keep cutting just to have that attention. Wouldn't it be better to have people give you attention for who you are? Cutting is not something to proud of, but it's not something to be ashamed of. The bottom line? Get help. Learn to change your life. -Karma [/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]But then again, i can't stand the taste of Diet Mountain Dew... that stuff is just nasty. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] Amen to that. Moving on...pretty much everything even slightly dangerous in "unhealthy" foods is played up to extremes. But soda, or candy, etc isn't unhealthy, as long as you moderate your intake of it. Sure, it's no vitamin enriched health-nut substance, but it's not like it's going to kill you. O.o; Although why anyone could possibly prefer Diet over Regular is beyond me. The more sugar the better. That and Caffine. Guess I'm just a sugar-freak. But the real question here is... What was the point of Diet, Caffine-Free soda? -Karma [/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [COLOR=#503F86]I think the context of the relationship has to be taken into account here. A long-distance relationship is a very hard thing to keep alive when you've got so many other 'outlets' for a relationship. The fundemental thing about being with someone is that you are actually with them, and even if you're saving yourself for someone so far away, the physical companionship isn't there to gratify when you might need it.[/color][/quote] [color=deeppink] How true. Long distance relationships are incredibly hard and I know from personal experience that it's much more tempting, and far easier, to cheat on your partner, because they're not there. You feel horrible about it, but it's just human emotion. You can't change that. I had to end the relationship because I couldn't take him being so far away, and refused to cheat on him. So, cheating isn't justified here...but I can see where it's a lot more likely. Still, you should have the courage to face your partner and tell them that it's not going to work like this, instead of cheating behind his or her back. [/color] [quote][COLOR=#503F86] But when you throw in personality, society and all that jazz, everything gets so much more complicated. Either way I don't think infidelity is necessarily right, but somewhat inevitable in some cases.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] Because of humanity's imperfection, yes. Infidelity happens, quite a lot. Mistakes are made, and people are hurt. But, as you said, that doesn't make it right. -Karma [/color]
  5. [color=deeppink] It really depends on the anime. If it's done well, and stays true enough to the manga, I generally prefer watching, because you have voices and movement, and adds an entirely new level to it. But, many mangas are much better than their anime counterparts. The artwork is beautiful, and the plotline is pretty much as the author intended, with the occasional 'lost in translation' speech bubble that just makes no sense. And, of course, you have the freedom of intereptation, much of which is lost in anime. So it really depends. I can go either way. That sounded a bit wrong. o.o; -Karma [/color]
  6. [color=deeppink] Interesting. The word sword tends to give it a medieval feel, yet it's also centered on emotion, despair being the most obvious. The last stanza makes the poem happier but...somehow it doesn't seem to work with the rest of the mood of the poem. You have dark dark depressing dark and then all the sudden happy bright sunshine playtime! Which is odd. A very good piece of work though. You write very well. Just try to unify your poems, bring them together. =) -Karma {PS - Love the banner.} [/color]
  7. [color=deeppink] Her is something that can be seen as many different things. It's up to you, you decide what it means. [b]Her - Part II[/b] And slowly, as the fear grabs hold of your heart The poison starts Eating away at you, like litte termites of the flesh Afraid Fearing the unknown For fear of being alone. Grasp onto the memories Fading into old dust Like some long-forgotten lust Clinging to a thought Long gone into oblivion. Yet she remains Forgotten but still there Her prescene pervades the room Eerily haunting tombs Of the ancient macabre spirts Of words etched in stone Worn away by time So too shall she remain Face and body no longer seen Like the words gone from memory Torn away by time Long-lost rhyme Of those rotting corpses So deep within the earth. And those lungs that breath Those feelings that seeth The lonely people in this sleepy town That never sleeps But goes on living a comatose illusion Never dreaming, never seeing Her face that was really there. But they still feel her Deep within their beating, bleeding hearts As the poison that tore him apart So too shall infect the masses Time, creeping, slowly passes Like winding, streaching blackened fingers Pulling a thick darkness over them all. Ever searching for this uneasy feeling So deep within their souls Deeper than the corpses in the earth So they can feel it too. But they'll never find her She who left so long ago A simple insanity made it so That they might never dream again In those dreams which never seemed real That was where reality stood, waiting to to feel The touch of humanity pulling it back The truth lies in what was least believed So easily faked So easily forgotten. Ever searching, Never finding, The truth for the sleepless Is inside their dreams. -Karma [/color]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Epid3mic [/i] [B] To KarmaOfChaos, you speak with very little proof, but with an excess of opinion. It is very, and unfortunetely, true that the Catholic Church, especially during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, would sell indulgences among other evils, but that in no way reflects doctrine. I also understand that you weren't trying to demeane Catholics, but I would be very careful with your boldness, it could easily offend some people. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] Point conceded. I'm very opinionated, and occasionally I toe the line as to whether or not I offend some people. Apologies if I did. I was simply stating my opinion on purgatory. This opinion is based on what I know, and regardless of how little or how great that knowledge is, I still hold true to it. Foolish, ignorant, whatever you want to call it. Until I learn more, something that proves me wrong, I stick to my beliefs. I have an open mind...but not so much so that anyone can stick whatever they want in it. -Karma {As always, no offense intended upon anyone.} [/color]
  9. [color=deeppink] Thanksgiving means exactly one thing to me: [b]I have 5 days off school.[/b] That's a lot of sleep I can catch up on. =) -Karma [/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiccansamurai [/i] [B]Well, think about how it feels to be a self injurer (i doubt I spelled that right) and be afraid. Afraid you'll always be alone, surrounded in people who don't notice you. Then you do something to relieve the pain, and now you have another fear: talking. All you can think is how much easier it would be just to not talk. So you try to make people notice you subconciencly, because it would be so much simpler if they figured it out. Did anything I just said make any sense? [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunatly, this is what a lot of people, especially those who are antisocial/shy and have self-esteem problems, come to think. You're terrified that you will wind up all alone, and so you'd hurt yourself, just to know that someone cares. A silent cry for help, love, and attention. But that are [i]much[/i] better ways of telling people that you feel alone and unloved. It takes some courage to face people, and yourself, and the last thing I'm saying is that it will be easy. But try talking to someone, bearing your soul and not your wrists. Just because you're shy, or quiet, doesn't mean you have to go on alone. Grasp onto that little bit of courage everyone has, and talk. People that truly care will respond. They'll be there for you. You may even discover you had friends in places you'd never thought to look. =) -Karma [/color]
  11. [color=deeppink] Dagger and PiroMunkie pretty much set it straight. It's a disease, and you need help. If you don't want to go to someone professional, talk to a friend, or anyone you trust with that sort of information. A true friend or mentor will help you to stop. Although I would first and foremost suggest seeing someone professional, as Dagger said, some mental problems can truly be fixed with just that pill. I know, I've seen people change dramatically because of it. If you feel like you don't have anyone to talk to, like I said before, feel free to PM me, or one of the other people who have offered on this thread. We'd all obviously be happy to help whoever wants it. -Karma {PS: As satan665 said, the Hippocratic oath requires all doctors to break their code of confidentiality if you are causing harm to yourself or others. This means that you will either be put on medication, put into rehab, or put under strict observation of a psychologist or psychiatrist if you are showing signs masochism or suicidal tendancies.} [/color]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiccansamurai [/i] [B]I tried to kill myslef before. And the kind of joking they do scares me and offends me. All of a sudden, Amanda will just go "Breanne, will you let me die?" and stuff like that. I don't think she should say things like this. I'm not sure if maybe this a plea of help, though. Maybe she really is going to try something. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] It used to scare and offend me too. But it gets to the point, where there's a numbness there, that you become willing to talk about it like that. I know that if I want to seriously confide in my friends about it, that they'll be there, and they will comfort me. If I begin to feel like cutting or committing suicide, they'll be there to stop me. The joking is just a way to relieve the tension. But sometimes joking about suicide really does mean that person is really comtemplating it, especially if they're not willing to talk about it seriously, and always insist on joking about it. You should try talking to your friend. Like Baron said, my advice is to seek help. Or at least find a better way to release your emotion. Talk with someone, anyone. PM me. Just don't wreak havoc on your own body. -Karma [/color]
  13. [color=deeppink] Violence is not the answer...o.o" Honestly, people like that are not worth getting in trouble over. Avoid them, trust me, it's possible to avoid [i]anyone[/i] until a teacher is around. I've done it. If they really start to bug you in class, then give them a history lesson on anime. That's what I did whenever someone would look over my shoulder and proclaim in a silly voice 'manga!' I actually got their attention. It became a big joke between my entire algebra class. I was known as 'manga.' Then again, I went to a school with nice people. *cough even if they were preps cough * Avoid them, write a letter to the principal threatening to sue if he doesn't take action, there are billions of options. But fighting really isn't a good one. -Karma [/color]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by .h4ck [/i] [B]you are taking frustration and anger on your body, there is a way to put those feelings into a different use, one is doing something to keep your mind off it like work. another way is doing karate or another martial art to channel negative energy into your work. basically just preoccupy yourself when you are feeling your going to do that. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] Amen to that. Masochism, or 'cutting' is a disease. Even if you don't want to talk about it, or tell anyone about it, find something else to do whenever you feel like that. Martial arts is a great example. Mine happens to be drawing and writing. Hey, even if you're writing about it, it's better than the actual act. Find a way to get your emotions out in a healthy way. Leaving scars on your body usually only makes you feel worse, even if you feel better at the time you're doing it. Kind of like drugs. But I won't go into that here. wiccansamurai: People joke about suicide because they've tried it, and it makes it easier to deal with that fact if they take a lighter view on it. Yes, there's a rather sick undertone to it, a grim kind of acceptance. But that's better than not talking about it at all. rttocs77: Your bluntness borders on sheer ignorance. Perhaps you should think before you type. And that's all I have to say. Wow. I think I'll go to bed. -Karma [/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BlazinReddrgn [/i] Why? Why do they fight? Is it because of money? Is it because of their way of life? No? They fight because they have their own view of the world. They are screaming now. At the top of their lungs. Why? When has it gotten to the point where feelings have to get hurt? Is it because of their view on things? ?Everyone is special in their own way.? Does that mean that ?their way? has gotten to the point where they have to scream at each other? has it gotten to where they have to trash talk; where they have to fight and yell? [/quote][color=deeppink] Intresting beginning. Very provocative lines, " 'Everyone is special in their own way.' Does that mean that 'their way' has gotten to the point where they have to scream at eachother?" People are selfish, and they don't want to sacrifice their own view, open their mind, and step down because of their own selfish, foolish pride. They refuse to sacrifice their own 'specialness' for someone else. Excellent way to catch the readers attention, you certainly caught mine. [/color][quote] They need help now. One of them ran to get some advice. If everyone has his or her view on the world differently, why does this person, who is giving advice has the power to tell what is going to happen. ?Every man is created equal? no matter how short nor tall; nor fat nor skinny; nor old nor young. If so, why does this person have the authority to help others? Is it because of their insecurity? is it because they need someone to comfort and assure them that everything is going to be all right? [/quote][color=deeppink] "Why does this person, who is giving advice have* the power to tell what is going to happen." Good question. I have yet to find someone who can give me a satisfying answer. It really comes down to the fact that people are insecure and afraid, and need someone else to be their crutch. [/color][quote] A psychiatrist. An expert in trying to figure and fix the problem or at least get to the root of it. This person, the psychiatrist, has been training for years how to solve the problem. [/quote][color=deeppink] I agree with you, there is not way to train to solve these kind of problems. Life goes on, you experience tons of different things, and [i]that[/i] is your training. How to heal a soul is a skill that cannot be taught in a book. Something no drug can fix. [/color][quote] The answer was to talk it out. Bitch. If that was the answer ?to talk it out? wasn?t that what they were just doing but in a more louder and aggressive tone? [/quote][color=deeppink] Screaming at eachother doesn't solve anything. Then again, 'talking it out' usually doesn't either. It takes someone to have a change within themselves, a true change of heart, and make a promise first to themselves that they are going to start trying, trying to make it better. It takes that, before any promises to anyone else, any 'talking it out' can be done. [/color][quote] Its called yelling you say, not talking it out? Isn?t ?talking it out? consists of words of agreement; to see what their view of the world was? Well isn?t yelling the same? Does it consists of words that are more expressive? Doesn?t it get the ?view? out more quickly? Still, after they or rather she was talking it out did it make it better? did it rebuild the relationship these two once had? No.[/quote][color=deeppink] Yelling and talking will never be the same. There's a huge difference between a scream and a whisper, the tone of a person's voice, the mere expression on their face can change the entire mood in the room. [/color][quote] They are now even louder than before. I can?t take it. He says that you?re nothing to me. She says fine, it doesn?t matter because I?ll never be something to you. Heh?hehe? I?m laughing now because they don?t see the importance of what they just said. ?You?re nothing to me? They took out the consideration of a life. Nothing. I don?t believe that. Everything is something, including nothing. ?I feel so empty? like a complete nothingness has consumed me? Nothingness? a noun? Isn?t the definition of a noun a person, place, thing, or an idea? Isn?t nothingness a thing? isn?t it a feeling? He doesn?t care about her life though he cares; he feels sympathy, for those who had lost a loved one in 9/11 even though he doesn?t even know this person and he doesn?t care for the person he had loved for 40 years. A quote from me: It takes 3 minutes to get a crush on someone It takes 3 hours to like someone It takes a day to love someone It takes a lifetime to forget? Did he know the person who lost a person in that incident for three minutes/hours? No. All he knows is that they have lost one of the most important part of their life? Isn?t this the same situation? Isn?t he going to lose her? [/quote][color=deeppink] The feeling of loss is something that will never leave you. Perhaps you hated that person, perhaps you loved them. Maybe you hated them and you loved them. But, you will never forget. Unfortunatly, people don't realize this until after that other person is gone. [/color][quote] They have gone their separate ways now? the left each other? Did their ?way? lead them this way? Is it just one long road that leads in one direction for 40 years then curves apart? I see a family? a happy one. But then I take a second look. No. That?s not a happy family? the dad? he?s yelling. The mom? on the cell. The kids? talking back. It was covered up by conceit, by contradictions, which you have to look twice to see what was going on. Did they talk about it twice? No. They just left? never to see each other again because of their view on the world. [/quote][color=deeppink] This is an idea I write about a lot. The fact that it just looks so perfect on the outside...but they're so far from it, it's not even funny. And finally, people get tired of trying, and they throw it away. Tired of acting, putting up the mask. It always amazes me how surprised everyone is when what seems like the perfect family gets a divorce. [/color][quote] This view on the world? to put it simply: their perspective. They weren?t meant for each other you say? Then what was the 40 years about? is it just another lie? a deception? Time was running out? Time is a continuum, which means that it will go on forever? If time is running out? how much was ?forever? for them? 40 years? Their gone. They?re nothing but specks in the imagination. I don?t really go as much as miss them? no sorrow, no sympathy. They have left each other because they feel that they needed to? no one needs to feel anything. They?re not in existence anymore. This happened so long ago? I?m surprised to even remember this? not because of how long it was ago, just that I remember this even though I have felt nothing from them? Why have I become so attach to this? Why have this gone over to repeat itself in my mind? Because? She was my mom. He was my dad. [/QUOTE][color=deeppink] It doesn't ever go away, you don't ever forget. But it starts to heal, eventually. Although the scar it leaves is terrible and hideous, and from time to time, stings bitterly. Very good. Your writing technique holds room for improvement, but still, pretty well-written. It comes from the heart, and that's what's important. -Karma [/color]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by terra [/i] [B]You guys are [strike]disturbed[/strike] hysterical. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] I concede. I stand firm to the belief that I will probably never be an action figure. Ever. Mitch however, begs to differ. I must wonder what disturbing thing he will come up with.-_- -Karma [/color]
  17. [color=deeppink] Heh..heh...quite amusing Solo. Quite. I must admit, I liked the first chapter better...but that's probably because I adore humour. A bit confusing at times, espcially for newer members * cough like myself cough * but that can't be avoided. Just try not to make it too involved...I'm sure you'll leave half of us in the HTML-ified dust. ^-~ Great job, I faithfully await the next chapter! -Karma [/color]
  18. [color=deeppink] The most amusing moment I've ever had in any anime was from Fruits Basket: [spoiler] When Kagura was attempting to do Kyo's laundry, and she used waaay too much detergent, and Kyo rants at her for washing all his shirts and he's going to get pneumnonia(sp) and all of the sudden...he's drowned by a tsunami of laundry suds.[/spoiler] Twas hilarious. -Karma [/color]
  19. [color=deeppink] I don't mind them, and on certain people, I think they make the person more attractive. Plus, no one can deny the fact that picking out earrings, etc is a world of fun. Unfortunatly, every time I've tried to pierce my ears, they closed back up again, because I had done something wrong. This was all the piercer's fault, as they told me very different things, so I ended up taking them out too soon or not cleaning them enough everytime. Very frustrating. XP Eventually I want to get a couple earrings in each ear, but that's it. (If I can ever get them to heal properly! :grumble: ) I'm too much of a wimp when it comes to pain to get piercings anywhere else. Owie. Especially your nipples and gentalia...that's pushing it too far. That's just gross. x.X;; -Karma [/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by satan665 [/i] [B]Basically I was hoping you would look a little deeper into it, even if your personal feelings are cut and dry. Life is more interesting that way. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] Some things deserve deeper thought. This one really doesn't. You either think it's wrong or you don't. Anyone who is 'in the middle' basically just doesn't want to commit to anything because they don't want to offend. There's no gray area here. -Karma [/color]
  21. [color=deeppink] [b]Her - Part I[/b] Touching Teasing Long dark soft hair Black, onyx flair Obsidian stare Fingertips trace a pattern On skin, where only memory Can tell What had been drawn. Sweet embrace And a longing aftertaste Of pale lips tinted pink Like stained glass Where grass once grew And birds once flew Wind's secrets And all the things we knew Long forgotten In a tear dyed blue. Dream's darkest mystery Was in the echo of a sigh The ripples in her eyes Where the blackest ocean stood. Conjoined. Bound. With ropes of your own design Clutching her so tenatively Hand in hand entwined Eldest fragility But she's stronger. Intense infatuation Impregnable, irresitable Endless intoxication All you are And everything you aren't Paradoxical oxymoron Nothing like the rest Held her steadfast In the physical realm But her eyes held you captive In something beyond. Depression's beauty And tragedy's elation Church bells chime for days long gone The choir sings the saddest song As the preacher lord speaks in a tongue That everyone's forgotten. Kneeling until your knees bleed And so much was said In the silence of sanctity. Prosrated on the cold stone floor And she held your hand After all the beatings you bore. Statues are cold and unaware Inatimate Ceaseless death, morose stare Worship them That dulled, frozen death. Blood has dried upon the wound The sword cried quietly against the bone And her dress fluttered slowly in the wind Tortured prayer for those who have sinned. Gone without a trace Speaking without a face Hear her in your ears Won't you be mine dear? Delicate, distressing smell Is still here You can still feel Her prescence in the room. Watching the endless horizon Infinite infinity as far as you can see And the wind blew through dead trees Like stark, dead arms Reaching for you In the dead of night, during dreams so charmed. Forsaken savior Gone forever She won't come back again No one left here to defend Defend you against the killing silence Of your own pathetic world. -Karma [/color]
  22. [color=deeppink] I had this big long post written out and then...I accidently clicked another button, losing that post forever. So if this one's rather short...not my fault. Don't feel like thinking or typing that all out again. [/color] [quote][i]Originally posted by Mimmi[/i] [size=1]"Losing My Religion" by R.E.M Life is bigger It's bigger than you And you are not me The lengths that I will go to The distance in your eyes Oh no I've said too much I set it up [/size][/quote] [color=deeppink]Life's bigger than both of them, but that's not what really matters to him. All he wants is her acknowlegment that he's there, that he exists. And then he's afraid that he's spilled too much of his soul, set himself up for disaster and rejection. [/color] [quote][size=1]That's me in the corner That's me in the spotlight Losing my religion Trying to keep up with you And I don't know if I can do it Oh no I've said too much I haven't said enough I thought that I heard you laughing I thought that I heard you sing I think I thought I saw you try [/size][/quote] [color=deeppink]He's in the corner, yet in the spotlight at the same time. He's trying so hard to tell her how he feels, yet he's not sure if he even wants to. 'Losing my religion' refers to the fact that he's sacrificing everything in his life, his religion, for her. Once again there's a fear of rejection, and he's thinks he's deluding himself to believe that she might return his feelings. 'I've said too much, oh no, I haven't said enough.' [/color] [quote]Every whisper Of every waking hour I'm Choosing my confessions Trying to keep an eye on you Like a hurt lost and blinded fool Oh no I've said too much I set it up [/quote] [color=deeppink]Trying to keep an eye on her even though he himself is blind. [/color] [quote] Consider this The hint of the century Consider this The slip that brought me To my knees failed What if all these fantasies Come flailing around Now I've said too much I thought that I heard you laughing I thought that I heard you sing I think I thought I saw you try But that was just a dream That was just a dream..... [/quote] [color=deeppink]He's confessed his thoughts to her, and he's terrified that he's going to lose her forever now. He's convinced that any sort of requited feelings aren't real. 'That was just a dream.' A great song. REM rocks. And now here's one of my favorites: [/color] [size=1] [b]Tragic Kingdom[/b] [i]No Doubt[/i] Once was a magical place Over time it was lost Price increased the cost Now the fortune of the kingdom Is locked up in its dungeoun vaults The castle floor lies in traps Withe coiled wires set back Decoyed by old cheese Now the drawbridge has been lifted As the millions They drop to their knees. [/size] [color=deeppink]A kingdom that was once great slowly rots away, decayed by time and corrupted by greed. Yet the people still bow down, afraid to do otherwise.[/color] [size=1] They pay homage to a king Whose dreams are buried In their minds His tears are frozen stiff Icicles drip from his eyes [/size] [color=deeppink]The people worship a king who is long since dead, but his ideals are so impounded into their minds, they cannot think otherwise. Still, they worship his frozen image.[/color] [size=1] The cold wind blows as it snows On those who fight to get in On heads that are small Disillusionaed as they enter They're unaware what's Behind castle walls Nut now it's written in stone The king has been overthrown By jesterly fools And the power of the people Shall come to believe they do rule [/size] [color=deeppink]This verse mocks the revolution of the people. The 'jesterly fools' overthrow the king, and believe that they are in power, when in all actuality, they still follow his government, his beliefs, just with a different face.[/color] [size=1] They pay homage to a king Whose dreams are buried In their minds His tears are frozen stiff Icicles drip from his eyes Welcome to the tragic kingdom Cornfields of popcorn Have yet to spring open [/size] [color=deeppink]The cornfields are already destined to become popcorn, even though they have not begun to sprout. Popcorn must be taken in the commercialized sense.[/color] [size=1] Have they lost their heads Or are they all just blind mice We've heard all their stories One too many times Hypnotized by fireflies That glow in the dark Midgets that disguise themselves AS tiny little dwarfs The parage that's electrical It serves no real purpose Just takes up a lot of juice Just to impress us [/size] [color=deeppink]She questions whether they're insane, or they're just blind, submitting to him without question. 'Hypnotized by fireflies that glow in the dark,' but dissapear in daylight (being drawn in by a lie that seems so beautiful, but doesn't exist when brought in the light of simple truth.) 'Midgets that disguise themselves as tiny little dwarfs' (Pretending to be something you are not.) Then it goes on to say that this parade is just for show, just a lie that means nothing, only looks pretty and wastes time and energy.[/color] [size=1] Welcome to the tradgic kingdom Cornfields of popcorn Have yet to spring open [/size] [color=deeppink]Another great song. =) -Karma {Gosh that took a long time to do twice. Never again. x.X"} [/color]
  23. [color=deeppink] I do like some of the old school stuff, and there is definitely something to be said for originality. However, I don't like it when the show becomes completly focused on the gundam design and battles. Yes, that's a big part of what will make or break a gundam-based show, but if you don't have any depth of character, or you slack off on the animation, then it's not really a well-rounded anime. It also helps if the plotline isn't totally off-key in a bad way. G Gundam just couldn't keep me interested. The characters were weird and rather 2-D in their personalities, the plotline was awkward and too full of other, non-relevant things, and the gundams had strange designs that really didn't seem realistic in any world, more like a child's toys. I'm not pretending to be some big Gundam guru, this is just my opinion. Gundam Wing, and some of the good oldies like Mobile Suit Gundam will always be my favorites. That's where that stands. -Karma [/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nate [/i] [B]But hold on, what made infidelity? Marriage. Do other animals marry? No, because it is not a life need. Humans made it, with our imperfect minds, it's going to of course fail. that's why god never made animals get married. What makes it sick? It's life. If people didn't want infidelity, then why did they create marriage. They knew it was gonna happen. I mean, say your married for 30 years. After a while your gonna want something else. Say, the 'seven year itch'? Ever heard of it? Think about that post, then tell me if infidelity is wrong.... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] Infidelity is wrong. Humans created marriage because we are above animals, we have logical thought, and possess the ability for a higher level of thinking. And even with that, some animals do, in a sense, get married. They mate for life. They are not disloyal. If the animals can do it, can we also not commit loyally? I agree, that as a human concept, the perfect marriage is never really going to exist. I am against cheating because it is an act of dishonesty and something only a coward would do. Do you not have at least enough respect for the person you once cared for to tell them to their face that it's over? Yes, marriages are going to fail. The question becomes, do you have the courage to face that, instead of sneaking around corners. Falling out of love happens. Cheating shouldn't. -Karma [/color]
  25. [color=deeppink] Well, aside from the fact that this happened right where I live (Goose Creek and Summerville are about 20-30 minutes away from North Charleston) which creeps me out...I agree that this was rather extreme. Like Heaven's Cloud said, there were many other methods than scaring the students to death, that would have caused much less rucus, and probably wouldn't have gotten half of the unwanted press attention. The only reason I think they did it that way was probably because they wanted to scare the students, and GET press attention, to blow up the issue to an extent. I guess in the end though, I have to agree with wrist cutter. As long as you're not into drugs you shouldn't be worried. ^-~ -Karma {PS: No wonder we won against Stratford...they're all on drugs. Lol.} [/color]
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