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Everything posted by KarmaOfChaos
[color=deeppink] I don't love them, nor do I hate them. I personally would never get a tattoo because, like destro said, that mark is on your body forever, unless you decide to get it removed and have an ugly scar there. I've seen certain tattoos that were really beautiful, and I can see people getting them. Or maybe you want to proclaim your dedication to a band, or something of the like. I just would never be comfortable with getting one, because I might not like it later on, and then I'm stuck. But I don't think any less of people that do. Au contrair, some tattoos look quite cool. ^-~ Basically, I don't have a problem with it. -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] Broken Heart: Nice. A turn from the happy note of your previous poems. Not my favorite, but still, well-written. Raindrops: Pretty metaphor, drowning in rain. Raindrops of pain? That rhymed. Weird. Okay, enough of my rambling. I liked this one. -Karma [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by KnightOfTheRose [/i] -------------------- Brought upon you today is the unacceptable topic of murder. How treacherous one can be to murder another human in cold blood or otherwise. How loathsome is the one that destroys another's life, cuts his throat and watches the dark blood of the heart seep into the floorboards of ones house? In todays world, we have laws forbidding this behavior, yet it continues. The statement I proclaim to argue, is that murder can justified in a world with so many wrongs. While factoring in the variables of human nature, psychological problems, and emotion it should be rather simple to draw suitable conclusions. Some present debates relating to murder will be included too. Time for some fun.[/quote] [color=deeppink] Interesting. Brutally honest, which is always a good thing. I would have eliminated the last sentence, however. It's unnecessary. [/color] [quote] [b]The Simple[/b] Firstly, the topic of human nature in murder. What is the nature of all human beings? To survive. It's the largest, and deepest rooted instinct we have. When you are in a fight, your survival (or self preservation) instinct kicks in. You fight back. Wether you fight back well enough to survive is really a matter of chance. And if you do? You will probably end up hurting the person a little more to prevent them from attempting to damage you again. And what happens if it goes a little further than that? Read on... [/quote] [color=deeppink] I'd eliminate the last sentence here as well. Unnecessary.[/color] [quote] One problem this world has today is the control of one specific emotion. Anger. You hear about it all the time. Is it possible to become so enraged that you cannot comprehend what you are doing? Probably. One can easily become angry enough to wish harm on another. It happens far too many times in a day to count. Anger can become so great that it can lead to murder. We've all heard of it. Perhaps even seen it. You get into a fight for whatever frivolous reason. As said before, your instincts kick in. You fight valiantly and end up winning. The person lies on the ground in a shuddering mass, battered and probably bleeding. What happens next? You become angered. Maybe even enraged. You continue to beat the person. Punches, kicks, knee blows. You utilize any object you can as a weapon. A piece of wood. A random steel pipe. A garbage can lid. Eventually you stop. Perhaps you're tired or finally realize what you're doing. The person isn't breathing. They aren't moving at all. You allowed your emotions get the best of you. It led to murder.[/quote] [color=deeppink] Quite true. However, anyone who feels anger to that extent, feels that much hatred, probably must have suffered a great deal of on-going trauma previously from the person they are attacking. Simple self-defense usually doesn't go this far, unless they're a gun or knife involved. Or the person has other mental problems controlling their emotions. You might note this. [/color] [quote] If the murder had been purely out of self preservation, it would have been justified. You cannot ignore your instincts. The murderer, in this case, was a victim of his genetic programming. Though once anger becomes involved in the death of a person, the murder becomes unjustified. Emotions can be controlled. Anger can be suppressed, just like any other emotion. All people have will power. Some may be weaker than others, but you should always have enough will to control yourself, if you are healthy. Which brings me to my next point. [/quote] [color=deeppink] Once again, excellent point. But, like I said before, if anger gets [i]that[/i] out of control, they're usually some underlying issues there. And the last sentence isn't needed...again. Are you doing that on purpose? O.o"[/color] [quote] [b]Defects in Society[/b] Many of the murders you hear a lot about are either done by media stars or psychologically defective people. Many cannot tell right from wrong. Many more simply don't care. Take the infamous 'Son of Sam' for example. He was a serial murderer in the 70s that shot young women with a .44 caliber weapon. He was a paranoid schizophrenic. In a letter he wrote to the police he made several references to a 'father Sam' (the letter is inclosed at the end of this paper). Perhaps this was his other personality. The 'father Sam' figure commanded Son of Sam to kill. So kill he must. Mr. Sam aseemed to realize what a terrible thing he was doing, but could not stop. For, to him, the most important thing was to 'honour thy father'. He believed himself to be helping his 'father' survive by feeding him the blood of young women. Mr. Eddie Gein is someone many should be familiar with even if they don't know the name. Mr. Gein inspired the Tobe Hopper classic The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Ed Gein was perhaps one of the most gruesome murderers ever. When the police finally entered his house, suspecting him of robing a bank, one officer bumped into a carcass of some kind hanging from the ceiling. It wasn't unusual for that time of year. Deer season was in effect, after all. After a brief examination the officer found the torso was human, one of his deputies mothers in fact. In the cabinets was a bowl made from a human skull, a lampshade from human skin sat in his living room, female genitalia were kept preserved in a shoebox, a belt made of nipples, and four noses and a heart were found. The final ghastly trophy was a suit made entirely of human skin (he also inspired 'Buffalo Bill' from 'Silence Of The Lambs') Terrible? Yes, absolutely. Justified? Also yes. These two men were indeed mentally sick. Mr. Berkowitz (Son of Sam) was a paranoid schizophrenic and socially inept. His childhood was rough and he never exactly fit in. He told police that demons (the 'father Sam' figure) were commanding him to kill these people. They demanded "Blood and Death!". To subdue them, he killed. At the most basic level, we do the same thing every day. We lie to get people out of our faces. We bribe to make people leave us alone. His motive for killing was simply self preservation. If he wouldn't have killed, he would have been killed. Mr. Eddie Gein had an extremely sheltered childhood. His mother was a fanatic about Christianity and instilled the strict moral code she set for her two children, daily. She had no problems enforcing it through violent means. Ed grew up with no friends but developed a great love to read. He grew up doing odd jobs but most often baby sat the children in his small town. People saw him as trustworthy. Mr. Gein was diagnosed by psychologists and psychiatrists as schizophrenic and a "sexual psychopath". Gein was not properly equipped for life and therefore, unfortunately, justifying his murders. He truly didn't know what he was doing. "Thou shall not kill" can only go so far when you're older, living by yourself and never had the pleasure of experiencing a childhood or a healthy mind. [/quote] [color=deeppink] Great examples. Very nice.[/color] [quote] [b]Warmongering, Electricity, and Euthanasia[/b] "Is it so wrong to declare war on another human being?" That little statement was made by a good friend of mine. If government officials can wage war on such a large scale, why can't we do it on a smaller one[color=red]?[/color] Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting we all go and kill people saying it's in the name of war. That would be wrong. But why are men in power allowed to wage war when we are not? Is it because they have willing participants that would die for a cause? I'd gladly die to see a few people wiped off the face of the earth. Or how about because they deem it as ethical. Killing on a grand scale certainly seems ethical to me! Oh yeah! War is not justified, no matter how you look at it. The reasons behind war, possibly. The bloodshed? No. Nor is murdering someone just to have them leave this world. [/quote] [color=deeppink] No, wars are never 'justified.' However, sometimes, a situation get to the point (such as with Hitler and Germany), that a war must come about, people must intervene, because to let it continue would be worse. It all comes down to, 'how can we go about this in a way where the least amount of blood is spillt?' It becomes truly wrong when people continue killing, or chose the path easiest for them, for the sake of own personal gain. Comparing murder to war was a nice analogy, but it had some holes. Murder is personal. You [i]know[/i] who you're killing, on some level. And if murder can be justified, then cannot war also be justified?[/color] [quote] And what about the electric chair? Is that justified murder? To many, yes. What better punishment than the one the murderer dealt out? An eye for an eye, so to speak. But how can someone condone killing another human being simply because they killed? If faced with a lifetime prison sentence, the electric chair would be a blessing. The best punishment for a murder crime is not death, but imprisonment. [color=red]"[/color] An eye for an eye, and the whole world goes blind.[color=red]" (Ghandi)[/color] Killing because someone killed is no justification. [/quote] [color=deeppink] I concede. Nice point you made there, that death would be a relief compared to a life-sentence. [/color] [quote] Dr. Jack Kevorkian was a huge advocate for doctor-assisted suicide. In fact, before he was charged with murder in 1999, Kevorkian helped over 130 patients kill themselves. Now there is a large controversy obscuring the reality of this issue. There are a great many that think this is murder. They believe that helping people kill themselves to do nothing but save them from a slow, painful death is purely unjustified murder. This is not true. If faced with a long painful life of cancer, many would gladly choose a peaceful death. If people are competent to decide for themselves, doctor-assisted suicide is still murder, but it certainly is a justified kind. [/quote] [color=deeppink] Amen to that.[/color] [quote] [b]Closure is a Healthy Thing[/b] How does one conclude a paper such as this? Perhaps one should think about the families of the recently departed. Do they see the murder as justified? Of course not. The wife of the fight victim will always see the man as a murderer. The children of defective serial killer victims always will see the people as messed in the head and worthy of nothing but a murder charge. The families of people that die at war will most likely see the war as unjust. Right now, murder usually resides in black and white terms. The fact is, there are justified and unjustified murders. Let's not dub all murders as unjust simply because someone is dead. To do that would be unjust.[/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] Nice end. =) Overall, very well written. I would have given you an A. ^-~ -Karma [/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Katana [/i] [B] I don't see why nobody here likes G Gundam. The animation isn't very good becuase it's from [b]1994![/b] 1994 for God's sake! It's almost ten years old. [/B][/quote] [color=deeppink] True. But I still thought it could have been better. Maybe I just have high standards. [/color] [QUOTE][b] As for what you said first, KarmaOfChaos, I think the storyline and stuff more believeable than Gundam Wing's. I mean, how can boys our age fight in this gigantic war and everything and end up victorious....I dunno even half of what I said, it's too confusing. XP [/b][/quote] [color=deeppink] One of the points of the show is that the Gundam boys [i]are[/i] very young, and it goes without saying that there is severe psychological aftereffects of having to pilot the gundams, and do what they did. The show goes into how they deal with that, and how they DO end up being victorious. And yes, the plotline is confusing at times. You really have to watch the show, and understand all the different political forces at work, and what motivates each character. As for liking the plotline better, this is just difference in opinion. Gundam Wing's plot is far deeper than G Gundam, so it's geared for more mature/older audiences. Not to insult you, but Gundam Wing isn't for people looking for a fun action show. So it would depend on what you want to see in an anime. [/color] [QUOTE][b] I also don't see how people think that the Gundams in GW are better than the ones in GG. If you think about it, it'd be pretty hard to battle with a Gundam by sitting in a seat compared to being the Gundam itself. [/b][/quote] [color=deeppink] They [i]are[/i] in the gundams. They're just sitting. Personally, I think it would be easier to be sitting, like you're at a game console with the controls in front of you, rather than actually having to manuver around like virtual reality. [/color] [quote][b] So I guess I'm different. ::Being different is a good thing:: [/b][/quote] [color=deeppink] Yep you are. And it is. ^-~ -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] Dreams: Lovely. Do you stay in your dreams, or do you transcend them? Do you continue to dream and lay forgotten, or wake and risk still staying unknown? Intresting. The way the poem is written is definitely your own style, and could use some tweaking, but is still very well written. Good job. (?): A pretty common theme here. Someone you love and look up to leaving you. Still, very nice. I liked Dreams better though. ^-~ -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] I too, have some catching up to do. That rhymed. Nightmare: Nice creepy feel. I like the idea that you've surrendered to your nightmare, to your 'punishment.' Sometimes it's better to surrender...The rhyming was pretty well done, although it seemed slightly awkward at times. Overall, good job. Masquerade: Very beautiful! Wonderful theme. Fighting for something that wasn't there, wasn't real after all. Questioning things that aren't supposed to be questioned. The rhyming and flow were amazing as well. Excellent poem Arasoi, excellent. -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1] [b]Name:[/b] Erin [b]Nicknames:[/b] Karma, Karmi, Karms, Karmsters, Darling, Lover, Freshmen Pet, [Insert Name Here]'s B*tch [b]Catchphrases:[/b] Aya. [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Birthdate:[/b] May 2 [b]Star/Zodiac Sign:[/b] Tarus [b]Ethnic Origin:[/b] 1/4 German, 1/4 Irish and 1/4 French, 1/4 Spanish. Exactly. [b]Hair Color:[/b] Dark Brown/Black {The jury's still out on that one.} [b]Eye Color:[/b] Uber Dark Brown. We finally decided it couldn't be black. [b]Height:[/b] 5'7"-ish [b]Weight:[/b] 137 lbs. [b]Wardrobe:[/b] Jeans + Stanford Hoodie. [b]Maritial Status:[/b] Gee, I wonder. [b]Perfect Partner:[/b] does not exist. Perfection lies in imperfection. [b]Personality:[/b] Which one? Lol. Happy, hyper and 'spiff-tastic' around other people. Dead and intelligent when alone. Yet, always, the klutziness follows. [b]Makes Me Happy:[/b] Good conversation with my friends. Compliments on my writing/artwork. [b]Pet Peeves:[/b] Open doors and hypocrites. [b]Favorite Music Type:[/b] Whatever I'm in the mood for. [b]Favorite Music Bands/Artists:[/b] Anything from Dido to Disturbed. No Doubt's a pretty steady constant (The old stuff. The new CD kinda...sucked.). [b]Movies:[/b] Anything that evokes joyous, hysterical laughter. Ice Age was really good. And almost any Disney movie. You're never too old. [b]Hobbies:[/b] Sketching everywhere and anywhere. And writing. Oh, and the net, of course. -Karma [/color][/size]
[color=deeppink] Purgatory was something started by the Catholic religion to inspire fear. The Roman Catholic Church wanted control over the peoples of the land, and that was one of the ways they did it. They simply took some passages out of the Bible, interpreted them for their own gain, and made it so. This worked back then because not only was the Bible primarily written in Latin, most people could not even read or write their own language, much less one forgien to them. Later on, purgatory became a means for the Catholic Church to acquire money. They told people that they could 'buy' their friends and relatives out of purgatory, slowly, piece by piece. Just another move to gain money from what had become no longer a religion but a powerful political force. As for purgatory itself...it supposedly is a place just a little better than Hell. You suffer, this is considered atonement for your sins, and you are granted passage to Heaven. Bada bing. Understand, I am not trying to demean the Catholic religion. Half of my family is Catholic. I, at one point, was Catholic, and was christened in the Catholic church. I am just stating where this idea came from. What it means to me today is...nothing. Nothing but a intresting philosophical idea. -Karma {PS: The name/word 'Hell' comes from the viking goddess Hel, who was insanely beautiful on one half of her body, and hideously disgusting on the other. She would lure men into her trap with the beautiful side, and then reveal her horrorific other side. The men would be revolted and terrified, but could not stop walking because of her beautiful half. Once they were in her clutches, she would have her way with them if she so chose, and then send them into a pit of firey, eternal torture where they might be slowly buried alive, burned, etc. The only thing mentioned in the bible close to Hell is Hades, which is more considered a resting place for the dead that a torture chamber. There is also mentioned a 'lake of fire' but that can be taken in so many contexts...I don't even want to go there.} [/color]
[color=deeppink] Oh...what memories. And still counting. (Yes, these were all done by me, for various reasons.) Idea #1) Walk into Wal*Mart, or whichever local general store you have, like Walgreens or Target. Ask everyone you come across if they know where sex toys and/or jock straps can be found. Gauge their reactions. This is especially amusing if you ask the old people in the front of Wal*Mart whose job it is to greet people coming in and leaving. I'm not sure that woman even knew what I meant by a sex toy...lmao. Idea #2) This actually came from a song. I forget which, I think it was from the Dave Matthews Band. Go up to random people in the street and ask them for a hug. See generally what kind of people will and won't give you a hug. It's quite intresting, and hey, everybody (well...most everbody. unless you're some weirdo.) likes a hug. ^-~ Idea #3) Go into a video store. Hide in the video game section. As soon as someone comes into the video game section, start quoting things from FF, Zelda, Sonic, The Matrix, etc. See how many of them respond with either a) another quote, b) a conversation about that game/movie, or c) give you and odd stare and move along, avoiding your stare. You'd be suprised how many video game fanatic friends I've made that way. And there's countless more. I'd be here all day if I tried to reaccount every single one. Use your imagination (oh jebus, now the Barney memories start), the possiblities are endless. Just like Kodak. ^-^ -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] Oooh, intresting. Very nice style, a departure from your norm. You've really captured the haughty, 'curious cat' sort of man, that held just a hint of southerness. And you also incorporate your great ability of description, but translate it into something he would say, something the character would think. [b] When I first stepped in, I sort of braced myself. I don't really want to admit it, but yeah, I was scared. But not really scared, either. More like timid, or timorous, whatever's to your liking. Me, I'm a curious cat; we don't do like that, instead we keep playing till we have to scratch to get away, like I said earlier. So I was scared...but timid more than anything. Come on, it was dark in there. Wouldn't you be scared? [/b] Heh, I loved this. You first see the character doubting himself, even though he'll deny it to a fault. Excellent. [b] I didn't have a clue what to do. Well, I did have a clue, just like that game, but I didn't know which way to go. Who would do this to me? Why? I didn't have any idea why or who at all. And I couldn't focus, really, either. My stomach just kept on grumbling at me, and it wouldn't stop, either. You know that feeling of total emptiness, where you just feel like you're going to faint from lack of food? That's how I felt. And I just ended up being to where I couldn't stand it anymore at all. The pourage looked so good and great and filling, and I just couldn't stand it anymore. I needed it to live; it was like life or death. [/b] The insanity sets in. Here, your normal style starts to mix in a little, but not so much that it disturbed the 'new' style. They melded together quite nicely. =) [b] What I saw there was really strange, to say the least. Every time I go over it with myself, I almost just stop and go, "What the hell?" but I suppose anyone would. Really, I think I was just really feeling some affects from that pourage stuff when I read it. I even laughed dreamily at it when I read it, too. The words themselves on the note were written in some thin cursive scrawl that seemed written pretty fast. Yeah, it was pretty sloppy, but not so much that I couldn't read it.[/b] How dare you leave me hanging? I'll get you... -Karma [/color]
Anime Crest of the Stars/Banner of the Stars
KarmaOfChaos replied to moon-scar demon's topic in Otaku Central
[color=deeppink] I saw something 'of the Stars,' although I believe it was Crest of the Stars on TechTV. Personally, I really didn't like the animation, I thought it was pretty crummy. However, I can't speak for plot or characters, since I only saw about 2 episodes before my cable was cut off. Just my opinion. -Karma [/color] -
Anime Old threads that shouldn't have been revived.
KarmaOfChaos replied to a topic in Otaku Central
[color=deeppink] * coughs * Amen to that Asuka. Anyway... [b]Overall[/b] [i]Ayame Sohma from Fruits Basket[/i], without a doubt. He is one of the most intresting and original anime characters in existance. His personality is completely and totally out there, and his not afraid in the least to show his feelings, or his admiration for someone. Most of the time he is the radical, extremist character, but also posesses the ability to be serious when needed. Plus, despite popular belief(lol), he and I are quite alike, both very...dramatic, loud, and blissful. We could tear up the amusement parks, and reign terror on the shy, quiet folk of the Arcade. ^-~ And...no one can deny that Ayame is one Sexy Sohma. [i]Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing.[/i] Cliche'd? Yes. Do I care? No. Duo Maxwell is one of the greatest anime characters of all time, in my opinion. He manages to be light-hearted to eleviate serious situations, yet knows when to be silent (most of the time). He has his darker side as the Shinigami, or the God of Death, but at the same time is very loyal and trustworthy. And the braid...oh the braid. Duo definitely places as # 2 in my book. [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Kento Rei Faun from Ronin Warriors.[/i] Kento often gets displaced as the fifth wheel of the Ronins, simply because he's not as cute, or as 'perfect' as the other 4. But he really has the best, and most 'sane' personality. He has a comical side, can deal with other people easily, and knows how to take a joke. His teasing never really gets out of hand, and his only downfall is his loyalty to his friends. Plus, that guy has to make an [i]awesome[/i] pillow to lay on. Date him? Hell yea baby. [b]Looks[/b]: [i]Sage Date from Ronin Warriors.[/i] The blonde hair, the purple-blue eyes, the calm cool exterior...what's there not to love? In fact, he was my first bishounen 'love.' Plus, the green armour...oh yea. Okay, time to wipe the drool off my face... [b]Female:[/b] [i] Haruko from FLCL.[/i] (Her last name eludes me at the moment). This girl is like nothing ever seen by the anime world. Insanity reigns her world. Dating her would definitely be a non-stop rollercoaster ride, and I'm sure I'd enjoy it. ^-~ -Karma [/color] -
[color=deeppink] Simple was written for...many people. Family, friends, loves. I'll explain it later. Right now, here's two poems that were written randomly last night: [b]Weird[/b] Strange Profane, propane, insane Gold is just the same as blonde But it shines All I get is snow and static Prozac addict Guess what I'm blue What about you? She has a crush Deep dark crush Love is mush A big bloody secret She should say That she feels this way Secrets School girl secrets Just tell him you fool. Stained glass windows Are made out of paper Cut out Paper Like hearts Cut out paper hearts Tack it up to the window And watch the light shine through It's so pretty All your cut out paper hearts Cut them all apart Cut up paper hearts. Whore Always wanting more Desire Keep on feeding that never-ending fire Slut Filled up on lust I am so I am her I am that which cannot be defined. Weird. Weird like me. I'm weird like me. Ain't it neat? And here's the other poem: [b]Good Enough[/b] I'm never going to be good enough I'll never please them the way the want me to I'll never be that dedicated I'll never care enough For you Or for me I barely care for you And not at all for me So please see That poking me and proding Will get you no where Because I'm dead. Dead inside my head. Just an empty shell Of the girl I used to be She seemed so happy So care-free I can't believe That I was her. I'll never be good enough For all the books and songs And all the things they write about In exalted poetry and psalm. I was never really happy Only a delusion to myself I was a delusion A delusion to the world I can't lie anymore All these painful memories I bore They broke the illusion inside. An illusion's delusion of confusion. I'm not good enough I guess I'll never be All that you needed All that you see I'll never be that perfect girl You saw in your mind's eye I'll never be that perfect girl That didn't exist after all. That's basically how I'm feeling towards everyone, especially my parents and family. I'm so tired of trying. -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] This is one of the better pieces of poetry I've seen in a long time. Yes, it turned out different than I first thought it would. The first verse suggests that she is the product of your pain, or broken heart. Someone that stopped loving you. Yet she protected you from that pain. In the second verse, you continue with this idea of love being the cause of her, and your, pain. So you took the pain that she felt, and put it upon yourself. "This evil love." The third verse, both of your 'selfs' seem to blur together, not exactly whole, not exactly seperate. You both share the pain. "Am I a mask or the pain?" This was an intresting line. That your true self was the pain, and that happiness was just a mask. Or perhaps that's backwards. Verse four brought the entire poem together beautifully. You shift away from the idea of love, and simply focus on the two pieces of one whole. "Both were the real, But both were the mask, Both holding false hoods, Both holding truth" So since the melded, you become a complete truth...but also a falsehood? Intresting. "Two into one, but still I will rein." Who are you refering to now? The pain or the happiness? All in all, very good. The poem's progression isn't exactly plotted out, although you can tell what the final objective will be. The different font colors added another level, and although they might be confusing, they also made it more obvious the two different 'people.' Personally, I think this poem would be best left at the 4 verses you have now, but if you do decide to continue it, it certainly will be intresting. -Karma {You should run your poem through Word Perfect or Microsoft Word or whichever word processor you have to check for spelling. Correct spelling makes for easier reading.} [/color]
Writing OtakuBoards: Enter the Net [PG]
KarmaOfChaos replied to Solo Tremaine's topic in Creative Works
[color=deeppink] Wonderful Solo, wonderful. You had me laughing like I haven't done in...quite some time. And I'm relatively new here, so I probably didn't even get half the jokes. I don't have any suggestions for this, except to continue it as soon as possible! It certainly will be intresting, to see how you deal with all these characters...^^; -Karma [/color] -
Writing Today's Poem [M -- As a Precaution]
KarmaOfChaos replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in Creative Works
[color=deeppink] Good Enough I'm never going to be good enough I'll never please them the way the want me to I'll never be that dedicated I'll never care enough For you Or for me I barely care for you And not at all for me So please see That poking me and proding Will get you no where Because I'm dead. Dead inside my head. Just an empty shell Of the girl I used to be She seemed so happy So care-free I can't believe That I was her. I'll never be good enough For all the books and songs And all the things they write about In exalted poetry and psalm. I was never really happy Only a delusion to myself I was a delusion A delusion to the world I can't lie anymore All these painful memories I bore They broke the illusion inside. An illusion's delusion of confusion. I'm not good enough I guess I'll never be All that you needed All that you see I'll never be that perfect girl You saw in your mind's eye I'll never be that perfect girl That didn't exist after all. -Karma [/color] -
[color=deeppink] It is...12:40 AM. And I just wrote a poem. [b]Simple[/b] Swirling spirals inside my mind A multi-colored burning mess that blinds Migraine for the insane, Screw me up inside Desperatly fight the urge to hide I'm going to take this And bend and brake this And make it simple in my head Bleeding confusion I shall shed And paint a simpler picture Where everything is always sure And you never doubt yourself. Can you hear this choir of liars? They complicate so that they don't have to face All the problems that consume like a burning fire A fire green as jealousy Gray like a falacy And blue as depression With a pink obsession Forbidden whisper of doubt Slowly becomes a shout Screaming inside your throat Waiting for you to hear yourself Uh oh, dare to question all the things they told you Dare to deny the lies they said were true I'm not living on faith anymore I'm going to take all the lies you told me And tear them away, for everyone to see See this simple truth within To see you in all your simple sin Love and lust mix together And I don't know anymore As if I did before. Taunting smile, tempted to touch But in the blink of an eye It becomes too much What's so bad about feeling this? What's so wrong about an honest kiss? I want this to be simple I want to know what's going on I need you to tell me if I was wrong Hope mutates into a sick, pleading kind of thing And I'm so bent and broken With so many words left unspoken You just might be my first regret Life was simple before you came and upset The careful balance That really was never there at all. So maybe I was lying all this time For desperation's sorrow, St. Micheal's bells chime I was telling myself it was all okay But reality is the only way I'll ever come to terms with my fears. On top of the church tower My life has become a wilted flower Time to throw it away. I tried to make this simple I tried so hard you know Tried to let all my emotions go But now it's time to show What's been going on inside. One song after another This won't end if I stand here and do nothing Time to scream and burst open my wings Jump off the top, feel your heart drop It's too late to go back now I don't care if there's a better way, this is how I will make it simple. Fall or fly, live or die This is simplicity's beautiful crescendo Speeding air flow I think it's simple now. I am so tired of lies and people not saying what they feel. I want, for once, the honest truth, uncomplicated, up front with no hesitation. And if anyone makes any Avril jokes, they're going to get jumped. By my horde of pagan Mountain Dew demons. -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] As I stated before, the spoiler 'tag' is quite simple: [ spoiler ] put the spoiler here. [ /spoiler ] simply type in that, without the spaces inside the bracket like so --> [spoiler] and then type what you want to blacked out where I've written 'put the spoiler here', then do the spoiler tag again, with the / and no spaces. I don't know if this can be made any more simple. If you still don't understand, feel free to PM me or one of the moderators. We'll be happy to help. =) Editing your post is also very simple. Just click the edit button, make any changes you wish, and save it. Not complicated. But, if you're still confused, once again PM me or the mods. -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] This is really good, especially if you've just started writing poetry. I can tell it really comes from your heart, and that confusing emotion it brings to like someone you can't have. It's presented in a basic and raw way, nothing is obscure, you just say what you feel. And that's the point of writing. Very good, you should definitely keep writing. Your poetry will improve as you do. =) -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] It's...nick! Hey nick! Alright, enough of that. On to the review. I've broken my wings, Thrown them away, Why should I need them anymore? I said, I've grown to learn, All The Things I've Hated, I've Loved The Most. Very nice. It's the painful paradox, the love-hate relationship. Makes you wonder...do, at some point, hate and love become one? All I want to do is touch the sky, Is that worth dying for? Is that worth bleeding my soul away for? Kiss my life away, Dreams are there to be achieved I say. This is my favorite stanza, because of the beautiful imagery. Reaching for something, but to grab hold, you have to sacrifice everything. And you decide that that's okay, because it's worth it, that's all you really want. I'll turn my back on myself, Is this my only way out? Or am I just another lost cause? Am I the creation of faith? Or just another link in the frail chain of humanity? Lol, remember, this is the one that confused me? The idea behind this stanza is brilliant, but you should try to make it a little more explicit. I can always ask the questions, But who dare answer them? Give a chance to break this faith in knowledge I don't want to manifest in this dark corner I'll just spread my wings... And fly... Question everything. Rather than be afraid, try to fly. What can I say? I love it. The poem leaves you with a hopeful, but slightly obscure ending. Can you really fly? Very nice Nick. You should write more, but then I've told you that already. ^-~ -Karma [/color]
Writing Mountains of Pain - Stacy's Grandma
KarmaOfChaos replied to TheShinje's topic in Creative Works
[color=deeppink] Ahahahha...Shinji, that was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. In a sick, demented sort of way. Try working the rhyming a little more, and it shall be perfect. Good job! (It's nice to see a bit of humour amongst all this angsty, depressing poetry. lol.) -Karma [/color] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]No, females or other have and deserve no rights. :p [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] * coughs * I resent that statement Baron. ;) -Karma {PS: Wow, that was a little spammy of me, wasn't it?} [/color]
[color=deeppink] Good replies everyone! BTW, this is how you do the spoiler tag (the blacked out stuff): [ spoiler ] your text here [ spoiler ] Except without the spaces. Vash's Girl - As emotional as that part of the Marmalade Boy manga was, it's still a manga. Manga is a whole different ball game from anime. Sometimes the plot lines vary so differently it's scary.... Anyway, I can't comment on the anime Marmalade Boy, although I've seen some of the animation from it and was slightly disappointed. I guess I'll have to find a way to watch them to see if they do the manga any justice. -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] Lollipops are so good. They inspired me. [b]Lollipop Wrappers[/b] My life's made of lollipop wrappers Faded trace of sweetness And such a colorful picture Too bad it's a crinkled, sticky mess. Put me in your pocket I'll stay right where you put me Cut me into confetti And throw me for all the children to see Painful glee I'm glad I could make you happy. And now you've forgotten me A crinkled, dirty, sticky piece of paper Ground into the floor I'm just litter Stuck inside the crack of the door. My life is made of lollipop wrappers. Short little melancholy poem. I swear, it started out happy, it really did! And then...blech. Oh well. Maybe I'll try writing a happier one, as this one does not truly do lollipops the justice they deserve. Here's another poem I wrote a few days ago that I never go around to posting: [b]Paranoia Pill[/b] Lock your doors Hide the core Close the shutters Fear your own mother I took a paranoia pill this morning Shallow breathing, seething Fleeting, incessant heart Fear inside tears you apart As all the sweat pours down... As you begin to drown, Paranoia sets in. Shock wave to your head Screaming in bed From all the schziophrenic nightmares Bloody, macabre fairs A sick grin from the darkness Violet, violent eyes I can see you now... Panic consumes you Never know what may be true Shaking, breaking hands And that stutter in your speech You must've taken a paranoia pill Paranoia pill Blood spill Who's shadow is that in the door? Hit the floor Breath no more Crack of light And everything's right It was just your cat But her heart beats flat Do you feel the paranoia now? I really like that one. Nice and neurotic, just like me. XD -Karma [/color]
[color=deeppink] Heh, I'm with BabyGirl. The barbies are (and still are) to be kept out of harm's way. Once, my friend brushed one of my barbies' hair so hard the head came off, and I was [i]so[/i] upset. I kicked her out of my house, slammed the door in her face, and didn't speak to her for a week. Perhaps this was why I had no friends in elementary school? Or maybe I was just antisocial... Anyway, yea. I'll go in the attic (my barbie doll haven) and mess around with them from time to time. You're never too old to play, never ever. And I hate the stereotype that Barbie has, being preppy. She can be just as goth as me, because I am portraying her how I please. ^-~ So, yea. I've never mutilated my barbies. Ever. T'would be sacrilege. And I have so many of them...my attic doesn't have room for anything else. ^^;; Yay for barbies. -Karma [/color]