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Everything posted by KarmaOfChaos

  1. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Thanks for the reviews again! Yes, one simply can't read 'italian mafia cars' without a little giggle. ^-~ Anyway, on with the poetry. [b]The Fool's Folly[/b] To know everything, yet nothing at all To stumble on himself and fall To be the center of a laugh Because he played himself to be daft The fool's folly. To follow although she knows he cares not To speak; Already knowing his silence will pierce like an arrow's shot Refusing to forget This lover's debt To love that which loves another. The fool's folly. To allow a farce To cover with a pretty face the ugliness beneath A hated wreath It scratches and tears, screams to be torn off But it remains, the owner cannot bear the shame Nor the blame Of having a darkness within. And so this hated play continues The pain is hidden within you Refuse to reveal That which can heal For fear of being alone. The fool's folly. Like it? -Karma [/color][/font]
  2. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Isn't the real question here 'were we justified in going into Iraq'? And as for the answer, it's obvious we all differ. Personally, I'm not sure. I think that before we going charging into other countries trying to help them, America might benefit from trying to help herself. Yes, Saddam has done terrible, terrible things. But don't we have people like that in America too? They just don't have the position of power that Saddam did. Yet, they still commit terrible crimes. Wouldn't it better for us to clean up our side of the street before we go on someone elses? Then again, such extreme loss of life is such a horrible thing, I'm very glad that we put some sort of stop to it. So, I'm leaning more towards supporting the war in Iraq. People will always have their different opinions. Humanity is such that things like war will always exist, because of sinful nature. Loss of life is never truly 'justified,' it just comes down to what will result in less pain and horror. As for what they're doing now in Iraq, I agree with Battosai. We're there, we've 'liberated' them, whether or not that was wrong or right, it's already done. After all of that, it would be stupid to simply leave and let it all go hell. We should at least try to help them gain some sort of regulation. This may sound as if I'm trying to insult the Iraqis, but I'm not. There are way too many different factions and conflicting groups that want power, it would only end in a blood bath, possibly with someone worse than Saddam gaining power. Better to have more troops there to keep things under control while someone figures out what the hell Saddam was doing, and try to put a rational government in place. I'll end this with one of my favorite quotes: "Wars never decided who was wrong or right, only who was left." -? I really must find out who said that. -Karma [/font][/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I have one scent that may seem a little bit odd: my cat. For some reason I like to bury my nose in my cat's insane amount of fur around her neck [she's a long haired cat] and smell. She just smells like my cat ^_^. I guess it's one of those scents that doesn't necessarily smell good, but it holds lots of good nostalgia when sniffed. Psh, yes, I know it's strange.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][font=arial] Heh, I know just what you mean. I do the same thing. It's not that they (there are 4 of the furballs running around) smell partiucularily good...it's just a thing. ^^;; My favorite all time smell is...Jade. The guy. But let's not get into that. Vanilla is also wonderful...I used to go in my mom's baking closet and smell her bottles of vanilla for hours. And, like others have said before, the smell of air right after it rains is really good. One odd smell that I really like is All fabric softer. Ironically enough, it's called 'After The Rain.' Heh heh. And we can't forget...California air. Mmm...California air. Eheh, yea. -Karma [/font][/color]
  4. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Oh, another good one. I really like the theme, in fact, I use it a lot in my own poetry. I only have two suggestions: the poem is a little choppy, you should try editing the rhyming and length of the lines so that they flow a little more. Also, breaking your poems up into stanzas really helps for readablity, and actually makes the poem flow better and gives it more focus. But, it's still a great poem. Keep writing! -Karma [/font][/color]
  5. Here's hoping these work. [center] Angel's Tears [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/angelstears_b.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/angelstears_a.jpg[/img] Entwined [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/entwined_b.gif[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/entwined_a1.gif[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/entwined_a2.gif[/img] Punk [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/punk_b.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/punk_a.jpg[/img] Lover [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/lover_b.gif[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/lover_a.gif[/img] Wisteria [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/wisteria_b.gif[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/wisteria_a1.gif[/img] [img]http://www.angelfire.lycos.com/anime5/chaostheory/wisteria_a2.gif[/img] [/center] Opinions? -Karma
  6. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Wow, I really loved your second poem. Very bright and outspoken. A 'glad to be me!' type of poem that is optimistic without being overly...happy. Poems like that tend to get sickly sweet, but you did it very well. Good job! (My favorite line is the last one, can't you tell? ^-~) Your first poem actually held a kind of bittersweet undertone. Like you're so dedicated to your friends, you're willing to play the fool for them. Almost sounds as if your friends could be better friends. But that's just my angsty, depressing opinion. I can make almost anything have a dark side. ^^;; Anyway, good job! Keep writing! -Karma [/font][/color]
  7. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Yet [i]another[/i] poem! But first, to answer Fire's question: 'Broken heart's rusty buffer' simply is a metaphor for a weak but still existant sort of protection. So, the coward in the poem may not have much a guard against the devastator, but she does have one, and that 'guard' is to run away. Get it now? ^-~ Here's the poem: [b]Age of Decadance[/b] Ice chinks inside the glass The air is thick with smoke and perfume And the storyteller weaves her loom With her teasing velvet voice Vogue rogue, taunting poise Cream white skin, and rich chocolate brown Red lips should never frown Jazz players, blues singers Do that crazy thing you do Here we go, loop de loo Swish of silk against the heel Fingertips brush, risque hands touch We're playing mind games with our eyes Men in black suits in the back of the bar Quiet voices, and Italian mafia cars A classic shootout, the crescendo breaks The opera cries her sorrow and death it makes Bullets pierce the heart, and crimson tears are spilt Watch them hit the floor Breath no more That's it, the end, fin. I just wrote this on a whim. Yay or nay? Tell me what you think! -Karma [/font][/color]
  8. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Touche. But I mean something a little less harsh. Where you're not wiped of your memories. They just alter your thought patterns somewhat, so that the way you process things is different, not erased. And you still retain you basic makeup. And, like I said before, it's probably going to be awhile before they can achieve something like that. And since I just [i]know[/i] someone's going to say drugs, or antidepressants, I'll settle that too. Yes, medicine alters your thought patterns, and manipulates the chemicals in your brain. But it's only temporary. Go off the drug, and it all comes back. Sometimes even worse, if the person's body has become dependent on the drug. I've seen people not take their antidepressants for a month or so after being on it ten years...it's quite a horrible experience. If you could make a permenant change, without extreme sideffects, then you would really have something. If only. -Karma [/color][/font]
  9. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Heh, yea, sorry Mitch. Back to the topic. Outer apperance I'm sure they'll be able to get perfect within the future, possibly within the near future. But going into people's minds and altering how they work? I'd say we're a very far cry from that...besides I don't think, even if I wanted my gender changed, that I would allow them to mess with my mind. Your mind is your sanctuary, is it not? But I guess it could also be a prison...a gendered prison? I suppose if you were being driven insane with your conflicting thoughts about what gender you were, you'd want someone to go in and straighten it out. Although if you could do that...imagine the possiblities for people with [i]any[/i] kind of mental disorder. Pretty amazing stuff. But, like I said, we're a very far cry from something like that. I'd like to see them try though. ^-~ -Karma [/font][/color]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] Non-spiritually? If I weren't a follower of Christ, I'd do whatever. There is no right or wrong without God...lol, there is nothing without God... -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][font=arial] So you're saying our humanity, our sense of morals and ethics counts for nothing? Just because you don't believe in God or the Bible doesn't mean you don't have morals, or that you aren't a decent person. I'm sorry if I'm being blunt or rude, but saying something like this really shows how superior some Christians think they are because of they're religion and faith. I find this particularily annoying. Oh, but I really am getting off topic here. So sorry. I just felt an incessant need to respond to that. I hope I'm not too out of line here. ^^;; -Karma [/font][/color]
  11. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Very nice. My favorite would have to be Heart Broken, it's bittersweet and to the point. A common theme, but that's because so many have gone through it. One again, very nice. Crystal Tears was kind of cryptic, but I liked the imagery. It almost reminds me of Fooly Cooly. Or a quiet surburban town that seems peaceful, but it's really holding a deep secret. Temptations was really good too, it reminds me of the poem from AI. But is it supposed to be dark at the end, like a creepy stranger tempting children with poisoned candy? That's the feeling I get...quite cool. ^-~ I'd love to see more of your poetry! TTFN! -Karma [/color][/font]
  12. [font=arial][color=deeppink] I like it! Short but sweet. I'd like to find out what happens to the flowers. If you get some more inspiration, you should expand this poem, maybe give it some more focus. It has great potential, and will still be a cool poem, even if it is left as is. Good job! (And welcome to the OB, don't be afraid to speak up!) ^-^ -Karma [/font][/color]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1] I'm sorry, but I woman should feel beautiful with the body she has been blessed with, no matter what size chest she has. [/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][font=arial] I have to disagree with you here Asuka. Beauty may not matter in cases of love and friendship, but there *is* a line between beautiful and ugly. True, a woman shouldn't lose self-confidence over her looks, but she shoudln't delude herself into thinking she's prettier than she really is. She should accept her looks and feel confident about the person she is on the inside, and not base them on how she looks on the outside. Changing genders isn't nessicarly a matter of beauty. It's about feeling comfortable with who you are. Yes, on some levels they are the same, but a gender change is a lot more than say, chest enhancment. That's just to make a woman feel better about herself and how she looks. A gender change goes a lot deeper than that, and the reasons are far more complex. It changes who the person really is, and how the go about their life from then on far more than a lighter 'cosmetic surgery' would. Okay. I hope that made sense. ^^;; -Karma [/font][/color]
  14. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Eheh heh. What can I say? It's how I felt when I wrote the poem. Which brings me to my next point: Each poem posted so far has been written in the past, not the day it was posted. I don't want to post all my poetry at once, because it would be impossible for someone to review them all. (not to mention that that would be a REALLY long post.) If I happen to write a poem after I've already posted my 'poem of the day' I'll post that one too. So you might end up seeing me post 2 or 3 poems a day sometimes. Just thought I'd clear that up! And without further adeiu, a poem I wrote today: [b]Devestator[/b] His footsteps fortell my fall I'm backed up against the wall He is my God, my faith is fear Held back tears, crouching here The devastator's glare penetrates my soul, Sick grin, ready to devour me whole Wreck havoc and hell upon my small life Watch the porcelain shatter, in his hand a bloody knife The devastator rides the highs of his rage Time to turn the page Limitless is his lust for pain He lives free from guilt or blame While I slowly go insane. And so he leaves a trail of sins I feel myself press the razor against my skin Tears soak this dirty world I am shamed, once again My sins are a product of his hate. Listen to his lies While in the backroom his daughter cries He's telling them all That it's just my fault The devastator makes me scream He has such a pretty mask, truth goes unseen But even the coward has a breaking point Do or die, leave or suffer Broken heart's rusty buffer Hear my footsteps echo out of this forsaken hell Going, going, and now I'm gone Devastator, no more shall you hear my sad song Devastator, now you're alone. Yes, I'm not exactly having a good day. The 'devastator' is my father. I think you can pretty much figure it out from there. -Karma [/font][/color]
  15. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Erin- Lol, the stanza that you like is actually based on a conversation the friend I wrote this about and I had about a movie. Guess what it was. Thumbilina(sp?). She was talking about how the movie depressed her, because she realized that there would never ever be a guy willing to do what he (the fairy prince) did in that movie. So that's where that came from. And yes, all of my poems are from personal experience, unless noted otherwise. If they're not based on personal experience, they're usually based on a book I've read. And here is Karma's poem of the day: [b]Beneath[/b] I don't want to be happy I don't want to smile I don't want to fake this anymore I don't want to tell them anything. Leave me alone, I don't want your help Let me sit here in my misery I don't care if I'm drowning in self-pity Why the fuck should I care about you? Get out of my mind, get out of my heart All this caring is tearing me apart I'm tired of being happy for other people I wish I could be happy for myself Or at least have them leave me alone on my dusty shelf So that I could ponder my sadness alone. Faked this smile one too many times Musicians on corners only get paid in dimes Let the mask fall to the floor Shattered pieces release the core And underneath you can see That the mask was starting to become a part of me Blood drips down in little red streams Where neatly stiched seams Fell apart so easily at my reckless hands. And now that you see me Now that you know Now that I've put my heart out for show Can you still love me? Or will you look away, pretend not to see The raging person beneath. What can I say? This poem speaks for itself. -Karma [/font][/color]
  16. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Edit: Ignore what was here before. I got it to load. Thanks for the help James. =) Edit2: Darnit, it was working for a minute there! Now it has the red X again...is this just on my computer, or is my banner X'ed on everybodies? -Karma [/color][/font]
  17. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Wow, lots of really good points. I have to agree the most with James though. It's a personal choice, it's not my business. I've never felt the need to be a man, but I know that that must cause such horrible confusion and insanity inside your mind, I can't even begin to imagine. So how can I, or anyone else, judge them, having not faced their pain? I can't, and it's not my place to. It's confusing enough trying to figure out who you are, and sorting through all of life's emotions, let alone not wanting to be the gender that you were born. So if changing your gender really makes you happy, then do it. But, like any major descion, I'd advise someone to take an honest look at what they really want. Make sure you're not just deluding yourself into thinking it would make you happy, when it's something deeper, something else that you're truly searching for. As for religion, it's a non-issue for me. I gave up on God and religion and all the things he says are wrong and right a long time ago. However, it would be arrogant and stupid of me to act like it's not an issue for other people. But that only increases my sympathy for those who want to change their genders. Imagine feeling something that your entire life you've been told is wrong. Like you were born sinning. Somewhat similar to homosexuality. Anyway, waiting to find 'love in God' is often a pointless and painful wild goose chase. Revel in the love from other people, and if you feel that it would easier to love them back as something else, then go for it. That's my 2 cents. ^-~ -Karma [/font][/color]
  18. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Okay, thank you, and sorry for putting this in the wrong place. -Karma [/font][/color]
  19. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Hey I looked all over OB, but I couldn't find an answer to my question, which is this: My banner won't load, despite trying multiple methods. I tried the [ img ] link to image here [ /img ] and it told me my image was not found. However, whenever I go to the link, it works fine. The image is within the limits, so I'm not sure what I should do. Can anyone help me here? Muchos gracias to anyone who can! -Karma [/font][/color]
  20. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Very beautiful! I love the imagery here. However, try not to compleltly lose your meaning in it. The words are used beautifully, but if the poem becomes too obscure, no one will understand it, and that's not good! Other than being slightly obscure with your various meanings, I really liked it. I'd love to see more work from you! -Karma [/font][/color]
  21. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Thanks so much again guys! You really made my day. ^-^ And yes, Black Rose is a bit hard to follow. Basically what it's saying is that black roses do not exist, so why try to create them? Why bother lying to yourself, or attempting to achieve the impossible? It's never going to happen, don't bother. In the middle of the poem it starts to focus on the girl writing the poem (me I guess?), and how she knows that if she trys to go out into the world again, and trust people, she's going to end up getting hurt, so why should she? And everyone is telling her to go and do it anyway, that it will be worth it, and she's asking them 'what if it doesn't? are you going to still be around to take the blame?' This poem is rather pessimistic, and moody. I didn't start out with that intention, but it ended up that way. And the rhyming was really hard, and I agree with you kittie, it seems forced at points. However, I couldn't make it flow any better after much editing, and so I left it that way. I still like it though. =) Mitch - thanks for the great review. I always try to be 'brutually honest' with myself, I wouldn't have it any other way. ^-~= And enough of that. Here's today's poem: [b]Drip Drip Drip[/b] When today's morning is yesterday's night Staring at the ceiling, insanity's plight Watch your soul drip down the drain Through the rusted faucet of your life Despite all your strife It's still dripping down... Listen to your soul drip down the drain Slowly drives your brain insane Chinese water torture Pitter patter like drizzling rain A dance among the stars so vain But in the back of my mind I can still find The drip...drip...drip of my soul. A pixelated fairytale through the TV screen Forget reality, it's all a dream Angel wings and a girl who sings The sweetest song. And then the credits begin to roll It's all over, time to know That this could never be real. Drip drip drip of my soul teaches me to feel. Yet I am numb. Drip... I feel my soul dripping right out of me All my memories, everything I've seen Falling straight through my heart. Here my dearest is where we part, Because I can feel you fading, Right through my fingers And I can't seem to grasp What it is I lack, That I can't pull you back, Back into my arms, World so pretty and full of charms, Yet it hurt you so badly... Drip, drip, drip.... Screaming, ranting, try to breathe, But there's nothing but a whisper in the trees I'm reaching, you're falling, I can't tell which way is up Neurotic panic, I can't keep you from the pain The guilt and the blame It's weighing down on me, Pulling my soul right out of me, Slowly dripping. We're sitting here in this silence, Remember all the violence, And all the tears you held inside. It's tearing your soul right out of you, I can see it now, between the stitches you sew To hold all the pain inside. And I so here I stay, without a word to say I need to save us from ourselves But I'm really not sure how. Please, let me hold you tight, So that if we lose our souls tonight, At least I'll know, That you knew how much I loved you so. This poem was written about one of my best friends. Review and you get more cookies! ^-~ - Karma {PS - Sorry Erin! I completly forgot that I have to unlock my diary for other people to see it. Oopsie. I guess there's no way for the link to work unless I'm online and have unlocked my diary. PM me when/if you see me on OB, and I'll give you the link to my *unlocked* diary. Sorry about the mix up! This also might work: Go to [url]www.freeopendiary.com[/url] type in KarmaOfChaos in the search box The name of my diary is ChaosTheory. See if you can open it from there Love ya lots!} [/font][/color]
  22. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Beautiful James, beautiful. ^-~ My favorite has got to be the Final Fantasy X-2 one though. It's simple, yet exudes a kind of...awe. You can really feel how miniscule humanity is, yet, without it, would make thethe picture completly different. Aya, but all this fuss over a banner. The Return is my second favorite, gotta love the purple. Good luck on the RPG! I'm sure with the joint effort of such talented people, it will turn out rocking everyone's socks inside a plastic box that's locked. ^-^ TTFN! -Karma {PS: The Kill Bill & Kill Adam banners had me laughing for awhile...I absolutly loved it. ^-~} [/color][/font]
  23. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Ooh, I [i]like[/i] it. Very intresting and unique. The theme rocks. Quite thought-provoking, the idea that if you die, it's not eternity, I never thought of eternity ending because of death. Good job! You should definatly try writing more. Oh, and thanks for reviewing my poem! And vicky...you spelled grammar wrong. ^-~ -Karma {PS: Your grammar isn't that bad, just needs a little touch up. Get someone to edit for you. And try breaking your poems into stanzas, it will make the poem flow a lot better. ^-^} [/color][/font]
  24. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Heh heh, I've never gotten THAT kind of reaction before. The whole point of the poem is that I hate God, and in return he spites me for it, which only makes me hate him more, and then he spites me more, etc etc, in a neverending cirlce until I die. Isn't it just happy happy joy joy? ^^;; I always thought it was rather anti-religious but oh well. ^-~ As for the line 'just me, myself, and my pathetic I,' it refers to the fact that I am alone, and God has taken away all my friends, it's just me and my pathetic self. I've never had someone steal my poems, but it's happened to some of my friends. Needless to say, we fried their 'cookied bizatch' arses. (Quoth dearest Charles ^-~) So don't steal! o_o Anyway, loads of thanks for the reviews guys. *gives them all cookies * Here is today's poem: [b]Black Rose[/b] Blind eyes are not meant to see Crippled legs can never flee Why strive to understand That which you cannot grasp with just two hands? There's no such thing as a black rose Or barefoot on the beach without sand between your toes So why do we color with these dyes? Why do we cover with these lies? I don't know so I won't try I know I can't learn how to fly These broken wings only make me cry Rather stay safe and wait to die. No matter how you write the prose There's no such thing as a black rose They keep telling me to let go To release myself from what I know But if they make me fall tonight Make me fall from this deadly height Who will take all the blame If I don't survive the burning flames? There's no such thing as a black rose. I was always fond of this poem. ^-^ Tell me what'cha think! ^o^ -Karma [/color][/font]
  25. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Yea. Here's my poetry. You can find all of it at: [url]http://www.freeopendiary.com/entrylist.asp?authorcode=D129596[/url] Other than that, I guess I'll post a poem a day or something, all on this thread. Review and I'll give you a virtual cookie. ^-~ Here's one that I wrote last night... God, send an angel down So that she can kill me now I've sinned, I've spilt blood My innoncence is in the mud My lips have touched another I've slaughtered my own brother So send an angel here to Earth To kill me in this joyless mirth. I'm drowning in my own sacriligeous tears Living inside my darkest fears And I've come to find that I really Simply, Don't care. So tie me up, bind me well From His pedastal so surely I fell Death upon the seething ocean Doesn't seem so scary anymore. God Send an angel down So that she might kill me now. Or so I despise You To you divine word never be true So shall you spite me back again Standing here without a friend. You've taken everything away No more poison words to say Just me, myself, and my pathetic I From this body my soul shall fly, I've lived forever in this eternal circle Hate and spite, until I die And nevermore shall these eyes cry. And if my soul is to burn forever Then let me suffer. Surely my sins are far more than you could ever punish So I shall laugh last. Because what I've done in this life Could never be atoned for in the next one. Send your angels down in thousands, And have them kill me slow Put my soul on for show Because now, It really doesn't matter anymore. It's just so happy, right? Aya, yea. And don't steal it! All of my poems have copyrights on them. So look but don't touch! ^-~ [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
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