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Everything posted by KarmaOfChaos

  1. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Absolutely amazing. I loved it. I've actually written a slightly similar poem, but with a different theme than love. Anyway, this poem was beautifully written. I usually don't like freestyle poems(no pattern), but this one was really good. I can really empathize with you over loving a guy, and being so happy when you're with him, and then you realize you have to leave, and you're sad and confused again. Aya...such is life. Great poem, keep writing! [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  2. [font=arial][color=deeppink] The last stanza of your poem comes almost entirely from a Linkin Park song. I'm sure you didn't mean to do it, sometimes I'll have a song in my head and accidently it will find it's way into one of my poems, and I'll have to change it. But please give credit where credit is due. Either take the stanza out or quote it from LP. TTFN! [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  3. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Aya...Shakespeare. Now you've picked a subject I could truly rant on all day about. When people say that they hate Shakespeare, it's usually because they can't understand the language. As a student of theater for over 4 years, I understand it and love it. Sure, when I'm reading a play, there are times when I'll go 'wait? what was that?' and have to go back and reread the passage a couple times to get all the meanings. But that's half the fun. If you can get over the language barrier, Shakespeare is truly amazing. My favorite play would have to be Hamlet. Insanity, horror, tragedy, all that good stuff. I loved the characters. They were so...real. Nothing fake, like being the hero or something. Hamlet was severly depressed and driven over the edge. His mother was a fool, and his uncle was a powerhungry person, driven by his greed. Hamlet's friends try to console him, but they honestly don't know what they hell they should do either. This play was simply amazing...the reality of it all. The pure truth that humans are driven by many different things, and not all of those things are good. Hamlet is by far my favorite. If you're having a hard time reading it, I [i]highly[/i] recommend the 1995 version of the movie Hamlet with Kenneth Branaugh. His ability to play the role of Hamlet blew me away, and the rest of the movie was so beautifully done. The actors were really superb. My other favorite would have to be The Twelfth Night. The gender switching and the love triangles/pentagons/dodecagons. A truly lovely romantic comedy. Aya...I haven't read it in awhile. I really should. I just don't have the time... And their are other great ones as well. Macbeth, A Midsummers' Night's Dream, The Taming of the Shrew, Othello, The Tempest. And his poems and sonnets...at this rate I'm going to be here all day. So I think I'll stop here. I love Shakespeare, he owns, you all get the message. ^^;; Please don't brush him off just because of the language! His plays are worth picking through it!:D [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  4. [font=arial][color=deeppink] The person I'm absolutely closest to is my aunt. She has always been like my mother, when my real mom was too caught up in her own problems to realize that she had children too. And yet, since she's not my mother, I feel a lot more free to talk about certain things around her, and we're like best buddies. So the relationship is really awesome. I go out to visit her in California every summer, which really rocks. I'm also really close to my brother. Sure, we have loads of 'sibling rivalry' but we always end up in hysterics on the floor afterwards. And he's the only person I can just look at and start smiling. Even though I'll never tell him to his face, he's absolutely adorable. I pretty much hate the rest of my family except my grandmother and the rest of my aunt's immediate family. C'est la vie. [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  5. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Aya - Positive Naya (nyeh) - Negative Zaya - Shock/Negative Aya even has a symbol. Yay for the aya. Uber is another one...uber can be used on anything that has greatness, either good or bad. And -tastic, -tacular, -ariffic, -licious can be added on to just about any word out there. I do it often, especially with people's names. Playing with language is fun....XD [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  6. [font=arial][color=deeppink] I've been a student of Shaolin Kempo(Kenpo) Karate for almost 2 years now. I love doing it, it's a great way to relieve all the tensions of the day, and completly forget about everything else. Of course...half the time it's because you're in PAIN but hey! It's all good. I've also been praticing Wu Shu (it's like a show form of Kung Fu) for 1 and 1/2 years. I must say, Wu Shu is my favorite. When you watch someone who can [i]really[/i] do it well, it's absolutely beautiful. My goal is to be able to do the forms as beautifully as my karate sensei can. It's just so gorgeous. I'd like to draw an anime character doing one entire form...it would probably take a real long time though. Aya...I think I've ranted enough on this. TTFN! [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  7. [font=arial][color=deeppink] As about almost everyone here has stated, cursing exists, and you should probably learn not to be offended as easily by it. I know that people curse, some people to such excess it's ridiculous, and that I can't do it anything about it, so why worry? It's that person's choice, not yours. If someone curses to excess, usually my respect for them is lowered, simply because they could not find a more descriptive and less rude words to use. But I don't care if they use them rather often. Many times, it will make a joke that much more hilarious. And other times, you do things that make you go ****! right afterwards. No big deal. However, I wouldn't advise using them obsessively or just to 'be cool.' That's pathetic and ridiculous. And as for poetic license...yea man. Curse all you want. Many times it makes the song/poem that much more intense. Although if you do it without cursing, it would be even cooler. ^-~ [i]-K[/i] [/color][/font]
  8. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Wow. * claps for Mitch and mal * Most excellent. I agree, we all have the potential for murder. However, I believe that most murders are, in essence, forced. There are several ways a murder can be 'forced': 1) Molestation/Rape/Previous Abuse. Most murderers and serial killers were abused as children and even later on in life. They probably wouldn't have done the things they did if they hadn't suffered such abuse. Their pasts forced them into becoming the person they are. Despite the fact that you can control yourself to a point, eventually, a person will lose it. And after they've lost it...it usually doesn't come back again. 2) Self-defense. You are forced literally. If you don't kill that person, they're going to kill you. I think it would be very intresting to see what would happen if it got set-up so that you thought you were being attacked with the intent to kill, what you would choose to do. Get caught up in the panic of the moment and try to kill them? Or would you rather die, then live with that warped sense of guilt the rest of your life? 3) Suicide. Most people, when they attempt suicide, psychologically they feel as if that is the only option left. For whatever reason they are trying to escape, that is the only way to do it. The events or lack there of in their life drive them to it. The only time I don't think murder is forced is when it is done in play. Such as in Murder By Numbers. You become bored with your life so you decide to kill someone. Although there are probably psychological reasons behind it, so I guess there have been very few murders truly done 'in play.' And those are my thoughts. Anyone care to debate? ^-~ [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  9. [font=arial][color=deeppink] It seems many people are a fan of G Gundam. Personally...I really don't like it, and I don't see the appeal. The animation isn't good, the characters are odd, and the plotline is just so...not believable. They tried to mix the sword fighting/hand to hand combat, gundams, and the idea of being a certain 'card'(ie: Queen of Hearts) all together, and although it COULD have worked, and might have actually been pretty good, the creators didn't go about it in a way that made it so. It was all just very strange and not very intresting. Does anyone else share my opinion? Or am I totally out on a limb here? Opinions! And please, back it up. Telling me that you think that 'G GUNDAM ROCKS!!! OMG HOW THE **** CAN YOU DIS IT?!111' neither helps your cause nor makes you look like a very smart person. [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  10. [font=arial][color=deeppink] True, it was created for little kids. But why make a parody of something older people watch, and then target it for little kids? It would just seem smarter to make a parody of it, and target it to the older people who would actually understand all the jokes. It wasn't even a well-made parody, like someone had started out making it as a parody, then just went out on their own little branch, and then handed it over to the younger audiences. Personally, as a huge fan of Gundaw Wing, I think show is rather sad, whatever age group. [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by maladjusted [/i] [B][size=1] Woah, woah, WOAH. I am not a fan of the Dragonball series, but I know one thing. GT looked pretty crappy next to DBZ and the original DB. I think DBZ and DB were made much better than GT, probably because Akira Toriyama didn't work on GT as the main director. That's my opinion, anyway. size] [/B][/QUOTE] [font=arial][color=deeppink] Amen to that, mal. I nearly cried when I saw what they did to DB/Z. It was my first anime 'love' and despite it's shortcomings, I still enjoy it. As for favorite...ayee...there are so many! I guess for my first pic will have to be a little old school: Ronin Warriors. Old animation? Yes. But it rocked my socks. I loved the characters. Their personalities were portrayed so well...and it was so intresting to see them clash, and watch the characters have to make such difficult choices. Yea, I'm all about character development. You've got that, you have me hooked. I can't stand flat characters. And the plotline was so original, especially at the time. It was just like...whoa. This is so cool. ^-~ Aya...I miss the RW RPG's...c'est la vie. Gundam Wing: What can I say? Lots and lots. ^-^ This is another one that just blew me away. Not only was the animation good, the characters...wow...Once again, the characters are what got me completely and totally hooked. They were so multilevel...and the nature of the plot really brought out the extremes. I love that. When the characters are driven to extremes. Especially how each of them deals with the 'sins' on their hands. It's just so...great...and yes, I know the whole 'gundam' thing has been overdone, but Gundam Wing is still the best in my opinion. Fruits Basket: Cute cute cute! Great animation, completly unique plotline, and once again, amazing characters. Like most romantic comedies, the story focuses completly on the characters, versus plotline, etc. However, they managed to have a great plotline too! And meh...the characters were just...too lovely. And the romance factor...aya....* all watch as Karmi melts... * There are more that plain old rocked my socks as well, but these are my favorites (as of right now.) And I have yet to see Evengelion *tear* so I guess I'm undecided as far as that goes. Does anyone know how long the series is and how much (roughly) the box set would cost? I'd be ever grateful...=) And there's my tidbit. Cy'all! [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  12. [font=arial][color=deeppink] I'm surprised no one has mentioned my favorite yet. It's Kureneko-sama from Trigun. He's so cute and...random. He's the perfect kind of comic relief for a show like Trigun. Adam actually listed all the places he appears on the show on [url]www.theotaku.com.[/url] It's pretty spiffy. ^-^ All hail Kureneko-sama! [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  13. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Spirited Away was by far one of the best theatrical animations out there. I have always been a big fan of Totoro and Princess Monoke, so I was very excited about Spirited Away, and it did not dissapoint me. Although Totoro will always be my favorite (gotta love the dust bunnies and cat buses), Spirited Away has definatly won a home inside my anime collection. I recommend it to anyone out there, even if they're not a fan of anime. It just might turn them into one. ^-~ [i]-Karma[/i] [/font][/color]
  14. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Well, unfortunatly I haven't had as much exposure to manga as I have had to anime, simply because I learned about it later on. However, I do find manga artwork absolutely beautiful, and revel in it. My 'favorite' so far would have to be Marmalade Boy, not only for the eye candy but for the intresting story as well. (Plus, I'm such a sap for romantics. ^-~) I actually managed to buy the entire series, go me! ^^;; [i]-Karma[/i] [/color][/font]
  15. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Very nice. Like Dagger said, great job on the hands, they're often times the most difficult. I might change the head shape a little, it seems a bit akward with his hair style. But that's just me. Good job! =) [i]-Karma[/i] [/font][/color]
  16. [color=deeppink][font=arial] I know this has been said mutiple times already...but I have to say it too. No emotion should be taken away. Emotions let us know who we are, and they put into perspective the world around us. If you took just one away, then every single other emotion would be altered forever. So you can't just take one away, although I don't understand why anyone would want to. For example, a lot of people have said that they would like to take away love. Without love, everything would just be indifference, like, dislike, or hatred. Therefore, we wouldn't do things 'for love' anymore. So our perspective on why we do things, determination, passion, and why we even bother living changes compleletly. No one lives for love anymore, they live for something else. And if you take away love, you take away sick love as well, such as obsession. So no one is greedy or obsessed anymore. Is that a good thing? Some have said yes. But if no one's greedy, at least to some extent, there's no real passion, want, or desire to attain something or to get something done. People just sit, living lives either in indifference or hatred. I would never want to live like that, not caring. Some people would, but I wouldn't. Every emotion teaches us something. It lets us look a little deeper at who we really are. When we feel hate, you step back and look at the person you're hating. What do you hate about them? What qualities do they have that you despise, or wish you had? Do you see those qualities you despise in yourself? Is that why you despise them, because you in see in them what you hate about yourself? Embarassment tells us when we've just made a fool of ourselves. Take that away, and we'd all be running around naked and foolish, like animals. Take away greed, and no one feels desire to achieve anymore. And no one knows what the effects of too much greed are. I agree that our emotions lend us to a great imperfection. But in our imperfection lies our perfection. Our ability to change, to learn from our emotions, that makes us perfect. Take away emotions, you take away the ability to change. You become imperfect, incomplete. I hope that made just a little sense. And to those of you who just want to take away emotion completely, I'm sorry for whatever pain you've been caused, to hate feeling so much; but I hope you can see that feeling is really much better than making yourself numb. Numbness only makes the pain more unbearable once the anstesia's worn off. [i]-Karma[/i] PS: Depression is not an emotion. It is a mental disorder, caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Anyone suffering from depression should seek out a doctor and ask them if they need medication. Trust me, it helps. =) [/font][/color]
  17. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Great thread! We all love the asian/japanese candy...I think Pocky wins out as the big favorite though. Mmm...pockieh. I also got these delcious Strawberry Gummies out in California. They're made by Kasugai, and they're oh so good. Here's what it says on the package: Kasugai's strawberry gummy, made from fresh strawberry juice, is a very delicious gummy. Please have a fun time with this strawberry gummy. XD Does anyone else besides me find that hilarious? And at the bottom it says: Strawberry Gummy: Fresh and Juicy! And yes, I keep packages...they're intresting. XP [i]-Karma[/i] [/font][/color]
  18. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Oh...you just had to bring up family. XD My mother has had the most unfortunate experiences in walking in at the exact worst possible momement. Allow me to elaborate: Sorcerer Hunters: "Come get busy with me Carrot!" u_u; Plus the whole majorly exposing outfits thing... Angel Sanctuary: "I've had an honest desire to make love to my sister!" Mom: WHAT?! ME: They're not really siblings! Uhm...*coughcough* Neon Gensis Evangelion: (End of Evangelion when Rei is naked.) Mom: What is this?!?! Me: Uhmm...it's not porn! I swear! x.x" Fruits Basket: "And when we change back...*poof*...we're naked." Mom: What?! MORE nudity?! Me: Uhmm...you can't see them! They've got the poofy colorful clouds of dust! See! See the poofy colorful clouds of dust?! Dragon Ball: During the part when Master Roshi requests the removal of some of Bulma's clothes in exchange for a dragon ball. Mom:...X_X Me: They're not ALL like that, I swear!!! And so on and so forth. You kind of guess my mom's motto: "Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil, stay out of Karmi's room." u_u;; As for the rest of my family...my dad lives in a world of PC gaming and my brother is a big fan of (you'll never guess) Sailor Moon! XD He's a great buddy to watch the Sailor Moon movies with. A majority of everyone else just thinks they're stupid. v.v I'm so misunderstood! T.T Okay, enough of that. TTFN! [i]-Karma[/i] [/font][/color]
  19. [color=deeppink][font=arial] Artemis! For shame! How could you have forgotten dearest darling Une?! The woman has a split personality for goodness sakes, I think that qualifies as complex! XD One side of her is violent, and completly devoted to Treize and willing to go to whatever means to protect and further him and his cause. The other side is peaceful and...also very devoted to Treize! She has OCD! XD So Une, even though she's not on the poll, get's my vote. Poor woman,[spoiler] the guy even went and DIED on her. So she had to settle for his kid by another woman. ^^;; Talk about messed up...[/spoiler] Yea. So there's my vote. And I'm not even a really big fan of Une, I just happen to think she's very messed up. Now, here's an intresting thread >> Which mental disorder do you think each Gundam Wing character has and why? I actually tried to fill this out and had to reference some of my psychological disorder books a billion and one times. ^^;; Maybe I'll start a thread like that...hmmmm...not right now though, way too tired. TTFN! [i]-Karma[/i] [/font][/color]
  20. [font=arial][color=deeppink] I got this idea from my other thread about Fruits Basket. I want to know what you think is the most emotional moment in an anime and why. And I don't mean those 'ooooh, that was so sweet they just kissed!' moments. I mean those 'oh GOD NO! HE DIED!' and then you proceed to cry your eyes out for 20 minutes moments. And remember, be descriptive! I don't want little two line replies...v.v" And the 'moment' can be, two episodes long or something...time is not a limit! ^-^ Here are my favorites(half of it's going to have the spoiler tag XD): (Fruits Basket): [spoiler]When Kyo's bracelet gets taken off by Kazuma, and he transforms into the monster. All the characters go through huge emotional extremes, including ones that normally don't show much 'serious' emotion, like Shigure and Kagura. Some of the 'best' parts were when Tohru was at the tree and Akito spoke with her, then Shigure came and he actually started to almost cry and tried to apologize. And then again when Tohru was at her mother's grave and Arisa and Saki ran up and Arisa wanted to comfort Tohru so much, but Saki wouldn't let her, even though Saki didn't even know why, she just knew, even though it was tearing her up inside. The last 'best' part of those two episodes was when Kagura was talking to Yuki, and she asked why it had to be that way, 'why did the rat and the cat have to hate eachother?'. And then Yuki, using all the courage he had went and tried to tell Kyo to stay, and 'wasn't he tired of running' and Kyo finally stopped fighting.[/spoiler] Those two episodes always made me cry. :bawl: You can really see how much all the characters are affected, how much pain they're going through. And afterwards, there's a big development in the characters, more effort to change, that maybe the curse doesn't have to effect all their lives so much. That maybe even they can find love. Cowboy Bebop: I can tell already this is going to be a popular one. XD [spoiler] The last two episodes, Real Folk Blues, Part 1 and 2, where Julia and Spike both die. Does this really need explaining? I think every Cowboy Bebop fan felt a deep punch in the gut when Spike died, if not before then when Julia did. It was a shock, even if you knew it was coming. It's like "it's really over now." It was a perfect ending, tradgic but befitting. I also think the part when Faye begged Spike to say, and when she told him he was the one who told her that she couldn't let go of the past, but it was really him who couldn't let go. That was the part when I think I truly realized 'Spike's probably not going to make it through this.' [/spoiler]The ending to Cowboy Bebop was truly bittersweet.:( There's more I could add, especially from Trigun, but I won't. Those two are really my favorites, I'll leave the rest to everyone else. ^-~ Remember, be descriptive! -[i]Karma[/i] PS: Half of this is 'spoiler' tagged...XD [/color][/font]
  21. [color=deeppink][font=arial] I guess I'm really not seeing the appeal...I always thought Yuki had it harder than Kyo, what with being mentally abused by Akito and all. And Kyo is so blinded by his foolishness for wanting to be in the 'family'. I always wanted to strangle Kyo for not seeing how hard Yuki had it, avoiding everyone, and in all actuality, being more anti-social than Kyo. I *did* feel more sympathy in the end of the series [spoiler]when you found out why everyone -really- hated the cat, how he turned into the monster and all. [/spoiler] Those last two episodes were really touching, I cried. T.T Which isn't saying much, I cry really easily. ^^;; But they really were such emotional extremes for all the characters. [spoiler] Even Shigure, I abosolutely loved the part when he got all choked up and started to say "I'm so sorry..." And then when Yuki was trying to get Kyo to stay, stay with him and Tohru. [/spoiler] *cries * Wow...I kind of got off-topic there. ^^;; Anyway, back to the point. I guess Yuki always got more sympathy points, because he actually tried. Kyo just drowned in self-pity 24/7. v.v" And as for Yuki looking like a girl...they did kind of force him into that dress. ^^;; And at least he didn't dress like Momiji XD Let us all remember the school president's day dream about Yuki...and all have a great big * group shudder * Enough rambling. TTFN [i]-Karma[/i] [/font][/color]
  22. [font=arial][color=deeppink] Yay...I'm not alone. ^-~ And yea I guess there will always be a lot of people(cough, girls) going for the 'bad boy' so that partially explains it. As for not being able to explain why I like a character...well, I think if you like a character, you should be able to explain why. For example, I like Ayame because he's so utterly out-there, and acts a lot like I do. You don't see many characters who act like him, especially male. I love unique characters. Anyway, enough of my rambling. I'd love to hear more opinions on this. [i]-Karma[/i] PS - I was so suprised when I found out that Ayame's english voice actor was Chris Sabbat! X.X It's like...Vegeta....is Ayame now...scary!! [/color][/font]
  23. [color=deeppink][font=arial]As pointless as this is...I shall go ahead and cast my vote in as well. XD Duo is my favorite because he is the pilot that seems most capable of dealing with war and bloodshed. Of course, he has his breaking points, and he does seem to have a bit of a spilt personality with his Duo AKA God of Death, but he's in a lot better shape mentally than the others. He always keeps his sense of humor, and even once he's betrayed he's still willing to die for his beliefs. This appeals to me much more than Heero's attitude of 'it's just a mission', because he isn't passionate about it, and even though he IS fighting for the freedom of the colonies, and really does believe in it, you don't ever see his passion like you do with Duo. Trowa is the same way, except to a milder degree. He always seems distracted, and distant, because he doesn't really know who he is. And Quatre...poor dear Quatre...he's so innocent, and so easy to break, just as the Zero system broke him. I think that if GW had gone on further, it would have been intresting to see Quatre's realization of all the blood he's spilt, and how he deals with his sins. Wufei, granted, is passionate, but he's so focused on himself, and his sense of honour and justice, he fails to see the big picture. And as soon as someone beats him, he gives up and goes off to pout. Is that really the spirit of a warrior? So basically what this all comes down to...I liked Duo's flaws better than everyone elses! ^-~ And if I hear one more girl say 'OMG!! because he's cute!!!' I think I really am going to shoot myself. :therock: The show is sooo much more than that, although granted, they're all pretty darn sexy. =:> Jah, I think I'm going to go to bed now... -Karma :sleep: [/font][/color]
  24. I used to like Tank!, I really did. It used to rock a plastic box. But then my best friend bought the CB soundtrack and played it 15 million times...everywhere...and I started to dislike it. v.v" Overexposure is a sin! Don't do it, and don't do it to your friends! ^^;; Other than that, yes, Freckles is in the top numbers. It's just so happy and cute...and it's one of those songs that you don't mind getting stuck in your head. I've never heard the Japanese version, I guess I should check it out. And as for it not matching the theme of RK, well, maybe not the violent parts, but there's a lot more to RK than violence. v.v" I also really like the opening theme to Fruits Basket. (For Fruits Basket) It's calm and goes with the anime really well. I especially love the line "You can't be born again, although you can change" It's absolutely perfect. ^-^ (The ending theme is really great too) And then of course there is always Ride A Shooting Star from FLCL, too bad it's not the opening theme. T.T -Karma
  25. [font=arial] [color=deeppink] Aha, the infamous Episode 26. Rip my heart out...T.T Call me a softie, but the ending did indeed make me cry. After I was pretty far into the series, I think part of me kind of figured that [spoiler]someone was going to die, and it would probably be Spike. [/spoiler]Unfortunatly, that part of me didn't inform the rest. x.X; I guess I was always hoping that it might turn out different. But the ending also got me thinking about 'what if' the exact opposite had happened? [spoiler]What if Spike had lived? Wouldn't it have been crueler to make him live a life without Julia, with, for him, no hope? Could he get over losing almost everyone important to him from his past? (Julia, Vicious, Annie...etc.)[/spoiler] Eheh heh...yea. Just mixing it up a little. ^-~ Hmm...maybe we should just 'spoiler tag' this entire thread. ^^;; -Karma [/color][/font]
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