Hah hah, my first post. I'm so talented. XD Anyway, on to the actual subject (yes, that would be nice wouldn't it?). Due to a series of most random events, I have become a big fan of Fruits Basket (Furuba). After buying all the episodes on DVD, I shared them with my friends. Imagine my surprise when they all turned out to be huge Kyo fans after watching it! Later on, I went searching among various Fruits Basket sites, only to find legions of Kyo shrines. X.x However, I simply do not see the appeal of this character. He's just another bad boy with a twist. Yes, it is very intresting to watch him develop, and see his reaction to Tohru, and we all love the Yuki VS Kyo battles, but I don't feel any kind of special attraction to him, whereas I simply adore Ayame and Shigure. Yet, EVERYONE loves Kyo! Is there something I'm missing here? O_o; What does everyone find so cool about him? Someone, do enlighten me...
[i]- Karma[/i]