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Everything posted by KarmaOfChaos

  1. [COLOR=deeppink] [FONT=Arial] I really don't see how this woman can criticize shows like Pokemon and DBZ. There are many cartoons that are far more violent, and treat violence in a much lighter manner. x.X Like Cow and Chicken. That show still scares me, it's just so...messed up. Yet you don't hear anyone complaining about that. They complain about anime because it takes violence in a more serious manner(like DBZ) rather than light hearted 'oh, I just bashed your skull in, but you can bounce right back up because you're a sweet and innocent cartoon'. Frankly, I'd think parents would want their kids watching DBZ versus bugs bunny or something because it doesn't act like everyone's invincible (although we all know Goku could kick Freiza's butt any day, and twice on Sundays. ^-~) whereas bugs bunny, they just keep ripping eachother apart. And people wonder why I hate Tweety...violence against cats, hello?! And as sad as that woman is, the woman who sued CN for FLCL is 100 times worse. This generation is going to hell while their mommies whine about violent programming. Parents should be paying attention to what their kids are DOING, not what's on TV that they don't approve of. -.-" [i]-Karma[/i] [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  2. Personally, I thought the new movie was great! The artwork was absolutely beautiful, and the plot was intresting, if a bit cliche'd. Even if the movie had had absolutely no substance whatsoever, I still would have watched it just for the eye-candy...^-^ As for whether or not it's better than Hellsing, I can't say, I've never seen Hellsing. But I definatly recommend at least renting the movie, just to check it out. -Karma
  3. [FONT=arial] [COLOR=deeppink] [SIZE=1] Hah hah, my first post. I'm so talented. XD Anyway, on to the actual subject (yes, that would be nice wouldn't it?). Due to a series of most random events, I have become a big fan of Fruits Basket (Furuba). After buying all the episodes on DVD, I shared them with my friends. Imagine my surprise when they all turned out to be huge Kyo fans after watching it! Later on, I went searching among various Fruits Basket sites, only to find legions of Kyo shrines. X.x However, I simply do not see the appeal of this character. He's just another bad boy with a twist. Yes, it is very intresting to watch him develop, and see his reaction to Tohru, and we all love the Yuki VS Kyo battles, but I don't feel any kind of special attraction to him, whereas I simply adore Ayame and Shigure. Yet, EVERYONE loves Kyo! Is there something I'm missing here? O_o; What does everyone find so cool about him? Someone, do enlighten me... [i]- Karma[/i] [/FONT] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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