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Everything posted by KarmaOfChaos

  1. [color=deeppink][size=1]Well, for those of you who are fans of Excel Saga, Watanabe has come out with another quack parody anime, called Puni Puni Poemi. Although it's only two episodes long, it packs a lot of hysterical punch. It's mainly a very obscene parody of magical girl anime (particualarily Sailor Moon) and anime pornography. Now, in order to get some of the jokes, you have to have seen Excel Saga, in which the singers for the opening theme song frequently cos-play as their character counterparts. One of these singers is now playing, sort-of, herself, as Poemi (although she frequently calls herself Kobayashi...her actual name.) Poemi (much like Kobayashi) has a dream of being a voice actress. Which doesn't really relate to anything else in the "plot" but anyway. Poemi is also a magical girl, born to save the world. Beloved Nabeshin also makes plenty of apperances, this time as the father of Poemi. Suffice to say, Puni Puni Poemi is possibly more on crack than even Excel Saga. All the more reason to watch it! The complaints are basically the same for PPP as for ES. Plotless, obscure humour. I think that it just comes down to a matter of pure taste. It's like opera. You either love it or you hate it. PPP is also rather short, but this means that you don't have to dedicate yourself to buying a whole big box set or series, and there are no cliffhangers. Regardless, PPP is absolutely hysterical, and it's at least worth renting, especially if you're either a) a fan of Excel Saga, or b) would like to get a taste of Excel Saga is all about without delving into all the madness of it and its 26 episodes and accompanying manga. For anyone who's actually seen it - thoughts? Did you Watanabe's humor short and sweet like it is in PPP or long and drawn out like it is in ES? Pros, cons, etc. -Karma[/size][/color]
  2. [color=deeppink][size=1]* curtsy * [b]An Inquisition of Human Emotion[/b] A dozen blood-red roses Falling petal by petal Into a black puddle Of melted hearts and melted metal A thick white fog Draining into the lungs Permeating every pore Madness creeping into every core An echo of a whisper In the ears of a blushing bride Softly questioning the ring She wears with such pride. A kiss between the eyes Made of intensely painful anticipation Builds deep inside Leaving a sensation of elevation A quiet life-support system Keeping the child alive Parent's hands holding his The doctor says he might not survive. [b]Transient Love[/b] I sing to you my sugar'd lullaby Hold me as I tremble in fragility We lie covered in moans and sighs Yearning for more than our instability. Languish in this aching balance And there is an oppressive stillness in the air Love so hard it turned to malice Listening to the silence as it rips and tears. I am caught up in the lucid light Reflected in your eyes Like a moth attracted in the dead of night To the soft glow of a lightbulb's lie. Transient love which lingers in the corners Of my mind and soul and heart And slowly I am dismembered By the words we never said. -Karma[/size][/color]
  3. [color=deeppink][size=1]Mimmi, this was absolutely beautiful. It obviously is taken at first as the simple 'girl on the trolley' story, two strangers with only the power of attraction between them. The repeated "Mind the gap, please" raises questions, but the reader is too busy wondering what will happen between the girl and the boy to bother too much with it. Then, the tension is intenseified by the fact that she loses him, and despite the fact that you know they may have nothing in common, and it would be completely awkward, you want her to find him. He suddenly appears behind her, but almost coming on too strong, and you are confused until the next line comes up: "?Next coach from Utopia to Reality is leaving at platform 7." Thus the realization. This is a dream/vision/hallucination. The reader is confronted with a sense of loss and pity for the girl, because she is simply dreaming, or perhaps it is insanity, caused by whatever painful history she has had before. "not quite believing the surreal perfection of what is happening." This line was so perfectly depressing. She senses that it's not real, but she's too caught up in the fantasy, she doesn't want to believe it's not real. Almost to the point of needing to believe, like a sick desperation. "Mind the gap between the platform and the coach." This line, is, of course, what made the story. She is going to, or already has, fallen into the gap, she's too far gone to come back. And even though this is deeply saddening, it is also bittersweetly happy, because she at least has her fantasy, and you hope she is happy in it. Great story Mimmi-kins. -Karma[/size][/color]
  4. [quote name='anatema']Some people here are making generalizations here and assuming that we all have these AMAZING parents that just gave us everything on a silver platter.[/quote] [color=deeppink][size=1]Amen to that. Anyway, I guess this thread is about not meeting the expectations of someone whom it is important to us to meet their expectations. We all want to please our parents, and it never feels good when they tell us we're not good enough, because damnit all, we're trying. It can go both ways. In some cases we really aren't trying hard enough, in others, the parents are just expecting too much. You've got to look at the problem objectively (hah) and decide for yourself. As far as high school vs. college, blah blah blah, just give it up. It's like religion. Nobody is ever going to agree. -Karma[/size][/color]
  5. [color=deeppink][size=1]I want a spam vaccine. Spam is like the digital common cold. It follows you everywhere you go, and no matter how many times you think you've gotten rid of it, it always comes back. Great article Des. ;) -Karma[/size][/color]
  6. [color=deeppink][size=1]Thanks to everyone for their glowing reviews! ^-^ Yes, I absolutely adore imagery and adjective-heavy, lyrical writing. It's almost like painting a picture. This is definitely one of my better short stories. It has a simple but poingant plot with only some ambiguity at the end. Sometimes it isn't neccessary to leave a whole bunch of room for interpretation--you can get the point across by just being straight forward. Thanks again everyone! -Karma[/size][/color]
  7. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet'] Then again, there is my Sephora obsession as well, I think I order make up from there about twice a month and most of it's eyeshadow and lipstick. [/color][/quote] [color=deeppink][size=1]Aw for real? I love Sephora! I'm lucky, every summer and Christmas vacation I go to California, and there's actually a Sephora within walking distance, in this absolutely adorable little shi-shi town. Sometimes I spend hours in there... Does that count as a fetish? ;) -Karma[/size][/color]
  8. [color=deeppink] [size=1]I've been in short story mode lately. - - - - I saw him, there, standing in my mind's eye. Black shirt and black pants and that mild little smile that made me die in ecstacy every single time. But he looked past me, at some girl. Some girl from an unknown place with an unseen face and she turned me green as jealousy and emerald with envy. He carried her to a room with off-white walls and off-white sheets and everything was this awful, awful not quite white--like diluted purity. She touched his chest. His body. And that touch was a thick needle into my stomach, infecting me with all sorts of emotions that tossed and turned and twinged and twisted and pulled me up into a thousand tiny holes. I puked all over that off-white world, all over everything, but nothing came out. Dry hacking, spit dripping down the corners of my lips. And lips! oh god their lips. He kissed her, and the kiss was a blow to my body, knocking me to the ground and leaving me gasping for air. But for all I tried I couldn't breathe. He kissed her, he kissed her as I had kissed him, and I felt something inside me cringe and shrivel, I felt my heart wither instantaneously. The pain stabbed deep. Past the veins and arteries, past the muscle and bone. It stabbed straight to my soul. And my withered heart softly crumbled, simple ashes and simple dust. They lay together on the bed, and I turned away, letting the nightmare fade into the etchings of my brain. Quietly, gently, carefully climbing to the floor from my standing stance, I lay there in perfect agony. Oh yes. There was no mistaking it. This was perfection. Perfection of the most killing kind. One by one all the candles went out. One by one all the doors closed. There was no blood that night, no crimson cry illuminating the night sky of my world. No scar. There in the darkness, there was nothing but a dead girl--heart withered and ashed and unable to breathe. A most becomingly beautiful bride to her handsome groome, the nightmare. I stared into the black and felt a hand upon my hip, a loving, tender grip. And I knew it was him, and I wept for his cruelty. - - - - -Karma[/size][/color]
  9. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman']I like not wearing a bra. I don't feel as confined then. But I can't go without one in public so I really enjoy being at home and taking the damn thing off! Even a $40.00 Victoria's Secret bra loses comfort after 12 hours. :P[/quote] [color=deeppink][size=1]I only like not wearing them when I go to bed. When I'm walking around, it hurts to not have a bra on. (Then again, I'm kind of..."blessed" in that region, so they get heavy quickly and gravity takes effect if I'm not wearing a bra.) Victoria's Secret is my God.[/size][/color] [QUOTE=James][color=#707875] I actually think that glasses can be quite a sexy/attractive accessory. I've never understood the stereotype that says glasses are unattractive or whatever.[/color][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][size=1]Amen to that. I think glasses on a guy (or a girl) is very sexy...it makes them a little more mysterious and enigmatic. Like they might have a secret and they'll tell it to you if you come just a little bit closer. I'm rather weird though. -Karma[/size][/color]
  10. [quote name='iggypopD']God, now SHE'S annoying. She's the queen of pointing out the obvious. [/quote] [color=deeppink][size=1]That's why she's funny. -Karma[/size][/color]
  11. [QUOTE=Dagger IX1] I love the green fairy (pixie?) that flits around in Nightwalker. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][size=1]Aw man, I remember that! She was so funny. Didn't she fall into a cup of coffee at one point? I was so upset when I learned that the rest of the episodes hadn't been dubbed...;-; -Karma[/size][/color]
  12. [color=deeppink][size=1]Normally I don't approve of psychologists, but I think in this case it might good to get the opinion of one, lol. I feel rather awkward when I don't wear a bra and/or underwear. But I think that's pretty normal. /cough./ -Karma[/size][/color]
  13. [color=deeppink][size=1]That was very good, Godel! You did a nice job of foreshadowing throughout the entire story with a kind of dark 'something bad is going to happen' tone, although you never came out and said it until the very end. For some reason, I'm intrigued by the brother. You'd don't see much of him, but you get the indication that he understands what's going on, and that's he's suffering a lot more because of it. The only thing that seemed a little off was the ending. I like it as a short, poingnant part of the story, but it's so short that it comes off as rushed. As if you just wanted to finish the story at that point. But that's my only criticism. Good stuff! -Karma[/size][/color]
  14. [color=deeppink][size=1]Well, I don't know about you Godel, but I loved this chapter. You could truly feel the sheer...humaness of these characters. Little details like Toru putting his head on the window, or his brother telling him not to smoke. This is my favorite chapter so far, actually. Yes, there isn't much humor, but you need chapters like these. If it's just flippant funny repeatedly, then it gets boring. This chapter helped fill out your story, make it meaningful. Giving the characters flaws, but showing that underneath, they still care for each other. Keep up the awesome work. -Karma[/size][/color]
  15. [color=deeppink][size=1]I freggin' hate stippling, or pointilism (whichever your prefer calling it). It's so monotonous. However, when done right, it looks really awesome. Yours looks pretty good, although the hand seems a little out of proportion. I liked the shading on the knight's face best. ^.^ -Karma[/size][/color]
  16. [color=deeppink][size=1]Hmm hmm hmm...the hand thing from Vampire Hunter D is probably my favorite sidekick. That thing is hilarious. Also, Menchi, from Excel Saga. Yet another hilarious sidekick. Ooh ooh ooh, White Blaze from Ronin Warriors! I loved White Blaze, that tiger is so freggin' awesome. -Karma[/size][/color]
  17. [color=deeppink][size=1]Totoro. No, it doesn't have drop-dead, stunning animation. However, the sheer imagination and creativity that went into the scenery and characters is what made it so visually attractive to me. I enjoyed immensely the interesting settings, with the traditional Japanese house and magical forest. And let us not forget the cat bus. The visuals in that movie made me really and truly want to be a young child again, and believe in such beautiful things. -Karma[/size][/color]
  18. [color=deeppink][size=1]Yea, Sorry Sorry is a good one. Daisy Duke and Shakin' are probably my favorites on that CD. I wonder if they'll ever come out with a new albulm? Then again, as far as music goes, it's kind of pointless to speculate. -Karma[/size][/color]
  19. [color=deeppink][size=1]Welcome back to KRMA Radio, at 107.7 FM. Here's a poem duette describing two very exquistitely emotional things, that can be percieved postively and negatively. Then the last poem has its meaning in its title. See if you can find it. Enjoy! [b]The Kiss[/b] It came quietly, softly Yet sweetly sudden A kiss deep in the lips Long awaiting unlocking In the locking of lips. It came as a whisper Unexpected and secret A kiss kept hidden In the eyes and sighs of unspoken pleading. It came passionatly A brightly dark desire A kiss dancing on the edge of thoughts ...fluttering in the air. It came for only a moment Then faded while leaving traces On everything it had touched A kiss killing A beloved poison in the blood. [b]The Scream[/b] Mouth opened in that eternal scream Tears shed in darkness go unseen Wailing silently wishing for numbing anastesia Thoughts are daggers in a melancholic euphoria. Soul seeping through a papercut Staring in shock as time falls into a rut Then the pain slams into forward and hits full-force But somehow the scream stays hidden, as the anguish takes its course. Dreams and hopes into fears corrode Life collapses and the heart implodes Veins ridden with vitality slowly wither Eyes dyed with desperation anxiously quiver. The scream creates a killing ache As all the things inside fragment and break The pressure crushes down and fractures The smiles and laughter violently shatter. The scream grows louder Leaving in its wake nothing but black ashes and powder The scream finally becomes unbearable A cacophony so terrible You die holding it in. [b]Almost[/b] The inspiring achingly beautiful emotion Which we love and hate in the same pained moment--and Then! silence...a quiet explosion A breath a sigh a moan a whisper The notes of a forlorn melody Bring hope and despair bubbling To the stagnant surface Watching the rain puddling. Lightning strikes-- Hitting the glass roof and reflecting Infintely faceted burning sensation A contagious scream infecting The joy and sorrow and bliss and rage Reflecting in those glass cages A window to the soul; A window which begins to swallow me whole. I smile all the while Holding plastic paper hearts So falsely fragile and torn in two Unknowning of the spark. Impregnated with the tumultuous invasion Of the mind with all these thoughts that bind And bind and wind and loose salvation Unable to convey; unable to pray For the ripping squeezing touching feeling Of all these multiple parts Slowly tears and tears apart An indescribable orgasm of ethereal emotion. A word on the tip of your tongue that sticks The incessant rhythm of a clock that ticks Intangible reality that must be. -Karma[/size][/color]
  20. [color=deeppink][size=1]Good stuff, Godel! I'm a sucker for interesting characters, and you've definitely got my curosity piqued. Little off-kilter situations like this are great, where completely different characters are thrown together and the author just goes "Well let's see what happens now!" I eagerly await the next chapter. ;) -Karma[/size][/color]
  21. [color=deeppink][size=1]Thanks Asphy! Yea, I was kind of amazed at the quality of this piece considering how early in the morning I wrote it, and how it honest-to-God came out of nowhere. I just had the sudden urge to write, and not a clue what to write about. Something with an actual plot was rather intimidating, so I decided to be cheap and do some stream-of-consciousness. Because of the constant poetry I write, my mind tends to actually think in rhyme and meter, so reading my thoughts straight out ends up sounding like a not-quite song poem. It's a little weird. Of course you can use it on your MSN name. (My MSN handle is [email]Tokyo_Moon@msn.com[/email], if you'd like to stop by.) I love your banner, btw. -Karma[/size][/color]
  22. [color=deeppink][size=1]Rooney definitely has a Beatles-esque feel, which I love. They got randomly popular back here a couple months ago, with their song "Shakin'", then kind of disappeared off of the face of the Earth, but not before I got into them. Their music is pretty good, it's nice to listen to when you just want some groovin' tunes and aren't looking for any particular mood music. Good stuff. -Karma[/size][/color]
  23. [color=deeppink][size=1]An experiment in stream-of-consciousness.[/size] - - - - You're lying in the bed with the heavy rock blaring as loud as you can get and no one's home you're all alone with nothing to occupy you but your own sick twisted thoughts. Shallow breathing with heavy heaving because no matter what you do there's never enough air in the room. Your mind races and the sanctum becomes an asylum, a cage made of technicolor psychosis. Everything's a mess and insomnia is driving a nail through your temple and oh god what if the body is a temple who will worship it, who will adorn it with tender touch and tender love? Not moving just hurts too much so you fly off the bed and get naked and jump around and around like a rabid rabbit hopping circles to catch his own shadow all while you've got the heavy rock as a background static to the thoughts and patterns and wretched random with which you conduct your head. Bruises and cuts are just marking points in life where you hit an end you hit a stop and somebody promptly got up and said "Now what?" and the question was so killing in all that it didn't have an answer that it screwed you to the tile and let you rapidly drown in the speeding silence of the lack of a response. Now all there is is nothing. And for all that there wasn't anything there seemed to be a whole lot of nothing and man oh man that empty just slips right through you like a sliver of a silver spirit, leaving you changed forever even though you're unaware. A heart transplant at 1 am for the dying life of a dying child with her dying parents in their dying love and the only thing that's keeping it all alive is the fragile balance of the doctor's scapel so be careful Mr. PhD you've got somebody's world on a string. Rambling on and on like a train with no direction where's the destination I haven't got in mind? So here's a little old school for you and you better take like a man and suck it down in one whole gulp like that shot of vodka in a drunkard's mouth. Here's the plain white truth in clips and phrases and stained all over. If what we have is what we've got and what we've got is what we have and we haven't got anything but a hope and prayer then is all this for nothing and we are we all just kept waiting in some demented anticipation like God's final prank upon a world who forsook him? And who is this God anyway? i'd really like to know! Is he a pupeeteer or an observer, a director or an audience? And if God really was one of us, I think he'd just chuck it all up to bad luck and bad planning and say Hey Mr. Lucifer give me a smile cause we're going south for the winter, up there it's mighty cold with all the condescending lamenting preachers and angels and choirs and Mr. Lucifer will say Well alright Yaweh let's get a move on now we don't want to be late cause our cousins are stoppin' in and we wouldn't want to miss 'em. And they would drink iced tea and lemonade and watch the grass blades as they flutter in that Southern summer breeze. So in your heart of souls and your soul of hearts and heart of hearts in souls and hearts and souls and souls in hearts what do you really truly feel? Give me a straight answer straight face straight to my face and don't think twice because your first instinct is always right so tell me now do you really feel? What's that beating your chest there, what's that screaming dear? What's this subliminal ethereal overwhelming pain? It's perfection in a bottle, a prescription in the blood, a love so smudged with dirt and sludge we can't even recognize it anymore. What's this love? We'll end it here. Because there's a sick little suicide in all that we do and a sick little murder in all that we don't and it's a lose-lose situation no matter how you look at it so chuck it all up to bad luck and die free of regret. Burn it up. Toss it down. Raise up the anarchy and bring down the higher order of things and strip it down to pathetic, bleeding core and eat it alive. Eat it like a child eats the lies of a loving parent. We'll end it here. [size=1]-Karma[/size][/color]
  24. [color=deeppink] [size=1]Good stuff, Shin! There's so much interpretive symbolism. What does the girl represent? Obviously something he wants, but for whatever reason, can't have, up until the point where he becomes terrified of having it. Also, it is only when he surrenders that the view of the world returns to normal, which reminds of this story where a girl had to stop fighting her fears and simply surrender to death before it would let her go. Could it be the same thing here, except instead of death, he must surrender to insanity? Shibbyness. -Karma[/size][/color]
  25. [color=deeppink][size=1]If I ever got married (God help that man), I would have my last name hyphenated and then randomly chose which last name I would use that particular day, just to confuse people. ...like the IRS... Hah hah, not really, although I do want to at least have a hyphenated last name. If I got married, I probably wouldn't have kids, but if I did, they would have my husband's last name. I have a brother, so I don't have to worry about continuing my last name, lol. -Karma[/size][/color]
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